Spring 2011 Issue 21 DSS ALL DSS BENEFITS 2011 55 years of Social Security in Malta Visit us on Visit us on Visit us on Visit us on the web the web the web the web www.socialsecurity.gov.mt www.socialsecurity.gov.mt www.socialsecurity.gov.mt www.socialsecurity.gov.mt SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE

2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

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Page 1: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Spring 2011 Issue 21



2011 55 years of

Social Security in Malta

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Page 2: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

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Page 3: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Has it ever occurred to you that you get excited about an idea, a dream or a goal that you have always desired but you immediately brush it aside believing you will never achieve it because you are not wired to be part of it. Then time passes, you look back and realise that had someone had the time to edge your courage you would have succeeded 100% and your life today would be totally different? At what point in our life journey do we start changing from bubbly, positive beings to sulky, moaning, disinterested people in anything that goes on around us? Most of the time this happens when we start thinking in reverse, when we start making failure our teacher! If we keep thinking of our past mistakes, our future will be pretty much the same. We have to let go and build v i s i o n s o f a g r e a t f u t u r e . Otherwise we will surround ourselves with resentment and guilt. In both situations we are continually getting emotionally involved with the negative moments we had one experienced. It is time to realise that both resentment and guilt stop growth. They both lead to anger and eventually depression. Depression is anger turned inwards. We need to recall that happiness, health and prosperity are our birthright. So what is it that deviates us from the beauty that surrounds us? It is self talk or as Emile Coue states - autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what we say. All great literatures talk about the power of the WORD. Scientists are now proving that the brain responds immediately to the emotion that is created by what we "say" to ourselves. So if we still feel bitter inside, about a circumstance or towards a person , that feeling effects our daily performance. The more we give attention to this brain "chatter" the more are we likely to sabotage ourselves. Many fool themselves that they are over the hurt because they choose to put aside the idea every time it crops up in their mind. Truth is that whenever they talk about it they relive the moment again and again and the wound grows deeper. What is the best solution to overcome this

state of stuckiness in our lives? We can sum up the solution in three words: Forgiveness, Gratitude and Self awareness. Forgiveness is the best medicine towards healing oneself from deep emotional scars. We need to remind ourselves that the past is not a reflection of the future and the wall we have built around us to protect us from further pain is also keeping out the light and joy life brings along. Life is a roller coaster. When we go through the lower depths we have to remind ourselves that everything is in passing. Stop believing that your existence in this world is to suffer. Do not ask for less problems but ask for more skills to tackle the problems. Along this process then you mature, you learn and so long as you apply new practises. in your life you obtain wisdom. Resistance blocks the mind and darkens the soul. Applying gratitude and forgiveness for who you are and what you have you enhance your self image. The greatest secret to all this is being present all the time to the present moment. This raises our awareness to what happens around us and by turning our attention to the Now the rest will slowly neutralise itself. Change you words. Be conscious of the vocabulary you use and substitute by positive talk. Stop criticising yourself, genuinely forgive yourself for all past mistakes and say "This is a new day. Today is the first day of my new life". Daily empower yourself by frequently repeating the powerful statement with emotion "Every day in EVERY way I am getting better and better". I would highly advise you to read the short book of Emile Coue - The Mastery of Conscious Autosuggestion and I promise your life will never be the same again.� Josette Ciappara

Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn't happen.

Alyce P. Cornyn

Page 4: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

serves 4 (starter portion)

INGREDIENTS 25 king tiger prawns 150 grams flour

150 grams cornflour spoon poppy seeds spoon sesame seeds

pinch salt 500 ml champagne 100 ml sweet chilli

METHOD � Peel the prawns leaving the tail on and put on a sheet or a cloth to dry

after they have been rinsed. � In a round bowl mix the above ingredients with the champagne, very

important that the champagne is added slowly and bit by bit you might not use all of it in the mixture.

� Prepare a frying pot and heat up the oil, dip the prawns in the mixture and

deep fry. � When they get to a golden colour, take off the oil and put on a napkin to

oil dry. � In separate bowl now put the prawns and mix with the sweet chilli and

toss. Serve with a saladette and some balsamic reduction.


