RAJA YOGA BASIC COURSE - Lesson 2: SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS Three Faculties or powers of the SOUL, and their functions : The human body consists of many organs and limbs to move around and exist in the physical world. So too, the soul has 3 subtle faculties of thinking power (mind), reasoning power (intellect) and personality traits - (sanskaars), to negotiate the inner world of thoughts, feelings, decisions and habits. The understanding of these subtle abilities or powers and how they work and interact, helps me immensely in managing my personal world. The soul expresses itself through the mind, the intellect and the sanskaras. We will use the original Hindi word "Sanskaar" to mean the subconscious and unconscious impressions, that form the basis of the soul’s unique personality. If I want to change my life, I need to change my actions, for which I have to alter my thinking. To do that I need to know just how and why thoughts arise. 1] MIND : The faculty of creation, where you create all your thoughts, which then stimulates certain feelings, desires, emotions. The soul uses the mind as a screen or field on which it projects thoughts, sensations, images and ideas. According to the impact that they cause, an experience, a feeling or an emotion is created. For example, if I think 'banana', immediately the familiar curved and yellow image of a banana appears on the mental screen together with, perhaps, the sensation of its taste or texture. If I remember something abstract like my work colleague's defect of irresponsibility, it brings with it a feeling of negativity, perhaps related to something I have not quite worked out myself. Basically what happens is that the mind has the amazing capacity to take on the form of 1

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Three Faculties or powers of the SOUL, and their functions : The human body consists of many organs and limbs to move around and exist in the physical world. So too, the soul has 3 subtle faculties of thinking power (mind), reasoning power (intellect) and personality traits - (sanskaars), to negotiate the inner world of thoughts, feelings, decisions and habits. The understanding of these subtle abilities or powers and how they work and interact, helps me immensely in managing my personal world. The soul expresses itself through the mind, the intellect and the sanskaras. We will use the original Hindi word "Sanskaar" to mean the subconscious and unconscious impressions, that form the basis of the soul’s unique personality. If I want to change my life, I need to change my actions, for which I have to alter my thinking. To do that I need to know just how and why thoughts arise.

1] MIND: The faculty of creation, where you create all your thoughts, which then stimulates certain feelings, desires, emotions. The soul uses the mind as a screen or field on which it projects thoughts, sensations, images and ideas. According to the impact that they cause, an experience, a feeling or an emotion is created. For example, if I think 'banana', immediately the familiar curved and yellow image of a banana appears on the mental screen together with, perhaps, the sensation of its taste or texture. If I remember something abstract like my work colleague's defect of irresponsibility, it brings with it a feeling of negativity, perhaps related to something I have not quite worked out myself. Basically what happens is that the mind has the amazing capacity to take on the form of whatever it is thinking about at any one moment, and extract a feeling of the quality that comes with that form. Nothing could be a greater incentive towards positive thinking than this simple fact. If I want to feel good, I have to have the types of thoughts that bring the quality of goodness. The mind is unfortunately subject to the whims and inconsistencies of the intellect, just as the force of gravity pulls the tides to whatever the side of the world the moon happens to be on, the tides of the mind and its moods is pulled. Wherever the intellect roams, the mind automatically follows, producing all of its essential functions.

2] INTELLECT: is the faculty of discriminating, judging, decision-making….which is used to assess right from wrong, good from bad…. and then make a decision. As the ruler of the inner state, the intellect is the principal faculty of the Soul. While a powerful and benign ruler is of immense benefit to any country, a weak and confused leader is manipulated and over-ruled by clever subjects. The feeble and weak intellect surrenders itself to two worlds: the


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external world of the senses and their objects, and the internal world of thoughts, feelings and personality traits. If I want peace, then I need an intellect that can create and decide on the types of thought patterns and actions that lead to peace. In the same way, the peace-provoking sanskaars can be reinforced and brought to the surface so that they are the ones that come into the mind. Thus the intellect plays its role of doorkeeper. It allows or refuses entry into the process according to its own set of rules and perceptions. Through meditation the accuracy of this role is heightened and can really be strengthened, so that positive qualities are permitted entry and continuity, while negative ones are weakened and transformed. I can know, for example, that to become irritated is detrimental to my life. Even so, when I am faced by the person who has been a traditional trigger for my irritation, and once again he is doing exactly that action which I find so annoying, then all theory is of no use. At that moment I need power not to get irritated. Meditation will give me that power. The strength or weakness of an individual is connected with the intellect. It is important to note that an individual can have an intellect that functions perfectly well without necessarily being an intellectual.

