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If you find typographical errors in this book, I’d like you

to realize that they are here for a reason. Some people

actually enjoy looking for them and we strive to please as

many as possible. Thank you!

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 3


“Reality is merely an illusion albeit a

persistent one.”

Albert Einstein




For years the American School of Hypnosis has led the

way in mental programming through hypnotic advancement

by combining the basic hypnotic depth scales with the base

brainwave states. This has helped our practitioners and

clients immensely throughout the years by being able to

understand exactly where to go and what to do mentally to

effectively attain specific goals.

You are about to discover our latest research in the

advancement of the mental conditioning process. We have

organized it for ease of use in the form of a brainwave

suggestibility scale. You will learn how the mind can

expand beyond its physical confines in knowledge and

abilities throughout the many brain levels and the specific

benefits that can be attained in each one. The more you can

understand the mind, the better you can utilize it to reach

your goals of eliminating disorders and creating new

positive attributes.

Someone once said, “Knowledge is Power”. If this is

so, then knowing how to attain, program and maintain

knowledge is to control power itself. Not only the power to

attain personal peak performance but also to have the

ability to conform and control the masses as well. This

knowledge has been around and practiced by the “Elite” in

society (the super-rich and powerful) for many generations.

The evidence of this can be found stretching back as far as

the Roman Empire and the Egyptians controlling their

followers to do their bidding.

This profound manipulation is still used to control you

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 5


today by the elite in government, education, medicine,

religion and the media. Imagine however being able to

utilize this marvelous power by assisting people to grow

and transform their lives rather than controlling them to


This publication will show you how it was done then as

well as today. You will learn the latest recovered

breakthroughs of not only how your mind works but also

how to utilize the vast matrix of information lying in wait

just beyond the borders of what most consider to be their

mental limitations. You now have in your hands the same

information that the elite have used and kept silent for so

long. You have the instruction manual of how to use it for


How will you use it?




Rene A. Bastarache, TMD (The Mind Doctor) Author, Speaker, Trainer and Fisherman

Rene Bastarache (Bass-tah-rash) is the

author of over a dozen self-help books

including: "HOW TO ATTRACT THE

LIFE YOU WANT - Learn a New Way

of Thinking".

Mr. Bastarache is a Board Certified

Hypnosis Practitioner, and the current

Director of the American International

Association of

Hypnosis, which is the largest Human Potential, and

Hypnotherapy Association Worldwide. He has taught

thousands of people in over 150 countries how to change

their lives by changing their thinking.

Rene has built a reputation as being the "How to Authority"

on the mind, thought and imagination training as a result of

writing his CLINICAL HYPNOSIS Training Manual from

A-Z in 2005 that has become the definitive text in

hypnotherapy and positive mental change worldwide.

He founded the world-renowned American School of

Hypnosis in 1996 that since then has expanded to over 17

locations internationally.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 7



Raluca E. Bastarache, CI (Certified Instructor) Co-Author, Researcher, Instructor and Perfume Connoisseur

Raluca Bastarache (Bass-tah-rash) is co-

author and researcher of “HOW TO


Learn a New Way of Thinking ".

She is the co-author of the “Clinical

Hypnosis. Training Manual from A-Z”

which is the base curriculum of the

American School of Hypnosis

She is the current Director of the American School of

Hypnosis in Biddeford and Portland, Maine, offering basic

and clinical hypnotherapy certification and also on the

Board of Advisors of the American International

Association of Hypnosis.

She is the owner of HypnosisSessions.com, which is the

world’s most popular site for Hypnosis Session and Guided

Imagery MP3s.

Mr. Bastarache & Mrs. Bastarache are available for public

speaking events, group training, workshops and seminars





1 - Suggestions are Everywhere . . 13

Fourteen Ways You are Conditioned Daily

2 - Levels of Suggestibility . . 31

The Brain and the Three Minds of Mankind

The Conscious Mind

The Sub Conscious Mind

The Super Consciousness Mind

Brainwave Frequencies

Six Level Suggestibility Scale

3 - Getting Out of your Mind . . 39

The BBSS Scale Titles & Functions

Further Division of Beta

Competitive Mind

Creative Mind

Opposite Similarities

Circle Chart

4 - Why Should I get Out of My Mind? . 61

Be Happy


Perfect Health




5 - How do I get Out of My Mind? . . 81




Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 9


Guided Imagery

Learn Self Hypnosis

Definitions . . . . . 87

Free Resources . . . . 91

Additional Resources . . . 92




The information, ideas, and techniques in this publication are

intended for your own personal edification and knowledge. All

information presented here is the personal opinions of the author and

developed from the years of his past training, study and personal

thought possess. All Information is provided "as is" and for your own

personal enrichment and without warranties. The author of the

information in this publication shall in no way be held liable to any

party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other

consequential damages or harm arising directly or indirectly from any

use of this material.

The author(s) is not a medical or mental health professional. Before

conducting any procedure on yourself or others of a clinical or mental

health nature be sure to consult with your own medical or mental health



No part of this publication may be reproduced, printed or

transmitted in any way without the express written permission of the

author Rene A. Bastarache.

All materials in this book are protected by © Oct. 11, 2010,

The American International Association of Hypnosis (AIA)

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 11


“Even if there is only one possible unified

theory, it is just a set of rules and equations.

What is it that breathes fire into the

equations and makes a universe for them to


Stephen Hawking



Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 13



Suggestions are Everywhere

You are being conditioned through some form of

suggestion the majority of each day.

DEFINITION: Suggestion - is defined as: the process by

which a physical or mental state is influenced by a thought

or idea (the power of suggestion).

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

You are either open to suggestion or resisting suggestion

constantly, there is no halfway. It may be positive or

negative conditioning. That is the entire purpose of

advertising. To entice you to choose one product over

another or to slant you towards thinking a certain way that

will be advantageous to the advertiser in some manner. It

happens to you whether you like it or not, or whether you

want it to or not. In fact, right now as you are reading this



you are being influenced through suggestion!

Suggestions are being delivered to you directly,

indirectly, covertly, subliminally and every other way you

can imagine on a continual basis. They are coming to you

from your computer, magazines, billboards, newspapers,

radio, television, at the cinema, on the phone, driving down

the street, in the supermarket or other stores, at school,

church, from the government, on vacation, restaurants, the

gym, at sports, meetings, work, from your children, parents,

spouse, friends, non-friends, co-workers, clergy, teachers,

mentors and even your pets. Hopefully now you are

beginning to see the scope of this. They are all taking part

in your daily conditioning and building of programs. The

same programs that are turning you into the person you are

now and the person you are becoming.

The problem is that most people’s daily conditioning or

re-conditioning is usually repetition of their previous

programming, especially if you remain in the same

environment. “More of the same old stuff”. A sort of

traditional group programming delivered generation after

generation. An example of this: You raise your children

the same way that your parents raised you and their parents

raised them and so on down the line. This is an outdated

programming that is being given to you in a modern world.

It leaves most as unprepared as riding a horse and buggy on

the busy freeway.

People seem to settle into the norm of their

environment. That is why most people will have the same

type of house, hobbies, vehicles and even jobs as others in

their environment. In fact most people make within 20% of

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 15


the same income as their peers.

Our purpose of teaching you this is not to eliminate

what is happening to you, as that would not be possible. It

is to create awareness so you may be able to take control of

your future conditioning. This will give you the

opportunity to act or make choices rather than allowing it to

control you. If you are constantly being conditioned most

of the day, every day, then why not take advantage of it and

condition yourself for success?

Fourteen Ways You are Conditioned Daily

Here is just a small list of the many ways people are

being conditioned through suggestion each day. While

reading them, see how many resonate with you.

1. Advertising and Marketing

You are continually being bombarded with suggestions

to act now and purchase products from television, radio,

junk mail, newspapers, store window ads, magazines,

department stores and supermarkets just to name a few.

There is virtually no place you can go where you are not in

contact with some form of advertising suggestion.

Many successful Real Estate agents when conducting

Open Houses will turn on every light in the house and burn

a candle with the scent of apple pie as a way of enticing

customers. The reason for this is so when the customer

enters the house and smells the apple pie scent it is



immediately associated with mom’s home cooked apple pie

cooling on the windowsill, from when they were children.

The association of a bright happy home with mom’s

cooking is very suggestible to the client and favorable to

the possible sale.

Everywhere you turn you see logos branding one

product over another in your mind. Ford, BMW, Pepsi,

Coke, Old Navy, Burger King, Hyatt Regency, Apple, HP,

Macy’s, Timex, I-Phone, Bic, Target etc… In fact while I

was just writing this paragraph I was able to see eight of

these logos within my view. Branding is a very powerful

form of covert conditioning which we will be describing

more in detail a bit later on.

