2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy Grammar Victorians 20 th Century The Restoration The Romantics 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

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Page 1: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

2nd Semester Review JeopardyGrammar Victorians 20th Century The Restoration The Romantics

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Page 2: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Active or Passive?

Marilyn ran the Boston marathon. Marathon

Grammar- 10 points

Page 3: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Active or Passive?

The driving course was attempted by the stunt driver.

Grammar- 20 points

Page 4: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Grammar- 30 points

Which of the following is in parallel structure?

A) Kim practices yoga every day for relaxation and for flexibility.

B) Kim practices yoga every day because it's relaxing and for flexibility.

Page 5: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Grammar- 40 points 1.In Italy, Amy stayed in hotels that were modern, comfortable, and expensive. 2.In Italy, Amy stayed in hotels that were modern, comfortable, and they were quite expensive.

Which of the following is in parallel structure?

A.The Amish quilt was of a bright color, with small stitches that were neat and evenly spaced.

B.The Amish quilt was brightly colored, and the stitches were small, neat, and they were spaced evenly.

C.The Amish quilt was brightly colored, and the stitches were small, neat, and evenly


Page 6: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Which of the following is in parallel structure?

A. At the mall, we must return the defective toaster and to find a birthday present for Uncle Ed.

B. At the mall, we need to return the defective toaster, and a birthday present must be found for Uncle Ed.

C. At the mall, we must return the defective toaster and find a birthday present for Uncle Ed.

Grammar- 50 points

Page 7: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

This playwright wrote the famous play we read from this time period.

Victorians- 10 points

Page 8: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Colonization and the expansion of the British Empire lead to this.

Victorians- 20 points

Page 9: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

During the Victorian Era, what things were deemed “progress”?

Victorians- 30 points

Page 10: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Rapid advancements in science and technology had both positives and negatives. What is this called?

Victorians- 40 points

Page 11: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Victorian literature was critical of society’s focus on these THREE things.

Victorians- 50 points

Page 12: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Authors such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley warned society against this.

20th Century- 10 points

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This led to an increase in cynicism toward the government and patriotism.

20th Century- 20 points

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The Trench Poets wrote in order to….

20th Century- - 30 points

Page 15: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

World wide economic depression in 1929 encouraged the rise of dictators in these THREE countries.

20th Century- - 40 points

Page 16: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Name THREE ideas or events that distinguished the 20th century.

20th Century- - 50 points

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What is Deism?

The Restoration-10 points

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Why is The Restoration also known as the Age of Reason/Enlightenment?

The Restoration- 20 points

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The purpose of satire is to…

The Restoration- 30 points

Page 20: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

What was the intended purpose of Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”?

The Restoration- 40 points

Page 21: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

These three satirical techniques are present in “A Modest Proposal.”

The Restoration- 50 points

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These two themes are the main focus of the Romantics.

Romantics- 10 points

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The revolutions going on in these 2 countries cause Romantic poets to value the freedom of the individual.

Romantics- 20 points

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The Gothic style focuses on…

Romantics- 30 points

Page 25: 2 nd Semester Review Jeopardy GrammarVictorians20 th CenturyThe RestorationThe Romantics 10 20 30 40 50

Romantics- 40 points

The poets of the Romantic period responded to the social and economic changes caused by…

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Romantics- 50 points

The term Romantic signifies a fascination with…