2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide

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  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide


    The Little Foxes

    Text: Lillian HellmanDirection: Ivo van Hove

    September 10 October 31, 2010

    Study Guide for

    Students and Teachers

  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide


  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide


    Lillian Hellman took the title of The Little Foxes

    from this quotation from the Bible. Although the

    characters of Hellmans play are human beings,

    they possess many of the traits we often associate

    with foxes. For a clearer idea of what that might

    mean, we can start with a description of the

    animals themselves.

    Foxes are in the same family as dogs but with

    some noticeable differences:

    Slightly smaller than a medium-sized dog

    Distinctive muzzle on their long, narrow


    Bushy tail

    Not domesticated (save the rare exception

    of the Russian Silver Fox)

    Foxes are usually not pack animals. They live in

    small family groupings with a typical litter size

    being 4-6 pups.

    Foxes feed on live prey, killing them quickly

    using a pouncing technique they perfect in their

    adolescence. Foxes feed on rodents, birds,

    rabbits, and other small game, but theyre not

    picky. Foxes will eat fish, frogs, fruits,vegetables, worms, and even garbage and pet

    food if they live near humans.

    Foxes are burrowing animals. Their dens areusually an underground burrow, a cavity under

    boulders, or a crevice in a rocky outcrop.

    The director and designer of The Little Foxes

    took inspiration for the set design from the

    fox-holes these animals live in.

    Take us the foxes the little foxes that spoil our vines; for

    our vines have tender grapes.

    --- Song of Solomon the Hebrew Bible

    Prompt: When you attend the

    performance, notice what the set feels

    like. Is it dark or light? Claustrophobic

    or airy? Where are the entrances?

    What type of people do you imagine

    would live in a home like that? What

    does the color make you think of?


  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide



    Imagine a human with the qualities of a fox. What would you assume about a

    character if you knew him or her to be a fox? What kind of situations would this

    human fox get themselves into and also be able to get themselves out of? Write a

    monologue from your fox characters perspective.

    Imagine what would happen within a family of foxesif every human in the family

    had fox-like qualities. What type of conflicts might arise as every member of the

    family tried to out-fox the other foxes? Write a short story about their interactions.

    As we know, foxes prey on birds. What if there were a human character named

    Birdie in your story? What qualities might you assume that person would possess?

    How might the family of foxes and the bird interact? How might the bird ever become

    the hero of the story?

    A definition:


    1. A person or thing typifying a certain quality

    or idea; an embodiment or exemplification.

    2. A figure of speech in which inanimate

    objects or abstractions are endowed with

    human qualities or are represented as

    possessing human form.


    Over 37 types of foxes exist all over the world,

    which explains their prevalence in folklore on

    every continent. In cultures all over the world,

    foxes are associated with trickery and

    cleverness. They are portrayed as being

    cunning, resourceful, and deceitful, often with

    their primary motive being self-interest.

    Sometimes we use qualities we equate with

    foxes to describe humans:

    fox-like having the qualities of a fox

    (tricky, clever)

    foxy attractive

    out-fox outsmart, out-wit; a fox will

    use its cunning intelligence to get what

    it wants, not brute force or strength


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    Lillian Hellman

    The playwright Lillian Hellman was born in

    Louisiana in 1905 and grew up in New Orleans and

    New York City. The time she spent in the South

    with her mothers family influenced the Southern

    characters she wrote about in her eventual scripts.

    By 1935 Hellman was in Hollywood as a script

    reader for MGM. She was encouraged to write by

    her long time companion Dashiell Hammett and her

    first professional play, The Childrens Hour, was a

    Broadway hit. That success opened the door for The

    Little Foxesto debut on Broadway in 1939 with the

    famous actress Tallulah Bankhead. The Little Foxes

    opened to rave reviews, played 410 performancesand was made into a film in 1941 starring Bette

    Davis, for which Hellman wrote the screenplay.

    Hellman always intended the family drama of the

    Hubbards, the central family in The Little Foxes, to

    be written as a trilogy, with The Little Foxesbeing

    the middle story. She wrote Another Part of the

    Forestas a prequel in 1946, but never wrote the last

    part of the story.

    Hellman wrote politically charged plays revealing

    behavior usually masked in polite society and

    seldom exposed on stage. Through her work, and

    the artistic company she kept, Hellman was a

    controversially political figure.

    In 1952, at the height of McCarthyism and the fe

    of Communism infiltrating the U.S government a

    culture, she was one of the many artists brougbefore the House Un-American Activit

    Committee. Although she discussed her ow

    political sympathies, she refused to speak of anyo

    elses involvement with the American Commun

    Party. In her address to the Committee she famous

    said, I cannot and will not cut my conscience to

    this years fashion, even though I long ago came

    the conclusion that I was not a political person a

    could have no comfortable place in any politic

    group. Her defiance caused major Hollywo

    studios to blacklist her, effectively ending her fi

    and theatre career.

    She did, however, continue to write and publish

    three memoirs from 1969 to 1976. Lillian Hellm

    died of natural causes in 1984.


  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide


    Critics of the time complained Hellmans work was

    too melodramatic. She did not believe they had the

    correct definition of melodrama. Hellman believed

    melodrama to be an important tool to show true

    human nature, not a style to be dismissed as over-the-

    top and exaggerated.

    I think the word melodrama in our time has come to be used

    in an almost illiterate manner. By definition it is a violent

    dramatic piecewhen violence is actually the needed stuff of

    the work and comes towards a large enough end it has been

    and always will be in the good writers field.



    If you believe, as the

    Greeks did, that man is at

    the mercy of the gods, then

    you write tragedy. The end

    is inevitable from the

    beginning. But if you

    believe that man can solvehis own problems and is at

    nobodys mercy, then you

    will probably write


    What Others Say About Her:

    Miss Hellman has made an adult horror-play. Her little foxes are wolves that eat their own kind.

    Brooks Atkinson

    The New York Times

    February 16 1939

    The Little Foxes will not increase your admiration for mankind. It is cold and cynical. But it is a very

    exciting picture to watch in a comfortably objective way, especially if you enjoy expert stabbing-in-the


    Bosley Crowther

    The New York Times

    Film Review

    This social melodrama, or whatever term one applies to it, continues to captivate audiences no longer

    enmeshed in the debate between Marxism and capitalism. The underlying themes of greed and revenge

    continue to strike a responsive chord in audiences whenever the play is revived, and its terse, witty dialogueand tense, streamlined plot draw each new audience under its remarkable power.

    Carole L. Hamilton

    Drama for Students

    Past Productions of The Little Foxes

    Bette Davis as Regina in the 1941 Film

    Kathryn Meisle, Lindsey Wochley,

    Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey 2009.

    Photo: Joe Geinert


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    Civil War and Reconstruction

    Amendments:Between the 16th and 19th centuries, hundreds

    of thousands of Africans were shipped to the

    United States as slaves. As the U. S. continued to

    grow, there was a lot of disagreement between

    the North and the South regarding the moral and

    economic issues associated with slavery.

    Immediately after Abraham Lincoln became

    president in 1861, 11 Southern states, where

    slavery was still legal, seceded from the Union.The first shots of the Civil War were fired April

    12, 1861. In the middle of the Civil War on

    January 1, 1963, President Lincoln signed the

    Emancipation Proclamation declaring all slaves

    in southern states free.

    However, this changed very little for those

    African-Americans living in the South. It wasnt

    until the Civil War finally ended April 9, 1865

    that former slaves were given rights through

    additions to the U.S. Constitution called the

    Reconstruction Amendments. The 13th, 14th,

    and 15th Amendments guaranteed citizenship to

    all former slaves. Unfortunately, it was not as

    easy for the former slaves as these legal

    documents made it sound.

    Life in the Reconstructed South:Racism and prejudice were ingrained in peoples

    way of life and daily interactions. Rules such as

    the Jim Crow laws made it permissible to

    discriminate against African-Americans in

    transportation, education, accommodations, and


    In many ways African-Americans quality of life

    did not improve once freed. The former slaves

    had rent and taxes to pay and very little moneyto live on. They were still, for the most part,

    uneducated and illiterate. Many only had the

    skills they learned on the plantations and there

    was still cotton to pick.

    Most former slaves became share-croppers on

    the very land they once worked as slaves. Share-

    cropping meant the white landowner would

    divide up his land so each black family got a

    small portion to live on and work. In exchangefor equipment and seed, the person share-

    cropping would give the landowner up to half of

    his crop. Other men and women continued

    being domestic help in white peoples homes. In

    The Little Foxes, Addie & Cal are African-

    American servants in the Hubbard household,

    and are likely the children of freed slaves, if not

    former slaves themselves.


    Reconstruction refers to the time after the Civil War when the United

    States of America attempted to re-build economically and socially.


    A copy of the Emancipation


    White Landowner weighing share-

    croppers cotton

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    The Changing South:

    The way of life

    in the South was

    changing: the

    extremely rich

    white plantation

    owners saw manythreats to their way

    of life: their land

    ravaged by the war,

    their laborers freed from them, and the

    economic base of the South began moving away

    from agriculture.

    Henry W. Grady

    created the Atlantic

    Constitution, apublication where he

    called for a New

    South a South built

    on industrialization

    (no longer solely on

    agriculture) with closer ties to businesses based

    in the North. Richard H. Edmonds was a leader

    of the farm to factory movement. He wanted

    to encourage Northern businesses to invest in

    the Souths economy by joining withSoutherners to build mills. This way, the cotton

    could be processed where it was harvested

    instead of being shipped all the way North.Thenumber of mills in the South grew from 160 to

    400 from 1880 to 1900 (the year The Little Foxes

    is set.) The Little Foxesbegins with the Hubbard

    family discussing a business deal with Mr.

    Marshall from Chicago about building a mill,

    which would take advantage of the cheap laborin the Southnamely freed slaves and poor


    A mill on former farming land

    Erwin Mills near Durham, NC

    This shift to industry promoted the rise o

    merchant class of white men who we

    business-oriented and intent on maximizi

    money and opportunity in this changi

    South. This new, North-infused econom

    was eclipsing the pre-War way of life. T

    old plantation owners were resistant to the

    new business plans. Therefore, this class white men who were willing to mo

    forward became the new ruling class of t

    South. In The Little Foxes, this old way

    life is represented by the character Birdie a

    her attachment to Lionnet, her famil

    plantation, which she idealizes in h


    Many African-Americans of t

    Reconstruction age in the South, numerous generations before them, drea

    of escaping to the North. They believed t

    North to be a place of freedom a

    opportunity. Many of the Southern Africa

    Americans did travel North, most notably

    the 1920s during the Great Migration. T

    search for equal opportunity, both for tho

    African-Americans who journeyed Nor

    and those who stayed South, continu

    throughout the twentieth century and led

    the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s a


    Share-croppers in a field in the South at the

    turn of the Twentieth Century


    A classic Southern Plantation

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    This is a quotation from The Little Foxes.

    Addie, an African-American servant in the

    household, makes this comment about the

    family she serves. She thinks the Hubbards are

    like locusts who eat the earth. The locusts sherefers to come from the Bible passage Exodus


    For they covered the face of the

    whole earth, so that the land was

    darkened; and they did eat every

    herb of the land, and all the fruit of

    the trees which the hail had left; and

    there remained not any green thing

    in the trees, or in the herbs of the

    field, through all the land of Egypt.

    Details about Locusts:

    A swarm can stretch up to 460 square miles

    and pack between 40 and 80 million individual

    locus. Each insect can eat its weight in plants

    each day, so a swarm that size would eat 423

    million pounds in one day.

    The locusts swarms are typically always inmotion and can cover great distances; once a

    swarm flew from West Africa across the

    Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean.

    They exist all over the world but currently

    cause the most devastation in Africa. Locusts

    can affect the economic livelihood, not to

    mention cause famine and starvation, of nearly

    one-tenth of the worlds human population.

    They are considered an omen of evil anddestruction.


    There are people who eat the earth and eat all the

    people on it like in the Bible with the locusts. Then there

    are people who stand around and watch them eat it


    --- Lillian Hellman The Little Foxes


    Why would a playwright ever compare

    human characters to an omen of evil and

    destruction? What are we doing in our

    world right now that could be considered

    locust-like, swarming and destroying?

    Referring to the second half of Hellmans

    quotation, who are the people in our world

    right now who are just standing around

    watching the devouring of society? Wha

    things in our world are currently being


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    Ivo van Hove

    Ivo van Hove is the director of The Little Foxes

    here at New York Theatre Workshop. He is aFinnish-born director who has worked

    extensively in Europe and the United States in

    theater and opera, usually incorporating video

    projection and other forms of mixed media. Ivo

    has collaborated with New York Theatre

    Workshop five times before: More Stately

    Mansionsby Eugene ONeill (1997), A Streetcar

    Named Desire by Tennessee Williams (1999),

    Alice in Bed by Susan Sontag (2000), Hedda

    Gabler by Henrik Ibsen (2004), and The

    Misanthropeby Molire (2008). We are thrilled

    to welcome him back for what will be a bold and

    daring production of a classic American play.

    This family is isolated, frozen in time, like animals running out of

    food, chewing each other up. They inhabit a once civilized,

    aristocratic world in decay, where people do not know how toescape.They become bitter, frustrated, cannibalistic. They are like

    foxes that ruin the fruitful vines because they are too greedy.

    Foxes that have to be caught because they destroy the

    future. Greed is the problem, the fate hanging over this family.

    But most of all, think of the fatal hubris of these characters who

    think they can control their lives.


    Ivos work has been referred to as iconoclastic.

    An iconoclast is anyone who breaks establisheddogma or conventions. Ivo does not stage

    standard or typical productions of famous plays.

    Instead he creates new worlds for the play and

    its characters in order to resonate with modern

    audiences and the contemporary world they live


    Ivo is always inspired by two things: 1. the script

    itself and 2. the world he lives in. His theater

    uses works from the past in order to tell ussomething about the present.

    WHAT IVO SAYS about


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    Period Productions Ivo van HovesProductions at NYTW

    Prompt: Ivo van Hove usually sets his productions in contemporary times, even if the

    script was written long ago and set in a different time. Compare and contrast the

    production photos below. Would you ever guess the script is exactly the same based on

    the photos? What do you think The Little Foxesmight look like?

    John Douglas Thompson and Elizabeth Marvel,

    NYTW, 2004. Photo: Joan Marcus.


    Kate Burton and Harris Yulin

    Williamstown Theatre Festival,

    2000. Photo: Richard Feldman.

    Dallas Theater Center, 2008.

    Photo: William Deshazer/DMN.

    Bill Camp, Jeanine Serralles, NYTW, 2007.

    Photo: Joan Marcus.

    The Misanthrope

    by Molire was written in France in 1666.

    Hedda Gabler

    by Henrik Ibsen was written in Norway in 1890.

  • 8/10/2019 2010-11 Little Foxes Study Guide


    When it first premiered in 1939, some reviews of The Little Foxes painted the

    Hubbard family as villains. Lillian Hellman was distraught to find audiences

    viewing these characters as villainous as that was not her intention at all.

    Ivo van Hove shares Hellmans view and wants his audience to see each character

    as a real, whole human being with influences and motives and to be able to relateto the characters. To that end, Ivo makes this production of The Little Foxes

    contemporary and relevant. This production is going to look and sound very

    different from most other productions.

    The Little Foxes is set in Alabama in 1900. However, Lillian Hellman never

    believed that this story of trickery, deceit, and greed was exclusive to these

    characters or this time period. As the character Ben Hubbard, the oldest brother,


    There are hundreds

    of Hubbards sitting in rooms like this throughout the

    country. All their names arent Hubbard but they are all Hubbards and they will

    own this country someday.

    The play debuted in 1939, ten years after the nation plunged into the Great

    Depression due to overspending and overinvestment. And now we are presenting

    this play at a time of deep recession and serious economic troubles throughout the

    world due to recklessness and greed. As Hellman points out and van Hove strives todemonstrate, the themes of this play are, unfortunately, as timeless as human


    I never see characters as monstrously as

    audiences do.- Hellman


    What were the modern elements Ivo added in this production?

    Why would Ivo have decided to not place the play in its historic setting, Alabama in 1900?

    What did it add to your experience of the play?

    Can you imagine what a historically set production of The Little Foxesmight look and sound

    like? How do you think your experience of the play would have changed if you saw that

    production? Would you have been able to make the links to modern society?

    What part of the show you just saw might have made you aware the script is set in 1900

    Alabama and not modern day?


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    What Others Say about Ivo:Van Hove has made his reputation with revivals that run 180 degrees away from your average, typical

    interpretation of classic text.


    You do not feel, as you often do with deconstructionists, that Mr. van Hove is imposing unwarranted


    Ben Brantley

    The New York Times

    September 13 1999

    You know when the astronauts first went to the moon, and then they returned, and they all went through

    a period of deep depression and confusion after being in outer space? I always sort of experience that after

    working with Ivo. I come back down to earth and go, Oh they just want me to sit in a chair and talk at the

    kitchen table. Oh. The thing that is so thrilling about theater is it truly is a magic space where anything can

    happen. Personally I dont want to do theater thats very stylish, when its just stories on stage that are

    basically the same as TV or film.

    Elizabeth Marvel

    The Gothamist

    February 26 2010


    Sources and Further Reading:

    Hellman, Lillian. Six Plays by Lillian Hellman. New York: Modern Library, 1960.

    ----------. An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1969.

    ----------. Pentimento.New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 1973.

    ----------. Scoundrel Time. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 1976.

    Lillian Hellman, Playwright, Author and Rebel, Dies at 77, New York Times,July 1, 1984.


    Del Signore, John. Elizabeth Marvel, Actor. The Gothamist, February 26, 2010


    Isherwood, Charles. A Hedda for Self-Absorbed Modern Times. New York Times, September 22, 2004.


    Piepenburg, Eric. Hey, Moliere, Hold Onto Your Hat! New York Times,September 23, 2007.


    Schultz, Stanley K. and Tishler, William P. Civil War to the Present: Lecture 2 The New South. 1999.


    National Geographic. Red Fox. Accessed August 24, 2010.