2. Grocery Shopping

This can be a battle of resisting suggestion. Some stores

even have demonstrators trying to tempt you with free

samples. The scent of freshly baked goods being prepared

in the bakery… Attractive signage and inviting music in

the background… Sales displays of easy to prepare meals

right at eye level and the list goes on. Think of the many

times you went into the grocery store to buy only four

products but came out with fifteen. You were the victim of


3. Attaining Critical Mass

Also known as the confusional method. Similar to

doing your taxes while someone is having a conversation

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 17


with you at the same time. If you are focusing on your

taxes, everything in the conversation is being absorbed by

the subconscious mind like a sponge. This is why it is

detrimental to have the television or radio on while

working, eating or sleeping.

People who are extreme multi-taskers experience this.

They attain a brainwave level in the High Beta range,

which is known as critical mass. At this point they are very

open and susceptible to suggestions as their resistance to

outside input is almost non-existent.

(towards the end of this publication we will delve in the

concept in detail)

4. Daydreaming

Daydreaming is a hypnotic state that is much deeper

than most people would think. It is actually the same

mental level of suggestibility that you would be in for

painless childbirth or to have dental work done without

anesthesia. The daydreaming state is dominated by your

imagination and is accompanied by a state of amnesia.

This is why when you are daydreaming in class you do not

remember what was being said and may even have a

feeling of lost time.

5. Music Mind Control

Music is extremely suggestive. The effect of music can

cause you to become extremely relaxed one moment and

very agitated the next. Both are favorable for accepting



suggestions without resistance.

You will see a huge difference between the behavior and

attitudes of people who frequently listen to classical music

in compared to those who listen to the more aggressive

music available today. The same can be said for the

difference between the children whose parents prefer them

to watch G-rated Disney cartoons in comparison to violent

and destructive cartoons.

6. Placebo

A placebo is a non-effective substance or object given to

someone by a person who is in authority (doctor, minister,

parent, boss or supervisor) leading the person to believe

that it will cure or solve his or her situation. Any effect that

this placebo has is based on the power of suggestion.

An example would be; if you were given sugar pills by

your doctor thinking that they were an asthma cure and

within a few months your asthma improved.

Approximately 1/3rd of medical procedures and

medications prescribed today for various disorders utilize

the placebo effect. As long as there is a belief that it will

work, a hope of being cured and someone in authority such

as a doctor to say it will, most of the elements of a placebo

recovery are there.

I recently heard of an experiment where a large number

of patients in need of knee surgeries were separated into

two groups. Both were told they were getting the surgery

and were taken in for the operations but only one of the

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 19


groups actually had it conducted. The other group had

been told that they had the procedure but it was never done.

Three months later it was surprising to see that the same

amount of people in both groups reported having no more

pain as a result of the questionable surgeries.

No matter what the medium whether it is modern

medicine, Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, quantum touch,

EFT, Hypnosis, faith healing, psychology, voodoo or just

thinking about perfect health; if you believe it can heal you,

it can! The same holds true for the opposite as well; if you

believe it will not heal you then most likely it won’t.

“Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

Henry Ford

7. Nocebo, the negative side or side effects of a placebo

A Nocebo is also based upon the power of suggestion.

Going back to the example of the placebo pills, a nocebo

would be experiencing the same reaction of side effects

from the placebo as if it were the actual non-placebo pill. It

is all of the negative effects that can occur from placebo

pills, procedures or treatment.

8. Propaganda. (Anything that is taught with a motive or


Propaganda is a strong form of suggestion that is used



continually in the areas of religion, employment, sales,

government, education, sports and even sexual preference.

Often times these suggestions cause rivalry, fierce

competition and even wars.

Your company develops the best Widgets available on

the market.

Your football team is superior to any other team.

Everyone in your country is wonderful; everyone in the

neighboring country are terrorists.

This company will save me hundreds of dollars over that

company. After all, I heard it on television!

If you think of it, you have been fed propaganda of one

sort or another since the day you were born. Everything

that was ever taught to you by your family, friends or

environment was taught according to the bias, opinion or

belief system of the person teaching it. For example if you

were being taught American history by an instructor who

was born and raised in United States, it would have a

completely different twist than if it was being taught by an

instructor that was born and raised in communist Russia.

Why else would someone in the USA feel that their country

is the best when someone in China feels the same. Why

does a person prefer their religion over another? Every

preference you have made throughout your life was due to

understanding certain information through the bias of the

person or group teaching it.

This is done on a personal level through your family in

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 21


teaching you your basic morals, beliefs and religious


This is done at school by your teachers with the topics

of science, history and social studies.

This is done by your environment as you can hear them

speaking of their favorite sports teams, political candidates,

and products etc.

This propaganda, the slanting of anything being taught

one way or another is in virtually everything you have ever

learned. In fact if you were to try to find one thing that you

know to be 100% true, it would be extremely difficult. If it

were 100% true then why wouldn't everyone in every

corner of the earth agree with you? There are others being

taught that their point of view is just as 100% true as yours.

Therefore everything is being taught through a slant or the

ulterior motive of the instructor. So there is nothing that

can be spoken of that is 100% true since they are all based

on the mis-truths and personal agendas of propaganda.

Take a moment to think about how many major beliefs

or preferences you presently have that were initially

decided upon by you. Things such as your favorite

country, style of government, religious belief, nationality

and sports teams just to name a few. Most of them were

taught to you by your parents or environment and through

repetition and familiarity they also became your habits

which became your beliefs. That is how a belief is

developed. Through repetition of anything, it will

eventually become a permanent habit and then a belief or

way of life. So even many of your dearest beliefs and



truths were most likely programmed into you rather than

decided by you. You, for the most part simply inherited

most of who you are from your past programming.

Just recently a young man approached me complaining

that he was “so broke”. I asked him if he had a happy

relationship to which he answered yes. I asked him if he

enjoyed his job to which he answered yes and added that he

was lucky to have it. Through further discussion he went on

to tell me that he had a loving child, a warm place to live,

food to eat and was in a pretty good situation. The reason

that he had said he was broke is because he had several

bills he could not pay at the moment. That is what was

consuming the bulk of his daily thought and focus.

I told him that if he were to really look at his situation

he would see that he was not really “totally broke” at all. It

was a mistruth or not a completely accurate statement. I

then mentioned to him that instead of saying you are so

broke; why not say that you are so rich? By doing this you

are focusing on wealth rather than poverty and thereby

attracting more of it to you. He replied, “but saying that

would be a lie!” I then explained to him this process of

propaganda. If everything is already based on mis-truth or

lies, why not use this same process to your advantage? By

stating that you are rich, you may not be rich in every

single area, but you are rich in the areas of family, work

and home life. It is just in the area of bills that you are not.

It's basically the same as looking at a glass being half full

rather than half empty. Which do you want the most?

Disregard the negative and only focus on the positive. This

is what is also known as creating your own reality. In order

to be wealthy, only focus on wealth and ignore poverty as if

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 23


it does not exist. This is also the basis of Elite or “right”


9. Relaxation

This is probably the most well-known vehicle of

suggestibility today. It is used quite extensively in the

mental health and medical fields to increase suggestibility.

It is the basis of meditation and guided imagery. Even

parents use these techniques with their children by telling

them to take a deep breath to get them to calm down. Once

you are relaxed, positive suggestions can easily be given

and accepted.

Many companies have also associated their products so

as to group them mentally with suggestions of relaxation to

sell them, such as coffee, cigarettes, luxury automobiles,

furniture, chocolate and vacations. The added suggestion

or conditioning of relaxation makes the item more

appealing even if it is not so.

10. Story Telling

Storytelling can be a very effective form of delivering

suggestion by having embedded messages or metaphors

included within them. This is most often seen in the

writing of fairytales, nursery rhymes, fables and parables.

Being told stories by your parents to get you to conform.

One would be reading the story, “The Boy who Cried

Wolf” to a child who has a problem with lying.



Reading bedtime stories that include a moral to your

children helps them to associate with the way things should

be in a perfect world.

Beginning a church sermon or a corporate talk with a

story or joke with a message in it. People relate to stories

of other people who have overcome similar problems to

theirs. It can eliminate the rebelliousness of being

confronted directly with their own specific issues.

11. Reading and Writing

Reading stories with suggestive messages such as in

telling a story like in the previous section is also very

suggestive to the reader. In fact, anything from magazines,

newspapers, web pages and articles just to name a few have

been written for the purposes of soliciting some form of

suggestion or desired response.

Virtually any self-help course or program will

encourage you to “write down” your goals on paper.

Writing something down will give you a fairly complete

concept of what you want. Then the act of forming the

letters as you write engrains the suggestion even more.

