Municipal Association of Victoria Strategic Work Plan 2007-2008 Delivering a strong and strategically positioned sector.

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Page 1: 2007-08 strategic plan - mav.asn.au  · Web viewMunicipal Association of Victoria. Strategic Work Plan 2007-2008. Delivering a strong and strategically positioned sector. MAV STRATEGIC

Municipal Association of VictoriaStrategic Work Plan 2007-2008

Delivering a strong and strategically positioned sector.

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The Municipal Association of Victoria was established to promote the efficient carrying out ofmunicipal government throughout the State of Victoria and to watch over and protect the interests,rights and privileges of municipal corporations. (Municipal Association Act, 1907)

In fulfilling its purpose under the Act, the MAV is a representative body - developing policy andpromoting effective inter-governmental cooperation, and advocating actively and energetically torepresent its membership in a variety of political, community and media forums.

The activities of the MAV are supported by a comprehensive policy research base, which coverseconomics and finance, governance and councillor development, planning and building, humanservices and public health, infrastructure, transport, environment, emergency management andcommunity safety, community development, workforce and professional development andcollaboration and capacity building.

According to the process endorsed by State Council for developing the MAV's Strategic Work Plan,the MAV Board first developed the broad policy direction for 2007-08 with input from staff.Members were consulted on these directions through the regional meetings held across the statein March and April.

This document outlines actions the MAV proposes to undertake in 2007-08 in pursuit of the majorissues raised by its membership, and is presented in draft form for consideration by councils aheadof the MAV State Council on 10 May 2007.

Issues incorporated into the Work Plan are typically statewide in nature and greater priority isattributed to matters affecting the whole local government sector.

It is clear from the regional meetings there is significant agreement in the major issuesaffecting the sector and there is a consensus on the key issues requiring priority MAVeffort. The top five issues raised by the members are:

The long-term financial viability of the sectorThe effect of cost shifting from other tiers of governmentThe ageing of the population, and associated financial strains on councils (including Home andCommunity Care funding)The effect of the drought and climate changeThe challenge of renewing local government infrastructure

Major changes to MAV priorities highlighted through the regional planning meetings are theelevation of climate change as a local government priority and the addition of MAVactivities in local government efficiency measures.

A critical function of the MAV is its ability to remain flexible and adaptable enough to achieve bothits set objectives and respond in a timely manner to issues affecting the sector as they arise.

The Association will accordingly include additional items in its work plan as new matters emerge.The Board of Management, with support from established advisory groups, will be responsible forprioritising these matters in the context of the agreed work program.

The MAV will report its achievements against this plan in its Annual Report 2007-08.


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The MAV held 13 regional planning meetings with councils in March and April 2007. Council viewswere sought on the priority issues affecting the local government sector which ought to beconsidered for MAV action. The following provides an overview of the issues raised by MAVmember councils and the frequency with which they were raised.

Economics and FinanceFinancial sustainability * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13Cost shiftingIntergovernmental Relations









* * 108

Capacity to pay ratesRural council fundingLocal government efficiencyMAV data







* 7655

Alternative tax sourcesCost of 2-yearly revaluationsRed tape




* 433

Rate rebate for EC declaredcouncilsUnbundling of waterSuperannuation paybackPipeline ratingState funding - local roads



Governance and Councillor DevelopmentProspective and new councillortrainingIncrease skill level of councillorsCouncillor remuneration








* 876

Councillor DevelopmentWeekendCertified councillor trainingAttracting quality councillorsAccess to trainingMayoral trainingCouncillor conductElectoral representation reviewsRole of councillorMedia trainingRelationship MAV - LGPro





Planning and BuildingDeveloper contributionsLocal planning





* 54

Alignment State-local planningpolicyRural Zones - direct translationPlanning simplificationSustainability planning






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Planning and BuildingRegional strategic planningResponsibility for public landAboriginal Heritage ActGreen wedgeResCodePlanning new communitiesM2030Managing urban growth inregional citiesDevelopment pressures





Human Services and Public HealthAgeing population * * * * * * * * * * 10YouthEarly yearsPublic library funding






* 655

Shared and co-location ofservicesCommunity diversityHousing affordabilityUnemploymentHealth services deliveryKindergarten infrastructure





InfrastructureInfrastructure renewal * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13Freight infrastructureState infrastructurePopulation growth





