20090406 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee

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  • 8/2/2019 20090406 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee






    I. Introduction

    a. Call to Order

    The meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Chris Blatt at 6:30 pm at ETHOS, 835 E Street, San

    Diego CA 92102.

    b. Roll Call, Quorum Count, Approval of March Minutes

    Member absent: Michelle Dullea, Ben Nicholls, Robert Hansen, Laura Stansell, Carole Caffey

    Present: Barbara Houlton, David Skillman, John Kroll, Bill Hilsdorf, Lisa Vella, Norm Starr, CurtisNeidert, Chris Blatt

    Attending from CDC: Peter Anaya, Jr. Executive Director, Alex Ibarra, MAD Program Manager

    No changes in membership. A quorum being present, the meeting continued. John Kroll moved and

    Curtis Neidert seconded the motion that the March minutes be approved. The motion passed


    II Public Comments

    No public comments

    III Agenda Action Items

    a. Request for Urban Corps bills/contract update

    Barbara Houlton made a motion that the committee request that the bills from the Urban Corps be made

    available to the finance committee. David Skillman seconded the motion, which passed 7-0-1, the Chairabstaining. Arrangements will be made to visit the CDC office to examine the bills. A summary

    financial report for the Urban Corps was provided in hard copy by the Program Manager, Alex Ibarra.

    IV. Agenda Discussion Items

    The CDC has proceeded with a formal RFP for sidewalk repairs and there was considerable discussion,including a written statement by John Kroll, provided as Attachment A. The new Executive Director of

    the CDC introduced himself, Mr. Pedro Anaya, Jr. and there was extensive discussion of the sidewalk

    repair issues. It was agreed that members should e-mail Mr. Anaya and Mr. Ibarra directly withpertinent information.

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    Bill Hilsdorf made the following motion:

    This committee does not want sidewalk repairs because they are not MAD enhanced services.

    Lisa Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed, 6-1-1, the chair abstaining.

    b. Bylaws Committee Report

    Changes to the bylaws had been distributed to all members. These changes were in the area of loss of

    membership through lack of attendance, and establishing a quorum in that circumstance and whenmembers are on approved extended leave of absence. Norm Starr moved to accept the new bylaws, and

    Bill Hilsdorf seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0-2, the chair abstaining.

    The GH CDC was requested to provide information regarding their expectations for the year-end

    Oversight Committee member elections.

    V. Agenda Information Items

    b. Project Managers Report Alex Ibarra

    Alex Ibarra has provided a more extensive financial report. He provided a status report of MAD

    activities for March.

    VII Deferred Items

    c. Annual Meeting

    This item was again deferred.

    d. Communication and Customer Service

    Michelle Dullea had requested this agenda item, but as she was absent, the item was deferred.

    VII. Adjournment

    The next meeting is scheduled at 6:30 pm at the Ethos Church, 25th and E St on May 5, 2009.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

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    Statement by John Kroll regarding the Sidewalk Repair

    Last month I exchanged a series of letters with city officials on the use of MAD funds for sidewalk

    repair. The first letter pointed out that city policy was that sidewalk repair was the responsibility ofindividual owners, augmented in some cases by the use of city funds, not MAD funds. It also pointed

    out that the amount allocated for infrastructure in the current budget was an increase of about 700

    percent over the previous years -- strictly forbidden by the Engineers Report. This letter received areply from a member of Todd Glorias staff (but probably not written by him) that really did not deal

    with the points I had raised and restating that use of MAD funds for sidewalk repair was hunky-dory.

    I then wrote another letter restating my earlier points and making additional ones, such as legallimitations on the use of MAD funds and the fact that Ben Hueso had stated at a community meeting

    prior to the vote on the MAD that funds could NOT be used to repair sidewalks. I have received no

    reply to this letter. Ben Hueso did not reply. Todd Gloria did not reply, nor did any member of his staff.Kathy Vandenhueval did not reply. Luis Ojeda did not reply. The mayor and the city attorney did not


    It is obvious that no one in the city wants to deal with these points. Its inconvenient to take account of

    laws, facts, policies, and precedents when theres a pot of money around to be used and used quicklybefore it has to be given back to the taxpayers. As I pointed out in my final letter, this is government by

    expedience, not laws, and its what got the city into the hole its in.