For years in schools, students were made to write things

on the blackboard repetitively in order to get them to

remember or learn a lesson. Writing has a way of

imprinting suggestions in your mind more than reading,

typing or recording. If you write it, you can see it.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 25


12. Repetition, How Does it Affect You? (See more in

covert programming)

Anything that is repeated continually for a minimum of

approximately 21 days becomes a habit. Once it becomes a

habit it seems to work on automatic pilot. This happens

without even having to think about the process anymore.

Here are some examples:

Reciting the alphabet

Typing on the keyboard

Answering the phone

Driving to work each day

Brushing your teeth

Each morning when you get up you have a brand new

day in front of you. You have the same opportunity as

anyone else to be original, do something spectacular or

spontaneous. Even with this new day in front of them,

most people will do the very same thing that they did

yesterday. They have created a routine, especially during

the workdays. Even something like changing the time of

their coffee break or taking a different route to work seems

like the biggest inconvenience.

This same repetition method is used in creating faith or

belief through the propaganda of various organizations

such as schools, governments or religions. The process of

repetition creates faith, then habit and then belief. It is an

actual scientific process occurring within the neural

connections of the brain, which we will explain thoroughly

in a future chapter.



13. The Pygmalion Effect

This is more commonly known as the teacher-

expectancy effect and it refers to situations in which some

students perform better than others simply because they

were expected to. If a group of students were treated as if

they were smarter than another group for whatever reason,

they would react more favorably than those treated in the

opposite manner. It is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Tests of this phenomenon have been conducted by

separating students into groups according to the color of

their eyes. On one day the blue-eyed students were told

they were smarter and superior to their brown-eyed

counterparts. Upon being tested they scored considerably

higher. A few days later the brown-eyed group were told

they were the smarter ones and they scored higher than the

blue-eyed group. The effect of teachers, parents, or

whoever is in a position of authority has a huge effect on

their followers.

This effect is also used by parents that favor one child

over another. If the parents refer to one child as intelligent

and the other as below average in most cases the children

will grow into those categories. If a child is continually

told that he or she is uncontrollable, unhealthy or unreliable

the child will usually fulfill the parents’ expectation.

14. Chanting / Drumming / Dancing / Repetitive Ritual /

Singing Group Frenzy - Such as Fire Walking

Another form of this covert programming is through

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 27


repetition. Repetitive suggestions are used quite effectively

in the military. This is why in basic training a recruit can

attend a 6 to 8 week boot camp and through repetition

become transformed from a mama's boy into a trained

soldier. Anything that is done repeatedly becomes habit.

This works with positive attributes as well as negative ones.

Even someone who is a constant complainer, through

repetition can eventually become quite proficient in


Similar repetitive processes are used in the suggestive

rituals of many cults and religions. During meetings many

will go through the gyrations of sitting, standing, kneeling

and even repeating passages in a language they do not

understand in unison. You will observe many individuals

working together as a well-oiled machine, mindlessly

following their leader.

I had even observed one such group on television where

the leader motioned his hand forward towards a section of a

large congregation and the entire section of many

individuals all fell backwards to the ground off of their feet

as if a tidal wave had hit them. This type of conditioned

response had been programmed over multiple attendances

of the audience and by newer members following the

group. In fact if the leader were asked to do the same

motion to an audience that has never heard of him before,

no one would end up falling over.

Another form of covert suggestibility would be the

participation in a group type frenzy. You can witness group

frenzy in situations such as riots. It's amazing as a result of

a riot to see how many people that participate in this



behavior would never have done so individually. It usually

begins with several individuals who are upset about

something carrying on yelling, screaming and at times

throwing items towards the authorities. This group

eventually seems to grow to the point were bystanders not

even involved in the initial group begin to join in with the

same boisterous attitude and causing damage. Many times

businesspeople leaving work or housewives on the way to

grocery shopping may feel themselves getting dragged into

the frenzy and will take part in the enraged violence.

This is also the same concept used in the process of

group fire walking. Many people will get together and by

observing each other they will eventually get caught up in

the excitement and find themselves walking barefooted

over the hot coals, feeling no pain as a result. Instead,

some have even reported feelings of euphoria and

excitement. They were able to attain a level of anesthesia

by passing beyond critical mass.

These are just a few of the many ways you are being

conditioned each day. There are many more that can be

listed but we have enough for you to understand what is

happening. It is not something that just happens to other

people in far off places, it is happening to “you” right now.

It is staggering to see how much of our lives are actually

being controlled by outside sources.

As mentioned earlier, awareness that this constant

conditioning is happening is just the first step in

understanding. Programming is continually being added

even now to your subconscious storage by your

environment. It is a never-ending occurrence, but you can

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 29


be in control of your programming rather than being a

victim of it.



"What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest

of the world calls a butterfly."

Lao Tsu

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 31



Levels of Suggestibility

There are many different levels of suggestibility.

Through the use of a suggestibility scale one can visually

see the progression of each level. The reason this is

important is that each level has its advantages and some

work better than others for certain situations.

The old adage that deeper is better could not be further

from the truth. We have found that the majority of

programming that people require can be best accomplished

in the lighter states of suggestibility. The deeper levels

often times can be too deep especially since they are known

to induce amnesia. Programming people in the deeper

amnesic states can result in the person not even

remembering that the occurrence happened. This can leave

doubt in the subjects’ mind that it may not have occurred at

all thereby rendering the programming much less effective.

In the lighter states of suggestibility you can remember



your programming thereby allowing either sides or

hemispheres of the mind to work on the suggestion

simultaneously. As long as the conscious mind has let go of

its guard or resistance the suggestions will be accepted by

the subconscious.

“Deeper is not better!”

It is interesting to note that the simple process of closing

your eyes releases approximately 80% of beta activity. This

means that you are in the alpha brainwave state

approximately 80% as well. The alpha brainwave state is

probably the best state for the majority of programming.

Levels one through three of a six level brainwave chart

would all occur in the alpha brainwave state.

Just to show how simple it is to attain these levels; a

student sitting in a classroom, in a mild state of

daydreaming will find himself between levels three and

four in what is known as the alpha / theta transition which

is where amnesia begins. In fact if they daydream and are

aware of their dreams and the amount of time they spent

dreaming, they are in the lower part of the transition still in

level three. If they daydream and could not remember what

they dreamt and also experienced timelessness, then they

were daydreaming in the higher part of the alpha /theta

transition in level four.

Levels four and five are encompassed in the theta

brainwave state which is primarily used for mental health

work where you don't want the client to have to relive

traumatic memories and for minor anesthesia. Level six is

the delta state where anesthesia or major healing is


Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 33


Some metaphysical processes such as out of body

experience and contacting spirits or astral projection do

require levels four and above. Other than the clinical and

advanced metaphysical type procedures, most everything

else required can and should be done in the lower three


The Brain and the Three Minds of Mankind

The brain is the muscle, organ or machine, similar to

your computer hard drive. It is often referred as left-brain

or right-brain representing the two hemispheres. The left is

the more analytical part responsible for the busy activities

revolving around your five senses, logic and ego and the

right is the more spiritual side centered around imagination,

emotion, dreams, recognition, symbols and creativity.

The mind is the storage of habits and memories and

information center. The various parts of the mind store

information in different ways and amounts. The upcoming

charts will help you in understanding this distinction.

The Conscious Mind - This is the separateness of

consciousness where your thinking is of yourself and the

business of your life. It involves the busy use of your five

basic senses. Some would even call it self-awareness. In

involves duality where you are the observer and the world

is the observed. Consider it the command center of your

mind and the part that makes all decisions. It is the very tip

of the iceberg that is seen above the water.



The diagram of the Iceberg above may help you to better understand

the relationship between the three divisions of mind, brainwaves and

universal consciousness.

The Sub Conscious Mind - This is where your

consciousness begins to connect to others. Your thoughts

are now larger than your own. It involves emotion,

intuition and increase only. It is positive in nature and part

of the bigger picture. It is where your programming or

habits are stored. It is similar to the entire iceberg, even

what is "not seen" visibly.

The Super Consciousness Mind - This is the total

connectedness of consciousness. It is where there is no

more observer and only the observed. No separation. It is

timeless, limitless and all-inclusive. It is a place of thought

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 35


and energy. It is revitalization and extreme relaxation. It is

similar to the entire iceberg, the water, the fish, the sky and

everything else in existence.

Brainwave Frequencies

The majority of people

when confronted with the

term "brainwave

frequencies" have

thoughts of Science

Fiction movies. It is as

alien to them as Quantum

Physics would be to a five

year old. Others

understand it as a measurement of speed or frequency of

the brain but that’s usually as far as they get into it.

Imagine billions of neurons in the brain, each having

receptors and transmitters connected by flickering electrical

impulses or currents. They would appear very similar to the

current you would see between the two filaments of a light

bulb to create the current which brings forth the light. This

flickering is where the term “brainwave” comes from and

its speed and amplitude is what can be measured. They are

measured in what is known as cycles per second (cps.

which is the oldest term) or Hertz (Hz) named after

Heinrich Hertz, the German scientist who defined the

cycles. 1 cps. = 1 hz.

