KM" HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1801. !) Of auasoRipiiON NTS PER MONTH Vol. XV. No. 259. BY AUTHORITY. CASTLE & COOKE, J.HOPP&CO, K. Hl'STACK. J. F. MOHOAS. W. II. HOOCH. HUSTACE & CO., IMl'OKTFJW. Shipoing & Commission Merchants, PLANTATION & INSURANCE AMKNTft, KEMD T3 HOMO. Editor Rillltin - Homo appears to doubt the genu- ineness of the opinion ot Abraham Lincoln on the subject of prohibition, saving: "The quotation may lie all right, but I do not remember to have met with it before, ami it occurs to mi; that Nemo may possibly be de- ceived or mistaken." Are you sure, Homo, that you have read everything that Lincoln bus written or said dur- ing his lifetime? I think that if you have read so much of Lincoln as you would have the public believe, you would see Lincoln's true character in every word uttered by bim that I quoted in the Bulletin of Oct. 23. Why, man, it is just what honest old Abe would say, if approached upon anything that interfered with the personal rights of man, as prohibi- tion does. But you wish to know the source of my information. Here it is: I received it, with plenty of the same kind, from the editor of the South-A- y est, a generous, whole-soule- sturdy lighter for the rights of humanity. Is it not a glorious -- W5ALK.118 THE "DAILY BIEii'il" 18 PUBLISHED Evbrj Afternoon Eicept Sundays At the Office, Queen street, Honolulu' H. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager fob thk Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited ) HlBHCKIPTIOSi!: Daily Bulletin, I year $0 00 " 6 uiouths 3 00 per month (de livered-).- 6C Wekkly Bulletin Summary, 1 year.. 5 00 foreign 6 00 oth Telephones No. ttSO. - SPAddress all business communica- tions "Manager Daily Bulletin." ss all matter for publica- tion "Editok Daily Bulletin." P. O. Hoi HO. Honolulu. II. 1. I M. MONSARRAT. Bonders' and General Hardware, Agricultural implements, I I'LANTATIOW HU 11 IlJblW. Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinist' A Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ! Kitchen Utensils, Taints, Oils, data's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines JOHN NOTT, Importer and Dealer in 'I; ' 1 Steel anil Iron Ranges, w 1 IA " 1 iU ttda SSI Housekeeping Goods AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY. WHITE, GHAY AND SILVER-PLATE- D OWL '4 - Announce new importations ex "V. (i. la Irwin" and "Planter" of FURNITURE 5 Elegant in design and stylish in make. Co. Chuii z or Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N- , 5th Cornio JL'oW-ss- , PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111 .Si tJMl IlM'fN, a. JSolt.V Willi. Itiyr t liuirn, ljiiiiirM, Soiii 1("(Im. Chairs to Reut iar Bills and Parties. ffk (J. Irwin & Company, (1,1.11 ITKII.) OKKEH KOlt SALE at Limo Ac Omont, PARAFF1NE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Cowing, all slzss. FERTILIZERS: WOOL DUST, KONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, also buck & ohlandt's High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. GRASS SEEDS: COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. 1U lOICit STEAM CM FACTORY A 1 1IAKEHY. V. HOK:, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Baker,. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. C. BREWER & CO.. (i.m ri t.i). General Mercantile AN O Commission Agents. LIST OF OKF1CKUS: J. O. Carter President & Manager (i. 11. Robertson Treasurer E. F. Bisho, Secretary W. F. Allen....' Auditoi DIKF.CTOKS: Hon. O. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen, 11. Waterhoiise. CASTLE & COOKE mrwKTKiiN, Hardware, Shipping AND Commission Merchants. DKALBKS IN General Merchandise 1 Plantation Amenta, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agouti 1 HONOLULU, PI. I. - 9k re Hawaiian Mercantile Co. Dki'autmknt of thk Intkhioi:, ) Honolulu, Oct. 20, 18'Jl.J Whereas, the Hawaiian Mercantile has, pursuant to the laws in such case made and provided, duly tiled .ith the undersigned a petition for dissolution of the said Corpora- tion, together with a certificate thereto annexed as required by law, now therefore, Notice is hereby given to any and persons who have been or are now interested in any manner whatsoever the said Corporation, that objections the granting of the said petition must be tiled in the office of the under- signed on or before TUESDAY, tho day of .' miliary, 1SU2; and that any person or persons desiring to be heard thereon must be in attendance the ollice of the undersigned in Aliiuhini Hale, Honolulu, at 11 o'clock m. of that day and show cause w hy said petition should not be granted. C. N. SI'EN'CKH, Minister of the Interior. Interior Ollice, Oct. 2V, 2. at-- ii :n Tux Payers in this District arc hereby notified that the Taxes for tho current year will be due and payable the Office of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa Building, on the 2d day of November, A. D. 1891. The Ollice is open from 9 a. in. to l p. in. daily (Sundays excepted) and on Saturdays until 1'2 o'clock noon. All amounts over iflO must be paid in U. S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer- tificates of Deposit. Taxes not paid befor the 15th day of December next will be liable to suit with 10 per cent, costs added. T. A. LLOYD, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes, District of Kona, Island of Oahu. Approved : Sa.mi'el I'akkkk, Minister of Finance ad interim. 255 3w Sale of Government Lots on the Lower Side of Prospect Street, Punchbowl Hill, Ho- nolulu, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11, 1891, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public auction Nine (9) Lots on the lower side of Prospect street, Punchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahu, varying in size from 103x188 feet to 94x107 feet. Upset price: Varying from $100 to ?2")0 eacli lot, according to size and location. The terms and condi- tion of sale will be cash or, at the option of the purchaser, one-four- th cash and the remainder in equal in- stallments payable in one, two or three years, with interest payable semi-annuall- y at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. The purchaser must within one year from the date of purchase se the land bought by him with a good and substantial fence aud lay on water from the Government pipes. Royal Patents will be issued for the land upon the final payment of the purchase price. A map of the lots can be seen and full particulars learned at the Land Ollice. Water mains have been or shortly will be laid adjoining all of the abovo lots. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Ollice, Oct. 7, 1891. 238 4t Sale of Lease of the Govern- ment Land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no- a, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 1S91, at 12 o'clock noon, at the frout en- trance of Aliiolani Hale will be sold at public auction the lease of that Government land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no- a, Oahu, containing an area of 17$ acres more or less. Term Ixuise for 13 years. Upset price $20 per annum, pay- able scini-aiinual- in advance. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior, luterior Office, Oct. 10, 1891. 240 41 , LAMPS - AND DRAYMEN. AH orders lor cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping Of good in transit to the other Islands. Aiso, Black & White Sand In quantities to suit at lowest prices. jgr Office: Next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. Mutual 19 -- fed Telephones p&" Bell 414 SAMOAN CURICS ! ji'st iti:ci:iv:i l'er S. S. "Aliuneda" a consignment of (1UHIOS ! Consisting of FANS; WiS CL0BS, MATS, TAPA?, ETC, ETC. ALSO A FEW Walking Canes & Sleeve Buttons Made from, the Wood of the U. S. S. "Trento'u" wrecked at Samoa. 2511 Cor. Fort & Queen Sts. For YcMiafc Mitel. STEAMERS OF THE Pacific Mail Steamship Co. ANO THE Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. Will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports, as follows: Stmr. "China,' Dec 15- - JQT Round Trip Tickets to Yokohama and return, via San Francisco, For particulars apply to H. HACKFELD 4 CO , 138 tf Agents. Desirable ResiflencB Sites FOR SALE! HAVE Four Fine Residence Sites, I situated on I'iikoi street, for sale. The Lots have a lrontage of 04 feet on I'iikoi street and are 20U feet deep, are nicely laid out in fiuit and shade trees and are all covered with grass; water laid on throughout. The situation of these Lots and the limited number make it necessary that Intending purchasers should make early application to the undersigned, from whom all particulars can be bad. .IAS. F. MORGAN. 21)3 tf CORCE LUCAS, Contractor MiiL & Builder. Honolulu Steam Planing MilU, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood work tlnlsli. Turning, Scroll and Baud Sawing. All kinds of hawing and PlauiiiK, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Islands solicited. E. Ii. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Estimates given on all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. All kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade attended to Keeps for sale Brick, Lime, Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings. Old and New Corrugated Iron. Minion Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted si.es and colors; California and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing aud Blocks, Etc. MeiT Ollice and Yard: Cor. King and Smith streets. Ollice Hours: 8 to 12 A. M., and 1 to j p. M. gjr Telephones: Bell, 3.M; Mutual, 417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P.O. Box, 117 2JlV FOK SALE rIIK large estate known as 1 Kahuku Ranch, Kau, Hawaii, with all its belong- ings. The Ranch contains 1M.0O0 acres. There is on the Ranch a large and valuable forest ot Koa and Ohia. For further parti- culars, apply to KAHl'KU, 1 tf Kau, Hawaii. IN Varnishes, Lamp Goods and - Stores anfl Fixceres, & Kitchen Utensils, - FIXTURES. and Sheet Iron Work, r. O. Box 372. Lincoln Block, ON HAND. -- V. O. Box 297. Dealers ia Groceries & Provisions, icji:- - Etc., Etc., Etc. KatisfaCi-ji- i guaranteed. -- Telephone No. 92. 1"1 Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. cause, Homo' Answer me truly. As the editor of the Bulletin begins to growl about so many long articles (and justly so), I will make this short by giving only one article on the same subject of prohibition. It is from ex Governor Andrews, the old war governor of Massachusetts: "Artificial offenses and meddle- some legislation, and that felt to be unjust, are, indeed, causes of crime of which the philosophical educator cannot afford to be ignorant. Arti- ficial offenses put a large class of people, and often that of the least discriminating and instructed, into needless antagonism with the law. Confounding of moral distinctions on llic side of the law begets a cor- responding confusiou in the mind of the citizen. If the law treats the sale of a mug of beer or sweet cider as of like delinquency with the crime of larceny, how long will it take the humble and unlearned to conclude that the law is cither a -- !iam un- worthy of veneration, ci r! e jump to the converse of the first proposi- tion, and vote larceny of an article to be no worse than the selling of the beer or the cider v So, therefore, every statute denouncing the penal- ties of ihe criminal liw against men in violation of the commonly received sen.se of justice concerning' human relation in the civil stale, becomes, by reason of that very excess, a generator of evil." Nemo. IJARI'fKS desirous of improving their Stock should communicate with, or inspect the stock at the iCapahulu Farm, WnllclKl. Where some of the Fiuot Thoroughbred BERKSHIRE STOCK Is now offered for sale, which are young and hardy and being bred here and ac- climated are less liable to succumb lo disease than imported animals. In breed- ing has been carefully avoided, and the stock is carefully fed on steamed potatoes and bran and alfalfa. YOUNG SOWS, about one year old, served by sires registered in the Ameri- can Berkshire Association. YOUNG PIGS of thoroughbred parents, singly, in pairs or trios. SOWS of graded stock carrying 3rd and 4th litters by thoroughbred sires. MAfURLD BOARS from imported pedi- greed Iterksbire stock, and 1 ltegislered Imported boar. SUCKING PIGS in any quantity. HARRY CAN'NON, Manager. jy- - Mutual Telephone No. 352.-0- 253 2w Germania Market, fort Mtreet, HAS FKLSU lAII.Y Head Cheese, Bologna, Pork & Other Kinds of Sausages Of unsurpassable quality, made by the well-know- n German sausage maker G. !S iikaikk. 104 BOTH TELEPHONES 3T 104 C1IH. GERTZ, Xo. HO Fort Htrrot. Has received per S. S. "Australia" a large invoice of Gent's. ' d es' & Children' Boots, Shoes & Slippers. L't:t lm W. T. "iDNSARRAT, Veterinary Surgeon. rsr- - Ollico at Chili Stables. Fort street. Both Telephones 477. ct l.i-'- Jl FK SALE PKTAI.UM A Incubator, 12S. Ap-- i. ply at this ollice. 212 if Plumbing, Tin, Copper Telephones, No. 119.- - Ghas. Hustace, J Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. T ALFRED MAGOON, O i Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. "II W. Schmidt & Sons. XX Importers & Commission Mer chants. Fort street, Honolulu. & CO , HHAOKFELD Commission Agents, Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu. H. I. - "I W. Maofaelane fc Co., JT Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. - "I ONSALVES & CO.. VJT Wholesale Grocers and Wiue Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, H. I. I OHN T. WATEEHOUSE, l Importer and Deiiler in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. X7 ILDEB & OO.. Tf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kinu. comer ore auu yueen streets. Honolulu. f EWERS fc OOOKE. XJ Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street. Honolulu. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i i H. I, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, (Coolers: Iron, Brass and Lead Castings: Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithine. Job Work ex ecuted at short notice. T. B. WALKEK, Contractor uud liuildcr. Brick. Stone and Wooden Building esti mates given. Cemetary Work and Job' bine attended to. 86 King street, HonO' lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9-- Dr. EMEKSOX, IMo. 135 FORT HTKKKT. Bell Telephone SI. HOURS: 8 :30 to 10 :30 a. tm 2 to 3 p. m Sundavs. 9 to 10 A. M. Residence, i School st. Bell Tel. 149. 111-t- f. Atlas Assurance Comjany OF LOHiVON. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents lor the Hawaiian Islands. King Street, Honolulu. Excellent accommodation for patients. DR. A. It. KOVVAT, V. S. Office Hours- -7 :30 to 10 a.m.; 12:30 to 2 p. in. ; 4 :30 to 6 p. m. Telephones : Bell 90. Mutual 183. P. O. Box 32fi. . lU2tf B. RIPLEY, ARCHITECT. Office : Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Mutual Telephone Ms. New Designs ! Modern Building ! Complete plans and specifications for every description oi Duiiumg. contracis drawn and careful superintendence of construction given when required. Call and examine plans. apr 29 ly NOTICE ! rrHE natrons of the Oceanic S. S. Co. L are herebv notitled that hereaftei no round trip or excursion tickets will De issued for any of the through map steamers. These tickets will, however, he issued as customary for the local steamers "Australia'' and I'asseuners w ho hold round trip tickets aud wish to take the through mail steamer will be charged an extia fare of 825. Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co. Wm. G. IRWIN & CO., King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets, IMPORTER & DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Fresh California Roll Butter & Island Butter ALWAYS New Goods received by every steamers frcm San Francisco. gjCF" All orders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Island orders solicited and Hacked with cure. Telephone 240.- - LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail -- ojn By each steamer of the O. 8. S. Co. from California fresh Calafornia Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of German Pates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakus and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California Riverside Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, P. O. Box 145.- - . E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended i n..,i.. ,1.,!;, J i.. a,,,- - .j,i i, tlw imI v fr.i. i, .'linn','. Inland orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. g4 tf General Agents.

