2. why did the scots go

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Page 2: 2. why did the scots go

The Scots were prepared to move thousands of miles from

home, often travelling in dangerous conditions. But why

were they prepared to do this?

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During the 1800s and early-

1900s, many people in

Scotland led extremely

poor lives.

The problems they faced

meant many of them

believed they would have

a better life elsewhere.

While most did, many

returned home to Scotland.

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There were many reasons

for poverty; most of them

were to do with jobs.

Many Scots were often

unemployed. They did not

get any government help.

Other Scots worked for

extremely low wages.

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Unemployment existed for

many different reasons.

After the Industrial

Revolution, factory work

meant skilled home workers

were no longer needed.

Also foreign competition

meant many Scots

companies struggled.

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The lack of government

help was a problem for

many people in the 1800s.

Unemployment meant no

wages or money, unless

charity was available.

Also, before the NHS poor

people often went without

basic healthcare.

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Many Scots had very poor

diets, which made illness

more likely.

There were also problems

with poor housing and


Overseas Scots often wrote

letters to friends and family

encouraging them to move.

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New countries offered

many benefits.

One of the main ones was

the chance to own land.

Emigrants were offered the

chance to buy land at

cheap prices, or sometimes

given land for free.

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Many of these new lands

also seemed to offer a

better chance of finding


Skilled workers were in

demand overseas and

could also get higher

wages. Whilst most Scots

were better off, some

eventually returned home.

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In the 1900s it also

became much

easier to travel to

new lands.

A steam ship could

travel to the USA in

only one week – six

times faster than in


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Improving their own lives

was not the only reason

that some Scots travelled

– religion was a reason


At the time many people

in Scotland were very

religious, specifically


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Many Christians believed

they had a duty to

spread the word of God,

and not just in Scotland.

They would travel to

faraway places

spreading God’s word,

hoping to convert others

to join their faith.

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There are many famous

examples of missionaries.

David Livingstone trained as

a doctor before becoming

a missionary in Africa.

He is most famous as an

explorer, especially

searching for the source of

the River Nile.

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Another famous missionary

was Mary Slessor.

Slessor was born in

Aberdeen but lived in the

slums of Dundee.

She was deeply religious

and travelled to Africa.

Slessor often campaigned

for women’s rights.

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Missionary Societies were

set up to help spread God’s


These societies would raise

money for the missions, and

train people to become


They also set up missionary

bases around the world.

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Scots also spread their

religion in many of the new

parts of the British Empire

where they moved.

The Presbyterian religion

was spread as Scots

opened their own churches

in places such as Australia,

Canada and New Zealand.

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Many people in Scotland

desperately wanted to

travel abroad but could

not afford to.

However there was help

available from

governments, charities

and other groups too.

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Some landowners paid

some or all the costs for

people to move overseas.

This was for different

reasons. Sometimes

because they wanted the

land, others because they

thought the person might

need financial help.

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Many charities helped

people move too.

William Quarrier, a rich

businessman, and the

YMCA (Young Men’s

Christian Association)

helped children and young

people move too.

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Colonial governments (in

countries such as Canada

and Australia) helped

people too.

They needed workers or

people to take care of the

land. These governments

paid for people’s travel or

gave them land for free.

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The British Government

helped people to move too.

They wanted the British

Empire to grow stronger and

needed more workers in the


Also they wanted to try to

stop huge unemployment in

Britain after WW1.

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The British Government

offered grants (money)

to pay for people’s


In the 1922 the Empire

Settlement Act was set

up provide funding for

travel, training and

buying overseas land.