2011 Artists for Conservation Festival Program

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Program schedule and guide for the 2011 Artists for Conservation Festival at Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver. November 5-13.

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NOVEMBER 5 -13 , 2011

W W W . A R T I S T S F O R C O N S E R V A T I O N . O R G / F E S T I V A L


1 0 D AY S O F A R T & E N V I R O N M E N TA L E V E N T S

Experience the

Art of Conservation

Page 2: 2011 Artists for Conservation Festival Program

Support Artists for ConservationIf you enjoyed this week’s groundbreaking Artists for Conservation Festival at Grouse Mountain, please consider becoming a supporter. We are asking that anyone who sees the value in delivering a world-class cultural event and environmental education initiative, to give in support of the event and ensure that we can repeat it in 2012.

It has taken monumental effort (through predominantly volunteer effort) to launch this project. Our goal is to cultivate and support an important movement of reconnecting the public with nature through art - a critical hurdle to balance the enormous pressures society is putting on wildlife and habitat worldwide.

Artists For Conservation dedicates its resources to support the preservation of our environ-ment through art.

Your generous donations, no matter how small or large, will go towards AFC’s yearly $250,000 budget to deliver our key programs within the three pillars of a) Art & Environ-mental Education; b) Artist Field Work & Research; and c) Artist Development.

Join AFC in the following ways:

<$100 AFC Supporter

$100+ Friend of AFC

$500+ AFC Patron

$1,000+ AFC Benefactor

$5,000+ AFC Circle of Champions

AFC International Foundation is a registered charity in Canada (860891761 RR 0001). All donors in Canada will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Donations can be made by credit card or check at the festival. Alternatively, please go online to www.ArtistsForConservation.org/give.

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Introduction by Jeff Whiting, AFC President & Founder

About Artists for Conservation

Artists for Conservation Programs

Festival Overview

About AFC’s Annual Juried Art Exhibit

Exhibiting Artists

World Premiere Film: “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla”

Canadian Premiere Film “This Is Your Ocean: Sharks”

Program Schedule

Featured Artists & Guest Presenters Bio Briefs

Featured Lectures

Robert Bateman, Featured Artist & Patron

2011 Awards

Sponsors & Supporters















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Introduction by Jeff WhitingPresident & Founder, Artists for Conservation

We are extremely proud to welcome you to our first annual Artists For Conservation Festival in Vancouver, Canada. With the grand natural playground that envelopes the city, I can’t imagine a back-drop more fitting for an inaugural festival focused on reconnect-ing people to the natural world through nature-inspired art and environmental education.

At AFC, we are passionate ambassadors for nature. We inspire each other with a deep reverence and commitment to our natural history. In this 4th year of AFC’s annual juried art exhibit, we are yet again drawing artist members from around the world to our

opening weekend. This has been enormously rewarding, and a rare opportunity for interna-tional artists in the genre of nature-inspired art to share their experiences, techniques and environmental concerns with colleagues.

There is, however, an even greater opportunity and onus on us to build on this and connect these inspiring artistic leaders with a much broader audience. It’s our responsibility as art-ists, to use our talents and convictions to inspire the public and youth of tomorrow, to take action to protect what remains of this planet’s natural wonders.

The Artists for Conservation Festival is a highly relevant cultural event and the embodiment of applied art – that is, art in action to change the world. Each painting or sculpture has an important conservation story and each artist is eager to share. Our goal is to establish the Artists for Conservation Festival as one of the premiere cultural and environmental events in Vancouver and a key event for the international community.

For over two years we have searched for an appropriate new venue partner who shares our long-term vision, our core values, and who has the ability to reach thousands, if not tens of thousands of people. The search took us across North America. We could have found our new home anywhere. Ironically, we found it in AFC’s own back-yard. We are truly excited to be partnering with Grouse Mountain Resort. The owners, staff and management are all wonderful people to work with and have bent over backwards to ensure this first Festival was a huge success.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the artists, patrons, sponsors, jurors, partners and our large and dedicated team of volunteers, without whom, AFC and the 2011 Artists for Con-servation Festival would not exist. Enjoy your time at this important festival. And spread the word!

Jeff Whiting President & Founder, Artists For Conservation

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About Artists for ConservationThe World’s Leading Artist Group Supporting the Environment

We live in an extraordinary period in history - one that is marked by us seeing well over one-third of Earth’s species vanish, along with dozens of human cultural lines and languag-es.

The challenge of climate change, loss of habitat, loss of biodiversity, overpopulation, and deforestation - each on its own - stands to adversely affect us all. Together, these challenges represent symptoms of a global pattern of impact by humans on the web of life that sup-ports us.

Many artists today are active participants in an important awareness and educational movement, channelling artistic talent toward emotionally connecting the public to nature to inspire awareness, appreciation and action. At the forefront of this movement is Artists For Conservation (AFC).

Founded in 1997 by Jeff Whiting, AFC is the world’s leading non-profit artist group support-ing the environment. Dedicated to nurture, promote and leverage its world-class communi-ty of artists in support of our natural world, AFC drives its mission through three key pillars:

1) Art & Environmental Education;

2) Field Work & Research; and

3) Artist Development.

The Artists for Conservation Festival is AFC’s annual flagship initiative to support, showcase and further these three pillars.

Visit www.artistsforconservation.org for more information.

“Our mission is to support wildlife and habitat conservation, bio-diversity, sustainability, and environmental education through art that celebrates our natural heritage.”

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Youth EducationAFC’s Youth Education program - “Adventures in Art & Environment” - connects students with nature through art, engaging them with a large collection of the world’s leading conservation-themed nature and wildlife art, live demos and presentations by Canadian and international guest artists, First Nations cultural performances, and adventurous art and conservation-themed documentary films.

Flag ExpeditionsAFC’s Flag Expeditions program facilitates collaborative art and science field work to study and promote endangered species and their vanishing habitats. The program uniquely sup-ports artists seeking to explore the world’s remaining true wildernesses and to observe the rare or endangered species that live in those places. It fosters a broader representation of the world’s biodiversity in art by some of today’s most talented artists.

“The Art of Conservation” Annual ExhibitAFC’s Annual Juried Exhibit – “The Art of Conservation” – recognizes artists for their commit-ment to artistic excellence and conservation, raises awareness of conservation issues, and directly supports conservation organizations through the sale of artwork.

Art for ConservationAFC’s Art for Conservation program provides an online venue at www.artistsforconserva-tion.org for the sale of artwork with a portion of the proceeds voluntarily earmarked by the artists to support a conservation organization of their choice. Collectively under this program, several million dollars have been committed to conservation causes upon the sale of the artwork.

