2008 Giraffe

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  • 8/8/2019 2008 Giraffe


  • 8/8/2019 2008 Giraffe


    may sound silly, but if you don't wrap in the right direction you won't get what you need.

    You should complete this step with 16 loops on the dp needle and the yarn hanging

    down in the front of the needles. If you referred to the video, youll see that the first row

    is a knitted row. With this pattern you will purl the first row.

    Basic Stitch Consolidation instructions

    Front Consolidation (fcm): Hold these parallel in your left hand with the working yarn

    on the right as if you were going to resume the knitting (The stitches to be worked are

    on the front needle and the stitches just worked are on the back needle.) Slip all stitches

    onto a third needle in your right hand beginning with the stitch on the back needle and

    alternating with the stitches on the front needle. Slip every other stitch until all stitches

    are on the needle in your right hand.

    Back Consolidation (bcm): Hold these parallel in your left hand with the working yarn

    on the right as if you were going to resume the knitting (The stitches to be worked are

    on the front needle and the stitches just worked are on the back needle.) Slip all stitches

    onto a third needle in your right hand beginning with the stitch on the front needle and

    alternating with the stitches on the back needle. Slip every other stitch until all stitches

    are on the needle in your right hand.PSSO: pass slipped stitch over.

    KRL: (Knit Right Loop ) insert right needle into right loop of stitch just below next

    stitch; place it onto left needle and knit it; then work the pattern as instructed.

    KLL: (Knit Left Loop) insert left needle into loop of stitch just below stitch just worked;

    and knit it: then resume working the pattern KFB: Knit into front of stitch on the left

    needle but before removing it from the needle knit into the back. You now have 2

    stitches where you originally had one.

    Knit encroachment (k enc):sl1 stitch from the left needle to the right needle, lift the

    stitch below the next stitch onto the left needle. Slip previously slipped stitch back onto

    the left needle and knit the two together.

    Purl Encroachment (p enc): sl1 stitch from the left needle to the right needle, lift the

    stitch below the next stitch onto the left needle. Slip previously slipped stitch back onto

    the left needle and purl the two together.*Weave in loose ends as you go before stuffing

    with fiber-fill.

    Stitch Consolidation:


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    Legs (make 4):*With Y1 CO 24 stitches. Do not turn, youll be knitting in the round by

    working the from the first stitch you casted on. Round 1-7 (odd rounds only): knit,

    Round 2: (k4, inc 1, k4) 3 times. (27 stitches) Round 4: (k4, inc 1, k5) 3 times, (30

    stitches) Round 6: purl Round 8: (k1, k2tog) 10 times (20 stitches), Round 9: (k1,

    k2tog, k1) 5 times, (15 stitches) Round 10: k1, (k2tog) 7 times, (8 stitches) cut yarn

    leaving a 6 inch tail, and using a tapestry needle thread it through the remaining 8

    stitches, pull tight and tie off on the purl side of your work. Do not stuff yet. Turn your

    work around so you that you are looking at the knit side and begin working with the cast

    on edge. Tie the new working yarn Y2 to the tail left from the cast on. Using the outside

    loop of each cast on stitch, pick up 24 stitches around the edge. Rounds 1 & 3: knit,

    Round 2: (k3, k2tog, k3) 3 times (21 stitches) Round 4: (k2, k2tog, k3) 3 times (18

    stitches) Rounds 5-24: knit (If you prefer not to count rows, you can just k360). Stuff

    with fiber-fill and close the arms using the Back Consolidation method (see stitch

    instructions), * you should now have all stitches on one needle, turn and p2tog across,

    leaving you with 9 stitches. Cut yarn leaving enough that the stitches dont come

    undone (approximately 6 inches). Cut yarn leaving enough that the stitches dont come

    undone (approximately 6 inches. Transfer all legs to your circular needle as they are

    completed with the purl side of the final row facing you. This will be important when you

    attach them to the body.

    Head: With Y2 and using the Turkish Cast On Method, wrap yarn counter clockwise for

    a total of 16 times. Purl the first row (rather than knitting as the video demonstrates),

    turn again. Row 1: sl1, k14, (1 st remains unworked) turn, Row 2: sl1, p13, (1 st

    remains unworked) turn, Row 3: sl1, k12, (2 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 4: sl1,

    p11, (2 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 5: sl1, k10, (3 sts remain unworked) turn, Row

    6: sl1, p9,(3 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 7: sl1, k8, (4 sts remain unworked) turn,

    Row 8: sl1, p7, p enc, (3 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 9: sl1, k8, k enc, (3 sts

    remain unworked) turn, Row 10: sl1, p9, p enc, (2 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 11:

    sl1, k10, k enc, (2 sts remain unworked) turn, Row 12: sl1, p11, p enc, (1 sts remain

    unworked) turn, Row 13: sl1, k12, k enc, (1 sts remain unworked) turn Row 14: sl1,

    p14, (you will not p enc here, because you should be at the end of the row) turn, Row

    15: sl1, knit across. You should still have a total of 16 stitches and you will now start

    knitting in the round. Slide your circular needle into place and just continue knitting all

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    stuff too full and dont stuff up to the needles or you will end up with fibers in your

    knitting which are difficult to remove.