* * 644

Sport, community infrastructureTelecommunications



* 32

TransportPublic transportCommunity transport






* * 75



* 1

Water * * * * * * * * * * 10Climate change and renewableenergy * * * * * * * * * 9Sustainability – localgovernment as a role modelCoastal issuesWaste managementWeed management



* 3222

Balancing objectives - flora andfauna * 1


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Emergency Management & Community SafetyDroughtGamblingGraffiti




* 433

SpeedingPolice numbers

Community Development



Small town viabilityPopulation declineCommunity wellbeing





* 544

Sea / tree change * * 2Role of DVC in communityplanningVolunteer burnoutCommunity planning


* 211

Workforce and Professional DevelopmentStaff recruitment * * * * * * * * * * 10Rotate staff through urban andregional areas * 1

Collaboration and Capacity BuildingCollaboration * * * * * 5Large and small councilsworking together

Communications & Marketing

* 1

Image of local government * * * * * 5Freshen up communication withmembersRate increases






Alternative communicationmechanismsUnderstanding of local issuesEstablish a PR Unit at MAVStrong united voice for thesector






Future of Local Government * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13Federal election campaign * * 2Rural / metro voting at MAVState Council * * 2Reducing metro focus ofstrategy and policyA summer censusMAV relationship with VLGAUniform national petrol price


* 2111


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OtherAbolish the statesHuman Rights charter







The MAV’s strategic work plan includes issues of a long-term and short-term focus. Accordingly,many issues identified in previous strategic work plans remain, while issues that have beenresolved in 2006-07 are replaced by new priorities.

To clearly document the flow of actions in the strategic plan, the following table illustrates thoseissues from the Strategic Work Plan 2006-07 which will be incorporated in the Work Plan for 2007-08, the completed issues, and priority issues identified through the regional planning meetings thatwill be incorporated into the Work Plan.

Strategic objectives have been defined for each policy domain following the widespread planningand consultation process undertaken by the MAV. All items in the subsequent action plan for eacharea have been aligned to the achievement of the relevant objective.

As outlined previously, the work plan of the MAV will evolve throughout the year as new issuesemerge.

1. FinanceStrategic Objective: To strengthen local government funding and finances to ensure long-termsustainability for the sector

Complete Ongoing NewNational Funding Establishment of a Continue to support the

model for increasedfunding for LG

ALGA in its campaign foran improved escalator

Develop a vision for LGthrough FOLG AdvisoryGroup

for the FinancialAssistance Grants, theestablishment of acommunity infrastructurefund, and a continuationof Roads to RecoveryContinue to collect andanalyse and report to thesector at least annuallythe financial state ofVictorian localgovernment


Establish protocols andpractice to support the

Complete thedevelopment of the

implementation of theIGA

State-based IGA

Ensure there areprocesses to monitor theapplication of the IGA


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Complete Ongoing NewProductivityCommission Review

Review of Local RoadGrants

Water Rights

New Reform Agenda

Fire Services Levy


Prepare a submission tothe PC review of localgovernment revenueraising on behalf of thesectorInvestigate alternativesources of taxationAdvocate the interests ofVictorian councils in thereview of the interstatedistribution of local roadsgrantsComplete the projectwith councils and theDSE on waterunbundlingAdvocate on behalf ofcouncils for acommitment thatsupports affectedcommunitiesWork with the ALGA toaccess payments forreforms under the NewReform AgendaWork with the StateGovernment to identifyred tape reductionopportunitiesAdvocate for a reductionof red tape imposed onlocal governmentContinue to advocateagainst the significantescalation of the FSLCommunicationscampaign onrevaluationsAdvocate for three yearvaluation cycle

Capacity to pay rates Research the capacity of Produce a reportthe community to payrates

examining the policyimplications of thecapacity to pay ratesresearch

National CompetitionPolicy

Land Tax

Advocate for areplacement tranche offunding for NCPpaymentsAdvocate for land taxreform for SME

Cost shifting


Undertake research onincidence of cost shiftingAdvocate for a clearerallocation ofresponsibilities betweenthe spheres ofgovernment


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Complete Ongoing NewLocal governmentefficiency

Undertake a project toexamine factors affectingcost escalation in localgovernmentExamine priority areasfor improving localgovernment efficiency

Rate rebate for ECDeclared Councils


Advocate on behalf ofcouncils in thereimbursement of therate rebateInvestigate the feasibilityof returning excess fundsfrom the defined benefitsfund

Pipeline rating Examine the feasibility ofundertaking an advocacycampaign on pipelinerating