AFC AwardsAFC Awards exist to highlight excellence in conservation and art and to empower and reward passionate professional artists as effective ambassadors for the environment. AFC currently runs four awards programs: the monthly Conservation Artist Award, the AFC Medal of Excellence, the Wildscape Editor’s Choice Award, and the annual Simon Combes Conservation award.

ArtistsForConservation.org WebsiteArtistsForConservation.org is the main portal that supports and promotes all AFC programs and features several thousand pieces of original and limited edition nature inspired art-work. With over 8,000 original paintings and hundreds of original sculptures for sale valued collectively at over US$30 million, the AFC website is the largest, most sophisticated and most visited site of its kind.

w w w . A r t i s t s F o r C o n s e r v a t i o n . o r g

Artists for Conservation Programs

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Art Exhibit & SaleAFC’s annual exhibit is the world’s top conservation-themed art exhibit. Visit the exhibit for an opportunity to buy original paintings and sculptures. The exhibit features over 70 origi-nal artworks for sale by over 50 leading nature and wildlife artists from around the world.

Adventures in Art & Environment Youth WorkshopsAs part of the Artists For Conservation Festival, we are excited to offer a unique program connecting youth with nature through art, and introducing them to some of today’s lead-ing international artists who are dedicated to wildlife and habitat conservation.

Public Lectures/PresentationsThe Artists For Conservation Festival provides a fun and educational environment for fami-lies, youth and connoisseurs alike. Immerse yourself in nature-inspired art, live art demos and a series of special presentations and lectures with some of the leading nature and wildlife artists and naturalists in the world.

Documentary Film ScreeningsYou don’t want to miss the world premier of “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla” - exclusively at the Artist For Conservation Festival. We will also be screening the Canadian premiere of the new movie about sharks conservation, with AFC artist Dr. Guy Harvey.

Additional HighlightsAn opening keynote address by world renowned artist, naturalist and author, Robert Bate-man, including the unveiling of a new original painting and book-signing.

Keynote presentation by world-renowned marine artist, Dr. Guy Harvey and presentation of the Simon Combes Conservation Award to Dr. Harvey for his contribution to conservation.

A rare opportunity to meet the masters and see them in action during intimate live demon-strations.

First Nations cultural performances, live music and much more...

Festival Overview

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About AFC’s Annual Juried Art Exhibit “The Art of Conservation” AFC’s annual exhibit - The Art of Conservation – is the world’s top conservation-themed art exhibit and has become one of the most highly anticipated annual events among the nature-inspired art genres.

It was established to recognize artists for their commitment to artistic excellence and con-servation, to raise awareness of conservation issues, and to directly support conservation organizations through the sale of artwork. More specifically, the purpose of the exhibit is three-fold:

1) To support conservation through fundraising and education;

2)To showcase the extraordinary pool of artistic talent within AFC; and

3)To expose the nature inspired art genre to new audiences.

At this year’s Art of Conservation, we encourage you to enjoy worldwide artistic excellence, learn about conservation issues, and directly support conservation work through the pur-chase of original paintings and sculptures.

This year’s exhibit features over 70 original artworks for sale by over 50 leading nature and wildlife artists from around the world.

Please note that a representative selection of this year’s The Art of Conservation exhibit will be going on tour after the Festival, starting at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. For more information or inquiries to host a leg of the tour, please visit the festival website at www.artistsforconservation.org/festival or email [email protected].

“Black Ducks Napping” Painting by Sean Murtha

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Sue Adair (USA)

Luis Aguirre (Peru)

Del-Bourree Bach (USA)

Tucker Bailey (USA)

Sheila Ballantyne (Canada)

Sandra Blair (USA)

Carel Brest van Kempen (USA)

Clarence Cameron (USA)

James Coe (USA)

Guy Combes (Kenya)

Bunny Connell (USA)

Carrie Cook (USA)

Anni Crouter (USA)

Christian Dache (France)

Andrew Denman (USA)

Kim Diment (USA)

KellyDodge (Canada)

Kathleen Dunn (USA)

Lori Dunn (Canada)

Kathleen Dunphy (USA)

Linda DuPuis-Rosen (USA)

Lyn Ellison (Australia)

LindaFeltner (USA)

Setsuo Hamanaka (Japan)

Guy Harvey (USA)

Martin Hayward-Harris (UK)

Mike Hughes (UK)

Alan M. Hunt (UK)

Clint Jammer (Canada)

Brian Jarvi (USA)

David Johnson (Canada)

Jason Kamin (Canada)

Hans Kappel (Germany)

David Kitler (Canada)

Christine Knapp (USA)

Marjolein Kruijt (The Netherlands)

Rebecca Latham (USA)

Patsy Lindamood (USA)

John Lofgreen (USA)

Harro Maass (Germany)

Gregory McHuron (USA)

Billy-Jack Milligan (Canada)

Frans Mulder (South Africa)

Sean Murtha (USA)

Alison Nicholls (USA)

Steve Oliver (USA)

Patricia Pepin (Canada)

Anne Peyton (USA)

Pollyanna Pickering (UK)

Stephen C. Quinn (USA)

Diana Reuter-Twining (USA)

Andrea Rich (USA)

Sharon K. Schafer (USA)

Robert Schlenker (USA)

Suzie Seerey-Lester (USA)

Nigel Shaw (Canada)

Edward Spera (Canada)

Linda Sutton (USA)

Jonathan Truss (UK)

Eva Van Rijn (USA)

Christopher Walden (USA)

Val Warner (USA)

Terry Woodall (USA)

Exhibiting Artists

“Black Ducks Napping” Painting by Sean Murtha

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World Premiere of the AFC Documentary Film “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla”Premiere Screening: 12:30pm, Saturday, November 5, 2011

We are thrilled to announce that Artists for Conservation Festival will host the world pre-miere of Artists for Conservation’s first documentary film - “How an Artist Saved the Moun-tain Gorilla”, at 12:30pm on November 5, 2011. The premiere and subsequent screenings will take place in the “Theatre in the Sky”. AFC member, Stephen Quinn and AFC President, Jeff Whiting, who are both featured in this film, are scheduled to give a special introduction at the opening presentation.

“How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla” is a fascinating film on the relationship between art and conservation, wrapped in an exciting journey that sees two artists retrace the foot-steps of legendary explorer Carl Akeley deep into the Virunga Mountains in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, to uncover the mysteries of the man who is credited with saving the Mountain Gorilla from extinction and founding Africa's first National Park nearly 100 years ago.