    I wonder what Todd Gloria, Ben Hueso, Luis Ojeda, and the rest thought of the way the Bush

    administration pulled out of treaties and issued signing statements and ignored the Geneva Convention.

    Were they horrified at how Bush upended the Constitution, or did they see it as a good example to

    follow? Because even though the issues are absurdly disproportionate, the principle they exemplify isexactly the same: Find a way to do what you want, regardless of the law, and do it.

    Just as the Bush administration could turn to John Yoo to write memos justifying what it wanted to do,the San Diego government has Luis Ojeda to fulfill the same function. And what we need to do as a

    group is to find someone in government who is willing to admit that Luis Ojeda does not have the final

    word about the dispensation of MAD funds.

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    Hello,I'd like to know why our assessments are not being used to replace or repair cracked and brokensidewalks.Thanks,Gayle SMarina District

    ________________________________________________________________Here is the response:

    _________________________________________________________________Thanks for your email.

    Good question. The Clean & Safe Program is the Downtown Property Business Improvement District(PBID) and were responsible for providing enhanced maintenance and safety services in theDowntown public right of way and sidewalks above and beyond the baseline level of service providedby the City of San Diego. The enhanced services we provide does include modest sidewalk repair forenhanced sidewalks surfaces such as bricks and tile, but not poured concrete. If you know of such acondition in the Marina, or any other Downtown neighborhood, please let me know where its locatedand Ill go check it out. If youre referring to a poured sidewalk surface, or any kind of sidewalk that hasbeen broken due to uplifting tree roots then the responsibility reverts back to the City of San Diego.

    I apologize that this may sound complicated, but Im happy to discuss if you have any further questionsand my contact information is below. Heres a link to the Clean & Safe websitehttp://sdcleanandsafe.org/, and heres a link to the City of San Diego website http://www.sandiego.gov/

    Sincerely,Will BerryDirector of Operations & Community RelationsClean & Safe Program1111 Sixth Avenue, Suite 101

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    Monday, April 6, 2008 - 6:30 pmEthos Church, 835 E Street (25th & E)


    I. Opening: call to order, roll call, quorum count,

    approval of March minutes

    II. Public Comment by speaker slips time limited

    III. Agenda Action Items

    a. Request for Uban Corps bills/contract update - Barbara

    IV. Agenda Discussion Items

    a. Sidewalk Repairs Committee item letter to mayor attached

    b. ByLaws Committee report, includes request for motion to approve

    revised bylaws Barbara Houlton

    V. Agenda Information items

    a. Program Manager Report Alex Ibarra

    b. CDC Report Laura Stansell

    VI. For Next Meeting Items for next agenda Reminders


    VII. Deferred Items

    a. Annual Meeting waiting on financial information from the CDC

    b. Communication/Customer Service waiting on Michelle Dullea to be

    present to present this item.

    VIII. Adjournment

    current subcommittee chairs:

    CDC Board Laura, Bylaws (& program mgr) Barbara

    Finance Bob, Engineers Report Lisa

    Communication David, RFPs and Contracts - Norm

  • 8/2/2019 20090406 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee


    Greater Golden Hill Maintenance Assessment District

    Oversight Committee

    San Diego California 92102March 23, 2009

    Mayor Jerry Sanders

    City of San Diego

    City Administration Building

    11th Floor, 202 C Street

    San Diego, CA 92101

    City Attorney Jan Goldsmith

    City of San Diego

    1200 Third Ave., Suite 1620

    San Diego, CA 92101

    Mayor Sanders and City Attorney Goldsmith:

    The Greater Golden Hill Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) has an Oversight Committee which

    reviews projects proposed by the Greater Golden Hill Community Development Corporation

    (GGHCDC). The most recent project proposed by the GGHCDC to spend a large percentage of the

    annual assessment directly for sidewalk repair prompted the Oversight Committee to request guidance

    from the City. The Committee voted 9-1 in favor of a motion requesting clarification of responsibility

    and legality of sidewalk repair using MAD funds as proposed by the GGHCDC. The motion stipulated

    that the committee is opposed to this use of MAD funds as proposed by the CDC.

    You may hear in more detail from individual members of the committee, but we would like for you to

    provide to the oversight committee a written response regarding the legality and conformance to the

    contract between the City and the GGHCDC regarding the proposed sidewalk repair using MAD funds.