3] SANSKAARS: or Personality Traits, are the impressions or grooves made on the soul by any action you do (be it thought, word or deed). The soul is the seed which contains within itself not only the faculties of thinking and deciding, but also has specific configuration. Just as each chemical element's structure and reactability is based on its electron / proton arrangement, the soul's configuration is based on what are known as ‘personality traits’- sanskaars. A more accurate description would be the imprints that are the basis of the personality. It largely resembles what is called in the West - subconscious mind, though it also includes the unconscious as well. When I am in bed at night just before going off to sleep, images of all shapes, forms and color pour onto the screen of the mind one after the other. Of course, it's not only when I am dreaming that the sanskaars come into play. The raw materials for all thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions also arise from the sanskaars. In the analogy of images projected on a screen, the sanskaars would be the archives of all previously recorded experiences. Every single action that I perform leaves its mark in the soul itself as a sanskaar. The tendency of the sanskaars to self-organize means, that they group themselves according to quality and function. The above characteristics are the basis of our individual uniqueness. The quality of a person, described by such adjectives as good, evil, happy-natured, boring, arrogant, altruistic and so on, is basically related to his or her sanskaars.



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The three aspects of the Self work together in a precise and integrated manner. Each faculty affects both the others. Functioning jointly, they produce what can be termed as the state of consciousness. Looking at the flow in a clockwise direction, we can see how from the Sanskaars a thought arises in the Mind, which is processed by the Intellect. The intellect decides whether to carry it into action or not through the body. If the decision is to act, the experience of the action is recorded in the Soul as a sanskaar. In this way old sanskaars (those that are already there) are modified, strengthened or weakened according to the actions performed. In the case in which a thought is not carried out into action, it is simply tossed back into the pool of sanskaars for future consideration, if necessary.



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The main points that I can take from this are: The intellect has a crucial role in guiding and transforming the self. I cannot escape the effects of whatever actions I perform (be it thought, word or deed). I have within me, both the sources of any suffering I may go through as well as the solution to it. The positive qualities, which are in me as sanskaars can only be brought to the surface of the conscious mind through intervention of the intellect.

RAJA YOGA MEDITATION : Is a process of activating Higher Emotions. Raja Yoga gives the intellect the power to select those positive sanskaas, which lead to the higher emotions, calm and clear thoughts, and the pure desire to enjoy life in such a way that neither is sorrow experienced by the self, nor is sorrow given to others. In the initial stages of meditation, I call to mind and experience sanskaars, which in most people surface only occasionally. They are deeper than the superficial memories of worldly experiences. These are pure and powerful sankaars related to the eternal nature of the soul. Since the soul is not a material energy, but is a metaphysical energy separate from the body, the dualities of the material world do not relate to the deep, original, inner nature of the soul. Consciousness has the same property as light, the powerful force with distinct qualities of the soul: peace, purity, power, etc. When these original sanskaars are experienced, love and happiness are also experienced automatically. After some practice, I can have the intellectual power to activate these sanskaars consciously in daily life at any time. In a situation which would lead most people to experience negative moods or emotions such as fear, depression, sorrow, anxiety, boredom, fatigue, hatred or aggression, I can become detached and access my innate qualities.