    Body: Knit 16 more stitches. You should now be at the midway point of the back where

    you will begin each round from now on. Round 1: (k4, KLL, k4) 3 times (27 stitches)

    Round 2: knit Round 3: k5, KRL, k9, KRL, k8, KLL, k5 (30 stitches) Round 4: k6. You

    are now going to consolidate the next 9 stitches to be worked with the stitches on one

    leg so they can be worked together. While holding the body section as if you were going

    to continue knitting, pick up the needle containing the legs so that you can see the purl

    side of the final row and place it in front of the stitches of the body section that are to be

    worked next. Back Consolidate (see instructions above) one leg only. Now where you

    would have worked 9 stitches on the body, you have 18. (p2tog) 9 times. Now attach a

    second leg in the same manner again (having 18 stitches total where there would have

    only been 9), but this time use the front consolidation method (See instructions above).

    k6, Rounds 5-17(odd rounds only): knit, Round 6: k5, KRL, k10, KLL k10, KLL, k5,

    (33 stitches) Round 8: k5, KRL, k11, KRL, k12, KLL, k5 (36 stitches) Round 10: k6,

    KRL, k12, KLL, k12, KLL, k6 (39 stitches) Round 12: k6, KRL, k13, KRL, k14, KLL, k6

    (42 stitches) Round 14: (k7, KRL) twice, k5, KRL, k4, KLL, k5,(KLL, k7) twice (48

    stitches) Round 16: (k8, KRL) twice, k6, KRL, k4, KLL, k6,(KLL, k8) twice (54 stitches)

    Round 18:(k9, KRL) twice, k6, KRL, k6, KLL, k6,(KLL, k9) twice (60 stitches). Heres a

    good place to switch to your circular needle. Rounds 19-26: knit, Round 27: (k2,

    k2tog,) twice, k4, k2tog, k32, k2tog, k4, (k2tog, k2,) twice,(54 stitches) Round 28: knit,

    Round 29: k3, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k3 (48

    stitches) Round 30: k13. You are now going to consolidate the next 9 stitches to be

    worked with the stitches on one leg so they can be worked together. While holding the

    body section as if you were going to continue knitting, pick up the needle containing the

    legs so that you can see the purl side of the final row and place it in front of the stitches

    of the body section that are to be worked next. Back Consolidate (see instructions

    above) one leg only. Now where you would have worked 9 stitches on the body, you

    have 18, (p2tog) 9 times. k4, and attach a second leg in the same manner again

    (having 18 stitches total where there would have only been 9), but this time use the front

    consolidation method (See instructions above). k13,Round 31: (k3, k2tog, k3) 6 times.

    (42 stitches) Round 32: k2, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k6, k2tog,

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    k2 (36 stitches) Round 33: (k2, k2tog, k2) 6 times, (30 stitches), stuff the upper portion

    of the body until firm. Round 34: k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog,

    k4, k2tog, k1 (24 stitches) Round 35: (k1, k2tog, k1) 6 times, (18 stitches) Round 36:

    (k1, k2tog,) 6 times (12 stitches) cut yarn leaving a 8 inch tail, and using a tapestry

    needle thread it through the all stitches. Stuff more fiber-fill into the body until you are

    satisfied with the firmness, pull tight and tie off. Youll need to be creative with this step

    since its closed and you cant work from the inside.

    Ear #1:Row 1: With Y1, CO 6, turn, Rows 2-3: knit, turn, Row 4: k3, KLL, k3, turn, (7

    stitches), Rows 5-9 (odd rows only): knit, turn, Row 6: k4, KLL, k3, turn, (8 stitches),

    Row 8: k4, KLL, k4, turn, (9 stitches), Row 10: k5, KLL, k4, turn, (10 stitches), Rows

    11-14: knit, turn, Rows 15-23: sl1, k1, PSSO, first stitch, knit to end. You should now

    have 1 stitch left on the needle. Cut yarn leaving 12 inches. Use your tapestry needle to

    weave it through the ear towards the bottom. Fold ear in half vertically and stitch the

    bottom together. Attach to the top of the head perpendicular to the line that formed

    when you worked the encroachment during the head shaping.

    Ear #2: Row 1: With Y1, CO 6, turn, Rows 2-3: knit, turn, Row 4: k3, KRL, k3, turn, (7

    stitches), Rows 5-9 (odd rows only): knit, turn, Row 6: k3, KRL, k4, turn, (8 stitches),

    Row 8: k4, KRL, k4, turn, (9 stitches), Row 10: k4, KRL, k5, turn, (10 stitches), Rows

    11-14: knit, turn, Rows 15-23: sl1, k1, PSSO, first stitch, knit to end. You should now

    have 1 stitch left on the needle. Cut yarn leaving 12 inches. Use your tapestry needle to

    weave it through the ear towards the bottom. Fold ear in half vertically and stitch the

    bottom together. Attach to the top of the head perpendicular to the line that formed

    when you worked the encroachment during the head shaping.

    Horns (make 2): With Y1, CO 4 and knit an I-cord for 24 stitches. The next step

    doubles your stitches. KFB in each stitch until you have 8 and then knit all stitches

    once. KFB in each stitch again until you have 16 stitches and then knit all stitches once.

    Cut yarn leaving a 12-inch tail. Using a tapestry needle, slip each stitch onto the tail.

    Pull tight and thread it through all stitches a couple more times pulling tight each time to

    be sure to close the hole. Rather than tying off, thread it down through the bulb on top of

    the horn, down through the shaft of the horn and out the other end. Use this to attach

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    the horn to the head at top where you began working the encroachment during the head

    shaping. They will be spaced approximately inch apart and there will be a small

    space between the horns and the ears as well. Tie off any remaining ends.

    Finishing: For the tail, cut three 12-24 inch strands of yarn, thread them through a

    couple of stitches on the back of the giraffe on the row just above where you began

    decreasing to finish him off. Braid and tie off so that it looks kind of like a little broom.

    Now embroider on the facial features and voila! You now have your very first sock

    giraffe. You are free to embellish him any way you wish.

    2008 Mybootee Boutique