2007-2013 European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development EU rural development policy

2007-2013 European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development EU rural development policy

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Page 1: 2007-2013 European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development EU rural development policy


European CommissionDirectorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development

EU rural development policy

Page 2: 2007-2013 European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development EU rural development policy

New RDR 2

Main challenges to meet:

Address the diversity of rural areas and the varying needs across Europe.

Correspond to different traditions of policy implementation and local involvement.

Ensure that programming takes place with reference to clearly defined targets

Ensure accountability through appropriate monitoring and evaluation of the use of Community funds

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New RDR 3

Three core objectives:

Improving the competitiveness of the farm and forestry sector through support for restructuring, development and innovation

Improving the environment and the countryside through support for land management

Improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification of economic activity

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New RDR 4

Four axes to implement the objectives:

1. Improving the competitiveness of the farm and forestry sector

2. Improving the environment and the countryside

3. Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy


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New RDR 5

Axis 1 : Improving Competitiveness

Capacity building and innovation: vocational training and information, advisory services;

Restructuring measures: investments to improve production, processing and marketing structures, setting up of young farmers; early retirement;

Quality of agricultural production and products: adaptation to new EU standards; participation in food quality schemes; promotion for quality products.

Transitional measures for the new Member States (until 2013): semi-subsistence farms; setting up of producer groups.

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New RDR 6

Axis 2 : Environment and Management

Measures targeting the sustainable use of

Agricultural land: support for mountain areas and other areas with handicaps; Natura 2000; agri-environment measures; non-productive investments

Forestry land: first afforestation; first establishment of agro-forestry systems, Natura 2000 areas; forest-environment; restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention actions; support for non-productive investments

Animal welfare measures


Agri-environment measures are compulsory for each programme Cross compliance sanctions apply

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Axis 3 : Diversification, quality of life

Diversification of the rural economy:

Diversification to non-agricultural activities; support for micro-enterprises; tourism

Improvement of the quality of life in rural areas:

Basic services; village renewal; conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage (natural and cultural)

Training and capacity building

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New RDR 8

Axis 4 : Leader

Implementation of local development strategies through a Leader approach to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of one or several of the three other axes

Inter-territorial and trans-national cooperation between LAGS

Capacity building and functioning of LAGs

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New RDR 9

Programme balance

Axis 1: Competitiveness at least 10% of EU programme funding

Axis 2: Land management at least 25% (10% in DOM)

Axis 3: Wider rural development at least 10%

Axis 4: LEADER at least 5% (but counts for the other axes)

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New RDR 10

Programming steps

3. National or regional rural development programmes articulating

the four axes

1. National strategy plans translating the EU priorities to the member

state situation and ensuring complementarity with Cohesion policy

2. Community strategic guidelines setting out the EU priorities for the

period 2007-2013

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New RDR 11

The implementation of strategies and programmes will be supported by:

Technical assistance at programme level for preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control activities (up to 4% of programme funding)

A national rural network supporting and bringing together the organisations and administrations active in rural development (financed from the technical assistance at programme level)

A European rural development network to interface with the national networks and administrations (financed from the technical assistance at Commission initiative, 0.25% of RD funding)

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New RDR 12

<<LEADER Axis>>

Rural Development 2007-2013

Single set of programming, financing, monitoring, auditing rules

Single Rural Development Fund

Axis 1 Competi-tiveness

Axis 1 Competi-tiveness

Axis 2Environment



Axis 2Environment



Axis 3Economic


Quality of Life

Axis 3Economic


Quality of Life