    Carole Caffey

    Chair, Greater Golden Hill Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) Oversight Committee

    Cc: William Anderson, City Planning and Community Investment

    Councilmembers Ben Hueso, Todd Gloria, Sherri Lightner, Kevin Faulconer, Tony Young, Carl

    DeMaio, Donna Frye, Marti Emerald

  • 8/2/2019 20090406 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee




    Clean, Green and SafePROJECT/PROGRAMACTIVITIES: Clean, Green and Safe:

    1) The Cleaning and Trash Removal Services: The month consisted of nearly 80 HotJobs (Maintenance and Services reported by Community). Beyond the hotjobs reported Urban Corp. completed around 325 maintenance jobs (weeding,graffiti removal, and pickup of illegal dumping).

    2) Trash Receptacles: 20 more trash receptacles were order (please givesuggestions of placement).

    3) Doggie Stations: The remaining 7 dog Stations will be installed this Saturday.4) Canyon: We are waiting coordination from the City on lining the gateway

    entrances to Juniper Canyon with river rock. Also the permission to enter thecanyon to remove the remaining large items from the canyon cleanup on 3-14-09. We are working in partnership with Park and Recreation on having akiosk for the Juniper Canyon.

    5) Weve meet with Gus (United Pacific Landscaping) for scheduling on treeservices. We are looking to start on April 20th and should be completed within3 weeks.

    6) We will be receiving the stickers and signs for the dog stations and trashreceptacles. The signs and stickers will have our logo.

    7) We should be ordering street sweeping signs with the next reimbursementfrom the City.8) Reimbursement: We received Februarys ($39,516) reimbursement.


    Worked with Urban Corp, Pathfinders, and Kalao Church members on the 3-14-09canyon cleanup.Removed about 4 tons (40 yard dumpster filled).









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    AmountofTaxCollected $87,062.94

    InterestedAccurued 4,467.27$

    CityFeeRetained 19,560.00$

    Reserves 50,000.00$

    Budget YTDBudget ExpYTD Varian Zone1 Zon

    Incidentals/Admin 153,46$ 0.00 102$ ,306.67 $ 44,130.58 $ 58,176.09 11,473.9$ 5 $

    BasicSerivces 208,00$ 0.00 138$ ,666.67 $ 125,495.08 $ 13,171.59 42,668.3$ 3 $

    EnhancedSerices 338,36$ 4.00 225$ ,576.00 $ 46,362.78 $ 179,213.22 12,054.3$ 2 $

    Canyon/Trail 60,00$ 0.00 40$ ,000.00 $ 1,009.04 $ 38,990.96 262.3$ 5 $

    OtherServices 50,00$ 0.00 33$ ,333.33 $ 353.01 $ 32,980.32 91.7$ 8 $

    Dcor/Banners 6,00$ 0.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,487.54 $ (487.54) 1,166.7$ 6 $

    TreeTrimming 45,00$ 0.00 30$ ,000.00 $ 380.02 $ 29,619.98 98.8$ 1 $

    Total 860,82$ 4.00 573$ ,882.67 $ 222,218.05 $ 351,664.62 67,816.3$ 0 $

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    BasicServices CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1 Zone2


    JulyOther 477.61$

    JulyTotal 477.6$ 1 477.61 17,333$ .33 16,85$ 5.72 1$ 62.39 $ 315.22

    UCAug 17,541.00$

    AugOther 662.51$

    Aug.Total 18,203.5$ 1 18,203.$ 51 17,333$ .33 (87$ 0.18) 6,1$ 89.19 12,$ 014.32

    UCSept 18,315.00$

    SeptOther 105.10$

    Sept.Total 18,420.1$ 0 18,311.$ 81 17,333$ .33 (1,08$ 6.77) 6,2$ 62.83 12,$ 157.27

    UCOct 21,697.50$

    OctOther 106.68$

    Oct.Total 21,804.1$ 8 19,439.$ 83 17,333$ .33 (4,47$ 0.85) 7,4$ 13.42 14,$ 390.76

    UCNov 17,340.00$

    NovOther 71.35$

    Nov.Total 17,411.3$ 5 18,341.$ 62 17,333$ .33 (7$ 8.02) 5,9$ 19.86 11,$ 491.49

    UCDec 18,285.00$

    DecOther 293.33$

    Dec.Total 18,578.3$ 3 18,575.$ 02 17,333$ .33 (1,24$ 5.00) 6,3$ 16.63 12,$ 261.70