State funding - localroads

Advocate for statefunding for local roads

2. Governance and Councillor Development

Strategic Objective: To strengthen the skills, knowledge and capacity of local government’selected representatives and workforce

Complete Ongoing NewCouncillor conduct Work with councils to Advocate for the

identify models toresolve governancebreakdowns in councils

adoption of the preferredmodel to resolvegovernance breakdownsin councils

Legislative amendments

Good Governance

Provide an integratedand proactive approachto dealing with theimplementation oflegislative changeaffecting localgovernmentAssist councils toidentify strategies toencourage and supportgood governance withinternal and externalpolices, programs andseminars

Councillor DevelopmentProgram

Complete CouncillorCompetency Framework

Ensure professionaldevelopment offering

research complements the Review and align

councillor developmentprograms to the findings

Integrated PerformanceFramework forCouncillors as it evolves

of the CouncillorCompetency Frameworkresearch


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Complete Ongoing NewCouncillorRemuneration

Advocate for a review ofcouncillor remuneration

Develop a sectorposition for thecouncillor remunerationreview

Councillor Census Undertake a census ofat least 90 per cent ofVictoria’s councillors tounderstand thedemographic profile ofelected officials andappropriately targetsupport for councillors

Election reforms

Examine options toreform local governmentelections to reduce thecosts borne by councilsExamine the operationof the first iteration ofthe electoralrepresentation reviews

Prospective and NewCouncillor Training

Provide an extensiveand extended program

Investigate the feasibilityof extending new

of training for new andexperienced councillors

councillor training toinclude prospective

Establish a websiteproviding information tonew and prospectivecouncillors


Councillor DevelopmentWeekend

Certified councillortraining

Investigated thefeasibility of locating theCouncillor DevelopmentWeekend at anotherlocation but have beenunable to locate a 200seat auditorium in ruralVictoria other than inLorneExamine options forprofessional certificationthrough the CouncillorCompetency Framework

Access to training

Media training

Provide, upon request,any training programoffered as an in houseserviceOffer advanced andfoundation mediatraining

Rural / metro voting atMAV State Council

Issues will beconsidered at May 2007State Council


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3. Planning and Building

Strategic Objective: To support and strengthen local government to fulfil its planning functionsand to improve the planning system, processes and practices, for improved natural and built-formoutcomes in Victoria.

Complete Ongoing NewRural Zones andRegional Planning

Conduct a forum onplanning and

Develop and implementprojects to improve the

Progress findings of theRural Zones planning

management of ruralland and regional growth(planned for June)

capacity of councils toapply the new formatRural Zones and supportthe planning andmanagement of ruralland

projects, particularlyrelating to priority issuesfacing rural councils

Melbourne 2030 Progress green wedge Continue to convene Explore housing issuessurvey outcomesthrough DSE and greenwedge management

and support theMelbourne 2030 localgovernment reference

focussing onaccessibility, housingdiversity and affordability

planningIdentify priorities for

groupConduct issue specific

Advocate for planningprocesses and controls

councils in theimplementation ofMelbourne 2030 in the

forums on place-makingand integrated transportplanning

to improve integratedtransport outcomes forurban areas

lead up to Novemberelection and the DSEimplementation review

Advocate for increasedsupport from the StateGovernment in

Utilise Melbourne 2030review to explore sub-regional economic, retail

developing infrastructureto support Melbourne2030

and employmentfunctions

Understand councilconcerns aboutMelbourne 2030 andmake representations tothe State about theseconcerns

Carbines Review andthe Streamlining ofPlanning

Support localgovernmentrepresentatives on theCarbines Reviewcommittee

Participate in theDevelopmentAssessment ForumAdvocate for ongoingreform, improvement

Examine role andstructure of localplanning policyRepresent the interestsof local government in

and resourcing of theVictorian PlanningSystem and Planningand Environment Act

any attempt to alignstate-local planningpolicy

Growth area Convene the six Advocate localcouncils affected by thegrowth areaimplementation

government issues inthe establishment phasethrough the Growth AreaEstablishment Taskforceand the Growth AreaAuthorityEnsure that GAA workinforms and adds valueto directly affectedcouncils as well assector knowledge


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Complete Ongoing NewPlanning fees review

Participate in the reviewof planning feesSupport the stakeholder,technical reference andlocal government reviewgroups.