(1UHIOS JOHN NOTT, · 2015-05-30 · Chuiizor Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N-, Cornio 5th JL'oW-ss-, PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111.Si

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Page 1: (1UHIOS JOHN NOTT, · 2015-05-30 · Chuiizor Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N-, Cornio 5th JL'oW-ss-, PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111.Si




Vol. XV. No. 259.





Shipoing & Commission Merchants,



Editor Rillltin -

Homo appears to doubt the genu-

ineness of the opinion ot AbrahamLincoln on the subject of prohibition,saving: "The quotation may lie allright, but I do not remember to havemet with it before, ami it occurs tomi; that Nemo may possibly be de-

ceived or mistaken." Are you sure,Homo, that you have read everythingthat Lincoln bus written or said dur-

ing his lifetime? I think that if youhave read so much of Lincoln as youwould have the public believe, youwould see Lincoln's true characterin every word uttered by bim that Iquoted in the Bulletin of Oct. 23.Why, man, it is just what honest oldAbe would say, if approached uponanything that interfered with thepersonal rights of man, as prohibi-tion does. But you wish to knowthe source of my information. Here

it is: I received it, with plenty ofthe same kind, from the editor ofthe South-A- y est, a generous, whole-soule-

sturdy lighter for the rightsof humanity. Is it not a glorious

-- W5ALK.118


Evbrj Afternoon Eicept Sundays

At the Office, Queen street, Honolulu'H. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager

fob thkDaily Bulletin Publishing Company,

(Limited )

HlBHCKIPTIOSi!:Daily Bulletin, I year $0 00

" 6 uiouths 3 00per month (delivered-).- 6C

Wekkly Bulletin Summary, 1

year.. 5 00

foreign 6 00

oth Telephones No. ttSO. -

SPAddress all business communica-tions "Manager Daily Bulletin."

ss all matter for publica-

tion "Editok Daily Bulletin."P. O. Hoi HO. Honolulu. II. 1.


Bonders' and General Hardware, Agricultural implements,I


Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinist' A Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Utensils, Taints, Oils,

data's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines

JOHN NOTT,Importer and Dealer in

'I; '


Steel anil Iron Ranges,


1 IA "1 iU ttda SSI



OWL '4 -

Announce new importations ex "V. (i. laIrwin" and "Planter" of


Elegant in design and stylish in make. Co.

Chuii z or Luiis the

3ttlill4'tH. all


1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls,ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N- ,

5thCornio JL'oW-ss- ,


Kill 13111 .Si tJMl IlM'fN, a.JSolt.V Willi. Itiyr t liuirn,

ljiiiiirM,Soiii 1("(Im.

Chairs to Reut iar Bills and Parties.

ffk (J. Irwin & Company,

(1,1.11 ITKII.)





Felt Steam Pipe Cowing, all slzss.



alsobuck & ohlandt's

High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.



Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


1U lOICit



V. HOK:,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &


71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.

C. BREWER & CO..(i.m ri t.i).

General MercantileAN O

Commission Agents.LIST OF OKF1CKUS:

J. O. Carter President & Manager(i. 11. Robertson TreasurerE. F. Bisho, SecretaryW. F. Allen....' Auditoi


Hon. O. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen,11. Waterhoiise.


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.DKALBKS IN

General Merchandise 1

Plantation Amenta,

Life, Fire & MarineInsurance Agouti

1 HONOLULU, PI. I. - 9k

re Hawaiian Mercantile Co.

Dki'autmknt of thk Intkhioi:, )

Honolulu, Oct. 20, 18'Jl.J

Whereas, the Hawaiian Mercantilehas, pursuant to the laws in such

case made and provided, duly tiled

.ith the undersigned a petition for

dissolution of the said Corpora-

tion, together with a certificate theretoannexed as required by law, now

therefore,Notice is hereby given to any and

persons who have been or are now

interested in any manner whatsoeverthe said Corporation, that objectionsthe granting of the said petition

must be tiled in the office of the under-

signed on or before TUESDAY, thoday of .' miliary, 1SU2; and that

any person or persons desiring to be

heard thereon must be in attendancethe ollice of the undersigned in

Aliiuhini Hale, Honolulu, at 11 o'clockm. of that day and show cause w hy

said petition should not be granted.C. N. SI'EN'CKH,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Ollice, Oct. 2V,

2. at-- ii :n

Tux Payers in this District archereby notified that the Taxes for thocurrent year will be due and payable

the Office of the Tax Assessor andCollector in the Kapuaiwa Building,on the 2d day of November, A. D.

1891.The Ollice is open from 9 a. in. to l

p. in. daily (Sundays excepted) andon Saturdays until 1'2 o'clock noon.

All amounts over iflO must be paidin U. S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid befor the 15th day

of December next will be liable tosuit with 10 per cent, costs added.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Assessor and Collector of

Taxes, District of Kona, Island of

Oahu.Approved :

Sa.mi'el I'akkkk,Minister of Finance ad interim.

255 3w

Sale of Government Lots onthe Lower Side of ProspectStreet, Punchbowl Hill, Ho-

nolulu, Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11, 1891,at the front entrance of AliiolaniHale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be soldat public auction Nine (9) Lots onthe lower side of Prospect street,Punchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahu,varying in size from 103x188 feet to94x107 feet.

Upset price: Varying from $100to ?2")0 eacli lot, according to size

and location. The terms and condi-

tion of sale will be cash or, at theoption of the purchaser, one-four- th

cash and the remainder in equal in-

stallments payable in one, two orthree years, with interest payablesemi-annuall- y at the rate of 7 percent per annum.

The purchaser must within oneyear from the date of purchase se

the land bought by him with agood and substantial fence aud layon water from the Government pipes.

Royal Patents will be issued forthe land upon the final payment ofthe purchase price.

A map of the lots can be seen andfull particulars learned at the LandOllice. Water mains have been orshortly will be laid adjoining all ofthe abovo lots.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, Oct. 7, 1891.

238 4t

Sale of Lease of the Govern-

ment Land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no- a,


On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 1S91,

at 12 o'clock noon, at the frout en-

trance of Aliiolani Hale will be soldat public auction the lease of thatGovernment land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no- a,

Oahu, containing an area of 17$

acres more or less.Term Ixuise for 13 years.Upset price $20 per annum, pay-

able scini-aiinual- in advance.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior,luterior Office, Oct. 10, 1891.

240 41 ,



AH orders lor cartage promptly attendedto. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good in transit to the other Islands.

Aiso, Black & White Sand

In quantities to suit at lowest prices.

jgr Office: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual 19 --fed Telephones p&" Bell 414


ji'st iti:ci:iv:il'er S. S. "Aliuneda" a consignment of


Consisting of




Walking Canes & Sleeve Buttons

Made from, the Wood of the U. S. S."Trento'u" wrecked at Samoa.

2511 Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.

For YcMiafc Mitel.


Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.

Will call at Honolulu on theirway to the above ports,

as follows:

Stmr. "China,' Dec 15- -

JQT Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaand return, via San Francisco,For particulars apply to


138 tf Agents.

Desirable ResiflencB Sites


HAVE Four Fine Residence Sites,I situated on I'iikoi street, for sale.The Lots have a lrontage of 04 feet onI'iikoi street and are 20U feet deep, arenicely laid out in fiuit and shade treesand are all covered with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthese Lots and the limited number makeit necessary that Intending purchasersshould make early application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan be bad. .IAS. F. MORGAN.

21)3 tf


Contractor MiiL & Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing MilU, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of woodwork tlnlsli. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of hawing andPlauiiiK, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to andwork guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.