These signals or waves can be measured by the use of an

EEG (electroencephalogram). This EEG has sensors, which

are placed along the scalp of the head that monitor the



activity produced by the firing of neurons within the brain.

Your brain contains about 100 billion neurons, Each neuron

can be connected to about 10,000 other neurons which adds

up to about 100 trillion connections in your brain. If you

were to enlarge it, that would be more electrical

connections than the entire city of New York and probably

even the entire state for that matter.

Different brainwave frequencies have been shown to

correspond to different activities of the mind. Since we

have many thoughts and activities happening at the same

time all brainwave frequencies are being experienced

simultaneously with one being dominant at a specific


You may be consciously doing math, which would

require Beta activity, but at the same time be relaxing and

remembering past events, which are stored in the Alpha

Brainwave state.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 37




"Someone's opinion of you does not have to

become your reality."

Les Brown

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 39



Getting Out of your Mind

Our Six Level Suggestibility Scale is a simple “at a

glance” reference to help you see where you must be

mentally to achieve various goals or treatment. By

combining this information with brainwave state research

we have created a more scientific and precise approach to

attaining your desired result.

Notice how as your brainwaves slow from stage to stage

you are able to attain more and more information as well as

other abilities. Earlier we stated that the mental brainwaves

could be measured by the use of an EEG

(electroencephalogram). Over recent years scientist have

found that though the use of MEG

(magnetoencephalogram) they are able to measure the

similar activity occurring “outside” the brain. This chart

will better explain this concept in more detail.



The human figures at the bottom of the chart signify

three individuals. The shaded areas above them signify

your scope of consciousness. Notice how they expand and

crossover each other as they leave your Beta state. Beta is

your normal or should I say your conscious, busy state. It

consists of everything within your own individual mind and

abilities. In Beta others do not influence your

consciousness, which is why the shaded areas do not touch.

As soon as you enter the Alpha state they begin to

overlap. That is where your consciousness begins to be

influenced by others in the way of intuition. As it

progresses to the slower brainwaves it overlaps or expands

even more, which helps to explain the concept or

phenomena known as ESP. Complete overlapping can be

seen in Universal Consciousness or Source (Delta). There

is no more separation of thought and all thought is one.

That is why a good psychic can read your mind or make

predictions; your thoughts are their thoughts. Or to state it

more accurately, there is only thought. This is the brain

state that Edgar Cayce (most noted proven American

Psychic that did most of his work through hypnosis in

Delta) and most other well-known psychics do their work.

With this expansion in you are able to obtain added

knowledge, in the way of enhanced short-term memory and

intuition. Relax more and you can expand further to open

up long term memories, déjà vu and enhanced senses. In

fact in the Alpha brainwave state all your senses are

enhanced a minimum of 15%. As you relax further into

theta you are open to the ability of self-anesthesia, and

through your imagination are able to create hallucinations.

In addition to your natural psychic abilities expanding your

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 41


immune system opens up so you can enjoy greatly

accelerated healing. Here and beyond you are open to a

completely stress free experience of timelessness and

profound insight and unlimited information retrieval. If

you have ever gone to sleep with a question in your mind

and awoke with the answer in detail then you have

experienced this phenomena.

This expansion beyond the confines of the Beta mind is

why two or more people can get together and discuss a

topic of shared interest and come up with amazing new

insight on the topic that neither had originally had. They

were able to attain the levels beyond their individual

confines. This is the purpose of the Mastermind principle

often seen used by the most successful entrepreneurs. They

gather others of a like mind into board meetings or an elite

staff to gain new ideas to propel their businesses to success.

This can also be seen in the animal kingdom quite often

as animals are primarily living in the Alpha brainwave state

and find Beta to be most bothersome. In their state of

overlapping consciousness they are able to communicate

with each other. Such as when schools of fish or flocks of

birds can all, instantaneously change direction without

bumping into each other. It is on an instinctual level,

which occurs in the Alpha level onward. If you have ever

done something by instinct or gotten the “vibes” you have

most likely experienced this.

The subconscious and superconscious areas as seen on

the right of the chart can also be viewed as totally

subconscious but for the sake of further distinction and

clarity they have been separated. The superconscious state



is the state of pure intelligence and crossover of thought. It

can be considered a universal library of intelligence or

knowledge encompassing all of the knowledge of everyone

who has ever lived and does live now.

Remember that since we are in all brainwaves

simultaneously with only one dominant at the time, then

whenever you have a thought it is immediately part of this

Delta library and thereby available for anyone else to

recover as well. If you have ever had a great business idea

and decided not to complete it right away and found shortly

thereafter that someone else was doing the same idea that

you had, then you have seen this concept in action. It

would be similar to dropping a twenty-dollar bill and

walking away from it. If you do not return immediately to

claim it then there is a great possibility that someone else

has seen it and taken it for themselves.

This concept can also be seen when someone tells you

something that you have never heard before but suddenly

you realize that you already knew that. This happens to us

as instructors in our courses constantly. We teach a totally

unique concept that the students have never even

considered before and suddenly you see the light bulb in

their minds go on as they say “I knew that!” At a certain

level in your mind “Delta” you know everything. All

knowledge - Universal knowledge. That is the whole

concept of source energy. It is an intelligent energy.

We are not teaching you anything new. We may be

putting together the particular information differently but

what we are actually doing is teaching you about you! The

information and raw materials to build a television or radio

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 43


transmitter has always been there for hundreds of years but

someone put it together differently and voila!

** This chart is to be used as a gauge or helpmate but not

to be taken as factual or absolute. There is no black and

white where it comes to brainwaves. There are much areas

of grey to consider. As much as we humans like to put

things in nice, orderly little packages and graphs, there are

times when the mind does not wish to comply.

Example: Even though the Delta brainwave is known for

right brain activity; when you are in a Delta meditative

state and receive personal enlightenment or answers to a

situation you have been thinking of, you can at that

moment remain there and tell someone vocally what you

are experiencing and thus be in equal alignment between

the left and right brain simultaneously. As you can see

things can change according to your mental activity or

purpose. This publication is designed to give you more of

an idea of what can occur in the various brain states.

The BBSS Scale Titles & Functions

The following section will break down the various brain

wave states in detail to give you more information of how

they can help you and your clients.

NOTE: It is important to achieve and experience balance

in each of the four basic brainwave states on a regular basis

and not spend too much time in one or another to remain in

peak physical and mental condition. Too much time in one

and neglecting others can cause disorders. Ex: Working 14



- 16 hours straight on a regular basis (Beta state) can cause

burnout or even worse.

EPSILON .025 - .5hz ___________________

This state is totally opposite of the Lambda state but

exhibits almost the same qualities.

No noticeable heartbeat, respiration or pulse is perceived

by doctors.

Suspended animation

Coma state-shutdown of non-vital systems

Highly increased immune system for accelerated healing

Decreased awareness of the physical world

Best level for:

Out of body experience

Rejuvenating the body

Immune system fully operational

DELTA .5 - 3.5hz ___________________

Dominant in newborn infants to age 2

Right-brain activity

Release of the HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

Known for anti-aging, releasing of wrinkles, sagging skin

Experience of low blood pressure, heart rate & metabolism

Release of *RAS paralyzing effect

No mental processes

Universal consciousness

Body heals three times faster minimum

Superconscious level

Profound anesthesia

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 45


Deep motionless sleep

No emotional processes

Source energy

Detached physical awareness

Dreamless sleep

Spirit World

Negative hallucinations

Vivid childhood memories

Best level for:

Life between lives spiritual traveling

Extra sensory perception - ESP


Astral Projection

Major surgery

Psychic readings, predictions

Total connection with Source

Healing and restoration for major disorders or


Less creativity and problem solving ability

Too much time in the Delta State can cause:

False sense of or being out of touch with reality

Hallucinations and negative hallucinations

Not enough time in Delta activity can cause:

Lack of rejuvenation – wrinkles etc

Lack of or severely diminished healing

Signs of stress, fatigue and exhaustion

Disassociation with self or deep understanding

Stress and anxiety related disorders

No connectedness to Source



_____ THETA / DELTA TRANSITION 3.5 - 4hz _____

Dreaming stops

Awakening ESP skills


Somnambulism (The deepest state of relaxation / hypnosis)

THETA 4 - 7hz ___________________

Dominant in children from 2 – 6 years old

Right-brain activity

Dreaming sleep state

REM rapid eye movement

Paralyzation of the body in sleep through the *RAS

The immune system is fully operational

Heightened problem-solving ability

Improved stress tolerance

Beginning of anesthesia – pain control

Total amnesia

No stress due to timelessness

Heightened Imagination


Traumatic memories stored

Timelessness – Lost time

Loss of memory

Long-term memories stored

Ideal area for:

Outpatient anesthesia

Dental work (analgesia state)

Painless Childbirth (analgesia state)

Psychic surgery / psychic healing

Re-opening traumatic memories

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 47



Automatic writing

Enhanced creativity

Super learning

Shamanic journeying

ESP activation

Contact with spirit guides

Awakening ESP skills

Age progression

Eliminating panic attacks

NOTE: Stress is one of the major causes that can be found

in virtually any disorder, sickness or disease. It is

important to realize where stress resides. It is a left-brain

activity that only exists in the past and the future. It cannot

exist in the present. “You are stressed about what is going

to happen or what did happen.” To eliminate stress

immediately all you need to do is to experience the NOW

state. Also know as the Theta brainwave state. This is why

time seems to pass so quickly there, it is associated with

amnesia. When you dream or day dream and do not

remember what you dreamed about and felt it was only a

minute even though it may have been an hour, you have

been in Theta. When dreaming and you remember your

dreams and the time spent there then you were on the

Alpha side of the line. Once in Theta, stress can be


Another major factor about Stress is that once you

become stressed your immune system immediately shuts

down. You cannot heal or recover in a stress state.

Unfortunately, the average person spends approximately

80% of their lives in a state of stress from one source or



another. This does not leave much time for healing. It is

vitally important to change this by surveying, then

eliminating all the stress in your life to be constantly


Too much time in the Theta State can cause:





Loss state of reality

Not enough time in Theta activity can cause:

Extreme Fatigue - exhaustion

Extreme Stress

Mental confusion

Slow healing and recovery

Tingling/numbness in the extremities

______ ALPHA / THETA TRANSITION 7- 8hz ______

It is a light fidgeting or restless type of sleep.

Balancing point between the mental and emotional state

Daydreaming begins

Critical reasoning impaired

Glove analgesia (pressure but no pain)

The line between amnesic & mnesic

Hypnagogic state

Physical and verbal catalepsy

Induces sleep, tingling sensation

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 49


Best level for:

Reduced Stress/Anxiety

Past life regression

Parts therapy

ALPHA 8 - 12hz ___________________

Dominant in children from 6 to 12 years old

Equal left brain-right brain (inner / outer world)


Simply closing your eyes blocks out 80% of Beta activity

Short-term memories stored

Serotonin naturally released in the body; said to help in the

recovery of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and


Inspiration begins

Beginning of heightened but detached awareness

Animal primary brainwave state Accelerated learning

Enhanced creativity

One of the best levels for programming of suggestions

Gateway to meditation

Catalepsy of the body and all senses

Acceptance of suggestions

Best level to reprogram the subconscious

Smoking cessation, weight loss, memory retention etc.

Relaxation begins

Stress reduction

This is where your consciousness begins to expand outside

of the confines of your brain overlapping with other




Too much time in the Alpha State can cause:




Lack of productivity

Not enough time in Alpha can cause:



Lack of clarity




Short-term memory loss

BETA 12 - 25hz ___The Conscious / Subconscious


Dominant in children from 12 years old and up

Left-brain activity

Busy activity such as: Studying, Working, Concentration,

Problem-solving & Making judgments

Linear thinking

Quick thinking

Higher focus

Attentiveness - Alert mentally

Outward awareness

Focusing on the five senses

Duality - Observer and the observed (we create individual

separation from universal consciousness)

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 51


Further Division of Beta

In addition to being the left brained, fast-paced, activity

center part of the mind, beta can also be separated into two

stages. These divisions would be the competitive mind and

the creative mind.

Competitive Mind

The competitive part of the beta brainwave state would

mostly comprise of ego-based mindset. The ego-centered or

negative mindset includes characteristics such as:



Conceit, as it is very opinionated


Close mindedness


It is often times the result of the learned man rather than

the learning man. What is meant by that is that the learned

man is one who had received formal education and then

stopped. They have historical knowledge from the past. The

learning man is the one who is constantly learning to keep

on top of their trade. It is important to continue learning

each and every day.

The competitive mindset is to compete with others for

what they have or their piece of the business.

Unfortunately if the business in question does not have

much, then the competitive mind is competing for a portion



of a business venture that is not enough as well. The

competitive mind never wins in the long run.

It is important to increase in business or any other

venture by not taking something away from someone else

to be truly successful. It is not in alignment with source

energy or the superconscious mindset as the main property

of Source or Universal Consciousness is expansion or

growth. It is all-inclusive and never competitive. One of

the basic tenants of the subconscious mind is that it does

not understand negative.

Creative Mind

The creative mind is based on humility rather than ego.

It has characteristics such as being:



Grateful for what it has

Constantly learning




It finds enjoyment in life and appreciates what it has

rather than being resentful of what it doesn't.

The creative mind is not limited to the business of

someone else. Through being creative it can be open to and

working towards acquiring unlimited growth. The creative

mind is destined to win and succeed in its endeavors. It is

in alignment with Source or the Superconscious mindset, of

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 53


expansion and growth.

Too much time in Beta / Hyper-Beta State can cause:



Paranoia, which can lead to muscle tension,


Forgetfulness – memory loss

High blood pressure

Insomnia and other sleep disturbances

Not enough time in Beta can cause:


Lack of goals or planning in life

Slower mental reactions



*Endorphin and *HGH release (See definitions below)

Stressful behavior

Excessive "tunnel vision”

Critical Mass Begins (Highly open to suggestion)

GAMMA 35 - 70hz ___________________

Higher awareness

Peak concentration

Release of excessive *dopamine



Critical Mass (Highly open to suggestion)

Enhanced problem-solving abilities

Beginning of mystical experiences

Heightened mental activity

High performance

HYPER-GAMMA 70 - 100hz ___________________

Accelerated endorphin release

Natural anti-depressant / mood booster


Increased self-awareness

ESP abilities

Heightened sports performance

Heightened instinct and intuition

Anesthesia – pain control

LAMBDA 100 - 200hz ___________________

Seems to ride on the low frequency wave of Epsilon

creating a circular effect

Associated with wholeness and integration

Profound anesthesia – pain control Associated with

extreme mystical experiences

Negative hallucinations

Suspended animation

Out of body experience

Shamanic journeying

Opposite Similarities

When observing the next chart you will see that there

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 55


are great similarities on each side of the spectrum between

the slow and quick counterparts of brainwaves opposite

each other. While we would like to be able to show perfect

symmetry of both sides; they are in fact very flexible. Take

the time to study each side to see the many similarities.

You will notice extreme opposites quite often acting the


NOTE: It has been found that on the slow frequencies of

the Epsilon waves there appear to be the very fast-paced

frequencies of Lambda attached thereby helping us to close

the circular gap. Although the circle may not be exactly

symmetrical it can be seen as looping. It may however

even be oval or flexible as a rubber band depending on the

situations. That is the beauty of the human mind. There are

so many possibilities and for every answer found there are

even more questions that arise. Keep an open mind…



Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 57


When looking at the brainwave states as depicted here

you will notice that all the programming states

encompassing relaxation are on the right side, namely the

Alpha, Theta and Delta states. All of the programming or

suggestibility states on the left side are where the mind is

not relaxed but very much the opposite. In these stages

such as High-Beta, Gamma, Hyper Gamma and Lambda

the brainwave states become so quick that the mind easily

becomes confused or overwhelmed.

This state is also known as achieving critical mass.

Once the mind has achieved critical mass it can be easily

programmed through what is known as the confusional,

analytical or even covert type programming. Covert

programming or hypnosis would be simply delivering

suggestions in a covert or even tricky manner so the

conscious mind is unaware and does not resist. This way

the suggestions are accepted directly by the subconscious.

Once critical mass has been achieved most any

suggestions given from that point forward will receive little

resistance. This type of covert programming is being used

quite expertly by the use of commercials on television and

radio. It is mostly noticed for the purpose of selling

pharmaceuticals or medical procedures. These type

commercials seem to mostly be delivered during the times

when people are most busy such as during dinner or

overnight as many people let their television or radio run

while sleeping. During dinner you are occupied by eating

and having conversations with your family and too busy to

listen to the television or radio to screen them so as to turn

them off when negative commercials come on. Since you

are busy these suggestions can easily bypass the conscious



mind and be accepted directly by the subconscious.

The same occurrence happens while you are sleeping.

When you are relaxing, listening to the music and dreaming

in your unconscious state the commercials play often times

giving suggestions that you need to have a certain

procedure or pill which can easily sneak by the conscious

mind. You are then being programmed that this is

something you require. Repetition of this type of

programming can be very detrimental.