Developer contributions Examine options to fund Explore opportunities toinfrastructuredevelopment throughdeveloper contributionsand betterment levyschemes

commissioning researchon options to improvefunding for urban andinfrastructure services

Sustainability planning ESD advocacy group Develop information Participate in draftingestablished and meeting resource for councils “Your Development”quarterly Advocate for regulatory guide

reformResponsibility for publicland management

Request DSE toconvene a localgovernment forum onCrown land and otherpublic land managementand resourcing issues

Aboriginal Heritage Actimplementation

Monitor impactsassociated with

Support transition,monitoring of impacts

introduction of new Actand associatedregulations

and possible review ofimplementation ofAboriginal Heritage Act

Managing urban growthin regional cities anddevelopment pressures

Melbourne 2030 localgovernment referencegroup open to allcouncilsContinue to hostVicUrban / MAVbusiness breakfasts

ResCode The need for review and Pursue opportunities toability to modifyResCode was raisedthrough Cutting red tapeprojects

simplify processes forcouncils to modify andtailor ResCodeprovisions

Planning newcommunities

See managing UrbanGrowthSee Melbourne 2030See Growth Area


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4. Human Services and Public Health

Strategic Objective: To strengthen local government’s ability and capacity to provide for thesocial wellbeing of communities

Complete Ongoing NewEarly Years Advocate for the Advocate for affordable, Advocate for funding

expansion of Best Startsite funding

accessible and qualitychildcare

support for integration ofchildren’s services

Implement the childcare Advocate for funding to Strengthen partnershipsregister pilot project support local

governmentkindergarten andchildcare services

with key stakeholders toachieve betterintegration of children’sservices at the local

Work with councils tomaintain and renewearly years strategies

level.Work with outersuburban (or interface)councils to strengthenthe effectiveness of theirplanning and servicedelivery for youngfamilies.


Positive Ageing

Update the MAVpublication Housing:Your basic infrastructure– A toolkit for localgovernment housingpolicies and strategiesSupport the effectivedelivery of positiveageing strategies andgrants to councilprojects

HACC Undertake a baseline Continue to advocate for Support council effortsstudy of HACC costs improved funding and

service standards forHACC

to implement new HACCservice models

MCH Develop mechanisms to Review the outcomes ofshare best practice andservice enhancementbetween councils

the Memorandum ofUnderstanding betweenthe MAV and DHS for

Library funding


Undertake a baselinestudy of the costs andrelative funding levelsfor MCH services

the MCH service,pending the outcomes ofthe costing study

Advocate for greaterpublic library fundingConvene a nationalforum on youth todiscuss youth issues,areas of advocacy forCommonwealth andState support and toclarify the localgovernment agenda foryouth issues


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Complete Ongoing NewKindergarteninfrastructure

Disability servicesprovision and advocacy

Public Health

Advocate for capitalfunding for kindergarteninfrastructureAdvocate for a BuildingAccessibility Standard,such as thosesuggested in theAccessible HousingTaskforceDevelop a quantitativeassessment of currentaccessibility in localgovernment anddevelop a costed actionplan for making councilbuildings and facilitiesaccessibleResolve localgovernmentresponsibility for busstop compliance underthe DisabilityDiscrimination ActRepresent the interestsof local government inthe Health Act reviewDevelop a localgovernment position onthe VictorianCompetition andEfficiency Commissionreview of food safetyregulation

5. Infrastructure

Strategic Objective: To support and enhance local government’s provision, renewal andmaintenance of sustainable local roads, infrastructure and integrated transport systems

Complete Ongoing NewAsset ManagementCapacity Building

Conduct anindependent audit of

Integrate asset renewalfunding gap data with

Document case studieson council efforts in

council capacity in assetmanagement throughthe introduction of anew advanced StepProgramRefine themeasurement of theasset renewal fundinggap

financial statements ofcouncils

asset management andthe need for additionalasset renewal fundingsupport

Road Management Act Participate in the reviewof the RoadManagement Act andadvocate for outcomesto support localgovernment


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Complete Ongoing NewRoads to Recovery

National Road Data

Build a case for a thirdround of Roads toRecovery fundingAssist ALGA inadvocating for Roads toRecovery mark IIIAssist ALGA toprogress the NationalLocal Road Dataframework, a jointproject between theMAV and LGAQ toimprove the quality oflocal government roaddata (note: a possiblebudget allocation maybe made in May 2007)

AusLink - RegionalTransport Groups

Examine options forVictorian regionaltransport groups tofinance the identifiedregional developmentand transport plans(note: additionalactivities will take placeif further funding roundsare announced)

