Introduction The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, develops various programs and projects to support the Mexicans established beyond our borders. In the cultural and artistic area, IME is promoting programs for Mexican communities abroad, seeking to reassess and strengthen their sense of identity and belonging to our country and the pride in their roots and rich cultural heritage. Through these activities we contribute to their development in host societies, and it serves their need to maintain their ties to Mexico and to transmit the richness of their country of origin to people in their host country and abroad. On the occasion of the commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution, IME promotes the Global Mariachi Contest "Sones de Mariachi por el Mundo" open to people of any nationality. Justification The mariachi and their music are cultural elements that have helped shape the symbols of national identity. The strength of popular culture has transcended the centuries and remains an important livelihood of the Mexicanness. 1

2010 International Mariachi Contest

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Contest that aims to celebrate the year 2010 with Mexicans living abroad and with other foreign persons by sharing the pride of being Mexican, through an icon of Mexican identity and to disseminate, abroad and in Mexico, the importance of the contributions our country has made to the world through music.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, develops various programs and projects to support the Mexicans established beyond our borders.

In the cultural and artistic area, IME is promoting programs for Mexican communities abroad, seeking to reassess and strengthen their sense of identity and belonging to our country and the pride in their roots and rich cultural heritage. Through these activities we contribute to their development in host societies, and it serves their need to maintain their ties to Mexico and to transmit the richness of their country of origin to people in their host country and abroad.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution, IME promotes the Global Mariachi Contest "Sones de Mariachi por el Mundo" open to people of any nationality.


The mariachi and their music are cultural elements that have helped shape the symbols of national identity. The strength of popular culture has transcended the centuries and remains an important livelihood of the Mexicanness.

Around the world there is a significant number of mariachi groups composed of Mexicans, people of Mexican origin and remarkably people of foreign countries.

The first international mariachi contest, as a part of the Bicentennial of Independence and Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, seeks that our communities abroad and the international public recognizes one of the great contributions Mexico has made to the world and to music in general.

The event will convene national and international people of the five continents, highlighting the fact that some mariachi groups are now also composed of women.

The International Mariachi will be open to participants from five continents.


II. Our objectives

To raise awareness among communities of Mexicans living abroad about the importance and significance of their historical roots and to strengthen their sense of identity and pride in their country of origin

To disseminate, abroad and in Mexico, the importance of the contributions our country has made to the world through music.

To highlight Mexican Mariachi music as an art that has managed to successfully enter as a cultural expression to countries all over the world.

To celebrate the year 2010 with Mexicans living abroad and with other foreign persons and to share the pride of being Mexican, through an icon of Mexican identity.

III. Rules

1. Reside permanently in a country other than Mexico.

2. Be over 18 years old.

3. The competition is open to people of any nationality.

4. The mariachi must have the following instruments: violin, “vihuela”, “guitarrón” “guitarra sexta de golpe” and it may also include “guitarra quinta de golpe”, harp and trumpets.

5. The musical themes played for the competition must be of Mexican authors of the nineteenth or twentieth centuries (or well known compositions by anonymous authors) and must be characteristic of mariachi music. Music of other origins will not be allowed nor musical arrangements that are inconsistent with the mariachi genre.

6. The elements of Mexican national identity in all its aspects (such as the charro suit in the case of modern mariachi, sounds, styles, songs and traditional cry “GRITO.”) will be taken into account to obtain a higher score in both the theatrical presentation and the interpretation and musical arrangements.

7. The videos on the contest must be accompanied by information on the song that is played: author, Mexican region from which it is from, when and explanation on why the tune was chosen for the contest.


8. Participants must record the interpretation of a piece of mariachi music in a video, which will be filmed in the community where the band is situated.

9. Mariachi groups shall be composed of at least eight people and a maximum of 13.

10. To enter, applicants must complete the application in the "Redes Mexico" web page www.redesmexico.mx

11 The mariachis of recognized national and international notoriety, whether residing temporarily or permanently abroad, cannot participate.

Contestants must accept that the Institute of Mexicans Abroad can make free use of audiovisual materials in all media known and unknown, and in all formats and existing territories.

Contestants must send through "Redes Mexico" web page www.redesmexico.mx the finished video with the musical performance. It must last no longer than 4 minutes (this videos wont be sent back). Alternatively, participants can submit a CD or DVD with the music performance at the embassy/consulate nearest to their place of residence.

IV. Awards

The Department of Popular and Indigenous Cultures of CONACULTA and the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, will establish a "Selection Committee", which will designate the finalists by region to ensure that there is representation from all continents.

The Selection Committee will choose the FIVE best mariachis from the U.S., THREE from Canada, THREE from Asia-Pacific, Africa and Oceania, THREE from Europe and THREE from Latin America and the Caribbean.

These videos pre-selected will be subject to vote of Mexicans living abroad through the "Redes Mexico" web page www.redesmexico.mx. There will be a first, second and third place for the most voted videos on the Internet.


The Selection Committee will also nominate the mariachi they consider to be deserving of the award "Best Mariachi 2010" and will also receive the recognition of the first place. The results of internet votes and the decision of the Selection Committee are definitive.

The winners of each region or continent will - ideally - receive their awards in Mexico and will be performing in five states of our country. They should also be able to offer interviews to the media.


Awards will consist of an embossed silver plate for each member of the mariachi band and a trip to Mexico with accommodations that include meals for two weeks and roundtrip coach class airplane tickets.


Work Plan

December 2009 Launching the contest in Mexico and abroad.

April 30 th 2010 Deadline for videos reception.

May 31st 2010

México. Juries will announce the pre-selected work and it will be included on the Redes Mexico web page.

June 1st – July 15th´ 2010

Mexican communities will vote for pre-selected work through Redes Mexico web page.

July 20 th 2010 Winners will be announced.

September/November 2010 Winners will visit our country. The mariachi bands will make a tour through Mexico

Institutions and companies that have offered support

Coordinación General para las conmemoraciones de 2010

Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC)

Dirección General de Culturas Populares e Indígenas de CONACULTA

Consejo de Promoción Turística

Pulque Poliqhui