Estimates given on all kinds of Brick,Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Allkinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradeattended to Keeps for sale Brick, Lime,Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings.Old and New Corrugated Iron. MinionTiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted si.es andcolors; California and Monterey Sand,Granite Curbing aud Blocks, Etc.

MeiT Ollice and Yard: Cor. King andSmith streets. Ollice Hours: 8 to 12

A. M., and 1 to j p. M.

gjr Telephones: Bell, 3.M; Mutual,417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P.O.Box, 117 2JlV


rIIK large estate known as1 Kahuku Ranch, Kau,

Hawaii, with all its belong-ings. The Ranch contains1M.0O0 acres. There is on

the Ranch a large and valuable forestot Koa and Ohia. For further parti-

culars, apply to KAHl'KU,1 tf Kau, Hawaii.


Varnishes, Lamp Goods and

- Stores anfl Fixceres,

& Kitchen Utensils,


and Sheet Iron Work,

r. O. Box 372.

Lincoln Block,


-- V. O. Box 297.

Dealers ia Groceries & Provisions,

icji:- -

Etc., Etc., Etc. KatisfaCi-ji- i guaranteed.

-- Telephone No. 92.


Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

cause, Homo' Answer me truly. Asthe editor of the Bulletin begins togrowl about so many long articles(and justly so), I will make thisshort by giving only one article onthe same subject of prohibition. Itis from ex Governor Andrews, theold war governor of Massachusetts:

"Artificial offenses and meddle-some legislation, and that felt to beunjust, are, indeed, causes of crimeof which the philosophical educatorcannot afford to be ignorant. Arti-

ficial offenses put a large class ofpeople, and often that of the leastdiscriminating and instructed, intoneedless antagonism with the law.Confounding of moral distinctionson llic side of the law begets a cor-

responding confusiou in the mind ofthe citizen. If the law treats thesale of a mug of beer or sweet cideras of like delinquency with the crimeof larceny, how long will it take thehumble and unlearned to concludethat the law is cither a -- !iam un-

worthy of veneration, ci r! e jumpto the converse of the first proposi-tion, and vote larceny of an articleto be no worse than the selling of thebeer or the cider v So, therefore,every statute denouncing the penal-

ties of ihe criminal liw against menin violation of the commonly receivedsen.se of justice concerning' humanrelation in the civil stale, becomes,by reason of that very excess, a

generator of evil." Nemo.

IJARI'fKS desirous of improving theirStock should communicate

with, or inspect the stock at the

iCapahulu Farm,WnllclKl.

Where some of the Fiuot Thoroughbred

BERKSHIRE STOCKIs now offered for sale, which are youngand hardy and being bred here and ac-

climated are less liable to succumb lodisease than imported animals. In breed-ing has been carefully avoided, and thestock is carefully fed on steamed potatoesand bran and alfalfa.

YOUNG SOWS, about one year old,served by sires registered in the Ameri-can Berkshire Association.

YOUNG PIGS of thoroughbred parents,singly, in pairs or trios.

SOWS of graded stock carrying 3rdand 4th litters by thoroughbred sires.

MAfURLD BOARS from imported pedi-

greed Iterksbire stock, and 1 ltegisleredImported boar.



jy-- Mutual Telephone No. 352.-0-

253 2w

Germania Market,fort Mtreet,


Head Cheese, Bologna,Pork & Other Kinds of Sausages

Of unsurpassable quality, made by thewell-know- n German sausage

maker G. !S iikaikk.


C1IH. GERTZ,Xo. HO Fort Htrrot.

Has received per S. S. "Australia" alarge invoice of

Gent's. ' d es' & Children'

Boots, Shoes & Slippers.L't:t lm


Veterinary Surgeon.

rsr-- Ollico at Chili Stables. Fort street.Both Telephones 477. ct l.i-'- Jl


PKTAI.UM A Incubator, 12S. Ap-- i.

ply at this ollice. 212 if

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Telephones, No. 119.- -

Ghas. Hustace,

J Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic. Merchant street, Honolulu.

T ALFRED MAGOON,O i Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

"II W. Schmidt & Sons.XX Importers & Commission Merchants. Fort street, Honolulu.

& CO ,HHAOKFELD Commission Agents,Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono-lulu. H. I. -

"I W. Maofaelane fc Co.,JT Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I. -

"I ONSALVES & CO..VJT Wholesale Grocers and WiueMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,H. I.

I OHN T. WATEEHOUSE,l Importer and Deiiler in General

Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

X7 ILDEB & OO..Tf Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kinu. comer ore auu yueenstreets. Honolulu.

f EWERS fc OOOKE.XJ Importers and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street. Honolulu.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,(Coolers: Iron, Brass and Lead Castings:Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksmithine. Job Work executed at short notice.


Contractor uud liuildcr.Brick. Stone and Wooden Building estimates given. Cemetary Work and Job'bine attended to. 86 King street, HonO'lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9--


Bell Telephone SI.HOURS:

8 :30 to 10 :30 a. tm 2 to 3 p. m

Sundavs. 9 to 10 A. M.Residence, i School st. Bell Tel. 149.

111-t- f.

Atlas Assurance Comjany



Agents lor the Hawaiian Islands.

King Street, Honolulu.

Excellent accommodation for patients.

DR. A. It. KOVVAT, V. S.

Office Hours- -7 :30 to 10 a.m.; 12:30to 2 p. in. ; 4 :30 to 6 p. m.

Telephones : Bell 90. Mutual 183.P. O. Box 32fi. . lU2tf


Office : Room 5, Spreckels' Block.Mutual Telephone Ms.

New Designs ! Modern Building !

Complete plans and specifications forevery description oi Duiiumg. contracisdrawn and careful superintendence ofconstruction given when required. Calland examine plans. apr 29 ly


rrHE natrons of the Oceanic S. S. Co.L are herebv notitled that hereaftei

no round trip or excursion tickets willDe issued for any of the through map

steamers. These tickets will, however,he issued as customary for the localsteamers "Australia'' andI'asseuners w ho hold round trip ticketsaud wish to take the through mailsteamer will be charged an extia fare of

825.Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co.

Wm. G. IRWIN & CO.,

King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Roll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every steamers frcm San Francisco.

gjCF" All orders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Islandorders solicited and Hacked with cure.

Telephone 240.- -

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail-- ojn

By each steamer of the O. 8. S. Co. from California fresh Calafornia RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned& Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of GermanPates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakus and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes,

P. O. Box 145.- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended

i n..,i.. ,1.,!;, J i.. a,,,- - .j,i i, tlw imI v fr.i. i, .'linn','. Inland orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.g4 tf General Agents.

Page 2: (1UHIOS JOHN NOTT, · 2015-05-30 · Chuiizor Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N-, Cornio 5th JL'oW-ss-, PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111.Si

Aaellon ;kbs by hm F. Mftm.BY AUTHORITY. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK.Sale of Lease of the Govern-

ment Land cf Kuhoiwai, Ma-no- a,


Issues Every Desirable Form of Policy I

It has paid its members s.ncc its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company,.

Way For full particulars apply toss. I. Hosmi,

'"91 General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


Account t tilt) Trip to tlioB'luiit.

A party of gentlemen more or lessinterested in the sugar industry ofthe islands, through invitations byMr. J. N. S. Williams, manager ofthe Union Iron Works, paid a visitof inspection to the Ewa plantationSaturday afternoon. A llrst-elas- s

Pullman ear, headed by the ironhorse "Kaala," left the railway sta-

tion in Honolulu at 51:50 o'clock, thefollowing gentlemen being seated in

the car: Win. O. Irwin, C. M.

Cooke, W. O. Smith, Jona. Austin,F. M. Sivanzy, E. W. Holdsworth,Jos. Marsdenj F. A. Schaefer, SenliorA. de Souza Canavarro, J. O. Carter,H. Waterhouse, W. A. Bowen, Cap-

tain H. W. Mist, B. F. Dillingham,Thos. May, W. F. Frear, Robt.More, T. E. Evans, II. M. Whitney,II. Kluegel pud the representative ofthe Bullktin. A stop was made atthe Moanalua station, when Hon. S.M. Damon joined the party.

The train was run past Pearl Cityto a point where an artificial fishpond is being dug. After a briefstay of a few irTiriutes the train wasrun back to the main track and the

tamped Goods for Etching:

N. S. SACHS',104 Fo t Street, - - Hono'ulu.


Stamped Sideboard Scarfs,Stamped Bureau Scarfs,Stamped Splashers,Stamped Tray Covers,


Stamped Newspaper & Letter Bags, Stocking Bags, Laun-dry Bags, Etc., Etc.

Linen Floss & Working Cotton in all Colors !

Fancy Colored Silk Fringe for Fancy Work 1

any daft & Umi far Slaws Iff tti Yarfl !

PACIFICHARDWARE CO., L'dFort Street, Honolulu.



AT -

Stamped Toilet Covers,Stamped Vegetable Covers,Stamped Bibs and Doylies.

- Itrewer BlocJi.



Motto: "The Survival of tha Fittest.'


Tha Alrl Ponrtriffl Ul?.ii in1UQ U1U 1UIU1HC UUUj STOCK


IXLPocketGutleryWade & Butchers' Razors,

Shelf Hardware, Agricultural Imple-

ments, Vacuum Oil,

Plantation Supplies in Great Variety.

of tho best quality, with our specialilUODtlK UUOJi KUDDliK uU51icouplings. No Leaking at the joints.

Art Rooms, : : Mclnerny Hall.

A-- r a rumor..On SATURDAY. Nov.


At my Salesroom, Queen street, 1 willsell at Public Auction,

The Prrmises oi the Corner dBeretania & Punchbowl


At present occupied by Mr. li. West asa residence.

The Lot has a frontage of 121 feet onBeretania street and l:l feet on Punch-bowl street. There is a Large DwellingHoiHc. One Cottage, Barn and CarriageHouses on the properly.

EST For further particulars apply to

J VS. F. MORGAN,25C 9t Auctioneer.



I have been Instructed to sell at PublicAuction at my Salesroom,

Queen street,

On SATURDAY, ov. 14th,AT 1 O'CLOCK O0.

That Desirable Residence mi Hotelstreet, adjoining the Hawaiian Hoteland known as ihe


The Property has a frontage of 140.8feet on Hot"l street and is from H'" to2:?0 feet deep. There is a CommodiousDwelling House and Two Cottages onthe Property. The grounds are nicelyplanted with shade trees and orniinie.il.ilshrubbery. The piemiscs are at presentrented at iji7"h per miiihiiii.

Jja?- - For further purlleulars apply to

JAS. F. MOUttAV,250 l"it Auctioneer.


VI i it inwOIU01UI .


On SATURDAY, Nov 7th,AT 12 O !.) K 00,

At my Salesioom, Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction.

S3 : 5 : "21Fias HdeMtaft

At AViiIlillil,Being a ubdivision of the seaside resi-

dence of Mr. .1. Ena.

The Lots have a frontage of 00 feet, onthe beach and a depili ol a5ll feet wilh afrontage of (10 feet on Keukalani street.The proposed new (ioveriimenr roadfrom King street to Hie beach will runalong the westerly boundary of Ihe Lots.

