TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

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Page 1: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability
Page 2: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability


TPM   (Total   Produc.ve  Maintenance)   is   a   philosophy   designed   to   integrate  equipment  maintenance  into  the  process.  The  goal  of  any  TPM  program  is  to  eliminate  losses  related  with  down.me  due  to  equipment  maintenance  or  to  the   need   of   keeping   equipment   producing   only   good   product,   as   fast   as  possible   with   no   unplanned   down.me.   It   requires   operators   to   share  responsibility   for   rou.ne   machine   inspec.on,   cleaning,   maintenance,   and  minor  repairs.    

Source:  “Lean  Six  Sigma  Primer”,  by  the  Quality  Council  of  Indiana  (QCI).  

Page 3: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

TPM There are six big losses associated with lack of a TPM program:

1. Equipment failure: breakdowns cause time losses, lower productivity, and quality losses due to defective products.

2. Set up and adjustment: losses due to time spent on set up changes.

3. Idling and minor stoppages: due to defective sensors, parts caught on machine, etc.

4. Reduced speed: the loss between designed and actual operating speeds.

5. Process defects: scrap and quality defects.

6. Reduced yield: product losses from shutdowns and startups.

Page 4: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: O E E = A v a i l a b i l i t y x Performance Efficiency x Rate of Quality Products

Shift  length 8  hours  =  480  minutesShort  Breaks 2  X  15  min.  =  30  minutesMeal  Breaks 1  X  30  min.  =  30  minutesDown  Time 47  minutesIdeal  Run  Rate 60  pieces  per  minuteTotal  Pieces 19,271  piecesReject  Pieces 423  pieces

Production  Data

Support  Variable Calculation Calculated  Data ResultPlanned  Production  Time Shift  Length  Breaks 480  -­‐  60  minutes 420  minutes

Operating  TimePlanned  Production  Time  -­‐  Down  Time 420  -­‐  47    minutes 373  minutes

Good  PiecesTotal  Pieces  -­‐  Reject  Pieces 19,271  -­‐  423  pieces 18,848  pieces


Page 5: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

TPM – OEE Calculation OEE = Availability x Performance Efficiency x Rate of Quality Products

Example (continued)

OEE  Factor   Calcula-on   Calculated  Data   OEE%  

Availability  Opera.ng  Time/Planned  Produc.on  Time   373/420  minutes   0.8881  (88.81%)  

Performance  (Total  Pieces/Opera.ng  Time)/Ideal  Run  Rate  

(19,271  pieces/373  minutes)  /  60  pieces  per  minute   0.8611  (86.11%)  

Quality   Good  Pieces  /  Total  Pieces   18,848  /  19,271  pieces   0.9780  (97.80%)  

Overall  OEE  Availability  x  Performance  x  Quality   0.8881  x  0.8611  x  0.9780   0.7479  (74.79%)  

OEE  Factor   World  Class  

Availably   90.0%  

Performance   95.0%  

Quality   99.9%  

Overall  OEE   85.0%  

World Class OEE is considered to be 85% or better!!!

Improvement opportunity

Page 6: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability


TPM efforts should focus on:

1.  Maximizing equipment effectiveness

2.  A system of productive maintenance for a machine´s life span.

3.  Implementation by departments (including all departments in the company).

4.  Involvement of every employee at all levels, top to bottom.

5.  Autonomous maintenance by users.

6.  Small group activities led by the company.

Page 7: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

The company reported the following results after the implementation:

1.  Absenteeism was reduced by 50%

2.  Suggestions per employee increased from an average of 0.15 to 8 per year

3.  Scrap was reduced by 50%

4.  Customer rejections were reduced by 90%

5.  Set-up times were reduced by 50%

6.  Throughput time was reduced by 30%

TPM Effort Example Case Study: Lohr & Bromkamp in Germany, used TPM as the center of their quality initiative. The program began with an overall cleaning of equipment, and all 1800 employees of the company were involved. There were 6 key elements:

1.  Autonomous maintenance

2.  Eliminating the six big losses

3.  100% production quality

4.  A planning system for new machines

5.  Training for all operators

6.  Increased office efficiency

Page 8: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

TPM Example for Offices

A large electronics firm with operations all over the world follows a TPM standard for all company computers. All employees of the organization are scheduled to perform the following maintenance tasks on their computers:

1. Back up: Automatic, performed every Friday afternoon. 2. Antivirus/Anti-spyware software running: To be performed once a week. 3. Old files/unneeded files clean-up: Done manually, monthly. 4. Disk Defragmentation: Done manually, bimonthly. 5. Other diagnostic tool: Done manually, monthly.

Page 9: TPM · 2012-02-01  · TPM – OEE Calculation TPM metrics: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the basic indicator used to evaluate TPM. The formulas are: OEE = Availability

TPM Example for Offices – Cont.

Results •  Increased life of computers. •  Issues are detected and fixed by users. •  IT can concentrate on important problems and issues. Culture •  If maintenance is not executed as scheduled the

employee can receive a warning/admonition. •  Proper computer maintenance is reflected in employee

performance review.