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Vocabulary. Emperors. Christianity. Culture. Hodge Podge. 1pt. 1 pt. 1 pt. 1pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 2 pt. 2pt. 2pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 5pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vocabulary Emperors Christianity Culture HodgePodge

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A government in which the citizens

have the right to vote and elect officials.

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To stop or cancel the action of a

government official or body; literally means,

“I forbid”

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Areas within a country or territory.

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The are of giving speeches.

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A general rise in the cost of goods.

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He was the nephew of Tiberius; he was a megalomaniac and tried to both marry his horse, and make

her a senator.

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Easily the nuttiest emperor, he tried to have

his own mother killed three times. He was

certifiably crazy, known as a tyrant, and it is even rumored that while Rome

burned, he played is fiddle.

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He was a popular Emperor, who was the first emperor

from non-Italian roots (Spanish). He was emperor

when Rome was at its largest and strongest,

popular among the Army, and restored order to Rome

after a period of unrest.

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While located towards the end of the Roman empire, he was the

first emperor to become a Christian.

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He was known as the “light of the world”

and was emperor when Pompeii was destoryed.

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Christianity was originally part of this religion, one of the other Abrahamic


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Christianity is a monotheistic religion, and believes that this man is the Messiah;

the son of God.

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Jesus of Nazareth

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Jesus’ followers believe their leader was divine due to this


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The Resurrection

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This man, a Roman citizen and Jew, converted to

Christianity and spread the Christian message through

all of the Roman Empire. He taught that Christianity was for everyone, not just Jews, and he wrote most of the

New Testament.

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Paul (Saul) of Tarsus

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Jesus told stories with a moral, referred to as

this, to teach about God, Faith, and how to

live a good life.

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These engineering creations were

mastered by the Romans, allowing

water to flow to Rome and other major cities.

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What is this called?

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The Coliseum

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These were sometimes slaves, although not always, who fought in an arena for the

entertainment of the general public.

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Roman architecture was famous for three aspects: A vault, arch, and this feature

seen below in the Pantheon

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Dome(The hole in the middle

is called an oculus.)

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This was the term applied to the Roman idea that the dominant

(and usually the oldest) male in the house was responsible for

making all family decisions for the household. This included his wife, unmarried daughters, as well as sons and their wives.

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The government of the Roman Republic was

initially split into these three separate branches:

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- Assembly- Senate- Magistrate

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The Visigoths were the first to sack Rome, but were closely followed

by this group who burned Rome, and

looted it; we even get a modern word for the

damage they left behind….

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The Roman empire eventually split into two

civilizations. The Western Empire fell to European tribes, while the Eastern

Empire lived on under this different name….

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Byzantine Empire

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The Patricians were the wealthy land owners and made up Rome’s ruling class.

Artisans, shopkeepers and owners of small farms made up most of the population, called “this”…

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The first Romans were heavily influenced by the

Greeks, and this other group found closer to


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Final Jeopardy

Category: Roman Culture

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The set of languages which directly descended from Latin. Provide the name of the family of languages, as well as all five (5) of the languages we learned


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Romance Languages

- French- Spanish- Portuguese- Italian- Romanian