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  • mocks6Sticky NoteSection 1: The student gave a very very good answer here, bordering on excellent.The student commented confidently on the relevance of its themes, as in, it is a timelss narrative as well as the variety of characters, the figure of Hamlet but also the fact that Hamlet deals with taboo subjects.The student also gave plenty of references with quotations to aid their answer and did so very well. An issue I would have with the students answer would be their tendency to generalise in some of their statements and also by summarising broadly instead of being specific.More examples could have been used to back up these statements also.Marks are allocated as follows: Clarity of Purpose:15Coherence of Delivery: 14Efficiency of Language: 15Accuracy of mechanics: 4 Total of 48 out of 60

  • mocks6Sticky NoteSection 2 Feedback The student covered a lot in their answer which shows they know the three texts very well.The contrasting and comparisons of the three texts was done well by touching on the comparison between the optimistic and pessimistic or the bright and dark outlooks.The student commented and noted well the relationships that revealed visions of life for each text. I would mention that more quotations are needed to back up their references and to beware of offering a summary of events, try and be more specific.Sentence structure is good, but could be improved to make their answer score better. Marks for Section 2: Clarity of Purpose: 17Coherence of Delivery: 16Efficiency of Language: 16Accuracy of Mechanics: 6 Total of 53 out of 70