2 MINUTE DRILL Terms/Question: Terms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

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Page 1: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century


Terms/Question:Terms/Question:1.Emiliano Zapata2.List one political

change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20th century

Page 2: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Emiliano Zapata: Leader of the Mexican revolution to give land to the poor

Political : Mexico Increases voting rights, Create a new constitution

Continuity: One party has remained in power

Page 3: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Wednesday Homework

Movie Wednesday after school/Thursday Morning

Page 4: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

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Page 5: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century
Page 6: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Photo by TempusVolat - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License https://www.flickr.com/photos/12706161@N03 Created with Haiku Deck

Page 7: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

WA: Changes/continuities in religious relations in India during the 1900’s

Part 1: Early 1900’s (Read “Religious Tensions only”

Part 2: Read Late 1900’s (Only the first 3 paragraphs)

Part 3: Watch 4:00 – 5:40

Page 8: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Continuity: Tension between Continuity: Tension between Muslims and HindusMuslims and Hindus

K: Throughout the 1900’s tension remained between Hindus and Muslims

E: Evidence from early 1900’sA: Why did this tension existT/E: By end of the 1900’s,E: Evidence from late 1900’sA: Why did this happened? (think

about 1947)

Page 9: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century


Terms/Question:Terms/Question:1.Muslim League2.What were the

effects of the partition of India?

3.List one religious continuity in South Asia

Page 10: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Friday Homework

CCOT Essay

Page 11: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Historians classify Sub –Saharan Africa as the region south of northern Africa

Page 12: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa began to celebrate their African culture and history and oppose white European rule

This was supported by negritude, which celebrated African culture through poems and songs

Page 13: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Ghana (1957): First to receive independence

Algeria 1962 (Northern Africa): 4 year war against French killed 400,000

All countries, except S.Africa were independent by 1980

Page 14: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Many Sub-Saharan countries lacked an educated group to take power Political instability

Countries maintained their political borders after independence

The artificial borders made by Europeans caused civil war and conflict between ethnic groups

Page 15: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Since 1910, South Africa was internally ruled by descendants of Dutch settlers (10%) who held control over the government

In 1948, they instituted Apartheid policies: (No voting rights, limited housing, segregation) to control the 87% black population

Page 16: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

1950’s – 1980’s Numerous groups began protesting, peacefully and violently for equal rights

In 1990, S.Africa removed apartheid policies, after international pressure- Elected Nelson Mandela President

Page 17: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Analyze major changes and continuities in formation of

national identities from 1914 -present.

Middle East South Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

Page 18: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Year: 1914 Year: Present

Context: What’s happening

around the world:


Context: What’s happening

around the world: -Fighting India/Pakistan-Nuclear Weapons

-British have control-Political parties forming-Tension between Muslims and Hindus-No rights for Indian

-Democracy (No British Rule)-India Large country with nuclear weapons-Split Pakistan and India

-Political tension between Hindus and Muslims

Page 19: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Analyze major changes and continuities in formation of

national identities from 1914 -present.

Middle East South Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

Page 20: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Year: 1914 Year: Present

Context: What’s happening

around the world:

-WWI-MAIN-Industrialization Asia

-Dictators Latin America

Context: What’s happening

around the world: -Fighting India/Pakistan-Nuclear Weapons-End of Cold War-U.S major power, many


Page 21: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century


Terms/Question:Terms/Question:1.What country was

first to receive independence and which conflict was most violent in Africa?

2.Define: Apartheid

Page 22: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Friday Homework

CCOT Essay

Page 23: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Arab: The race of people originally from the Middle Eastmostly Muslim

Palestinian Arabs= Those living in Palestine

Page 24: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Zionism is the belief that the Jewish population, should return to their “promised land” = Palestine

In 1917, under the Balfour Declaration, The British declared their support for zionism (Jews being able to move back to Palestine)

Page 25: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Under the Mandate system , the British took control of Palestine and allowed the Jewish population to immigrate

This influx of Jewish migrants caused tension between the Palestinian Arab population living in the region

Created religious tension: Muslims vs. Jews

Page 26: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

After WWII, more Jews began moving to the Palestine which led to fighting among the groups for land

In 1947, the British could not solve the problem and gave the land over to the United Nations

Page 27: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

The U.N proposed partition the land into two states: however the Palestinian Arabs rejected this proposal

This led to war to the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 for control of the land Jewish people won- created the country of Israel

Page 28: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

1 Million Palestinians became refugees/ 1 million Jews moved to Israel

Led to 3 major conflicts between 1950’s-1970’s between Arab countries and Israel

Today: Muslim Arab countries resent Israel because of policies towards Palestinians

Page 29: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Analyze major changes and continuities in formation of

national identities during the 20th century


Page 30: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Year: Early 1900’s Year: Present

Context: What’s happening around the


Context: What’s happening

around the world:

Page 31: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

K: During the 20th century, One of main continuities within the Israel…

E: Evidence from the early 1900’s ( During the early 1900’s…)

A:Analyis: Why did this happen or what were the effects? ( This was due to the fact…. This led to..)

T: Transition to current times ( By the end of the century…)

E: Evidence from the late 1900’s ( …)A:Analyis: Why did this happen or what were the

effects? ( This was due to the fact…. This led to..)L: Where else is in the World was this happening?

Page 32: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

ABOARD Assessment

Expectations: Time: 7:00 MinRemain Silent during

the Assessment

Page 33: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Monday Homework

CCOT Essay… You will need your notes from the last unit!!

Page 34: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Analyze the political and cultural transformation in the Middle

East resulting from contacts with western Europe and the U.S

during the 20th century

Page 35: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Year: Early 1900’s Year: Present

Context: What’s happening around the


Context: What’s happening

around the world:

Page 36: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

K: During the 20th century, One of major changes within Middle East, due to the influence of “The west” …

E: Evidence from the early 1900’s ( During the early 1900’s…)

A:Analyis: Why did this happen or what were the effects? ( This was due to the fact…. This led to..)

Repeat for as many fact as you can:E2: By the mid 1900’s …..E3: By the late 1900’s….

Page 37: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

Your link is very simple:1. Think about your key point?

2. How does your key point connect to what was happening

around the world?

Page 38: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

WA:Political C/C in Mexico 20th centuryKey Point: One party remained in power

Example 1: Around the world WWI took place and killed a lot of people

Example 2: Throughout the world, new political parties were rising due to political revolutions (ex. China and Russia)

Page 39: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

WA: Political C/C in Mexico 20th centuryKey Point: Change: More voting rights

Example 1: This was part of the global trend, in which more countries expanded voting rights for its citizens

Example 2:Many democracies rose i

Page 40: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

WA: Political C/C in Mexico 20th centuryKey Point: Change: More voting rights

Example 1: This was part of the global trend, in which more countries expanded voting rights for its citizens

Example 2: Throughout the world, many governments became democratic

Page 41: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

WA: Political C/C in Mexico 20th centuryKey Point: Continuity U.S influence

Example 1: Globally, the U.S was also expanding its economic influence in numerous countries, as the U.S rose in power

Example 2: In the late 20th century the U.S began the process of expanding its influence in other Latin American countries too

Page 42: 2 MINUTE DRILLTerms/Question: 1. Emiliano Zapata 2. List one political change and one political continuity within Mexico during the 20 th century

(Key Point) was a part of the global process in which….. (explain what was happening around the world)

Globally, (Key point) was happening because

Go back to your Context Boxes!

K1: K2: