2003 GSPC Fall Meeting The AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft Program Committee October 24th, 2003 Meeting at NASA Langley Research Center Building 1293A, Room 222 Hampton, Virginia Host - Richard Pappa Please sign the sign-in sheet!!

2003 GSPC Fall Meeting

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2003 GSPC Fall Meeting. The AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft Program Committee October 24th, 2003 Meeting at NASA Langley Research Center Building 1293A, Room 222 Hampton, Virginia Host - Richard Pappa. Please sign the sign-in sheet!!. Agenda. 8:00am Call to order [Cadogan] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2003 GSPC Fall Meeting

The AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft Program Committee

October 24th, 2003

Meeting at NASA Langley Research Center

Building 1293A, Room 222 Hampton, Virginia

Host - Richard Pappa

Please sign the sign-in sheet!!

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GSPC Agenda 8:00am Call to order [Cadogan] 8:05am Introductions [Cadogan] 8:15am Subcommittees Report on planned and ongoing activities

for 2003 (from charter and SDM meeting actions) Technical Affairs ~15 min [Flint] External Affairs ~15 min [Lester] Communications ~15 min [Lewis] Education ~15 min [Jenkins] Conferences ~30 min [Smith - Pappa] Steering ~15 min [Cadogan] Membership ~15 min [Lassiter]

10:30am GSPC Project Identification [Lassiter] 11:00am Lab Tour 11:30am Lunch off site 1:00pm Adjourn

1:00pm-3:00pm Follow-up meetings of subcommittees as required

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GSPCOfficers / Subcommittees

Dave CadoganChairman

John LassiterVice Chairman

Jake LewisSecretary

Eric Flint Technical Affairs


Dean Lester External Affairs Subcommittee

Jake Lewis Communications


Chris Jenkins Education


Suzanne Smith Conference

Subcommittee (GSF Tech Chair)

John Lassiter Membership


Dave Cadogan Steering

SubcommitteeJoe Slater Webmaster

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Technical Affairs External Affairs Communications Education Conferences Steering MembershipFlint Lester Lewis Jenkins Smith Cadogan Lassiter

Fang Harvey Bernasconi McElroy Agnes Allred RoeWarren Swanson Lipeles Hinkle Wang HilldeBlonk Hill Greschik Blandino Woods-Vedeler SokolowskiMurphey Simburger Hoyt Johnston MurphyTibert Gierow Natori Park Watson Moore Sokolowski White WilleyTolomeo Pellegrino Lopez


As of 28 May 03

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Steering Subcommittee Report

Dave Cadogan



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GSPC Steering SubcommitteeResponsibilities:

Update the GSPC Three-Year Plan annually.

Review annually the industry trends, uses, needs, and issues and develop an actionagenda for committee consideration.

Suggest, review, and make modifications to the charter (all major changes must bevoted upon by the GSPC membership and passed with a 2/3 majority).

Yearly Activity:

Activity Output Schedule Three-Year Plan Distribute draft update for

comment March

Annual Report Present to GSPC for approval At SDM Meeting Trends and Issues Review of industry trends and

issues At SDM Meeting

Action Agenda Distribute action agenda May / Aug / Nov / Feb

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GSPC 3 Year Plan2003 2004 2005

Charter Activities

GSPC Meetings & Annual Reports

Website Enhancements

Report to TAC

Organize GSF Conference 2004 or 2005?

Identify Liaisons

Publish Trends & Issues Summaries

Outreach Activities



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GSPC Industry Trends & Issues Identified subcommittee support members General plan

Identify & create metrics (draft in progress) Create questionnaire for Scientists &

Mission Planners Create Trends (roadmaps) charts Target officials/groups who can help or use

the information to advance Gossamer Bullitize major trends and needs for growth Disseminate and communicate



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GSPCMetrics (T&I)

- Metrics (top level information planners will use): $ Spent on Gossamer vs Year TRL vs Technology (rigidization, deployment mechanisms,

analysis tools, etc.) TRL vs Component Type (antennas, solar sails, sunshields,

etc.) Timeline of gossamer spacecraft flights (spheres...IAE...Hughes

702...solar sails...etc.) Packed Volume vs Deployed Volume Examples?

We should try to create metrics that highlight gossamer advantages and provide useful general information that might affect funding and usage

Match metrics to roadmaps (need $$$ to do this!) Any thoughts regarding data sources, better metrics, usefulness of

the metrics to the community?

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Focus - "What would it take to get you to fly a gossamer component/spacecraft?"

We should ask scientists, planners, or systems people this question (through a series of questions) to identify weaknesses to be addressed

Get first hand input on the impediments they have in using this technology and help steer technology developers

We need to make a simple, yet thoughtful questionnaire, that won't take much time to fill-out

We publish the results on our website, and disseminate to community (& policy makers)

Brainstorm a list of recipients

Generate questions

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GSPCIndustry Trends

We need to identify the general needs for growth...to enable missions

Example - We want 100m apertures to find planets...here is what is needed

Some of this is in NASA/USAF/ESA planning documentation, some in SBIR solicitations, NRA solicitations, etc.