    UCJan 15,600.00$


    Jan.Total 15,600.0$ 0 18,078.$ 63 17,333$ .33 1,73$ 3.33 5,3$ 04.00 10,$ 296.00

    UCFeb 15,000.00$


    Feb.Total 15,000.0$ 0 17,992.$ 92 17,333$ .33 2,33$ 3.33 5,1$ 00.00 9,$ 900.00



    MarchTotal $ 16,117.$ 92 17,333$ .33 17,33$ 3.33 $ $



    Apr.Total $ 16,117.$ 92 17,333$ .33 17,33$ 3.33 $ $



    MayTotal $ 16,117.$ 92 17,333$ .33 17,33$ 3.33 $ $



    JuneTotal $ 16,117.$ 92 17,333$ .33 17,33$ 3.33 $ $

    Totals 125,495.0$ 8 $ 207,999$ .96 82,50$ 4.88 42,6$ 68.33 82,$ 826.75

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    Incidentals/Adm CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian YTD

    Insurance(GenLiabilityandD&O) $ 141.87 $ 164.23 $ 133.3 3 $ (8.54) $ 1,478.

    AdministrativePersonnel $ 4,072.76 $ 3,991.37 $ 5,000.0 0 92$ 7.24 35$ ,922.

    Rent $ 390.00 $ 285.11 $ 800.0 0 41$ 0.00 $ 2,566.

    OfficeSupplies $ 204.71 $ 103.34 $ 208.3 3 $ 3.62 $ 930.

    Printing/Copying/Postage $ $ 86.77 $ 250.0 0 25$ 0.00 $ 520.

    Audit/AccountingLegal $ $ 376.27 $ 425.0 0 42$ 5.00 $ 1,505.

    Utilities $




    $ 175.0

    0 9$

    7.07 $

    1,208.TOTALS 4,887.27$ $ 6,991.6 7 2,10$ 4.40 44$ ,130.

    Insurance(GenLiabilityandD&O) Ad

    July 113.00$ July 4,53$ 0.44

    August $ August 4,15$ 8.70

    September $ September 3,46$ 9.71

    October 543.42$ October 3,82$ 2.20

    , .

    December $ December 4,12$ 0.76

    January 339.88$ January 4,07$ 1.76

    February 339.88$ February 3,55$ 5.24

    March 141.87$ March 4,07$ 2.76

    April April

    May May

    June June

    Total 1,478.05$ Total 35,92$ 2.33

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    pying/Postage OfficeSupplies Printing/Co

    July 47.00$ July 10$ 6.87

    August 106.00$ August $

    September 40.00$ September $

    October 140.56$ October $

    November 95.60$ November $

    December 99.61$ December 41$ 3.75

    January 184.30$

    January February 12.25$ February

    March 204.71$ March

    April April

    May May

    June June

    Total 930.03$ Total 52$ 0.62

    Utilities Cit

    July 115.28$ July 1,63$ 0.00

    . , .

    September $ September 1,63$ 0.00

    October 150.72$ October 1,63$ 0.00

    November 114.70$ November 1,63$ 0.00

    December 124.38$ December 1,63$ 0.00

    January 294.63$ January 1,63$ 0.00

    February 101.99$ February 1,63$ 0.00

    March 77.93$ March 1,63$ 0.00

    April April 1,63$ 0.00

    May May 1,63$ 0.00

    June June 1,63$ 0.00

    Total 1,208.47$ Total 19,56$ 0.00

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    Canyon&TrailBeautification CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1

    July $ 20.69 $ 20.69 $ 5,000.00 4,979$ .31 $ 5.

    August $ 20.36 $ 20.53 $ 5,000.00 4,979$ .64 $ 5.

    September $ $ 13.68 $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    October $ $ 10.26 $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    November $ 97.24 $ 27.66 $ 5,000.00 4,902$ .76 $ 25.

    December $







    .76 $

    17.January $ $ 29.22 $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    February $ 333.00 $ 67.19 $ 5,000.00 4,667$ .00 $ 86.

    March $ 471.51 $ 112.12 $ 5,000.00 4,528$ .49 $ 122.