The Lots all face on a iiiiignillcentbench, giving ptirelinscis of these Lotsthe llnest bathing and boating beach atWaikiki.

lT" Parties wishing lo view the Lotsshould make application to the Auc-


JAS. F. MORGAN,251 13t Auctioneer.


FIKST-OLAS- S Ship's Cook wantedJ for the Yacht lieagle."

25S 2t


ON Ximanu Avenue, sinsrleor en suite with hath.

suited lo light housekeeping.Apply at this oiliee. 25;t tf


i LEVEL Lot, fenced andVKMih' fav hniiiliiiir tn

L.mi utr.wil li.tt U'i

uau anu Quarry str els. Apply toM. A. uON'SALVES,

250 !)t Queen street.


UKXLSIIED "House for

iSiawH three bedrooms, diuinir-roo-

kitchen, pantry, bathhouse ami out-houses, with lease of lot. Inquire onpremises on Young street, betweenThomas Square and Ahipai street.

2,--ti tf


rMJE Desi able Residencelfi-- J ' situate between Young

and King streets, near Keeau-uiok- u

street now occupied and belong-ing to John Leal. For particular ap-ply on the premises. 257 lm

Family Residence To Let

rI"iIf Handsome ResidenceVUi?S 1 on Beretania street, be- -

l'Xiginir to th Dickson Estate,occupied by Mr. J. 11. Soper is for renton November 1st. For particulars in-

quire of W F.ALLEN,Bishop A Co.'s Building, Kaahu-nian- u

street. '.5 lm


Il'fcSllHSNCE on Lunalilostreet presently occupied

fc22'.v5-- ' by Mr. J. A. Kennedy, con-taining double puiors, four beil 'ooms,dining-roo- bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear of mainbuilding, (.rounds, liOOxlOl feet, welllaid out. Vacant on Uth August Lota (joining HOOxin.5 feet may be purchaseden reasonable terms,

R. I. I.ILLIE,108 a With Tueo. II. Davies A Co.

On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 1891,

at 12 o'clock noon, at the front en-

trance of Aliiolani Halo will be sold

at public auction the lease of thatGovernment laud of Kuhoiwai, Mn-no- a,

Oahu, containing an area of 17 J

acres more or less.

Term Lease for 1") years.Upset price $1:0 per annum, pay-aid- e

in advance.C. X. ISTENCER,

Minister of the Intel inr.

Interior Oiliee, Oct. 10, ISill.210 4 1

irrigation notice.

Honolulu, H. I., May 27, 18511.

Notice is hereby given to all holdersof water privileges that owing to theprolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be used in the use of water.

Holders of privileges and the publicgenerally me therefore respectfullyrequested to assist the Departmentby exercising economy in the use of

water.The irrigation hour.-- are from 7

8 A. M., and 5 to I) i.'d ; k p. M.


Kupt. Honolulu ater Works.Approved :


Miuister of the Interior.121 t,f


Pledetd to nnthtr Sect nor Parry,Hut rstablitki d for the hen' lit of all.



A young Portuguese named Jno.Santos made himself obnoxious onMaunakea street yesterday after-noon. It appears tiat he had lookedupon the wine w hen it was red anilsampled too much of the beverageuntil he had imparted a similar colorto his cheeks. Johti jostled andpushed his Oriental namesakes onthe aforementioned street, until hemet one who refused to be pushed.Squaring himself he let drive at theMongolian and brought him to hisknees in the first round, scoring firstknockdown and first blood. He ledagain in the second and would havebeen leading still had not a police-man appeared on the scene andescorted the pugilistic-incline- d Por-

tuguese to the Police Station. Thismorning he was brought before PoliceJustice Hopkins and was fined $25and costs. Santos' little trip upChinatown was a hit costly, hut hepaid it "like a num."


Saturday, Oct. 31.

IIKKOKK noun, .1.

Kaoe vs. Wong Leong. Trespassfor conversion of a horse. TheCourt awards damages for plaintiff inthe sum of $34.3.'!.

11KFOKU lilCKKUTON, J.The Queen vs. Lui Self, maintain-

ing a lcttery. The defendant nothaving paid his fine is ordered intothe custody of the Court.

The Queen vs. Moses Keumi andJ. Kaae, maintaining a lot tery. Ke-

umi is ordered into the custody ofthe Court for nt of line.

The Queen vs. Kanuha. The de-

fendant was arraigned, plea reserveduntil the next term of the SupremeCourt.

The Queen vs. Ah Pou, unlawfulpossession of opium. Nol. pros, en-

tered.The Queen vs. John Brown. The

defendant was arraigned, plea re-

served until the next term of the Su-

preme Court.C. Alee vs. Wong Leong, assump-

sit. Jury renders a verdict forplaintiff.


Monday, Nov. 2.

BKFOKK DOLE, J.In the matter of the estate of the

late Peter Dulton, the Court this dayadmitted the will to probate and or-

dered letters testamentary to be is-

sued to S. M. Damon and M. Meln-ern-

the executors named in thewill, under bond of 818,000, thesecurities amounting to about thatsum. There are several bequestsmentioned in the will, and all to per-

sons resident out of the kingdom.Ilartwell appeared for the proponentsof the will and no one appeared tocontest.


There is little doubt but that manypersons suffer for years with ailmentsthat, could easily be cured by iheuse of some simple remedy. Thefollowing incident is an illustration ofthis fact: My wife was troubled witha pain in her side the greater part ofthe time for three years, until curedby Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Ithas, 1 think, permanently cured her.We also have used Chamberlain'sCough Remedy whenever needed andbelieve it to be the best in the world.I'. M. Boston, Pennville, SullivanCo., Missouri. For sale by all deal-

ers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents.

Ik you want something good for acold lunch, call at the Central MeatMarket, where you can get genuineGerman and Bologna Sausages andPigs Head Cheese.

100 Fort Street,

In re Hawaiian Mercantile Go.


Ilolinllllll, (let,. tS, lSDl.l

Wlienax, Hie 1 1;tW;i li MercantileCo. has, pursuant to the lawn in mu ll

ease in.uli' mill provided, duly tiled

with t lie nmlfiiMi'il :i petition fur

the involution of tlif firiil (.'orpora-tion- ,

together will) n certiorate theretoannexed as required by law, now,

therefore,Notice is hereby given to any and

all persons who have been or are now

interested in any manner whatsoeverin the said Corporation, that objectionsto the ynuilinK of the said petitionmust be lileil in the oiliee of the under-

signed on or I it fori) TUESDAY, the."ill) day ol'.'miliary, lSlli; and thatany person or persons desiring to be

heard thereon must be in alieudaneeat the oiliee of Iho iimleii-igiie- d in

Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu, at 11 o'clocka. ai. of that day and show eause why

said petition should not be granted.C. X.

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oiliee, Oet. 2'.), 185)1.

25(1 -1 lit

l!tl TAXli4.Tax Payers in this District are

hereby notified that the Taxes for thecurrent year will be due and payableat the Oiliee of the Tax Assessor andCollector in the Kaptiaiwa Building,on the 2d day of November, A. D.ltS!)l.

The Oiliee is open from 5) a. in. to 4

p. ni. daily (Sundays excepted) andon Saturdays until 12 o'eloek noon

All amounts over $10 must be paidin U. S. Cold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid bt for the 1 5 i day

of December next will be liable to

suit with 10 per cent, costs aibh d.T. A. LLOYD,

Deputy Assessor and Collector of

Taxes, District of Kona, Island of

Oahu.Approved :


Minister of Finance ml interim.2 3w


Tax Payei'B of the District ofKona, Cahu.

The Hooks of the Tax Assessorfor the District of Kona, Island of

Oahu, will be open for inspection by

persons liable to taxation from Octo-

ber 20th to November 1st, 191(Sundays excepted), in the Kaptia-

iwa Building, between the hours of 5)

o'clock in the forenoon and 1 o'clockiu the afternoon ; Saturdays until 12

o'clock noon.T. A. LLOYD,

Deputy Tax Assessor, District of

Kona, Island of Oahu.

Approved :

C. A. Bkown,Assessor and Collector of Taxes

1st Division. 24G 2w

Members of the Tax AppealBoards for 185)1, commissioned by

the Minister of Finance:

Honolulu VV F Allen, J T Water-hous- e,

Jr.Ewa & Waianae A J Campbell,

L K Kalualaui.Waialua James Gay, W A Buick.Koolauloa Jas Donnelly, Jas Cor-wi-

Koolaupoko Jas. Olds, Jas. Ste-


Lahaina II Dickinson, L M

Baldwin.Wailuku II W Dryden, E B Friel.Makawao F V Hardy, J Katua-kel- e.

ifana SW Kaai, F Wittrock.Molokai D. Kailua, S Fiiapoo.Lanai Kealakaa, Namilimili.

Libue W F Lucas, Josia Keawe.Kawaihau R C Spalding, G B

Meheula.Koloa V D Wisbard, Kahuekao.Waimea and Niibau II II Gars-ti- n,

1) Kua.Ilanalei W I Wells, E Kuapuhi.

Hilo C E Richardson, K Smith,

l'un a K Kyeroft, W II Slitpman.Kau Win Kaaemoku, J K Keka-ul- a.

North lliloW S Pa, Ilookimoa.Haniakua M V Holmes, Henry

Haht.North Kohala J Maguire, G 1'

Kamauoha.South Kohala F Spencer, Z Paa-kik- i.

North Kona J G Hoapili, C Kaia-ik- i.

South Kona S Kaeo, J W Kuai-mok- u.


Minister Finance ad interim.Finance Deparluient, Oct. 20, 185)1.

254 lw-- 23 2t

Notice of Removal!

The undersigned has this dayopened his


On his Old Stand


With a Large Assortment of


In every line, suitable for gen-tlemen's wear.

8. ROTR.lion .lulu, Oet. 28, 1891. 250 lw



Pi o c 2 go0

"1 &


8 rW ? ON GI-- c S

O I H S j2

o (ato

a uO 1 DOo --

5 1 o'o


The Celebrated Thorongbbred StaHtons

fit .

ilJoe Daniels" &tlKing William"

Formerly owned by Dr. John Urodie,lo be seen at the stables of the Wood-law- n

Dairy & Stock Co., l'linaliou.tjr Those who waul to purchase good

Stailious should make early application.2401 in


AT the Hnntial meeting of Ihe stock-holders of the l'aia l'lantation

held at the oiliee of Castle & Cookeon the 2)Lh instant, the following

were elected for the ensuingyear :

II. P. Baldwin President,W. (). At water.. . .Vice-Presiden-

J. 11 Ath'Ttoii Treasurer,T. V. Hobron Secretary,VV. A. Boweu Auditor.

W. A. UOWEN,2r(i lw Secretary ))ro tern.


AT the annual meeting of the Hai-

ku Sugar Company held at theoiliee of Castle &, Cooke on the 27 hinstant, the following oijieers wereelected for the ensuing year:

H. P. Baldwin President,S. M. Damon t,

S N. Castle Treasurer,J. 15. Atherton Secrelnry,K. VV. Peterson Auditor.

