2010 Roman history

2010 Roman history

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2010 Roman history. Hannibal & Scipio. 1. Hannibal fought 4 Carthage 2. Scipio fought 4 Rome. 3. 2 nd Punic War 4. Hannibal crosses Alpes with elephants 5. Hannibal in Italy for 15 years! 6. Battle of Zama-Scipio wins. Gracchi brothers. 1. famous mother, Cornelia (famous family), - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2010 Roman history

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Hannibal & Scipio

• 1. Hannibal fought 4 Carthage• 2. Scipio fought 4 Rome.• 3. 2nd Punic War• 4. Hannibal crosses Alpes with elephants• 5. Hannibal in Italy for 15 years!• 6. Battle of Zama-Scipio wins

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Gracchi brothers

• 1. famous mother, Cornelia (famous family),called her sons her jewels

2. extend citizenship to others3. poor people get LAND! Everyone wants LAND! 4. populares party!! For the plebs and their rights.


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• Consul 7 x• Populares party (Caesar’s uncle)• Enemy was Sulla• Proscription list=hit list• Changed/reformed the army; made it a

professional army by letting in plebs & paying them! 20 years in army now.

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• Optimates• Dictator• Marched on Rome with his army; illegal!• Enemy was Marius• Proscription list =hit list

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Spartacus: 73-71 BC

• - slave turned gladiator turned revolt leader• Slaves busted out of gladiator school• Defeat 5 Roman armies• Crassus finally puts the slave revolt down

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• -optimates• Lawyer• consul• He is #1 public speaker in Roman history!• (Caesar is #2)• Finds out about Catiline’s plan to overthrow


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Catiline vs. Cicero

• Catiline a bad boy, corrupt, power hungry • -populares• Runs in election 2 B consul; loses to Cicero and

plans a conspiracy to overthrow Cicero!• Cicero finds out and gets rid of Catiline.

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Roman army

• 1. organized: legion has 6000 men• 2. weapons: gladius (sword) & scutum (shield)• 3. tactics: testudo- turtle formation with


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Pompey vs. pirates

• -pirates taking ships and cargo, kidnapping people for ransom (incl. Julius Caesar)

• Pompey given vast powers to rid sea of pirates• He does it in 3 months

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1st Triumvirate

• 1. Crassus $$$• 2. Pompey-military• 3. J. Caesar- people loved him; charisma • 4. Why? Power• 5. Pompey married JC’s daughter• 5. Crassus dies 1st; other 2 fight it out for


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• 100-44 BC• -populares party• In 1st Triumvirate• Excellent soldier• Very popular with Roman people

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Julius Caesar vs. Gauls

• Book: The Commentaries about the Gallic Wars

• Defeats many Gallic tribes• Battle of Alesia-final battle

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J. Caesar’s 3 wives

• - Cornelia (daughter of powerful populares dude); one daughter Julia

• -Pompeia • -Calpurnia (dream about his death)

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Caesar vs. Pompey

• -Caesar crosses Rubicon River after Gallic Wars• SENATE says NO!• By doing that he was declaring civil war in

Rome• They fought all over Mediterranean• Pompey loses battle & his head

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Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

• -she meets him in a rug/carpet• She rules Egypt with her brother• She wants Caesar to put her in power over the

bro• Romance on the Nile River• Had a son with Caesar (Caesarian)

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• Who was in on the plot? Cassius & Brutus (optimates)

IDES OF MARCH [March 15, 44 BC]• What? Let’s kill Caesar on way to/from Senate.• They do. Wife warned against it! 23 knife

wounds. Et tu, Brute!---Then what? Antony & Octavian go after

assassins til they die.

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WHY kill Caesar?

• Reasons:• Afraid he’d be king• Optimates feared his power• Hated that he was self appointed dictator for

life.• He was too ambitious• Could not trust him

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2nd Triumvirate

• Split Rome’s provinces 3 ways:• Marc Antony (populares)• Octavian (Caesar’s heir); optimates• Lepidus (1st one out); military

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Cicero vs. Antony

• Philippics: speeches by Cicero that angered Antony

• Antony planned to run the whole Roman world. Cicero stood against him & 2nd Triumvirate.

• Cicero on Antony’s hit list! Head & hands cut off & hung in Forum.

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Cleo & Antony

• -Antony wants her $$ & grain• -Cleo is in mad love with him; he is madly in

love with Cleo! 11 years!• BATTLE OF ACTIUM: Octavian wins• Antony & Cleo both commit suicide

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• Antony/ Cleopatra vs. Octavian• 31 BC; coast of Greece• Naval battle won by Octavian• Cleo-suicide• Antony-suicide

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• - De Rerum Natura• - reason more important than the gods.

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• Wrote the AENEID• -epic poetry: Rome is best!!• Augustus hired him to write it• -influenced Dante (Renaissance writers loved


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• Roman poet who influenced many Renaissance writers

• Favored by Augustus (gave his estate to Augustus in his will)

• Dulce et decorum est pro patriā mori

• Carpe diem!

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• Wrote The Art of Love and The Metamorphoses (myths).

• Exile to Black Sea town.• Why exiled? The book or wild lifestyle with

Augustus’ daughter, Julia.

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• -200 years of Roman Peace• Begun by Augustus• -trade expands• -some persecution of Xns. Starts with Nero.

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LIVY: Historian

• - Ab Urbe Condita (from the foundation of the city): 700+ years of history of Rome

• 142 books; only about 30 are left• Purpose of the book: to glorify Rome!!!• - prose• Story of the sacred geese

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