    April $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    May $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    June $ 5,000.00 5,000$ .00 $

    Totals 1,009.04$ $ 60,000.00 58,990$ .96 $ 262.

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    Tree/Landscaping CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1 Zone2

    July 15.52$ 15.5$ 2 3,750.0$ 0 3,734.$ 48 4$ .04 11$ .48

    August 15.27$ 15.4$ 0 3,750.0$ 0 3,734.$ 73 3$ .97 11$ .30

    September 15.4$ 0 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    October 15.4$ 0 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    November 72.93$ 34.5$ 7 3,750.0$ 0 3,677.$ 07 18$ .96 53$ .97

    December 49.68$


    5 3,750.0$

    0 3,700.$

    32 12$

    .92 36$

    .76January 226.62$ 76.0$ 0 3,750.0$ 0 3,523.$ 38 58$ .92 167$ .70

    February 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    March 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    April 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    May 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    June 3,750.0$ 0 3,750.$ 00 $ $

    Total 380.02$ 45,000.0$ 0 44,619.$ 98 98$ .81 281$ .21

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    OtherServices CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1 Zone2 YTD

    July 18.10$ 18.10$ 4,166.67$ 4,148.57$ 4.71$ 13.39$ $

    August 17.81$ 17.96$ 4,166.67$ 4,148.86$ 4.63$ 13.18$ $

    September 17.96$ 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $ $

    October 17.96$ 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $ $

    November 209.14$ 81.68$ 4,166.67$ 3,957.53$ 54.38$ 154.76$ $

    December 107.96$






    $January 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    February 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    March 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    April 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    May 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    June 4,166.67$ 4,166.67$ $ $

    Total 353.01$ 50,000.00$ 91.78$ 261.23$ $

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    Dcor/Banners CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1 Zone2

    July 2,852.5$ 8 2,852$ .58 50$ 0.00 (2,3$ 52.58) $ 741.67 $ 2,110

    August 179.5$ 4 1,516$ .06 50$ 0.00 3$ 20.46 $ 46.68 $ 132

    September 756.0$ 0 1,262$ .71 50$ 0.00 (2$ 56.00) $ 196.56 $ 559

    October 177.0$ 0 991$ .28 50$ 0.00 3$ 23.00 $ 46.02 $ 130

    November 192.1$ 4 831$ .45 50$ 0.00 3$ 07.86 $ 49.96 $ 142

    December 8.2$

    8 694$

    .26 50$

    0.00 4$

    91.72 $



    6January 190.0$ 0 622$ .22 50$ 0.00 3$ 10.00 $ 49.40 $ 140

    February 50$ 0.00 5$ 00.00 $ $

    March 132.0$ 0 560$ .94 50$ 0.00 3$ 68.00 $ 34.32 $ 97

    April 50$ 0.00 5$ 00.00 $ $

    May 50$ 0.00 5$ 00.00 $ $

    June 50$ 0.00 5$ 00.00 $ $

    Total 4,487.54$ 6,00$ 0.00 1,5$ 12.46 1$ ,166.76 $ 3,320

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    EnhancedServices CurrentExp MonthlyAveExp MonthlyBudget Varian Zone1 Zo

    July 48$ 6.27 $ 486.27 $ 28,197.00 $ 27,710.73 126.4$ 3 $

    August 36$ 1.42 $ 423.85 $ 28,197.00 $ 27,835.58 93.9$ 7 $

    September 7,93$ 2.50 2$ ,926.73 $ 28,197.00 $ 20,264.50 2,062.4$ 5 $

    October 4,95$ 5.34 3$ ,433.88 $ 28,197.00 $ 23,241.66 1,288.3$ 9 $

    November 58$ 3.49 2$ ,863.80 $ 28,197.00 $ 27,613.51 151.7$ 1 $

    December 59$

    7.89 2$

    ,486.15 $

    28,197.00 $ 27,599.11


    5 $January 10,90$ 2.50 3$ ,688.49 $ 28,197.00 $ 17,294.50 2,834.6$ 5 $

    February 21$ 9.37 3$ ,254.85 $ 28,197.00 $ 27,977.63 57.0$ 4 $

    March 20,32$ 4.00 5$ ,151.42 $ 28,197.00 $ 7,873.00 5,284.2$ 4 $

    April $ 28,197.00 $ 28,197.00 $ $

    May $ 28,197.00 $ 28,197.00 $ $

    June $ 28,197.00 $ 28,197.00 $ $

    Total 46,362.78$ $ 338,364.00 $ 292,001.22 12,054.3$ 2 $

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    April 24, 2012

    Maintenance Assessment District (MAD)Business Improvement District (BID)

    South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA)Golden Hill Neighborhood Association (GHNA)

    Golden Hill Community Association (GHCA)Greater Golden Hill Planning CommitteeFriends of Balboa Park & Golf Course

    Anti-MAD Community Volunteers


    City of San DiegoGrater Golden Hill Community Development Corporation (GGHCDC)

    These documents are related to an ongoing 17 years conflict between the Citizens

    (Property owners) of the communities of SOUTH PARKand GOLDEN HILL, of SanDiego, California, battling against the employees of the City of San Diego, and the GreaterGolden Hill Community Development Corporation (GGHCDC) who dishonestly andmaliciously caused the illegal establishment of a Maintenance Assessment District over themajority objections of the Citizens [property owners]. This to specifically provide fundingand support with additional property assessments (taxes/fees) to be provided revenue to aprivet membership corporation (GGHCDC).

    In 2012 the battle is continuing although the Citizens clearly and decisively won every courtcase, which ORERED a Writ of Mandate, vacating the unconstitutional and illegalgovernmental actions/proclamations establishing the Grater Golden Hill Maintenance

    Assessment District (GGHMAD) for the benefit of and administration by the Greater GoldenHill Community Development Corporation (GGHCDC). As of today the City employees arecontinuing the Battle and are refusing to return the stolen monies by the government to theproperty owners.

    These Documents are provided to CITIZENS to assists you in fighting the tyranny of ourGovernments uncaring Politicians, and their dishonest, officious, manipulative, bullingBureaucrats. They were obtained and provided from many sources and volunteers towhom we shall never forget their goodwill and good-works.

    I recommend you to first review the following document repaired by community volunteers

    to better understand what has transpired to this point in time:

    20111031 - GGHCDC MAD HISTORY.pdf

    I also would recommend that you contact the following Anti-MAD Points of Contact:


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    19720000 - Landscaping & Lighting Act of 1972.pdf19890000 - MAP - South Park & Golden Hill.pdf

    19940000 - GGHCDC Revitalization Project.pdf19951010 - GHCDC Excutive Director Report.pdf19951010 - GHCDC Revitalization Plan Community.pdf19951019 - GHCDC Boad Directors.pdf19951024 - South Park Association 01.pdf19970000 - CA Gov. Code section 53753.pdf19970000 - TAX Right to Vote Proposition 218.pdf19970609 - MAD City Resolution 288830 MAD Ballot.pdf19980608 - SD MAD MuniCode.pdf

    20000614 - MAD local-light mad.pdf20000628 - GGHCDC Board Agenda.pdf20000810 - GGHCDC MAD Misc Docs.pdf20000810 - MAD GGHCDC - Kessler Letter.pdf20000901 - GGHCDC MAD Hal Tyvoll Protest Flier - Tovel.pdf20010213 - CDC Newsletter.pdf20010305 - GGHCDC MAD Reminder Letter.pdf20010330 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20010401 - MAD GGHCDC Status Report.pdf20010401 - MAD SD Park Dept.pdf

    20010403 - MAD GGHCDC Status Letter.pdf20010412 - MAD GGHCDC Letter.pdf20010425 - GHHCDC NewCity 01-10.pdf20010425 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20010600 - GGHCDC MAD Newletter.pdf20010608 - CMADJuneNewsletter2001.pdf20010613 - MAD GGHCDC Letter - Councilmember.pdf20010623 - MAD GGHCDC Letter - Mayor.pdf20010710 - MAD GGHCDC Letter - Atkins.pdf

    20020108 - MAD SD Process Ord1975.pdf20020108 - The MAD Process.pdf20020313 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20020430 - GGHCDC $150 Council Agenda.pdf20021021 - BID GGHCDC.pdf20021029 - GH Planning Committee - GGHCDC Business Districts.pdf20021029 - GH Planning Committee - GGHCDC Community Center.pdf20021029 - GH Planning Committee - GGHCDC Joint Committees.pdf20030500 - SD Code MAD Lighting.pdf