W. A. BOVVEN,2.r)fi lw Secretary pro tern.


AT the annual meeting of Ihe stoek-holder- s

of the Kohala SugarCompany held at the oiliee of Castle& Cooke on the 27 ih instant, the fol-

lowing officers were elected for theensuing year :

S. C. Allen President,J. Mott Smith. . . .Vice-Presiden- t,

S. N. Custle Treasurer,J. B. Atherton Secretary,C.M.Cooke Auditor.

W. A. BOVVEN,21)0 IV Secretary pro tem.


VT t he annual meeting of theOuoiueaSugar Co. held In Honolulu, Oct.

27th, the following olliuers were electedfor the ensuing year:

.1. K. Atherton ......President,

.1. O. CaiterC P. Custle Secretary,(i. 11. Itobertson Treasurer,W. A. Uowen Auditor.

G. P. CASTLE,2.14 fit Secretary O. S. Co.


I II AVE giwn William F. Allen my' full p'iwer of attorney to act for me

during my absence f'om the Kingdom.Jlr. H. A. Bacon will have charge of theEnterprise Mill and all buildings andcontracts. PETEKU1CH.

Honolulu, Oct. 1C, 18'Jl. 245 2w

Have just received by last "Australia" complete stock in every department.

GLOVES, LACES, EMBROIDERIES,Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Curtains Portieres,

Boy's Clothing, Straw & Felt Hats,


trip to the great new sugar estatewas resumed. Ewa plantation wasreached in u little over an hour afterleaving Honolulu and acres and acresof as line cane as one could wish tosee greeted the view.

The train stopped near the milland all hands alighted and passedthrough the plantation store into thebuilding which is a monster in itself,and was constructed entirely of cor-

rugated iron on the outer side, theratters and other parts of course be-

ing of wood. Entering the main doorthe first things that catch the eye are10 centrilugals on an elevated plat-

form, and above these centrifugalsare two monster vacuum pans,through which the sugar passes toundergo the drying process. Thecane slicers are on the mauka side ofthe building. They were given arun and surprised all by their speed,doing no less than 240 revolutions aminute. Passing through these canecutlers the cane is carried on an in-

clined traveler into the upper story,where there are 28 diffusion batterycells. After undergoing the diffu-

sion process the chips are let out atthe bottom to a moving platform andare carried to the maceration rollers.The maceration rollers were in mo-

tion on the occasion and workedsatisfactorily.

Messrs. Kopke and Hughes, engi-

neers, attended to those inquisitivelyinclined and were very accommodat-ing. Messrs. J. N. S. Williams andRobert More, manager and superin-tendent of the Union Iron Works,also gave descriptions of the work-

ings of the different machinery. Onthe rnakai side of the building is thecooling room, which is partly finishedand still in the hands of the work-men. The chimney, which is ofbrick, is on the seaward side andstands 113 feet. In the constructionof the mill economy in the differentprocesses has been in view. For in-

stance, after all the sugar juice istaken out by the diffusion process, awatery liquid is left to run outthrough pipes as an irrigating ferti-

lizer.Only a part of the mill was fin-

ished, but it was sulllcient to give anidea of its capabilities. After goingthrough the mill a lunch of salads,sandwiches and liquids was had inthe dining room, where the partywere attentively served by Messrs.More and Hughes.

The start lor home was madeshortly alter noon, and the town sta-tion was reached a'out 1 :30 o'clock.On alighting Mr. J. N. S. Williamswas congratulated on his havingbrought home industry to such ahigh standard, the Union Iron Workshaving constructed every piece ofmachinery with the exception of themultiple effects and a few otherarticles.

It is believed the mill will com-mence grinding in January.


Ah Keao and Ah Look were dis-turbed on Saturday last while in theact of enjoying a smoke. There wasno objection, of course, to the men'ssmoking, but for the fact they wereusing a drug known as opium. Theywere arraigned before the Police Jus-tice y for having opium unlaw-

fully in possession. It transpiredduring the trial that Ah Keao wasdeep in the mire and Ah Look nearit. The former was fined $100 andthe latter $50,

The Phonograph !

X7JI.Tj he on Exhibition again atil Lmlwigsei) it Crou's this even-

ing, with New Selections of Music.Don't fail to hear it.

!) lm C. STOECKLE.



T nt- ..e

tTMiriMP l mug (street anil opposite j.Leiil's resilience, having f0 ft. frontageand 1"l) ft. deep, well planted with treesand Mowers, water laid on and allfeuecil. Apply to .1 LEAL.

250 lm


KNOW all men by this notice that,and after this date, I have

this day discharged Mr. II. C LTukoufrom acting as an agent for me hi anysense wli'itever, in the charge anil ad-

ministration of all my proper.)', and inthe collection of all dues and rents uponany and all my in this Kingdom.

Any one who holds or is in possessionof any property or who lias any businessor payments to make, will transact thesame with me personally at my place atiionuiiKi.n i, ai 1 r . i . uaiiu.

KAI'IOI.ANLl'er Jos. Nawalii.

Honolulu, Nov. 3, ls'Jl. tt 3m


B. P. EHLEES & CO.,to tout

All our GOODS greatly reduced in order to make room for NewImportations to arrive.

fletT Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be filled atthe same low prices.

Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. CLARK.


I8S-H-ew & Elegant Patterns ti all Sizes-R- DGS

Chinese Matting, White & Fancy;

English Bedroom Sets, complete;IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS & CRIBS,


Gent's Furnishing Goods I


Ladle b' & Gent's Waterproof Goats with Sleeves or Cape,




barren's Rotary Knife Cleaners 1

A labor saving machine without which no kitchen is complete.


Page 3: (1UHIOS JOHN NOTT, · 2015-05-30 · Chuiizor Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N-, Cornio 5th JL'oW-ss-, PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111.Si






lSENBERG-McHRYD- E At the Luth-eran Church. Lihue, Kauai, Oct. 28,by Rev. H. Isenberg. lion. I'aul R.I sen berg and Miss Annie BeatriceMcBrydo.


The average assemblage attendedthe ball game on Saturday betweenthe Crescents and St. Louis teams.Umpire K. S. Ilengle called the gamepromptly at 8:30 o'clock and the re-

spective teams took the field. TheSt. L'Hiis team muscular, athletic-lookin- g

voting men looked formida-ble, lull it was an illusion, one Prof.IJolLair li ft behind him. The Cres-

cents entered "little acorns," also anillusion, as they walloped the bigfellows with astonishingly disastrouseffects. 'The Crescents allowed theiropponents to hold the lead a little atthe start, but they had been trainedtoo well and knew when and how tofreeze on to the sphere. Geo. Angusand Chris. Willis the Crescents bat-Ur- y

played Ihei ' usual good game,while Long and Knae played quitethe opposite. Kaae as a twirler hasno control of the ball and had threewild pitches placed to his credit. Aswill be seen by glancing at the score,the St. Louis all but doubled theiropponents in the number of eiroismade.

Following is the otlicial score:



: Mi ,i

NAMES A. 11. It. H.II. O. A K.

Willis, !.e li 0 1 B 2 1

Super, J , lb 3 1' 0 10 1 2

Hart, L., s s . .. . 5 1 0 2 0 0Lishmaii. P., 3b.. 5 2 2 1 1 1

Tim D,e.f... 5 2 10 0 0Grube, Jr., rf.... 5 2 1 0 0 0Angus, G.. p 5 3 2 1 (! 0

Holt. C, l.f 1 2 2 0 0

Haley, F., 2b.... 5 0 1 0 2 1

Total 4 12 10 27 12 5

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, oppo. Spreckels' Bank, Honolulu.


ForThroat and Lungs"I have been ill for

Hemorrhage " about five years,"have had the best

Fit re Years, "medical advice,"and I took the first

" dose in some doubt. This result-- "

ed in a few hours easy sleep. There" was no further hemorrhage till next"day, when I had a slight attack" which stopped almost immediate-"ly- .

By the third day all tracaof" blood had disappeared and I had"recovered much strength. The"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate" my dinner, the first solid food for"two months. Siuce that time I"have gradually gotten better and" am now able to move about the"house. My death was daily ex-

pected and my recovery has been"a great surprise to my friends and" the doctor. There can be no doubt"about the effect of German Syrup,"as I had an attack just previous to"its use. The only relief was after"the first dose." JR. Lougiihead,Adelaide. Australia. 4i



Chandeliers.Piano, Banquet and Library

Lamps, in oxidized silver, wrought,black and polished brass, directfrom the factory.

Turkey and Ostrich Dusters.Wire on .Spools.

Tucks and Square Flax Packing.Disston's Files.Tube Scrapers.Hammers.Carvers, Table and Butcher Knives.Refrigerators and Ice Chests.A fresh invoice of Rubber llose,

etc., etc., etc.




We have been instructed to oilerfor sale the following


Lately Imported from Europe, viz:

2 Tubular Boilers, Oft. diam. ,20ft. longwith furnaces complete.

1 First Effect with 1100 sq. ft. heatingsurface.

1 Second Effect with 1000 sq. ft. heat-ing surface.

1 Vacuum Pan with all fixturescomplete.

1 Patent Juice Steam Boiler with 1

steam force juice pump.1 Mixer, 1)0 coolers (each on 3 wheels).1 Filterpress.1 Monti ipies, 1 Centrifugal Molasses

Pump.1 Upright Exhaust Steam Heheater. -

1 Smokestack, (il't.x.iOl't.1 Hotwater 'Receiving Tank.1 Horizontal Steam Engine for driv

ing 12 Centrifugal Machines.4 Centrifugal Machines.2 Large Vacuum Pumps, size of air

cylinder1 Largo Waterptinip, si.e of steam-cylind-

11 inches.1 Juice Tank, L500 gallons.2 Steam Traps.2 Wrought Iron, 1000 gallons Clari- -

liers.1 Cleaning Pan.

NAMES A 11. It. H.ll (). A. K.

(Jomes, M., 3b ... 5 0 3 1 1 2Kaae, p 5 0 0 0 7 1

Simmons, 2b, e.... 4 2 2 2 2 0Thompson, s.s 4 0 1 3 0 1

Lane, J., l.f 4 1 2 10 1

Lewis. P , lb 4 2 1 14 0 3Carter, I)., r.f 4 0 0 1 0 0Kaouli, c.f 4 0 0 1 0 0Long, C, e, 2b.... 4 12 4 11

Total 3S 0 11 27 17 9

Score by inningsCrescents 1 00460200 -- 12St. Louis 020120010-- 0

An Entire New Stock of

Dry Goods & Fancy Goods,M ILL! N K R Y


N. S. SACHS,104 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.

New Dress Goods, Dress Silks & GrenadinesA New Assortment of

Fancy Draperies, Scrims, Madras & CurtainsLatest Patterns in

Satetms, Fancy Cotton Pongees, Ginghams & Cotton CrapesNew Novelties in

Parasols, Silk Shawls & Fancy Cashmere ShawlsKi.l Glovw. Kitl (ilovew,

A Full Assortment of Sizes and Colors.


l&ilti iaspiteire IM Gloies for $1.00.

The Now Detective Camera

Don't I lite off wire withyour l ed li !

Don't pull up Lucks witli ukcivw driver !

Don't open tin cans with aImtclic r knife I

Don't split wood with alinmiiiiT !

Don't sharpen your knifeon the stove !

Don't hoiTow your neigh-hor- 's

shovel !