MEDITATION steps: As a soul, I must be aware of my own capacities to sense, discriminate and understand in order to attune these powers to the proper degree of subtlety and precision. With the physical eyes I can see only gross, material things. It requires a different kind of vision or outlook to see what concern the Non-material - all those experiences, which transcend this physical level of existence. Use of Positive Thoughts: Though emptying the mind may bring temporary relief, it's not a natural part of living to have no thoughts – almost impossible. Instead, the mind has to be guided and trained to create the types of thoughts that lead to harmony. Thus, each session of Raja Yoga meditation can be seen as one of thought-training in a similar way to a tennis player who, seeking proficiency, practices his serve, back-hand, and volley in order to improve them. Meditation is the journey towards soul consciousness and God consciousness, guided by the use of the thoughts created in the mind, and the deep and inner memory of the original and innate state of being. I first have to withdraw my attention from all outer circumstances and direct it within towards inner dialogue. I consider and


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experience as intimately as possible, thoughts related to the real nature of the self, and its role and relationship with the Supreme Being / Source. All such thoughts carry a distinctly positive vibration and lead me to fulfillment.

SUMMARY : Soul Consciousness: When your identity is based on your true form - point of eternal, spiritual light – a Soul, you feel comfortable no matter what happens. Your heart is open and loving. You love yourself. Your confidence and self-respect soars. Your life is meaningful. You understand the scheme of things. You attract inner beauty. You understand your story. Peace is your religion. You are motivated by wisdom. You are not afraid of death, or of yesterday. You respect your body and treat it well. Your inside matches your outside. No human being is your enemy. Patience and contentment accompany you.

Body Consciousness: When your identity is based on your physical appearance, possessions, position or people. you feel anxious and up-tight. You are motivated by short-term desires. You criticize and find fault with everyone. You have a judgmental attitude. Your happiness does not last. You have low self-esteem and a lot of ego. You become defensive. You constantly seek approval. You are dependent on physical support and systems. You are afraid of dying. You have no control over your sense organs. You are disturbed by feelings of attraction to the physical beauty of bodies. You see a distorted past and have no clear aim for the future.

A lack of Soul-awareness puts your well-being at the mercy of your environment - you become a slave to the influences of the people and situations around you - feeling happy and good only when outside events warrant it. This kind of dependency leaves the soul weak and confused. But Soul-consciousness on the other hand frees you from external influences, allowing you to create an inner well-being that is totally independent. This can only be cultivated through deliberate practice. Difficulties will arise along the way to test your resolve for Self-upliftment, like physical illness, relationships, memories of the past, etc. Yet with patience and introspection, you will come to see how these very difficult tests are the means to strengthen your spiritual identity. Wisdom says : See your life as an Actor does his play - you would see one scene unfolding after another. Each passing scene having passed, is now over. Letting bygones be bygones is easier if you remember, that you cannot change the past, but you definitely can change the future --- the key to accomplish much more through much less effort. In today’s world our ability to cope with frustration, depression, stress and tension is hampered by thinking too much about other people, about the past, and worrying about the future....! This causes problems in the mental digestive system. The best mental 'antacid' is in-depth spiritual study. Plus a regular practice of Self-awareness, penetrates the mind very deeply, dislodging


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emotional pain at its roots. Only then can emotions be purified, refined, and ultimately transformed. “ om shanti “

The charioteer and the chariot

The charioteer has been shown on the chariot, holding the reins of the 5 horses. The horses are mischievous and adventurous they will lead the chariot and the charioteer astray if left to their own devices. They are the greatest companions for the charioteer and allow him to move forward at great speed. However, if these same companions are distracted and influenced by enemy tactics, then the charioteer is at risk of also being deluded into


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making the wrong move and becoming trapped.

I the soul am the charioteer sitting in this body. The five horses represent the 5 senses: to hear, to see, to taste, to smell and to touch. These are my great companions. They are a part of the body, the chariot; they are separate from the charioteer, the soul.However the senses can be pulled and influenced in all directions. The job of the charioteer is to direct them and not be influenced himself. To use them but not to become enslaved to them and the information they supply.

With these under full control the charioteer is able to withstand all challenges that come in his path and move with great wisdom.

Be a wise charioteer.