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    20040000 - SD Policy#100-21 MAD Formations.pdf20040913 - MAD Formation Handout.pdf20040913 - San Diego MAD Formation Handout.pdf20050000 - MAD BUDGETS 2004-8 v6_cedadmin.pdf20050425 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20050622 - MAD SD Self-ManagedMAD-CityFY2006Budget.pdf20060000 - GHCDC BoardRooster.pdf

    20060311 - MAD Court Rulling Greene.pdf20060318 - GHCDC ActionPlan.pdf20060401 - GGHCDC strategicPlan2006.pdf20060600 - GGHCDC eLetter3_06.pdf20060601 - SD Block Grants amendfyar07.pdf20060627 - MAD Council Meeting pmfinal.pdf20061200 - MAD FUNDING SIDEWALKS pmpchap7.pdf20070000 - FY08 MAD 06v3revenue.pdf20070000 - San Diego CityBEAT - poochPolitics.pdf20070101 - GGHCDC Self History.pdf

    20070300 - GHCDC MAD SD CITY Survey.pdf20070300 - MAD North Park AER.pdf20070400 - GHCDC MAD SCI Engeneers Report-NO APPENDIX.pdf20070400 - GHCDC MAD SCI Engeneers Report.pdf20070400 - SD Developemnet services.pdf20070401 - GGHCDC MAD Tony Atkins News.pdf20070406 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20070423 - GHCDC MAD Request Council Agenda JUNE 2007.pdf20070511 - City San Diego City GGHCDC MAD - Ohedia.pdf

    20070521 - Hal Tyvoll MAD Ltr to Council.pdf20070600 - GHCDC City Grants FY07.pdf20070600 - MAD City FY08v3 CIP Budget.pdf20070607 - Plan Group juneagenda.pdf20070608 - MAD GGHCDC Letter 01 - Mayor.pdf20070608 - MAD GGHCDC Letter 02 - Aguirre.pdf20070609 - GGHCDC Meeting.pdf20070612 - Council Agenda - GHCDC MAD1.pdf20070615 - GGHCDC MAD cert of mailing_1.pdf20070615 - GGHCDC MAD cert of mailing_2.pdf

    20070616 - MAD GGHCDC SD City Flier.pdf20070617 - NP News- GHCDC MAD SD CITY Advertisement.pdf20070618 - GGHCDC MAD SD City Ballot.pdf20070618 - GHCDC MAD SD CITY Letter.pdf20070619 - GHCDC MAD - SD City Opposition Consultant.pdf20070621 - Citizen No GGHCDC MAD Ltr to James T. Waring.pdf20070630 - GHCDC MAD SCI Engeneers Report-02not complete.pdf20070701 - No GGHCDC MAD Flier.pdf20070702 - Citizen No GGHCDC MAD Ltr to Toni Atkins.pdf

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    20070702 - GHCDC MAD SD CITY Flier.pdf20070702 - Toni Atkins Leter.pdf20070706 - Dear Neighbor Letter - No MAD tax.pdf20070708 - MAD GGHCDC Todd Gloria TaxpayersAdvocate.org.pdf20070709 - MAD Fellow Neighbor Helpful Note.pdf20070710 - GGHCDC MAD Ben Hueso Website.pdf20070710 - GGHCDC MAD Vote No Flier.pdf

    20070712 - MAD 18July07 MAD Meeting CHANGE.pdf20070712 - MAD GGHCDC City SAN Diego Parcels.pdf20070712 - NoMADTax - Gerrymandering.pdf20070716 - Neighbors Communications & Response from SD Clerk.pdf20070718 - GHCDC MAD Meeting CHANGE.pdf20070719 - SCI MAD san diego golden hill response.pdf20070723 - CA Code 549546.pdf20070723 - CA Code R28830.pdf20070723 - CA Constitution-ARTICLE 13 _Prop. 218_.pdf20070726 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf

    20070726 - San Diego Reader MAD GGHCDC.pdf20070730 - MAD GGHCDC - NOT A HONEST VOTE.pdf20070800 - NP NEWS - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20070900 - NP NEWS - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20071000 - GGHCDC MAD Directory.pdf20071000 - GGHCDC MAD Oversite Committe.pdf20071100 - NP NEWS - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20071207 - GGHCDC MAD Ballots Oversite Committe.pdf20080000 - GGHCDC brochurefinal_so (3)_1.pdf