Don't forget that you Canbuy




Honolulu, II. 1,

X Kfi A : mutual tel. ao- -


Evenings till 9 o'clock.

ro:- -

Hod. Pan! R. Isenbsrg and Miss

Annie Beatrice McBryde,

Impressive Ceremony and Gay

Festivities at Uh ie.

The nuptials of lion. I'aul ll. Isen-

berg and Miss Annie Beatrice Mc-

Bryde were solemnized and cele-

brated at Liliue on Wednesday last.There was very delightful weatherand everything went merrily ascould be. The bride is third daugh-ter of the late Judge McBryde, ofWahiawa, Kauai; the bridegroom,son of Hon. Paul Isenberg, now inBremen, and himself owner of Wai-ala- e

ranch, Oahu. Both are accom-

plished musicians and very popularin society.

The ceremony took place in theGerman Lutheran Church. Decora-tions of the edifice were abundantand rich. In rear of the altar wasan arch filled with ferns, lilies androses. A wreath of white flowerstied with white satin ribbon hungfrom the apex of the arch. Thewall on one side of the church wasdecked with trailing mission vines,and on the other side with Mexicancreepers and ferns, while on eitherside were brackets filled with fernsmul roses. There was a bank offerns and red roses on the organ ; atthe left of the altar and over the pul-

pit, a mass of ginger blossoms andferns, with ferns in pots rangedaround the fool of the pulpit. Thiswealth of foliage and bloom made aneffective background for the whitemarble cross and the lighted candleson the altar. The main entrance wasmetamorphosed into a floral arch.Along the window arehe9 was a deli-

cate tracery of ferns and inaile, andarches of palms marked the minordoors.

The church was filled with the re-

latives and friends of the couple.They were not kept waiting beyondtbe appointed time, 6 :'M p. in. Atthat hour the bridal parly entered.The bride leaned on the arm of Mr.R. W. T. Purvis. She was attended bythe bridesmaid, Miss McUrew. Thegroom was accompanied by the bestman, Mr. Alex. McBryde, brother ofthe bride. Pastor Isenberg was theolliciant, uniting the twain in theritual of the American EpiscopalChurch. It was the first time anEnglish service was ever us i in thatchurch. Mr. Theo. Purvis did theceremony of giving the bride away.Miss ttulert played the weddingmarch from Lohengrin as the partyentered, and one of Meyerbeer'sinarches on their retiring. Dressedin Bengaline silk and tulle, with awreath of lilies of the valley and abridal veil, wearing ornaments ofdiamonds and opals, the bride lookedvery attractive.

Mr. and Mrs. It. W. T. Purvisgave the reception at their residenceat 8 o'clock. The verandas weregaily decorated with flags. Within,the rooms were so arranged as togive ample freedom of movement tothe many guests. The happy couplereceived the congratulations of thenumerous company with joyousgrace. A dance followed the recep-tion. Firstrate music for the ballwas furnished by the IlawaranQuintet Club of Honolulu, besideswhich the members between dancessang native songs. Mr. Isenberghimself gave a song or two to thegreat delight of the guests. A finesupper was served in the diningroom. The couple left for Kalapnkeat 11 o'clock, receiving a partingaloha in the form of the traditionalshower of rice, supplemented bythree hearty cheers for Mr. and Mrs.Isenberg. At a later hour the com-pany dispersed, taking away the re-

membrance of a happy time, forwhich they accorded the meed ofthanks to Mr. and Mr9. Purvis. Li-

hue residents on this occasion fullyproved their proverbial hospitality,by providing accommodation for alarge number of strangers.

The Monday prior to the weddingRev. Hans Isenberg and wife gave afamily dinner party in honor of theallianced couple. A breakfast at thehouse of Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Rice,after the wedding day, and a poisupper at their seaside house Friday,when the Quintets were again onhand, closed the week's festivities.The Bulletin would add its bestwishes for a long and happy weddedlife to Mr. and Mrs. Isenberg.


The Royal Hawaiian Military Bandwill give a public concert at KmmaSquare this eveuing, commencing at7 : 'J0. The following is the program :

pakt i.March Express SehnnnnielOverture King's Lieutenant Til!Ballad Music Astmga AbertKemiui-i'iuK-t- of Bellini GodfreyRevived: Oiwi Nani. Hole Waiuica.

Lihikal o Ohele (Revised.;PART II.

Mcdlev North and South TobauiFantasia On the Millstreain..EileiilieigWaltz Danube Waves lvaiiovieiGalop Iris Faust

Hawaii Ponoi.



Is famous throughout the UnitedStates for its prompt cures of diarr-hoea, dysentery, colic and choleramorbus. It is pleasant to take andcan always be depended upon bothfor children and adults. 25 and 50cent bottles for sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., agents.


Hon. W. H. Corn well is in town.

Tub band will play at Emma Hoiiarethis evening.

A report from llio GovernmentSurvey says the barometer is falling.

Mr. A. P. Peterson conducted theprosecutions in the lower Court to-

day.An ordinary Monday morning list

of drunk cases was disposed of y

in the Police Court.

Purchasers of Pearl City lots arerequested to call at the office of theOaliu Railway & Land Co. and receivetheir deeds.

Dr. Hammond at Emma hull, to-

night. Subject: "The Spiritual Na-

tion." A cordial invitatioD extendedto all. Seats free.

It was the. St. Andrew's and notthe St. George's cross that hung be-

side the Scottish standard at theThistle Club's ball.

In "Omen's" last letter, 15 percentwas given, by mistake of the types,instead of 75 percent, in the figuresreferring to crime in New York.

The members of the congregationof the Central Union Church willmeet on Wednesday evening, to ap-

point committee to obtain an organfor the new church.

The practical talk before the Art &

Science Association this evening willbe on "Journalism." There will bean exhibition of drawings made bymen) hers of the class.

Ludwigsen & Cron's store on Hotelstreet was crowded on Saturday, theattraction being Edison's phonograph.Ten cents a cylinder was charged andthe shekels taken in would sink a lit-

tle ship.Wrong in forma tk n was given out

at Friday night's lire. It was not anexploded lamp at all. Owing to suspi-cious circumstances, the Marshal isholding an inquest into the tire thisafternoon.

Deputy Marshal J. A. Mehrtcn hasposted up notices offering rewards forthe apprehension of four Chineselaborers, who came by the ship Pao-tolu- s,

who have deserted the contractservice of the Kohala Sugar Co.

Thomas Pedler, a stone mason ofsome years' residence here, died at 8

o'clock this morning, in the 44Ui yearof his age, He was born in Plymouth,England, and leaves a wife and fam-

ily. The funeral will be at 3 o'clock

A drawing of a competitive designof a hotel for Pearl City, by the Hono-lulu architects, C. B. Ripley and A.B. Reynolds, is exhibited in a windowof the Pacific Hardware Co 's store,Fort street. In the foreground arebathers sporting in the brine.

A Japanese named Kato has beenarrested for assault and battery on acountryman. The case occupied agreat part of this forenoon's sessionof the lower Court, when it was re-

manded to Wednesday. About thirty-fiv- e

Japanese were present in Court.

Mr. F. Horn made the cake for theBarnhardt-Gile-s wedding. It was abeautiful and delicious product of thefancy baker and decorator's skill, andgave more than satisfaction to thelady of the house. The Bulletinstaff give thanks for a generous por-

tion.The Union Iron Works weren't in

it in the bull game with the Honolululion Workmen en Saturday. TheUnions were outgingered from thestart, the score standing at the tinis23 to 3, in favor of the Honolulus.No bats were broken. Try again,Union.

At the request of the Y. M. C. A.the Rev. Alex. Mackintosh will preacha special sermon to young men at the6 :30 o'clock service of the SecondCongregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral next Sunday evening. All youngmen are invited. The choir willrender special music at this service.

Ben Hoqan'b stereopticon exhibi-tion on Saturday evening was highlyenjoyed by those who were fortunateenough to be present. Several Hawaiian views were thrown on the can-vas which "caught on" with the nativeportion of the assemblage. Thestatuary views embraced some finemodels of ancient sculpture and Ben'sdescriptive lecture was amusing inthe extreme.


Mr. John Leal has a building loton Young street for sale.

Go to the Central Meat Market forFine Breakfast Sausages.

Mr. E. B. Thomas, contractor andbuilder, has fire bricks for sale.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co,, Agents.


The Pioneer Building and LoanAssociation will hold its regularmonthly meeting this evening.

The IX L sells new and second-hand furniture, and pays the highestcash price for second-han- d goods.

The Edisop phonograph will be onexhibition again this evening, atLudwigsen & Cron's ice cream par-lors.

The regular meeting of the Scot-tish Thistle Club will be held thisevening. Friends entertained afterbusiness, and always welcome.

Her Majesty lneen Dowager ni

has dispensed with the servicesof Mr. H. C. Ulukou as ler agent.She is prepared to attend to her ownaffairs in person at her residence a.


Beware of Imitations.

'rifc VI Mr:A.M. A.M. I'.M. P M.

Uavfl Honolulu. ..0:15 8:45 1 :4r 4:30tArrive Honouliuli.. 7 :2f !l,49 2:4! 6 :35fLeave Honouliuli.. 7 :3( 10:51 3:.M 5 :4ffArrive Honolulu. ..8:35 11:55 4:. '5 6:60f

I'KAUb CITY LOCAL.Leave Honolulu 5:30$Arrive Pearl City t .l)7

leave Peari City.. 6:ii3Arrive Honolulu... 0:40

t Saturdays only.Suudays excepted.Saturday a excepted.

Tides. Nun and Moon.ny o. J. Lyons.

3 B' ?! f'2 S P ZB I3 &-

- I a. U

lit lai a n m m mMon. 2 a 41) 4 is li oti id 40 8 04 0 U' 6 18

Tuva. :1 l im s I:, II lr, ll Mil 6 04 ft 2:1 0 SS

Wed. 4 4 30 0 (16 10 (HI 11 311 6 06 8 21 7 47

Tliurs. 0 (I.) 0 50,1(1 Ml 11 ftft 6 05 S '22 8 40.a. Ill n. nt

fit. 20 7 40 ....I 0 6 (Hi! S 2 9 37Hilt. ; a; 1 40. 0 is a 00 6 Oil, 5 21 10 :!

Bun. 9 (mi II 40 1 00 1 00 07 B 21 11 40

First quaitor of the moon on the Htli at loll.15m. i. in.

Tlie time signal for the port Im given at 12)1.

mil. Usee, (uiidninhtl of Urunnwlch time orHi. 2m. Mmsu. p. in. of Honolulu Observatorytime. It Is given by the steam whistle of theHonolulu l'laalng Mill, a lew doors abovethe Custom House. The same whistle issounded correctly lit Honolulu mean noon,.Observatory ineridiun, or 10b. 31m. 26s6c. ofUreenwieti time

1" II 2

fjatlti gutUttHMONDAY, NOV. 2, 1891.

