ASSIGNMENT -2  PLANNING AND MANAGING IT INFRASTRUCTURE Submitted to Submitted by- Pankaj Sharma Surendra MCA 4 th SEM D3804A15 10806601  Declaration: I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person. Student’ s Signature :  ___surendra__________ Evaluator’s comments:  _______________ ___ 

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Submitted to – Submitted by-

Pankaj Sharma Surendra

MCA 4th




I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied from

any other student’s work or from any other source except where due

acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written

for me by another person.

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Marks obtained : ___________ out of ______________________ 

Content of Homework should start from this page only:


Q.1) Outsourcing has become very important concept in the funcyioningof any organization and specially IT . Comment on this statement by

taking various examples?


Outsourcing is the way to give the particular task to other person. A

company contract with the another company. the function being outsourced

is considered non-core to the business. Business process outsourcing is the

way to connect the people through the phone calls. It is done or the sale the

 product . for helping the customer by phone call also done by the BPO.

The process of outsourcing generally encompasses four stages:

1. strategic thinking

2. evaluation and selection

3. contract development

4. outsourcing management or governance

The example is Many companies looked to outside parties to handle online

order fulfillment (filling and shipping orders they received via the Internet)

instead of building or renting their own warehouse operations, which

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required special expertise for e-commerce.

Q.2) Why a manager should have the deep knowledge of all the project

variables and project management and knowledge management areas?

Illustrate by taking suitable examples?

Ans. The project manager must have clear understanding of the process,

activities and deliverables in managing project. It includes knowledge on

how to use specific tools to bring about the expected product of each project

management process.

The areas are:

• Integration Management

• Scope Management

• Time Management

• Cost Management• Quality Management

• Human Resource Management

• Communications Management

• Risk Management

The manager should have the knowledge of the above areas because if the

manager have the all knowledge of these areas then he can take right

decision.• If the manager have the knowledge of the scope of the project then he

know the main job of the project. He know that what to do and what is

the objective of the project. So he will take the decision according the


• If the manager have the knowledge fo the time then manager can

easily take decision about the time. He should have knowledge of the

end time of the project.

• The manager should have the cost knowledge of the cost of the

 project. So that the project should be complete in the limited cost.• The manager should have the knowledge of the quality. He should be

aware about the quality. So that the project product will be successful.

• The manager should have the knowledge about the coming risk. So

that he can face the risk. And solve the problem.


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Q.3) When offshore outsourcing is done what can be the various issues

that an organization can confront with and how these issues will be

resolved? Take a suitable example and explain the scenario?


Offshore outsourcing has been popular for several years. Countries like India

are popular offshore outsourcing locations which offer cost effective

solutions. There is a wealth of articles and write ups about the cost

advantages of offshore outsourcing with a majority claiming anywhere

 between 40-50% savings.

The scenario is the an imagined or projected sequence of events, esp. any of 

several detailed plans or possibilities: One scenario calls for doubling profits

 by increasing our advertising, the other by reducing costs.For example if the manager or the organization wants to get the particular 

 position then they do their efforts in that direction. This is called the scenario

in which they imagine the future goal.


Q.4) As with the development of a software there are various risksassociated and same with the IT company , make a list of these risks

that an IT company can come across and how these risks are mitigated?

Take examples?


• Technical risks include problems with languages, project size, project

functionality, platforms, methods, standards, or processes. These risks

may result from excessive constraints, lack of experience, poorly

defined parameters, or dependencies on organizations outside thedirect control of the project team.

• Management risks include lack of planning, lack of management

experience and training, communications problems, organizational

issues, lack of authority, and control problems.

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•  Financial risks include cash flow, capital and budgetary issues, and

return on investment constraints.

• Contractual and legal risks include changing requirements, market-

driven schedules, health & safety issues, government regulation, and product warranty issues.

• Personnel risks include staffing lags, experience and training

 problems, ethical and moral issues, staff conflicts, and productivity


• Other resource risks include unavailability or late delivery of 

equipment & supplies, inadequate tools, inadequate facilities,

distributed locations, unavailability of computer resources, and slowresponse times.

Q.5) For the smooth functioning of the organization it is supported by

some collaboration tools , what are the various collaboration tools in

case of an IT company ,take suitable examples to explain these

collaboration tools?


• Bulletin board:

A bulletin board (pinboard, pin board or notice board in British

English) is a place where people can leave public messages, for 

example, to advertise things to buy or sell, announce events, or 

 provide information.

• Blogs :

The definition of blogs is constantly evolving as blogs move

into the mainstream, shedding their image as the bastion of the

self-obsessed who just have to self-express. Thousands of new

 blogs are being created every day, for all sorts of purposes.

Rather than existing to catalog someone's personal life, many

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 blogs serve as discussion communities about particular issues.

• Calendaring :A method of using rollers to compress paper during its making, toimpact a finish or smoothness, it reduces the thickness and

increases the density.

• Desktop sharing :

Desktop sharing is a common name for technologies and

 products that allow remote access and remote collaboration on a

 person's computer desktop through a graphical Terminal

emulator .

The most common two scenarios for desktop sharing are:

Remote log-in

Real-time collaboration

• Web conferencing :

Web conference is a newly emerging medium through which

individuals or groups can meet face-to-face in real time to

interact. It is an interactive, live, full color, two-way audio andvideo communication. When this communication can take place

 between two points it is called point-to-point communication

and when more than two points are involved it is known as

multi-point communication.

• Wikis:Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create

and edit Web page content using any Web browser.

Q.6) Frame out the difference between the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-

max and by taking suitable examples explain where you will prefer

which wireless tool?



A short-range radio technology aimed at simplifying communications

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among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet. It also

aims to simplify data synchronization between Internet devices and

other computers.

Products with Bluetooth technology must be qualified and pass

interoperability testing by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group prior 

to release. Bluetooth's founding members include Ericsson, IBM,

Intel, Nokia and Toshiba.


A local area network that uses high frequency radio signals to transmit

and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet; uses ethernet


Wi-Fi is a standard for wireless network connections, specificallywireless local area networks. If your personal device has a wireless

receiver, you can find connections in most major cities and

universities. Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) is a term for certain types of 

wireless local area network (WLAN) that use specifications in the

802.11 family.


The two driving forces of modern Internet are broadband, and

wireless. The Wi-Max standard combines the two, delivering high-speed broadband Internet access over a wireless connection. Because

it can be used over relatively long distances, it is an effective "last

mile" solution for delivering broadband to the home, and for creating

wireless "hot spots" in places like airports, college campuses, and

small communities.