Winter 2011 www.openairways.com Give a giſt that will make a difference... HELPING BERMUDA BREATHE! Go to ‘ DONATE NOW’ function on www.openairways.com Letter from Liz - Tips etc. page 2 Easyway to Stop Smoking SUCCESS page 3 Teddy Bears and Dust Mites page 4 Thunderstorms and Asthma page 4 Asthma Myths - BUSTED! page 5 HOLIDAY triggers - Avoid them! page 6 COPD News page 7 2011 - Excing Year! Open Airways has been out in the community again this year in a variety of ways. Nurse Jen connues her extremely important work with the “Island Wide School Asthma Educaon Program”. The puppet show “ Once Upon a Breath” has been a hit in the schools with the acve parcipaon of students teaching other students the triggers and treatment of Asthma. Liz with her boundless energy and enthusiasm conn- ues to be seen driving around in her Azmobile, helping people wherever she goes! Liz has given numerous talks to parents and teachers, and has presented valuable Lunch & Learn ses- sions. She has aended countless health fairs with a team of asthma nurses. Liz’s valuable consultaons in the home have made a difference to the lives of so many people Open Airways launched (in collaboraon with the Con- nental Society) a new children’s book, “Acon Asthma” both fun and playful in nature, but also packed with important infor- maon about asthma and its prevenon. Our ‘Hour of Air’ fundraising and educaonal campaign in April, resulted in an increased awareness that those with asthma ‘need not suffer’. We saw huge support from across the island with 31 schools parcipang in the event, as well as over 38 businesses. THANK YOU! Open Airways started and ended the year with the highly successful seminars “Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop Smoking ’. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming ‘happy non-smokers’ in just a maer of 6 hours. Liz coordinated the training of physicians, nurses, phys- iotherapists and pharmacists, keeping them up to date with global guidelines. Liz believes that excellent training is vital for effecve asthma care. Many other programs have connued throughout the year: Pillows for Prevenon – every child with asthma in prima- ry school gets a new pillow every year; Spacers given to every child with asthma in every school, every year!; Open Airways also provides them for distribuon in doctor’s offices, the clinics and at every health fair and community event; Informave posters, booklets and flyers are also distributed throughout the island. On NOW to 2012! Challenging mes for Open Airways While Open Airways connues to be out in the community assisng those in need, we have seen a significant increase in those requiring our services. The challenging economic mes have resulted in more demand for our service - more disadvan- taged families are out of work and lacking the appropriate health insurance. They are in desper- ate need of substanal help. At the same me, our donors have been cung back due to their own challenges. The result: Demand is UP, Donaons are DOWN We are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to all our supporters, companies , foundaons and private individuals - without their support, we would not be able to connue working in the community.

2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming

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Page 1: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming

Winter 2011


Give a gift that will make a difference...



Letter from Liz - Tips etc. page 2

Easyway to Stop Smoking SUCCESS page 3

Teddy Bears and Dust Mites page 4

Thunderstorms and Asthma page 4

Asthma Myths - BUSTED! page 5

HOLIDAY triggers - Avoid them! page 6

COPD News page 7

2011 - Exciting Year! Open Airways has been out in the

community again this year in a variety of ways.

Nurse Jen continues her extremely important work with the “Island Wide School Asthma Education Program”. The puppet show “ Once Upon a Breath” has been a hit in the schools with the active participation of students teaching other students the triggers and treatment of Asthma. Liz with her boundless energy and enthusiasm contin-ues to be seen driving around in her Azmobile, helping people wherever she goes! Liz has given numerous talks to parents and teachers, and has presented valuable Lunch & Learn ses-sions. She has attended countless health fairs with a team of asthma nurses. Liz’s valuable consultations in the home have made a difference to the lives of so many people Open Airways launched (in collaboration with the Con-tinental Society) a new children’s book, “Action Asthma” both fun and playful in nature, but also packed with important infor-mation about asthma and its prevention. Our ‘Hour of Air’ fundraising and educational campaign in April, resulted in an increased awareness that those with asthma ‘need not suffer’. We saw huge support from across the island with 31 schools participating in the event, as well as over 38 businesses. THANK YOU! Open Airways started and ended the year with the highly successful seminars “Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop Smoking’. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming ‘happy non-smokers’ in just a matter of 6 hours. Liz coordinated the training of physicians, nurses, phys-iotherapists and pharmacists, keeping them up to date with global guidelines. Liz believes that excellent training is vital for effective asthma care. Many other programs have continued throughout the year: Pillows for Prevention – every child with asthma in prima-ry school gets a new pillow every year; Spacers given to every child with asthma in every school, every year!; Open Airways also provides them for distribution in doctor’s offices, the clinics and at every health fair and community event; Informative posters, booklets and flyers are also distributed throughout the island.

On NOW to 2012!

Challenging times for Open Airways

While Open Airways continues to be out in the community assisting those in need, we have seen a significant increase in those requiring our services.

The challenging economic times have resulted in more demand for our service - more disadvan-taged families are out of work and lacking the appropriate health insurance. They are in desper-ate need of substantial help.

At the same time, our donors have been cutting back due to their own challenges. The result:

Demand is UP, Donations are DOWN

We are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to all our supporters, companies , foundations and private individuals - without their support, we would not be able to continue working in the community.

Page 2: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


Letter from Liz

What a great year! We started the year with the inspiring Power of One conference, organized by the

Centre on Philanthropy. International philanthropists from around the world injected us with renewed

energy and passion. We learnt how to be fundraising superheroes (not as easy as it sounds) and how to get our board productively and joyfully involved! (I think we are doing well!).

We left with the clear message that we need relentless enthusiasm, belief, pride, determination and com-

mitment! Our small team – the Power of Three – (Trina, Mary and I) had no time to waste, the pace

was set and we are happy to say that we have made lots of progress. We should like to thank Pam Barit-

Nolan and Danielle Riviere for organizing this amazing conference.

What a bad year! In the past year over 2000 people were seen in ER. The number of asthma admissions is rising at an

alarming rate. Each visit tells us that asthma management has failed. This is very depressing. We still have a lot of work

to do!

Asthma should be easy to control by avoiding triggers whenever possible and

complying with daily preventer medications.

Many people simply do not take preventer inhalers when they are not wheezing or coughing ….remember your grandmother always told you - prevention is better than cure! She was right so please

take your preventer every day to keep your asthma way.

Everyone needs to have a personal action plan and know how to fine tune their treatment to avoid hospital visits. Please

come for asthma education and see an asthma nurse – an hour of your life may change your life – it could even save your

life. (Call Debbie Barboza at KEMH Asthma Education Centre 239-1652 or Liz Boden [email protected]) There is no

charge so there are no excuses! The Department of Health has Asthma Action Plans for children and so far 25% of the chil-

dren with asthma have action plans – the aim is to have that number up to 50% in the next year.

Open Airways has been asked to be the lead agency for asthma for the Department of Health- Well Bermuda initiative and

I have been invited to be a member of a task force for health promotion for the National Health Plan. This is indeed an

honour and I hope to have the energy and determination to ensure that I help to create a model of excellence ensuring that we continue to Help Bermuda Breathe for many years to come.

Wishing everyone a happy healthy holiday,

Liz Boden

Debbie Barboza @ the KEMH Asthma Education Centre - 239-1652 or [email protected] Liz Boden @ Open Airways - 232-0264 or [email protected]

Jennifer Wilson (School Asthma Nurse) - 332-8915 or [email protected]




Open Airways is happy to donate

a spacer to anyone who is in need.

Please come for asthma education and see an asthma nurse

An hour of your life may change your life it could even save your life.

No one is turned away even if they have no health insurance.

Page 3: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


... to all our supporters!

for assisting in our mission:

Open Airways is a small charity dedicated to improving the lives and well-being of over 9,000 people in Bermuda, whose lives are affected by asthma and

other long-term respiratory diseases (COPD).

Good morning Liz, ~Nov 2011

Thank you for giving me the chance to tell my story.

I started smoking at the age of 14 or so (nearly 30 years of smoking) and had attempted to stop smoking many times without success. I used to smoke a pack a day and 4 packs over the weekend. I attended the first ‘Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking’ in Bermuda, May 2004, four days before my birthday. I just went to the seminar, (I didn’t tell anybody I was going) listened & gave myself the chance to quit.

That was my last cigarette. In 2009, I ran the Bermuda Day half marathon in just over 2 hours, re-peated it in 2010 and have entered the London Marathon in April 2012 running for the SPARKS charity. www.justgiving.comChristian-Ince-bermuda

I had my lung function test at BUEI last week & have a lung age of 48, I’m 50! It was great to see Damian O’Hara back in Bermuda again, (he ran the seminar in 2004), I owe him a great deal.

Allen Carr’s seminar was the best 6 hours I’ve spent.

I would be happy to talk to anybody who’s thinking of attending a seminar; it really does work.

Yours truly, Christian Ince

DATE OF NEXT SEMINAR Sunday, February 5th, 2012

1p.m.—7p.m. Cost: $300

For details and/or to register, please contact:

Mary Ellen Ewles [email protected] or 238-3261

SUCCESS - Bermuda responds to Easyway!

Excerpt from an e-mail Attended Nov 2011

...I am very grateful every day that I attended Damian’s sem-inar…it worked just like he said it would – I haven’t had one craving for a cigarette. In fact, I don’t even think about cigarettes, until I am remind-ing myself of how wonderful it is to feel nothing for them. Thank you for organizing this amazing, truly amazing, life changing event….thanks for changing my life.

~Iris Abraham

Be a happy non-smoker! No willpower, no drugs,

no nonsense!

Excerpt from an e-mail dated 6 Dec 2011 ...having being a heavy smoker for more than 30 years, I’m now smoke free for over 3 weeks (already well over 800 cigarettes and $370 better off) I

don’t know what happened… but I’m now armed with the tools provided on the Open Airways/Alan Carr Easyway Seminar, and I haven’t the slightest doubt that I am now a Non-Smoker, this is one of the most enlightening and enjoyable experiences…a must for all smokers trying to kick the habit ~Carl Hazelwood - date quit 13 Nov 2011

Page 4: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


Most people think they know what their asthma triggers are. However, did you know that a thunderstorm may also be a trigger? Yes, a rumble

of thunder in the distance may be a sign that you are in for an asthma attack.

A lot of people think of thunderstorms as clearing the air of pollutants and pollen, but when raindrops hit those airborne grains, they explode and turn into particles that are just the right size for peoples airways.

The storm then spreads them all over the place and you’ve got trouble! Researchers have found that peo-ple with asthma are more likely to go to hospital on days after storms,

leading scientists name this phenomenon ‘thunderstorm asthma’.

How Thunderstorms Can Cause Asthma Attacks

Teddy Bears & Dust Mites!

The teddy bear is an enduring symbol of childhood, every child wants one and most children are given dozens of them – friends and family love buying them too.

So what is the parent of a child with asthma to do?

Is it fair to say ‘No’ to all stuffed animals? Stuffed animals are like petri dishes inside, their stuffing spawning the dust-mites that may trigger an asthma attack. I am afraid the stuffed toys need to be limited. Yes, do let your child have one or two, then every week they need to be put in the freezer for 6 hours to kill the dust mites. Next pop them in the dryer for 10 minutes. It is not necessary to wash them every week but it is a good idea to wash them about once a month after freezing them as the dust mites do survive in the washing machine! Please throw away any stuffed toys you want to get rid of, do not donate them to schools, the hospital or the barn…remember…

1 in 5 children have asthma in Bermuda so let’s help our children to breathe freely!

...at a school near you!

Page 5: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


Give a gift that will make a difference !


Please consider a

Christmas donation

Send cheque to: P.O. Box HM 1164, Hamilton HM EX Use “Donate Now” on the website;


** US Taxpayers **

To learn how to make your

Open Airways donation tax deductible,

please contact: Trina Godfrey at

[email protected] or 295-4580.

Asthma Myths…Busted!

Can Asthma be cured? No, but it can be controlled and managed. Can children outgrow asthma?

Yes some children do, however asthma often comes back later in life. Some children have asthma as a child and then sinus allergies or rhinitis as an adult.

Are some cats and dogs asthma friendly? No, there is no such thing as an allergy free dog or cat whatever your friends may tell you!

Are asthma medications addictive? No, however most people with asthma must take a daily preventer inhaler to control their asthma but

you never become addicted or crave more. If my child only coughs but doesn’t wheeze does she really have asthma?

Some people only cough, others wheeze or have a tight chest. Some people cough, wheeze and have a tight chest!

Can I stop taking my inhalers when I feel fine? Never stop taking your ‘preventer’ inhaler without your doctor’s recommendation.

Only use your reliever or rescue inhaler when you are coughing or wheezing. Should I stop dairy products – milk, ice cream, yogurt etc. because I have asthma?

Absolutely no, not unless you are allergic to milk. Milk is an important part of your diet. Should I wait 15 minutes between using my blue and orange inhaler?

No, if you need both take the blue one first and then the orange one immediately after. If you wait 15 minutes you usually forget the orange inhaler - the important one – the preventer!

Congratulations and THANK YOU Stefan Wilson

Open Airways’ Volunteer of the Year! who spent hours sticking labels on over a thousand pillows and several thou-

sand spacers helping his mother, Nurse Jen, our school asthma nurse.

Page 6: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


"”If you learn to manage your asthma and take the correct medication there's no reason why you shouldn't be the best."

Paula Radcliffe (Women's marathon world record holder)

I have never encountered any barriers in my career because of my asthma and hopefully I never will do so."

Paul Scholes (England and Manchester United midfielder)

The Top 4 Holiday Asthma Triggers How to Avoid Them

Christmas Trees

==> Real Christmas trees harbour a host of allergens that are known to trigger asthma, including pollen and mold spores from the summer. Some people also react to the sap. However, most of us love the smell of the pine tree.

Suggestion – rinse it off outside and thoroughly dry it before bringing into the house. Place the tree as far away from bedrooms as possible and open windows every day to prevent mold growing on the tree. ==> Artificial trees that are stored year after year harbour mold spores which can trigger asthma. Suggestion – unpack your tree outside then hose off and either dry in the sunshine or blow dry using a leaf blower or a hair dryer! ==> Christmas ornaments should also be packed away carefully in airtight containers and then dusted before decorating the tree. Artificial logs burning in the fireplace contain many chemicals, which can trigger asthma so it

is far better to use real logs. Make sure your chimney is working well and be sure that it isn’t too windy otherwise your home will soon be full of smoke which can cause asthma attacks. Candles – please use unscented candles and no fresh air sprays or plug-in air fresheners – open your windows every day to keep the air in your home fresh. Travel – is the most overlooked holiday asthma trigger.

Make sure you have your flu shot before travelling. Carry hand sanitizer in your bag and use it especially during the journey, on planes and at air-ports. Many hotels now offer hypoallergenic rooms where no chemicals are used to clean and hypoallergenic pillows and linens can be provided. If you are staying with family or friends make sure no one smokes in the house and take your own pillow protector.

Please remember you’ll never avoid all of your triggers so take your preventer every day to keep your asthma away!

Page 7: 2011 Exciting Year! 2011.pdfhighly successful seminars ^Allen arr’s Easyway to stop Smoking [. Offering the workshop to over 80 people has resulted in MANY local heavy smokers becoming


Keep an eye out for Mr. Trigger (left) in


our new book for children with asthma ...adults love it too!

Copies available throughout the island in doctor’s offices and the hospital, clinics etc. or contact

Liz at [email protected]

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) NEWS Debbie recently attended the COPD 7 conference in Washington DC. This conference avails specialists in the COPD fields from around the world to come together to present and discuss current news and issues regarding COPD. If you have any concerns or questions regarding respiratory issues, please contact: Debbie at 239-1652 or [email protected] OR Liz at 232-0264 or [email protected]

I have just returned from a very powerful world-class conference on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (referred to as “COPD”) and also know as Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. It is the third leading cause of death in the United States and is the only 1 of the top 5 causes with a rising prevalence of death.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the world’s largest healthcare concerns and its threat con-tinues to worsen each year. An estimated 24 million Americans live with COPD, and 210 million worldwide.

The COPD7USA conference was modeled after the very successful COPD conference series started in Birmingham, UK 14 years ago. The COPD foundation has now partnered with the UK series to include North America to improve care for clients worldwide with COPD. The conference was designed to create an interactive forum, for Physicians, Researchers, Nurses, Pulmonary Therapists to share updates on the state-of-the- art in COPD research and clinical management. This meeting attracted hundreds of health care providers, and was the first conference that I have ever seen with so many clients affected with COPD in the audience, asking questions and joining in with the discus-sions. It was wonderful seeing these patients being advocates for themselves.

Now more than ever, it is clear COPD is not just a disease of the lungs, but moreover, the effects are systemic and reach far beyond the individual sufferer with COPD to impact the family, the whole healthcare system, employees etc.

It was hoped by assembling leaders in the field of COPD that the COPD7USA would serve as a significant educational resource that would positively impact diagnosis, management and the overall quality of life for those with COPD.

New thoughts coming from the conference were: As medical professionals, we need to do a better job at asking the right questions! All COPD is NOT the same. We need to treat the person NOT the disease. We need better discharge and follow up plans from hospital. We need to take that extra moment to ask what is it like to live with COPD. Think about incentivized insurance pay outs to clients if they meet goals. If a person remains a non-smoker

for 5 years, they received a $150 cheque from their insurance company! We need to diagnose as early as possible even before symptoms are prevalent to preserve as much lung

function as possible. Blow as you go!! Was one of the catch phrases for patients with COPD…so simple yet so effective.

There are loads more………………………………… Coming soon: New COPD guidelines

~Debbie Barboza

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To receive newsletter by e-mail, or to be removed from the e-mail distribution list, please contact: Mary Ellen Ewles - [email protected] We welcome suggested articles and/or any comments.

Thank you to BCM McAlpine Thank you to BCM McAlpine for generously printing hard-copies of this newsletter

for those that do not have e-mail access.

www.openairways.com Open Airways

Open Airways

P.O. Box 1164

Hamilton, HM EX BERMUDA PH: 232-0264 E-mail: [email protected]