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The compulsory contribution covers the risks of old age, death, invalidity, industrial injury and occupational disease, and for pensions and supplementary benefits. It also covers children's allowance, social assistance and the services under the Health Scheme. Every person who has passed his sixteenth birthday, but has not yet reached his retirement, shall become insured under this Act either as an employed person or as a self-employed person, or as a self-occupied person if not exempted as stipulated in the provisions of Article 6, and Article 12 (1) of the Social Security Act (Cap 318). All cash benefits are administered by the Department of Social Security (Dipartiment tas-Sigurtà Soëjali)

through the 24 district offices (22 in Malta and 2 in the sister island of Gozo). The Ministry of Education Employment and the Family (Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni,Impjiegi u l-Familja) is responsible for the supervision of the benefits paid by the Department of Social Security; to actively promote, facilitate and contribute to the ongoing development of an inclusive society through the provisions of quality-personalised services and by actively encouraging and assisting individuals, families and community associations to participate in fighting social exclusions, ensuring equal opportunities for all, with specific emphasis on the most vulnerable members of society.



Page 6: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Burns and Scalds This kind of injury can happen when handling hot drinks and hot food, especially in the pantry. The temperature of certain parts of some office equipment and machines (e.g. printer head, some parts of photocopying machines, etc.) is high enough to cause burns. Ensure that the pots and stoves used in the pantry are of the appropriate size and type so that there is no risk for the pot to tip over. Pots should be properly placed on the stoves. All heating surfaces and pots in the pantry should be regarded as hot if uncertain. Pots holding hot substances must not be placed in public areas. Avoid congestion inside the pantry. Improper use of microwave ovens may also cause burns and scald injuries. Never heat food stuff inside air-tight containers. The manufacturer’s operating instructions must be strictly followed. Never put hot drinks in places where they can be easily knocked over. Sufficient warnings should be given to other persons who are nearby when hot substances are being moved or handled. Never touch any hot machine parts.

Your refrigerator uses more energy than any other appliance in your, but there are a few things you can do to keep energy consumption to a minimum: The fridge should be kept at 3-5°C, the freezer at -17 to -15°C. Try to open the fridge door less frequently

and for a shorter duration to conserve energy. Don’t place your fridge in a warm spot — near a heater or in direct sunlight. Keep the door gasket clean to make sure the seal isn’t broken by dried food. Check and compare energy ratings before buying large appliances. Cook food in glass dishes which are quicker than metal pans. The bottom of your pan or pot should be the same size as the burner to use the minimum amount of energy. Don’t waste energy preheating your oven, most ovens don’t need it. For pastries and cakes, preheating 10 minutes is plenty. You can also turn your oven off 15 minutes early for major items like roasts and casseroles — the heat left in the oven will finish the job. Turn down the heat after water boils. Lightly boiling water is the same temperature as a roaring boil. Water will boil more quickly if there is a lid on the pan. Cooking frozen foods uses more energy — thaw them out first.

Page 7: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Djamanta, kemm qiegħda tlellex! Li naħdmuk aħna kburin. Għandek prezzek illi jkexkex. Għal dan ix-xogħol magħrufin. Kif sabuk āewwa l-minjieri āejt għandna int, biex naqtgħuk. Nafu wkoll dan x’jiāifieri. Ta’ kuljum, lilek narawk. Kemm āejt sabiħa, Brillanta! Tas-sengħa dawk li jaħdmuk. L-għajnejn għaddejja tittanta B’dawk il-faëëetti li nagħtuk. Charles Zammit Taqsima tal-Pensjonijiet

1. No Breakfast People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. 2 . Overeating It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power. 3. Smoking It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease. 4. High Sugar consumption Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. 5. Air Pollution The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency. 6 . Sleep Deprivation Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.. 7. Head covered while sleeping Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects. 8. Working your brain during illness Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain. 9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage. 10. Talking Rarely Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

Page 8: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Nassumi li full tfisser pensjoni massima mhux pensjoni sħiħa. Id-differenza hija li pensjoni massima hija l-ogħla pensjoni li titħallas waqt li pensjoni sħiħa hija l-pensjoni li titħallas lil min għandu l-medja massima ta’ kontribuzzjonijiet. Il-pensjoni massima li tista’ titħallas fl-2010 hija ta’ ftit anqas minn €220 fil-āimgħa. Din tirrapreŜenta Ŝewā terzi tal-paga fil-āimgħa (€329.15) li

fuqha titħallas l-ogħla kontribuzzjoni tas-sigurtà soëjali fil-āimgħa (€32.91) minn persuna mpjegata. Pensjonanti li jirëievu din il-pensjoni huma dawk li (i) is-salarju tagħhom din is-sena jkun ta’ €17,115.80 fis-sena jew aktar, (ii) il-medja massima tal-kontribuzzjonijiet imħallsa jew akkreditati hija ta’ 50 jew aktar, u (iii) m’għandhomx pensjoni tas-servizz jew jekk l-ammont oriāinali ta’ din il-pensjoni huwa anqas minn €666 fis-sena. Il-pensjoni massima hija l-istess għal kulħadd, irrispettivament jekk kienx jaħdem ir-raāel biss, il-mara biss jew it-tnejn. Fil-kaŜ li jkunu jaħdmu t-tnejn, dawn jistgħu jieħdu l-pensjoni massima it-tnejn separatament jekk jissodisfaw il-kriterji li semmejt fuq. Pensjoni sħiħa, li titħallas lil min għandu l-medja massima ta’ kontribuzzjonijiet (50 jew aktar), tvarja skont id-dħul pensjonabbli. Il-mod kif id-dħul pensjonabbli jiāi kkalkulat ivarja skont jekk il-persuna hix impjegata jew taħdem għal rasha, ivarja skont meta l-persuna waqfet mix-xogħol, u, anke wara r-riforma tal-pensjonijiet, ivarja skont meta l-persuna tkun twieldet. Xi ħadd li l-medja ta’ kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħu tkun anqas minn 50 iŜda aktar minn 15 (fil-kaŜ tal-pensjoni taŜ-Ŝewā terzi) jew aktar minn 20 (fil-kaŜ tal-pensjonijiet tal-irtirar l-oħrajn) xorta jieħu pensjoni iŜda ma tkunx sħiħa. F’dan il-kaŜ il-pensjoni mħallsa ma tvarjax biss skont id-dħul pensjonabbli iŜda wkoll skont il-medja tal-kontribuzzjonijiet.

F’kaŜ meta l-konjuāi jmut qabel l-età tal-pensjoni, salve id-disposizzjonijiet dwar il-pensjoni tas-servizz, l-armla jew l-armel jitħallsu ħamsa minn sitta (5/6) tal-pensjoni taŜ-Ŝewā terzi li l-konjuāi l-mejjet kieku kien jirëievi kieku irtira fid-data tal-mewt. Jekk l-armla jew l-armel ikollhom dritt għal pensjoni tas-servizz, ir-rata ta’ pensjoni mħallsa tvarja iŜda l-prinëipju xorta jibqa’ li jirëievu ħamsa minn sitta (5/6) ta’ dak li kieku kien jirëievi l-konjuāi l-mejjet. Il-pensjoni tar-romol ma tiŜdiedx meta l-armel jew l-armla jagħlqu 60 sena, apparti Ŝidiet li jistgħu jieħdu tal-ogħli tal-ħajja jew reviŜjoni annwali. IŜda jekk l-armel jew l-armla jkunu qed jaħdmu u

jħallsu l-kontribuzzjoni u jilħqu l-età tal-irtirar u jkollhom dritt għall-pensjoni tal-irtirar, isir il-kalkolu tal-pensjoni tal-irtirar ukoll. F’dan il-kaŜ, titħallas l-ogħla pensjoni jiāifieri titħallas

pensjoni tas-sigurtà soëjali waħda. F’dan il-kaŜm l-armel jew l-armla jkunu jridu japplikaw għall-pensjoni tal-irtirar daqs li kieku m’huma jirëievu l-ebda pensjoni oħra.

Kemm hi l-pensjoni ‘full’ tal-irtirar ta’ koppja miŜŜewāa li r-raāel biss kien jaħdem u jħallas il-bolla? Meta tgħid ‘full’ hi l-istess għal kulħadd? Jekk raāel imut qabel l-eta’ tal-pensjoni u martu tibda tieħu l-pensjoni tar-romol, din tiŜdied meta hi tagħlaq 60 sena?





Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A

Mark Musù huwa d-Direttur (śvilupp Strateāiku u Relazzjonijiet Internazzjonali) fid-Dipartiment tas-Sigurtà Soëjali.

Page 9: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Benefits under the Social Security Act Chapter 318

Contributory Benefits


Sickness Benefit (SB)

Must have paid 52 contributions and paid or credited no less than 20 contributions in the two (2) years prior to benefit claim. Benefit is paid for 156 days but can be renewed for a further one year depending on the amount of contributions paid.

Marriage Grant (MRG)

Must have paid at least 26 contributions and resident in Malta prior to marriage.

Unemployment Benefit (UB)

Must have paid 52 contributions and paid or credited no less than 20 contributions class one in the two (2) years prior to claim. Benefit is paid for a maximum of 156 days.

Special Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Must be already entitled to Unemployment Benefit (UB) and must satisfy means test as for Unemployment Assistance. Depending on the number of members in the household one may also be entitled to SUB and part Unemployment Assistance (UA).

Injury Benefit (IB); Injury Grant (IG) / Pension (DP)

When the injury sustained causes permanent incapacity, the person concerned should be entitled to an IB grant or IB Pension. To be entitled to a grant one must have suffered permanent incapacity of 1 % to 19%. If the permanent incapacity is greater than 20% but not more than 89% a disability pension is given. If incapacity is 90% or over one qualifies automatically to an Invalidity Pension. Pension is paid in full as if the insured person had paid all contributions. In case of a fatal injury the widower/widow qualifies to a full pension as if spouse had full contribution record.


Retirement Pension (RP)

Must have paid 156 contributions and an average of 20 paid/credited contributions per annum (minimum) throughout his/her working life from 18/19 years till 61 to 65 years.

Page 10: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Two-Thirds Pension (TTP)

The best 3 years wages in the last 10 years (or 11,12 or 13 years for those who qualify at 62/63/64 years of age as hereunder) of employment and the average of net profits in the last 10 years if self occupied. Besides income, it also depends on contributions in the last 10 years and another 20 (or 35) years contributions from previous years: an average of 15 contributions per annum (minimum) contributions must have been paid to qualify. Those who were born in 1951 or before, qualify at 61 years with at least 30 years paid/credited contributions for a full pension. Those who were born between 1952 and 1955 would qualify at age 62 years* and 35 years contributions 1956 and 1958 would qualify at age 63 years* and 35 years contributions 1959 and 1961 would qualify at age 64 years* and 35 years contributions 1962 and after would qualify at age 65 years* and 40 years contributions and best ten (10) years (any 10 years) in 40 years. *can retire at age 61 if the amount of 35 years/40 years paid/credited contributions have been paid: but cannot work before their scheduled retirement age.

Widows Pension (WD)

Late spouse must have paid at least 156 contributions and an average of 20 (minimum) contributions yearly during their working life 18/19 years to 61 to 65 years or till spouse’s death if prior to retirement. Widow/widower’s Pension is 5/6 of the 2/3 pension of late spouse or 5/9 of the spouse’s pensionable income.` *If the surviving spouse has children under 18 years of age and in respect of whom children allowance is being paid and is employed, there is no limit to her earnings: only the allowance per child under 16/18 years is reduced from €9.32 from her entitlement to €4.54 per child. *In the case of those survivors who are in employment with no dependent children and earn less than the minimum wage, do not forfeit their pension entitlement. These may also not pay Social Security contributions if so they opt. However, those survivors who earn more than the minimum wage and have children under 21 years, who are not gainfully occupied or are following a full time course, can still work and have their pension entitlement deducted by the difference over the minimum wage: they never receive less than the minimum pension rate. Over pension age the surviving spouse is always regarded as other retired pensioners. If a widow stops working to bring up the family her contribution record is credited so that if she again starts work, her pension entitlement would not be affected.

Marriage Grant (WRG)

A widow on remarrying retains her pension entitlement for the next 5 years, receiving the widows’ flat rate.

Invalidity Pension (IP)

Minimum of 250 contributions and an average of at least 20 contributions paid or credited contributions, from age 19 years if born before 4

th April 1958 and from age

18 if born after 4th April 1958, till the end of the calendar year prior to his invalidity


Page 11: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

Orphans Allowance (OA) Payable in respect of children under 16 years who lost both parents and one of the parents had been insured under the Social Security Act

Supplementary Orphans Allowance Paid to orphans between the ages of 16 and 21 years. They can work provided that their earnings together with the benefit paid, do not exceed the minimum wage for a person aged 18 years.


Age Pension (AP) Paid by age 60 years Capital €14000 for single persons €23300 for a married couple No deductions for the first €270 income for a Single Person No deductions for the first €385 income for a Married Person No account of house of residence, summer resort, car and garage for personal use

Disability Pension (HP) Impaired Vision (BLD) — payable by age 14 years Mental Disability (HP) — paid by age 16 years Severe Physical Disability (SHP) — payable by age 16 years There is no Capital Means Test. Income should not exceed the minimum wage payable for a person of 16 years. If the pensioner is employed no deductions in pension are effected, if the income earned added to pension entitlement do not exceed the minimum wage.

Carer’s Pension (PW) Patient must be bedridden or wheelchair case. Claimant must be a relative to the patient as son/daughter, grand daughter/son, brother/sister–in-laws, nephew/niece.


Social Assistance (SA) Capital €14000 for single €23300 for a married person. No deduction for the first €95 income. No account of House of Residence, Summer Resort, car and garage for personal use. Vacant property is estimated to render 5.5% after the first €585 of the estimated capital. This applies to all group of Social Assistance. Head of household must be unemployed and unfit for work, or separated and having children to look after. If engaged on therapy work by Richmond Foundation or Mt. Carmel Hospital no deduction in Social Assistance/Unemployment Assistance rate if earnings and social assistance do not exceed the minimum wage.

Single Unmarried Person (SUP) Social assistance paid to single parents for self and child at 75% of the Social

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Assistance rate for two persons if not living on their own. No deductions in their Social Assistance entitlement if they work and earn up to the difference of two persons (full rate Social Assistance) from the minimum wage. If it exceeds this amount, Single Unmarried Person entitlement is deducted till it tapers to zero.

Social Assistance Carers (SAF) Paid to both single/males and females or widows or widowers who are taking care, alone and on full time basis, of a relative to whom they are related as son/daughter, sister/brother, in-laws, grandson/daughter, nephew/niece.

Social Assistance Board (SAB) Payable to spouse and dependents of the head of household, who is unemployed but who cannot register under part one for having left employment voluntarily, discharged on disciplinary grounds from employment, or of having been struck off part one register by ETC for refusing work/training, or found working or failed to call for an interview at ETC (means test as for Social Assistance). May also apply in cases where head of household left employment on medical grounds, but this reason was not mentioned on the termination form by the employer. Head of household is to register under part two. However, those who had been found working while registering for work are not allowed to register under part two either.

Rent element A flat rate of €1.16 per week payable to beneficiaries of Social Assistance/Unemployment Assistance and Non Contributory Pensions who are paying rent.

Unemployment Assistance (UA) Head of household must be unemployed and registering for work under part one.

Drug Addicts (DAD) An allowance of €23.30 allowance is paid weekly to Drug Addicts undergoing therapeutic/rehabilitation treatment at an institution recognised by the Ministry and is payable throughout his/her stay in the programme. If spouse is gainfully occupied, the allowance is still paid to the spouse undergoing rehabilitation programme. This allowance is not however paid to CCF inmates. The Capital of the household should not exceed €14000 for a single person and €23300 for a married couple.


Sickness Assistance (SKA) Capital is €14000 for a single person and €23300 for a married couple. Claimant must not be gainfully occupied and national minimum pension rate is deducted from income. Most common diseases are Schizophrenia, Diabetes or Hypertension among those mentioned under part one of fifth schedule.

Sickness Assistance for persons suffering from Schizophrenia or persons in receipt of a handicapped pension If the patient is not the head of household, only the means of the individual is

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assessed as if she/he is forming household of her/his own.

Medical Aid Entitles a person to free medicines – Capital €16310 married – €9320 single. No means test for persons in receipt of Age Pension, Social Assistance, Tuberculoses Assistance, Leprosy Assistance, Diabetes or Poliomyelitis.

Tuberculosis Assistance (TA) This allowance paid for a period of six months which is the usual period of treatment is not means tested.

Leprosy Assistance (LA) This benefit is not means tested.

Milk Grant (MG) Is paid to persons in receipt of Social Assistance or in receipt of Tuberculosis Assistance. Paid for the first 40 weeks from birth of child if the child cannot be breastfed for health reasons or requires complimentary food. Only one payment is issued in case of twins or triplets.


Children Allowance (CA) / Children Allowance Flat Rate (CAFR) Paid to parents who have the care and custody of a child. Those whose income is under the maximum income threshold are entitled to 6% per child of the difference of actual income from the maximum income threshold. Those families where the weekly Children Allowance entitlement is less than €4.81 per week per child, entitlement is increased to €4.81 per week per child. Those whose income is less than the minimum income threshold are entitled to maximum rate of Children Allowance. Those in receipt of Social Assistance, Single Unmarried Parents and Unemployment Assistance are also entitled to full rate of Children Allowance. Children Allowance Flat Rate: those whose income exceeds the maximum income threshold are paid a flat rate of €4.81 per week per child, not to exceed €250 per child per annum.

Disability Child Allowance (DCA) Paid to parents of children certified to be suffering from certain physical and/or mental disability. This allowance is not means tested. Rate is €16.31 per child per week. Disability Child Allowance can be awarded in conjunction with Children Allowance or Children Allowance Flat Rate or Foster Care Allowance.

Maternity Benefit (MB) Paid to women by virtue of their being pregnant. Not awarded to women who avail themselves of maternity leave.

Supplementary Allowance (SPA) All those who are a head of a household and have an income that does not exceed the limit set for Supplementary Allowance may receive Supplementary Allowance

Page 14: 2011 55 years of - socialsecurity.gov.mt · self talkor asEmile Coue states- autosuggestion. Many say that we are what we eat. Today we go a step further to state that we are what

This limit may change every year. Supplementary Allowance rates vary according to income.

Unemployment Special Allowance (CAPU) Paid to parents in respect of children of age 16 to 21 years of age, who are registering for work and had never been employed. They are paid 2% of the difference from €23923 and their actual income. It is not paid to households whose income exceeds €23923. Special Allowance (CAPS): payable to the parents in respect of children from 16 years to 21 years who are still attending a full-time education and are not receiving any kind of remuneration (2% of the difference from €23923 and their actual income).

Foster Care Allowance (FCA) This is not means tested but a flat rate of €70 per week is paid till child is 21 years of age. Applications have to be approved by Appoāā.


Energy Benefit (ENRG) Energy Benefit, aimed to mitigate the effect of the expenditure on water and electricity bills on low income families, is paid by vouchers which are to be presented when settling water and electricity bills. to those who receive any one of: • Social Assistance including Social Assistance for carers or for unmarried single parents

• Special Unemployment Benefit • Unemployment Assistance • Age Pension • Carer’s Pension

• a yearly total family income not exceeding the limit set for Energy Benefit and receive any one of: Children’s Allowance Supplementary Allowance Disability Pension This limit set for Energy Benefit may change every year.

or: • have your case approved by us as a humanitarian case

Service/Foreign Pension - Half Yearly/End of Year Bonus Bonus of €135.10 (6MBO) paid in June and December is paid to those who are in receipt of a foreign pension/service pension (but are not in receipt of a pension under the Social Security Act). The additional bonus of €81.12 (SPBO - €3.12 per week for 26 weeks) is also paid with the service pension bonus.