2011 BPI vs BPI-Employees

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  • 8/19/2019 2011 BPI vs BPI-Employees


    Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. BPI Employees Union-Davao Chapter-

    Federation of Unions in BPI Unibank,

    G.. !o. "#$%&". '(tober "), *&"".

    TOPIC: Merger 


    On March 23, 2000, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas approve the Articles

    o! Merger e"ec#te on $an#ar% 20, 2000 &% an &et'een BPI, herein petitioner,

    an F(BTC)* This Article an Plan o! Merger 'as approve &% the Sec#rities

    an ("change Co++ission on April , 2000)P#rs#ant to the Article an Plan o! 

    Merger, all the assets an lia&ilities o! F(BTC 'ere trans!erre to an a&sor&e

    &% BPI as the s#rviving corporation) F(BTC e+plo%ees, incl#ing those in its

    i!!erent &ranches across the co#ntr%, 'ere hire &% petitioner as its o'n

    e+plo%ees, 'ith their stat#s an ten#re recogni-e an salaries an &ene!its

    +aintaine) .esponent BPI (+plo%ees /nion1avao Chapter Feeration o! 

    /nions in BPI /ni&ank is the e"cl#sive &argaining agent o! BPIs rank an !ile

    e+plo%ees in 1avao Cit%) The !or+er F(BTC rankan!ile e+plo%ees in 1avao

    Cit% i not &elong to an% la&or #nion at the ti+e o! the +erger) Prior to the

    e!!ectivit% o! the +erger, or on March 3, 2000, responent /nion invite sai

    F(BTC e+plo%ees to a +eeting regaring the /nion Shop Cla#se o! the e"isting

    CBA &et'een petitioner BPI an responent /nion A!ter the +eeting calle &%

    the /nion, so+e o! the !or+er F(BTC e+plo%ees 4oine the /nion, 'hile others


      5ater, ho'ever, so+e o! those 'ho initiall% 4oine retracte their 

    +e+&ership) .esponent /nion then sent notices to the !or+er F(BTC

    e+plo%ees 'ho re!#se to 4oin, as 'ell as those 'ho retracte their +e+&ership,

    an calle the+ to a hearing regaring the +atter) 6hen these !or+er F(BTC

    e+plo%ees re!#se to atten the hearing, the presient o! the /nion re7#este

    BPI to i+ple+ent the /nion Shop Cla#se o! the CBA an to ter+inate their 

    e+plo%+ent p#rs#ant thereto) A!ter t'o +onths o! +anage+ent inaction on the

    re7#est, responent /nion in!or+e petitioner BPI o! its ecision to re!er the

    iss#e o! the i+ple+entation o! the /nion Shop Cla#se o! the CBA to the

    8rievance Co++ittee) 9o'ever, the iss#e re+aine #nresolve at this level an

    so it 'as s#&se7#entl% s#&+itte !or vol#ntar% ar&itration &% the parties)

     Altho#gh BPI 'on the initial &attle at the ol#ntar% Ar&itrator level, BPIs

    position 'as re4ecte &% the Co#rt o! Appeals 'hich r#le that the ol#ntar%

     Ar&itrators interpretation o! the /nion Shop Cla#se 'as at 'ar 'ith the spirit an

    rationale 'h% the 5a&or Coe allo's the e"istence o! s#ch provision)

  • 8/19/2019 2011 BPI vs BPI-Employees


    This 'as !ollo'e an a!!ir+ation &% the S#pre+e Co#rt o! the CA ecision

    holing that !or+er e+plo%ees o! the Far (ast Bank an Tr#st Co+pan%

    ;F(BTC< =a&sor&e= &% BPI p#rs#ant to the t'o &anks +erger) The a&sor&e

    e+plo%ees 'ere covere &% the /nion Shop Cla#se in the then e"isting

    collective &argaining agree+ent ;CBA8

    ?(S) It is +ore in keeping 'ith the ictates o! social 4#stice an the State

    polic% o! accoring !#ll protection to la&or to ee+ e+plo%+ent contracts as

    a#to+aticall% ass#+e &% the s#rviving corporation in a +erger, even in the

    a&sence o! an e"press stip#lation in the articles o! +erger or the +erger plan) In

    his issenting opinion, $#stice Brion reasone that:

    To +% +in, #e consieration o! Section @0 o! the Corporation Coe, the

    constit#tionall% eclare policies on 'ork, la&or an e+plo%+ent, an the

    speci!ic F(BTCBPI sit#ation i)e), a +erger 'ith co+plete &o% an so#l

    trans!er o! all that F(BTC e+&oie an possesse an 'here &oth participating

    &anks 'ere 'illing ;al&eit &% ee, not &% their 'ritten agree+ent< to provie !or 

    the a!!ecte h#+an reso#rces &% recogni-ing contin#it% o! e+plo%+ent sho#l

    point this Co#rt to a eclaration that in a co+plete +erger sit#ation 'here there

    is total takeover &% one corporation over another an there is silence in the

    +erger agree+ent on 'hat the !ate o! the h#+an reso#rce co+ple+ent shall &e,

    the latter sho#l not &e le!t in legal li+&o an sho#l &e properl% provie !or, &%

    co+pelling the s#rviving entit% to a&sor& these e+plo%ees) This is 'hat Section

    @0 o! the Corporation Coe co++ans, as the s#rviving corporation has the legal

    o&ligation to ass#+e all the o&ligations an lia&ilities o! the +erge constit#ent


    >ot to &e !orgotten is that the a!!ecte e+plo%ees +anage, operate an

    'orke on the trans!erre assets an properties as their +eans o! livelihooD

    the% constit#te a &asic co+ponent o! their corporation #ring its e"istence) In a

    +erger an consoliation sit#ation, the% cannot &e treate 'itho#t consieration

    o! the applica&le constit#tional eclarations an irectives, or, 'orse, &e si+pl%

    isregare) I! the% are so treate, it is #p to this Co#rt to rea an interpret the

  • 8/19/2019 2011 BPI vs BPI-Employees


    la' so that the% are treate in accorance 'ith the legal re7#ire+ents o! +ergers

    an consoliation, rea in light o! the social 4#stice, econo+ic an social

    provisions o! o#r Constit#tion) 9ence, there is a nee !or the s#rviving

    corporation to take responsi&ilit% !or the a!!ecte e+plo%ees an to a&sor& the+

    into its 'ork!orce 'here no appropriate provision !or the +erge corporations

    h#+an reso#rces co+ponent is +ae in the Merger Plan)

    B% #pholing the a#to+atic ass#+ption o! the nons#rviving corporations

    e"isting e+plo%+ent contracts &% the s#rviving corporation in a +erger, the Co#rt

    strengthens 4#icial protection o! the right to sec#rit% o! ten#re o! e+plo%ees

    a!!ecte &% a +erger an avois con!#sion regaring the stat#s o! their vario#s

    &ene!its 'hich 'ere a+ong the chie! o&4ections o! o#r issenting colleag#es)

    9o'ever, nothing in this .esol#tion shall i+pair the right o! an e+plo%er to

    ter+inate the e+plo%+ent o! the a&sor&e e+plo%ees !or a la'!#l or a#thori-e

    ca#se or the right o! s#ch an e+plo%ee to resign, retire or other'ise sever his

    e+plo%+ent, 'hether &e!ore or a!ter the +erger, s#&4ect to e"isting contract#al

    o&ligations) In this +anner, $#stice Brions theor% o! a#to+atic ass#+ption +a%

    &e reconcile 'ith the +a4orit%s concerns 'ith the s#ccessor e+plo%ers

    prerogative to choose its e+plo%ees an the prohi&ition against invol#ntar%


    >ot'ithstaning this concession, the Co#rt !ins no reason to reverse o#r 

    previo#s prono#nce+ent that the a&sor&e F(BTC e+plo%ees are covere &%

    the /nion Shop Cla#se)

    *See the original 1ecision ate A#g#st 0, 200, reversing the r#ling on

    the a&sorption o! e+plo%ees in a +erger)E