ARRIVAL.Oct 31 --

jStuir Waialeale from KuualNovl-JSt- uir

Mikahala from Kauai.Sunr Likelike from MauiStmr lwalani from HamakuaSchr Kuuikeaouii from Kehala

Nov2tSlinr Leliua from Paaiibau


Stun- Mokolii for Molokai at 5 p inMini' Akamai for KoolauStnir James Makcefor KauaiSchr Hawaiian! for KnolauStmr C R bishop for Kalitiku and Puna- -

hiu at 9 a mScbr Ka Uae Hawaii for Koolau


Stiiir Mikahala for Kauui at 5 p intstmr J A i. mnniius for Koolau at 9 a m


Stnir Wiiiuleale 680 bags paddy, 220bags rice, 43 bags bran, 10 bagscbicken feed and i hides.

Stnir lwalani 12511 bags sugar and 51hides.

Stmr Likelike 37 bags taro, 77 bags po-tatoes, 12 bags coin, 60 hides, 1

horse ami 80 packages sundries.Ntmr Mikahala 130 bags rice, 77 hides,

3 horses and 10 calves.


From Maui and Hawaii per strar Like-lik- e,

Nov 10 E Coe, VVm Goodness,Hon W H Corn well, Miss B Muudon CAh Young, Y Alan, Sam Sing, Along,Ako and wile and 31 deck.

From Kauai per stmr Waialeale, Oct31 J Kakiua and 8 di ck.

From Kauai per stnir Mikahala, Nov1 F P Hastings and wife, Mrs H

Mrs Gronzier, W Wheel-er, Hon PP Kanoa, Miss Neiper, MrsKlemme and daughter, .1 F Garnett andwife, J Mundnn and wife, 3 Chinese and57 deck.

From Hamakua per stmr lwalani, Nov1B Bailey and wife, W Lang and 15deck.


I'S 8 Pensacola, from San FranciscoAm bktne Irmgard, Schmidt, from San

FranciscoBrit bk Velocity, Martin, from Hong-

kongBrit yacht Besigl, Gill, from the Colo-

nies, via Hiio


II IMS Hiei, Mori, from JapanS S China, from San Francisco, due

Dec 15Am bktMary Wiukelman, Nisseu, from

Port GambleAm bk Amy Turner, Johuson, from Bos-

ton, Jan. 10-1- 5Am brig Lurline from San Francisco, for

iillO, uct 1U

Am wh bk Morning SUr, Mar 25, fromNew Bedford

Am wh bk Mermaid, Mar 25, from NewBedford

Am wh bk ( tiliforuia, Mar 25, from NewBedford

Am wh bk James Arnold, Mar 25, fromNew Bedford

Br bk Pass of Leny, from Glasgow,' dueNov 30

Cer bk Paul Isenberg, from Liverpool,Dec. 5

Am bk Martha Davis from New YorkBk Harrison G Johusou from New YorkGer bk Sabino from Bremen


The American schooner Anna is dueat Kahului about the middle of thisyeek.

The stmr Iw&laui is discharging her123 bag's 'sugar into the Irmgard.

'j'he fciuau is oti the Marine Hallway.The yacht Beagle's mainsail is under-

going repairs in J M Oat's sail-lof- t.

The brigautine J D Spreckels lett Ka-hului last Wednesday for San Franciscowith 75 tons of old iron for ballast.


HORNER At KuVaiau, Hawaii, Oct.2Sth, to the wife of Albert Horner, ason.


PEDLER In Honolulu, Nov. 2, Tho-mas Pedler, agtd 43 years and "J

months, a native of Plymouth, Eng-land, leaving a wife and family.

M&T Funeral from the house, Fortstreet, at 3 p. ui.. Tuesday. Friends andacquaintances are invited to alteud.


Every Way Belter than Any Other Hand

Camera !

Just Received and For Sale by

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,ll.'Ml.i Vvrt St tv rt.

p. o. box 4m: mM St'

Earned runs Crescents 1, St. Louis 2.'' wo-ba- se hits Angus, Haley.Three-bas- e hits Lewis. Simmons 2.Double plays opcr-llaley.

Base on bails Grube, Thrum, Lewis.Hit by pitcher Hart, Grube, Kaae.Passed balls Willis 2. Long 2.Wild pitches Angus 1. Kaae 3.Struck out Hy Angus .1, by Kaae 3.Left on bases Crescents 7. St. Louis 5.Time of Game 1 hour 37 mill.I'mpire Mr Hengle.Scorer M. K. Keolmkuloh'.

THE BEST PimSt. Patrick's Pills are carefully

prepared from the best material andaccording to the most Approved form-ula, and are the most perfect cathar-tic and liver pill that can be pro-duced. We sell them. Benson,Smith & Co., agents.

Sunihjrn relieved at once by Cucumber Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents.

Delicious coffee and chocolate willbe served every morning early at thePalace Ice Cream Parlors, Ludwigsen,it Cron, Hotel street. 221 tf

1 li. & L. A.

rI'MIK regular monthly meeting of theX Pioneer Building & Loan Asso-

ciation will bo held Til IS (Monday)EVENING, Nov. 2nd, at 7:H0 o'clock.

TllHO. F. LANSING,259 1 1 Secretary.


rpiIE regular weekly meeting of this1 Club will he held in their Rooms,

Gazette Building. Merchant street, THIS(.Monday) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock.All members are esp dally requested tobe present at 7:30 o'clock sharp.

ll. It. SCOTT.2.7.1 n Recorder.

Honolulu Athletic Association.

T HE annual meeting of t lie above

Gymnasium on MONDAY EVENING,Nov. !Uh Election of officers, etc.

c. J. McCarthy,2.10 lit Secretary.


.1. W. McGUIRE heirs to announce that he has resumed the

use of the Bell Telephone No. 405, andrespectfully solicits the patronage of hisfriends ami the public in general. Mu-

tual Tel. No. 63; Bell Tel. No. 4ii5.258 lw J. W. McGlTRE.


. f TAV1NG bought the leaseA"sS 11 f this well-kno-

ftfflgfclte Lodging Establishment, Iwould call attention to its 100 rooms,which I intend to kept in the best con-

dition. A ii) body desiring lodgings willplease take notice.

255 lm JOHN KADIS.


IF you want a First-clas- s Job of Paint-ing of any description done, call on

the 1 raciicid Painter, J. L. Mkvbb only.Fort street 130. P. O. Box 3H7. MutualTelephone 002. 156 tf

TT1,lit. i I I 'a r W.

The lis.i Lunuh in Town,

?ca an OcCee at 11 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Clears, titaAlways on I land.

II. AOI.TK. I'roprlctor.

WMt Ooi-- . JN Minimi Jto liinjf StreelM.

gG All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheapfor cash at the I X L.

0TkI X L pays llio HIGHEST CASH PRICE for ull kinds olSecond-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc.

gjtf IF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in itsentirety, call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, corner Nuuauuand King streets.

Prompt lieturns Made on Goods Sold on Commissiono


Use Str.rn Mii Saturday


1 Diffusion Plant for making 25 tonsSugar in 22 hours, consisting ofCanesliciiig Machine, Steam En-

gine, 12 Cells, 1 Waterptinip,Hair Belt, Knives, etc., complete.

The above being a full plant for acomplete sugar factory will be sold onvery rcaso'iablo terms cither as awhole or in part.

fUSF" For further particulars as toprices, drawing, etc., apply to

ii. HACKFELD & CO.2.jS 7t- -4 1 It



Electroplating Works,Opposite Moimon Church, Punchbowl.

Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets,etc , can now he Kelacijtiered and

equal to new. It makes no differ-ence how dirty and black they are, wecan make them look as good as whenyou bought them from the store. Try Itand be convinced.

Mutual Telephone No. 700.2.)8 tf

rouxn iNoiice.5 "IOTICK is hereby giveu that23W i.1 the following describedanimals will be sold at public auctionon SATURDAY, Nov. 14, Islll, at 12

o'clock noon, at the Government Poundat Makikl :

1 White Mottled Horse, branded "P."1 Dark Mare, all feet black and shod,

with white spot on left hind leg, sore onright side, no brand.

Hay Owner of the above animals mustsend in their claims within 15 days,otherwise they will be sold on the dateabove named. D. KAOAO,

Government Poundmastcr.Honolulu, Oct. 31, 18!H. 258 2t

FOH IlEMryi. Very Desirable ResU

ilenee located on Kiuuustreet near the comer of Pen

sacola street, presently occupied hy P.1. August Ehler. House contains par-lors, iiinitig-roo- kitchen, three cham-bers, bathroom, pantry, veranda roomsand ample closet space. Possession giveuDecember 1st. impure at

HAWAII AN HARDWARE CO.,210 tf Fort street, opp. Spreckels.

We have received a Sample Lot of Choice


Which we oiler to Lovers or the Weed.ALSO

Straiton and Storm Cigars !

In Iiiirgo AJiriety.

Pet Cigarettes and Tobacco

HOLLISTER & CO.;109 Fort SMreet. : t 4 t : Honolulu, II. I.

Page 4: (1UHIOS JOHN NOTT, · 2015-05-30 · Chuiizor Luiis the 3ttlill4'tH. all DRESSING C in to 1 1 1 i i ti' "iamls, ICitli.V Cir-isi4f-N-, Cornio 5th JL'oW-ss-, PARLOR SETS at Kill 13111.Si

WORLD'S FAIR. THE8. LEVY.S. EIIRLICH. Preliminary AhmhhL Oceanic stBamsAm Ci.'sNEW YORK

Life Insurance"TEMPL OF- -






A Fine Line oi Black Silk Giciiiuliiies,An Elegant Stock of Dress Goods,


46-inc- h All-wo- ol Henrietta Cloth,Just opened iu "nil the new shades;

Hill NotgIUbs in Laces, EMM, FlMKiUl, Etc.


KID GLOVES!Agents for "Fostku's" Ghniinu Kid Gloves, every pair war-

ranted and lilted to the baud.




S. E1IKL1CH & CO.,CV.rner Fort & Hotel Streets.



Engineers & Iron Founders,Office & Works, : Queen Street, Honolulu.


SMar Machinery, Steam Ecgmes,Plain or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for laud and marine U3e,

Vacuum Pans up to 11 feel in diameter,Double, Triple or Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks for all purposes,

Cane Wagons, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,Hoisting Machinery, Rice Mill Machinery and

Wrousrht & Cast Iron Work for House Building.

A Large & Vsried Assortment of Bar Iron always on hand !


Diffusion Maclnnerv in all its Branches.Sole Manufacturers in Hawaiian Islands for

William's Ptient Furnaces for burning cane trash.

William's Cane Slicing Machines, the most successful and econo-

mical made.Marsden & Rickard's Patent Evaporator, utilizing the waste heat iu smoke-

stack the latest improvement.

Mule Agent In Hawaiian Iwliuxi for the

Peltou Water Wheel Co. of San Francisco.Hell's Asbestos Fucking Co. of London, England.

Sheet Packing, Stuffing Box Packing,Manhole it Handholo Gaskets, Steam Pipe it Boiler Coverings.

ff These Packings are used exclusively by the British Admiralty inwar vessels.

ogj& Repairs to all kinds of Machinery done at reasonable rates and at

short notice.

Are Receiving New Invoices of



- at their

Steam PIIM Olce


Where they are fully prepared to do allkinds of work in the latest styles, at

the shortest uotiue and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work Id Colors a Specialty !


Executed in the Most AttractiveManner.