The film tells the remarkable story of Carl Akeley - iconic artist, inventor, explorer and father of modern taxidermy– who is credited with saving the endangered Mountain Gorilla from extinction, nearly a century ago. Akeley, who worked at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in the early 20th century, researched and collected specimens in the region to create a famed Mountain Gorilla diorama on display at AMNH in Manhattan.

“When Carl Akeley first encountered the Mountain Gorilla in 1921, it was a creature steeped in myth and folklore. His work was among the first to accurately document them as a gentle, intelligent and social animal that, even then, was under grave threat from over-hunting,” explains Quinn. During that expedition, Akeley realized that if the Mountain Gorilla species was to survive the coming tidal wave of human “progress”, something would have to change. This inspired Akeley to dedicate the last few years of his life to the conser-vation and protection of the Mountain Gorilla.

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Akeley’s epiphany would lead to the establishment of Africa’s first national park. It was a defining moment in wild-life conservation history, and without it, the Mountain Gorilla would almost certainly not exist today. Akeley’s story is all the more profound, knowing it was an artist – one man – who through his art and activism influenced a King to create a gorilla sanctuary - the then, Belgian Congo’s “Parc National Albert”.

In 1926, Akeley died during a return visit to the area and was buried very near his research site. Largely due to Akeley’s efforts, the Mountain Gorilla survives today and Akeley’s diorama stands as a monument to his achieving its protection.

The film follows the artists in search of Akeley’s grave, as well as the exact loca-tion of his research site, represented in the AMNH’s gorilla diorama. Trekking to over 4,000 metres (nearly 14,000 feet), the team used a 90-year-old painting to find the exact location that inspired Akeley’s famous diorama of the moun-tain gorilla, which is still on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

The film also draws attention to the heroic and effective conservation work of the Moun-tain Gorilla Veterinarian Project (MGVP). It is estimated there are fewer than 800 Mountain Gorillas left in the world today. Dr. Mike Cranfield, a Canadian veterinarian and Executive Director of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinarian Project (MGVP), an organization dedicated to the preservation of the species, helped enable the expedition.

MGVP is the only group saving the lives of wild Mountain Gorillas in the field through direct, hands-on action. With the “One-Health” veterinarian approach, MGVP works to save injured or snared gorillas as well as prevent infection from human-borne diseases. As a result of their work, the Gorilla Doctors (as they are known) have directly contributed to a 26.3% growth in Mountain Gorilla population over the last 7 years.

This expedition has been made possible in part by the American Museum of Natural History, the Mountain Gorilla Veterinarian Project, the Houston Zoo and the University of California Davis. It has also been endorsed by the Explorer’s Club, to which Stephen Quinn and Jeff Whiting were recently inducted. Their expedition was featured as one of two expe-ditions worldwide at the Explorer’s Club’s 104th annual gala at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan.

Following the November 5 showing, there will be multiple screenings each day of the Festival (November 5-13), between 10am and 10pm. Refer to the program schedule for exact times.

Silverback Mountain Gorilla, Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. (Photo by Will Richardson)

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Premiere Screening: 1:00pm, Sunday, November 6, 2011

We are proud to announce that the Artists for Conservation Festival will host the Canadian premiere of “This is Your Ocean: Sharks” at 1:00 pm on Sunday, November 6, 2011, at Grouse Mountain. Screenings will take place in the “Theatre in the Sky”. AFC member, Guy Har-vey, who is featured in this film is scheduled to give a special introduction at the opening presentation.

Art, science, and a bond of trust fuse together to shatter public perception of sharks in a new documentary, “This is Your Ocean: Sharks.” All barriers between people and sharks are removed in an effort to depict these animals in a new light. Narrated by legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, this documentary takes you on an adventure with world renowned marine life artists Wyland, Dr. Guy Harvey, and shark expert Jim Abernethy.

“This is Your Ocean: Sharks” looks at the global plight of sharks and introduces the audience to a massive 14-foot tiger shark named Emma.

Dr. Guy Harvey works to replace myth with fact through his ocean foundation. “Sharks are not eating us, we’re eating them. That’s the big overall picture and that needs to change.”

Emmy award-winning producer George C. Schellenger directed and produced this timely documentary.

Following the November 6 showing, two encore presentations are scheduled for Thursday, November 10 at 7:15pm and Saturday, November 12 at 4:00pm.

Canadian Premiere of the Documentary Film, “This is Your Ocean: Sharks”

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Unless otherwise specified, all lectures take place in Grouse Mountain’s “Theatre in the Sky” in the Main Chalet. Live artist demonstrations will occur throughout the Main Chalet.

Saturday, November 5 9:00am-10:00am: Media Preview10:00am-11:00am: Public Opening, and First Nations Blessing Ceremony (Main Chalet) Awards Ceremony (incl. Simon Combes Award with Guy Harvey)11:00am-12:00pm: Robert Bateman Keynote Lecture 12:30pm-1:15pm: Premiere of film “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla” w/Stephen Quinn and Jeffrey Whiting 1:30pm-3:00pm: Meet the artists and have your AFC exhibit book autographed!1:45pm-2:30pm: Guy Harvey (2nd keynote presentation)2:00pm-4:30pm: Robert Bateman Book-signing (Spirit Gallery – Lower Level)3:00pm-3:45pm: Guided interpretive gallery walk (Steve Quinn)

4:30pm-5:15pm: “Observing & Portraying the Harpy Eagle & its Habitat” (David Kitler)

Sunday, November 6, 201111:00am-11:45am “Soysambu Conservancy” (Guy Combes)1:00pm-1:55pm: Canadian Premiere Screening of “This is Your Ocean: Sharks” Special introduction by producer and host Dr. Guy Harvey 2:15pm-3:00pm: “Galapagos – 40 Days and 40 Nights - An Artists Sojourn” (Kelly Dodge)3:00pm-3:45pm: Guided interpretive gallery walk w. Steve Quinn (Gallery)3:30pm-4:15pm: Alison Nicholls Lecture: “Art Inspired by Wildlife Conservation – from African Wild Dogs in Zimbabwe to Lions in Tanzania”

5:30pm-6:15pm: Terry Woodall Lecture: “The Freshwater Seals of Baikal Russia”

Monday, November 710:00am-2:00pm: “Adventures in Art & Environment” School Workshops 2:00pm-10:00pm: Festival open to public 2:30pm-6:00pm: Live art demos begin (Main chalet)3:30pm-4:15pm: “About Artists for Conservation” (Jeff Whiting, AFC President): 5:30pm-6:15pm: “The ‘White’ Cheetah of Athi” (Guy Combes)

Tuesday, November 8 10:00am-2:00pm: “Adventures in Art & Environment” School Workshops 2:00pm-10:00pm: Festival open to public 2:30pm-6:00pm: Live art demos begin (Main chalet)3:30pm-4:15pm: “The Serengeti Highway” (Guy Combes)

5:30pm-6:15pm: “Galapagos – 40 Days and 40 Nights - An Artists Sojourn” (Kelly Dodge)

Wednesday, November 9 10:00am-2:00pm: “Adventures in Art & Environment” School Workshops

Program Schedule

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2:00pm-10:00pm: Festival open to public 2:30pm-6:00pm: Live art demos begin (Main chalet)3:30pm-4:15pm: “The Freshwater Seals of Baikal, Russia” (Terry Woodall)5:30pm-6:15pm: “Observing & Portraying the Harpy Eagle & its Habitat (David Kitler)

Thursday, November 1010:00am-2:00pm: “Adventures in Art & Environment” School Workshops 2:00pm-10:00pm: Festival open to public 2:30pm-6:00pm: Live art demos begin (Main chalet)3:30pm-4:15pm: “Galapagos – 40 Days and 40 Nights – An Artist’s Sojourn” (Kelly Dodge)5:30pm-6:15pm: “About Artists for Conservation” (Jeff Whiting, AFC President) 7:15pm-8:00pm: Special screening of Guy Harvey film “This is Your Ocean: Sharks”

Friday, November 1110:00am-2:00pm: “Adventures in Art & Environment” School Workshops 2:00pm-10:00pm: Festival open to public 2:30pm-6:00pm: Live art demos begin (Main chalet)3:30pm-4:15pm: “Birds in a Different Light” (Kim Middleton)5:30pm-6:15pm: David Kitler Lecture: “Observing & Portraying the Endangered Harpy Eagle & its Habitat”

Saturday, November 1211:00am-11:45am: Kelly Dodge Lecture: “Galapagos – 40 Days and 40 Nights – An Artist’s Sojourn” 1:00pm-1:45pm: Pat & Rosemarie Keough Lecture: “Labyrinth Sublime: The inside Passage”2:15pm-3:00pm: Hosted screening of “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla” 4:00pm-4:45pm: Screening of “This is Your Ocean: Sharks”6:00pm-6:45pm: Jeff Whiting (AFC President): “About Artists for Conservation”

Sunday, November 1311:00am-11:45am: Kim Middleton Lecture: “Birds in a Different Light”1:00pm-1:45pm : Jeff Whiting (AFC President): “About Artists for Conservation” 2:00pm-2:45pm: Guided interpretive gallery walk (Gallery) with Jeff Whiting 3:00pm-3:45pm: Final screening of “This is Your Ocean: Sharks” 4:00pm-4:45 pm: Danny Catt Lecture: “Can Photography Save the World?”

First Nations Cultural Presentations (Hiwus Feasthouse)Sat, Nov 5 | 1:00pm-1:45pm | 2:30pm-3:15pmSun, Nov 6 | 1:00pm-1:45pm | 2:30pm-3:15pmSat Nov 12 | 11:30-12:15pm, 1:00pm-1:45pm, 2:30pm-3:15pm Sun, Nov 13 | 11:30-12:15pm, 1:00pm-1:45pm, 2:30pm-3:15pm

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Film Screenings (Theatre in the Sky) “How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla”Sat, Nov 5 | 12:30pm, 4:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pm Sun, Nov 6 | 10:00am, 12:00pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmMon, Nov 7 | 2:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmTue, Nov 8 | 2:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmWed, Nov 9 | 2:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmThu, Nov 10 | 2:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmFri, Nov 11 | 2:30pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmSat. Nov 12 | 10:00am, 12:00pm, 3:15pm, 5:00pm, 7:15pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:30pmSun, Nov 13 | 10:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm

“This is Your Ocean: Sharks”Sun, Nov 6 | Canadian premiere, 1:00pm w/ introduction by Dr. Guy Harvey.Thur, Nov 10 | 7:15pm

Sat, Nov 12 | 4:00pm

Live Art Demonstrations (Main Chalet)

Sat, Nov 5 | Guy Combes, David Kitler, Kim Middleton, Alison Nicholls, Stephen Quinn, Terry Isaac and Val Warner

Sun, Nov 6 | Sheila Ballantyne, Kim Middleton, Alison Nicholls, Stephen Quinn, Val Warner and Terry Woodall

Mon, Nov 7 | S. Ballantyne, R. Caretta, L. DuPuis-Rosen, D. Kitler, V. Warner and T. Woodall

Tue, Nov 8 | Sheila Ballantyne, Roy Caretta, Guy Combes, Val Warner and Terry Woodall

Wed, Nov 9 | Brent Cooke, David Kitler and Terry Woodall

Thu, Nov 10 | David Kitler

Fri, Nov 11 | David Kitler and Kim Middleton

Sat, Nov 12 | Kim Middleton

Sun, Nov 13 | Kim Middleton

Musical Guest

Michael Averill

First Nations Cultural Presentations

William Nahanee (Resident Coast Salish Elder at Grouse Mountain) & Guest Presenters & Artists.

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Sheila Ballantyne, AFC (Canada) Live demo

Sheila Ballantyne began her lifelong artistic journey at the age of twelve, is self-taught and now painting primarily in acrylic. Capturing the strength and beauty found in nature through dramatic composition and a soft life-like quality which draws the viewer into each painting. Her skill and ver-satility as a painter are demonstrated in the many and often unexpected subjects she portrays. Dedicating a career to preserving these images on

canvas, Sheila’s work has received numerous awards and has gained International recogni-tion in the world of wildlife art. Through donations of her work, Sheila is fulfilling her desire to help in raising funds and awareness for both local and national conservation efforts.

Robert Bateman, AFC (Canada) Keynote Lecturer, book-signingRobert Bateman’s realistic painting style, featuring wildlife in its habitat, encourages the viewer to examine the natural world. His work is in many public and private collections, and several art museums. He has had one-man museum shows throughout North America, including an exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC; most of these shows have drawn record-breaking crowds. Recently, the retrospective show, The Art

of Robert Bateman, toured Canada and the USA for two years, and a one-man show toured four cities in Russia. Bateman’s art reflects his commitment to ecology. Besides being one of Canada’s best-known artists, he is a spokesman for many environmental and preservation issues, using his art to raise millions of dollars for these causes. He has been the subject of numerous books and films; his honours and awards are numerous including 12 honorary doctorates, 3 schools named after him and Officer of the Order of Canada.

Danny Catt (Canada) LecturerDanny Catt is a biologist, world traveler and internationally published photographer with over 25 years of experience in the field of environmen-tal education. Over 13 years, Danny worked for Parks Canada as a naturalist and park planner. He now teaches Ecology and Parks & Outdoor Recre-ation Management at BCIT’s Fish, Wildlife & Recreation program. When not teaching, Danny works as a biologist and photographer on Arctic expedi-

tion ships, sailboats on the Pacific coast and gives natural history and photography lectures on cruise ships. In 2008, Danny received the City of Burnaby’s 2008 Environment Award, for his teaching and innovative use of technology in environmental education. In 2009, and 2010, he was selected as the Canadian recipient of the Rotary Foundation Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award. In 2011, Danny was inducted as a member of the Explorer’s Club.

Guy Combes, AFC (Kenya) Lecturer, live demosSon of the late acclaimed wildlife artist and conservationist, Simon Comb-es, Guy is an established wildlife artist in his own right. Coming to the end of five years as Artist in Residence at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, Guy is an award-winning member of Artists for Conservation and the Society of Animal Artists. He regularly lectures at zoos and universities, including Yale and George Mason, and has set up research programs at a facility he

helped develop at Soysambu Conservancy, Kenya, where he also leads expeditions for art-ists and conservation biology students. Guy is a tireless campaigner for numerous conser-vation causes, including Soysambu Conservancy, Action for Cheetahs in Kenya, Athi Kapiti Conservancy, Project Survival, Rhino Ark, Save the Rhino, Animal Ark, among many others. Most recently, Guy co-founded the highly effective “Stop the Serengeti Highway” campaign.

Featured Artists & Guest Presenters Bio Briefs

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Brent Cooke, AFC (Canada) Live demoBrent worked as the Director of Exhibitions for the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, BC, Canada for 33 years and is now a museum consul-tant and bronze artist. Brent’s love of nature is the inspiration for all of his artwork. Influenced by the Art Noveau/Deco period of design, Brent strives for anatomical accuracy and detail with each sculpture. He believes that a sculpture has been successful when the viewer is compelled to touch or

move the piece for a different angle of apprecation. As bronze is so heavy, he tries to find ways to give his pieces movement, speed, or a lightness through the use of empty space.

Kelly Dodge, AFC (Canada) Youth workshops; lecturerKelly has been a signature member of Artists for Conservation since 2001, the Pastel Society of America, N.Y. and the Society of Animal Artists, N.Y. since 2003 and 2004. Her work has been published numerous times most recently being featured in Wildscape Magazine U.K. In 2004 she was deemed an “Artist of Note” by Wildlife Art Magazine. A highlight of her career has been the prestigious AFC Flag Expedition Fellowship Award

enabling her to travel to the Galapagos Islands for the purposes of artistic field research. In 2010 she placed as first runner up in Wildscape as “Wildlife Artist of the Year” and received a 2010 AFC Medal of Excellence.

Linda Dupuis-Rosen, AFC (USA) Youth workshops; live demoLinda DuPuis-Rosen has been creating art for over 20 years. Although skilled in many media, she has focused her efforts in the unique area of wildlife in watercolor. Over the last 9 years, about 95% of her artwork has been used to help with fundraising and education for a number of wildlife conservation groups around the world. Her goal is to share her reflections of wildlife and nature with others and to use the art as a connection be-

tween the conservationists and the general public to help with education and fundraising. She is an active supporter of numerous wildlife conservation organizations, including the Wildlife Conservation Network, Painted Dog Conservation Project and The Snow Leopard Conservancy.

Guy Harvey, AFC (Cayman Islands, USA) Keynote Lecturer Guy Harvey is a unique blend of artist, scientist, diver, angler, conserva-tionist, author, filmmaker, TV host and explorer. As a former professor of Marine Biology, and ardent conservationist, Guy has long worked closely with conservation organizations to protect global fishery resources. In 2008, Guy launched the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF), a non-profit dedicated to helping scientists and educators foster future stewards

of the marine environment. Guy has received numerous awards including, most recently, AFC’s highest honour - the Simon Combes Conservation Artist of the Year award. A passion-ate ambassador for the oceans, he has become one of the world’s best known and most successful advocates in marine conservation. He currently maintains his art studio in Grand Cayman.

Mark Hobson (Canada) Youth workshopsA native of Tofino, BC, Mark paints in watercolours, acrylics and oils, and is best known for his portrayals of the BC coast and its wildlife including his depictions of the underwater marine world. A biologist, Mark taught high school sciences for nine years before launching a his art career in 1986. Mark’s artwork has shown internationally, including with the National Geo-graphic Society, and has won many awards in Canada and abroad. Mark

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has also been named” Artist of the Year” by both Ducks Unlimited and the BC Wildlife Federa-tion, and had designs selected four times by the Royal Canadian Mint for collector coins. An avid naturalist and strong advocate for preserving the world he loves to paint, Mark has donated numerous paintings and much time to projects to keep wilderness areas intact.

Terry Isaac, AFC (Canada) Live demoInternationally acclaimed wildlife artist, Terry Isaac, grew up in the Wil-lamette Valley of Oregon, where he began his love affair with wildlife, and drew inspiration from his backyard and the captivating vistas of the Northwest. Terry is also an accomplished teacher, and is featured in several books including his own: “Painting the Drama of Wildlife, Step by Step”. Dur-ing his career Terry has been named “Artist of the Year” at several presti-

gious art shows, placed in 12 stamp and print competitions, created artwork for Audubon Society handbooks and hired to develop the main character in a Walt Disney production. His works are housed in prominent permanent collections such as Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, American Airlines, and in private and corporate collections around the world.

Pat & Rosemarie Keough (Canada) Keynote LecturersPat and Rosemarie Keough are internationally acclaimed photographers, authors and publishers. For their hand-bound portfolio “Antarctica”, the Keoughs have received 23 prestigious honours including the Annual International Photography Awards “World’s Best Nature Photographers” and “World’s Best Photography Book”. Presently, the Keoughs are launching “Labyrinth Sublime: The Inside Passage”, 27 pounds in weight, featuring their

imagery of The Inside Passage. Over the past three decades the Keoughs have explored and photographed many remote regions of the world, from Canada to the South Seas, Africa, Asia and the two polar regions. The two hiked and canoed over 2000 miles in sub-arctic wilderness, while taking the photos for another of their large volumes and the footage for an award-winning television documentary. The Keoughs’ images have been published worldwide in Forbes, Smithsonian, Time, Patek Philippe International Magazine, etc. Pat and Rosemarie are Fellows and Medalists of The Explorers Club.

David Kitler, AFC (Canada) Youth workshops; lecturer, live demoWhen painting, David N. Kitler has two primary objectives: to bring the “wild” within reach of those who have not experienced it, and to provide a reminder to those who have. A member of Artists for Conservation, Society of Animal Artists, and Canada’s Group of Twelve, David has been invited to exhibit in North America’s major art shows. His paintings can be found in private collections around the world. They reflect his extensive travels,

and have received numerous Best of Show and Excellence awards. David’s reputation as an innovative artist, enthusiastic teacher, and passionate conservationist, has led to numerous articles, instructional DVDs, speaking engagements, and AFC’s first Flag expedition.

Kim L. Middleton, AFC (USA) Lecturer, live demoA native of Sitka, with degrees in Biology and Chemistry, Kim has worked as a research chemist and volunteer with the United States Peace Corps, in Botswana, Africa. Today, she actively works as an ornithologist, bird trainer, wildlife rehabilitator, field researcher, birdwatcher and avian artist. Kim guides birdwatching trips both locally and abroad. Her artwork reveals her passion and understanding of birds achieved through her life-long work

with them. Kim’s avian portraits have shown in national and international exhibits, includ-ing Birds in Art, The Art of Conservation, and Women Artist of the West exhibition, as well as several galleries and museums.

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Alison Nicholls, AFC (USA) Youth workshops; lecturer, live demoEnglish by birth, and a resident of New York City, Alison Nicholls lived in Botswana and Zimbabwe for 9 years, and returns annually to observe and sketch species in their natural habitat. Nicholls is a member of Artists For Conservation, the Society of Animal Artists, the Explorers Club and the Salmagundi Club. In 2007 she was awarded AFC’s 5th Flag Expedition, spending 6 weeks studying and sketching highly endangered African Wild

Dogs in Zimbabwe. Nicholls’ work has been featured internationally in art magazines. Her art has been used by the US State Department to promote the “Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking” initiative. In 2011 she guided Art Safaris in South Africa on behalf of Africa Geo-graphic magazine.

Stephen C. Quinn, AFC (USA) Lecturer; live demo; interpretive gallery tourNaturalist and artist Stephen C. Quinn joined the staff of the American Museum of Natural History in 1974 where he works today. He is a world authority on museum dioramas, and author of the recognized reference book “Windows on Nature: The Great Habitat Dioramas of the American Museum of Natural History”. He is a Fellow of the Explorer’s Club, a Sig-nature Member of the Society of Animal Artists, and has been a member

of Artists for Conservation since its founding. Quinn is the featured artist in AFC’s first film, which is premiering at the Festival. Quinn now looks forward to dedicating his energy to his personal passion - creating art to evoke concern, and inspire action, for the protection of threatened wildlife and ecosystems worldwide while raising funds for its support through the sale of his work.

Jeffrey Whiting, President & Founder of AFC (Canada) Lecturer A resident of North Vancouver, Jeff Whiting is the founder and visionary behind Artists for Conservation. A biologist/geologist by education, Jeff is a passionate sculptor, author, social entrepreneur and environmental advocate. At 16 years of age, the Prime Minister of Canada presented one of Jeff’s sculptures to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At 18, Jeff completed his first of 5 books and won first prize at the World Champion-

ships for Wildfowl Carving. A Signature Member of the Society of Animal Artists and Fellow International of the Explorer’s Club, Jeff serves on a variety of advisory committees. In 2010, Jeff was a recipient of Business in Vancouver’s 2010 Forty under 40 Awards. Jeff is also co-founder and partner in a leading Internet technology consulting firm, ISCAPE Internet Consulting, based in Vancouver, Canada.

Terry Woodall, AFC (USA) Youth workshops; lecturer, live demoTerry Woodall has achieved international recognition and numerous awards with his interpretive sculptures of wildlife interactions executed in both wood and bronze. These achievements include twice juried into the “Art of Conservation” exhibition at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum in New Jersey, and perhaps the most pivotal experience in Woodall’s career came with the Artists for Conservation Flag Expedition Award, which gave him

the opportunity for an artistic field study to Lake Baikal, Russia. Terry will also be a part of the upcoming “Art of Conservation 2011” exhibition and the first AFC Art Festival in Vancou-ver, BC. An accomplished writer, his articles on wildlife art have been published in Wildlife Art Magazine, Wildscape Magazine, and Wildlife Art Journal.

For more information about any of the artists, please visit www.artistsforconservation.org

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Observing and Portraying the Endangered Harpy Eagle and its Habitat | David Kitler In 2005, David N. Kitler travelled to the remote rainforests of Panama – in the inaugural trip under the AFC Flag Expedition program – to study the Harpy Eagle and its habitat. Harpy Eagles, the most powerful birds of prey in the world, once ranged from Mexico to Argen-tina. Today, this amazing raptor has disappeared almost entirely from its historical range. In this lecture, David will discuss the importance of Harpy Eagle conservation in the context of rainforest biodiversity, while showing photographs obtained during his Expedition and images of the resulting artwork.

Soysambu Conservancy | Guy Combes A presentation about the Soysambu Conservancy, an ecologically important and histori-cally significant area of land in the Great Rift Valley. In his talk he gives a background of Soysambu and his father’s legacy and his involvement. He outlines a background of Soysambu, the issues facing the Conservancy today and the triumphs achieved by the team so far, including campaigning for and achieving official status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Galapagos - Forty Days and Forty Nights - An Artist’s Sojourn | Kelly Dodge Join Canadian artist Kelly Dodge to hear about her travels to the Galapagos Islands under the AFC Flag Expeditions program. Under the program, Kelly spent almost six weeks study-ing, sketching and photographing the unique threatened habitats and endangered species of the islands. During her expedition, she encountered endangered waved albatrosses, sea lions, penguins, and the famous Galapagos giant tortoises. At home she interacts daily with woodpeckers, sparrows, chickadees, chipmunks and other creatures. See video, photos, sketches and time-lapse footage of resulting paintings. Join Kelly to explore the natural world through the eyes of one of Canada’s most gifted pastel artists.

Art Inspired by Conservation – from African Wild Dogs in Zimbabwe to Lions in Tanzania | Alison Nicholls In 2007, Alison Nicholls was awarded Artists for Conservation’s 5th Flag Expedition Fellow-ship, and spent 6 weeks at the Painted Dog Conservation project in Zimbabwe, tracking and sketching highly endangered African Wild Dogs. In 2011 she visited the African People & Wildlife Fund conservation project in Tanzania, to learn about complex conservation issues of the Maasai Steppe including human-wildlife conflict prevention strategies. Hear about “Ensnared” – a painting inspired by the issue of bushmeat and snares in Zimbabwe, and ideas for new work.

About Artists for Conservation | Jeffrey Whiting Discover the remarkable story and background to the world’s leading artist group sup-porting the environment. From online community to international artistic movement with art-science field expeditions, world-class art exhibits, environmental education programs, publications, film, and pioneering online community presence. Listen to AFC President & Founder, Jeff Whiting’s vision for AFC and how artists can help change the world.

The ‘White’ Cheetah of Athi | Guy CombesJoin Guy Combes for his second presentation and a fascinating account of his search and encounter with this unique creature, not seen for decades. Learn about cheetahs and issues facing cheetah conservation in terms of human development, and positive steps being

Featured Lectures

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made by the non-profit conservation organization Action for Cheetahs in Kenya.

The Serengeti Highway | Guy Combes In his third lecture, Guy discusses development issues as Tanzania moves forward into the 21st Century, why a road across the Serengeti will threaten the great migration and the entire Serengeti/Mara ecosystem. The presentation will tell a remarkable story, how Guy co-founded and developed the ‘Stop the Serengeti Highway’ Facebook page and Serengeti Watch, that played a pivotal role in mobilizing grassroots movement to stop the highway from being constructed. Guy will speak specifically about the victories they have achieved so far efficacy of social networking as a conservation awareness raising tool.

The Freshwater Seals of Lake Baikal, Russia | Terry Woodall Embark on a slide show adventure to the oldest and deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal Russia, and home of the world’s only freshwater seal species, the nerpa. The subject of the 2008 AFC Flag Expedition, Terry will describe his field study and the current state of the ani-mals and their habitat with an emphasis on the key role nerpas play as an indicator species. Since Russian scientists have kept meticulous records of lake temperatures and ice cycles for more than a century, the landlocked giant of Lake Baikal serves as a natural laboratory to monitor the effects diminishing ice cycles have on the nerpas as the climate changes.

Birds in a Different Light | Kim Middleton“Birds in a Different Light” explores the avian art world of Kim L. Middleton. As a biologist and artist, Kim has dedicated her life to bird conservation. Working hands-on with eagle, falcons, hawks and owls, participating in avian field research, and being a life-long bird watcher, gives Kim many opportunities to study her subject. Her art reflects the intimate knowledge she has acquired while working with birds. Hear Kim’s adventurous encounters with birds that are the inspirations and motivations behind her art. She delves into her transparent oil painting style and the unique techniques she uses to produce her luminous, life-like images, all the while informing the public about birds.

Labyrinth Sublime: The inside Passage | Pat & Rosemarie KeoughJoin internationally acclaimed photographers Pat and Rosemarie Keough for a very special presentation about a newly published, limited-edition tome entitled Labyrinth Sublime: The Inside Passage featuring their award-winning photography. The Keoughs’ Explorer Series of luxurious, hand-bound volumes have set new global standards for quality and craftsmanship, garnering the attention of Royalty. Share the experiences of this remarkable couple recognized by the Annual International Photography Awards as the “World’s Best Nature Photographers”.

Can photography Save the World? | Danny CattCan photography and the stories associated with their creation promote positive environ-mental and social change in the world today? Wildlife ecologist and photographer Danny Catt has tried to do so through documenting and sharing his international travels to over 50 countries around the globe. Danny has shared his adventures with thousands of people and his photos have appeared in publications all over North America including the Globe and Mail and New York Daily News newspapers as well as Canadian Geographic, Macleans and Time magazines. Join Danny for a virtual journey around the planet.

All lectures are being offered to the public free of charge with Grouse Mountain Skyride lift ticket. For dates and times for each, please refer to pages 10-13.

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Robert Bateman2011 AFC Festival Keynote Speaker & PatronRobert Bateman is a member of Artists for Conservation, and the featured artist at the Art-ists for Conservation Festival. He will also be signing copies of his latest book from 2pm to 4:30pm on the opening day of the Festival on November 5, 2011.

Mr. Bateman is generously supporting Artists For Conservation and its fundraising efforts with a major original painting, created specifically to commemorate and raise funds for the first annual Artists For Conservation Festival at Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver, Canada.The painting, valued at $55,000 will be offered for sale during the festival and a special “conservation edition” of 100 signed and numbered limited edition prints, will be available for pre-sale as of the Festival Gala November 4, 2011.

Robert Bateman is recognized the world over for his exceptional masterpieces and for his unwavering dedication to the conservation cause. An avid orator, he shares his love of the natural heritage with anyone who will listen and impresses upon his audiences his fervent love for all things living. His paintings reflect his caring nature and devotion all creatures.

Bateman has been instrumental in raising millions of dollars through the sale of his artwork for conservation organizations. Museums, galleries, royalty, and other avid collectors world-wide treasure his artwork and admire his dedication to preserve and protect nature’s glory.

Bateman’s special commissions have included a wedding gift for HRH The Prince Charles, a Platinum Polar Bear Coin Series for the Royal Canadian Mint, and an Endangered Species Postage Stamp Series from 1976-1981 for Canada Post.

His temporary and traveling exhibitions draw sell-out crowds both in Canada and abroad. His major academic honours include twelve honorary doctorates including Doctorates in Fine Arts, Laws, and Science. Canada’s highest civilian award, Officer of the Order of Canada, was bestowed upon him in 1984. The Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 1977 and 2002 are also to his credit. In 1987, Bateman received the Governor General’s Award for Conservation. The Society of Animal Artists presented him with the Award of Excellence in 1979, 1980, 1981,

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AFC Awards exist to highlight excellence in conservation and art and to empower and reward passionate professional artists as effective ambassadors for the environment. AFC currently runs four awards programs: the monthly Conservation Artist Award, the AFC Medal of Excellence, the Wildscape Editor’s Choice Award, and AFC’s top annual award - the Simon Combes Conservation award.

For a complete list of all awards, please visit the virtual exhibit online at www.artistsforcon-servation.org/virtual-exhibit.

Simon Combes Conservation Award 2011 Recipient: Guy Harvey – Artist (USA)Guy Harvey is a passionate and effective ambassador for the oceans, and is one of the world’s best known and most successful advocates in marine conservation. He will receive the Simon Combes Award in person at the awards ceremony on November 5, during the opening weekend the AFC Festival.

2011 Awards

1986, and 1990. In 1998 the American Academy of Achievement honoured him with the Golden Plate Award. In 2008, Artists For Conservation awarded Bateman the prestigious Simon Combes Conservation Award. In addition, three schools are named after him.

His published works detail his professional life, artistic techniques, and endless passion for conservation. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the National Film Board of Canada, and Eco-Art Production have produced documentaries featuring his life and his art. He holds honorary memberships in many conservation organizations.

Most recently, the Canadian government presented one of his paintings as a wedding gift to HRH The Prince William. and the retrospective show, The Art of Robert Bateman, toured Canada and the USA for two years, and a one-man show toured four cities in Russia.

Festival vistors will have the opportunity to meet Robert Bateman on November 5, 2011, where he will be unveiling a painting, giving a keynote speech and performing a book signing. For details, please refer to the program schedule.

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Strategic Partners

ISCAPE Internet Consulting“Strategy. Design. Development. Project Management”www.iscapeinternet.com

Sponsors & Supporters

103.5 QMFM Radio“Today’s Soft Rock”www.qmfm.com

CTV British Columbiawww.ctvbc.ca

North Shore News“Connecting Our Community”www.nsnews.com

Vancouver’s North Shore Tourism“Where Nature Lives”www.vancouversnorthshore.com

ShenYun 2012 Performing Arts“Reviving 5,000 years of civilization”www.shenyun2012.com

Junction Marketing“A leading online marketing strategy firm”www.junctionmarketing.com

Media Partners


Grouse Mountain“The Peak of Vancouver” www.grousemountain.com

Common ground Magazine“Dedicated to health, wellness, ecology and personal growth” www.commonground.ca

Wildscape Magazine“The Journal of Wildlife Art and Conservation” www.wildscapemag.co.uk

Wildlife Art Journal“The Art of Nature Connecting the World” www.wildlifeartjournal.com

Page 25: 2011 Artists for Conservation Festival Program


Vancouver Mortgage“Solutions you need. Experience you can trust.”www.vancouvermortgagecorp.com

Lonsdale RentalsNorth Shore event rentalswww.lonsdaleevents.com

Whistler Water“Canada’s Glacial Spring Water”www.whistlerwater.com

Bloom Digital Marketing“Search Engine Marketing Solutions”www.bloommarketing.ca

Sip Publicity“Sustainability, Integrity, Philangthropy”www.sippublicity.com


Dodge Custom Carpets“Distinctive Handcrafted Floorcoverings”www.dodgecustomcarpets.ca

ISCAPE Internet Consulting“Strategy. Design. Development. Project Management”www.iscapeinternet.com A warm thank you to all of our artists, partners, sponsors and volunteers, without whom,

none of this would be possible.

In particular, we would like to extend our enormous gratitude to the entire Grouse Moun-tain Wildlife Refuge team and Grouse Mountain staff for your tremendous support and hard work in bringing the festival together.

A special thanks to William Nahanee for ten consecutive days of First Nations cultural pre-sentations.

Special Acknowledgements

Patrons & Donors

Holly & Michael AlexanderRobert BatemanLinda FesykMichael O’Brian FoundationMichelle Sharp

Bobak TehranianVal Warner Jeffrey & Yasaman WhitingWilliam & Diane WhitingKen Whiting

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Festival Team

Jeff Whiting - Executive DirectorChantal Schauch - Communications DirectorBill Whiting - Managing DirectorYasaman Whiting - Program DirectorJennifer Maloney - Public Relations (Sip Publicity)Connor Galway - Social Media Strategist (Junction Marketing)VJ Naidu - Social Media Specialist (Junction Marketing)Azita Fazli - SEO Strategist (Bloom Marketing)Carlos Obregon - SEO Strategist (Bloom Marketing)

Volunteer Team Leads

Diane Rolston - Volunteer Lead - Event ManagementRosslyn Shipp - Volunteer Lead - Event ManagementZuzana Matvejova - Volunteer Lead - Artists and Field TripsBrian Dombroski - Volunteer Lead Brad Dodge - Volunteer - Art Exhibit DesignLaurie Wilmot - Volunteer Lead - Partnerships and Youth Outreach Michael Averill, Live MusicChris Johnson - Art Exhibit Installation

...and to our small army of dedicated volunteers

Copyright © 2011, Artists for Conservation International Foundation. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all text, photos and images copyright © 2011, Artists for Conservation International Foundation. All art images reproduced courtesy of the artists and protected by copyright © by each respective artist.

This booklet is printed on FSC certified paper (from a certified sustainably forested source).

The Artists for Conservation logo, Art of Conservation wordmark, Artists for Conservation flag and butterfly emblem, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Artists for Conservation Foundation, Inc., used with permission by Artists for Conservation International Foundation. Unless otherwise specified, the artwork within this booklet is copyright protected by the respective artist. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Artists for Conservation International Foundation.

Artists for Conservation International FoundationSuite #242 - 991 Hornby St.Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 1V3www.artistsforconservation.org/festival



Page 27: 2011 Artists for Conservation Festival Program


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Published as a companion to Artists for Conservation's annual exhibit and the �rst Artists for Conservation Festival at Grouse Mountain, this book features artworks by members of the AFC. In addition, the book includes a tribute to the �rst Artists for Conservation Festival and to Guy Harvey - recipient of the 2011 Simon Combes Conservation Award, and chapters on a recent Flag Expedition to the Congo. A beautiful collectible book, with limited quantities available. The book is approxi-mately 10" x 10", hardcover with 192 pages and printed on FSC-certi�ed (sustainably forested) paper stock.

. . .of AFC’s latest 2011 exhibit book...

Have your copy autographed by the attending master artists in person... Makes a great gift and supports the arts and conservation!

Purchase at the Festival or order onl ine at www.ArtistsForConservation.org/store.

In addition to highlighting major international public and religious holidays, this calendar highlights key environmental-themed dates, elevating awareness of critical environmental concerns. The artworks in this calendar are selected from AFC's 2011 annual exhibit, featuring artwork by many of the world's most talented nature and wildlife artists. In addition to supporting AFC programs, a portion of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Both beautiful and informative, this unique calendar makes a superb gift to anyone who appreciates art and nature. Printed on FSC-certi�ed (sustainably forested) paper stock is 10" x 10".

. . .and 2012 calendar.

Get your copy...

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$16.95. Limited quantities available.









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