Freight infrastructure

State infrastructure

Sport, communityinfrastructure

Advocate for improvedfreight infrastructureAdvocate to improve thestandard of stateinfrastructureUndertake technicalwork to developstrategies to droughtproof sporting groundsand communityinfrastructure

6. Transport

Strategic Objective: To enhance and support local government’s advocacy and delivery ofimproved mobility and transport for the community

Complete Ongoing NewTransport Draft and adopt the Implement the MAV Coordinate a local

Sustainable Transportaction Plan

Transport Strategy andSustainable Transport

government position onthe Eddington review

Develop the MAVTransport StrategyReview outcomes of theMeeting Our TransportChallenges policy andadvocate for support toovercome any gaps

Action PlanContinue to advocatethe interests of localgovernment on issues oftraffic congestion inMelbourne and regionalVictoria

and facilitateopportunities forcouncils to meet withthe study teamProvide furtheropportunities fortransport alliances tomeet to progress issuesof common interest


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Complete Ongoing NewDisabled Parking

Community transport


Work in partnership withthe State Government toadvocate for reforms toenhance the disabledPersons ParkingSchemeExamine options toprogress community-based transport with theDepartment ofInfrastructure; theDepartment for VictorianCommunities and otherkey stakeholdersDevelop a localgovernment position tocongestion issuesthrough the DOI/MAVLiaison Group

7. Environment

Strategic Objective: To ensure local government has effective practices and processes thatprotect and enhance the environment

Complete Ongoing NewWeed Management Advocate for clarification

to the Catchment andLand Protection Actsuch that localgovernment is notburdened with theresponsibility to manageroadside weeds


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Complete Ongoing NewWaste Management Respond to the Develop a sector

Productivity CommissionInquiry into WasteGeneration andResource Efficiency

position on theeffectiveness of theNational PackagingCovenant in the lead up

Represent the interestsof councils through thecurrent metropolitanwaste reforms

to the 2008 mid-termreviewAddress resourcerecovery expectations ofratepayers for servicesin rural areas

Assist rural councils todeal with the increasingregulatory burden ofwaste managementExamine options tofinance the developmentof new technologies forwaste managementDevelop a localgovernment position onthe land fill levy whenthe current incrementalgrowth mandatedconcludes on 30 July2007

Native Vegetation

Planning andEnvironment

Support councilsthrough the rollout of the‘New Approach’ tonative vegetationmanagement, includingthe development ofreferral agreementsContinue working on theintegration of land useplanning and regionalcatchment planning

Domestic WastewaterManagement

Develop a position inresponse to the Auditor

Undertake a study onlocal government

General’s Report aboutthe management ofbacklog sewerageconnections

resourcing for domesticwaste water to informpending regulatoryreview

Advocate for furtherState Governmentinvestment in domesticwastewatermanagementObtain continued StateGovernment funding forthe Smart Septicscapacity buildingprogram

Water Establish an MAV Water Represent the sector’sTaskforce perspective on various

government committeeson stormwater, domesticwastewater, floods anddrainage and alternativewater sources


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Complete Ongoing NewClimate Change &Renewable Energy

Complete a study ofclimate change anddevelop localgovernment casestudies

Sustainability - LG as arole model

Convene the Victorianlocal government

Reflect the sector’sperspective on local

sustainability network governmentsustainability throughthe Minister’s LocalSustainability AdvisoryCommittee

Coastal issues Provide on-goingsupport to coastalissues through theAssociation of BaysideMunicipalities

8. Emergency Management and Community Safety

Strategic Objective: To support local government’s community safety and emergencymanagement roles that contribute to the protection of local communities.

Complete Ongoing NewEmergencyManagement

Pandemic Planning

Continue to advocate fora more clearly definedlocal government role inemergencymanagement, includingnecessary legislativeamendmentsAdvocate for the role oflocal government inState andCommonwealth plansfor avian influenzapandemic planningAssist councils toundertake their ownpandemic planning andpreparedness activities

Community Safety Coordinate a sector- Work with the Localwide response to theGambling LicensesReview and advocatelocal government’sposition

Government DrugIssues Forum tofacilitate informationsharing betweencouncils and to promote

Represent the localgovernment position inrelation to the high cost

successful strategies inmanaging local drug andalcohol issues

of graffiti managementfor councils and theneed for state levelcoordination to the StateGovernment.


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Complete Ongoing NewDrought Establish a drought Continue to represent

taskforce the interests of councilsand their communitiesthat are affected bydrought

Police numbers Examine the issue ofpolice numbers throughthe Victorian SafeCommunities Network

9. Community Development

Strategic Objective: To strengthen connections and engagement between councils and theircommunities

Complete Ongoing NewLighthouse Project(Community planningand well-being project)

Implement communityplanning initiativesthrough the LighthouseprogramContinue to advocate forgreater alignmentbetween State and MAVcommunity planningactivities

Voluntary CommunityParticipation

Undertake a researchproject exploring the roleof local government insupporting and enablingvolunteering in acommunity developmentcontextSupport councils toaddress volunteering as acore component of theircommunity strengtheningworkDevelop resources withcouncils to identify andadopt best practice incommunity volunteeringDevelop and promotepartnerships and crosssector engagement andnetworkingProvide ongoing supportin the implementation ofthe Volunteer SupportGrants


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Complete Ongoing NewSmall town viability

Sea/tree change

Deliver funding for theSmall Towns Programwith RegionalDevelopment VictoriaRepresent the interests ofthe Rural CouncilsVictoria groupAdvocate for improvedhealth services in ruralcommunitiesExamine practicalactivities to boostemployment opportunitiesin small communitiesContinue to advocate forCommonwealth and Statesupport for councilsundergoing rapiddemographic shifts

10. Workforce and Professional Development

Strategic Objective: To support the attraction, retention and development of local government’sworkforce

Complete Ongoing NewWorkforce Planning Coordinate a nation- Continue progressing Deliver two ‘local

wide Skills Shortageproject

workforce recruitmentand retention strategies

government villages’ atcareer fairs to build the

Combine the GoGraddevelopment program

on behalf of the sectorRun an HR conference,

image of councils asemployers

with GetSet initiativesand open enrolments toall council employees

including a workshop oncreating the localgovernment workforce

Leverage on-linerecruitment andselection software andelectronic channels to

brandContinue the workforceplanning advisorygroups

reduce managementeffort devoted toGoGrad

MCH Nurse Recruitmentand Retention

Strengthen partnershipswith the Department ofHuman ServicesGrampians region toimplement a nurse bankfor maternal and childhealth nursesDevelop marketingmaterial to promote thisprofession (note will becompleted by end ofJune 2007)


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Complete Ongoing NewPlanning Bank Establish and run a Continue to operate the

planning bank toincrease the supply ofstatutory and strategicplanners for rural andregional councils

planning bank

Rotate staff throughurban and regionalareas

11.Collaboration and Capacity Building

Investigate the feasibilityand council appetite ofrotating staff throughurban and regionalareas

Strategic Objective: To advance innovation and reform of business practices through localgovernment collaboration and utilisation of economies of scale

Complete Ongoing NewCollaborative Services Develop cost effective Identify legislative and

shared operationmodels for librarymanagement systemsthrough the Swift project

non-legislativeconstraints which mayimpeded adoption ofidentified service

Undertake researchexamining alternativemodels to deliverycollaborative services

delivery models

Future of LocalGovernment

Develop a report toState Council following

Draft the threeframeworks on local

Produce a documentspecifying the core role

Large and small councilsworking together

consultation withcouncils on theproposed future visionfor the sector

governmentaccountability,performance andregional cooperationSeek the involvement ofother state associationsin the process

of local government inVictoria

Investigate the appetitefor small and largecouncils to work instrategic partnerships


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12. Other Issues

Complete Ongoing NewImage of localgovernment

Convene a referencegroup for strategicadvice on the image oflocal governmentDevelop a strategy toguide MAV action onboosting the image oflocal governmentDisseminate adiscussion paper on theimage of localgovernment for formalconsultation in May2007

Freshen upcommunication withmembers

Undertake acommunications reviewwith members

Implement phase two ofthe website redesign,including the

Develop and commenceimplementation of amarketing and

Undertake a websitereview

establishment of amembers only section

communication plan onhow the MAVcommunicates withmembers

Rate increases Collect data on rateincreases and positionrate increases in thecontext of long-termfinancial sustainabilitychallenges


Explore alternativeforms of communicationwith members, such asweb casting meetings

Establish a PR Unit atMAV

In place since thecommunications reviewundertaken in 2001

Federal electioncampaign

Develop an MAVstrategy for the federalelection campaign

Human Rights charter Advocate for localgovernment training inthe implementation ofthe Human Rightscharter by DVC andDOJ