    20080000 - GGHCDC MAD City Contract 2008-9.pdf20080123 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080200 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080200 - NP NEWS - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080204 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080225 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee By Laws.pdf20080225 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080317 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080421 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080519 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf

    20080519 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080521 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080600 - GHCDC MAD SCI Engeneers Report.pdf20080602 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080616 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080617 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080620 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080714 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080715 - GGHCDC MAD Notice of Inviting Bid .pdf

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    20080723 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080730 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080818 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee Procedures.pdf20080818 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20080819 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20080900 - GGHCDC MAD Newspaper.pdf20080915 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf

    20080917 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20081020 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20081022 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20081112 - SD 21.reporttocitycouncilfy09.pdf20081117 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20081118 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20081215 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20081216 - MAD MAP SD City.pdf20081230 - HUD Audit - San Diego ig0991005.pdf20090105 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf

    20090202 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20090302 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20090303 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20090307 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20090323 - GGHCDC MAD sidewalk repair Letter.pdf20090406 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20090504 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20090601 - GGHCDC MAD Oversight Committee.pdf20090606 - GGHCDC MAD Oversite Committe.pdf

    20090629 - GGHCDC MAD Promotions Letter.pdf20090630 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-fy092ndreprogramming.pdf20090707 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20090717 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20090814 - MAD Democratic Values and Special Assessments.pdf20090918 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20090930 - GGHCDC MAD Disband Oversight Committee Vote.pdf20100000 - FY11 SD budget MAD 14v1appendix.pdf20100203 - MAD Court Final Judgment GHAA.pdf

    20100203 - MAD Court Findings Judgment GHAA.pdf20100223 - GHNA - MAD help.pdf20100324 - MAD University Avenue - uampmtgpresentation.pdf20100411 - MAD GGHCDC Illegale $732,746 Budget.pdf20100421 - San Diego Reader - CDC No Refunds.pdf20100501 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20100600 - MAD GGHCDC.pdf20100726 - fy11ao.pdf20100831 - GHHCDC Audit.pdf

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    20100913 - MAD VENDOR LOT SUMMARY 9958.pdf20101001 - GGHCDC MAD Annual Report 2009.pdf20101105 - GGHCDC Hotline Investigation 11-5.pdf20101110 - UTSanDiego.pdf20101120 - 25th Street Project.pdf20101201 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20110000 - MAD 25th Street.pdf

    20110200 - MAD Oversight Cmte agenda-Feb 2011.pdf20110415 - GGHCDC 25thFINAL-FLYER#3.pdf20110504 - GGH CPUAC.pdf20110505 - GGHCDC 25th St Project.pdf20110510 - GGHCDC MAD Farmer's Market.pdf20110517 - SD Developemnet services.pdf20110600 - FY11 SD budget 10_37.pdf20110600 - SD Planning Groups contactlist.pdf20110604 - Fed Report CDC990-ending Aug 2010.pdf20110604 - Fed Report CDC990.pdf

    20110711 - GGHCDC MAD Audit.pdf20110726 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20110900 - GHHCDC Boardmembers.pdf20110922 - COURT Appellate-Final Ruling-D057004.pdf20110922 - D057004.PDF20110922 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111003 - Todd Gloria & David Alvarez GGH MAD D3_D8 Memo.pdf20111004 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111006 - GGHCDC MAD BMurry email.pdf

    20111014 - California Taxpayers Association - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111014 - San Diego Uptown News - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111020 - NP NEWS - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111021 - San Diego Reader - GGHCDC MAD.pdf20111031 - GGHCDC MAD HISTORY.pdf20111031 - GGHCDC MAD HISTORY.ppt20120000 - MAD 25th Street v3schedule1.pdf20120215 - UTSanDiego.pdf20120219 - SD Planning Groups contactlist.pdf20120312 - GGHCDC MAD City Dissolution.pdf

    20120329 - Property Tax Letter 2011-12.pdf20120412 - Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee.pdf20120412 - UpTown News Artical.pdf20120419 - GGHCDC Meeting Agenda.pdf20120419 - GGHCDC WebPage.pdf20120422 - Marco LiMandri - New City America.pdf20120423 - GGHCDC MAD Trash Cans.pdf20120900 - GGH Planning.pdf