--Printed, and Blocked when desired.- -

Read the following partial list of spec--,laities and get the Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads, .,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards ,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tiekets,

Theatre Tickets, i

Scholarship Certificates,Corporation Certificates,

Marriage Certificates,Receipts of all kinds,

Plantation Orders, '

Promissory Notes,Pamphlets,


Labels of every variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual Washing Lists,Guneral Book Work,

v Elo.. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

No Job is allowed to leave the of

fice until it gives satisfaction.

Editor Bulli. iN :

I notice in 'World's Fair ISotes"the following in regard to the Bra-

zilian exhibit at the great fair:A report of the Vrk done by the

Latin-Americ- Ilurc'a" "P to dateshows that 17 of the 18 Americanrepublics and all of the colonies thathave been visited by World's Fairagents have accepted the invitationto participate in the exposition andare actively preparing for proper rep-

resentation. Aside from Mexico, forwhose appropriation of 750,000 theLatin-Americ- Bureau claims cre-

dit, the appropriations made byAmerican republics ore as follows."

"The above is a pointer as to whatother tropical and semi-tropic- coun-

tries propose to do. They Jiave allappropriated from 820,000 to $500,-00-

the total appropriations of the17 Latin-Americ- republics beingover two million dollars. 1 knowthat these Islands ought to 'be in aposition to appropriate as much asCosta Rica, and that little Republicproposes to spend $50,000 in a pro-

per exhibit of its industries andmanufactures. I did not notice anydefinite action, iu this matter on thepart of our planters last week andthink it was a mistake.

Our iron works companies couldalso profit by an exhibit (if only ofmodels) of their improved appliancesfor making sugar, as it is a well-know- n

fact that the yield of sugarper ton of cane is larger here thanin any sugar-growin- g country iu theworld, and this is hugely due to ourimproved machinery for extractingit. Our minor industries could beaptly reproduced and the manner inwhich "poi" is grown would alonebe a big advertisement to the Islands.There is one feature of the comingexposition that we should not losesight of. Exhibits will be made bya number of countries of just suchproducts as we are entering into thecultivation of. It would be mom ywell spent if the Government woulddelegate some qualified person toobtain such information on the sameas would be of value to us and pub-lish it for the benefit of the commu-

nity at large. We can't all go to the"World's Fair," and this would bea direct realization from any government appropriation that may bemade. Hawaii.


Editor Bulletin :

1 wonder if His Excellency J. L.Stevens, United Stales MinisterPlenipotentiary and Envoy Extra-ordinary, was sent here by the UnitedStales Government to mount therostrum and champion the cause ofthe missionary ; ' it would appear so.I quote the following from the Min-

ister's speech in the Bulletin ofOct. 21; "The missionary forceno sensible, thoughtful, person willbe alarmed or misled by the senselesscrv against it. I would not ask a f

better boon to Hawaii than that themissionary influences here might betwice as strong as they are." If theMinister thinks that themissionary of the present day canlaunch himself into the labyrinthiancess-pool- s of machine politics (asthey do here), and then commandthe respect that a true missionaryshould, he is sadly mistaken ; and noamount of gush from any quarterwill help his case whatever. But letthe earnest missionary enter into theworks of the Master in Hawaii, inthe same true spirit as Dr. Living-stone and John Howard did ; thenhe can reel assured that he will re-

ceive from one and all due reverenceand credit, for his Christian precepts.

An American.


A sugar school has been established in New Orleans under the auspicesof the State and the Louisiana Agri-cultural and Scientific Association.The object is to offer facilities totake a course in the cullure of caneand in the manufacture of sugarfrom it. It has a plantation attachedwith a small sugar house.

Editor Bulletin:Something similar to the above is

what I have always advocated forthese Islands. If Government ap-propriations for educational purposeswere used for such purpose insteadof assisting sectarian schools theremight be some tangible benefit ac-

crue to the state.Let us have an agricultural school

where our youth can be taught thepractical cultivation pf such thingsas are adapted to our climate."Agriculture is the basis of wealth."This axiom its us exactly. Withoutagriculturists the embryo mechanicsturned out by the Kamehamehaschools will have to emigrate.



There is little doubt but that manypersons suffer for years with ailmentsthat could easily be cured by theuse of some simple remedy. Thefollowing incident is an illustration ofthis fact: My wife was troubled witha pain in her side the greater part ofthe time for three years, until curedby Chamberlain's Fain Balm. Ithas. I think, permanently cured her.We also have used Chamberlain'sCough Remedy whenever needed andbelieve it to be the best in the world.1 M. Boston, Pennville, SullivanCo., Missouri. For sale by all deal-ers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents.


nu 4, I TAVIXG bought the leaseI 1 of tillsLotting Ks'alilislmu'iit. I

would call attention to its luo rooms,which I intend to kept in the ber con-dition. Anjlxi'ly desiring lodgings willplease take notice.

2u3 lin JOHN RADIX.



Arrive from San Arrive from theFrancisco. Colonies.

Nov 19 Mariposa

Australian Mail Service!

FOB HAH FBAKC1NVO.The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

Nov. 19. 1891,And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that date.

I For freight or passage, havingsk perior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IRWIN ft CO., L'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland !

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

it ALAMEDA."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

Nov. 19, 1891,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

1ST For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IB WIN & CO.. L'd,Agents.

fir's StGamsMn Go.'s


STMR. 'KINAU,'CLARKE, Commar.wjr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. m.,touching at Lahaiua, Maalaea Bayaud Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupahoehoe same day; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makena,6 p.m.; Maalaea Bay, 8 P. m. ; Laha-in- a,

10 p. m. the following day; arriv-ing at, Honolulu 6 A. M. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.

No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock P. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hul- u.

Returning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

gjSF" No Freight will be receivedafter 4 p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.1


Kn. H-- i Kins Street,



Deprtnre Bay Goal,

toil Goal,



Ifif Delivered in any part of thetown.

187-B0- TH TELEPHONES-18- 7.

200 tf

A. G. SILVA & CO.,53 & 57 Hotel Street.


DRY GOODS,Gentlemen's Furnishings,

Carpets & Matting,FURNITURE.

Large Stock Always on Hand.aug


Assets, : : $115,947,809.97

"Pacts m Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on every premium

table, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

of the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OF


similar policies.

SP" For particulars apply to

V. O. BEKttEH,

Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $8,219,458.98.

London A Lancashire Fire In?. Co.

Assets, $4,3 7,052.

Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,


Assets, $6, 1 24,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $ 15,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents S


kn England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,


tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company,Fire A Murine.


(luiiri;!).)VVm. G. Irwin. ...President i& ManagerClans Spreckels nt

Walter M. Giffard.Secretary & Treasurer

'flieo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF TBS

Oceanic lamsi Csu'f,, Of au FrmiciMcii. 'ul.

1'Jt) Jd ...ran

Metropolitan sEfcii

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail ButchersAND





King Street, Honolulu, II. 1.

ST Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs.


Contractors for Brick & Stone Buil-ding of All Kinds.

God references and all work guaranteed

0T OHice at L. Audrade's store, Ki-u- au

street. 230 3m


ON account of Captain Morissenu'sdeparture by the next outgoing

steamer, and to close partnership ac-counts Dr. Trousseau offers for sale the

Hawaiian Ostrich & Egg Farm,

Jtnploln.nl liirlc,Comprising the Freehold of the Pro-perty, Furniture, Agricultural Imple-ments, Windmills, Punips, Steam En-gine, ete4, etc.

2 Pair t f Breeding Oitriches,35 more or less Young Ostriches.

From a day to 8 mouths old;

1 Horse and Brake, Express Wagon, 1

Cart, a large number of purebred BrownLeghorn Fowls and others.

tiafr" The Property will be sold as awhole or everything separately to suitpnrehaseis.

There are on the Farm over 200 NavelOrange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees,and over 1000 Imported Pineapple Plantsof the best sorts.

The w hole of the land is laid out forcomplete Irrigation, the wal r Ijeinjj sup-

plied from an Inexhaustible surface wellof very sweet water.

Dr. Trousseau assumes all liabilitiesof the Ostrich Farm and would like allaccounts, if any, to be sent to him byOctober 31st.

Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sea- u

will give every possible informa-tion.

DaT For price aud other particulars,apply to


8ii Locdoiim

The undersigned having been appointeasole agents for the Hawaiian


Far the Celebrated

Biwiii UamWmFrom the works of

Buriiam, Party, Williams & Co.,

1'hlladeiphla, I'enn,,Are now prepared to stive estimates andreceive orders for these engines, ofsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at, these Islands, aud we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents ami managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Win. O. IRW1V & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands

IS' rV i O IS.

TE have appointed Sir. Lewis J.'Levey Agent for the Hawaiian

Opera House, and parties g torent same for (he pin pose of entertain-ments or shows will please apply to him.

VVM. G. IK WIN & CO., 1,'D.252 lm

mm 4k salooiTht Best Lunch in Town,

T'iia and Coffee at ill HoursThe Finest Brands of

tors, Jsl Teiiffi

Alwuys on llaii.it.il. k!. KOITK. Proyti.-lor- .

Scotch Splint Coal !

pHE undersigned offer for fale 500tons of best Scotch Splint Coal, jiint

arrived per "Strathblane". from Glas-gow. This Teal is equal to best WelchCoal, and especially suited for strain,household and ploughing engine use.211 tf G. W. SI ACFARL AN K & CO


J. L Meykk the Painter a callGIVE have your Paper Hanging donepromptly aud neatly. 130 Fort street.P. O. Box 387. Mutual Telephone602. 156 tf


IF you want, a First-cla- ss Job of Paint-ing of any description done, call on

the Practical Painter, J. L. Mky" only.Fort street 130. P. O. Box 387. MutualTelephone CG2. 158 tf

tflOOKEWAKD7 ILL be given to anyone finding a

T T Diamond which was lost from itssetting between residence of Mr. ltenjesin Nuuaim Valley aud the Post OHice onTuesday last. 242 tf


ALL shooting of game on the lands ofHalawa, Aieaand Mau-nalti- a.

Island of Oahu, is strictly for-bidden without the necessary permit,which may be had on application to Mr.J. M. Dowscti, at the banking house ofBishop & Co., Honolulu, II. I.


220 U

1 08., L d,: Manager,


satisfaction guaranteed.

The Equitable Lite AssuranceSociety of the United States.

New Assurance Written in lb90 $ 203,826,107 00Income 35,036,683 24Surplus (from which dividend will be made) 23,740-44- 34


An Investment Worth Knowing About I


Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of The Ecpuitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.

Policies maturing in KS91 realize cash returns to the owners, of amountsvarying from 120 to 17G pt r cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-tage of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.

The following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy No. 64,925.Issued in 1871, at ase 27. Amount, $5,000.

Premium, $239.90. Total Prems. Paid, $4,798.

at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender Value. $8,449.45

(Equal to $176.10 for each $100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent toa return of all premiums paid, with interest at 7J per cent, per annum.)

Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life Policy for $19,470

(Equal to $405.80 for each $100 paid in premiums.)Or,

A Life Annuity of $633.55.

ALEX. J. CARTWRiCHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of the U. S.

Telephones, No. 175. