Newsletter 1 Southfork News FOR THE RESIDENTS, BY THE RESIDENTS” Happy 4 th of July July 2010 THE FLAG Red for the blood shed in the name of freedom, for which we fought, united. Blue for the oceans of time we have crossed, remaining the land of the free. White for the peace we wish to share, all men created equal. Stars to remember those who fought throughout the night, bravely, for our land. Stripes to remind us of the lashings taken by the prisoners of War. With a seal, in GOD WE TRUST, We each are one of many, in which we stand united in Brotherhood. A symbol of Pride, A salute to those who died in the fight, A blanket to cover us in times of need. Waving high to show we are still here, undefeated, With honor, you are presented to the world! A Salute to all you veterans! Happy 4th of July!.... Let's get this started now, So it will be out there on the fourth! I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , AND TO THE REPUBLIC, FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION UNDER GOD , INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! For all of our military personnel, where ever they may be. Please Support all of the troops defending our Country.


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Page 1: 2010-07_Southfork_Newsletter_Color

Newsletter 1

Southfork News

“FOR THE RESIDENTS, BY THE RESIDENTS” Happy 4th of July July 2010


Red for the blood shed in the name of freedom, for

which we fought, united.

Blue for the oceans of time we have crossed,

remaining the land of the free.

White for the peace we wish to share, all men

created equal.

Stars to remember those who fought throughout

the night, bravely, for our land.

Stripes to remind us of the lashings taken by the

prisoners of War.

With a seal, in GOD WE TRUST,

We each are one of many, in which we stand

united in Brotherhood.

A symbol of Pride,

A salute to those who died in the fight,

A blanket to cover us in times of need.

Waving high to show we are still here,


With honor, you are presented to the world!

A Salute to all you veterans!

Happy 4th of July!....

Let's get this started now, So it will be out there on the fourth!














For all of our military personnel,

where ever they may be. Please

Support all of the troops defending our Country.

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Newsletter Information

Note, any information to be placed in the newsletter, must be submitted between the 1st and 15th of every month. Please contact the

editor ( Phyllis Grossi) at 567-6105 or drop off the information at 11150 Mesquite Dr. All newsletters can be viewed in color on the

web site at www.floridacommunities.com. (click on Southfork at bottom of page)

Please contact Phyllis Grossi for any changes, deletions or additions to the calendar by the 15th of each month. Phone number is 567-



The Brain Storm Challenge

Can you figure out any of these challenging riddles? Answers on another page…………

1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

2. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you


3. Give me food, and I will live; give me water and I will die. What am I?

4. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?

5. I‘m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?

6. A long, long time ago, two cowboys were fighting to marry the daughter of the OK CORRAL rancher. The rancher,

who liked neither of these men to become his future son-in-law came up with a clever plan. A horse race would

determine who would be allowed his daughter’s hand. Both cowboys had to travel from Kansas City to the OK

CORRAL, and the one whose horse arrived LAST would be proclaimed the winner.

The two cowboys realizing that this could become a rather lengthy expedition, finally decided to consult the Wise

Mountain Man. They explained to him the situation, upon which the Wise Mountain Man raised his cane and spoke

four wise words. Relieved, the two cowboys left his cabin, they were ready for the contest! Which four wise words did

the Wise Mountain Man speak?

7. In the marble hall white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk, within a fountain crystal-clear, a golden apple doth

appear. No doors there are to this stronghold, yet thieves break in to steal it gold. What am I?

8. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

9. When one does not know what it is, then it’s something, but when one knows what it is, then its nothing. What am


Really think before looking for the answers on the recipe page!!!!!!!

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Sick List

Reginald Fraser Wilma Lane

Sue Martin (former resident)

% 15300 Benttree Dr

Findlay, Ohio 45804

Get well wishes to all!



Laura Francis Bond Granddaughter of Smokey & Willie Stoever

% 560 Dennison Dr, Southbridge, Ma 01550

Joyce Moore Resident of Southfork

Our condolences to the family and friends!


A Florida Blessing

Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry..,

Please keep it cool in mid-July..,

Bless the walls where termites dine..,

While ants and roaches march in time..

Bless our yard where spiders pass,

Fire ant castles, in the grass.

Bless the garage, a home to please-

Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas..

Bless the love bugs, two by two..,

The gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you.

Millions of creatures that fly or crawl..,

In Florida, Lord, you’ve put them all!!!

But this is home, and here we’ll stay,

So thank you Lord, for INSECT SPRAY!!!

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from the Association Presidentfrom the Association Presidentfrom the Association Presidentfrom the Association President

Dear Friends and Neighbors

This is my first summer in Florida….”enjoying” the heat, humidity and afternoon thunder. Four tornadoes hit Maine on one day a

few weeks ago, so it does not matter where you are!

I am so pleased with the response to Choices, a new group for Southfork. If you are a resident who lives alone or who have a

spouse who would rather stay home, please come and join us. Remember, No dues, No officers, just for fun!!

To date we have had a brunch, dessert meeting, several Sunday night get togethers by the pool or at a home, and out to lunch. In

fact, we hated to see it end and went to another restaurant for pie and coffee.

Do you have a favorite restaurant? Ideas of things to do? Would like to see a movie? A trip to the ocean? A trip to the mall? We

would love to hear from you!

Are you interested in learning to play “Hand and Foot”, Sixty Five or Bunco? There are people who would love to teach you. There

is a group of ladies who enjoy a 5 pm get together at the pool and there is always room for more.

Watch the club house bulletin board for the next event of Choices and the 4th of July Pizza party. Sign Up!!

Take care, keep cool and get involved!

Dot Cady


Choices A member of our new group, graciously took a picture of our first “out to lunch” to show what fun we were having! She posted the picture Saturday morning and by Sunday evening it was gone! Please return the picture to the bulletin board. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Summer Potlucks Summer Potlucks Summer Potlucks Summer Potlucks!!!

There were 14 people at a delicious June potluck. Someone suggested that we Go Out to eat during the summer!!!

Everyone readily agreed!!!!

July 15th we will meet at the Golden Corral at 5:30pm.

Please sign up so that arrangements can be made so we can eat together!!!

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Women’s Club

On June 2nd, 38 ladies went to the Village Inn for Breakfast and all had a good time. This replaced our

regular monthly meeting.

Next month on July 7th, we will be meeting at the Golden Corral at 11am for lunch. Hope to see all of you

there and please sign up on the sign up sheet that is on the bulletin board.

See you there,



Free In The USA

On the Fourth of July, I raised the flag, As I spoke with love and pride:

“I’m blessed to be an American,” I said, To two friends who stood by my side, one was my neighbor, who lives next

door, He’s a citizen, like me.

The other, a visitor from a land, oppressed land, Far across the sea.

“My flag stays in its box this year,” Said my neighbor, boiling mad. “The terrible shape this country’s in, The future

looks nothing but bad.” “Taxes, scandal, indifference and crime, on our land like a giant stain.”

My visitor said, “We have all that and worse, but it’s against the law to complain.

My neighbor looked startled, but not subdued, then he started in on the Press: “There’s nothing but bad news; the

headlines are bleak.” (It gets me down, too, I confess.)

“Our news is all good,” said my visitor. “It’s just how you’d like to be. We know what our government wants us to

know; Our press is controlled, you see.”

My neighbor spun ‘round and marched toward his house, and here is the end to my story:

The next time we saw him, he was out in his yard,

Proudly raising Old Glory.

By, Joanna Fuchs

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Southfork Men’s Club

Meeting, June 3rd

The Men’s Club met with only 12 members present. Many members are away from Southfork during the summer


A discussion was held concerning the Ladies Breakfast that was sponsored by the Club back in May. The event was

determined to be a success and ideas were discussed about how to make the event even better next year.

Even though so many men are absent it was decided to continue the meetings during the summer months to maintain

interest in the organization. The members present voted to have the next meeting with breakfast at the Village Inn at

9am on July 1st. This idea may continue during the summer months.

A discussion followed concerning the duties of the men’s club duties throughout the park. A decision was made not to

do any work throughout the park that would interfere with anyone’s desire to work in the park to do odd jobs to make

money. However, a small work detail was formed to clean up around a resident’s house that was recently moved from

Southfork to a nursing home. Several members showed up at the residence to pull weeds, trim shrubs and several bags

of lawn debris were hauled away from the residence.

Two new members were taken in to the club bringing the membership up to 30 members. New members are always

welcome to come and join the club with annual dues at $12.00.

Don’t forget to join us at the next meeting at the Village Inn on July 1st.


June Potluck

Sixteen residents enjoyed another summer potluck with lots of delicious food to go around. A suggestion was made

about the following: Instead of taking the risk of only having a few people show up and not having enough food for

everyone that we forego potlucks and instead, just go out to eat during the summer months on our regular potluck

nights (3rd Thursday of every month.)

A short discussion was held and it was decided to do just that, so on July 15th, we will go to the Golden Corral at

5:30pm for dinner. Someone suggested that we have a host or hostess who will put a sign-up sheet on the bulletin

board for anyone interested. The host/hostess would then contact the restaurant a couple days in advance to advise

how many will be coming for dinner.

Jim Morvatz (Bubba J) and Bob Downs (Boo Boo) agreed to take the responsibility for the month of August and

anyone interested can travel and meet at Dade City to sample the fare at BubbaQues Bar-B-Q (no relation.)

Sign up sheets will be made available on the clubhouse bulletin board.


A Big Thank You

On May 20th, Dixie and Kathy hosted the monthly “Potluck” dinner.

They both wish to thank you all for participating and bringing such delicious foods to our Potluck. We had a very nice

group and we sincerely hope the enthusiasm and participation continues throughout the summer. Trust us, no one left


Thanks, Kathy Gallick and Dixie Logoyda

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Apple Walnut Sticky Buns

2 tablespoons butter, softened

1 medium, Granny Smith apple, peeled, cut into ½ inch cubes

¾ cup chopped walnuts

½ cup packed brown sugar

1 can (12.4oz) Pillsbury refrigerated cinnamon rolls with icing


1. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Generously butter 8 regular muffin cups with the softened butter.

2. In bowl, mix apples, walnuts and brown sugar; divide evenly among muffin cups. Separate cinnamon

rolls; reserve icing. Place 1 cinnamon roll in each cup.

3. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or until tops are golden brown. Cool 5 minutes. Place cookie sheet upside down

over the muffin pan, turn over. Remove pan.

4. Remove lid from icing; microwave on 5 to 10 seconds or until thin enough to drizzle. Drizzle over warm

buns. Serve warm.


Éclair Cake

Graham Crackers

3 cups milk

1 large packaged instant vanilla pudding

1 8oz carton Cool Whip

Chocolate frosting

Line bottom of a 9 x 13 pan with whole graham crackers. In a bowl mix pudding and milk. Fold in Cool

whip and spread on crackers. Top with another layer of crackers. Frost with Chocolate frosting.

Chill in refrigerator and the serve.


ANSWERS to Brain Storm Challenge on page 2

1. A towel. 2. An ear of corn. 3. Fire. 4. Sponge 5. A breath. 6. Take each other’s horse. 7. An egg

8. Your name. 9. A riddle

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Missing Toilet Paper

Well you guessed it right……………we have had toilet paper stolen from the clubhouse restrooms and

from the pool area restrooms.

Now you know why kitchen cupboards have to be kept locked. We have in our midst in this community a

kleptomaniac or someone in desperate need. If it is a thrill that someone wants, maybe they should get

more involved in activities or go swimming, exercise, volunteer to do a good deed etc.

These happenings are always at night and wee hours of the morning…………evidently they can’t sleep so

to keep amused, they tour the community to see what caper they can get involved in. They do not break in,

but use a key which is even more amazing. Maybe its time, management starts thinking of security

camera’s to catch these thief or thieves in the act.

So if you hear or see anything unusual, please contact Norm or the police. I hope the toilet paper was put

to good use and not wasted on something not related to restrooms.


Newsletter items

Just a reminder that all newsletter items must be submitted to me on a timely basis. I do send out reminders

to the ones who submit on a monthly basis but, sometimes, even those are given to me at the last minute

and then I have to scurry to try and fill a page where needed. If I have only a half page then I have to try

and find an article that will be keyed on that page to fill it in. I have to send an even amount of pages in

order for the calendar to appear on the last page.

If you have a full page to submit, please have it to me by the 15th of the month because there is no guarantee

that if submitted after, it will get in. I have to type, edit, re-verify myself before I even submit it to

Heiler’s office for the printing. When I receive items on the last day it takes me hours before all the pages

are filled and I need your help and hopefully nothing is omitted and with no errors. The newsletter is sent at

least 1 week before the actual printing and delivery take place.

It would be greatly appreciated if you can help on this.

The other area of concern is the classifieds and I don‘t know when I should cancel any item after a lengthy

time of listing them. If there are any that should not be in there anymore please let me know ASAP.

Thanks, Phyllis

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Computer Help Available

Local area resident (father-in-law lives in Southfork) ,

willing to Tutor and give training, Installation of new

equipment , In home service, Computer repair. Call for

flat rate fee.

Patrick Barnett @352-521-3234

For Sale

Roundabout Motorized Wheelchair w/batteries

Asking - $1,500.00 (like brand new) ,Metal 5’ Ramp,

Asking - $50.00

352-521-6603 Jo Bellows


Beginner’s music lessons offered in your home for

organ/keyboard/accordion. I have background in music

theory and taught for several years. You’re not too old to

learn. Reasonable fee.

Call Colombe Remick 352-567-5665

Avon: Catalogs are available if interested. Please call

Tanya or Bobby Hahn @ 567-7125 or email

@ [email protected]

For Sale

2000 Club Car, two seater with 48 volt motor,

Charger included. $1800.00 or best offer.

Call Gene Lane @ 352-521-0379


A gently used 3 wheeled ladies bike. Doesn’t have to be

perfect but must be usable. Please call 727-327-3115 in

the evening or leave a message. This is a St Petersburg

number and we will get back to you.

Ed & Jeanne Bittman, 11207 Ewing Dr.

Pet Sitting

Will pet sit, at your house or mine. One on one

attention, not a kennel.

Paula Campbell

38709 Brahman Dr


Handyman Available

Steve Coker does inside and outside jobs, even hanging

curtains or blinds, touch up painting, power washing,

yard work, shuttle to the airport, seasonal maintenance,

computer training etc.

Call Steve, 813-695-0451

[email protected]

License # 081820

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Southfork July 2010 Weekly Calendar of Events

Sunday : Church Of Your Choice … Softball @ 6pm


Monday: Coffee @ 8am…… Line Dance @ 10am…… Women’s Poker @ 12:30

Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am…… Hand/Foot @6pm……Euchre, 6:30pm


Tuesday: Mixed Shuffleboard 9am……Exercise @ 10am……Sequence @1pm

Men’s Shuffleboard @9am……Ladies Shuffleboard @ 3pm

Men’s Poker @ 4:30pm ……Dbl Pinochle @ 6:30pm


Wednesday: Men’s Golf……Quilting@ 9AM…… Horseshoe’s @1pm

Men’s shuffleboard @ 9am……

Bingo @ 6:30pm TRASH PICKUP @ AM


Thursday: Ladies Golf……Hand & Foot @ 9am……Water Aerobics @9:45am

Dominoes @1pm……Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am

Horseshoes @3pm……Ladies Shuffle @ 3pm……Men’s Poker @ 4:30pm

Yarn Hookers @ 6:30pm


Friday: Mixed Shuffleboard @ 9am……Exercise @ 10am……Women’s Poker @ 12:30

Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am……Bid Euchre @ 7pm


Saturday: “65” (Card Game) @ 7pm TRASH PICKUP @ am


Special Monthly Events

July 1st (Thur) Men’s Club 9am meet at Village Inn (see sign up sheet)


July 4th (Sun) Bunco 6:30pm

July 4th (Sun) Pizza Party 3pm (details on bulletin board)

July 7th (Wed) Women’s Club (Golden Corral @11am, pay own way) see sign up sheet

July 15th (Thur) Potluck 5:30pm (meet at Golden Corral) look for sign up sheet on bulletin board.


July 18th: (Sun) Bunco 6:30pm