Looking at the chart you can now easily see how the fast

forms of brainwave states on the left are equally as

suggestible as the relaxing ones on the right. You may

have even experienced some of these super high brainwave

states yourself. For instance, have you ever found yourself

in a hurry leaving the house, looking around frantically for

your car keys only to find that they were in your hands all

the time? If this happened to you then you found yourself

in a state of hallucination. It is a natural state that you can

achieve through critical mass in the Hyper Beta or Gamma

state as well as the relaxing Theta state.

If you ever found yourself injured or cutting your hand

while in a hurry trying to leave the house and once you

were driving down the street you finally noticed it was

bleeding and really hurt. Why didn't it hurt from when you

left the house to the point you were relaxed while driving?

You experienced temporary anesthesia. This occurred

through your mind being busy and beyond the critical mass

stage. This is the same as on the opposite of the circle when

you would experience this anesthesia in level five or six.

You can see there are quite a few similarities between both

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 59



The slower brainwave states on the right side are best

used for individual programming of delivering positive

suggestions for self-help. These can be given through

relaxation where the conscious mind will release resistance

once it has attained the Alpha state. Without resistance it

will accept suggestions just as it did on the left side from

being overwhelmed. The beauty of this relaxed type of

programming is that covert hypnosis is not required. You

do not have to trick or hide suggestions because they are

positive suggestions that the subject initially wants to have.

If the suggestions given were negative while in a relaxed

state, the conscious mind would immediately rebel even

though you were relaxed. You cannot make anybody do

anything against his or her will. So if they do not want to

accept the suggestion they will not. The conscious mind is

ultimately in control.



"The most wasted of all days is one without


E. E. Cummings

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 61



Why Should I get Out of My Mind?

There are many reasons why you should leave the

physical confines of your Beta stage or personal mind

restraints. By traveling beyond Delta into the Alpha Theta

and Delta levels you will have much more opportunity to

be happy, have unlimited knowledge, spectacular health,

wealth, wonderful relationships and enhanced spirituality.

Let's talk about each one of these topics in detail for a

few moments.

Be Happy

The purpose of life is to be happy. When you first came

into this world - that was the state that you were in; pure

happiness. You did everything because it made you happy.

You cried when you wanted to, you screamed when you



wanted to, you played with your toes and drooled as much

as you wanted. Anything that made you happy you did

without restriction. You knew that you would be taken care

of and all was right with the world. You had no anger,

hatred, prejudice or anything else that stood in your way of

true happiness. That was all programmed into you later on.

Unfortunately as you went on doing whatever it took to be

happy, your parents would sometimes stand in the way of

that. Occasionally your incessant screaming gave them a

headache so they’d tell you to stop. Many times you were

told not to do something or to behave. It seemed like most

of the things that made you happy were not appropriate

behavior to them, so you began to conform and behave

more to their likings. Your conscious mind began to

develop and you began to become a programmed


Today so many people are programs with all the things

they should or should not do that they have forgotten how

to be truly happy. Most people are too busy living their life

to plan their life. Between the demands of work, family,

children, and all the other daily responsibilities, they rarely

have time for themselves and when they do it is taken up

relaxing or sleeping. They seem to take whatever job they

can find and work at it mindlessly, not realizing that there

is a better way that they could do whatever they wanted to

in life. They get stuck in cycles.

It's amazing how when people get stuck in their cycles

they find it difficult to see a way out. In many cases they

don't think there is another choice and that this is all that

life has to offer. The truly amazing thing is however that

when you speak to someone else who has a similar

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 63


situation, you're able to give him or her wonderful advice

of how to straighten out their life and get everything they

want to be truly happy. It seems so easy to figure out other

people's problems but nearly impossible to do the same

with your own.

Leaving the restraints of the Beta state and traveling into

the further levels of mind gives you that opportunity.

You're able to get out of the frying pan. In other words

you're able to step out of your life mentally and see your

life for what it is. Right now all the problems and situations

in your life are right in your face. They are surrounding you

so closely that you don't have the opportunity to really

evaluate them. Now imagine if you were out of the solar

system in another galaxy even looking back at the planet

Earth which is just a speck in this Milky Way galaxy. It is

so small and irrelevant that even your challenges and

concerns are equally a small. They are insignificant. This is

what being out of your mind can do for your personal trials.

They can help you to see life for what it is as well is give

you the peace of mind to find solutions for your challenges.

You have the same opportunity as anyone else to do

anything that you would like to do in life. If someone else

has done it then so can you. We were all born with the

same set of tools as everyone else. The richest person in the

world as well as the most destitute one where both born as

healthy happy children. It was their programming

afterwards that determined where they were going to go.

However you are in charge of your own programming and

have the ability to change it if you like, but the first step in

doing so is awareness. You must realize that there is

something that should be changed. You must realize that



there is a better way and it is something that you would like

to do.


Before you jump in blindly and make the statement, "Oh

that's easy, I can change, let's do it!” think about it for a

moment… Change may encompass much more than you

are aware of:

Once you commit to changing or improving yourself

you have started a wheel in motion. Your thoughts, desires,

appearance, attitude and virtually everything else about you

will be different. As a bare minimum, you will never look

at things the same way again. The knowledge you have

obtained will change you.

Once you begin to expand your mind you will begin to

think differently, you will become "different", not the

same, other than you are, unfamiliar, are you getting the

picture? If you were to remain the same, nothing would

have changed. In order to change you must be a change.

So are you still willing commit to this change then let's

get to work…


Here is an exercise that will help you to establish what

you want to do in life.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 65


Question: If you could do anything in the world for work or

start any kind of business you like, what would it be?

If you do not wish to work then: If you could do

anything in the world you would like, what would it be?

Take some time to answer this question. Write it down

on paper, you may even have several answers. If you have

several, choose the one that you like best afterwards…

Now that you have written down what your dream job

or career would be, answer this question.

Why are you not doing this now?

You have determined a goal. This is what you truly

want. Are you there already? How far are you from it?

What steps can you take and what can you do to get on the

path to attaining this goal? It is possible, you can do it and

you DO deserve it!

Everyone on this earth has the opportunity to live. So

many of them go through their lives living but not really

“living” while they do it. What I mean by that is they are

not happy. You have one life and the purpose of life is to be

happy. What can you do in your life to be happy? What

will it take? Going through life mindlessly, day after day, in

the same old routine, never feeling like you can ever have a

break is not truly living. It is similar to going through life

while sleeping. It is time to wake up! You do have the

opportunity and abilities to be happy. It is a choice that you

must make.




Traveling from Beta to the Alpha brainwave states and

deeper your thought begins to overlap or mingle with

others. This overlapping becomes more pronounced until

you reach the Delta brainwave state where it is just pure

knowledge. There is no distinction between people

therefore what you know, everyone else knows and what

they know, you have the opportunity of knowing as well.

This universal storehouse of knowledge or information

contains all the information, knowledge and memories of

everyone who has ever lived and does live now all the way

up to present information. When I say present information I

mean the thoughts you are having this very moment.

Remember you are in all brainwave levels simultaneously

which means that when you have a thought even if it is in

the Beta or busy brainwave state, that thought is also

realized in all the other brainwave states simultaneously.

What kind of advantages can you now have knowing

that you are able to access this information? Simply by

relaxing you have the opportunity to have all your

questions answered and receive inspiration. If you're not

sure how to do something, what to do or even what goals

you should have, by attaining these levels you can find

your answers. The possibilities here are endless.

Perfect Health

It is your birthright to be healthy. Most people were

born into this world in a healthy, happy or orderly state.

Anything other than this healthy, happy state is considered

a dis-order. This is the way you were meant to be. As a

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 67


newborn infant you did not experience the wide variety of

physical and mental disorders that are available today. You

did not suffer from anxiety, depression or obsessive-

compulsive disorder. These are all learned behaviors,

things that were programmed and taught to you as you

grew. Therefore they are disorders. Since this health is your

orderly state, anything other than that is a result of

imperfect thought. Being in these lower brainwave states of

super-consciousness it is easier to correct improper

thinking so you can bring yourself back to health.

If “thoughts become things”, then whatever you think

about on a repeated basis becomes your reality. If you are

continually focusing on sickness because you are

surrounded by it, working with it, wishing for it, or wishing

not to have it; it is being attracted to you. Instead you must

focus on the thought of, "There is only health." By

continually giving yourself the suggestions that sickness is

a result of improper thought and that proper thinking or

perfect thought is that there is only health, as a result you

should experience only health. Of course one major

ingredient hasn't been mentioned here, and that is belief. If

you believe this will happen, it will. If you do not believe

this is true, then it is not … for you.

Traveling further into the Delta brainwave state the

body can heal a minimum of three times faster than normal.

It is truly a place of super healing. Another advantage of

being in Delta more often is that this is the level were HTH,

(human growth hormone) is naturally released. HGH is

responsible for healthier, youthful looking skin. It helps to

relieve the daily wrinkles brought on by stress and your

daily activities. Basically it is the "fountain of youth" or



place of rejuvenation. Spending time in Delta on a regular

basis will help you to feel and look better.

Stress - One of the greatest benefits of being out of your

mind is that of having an open immune system. In order to

heal you must have an open immune system.

Stress shuts down your immune system!

Stress occurs in the Beta brainwave state and partially in

the Alpha. The reason for this is the Beta state is

completely left brain and the Alpha brainwave state is left

brain and right brain equally. Once you progress to the

Theta brainwave state which is right brain, stress does not


Stress is a product of the past and the future. You are

stressed about what will happen in the future or what did

happen, but not what is happening now. Eliminate stress

and you can enjoy an open immune system to heal. When

stressed you cannot heal.

It seems like the smaller the planet gets the more

stressed mankind becomes as all on the terrible things

happening around world are now right in our living room

and surrounding us on a daily basis.

Did you know that the average person today spends

approximately 80% of their day in a state of stress?

Just stand in the middle of any populated area in a large

metropolitan city like in a subway or train station or on a

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 69


main street and you will see the result of this busy, stressful

lifestyle. Most everyone is walking with their shoulders

forward and heads looking towards the ground as they

walk. It’s surprising that they don’t run into each other.

What sorts of stress do they experience? Stress about:



Negative people dragging you down (energy


The cost of heating fuel



Having enough money for groceries

The cost of gas for the car

Pressure at work


Global warming




World hunger



The homeless

and the list goes on and on…

You get so stressed that you begin to expand your

reasons for stress onto others, such as when someone takes

too long to decide their order in the ordering line at the

donut shop, or cuts in front of you on the backed up

freeway just to get ahead one car length as you are late or



work. Someone might cut you off to take the only available

empty parking space in the mall parking lot.

You get so stressed as you think, “They shouldn’t do


We seem to “should" on anyone who inconveniences us.

Things seem to pile up higher and higher until finally one

little insignificant thing sends you over the edge.

The results of this constant, relentless daily stress are:




Obsessive compulsive disorder


Mental and physical disorders




Lack of healing and recovery

Everything seems to be going right down the tubes until

you finally get to the safety and seclusion of home. You

throw your coat on the couch, and make yourself a hot cup

of soothing coffee. You light a candle, play some relaxing

music, sit back in your recliner and finally relax (for a few

seconds)… then … The phone rings and it’s you kids

wanting to discuss problems they are having, your mother

in law pops in for a surprise visit and your wife reminds

you that you are late for a parent-conference at the school.

By now I think you are beginning to see the big picture.

No wonder sickness is so prevalent in our society. It

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 71


doesn’t have to be thought. You can turn it around if you

decide to. Yes, even stress is a choice! Before you can do

something about it you must be able to identify what it is

you need to do something about. Fortunately I am going to

help you with that right now.

Begin systematically to eliminate stress in your life and

you will begin to have a happier, healthier life as well.

Ready? The following exercise will help you to identify

what needs to be worked on and what you should do to

correct it.

Stress Reduction Exercise:

Make a list of “everything” that causes you stress that

you can think of. Start with the most obvious and then take

time to list even the smallest of stresses such as the squeaky

porch door, the light bulb out in the cellar or even the loose

screws on the bar-b-q grill.

Here’s a generic list of possibilities to get you started

with some ideas:

List the energy vampires in your life:

People who physically drain you due to their

negativity, complaining, dragging you down or

other reasons. I guess you can say, “They brighten

up a room just by leaving it.”

Work problems

Relationship problems or situations

Stress related to friends and places you frequent

Stress at home




With you automobile or other toys

This is a very important step so take your time and list

as many as you can. Write them down in this book. We’ll

give you plenty of space so it can be an ongoing work in

process You may add more to your list later on as they

begin to pop into your head:












Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 73






































Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 75


WHAT CAUSES ME STRESS? Step#2 – Sort them

With your list in Step#1 in the space on the left of each

listing you must make a decision in which category each

one should go into and then place the appropriate “letter”

before each one.

When something is causing you stress, you MUST

handle it or it will handle you! With each item ask yourself

these questions, in this order.

F - How can I Fix the situation? Can it be fixed so it does

not cause you stress?

C - How can I Change the situation? If it can’t be fixed

so as to stop the stress can it be changed in anyway so you

can feel good about it?

E - How can I Eliminate the situation? If it cannot be

fixed or changed without causing more stress then how can

you eliminate it from your life? There are no other choices

unless you wish to continue with the stress, allowing

yourself to be dragged downwards. “You deserve to be

happy and healthy!”

Fix - Change - Eliminate

Now go back and place an F, C, or E before each item on

your list.



WHAT CAUSES ME STRESS? Step#3 – Do it now!

You have your list and know what to do with it. Don’t

overwhelm yourself trying to do it all in one day but on the

other hand don’t put it off all together. Complete a few

each day as time permits and correct them as you have

determined. Once you have, cross them off your list. You

will see the list begin to gradually become less and less.

Some of them may be difficult to do at first but once you

see the great improvements in your life you will be happy

you did. Health and happiness awaits you. It is your

birthright. Go get it!

(There are additional pages at the end of this book to

expand your list.)


A wise mentor of mine once told me, "The noblest of all

causes is to be wealthy."

When he told me that statement, I was immediately

shocked. It almost came as sacrilege to me. How can you

say that? All kinds of questions and rebuttals jumped to the

front of my mind. But before I can say anything he

continued to explain; he reminded me that the purpose of

life is to be happy. If we were born in a healthy, happy state

and anything other than that is a disorder, then poverty

would also be a disorder.

When you can't afford to pay your bills you become

stressed and thereby become sick. When you don't have

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 77


enough money to buy food or take care of yourself

properly, you experience hardship and sadness. All of these

are against our blueprint of birth and therefore disorders.

By becoming wealthy you are able to have everything

that you need. In fact you're able to have most of

everything that you want as well. Anything that you like,

you can have more of or do more of. You can even help

others by showing them how to become wealthy as well.

There is so much more that you can do with money then

without having it. So if you can live a happier healthier

more fulfilled life and help others to do the same, wouldn't

that be a noble cause?

Now you can see why he remains a wise mentor of


NOTE: It is important to realize that money is not your

goal! Money is simply a tool to be sued to attain what you

want. It’s similar to wanting a new house. You are

desiring the house and not just the hammer and saw to

build it. You want what you can get as a result of having

the money such as freedom to do what you want, when you

want, as much as you want. To travel, to have fun,

experience what you may have not been able to before. It

may not seem like much of a difference on the surface but

it is important to understand the distinction if you wish to

be successful in accumulating it.




Being able to travel out of your mind into these lower

levels of connectedness will help you to become more

connected with your partner, to understand your partner

better, to be more open-minded. You will experience no

stress thereby having a happier relationship. You'll be able

to experience the joy, and understanding. This will help

you to grow together not only in happiness, but in

knowledge. You will develop a deeper love and

appreciation for each other.

With this expansion of mine or oneness of mind you are

experiencing your relationship without the separation of

ego. In the Beta brainwave state you are more concerned

about the individual or yourself. You cannot see or

understand what the other person is thinking or feeling.

Without connectedness you are very likely to experience

division, misunderstanding, stress, sadness and worry.

Since a large part of the Beta brainwave state is based on

ego, that expands this list to selfishness, greed, and

carelessness and oftentimes even abuse. You can clearly

see the advantages of being out of your mind for a greatly

improved relationship.


Another area that can be greatly expanded in your life is

that of spirituality. Depending on your belief system you

will be able to experience marvelous wonders such as

remote viewing, out of body experience and contacting

spirits. You can even experience the concept of past life

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 79


regression, life between lives and future life progression.

These are many processes that are experienced by people

with psychic or sensitive abilities. These psychic or

sensitive abilities are something that everyone has. The

only difference is that psychics have developed them. You

too can do so as you expand your mind into the deeper

levels. Psychic ability is experienced in the Delta

brainwave states and deeper. It's interesting to note that

even our government utilized remote viewing for many


These levels can also be used to enhance enlightenment.

Through meditation or even prayer you enter these levels

and can find the answers to your questions. It is very

rewarding to have a place to go where you can feel spiritual

enlightenment and satisfaction.



"Don't judge each day by the harvest you

reap, but by the seeds you plant." -- Robert

Louis Stevenson

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 81



How do I get Out of My Mind?

"You must slow down to move ahead."

This is one of my favorite quotes when it comes to

traveling to the expanded brainwave states or to Source.

There are many ways that you can obtain these deeper

levels. How deep you go is completely dependent on your

desire, lack of resistance and belief. The most difficult part

of all the vehicles we will be discussing to expand

consciousness is that they require time. In order to be

proficient in them you will need to spend at least 20

minutes a day in this pursuit.

The reason why so many people are stuck in their lives

is that they do not take the time each day or in some cases

at all to sit back, relax and reflect on their lives. They seem

to constantly be living a life of Beta or busy activity until

they go home in the evening and are ready for bed and go



straight to sleep. There is absolutely no time to reflect on

their day. Taking 20 minutes a day to do these practices

will give you the time to reflect, analyze and solve any

issues and plan your up-coming day as well as future.

Earlier we mentioned how easy it is to help someone

else with their problems, simply because you can sit back

and look at them objectively. Unless you take time out of

your own life each day you will never have the time to look

at your life objectively. These practices will help you to

step outside of your own life and see yourself for the way

you are. They will help you to expand your thought, find

answers to your challenges and give you the information

required to create the life that you want.

Note: This section is not intended to teach you how to

conduct each of these different vehicles it will merely give

you the information of what is available. To learn more

about how to conduct various methods of self-help or

relaxation, refer to the Resources section at the end of this

publication. We have included two free ones that will

amaze you.


Meditation is a wonderful way to allow your mind to

expand beyond the Beta confines. There are many

resources available online ad in many bookstores to teach

you various methods. The basic purpose is simply sit or lie

quietly and let you mind relax as you think of nothing.

Clearing your mind of your daily concerns can be quite


Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 83


Clearing your mind of all thought can be a more

difficult task that you think as the average human being has

about 64.000 thoughts a day. There are simple exercises

you can do to assist you in your quietness. Some will do

this by thinking of only one thing such as counting your

breaths or watching a candle flame. The idea is by doing

only one thing you will eventually become so disinterested

or even bored in it that you mind will be free to do focus on

what is important for you.


This is similar to meditation but without a cause in

mind. Reflection just requires you to sit quietly and think.

Give yourself at least 20 minutes to do or for longer if

needed. You will find that in both reflection and

meditation, if you can find a simple place to sit and relax,

one without all kinds of detailed or busy things to interest

your mind, it will work much better. Most great thinkers

and inventors received their inspiration while sitting at a

simple, empty, small room which included no more than a

table, chair, pencil and notepad. Usually it would have

neutral colored walls with no additional furniture so as to

alleviate distraction and allow the mind to roam freely.


Imagination is a very strong spiritual tool. You may

have heard the terminology "thoughts become things",

however thoughts alone are not acted upon until the

imagination does something with them. If you cannot



imagine something happening then it will not. Take time in

your quiet place to simply sit and use your imagination.

Forget about everything on the outside that may be going

on in your life for the time being and only focus your

imagination on what you want.

If you are trying to get a new job imagine yourself

already having it.

If you desire more money, imagine what you will do

with the money and having fun.

Imagine yourself on the vacation you would like or;

Having the spectacular relationship you always wanted.

Whatever you are seeking after, spend time imagining it

as if it has already happened. Here is one of the biggest

secrets of the subconscious mind: "The subconscious mind

does not understand the difference between a real or

imagined memory, they hold the same value." If you can

imagine something repeatedly, each and every day, for a

minimum of one month, your subconscious mind through

the repetition process will believe it has happened.

Guided Imagery

For those people who have difficulty just sitting and

reflecting ion their own, a guided imagery session could be

the answer. This is a script (pre-written suggestions) that

you would read onto a recording device or possibly

purchase on a CD or MP3 that you can simply sit and listen

to it. It is designed to guide you into utilizing your

imagination. To learn more about this process once again

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 85


visit the Resources section at the end of this publication.

Learn Self Hypnosis

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are some of the strongest

tools for change available today. Basically all hypnosis is,

is sitting in a relaxed state and receiving positive

suggestions by a person who is trained to deliver them so

they are accepted by your subconscious mind. Hypnosis

sessions can take you to any specific brainwave level

depending on what it is you would like to accomplish. You

can accomplish this same process through self-hypnosis as

well. To learn more about hypnosis, self-hypnosis and

receive a free 446 page training manual teaching you how

to do it yourself, go to the Free Resources section.



Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 87



HGH: Human growth Hormone:

As we get older, decreasing quantities of HGH results in

many aging symptoms including:

Loss of muscle tone,

Increased weight gain,

Loss of stamina,

Sagging skin and muscles,

Sluggish memory

and many additional functions associated with aging.

HGH is produced naturally by the pituitary gland in the

center of our brain. When we are in a deep, dreamless sleep

in the Delta level, the pituitary is stimulated to produce

more HGH which is why we feel refreshed and rejuvenated

when we get a good night sleep. Lack of this hormone can

result in aging, mental imbalances, sickness and disease.

RAS - Reticular Activating System (definition)

Dreaming takes place in primarily in the Theta State.

Here the Reticular Activating System (RAS) goes into a

special function in which it literally closes off the muscular

control signals from the brain to the body. The body

becomes essentially paralyzed. Occasionally stray electrical

discharges are able to trickle past which accounts for minor

twitching of the fingers and toes. It is during the dreaming

state that Rapid Eye Movement - REM, is observed where

the eyes move under the closed eyelids.



One of the reasons this function of the RAS may occur

in the dreaming state is to protect the unconscious body

from harming itself by actually acting out on its dreams.

When there is an intermittent slip of the brainstem where

not all of the signals from the brain are shut off from the

body entirely the body may begin to sleepwalk.

Once the sleep cycle reaches Delta, the RAS area of the

brainstem releases the hold between the brain and the

body's muscles. At this point the body still remains

completely motionless through the whole period of Delta

sleep. Not because the body is paralyzed by the RAS, but

because the body is now in its most relaxed and calm state.

Endorphins (definition)

Endorphins function as neurotransmitters. They are

produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus

during exercise, excitement, pain, consumption of spicy

foods, love and orgasm. They resemble opiates in their

abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being.

The term endorphin rush has been adopted in popular

speech to refer to feelings of exhilaration brought on by

pain, danger, or other forms of stress. When a nerve

impulse reaches the spinal cord, endorphins are released

which prevent nerve cells from releasing more pain signals.

Immediately after injury you may feel a sense of power or

control over yourself that will allow you to continue with

your activity for an extended time.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 89


Dopamine (definition)

Most importantly, dopamine is central to the reward

system. Dopamine is commonly associated with the

pleasure system of the brain, providing feelings of

enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a person

proactively to perform certain activities. Dopamine is

released by naturally rewarding or over-stimulating

experiences such as food, sex, gambling, excessive lights

and commotion as in a casino and even use of certain


Serotonin (definition)

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to relay

messages from one area of the brain to another. Because of

the widespread distribution of its cells, it is believed to help

a variety of psychological and other body functions.

Approximately 40 million brain cells are thought to be

influence either directly or indirectly by serotonin including

cells related to sexual drive, mood, appetite, sleep, memory

and learning and social behavior.

Scientists believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels

may influence mood in a way that can lead to depression,

obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic, and even

excess anger. The use of SSRI drugs have been adopted

through recent years in the treatment of these disorders

with the purpose of releasing serotonin into the depleted

system. Unfortunately along with these medications comes

a brash of adverse possible side effects.



In addition to serotonin being released naturally in the

Alpha Brainwave State it is also known to be released

through regular exercise, getting out into the sunlight for

about 20 minutes a day, spending time in public, laughing

and through daily meditation. The beauty of these methods

is that they are all free and have no known side effects.

Consider them alternatives that you or others might add to

their existing medical treatment.

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 91



Learn Hypnosis FREE - (447 page book) - To learn more

about suggestibility, programming, self-help and changing

the lives of yourself and others, download our amazing

manual “Clinical Hypnosis Training Manual form A- Z”,

FREE at http://www.choosehypnosis.com Consider this gift

as our business card. Study it, try it and make an informed

decision is if this is the path for your self-discovery without

spending a dime.




Books by Rene & Raluca Bastarache

At: http://www.choosehypnosis.com

Clinical Hypnosis Manual from A to Z

The Comedy Hypnosis Bible

Getting Out of Your Mind, Expanding Mental Awareness

How to Make $100,000 a Year as a Hypnosis Practitioner

Hypnotherapy Scripts I

Hypnotherapy Scripts II

Hypnotherapy Scripts III

Hypnotherapy Scripts IV

Hypnosis Moneymakers

Triple Your Clients in 30 Days

Build a Top Ranked Website in 60 Days

The Complete Show Magic Book

The “Everything” Self Hypnosis Book

Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 93


Certification Courses by Rene & Raluca

Hypnosis Certification Home Study Course

Six-Day Classroom "Group" Hypnosis Certification

Three Day Classroom Individual Hypnosis Course

Hypnosis Instructor Online Certification Course

Past Life Regression Online Certification Course

Comedy Hypnosis Online Certification Course

*** Get more information for all courses at:


Self- Help MP3s

Over 30 Titles - http://www.choosehypnosis.com/store.htm




(List continued)
















Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 95






































Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 97






















Expanding Mental Abilities to Create Reality 99