Maybe we can get some general information from Chris Moore, others, etc., that would help

Gather existing focused roadmaps into one source on website

Brainstorm trend areas

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GSPCGossamer Industry Report Card

Year R & D Marketing MarketResearch



Standards Profitability IndustryRoadmap

2002 C D D D D C D D2003 B D D D C C D D2003Comments

.Good SBIRadvancements.Goodgovt/univadvancement

.Can’t get pastmetal bias.Acceptance islow for returnpossible.Paradigms areagainst us

.Spotty at best,by govt.Unpredictable/opportunistic

.Some tech areas(sails)


.AIAArecognition.A lot ofindividualsworking area

.Workingfrom existingindustries.No top leveldriver

.Mostly low feegovernmentwork

.Somefocusedinput fromNASA.Loss ofGossamerNRA



Addressed by steering actions

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GSPC Steering Subcommittee Plan Formed Subcommittee 4/15/03 Identify Metrics 11/15/03 Generate Questionnaire 1/15/04 Send Q & Receive/chart input 3/15/04 First Draft Trends 1/15/04 Finalize 2003 T&I for SDM 3/15/04 Disseminate & Monitor 4/01/04

Via Communications Subcommittee

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GSPC Action Items

Need input from each Subcommittee Need to locate on web This will be updated after this meeting


1 Cadogan Get in contact with AIAA directly for info on how to become a TC.

E-mail sent to Emily Springer at AIAA. Have information - distributed.

6/15/2001 C

2 Cadogan Contact Jenkins for history and contacts in AIAA on becoming a TC.

Not required. Info from Emily. 6/15/2001 C

3 Cadogan / Lassiter Rework charter and put it out for review. Cadogan completed it on 7/5/01. 6/22/2001 C4 Cadogan Mail AI list to Lassiter, ABC and CJ for review. Complete 6/1/2001 C5 Cadogan / Lassiter Develop actions for Jake Lewis at Ball to help

withWill offer secretary roll. Need to contact him to ask.

6/22/2001 C

6 Cadogan / Lassiter / Jenkins / ABC

Develop concepts for surveys -- Users need and acceptance -- TRL and technologies/path for dev't -- Experiments that need to be done -- Possible flight opportunities -- (make surveys specific to type of system (sail/antenna, etc.) )

Tabled topic - decided to go with less controversial "needs statements".

7/15/2001 C

7 Cadogan / Lassiter Determine how to get data to people who can use it, and in what form (managers/planners get TRL info, designers get tech info, etc.)

Evaluate JPL Gossamer Web page. Will use the website and communications with TCs. Also, AIAA articles.

7/15/2001 C

8 Cadogan Talk to ABC about funding this work. Waiting ABC response - will need funding to support TC presentation to AIAA if possible. ABC no longer has access to funding for this.

6/22/2001 C

9 Cadogan / Lassiter Develop GSWG objectives list that doesn't overlap with other TC's.

In charter and presentation to TAC. 7/1/2001 C

10 Cadogan Get a copy of AIAA by-laws for TC's and structure GSWG TC's.

On AIAA Website 7/1/2001 C

11 Lester / Slater ID conferences that GSPC TC might be interested in and create a page on the website.

This is something for the website (Joe should create a page). Cadogan has input for review.

5/15/2003 O

12 Cadogan (all) ID venue for meetings over next two years (possibly space symposium).

Fall 2002 meeting will be at ILC (need a date). SDM spring 03 in Norfolk. Fall 03 is TBD.

5/15/2003 O

13 Slater Get GSPC website launched. Need ABC input. Cadogan needs a printed copy or access to review if possible. Joe created www.gossamer-spacecraft.com.

8/1/2001 C


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GSPCGSPC Project Discussion

Lassiter Slides Standards question (Lou) Back-up information

Lassiter e-mail suggestions... 1. Database (on our web site or some other) of gossamer spacecraft technology

providers (who does design, analysis, testing, mission planning, etc.)

2. Materials database for gossamer structures (proprietary issues I know will come up)

3. Review of NASA, DoD, NRO, etc programs wrt use of gossamer spacecraft. Develop white papers to show deficiencies in funding, planning, R and D needs, etc. and recommend certain courses of actions.

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From: Michael Lou [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:28 PMTo: Lassiter, JohnSubject: RE: Questions for Proposed Technical Standard "Design Methodology for Space Inflatable/Rigidizable Structures


The more important question is: Do we really need a standard (government or non-government) for gossamer structures at this time.

My answer to this question is: Probably not - At least not before we have cumulated enough experience from a couple of gossamer flight systems. that actually fly.

In light of the above, I think the GSPC can immediately start with the development of a gossamer structures design guidelines document and use this as a vehicle to collect the thoughts and experience from its membership. After such a guidelines document is written, reviewed, and published, we should let it be used by the practicing engineers for a few years and then turn it into (i.e., reduce it to) a government or non-government standard.


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Advocacy Group for the Research, Development & Applications of Gossamer Spacecraft

Mission Concepts Studies Consider all Components of the System

Through the Spacecraft Lifecycle Educational Support Political Advocacy International Forum

What are we doing to support our scope?

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Promote the Development and Use of Gossamer Spacecraft Technology Foster understanding in policy makers,

systems designers, scientists, and technologists

Encourage improvements in Gossamer technologies via technical interchange

Be an advocate for technical excellence

What are we doing to support our Purpose?

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Sponsoring or co-sponsoring conference sessions, forums, short courses, student competitions, workshops, and other conferences

Advocate policy to AIAA on gossamer spacecraft topics of national interest, and participate in AIAA advocacy events such as Congressional Visits Day

Facilitate the review and publishing of gossamer spacecraft articles Encourage technical interchange among companies, government agencies,

and universities to advance gossamer spacecraft technology, standards, and systems integration

Establish liaisons with TC’s and technical societies with related interests Honor technical contributors through awards, nominations for AIAA Fellow,

and recommendations for member upgrades Ensure an active membership that is representative of the gossamer

spacecraft community Conduct educational and public policy outreach activities to further promote

interest in gossamer spacecraft technologies

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Thanks you for your dedication,

participation, and perseverance!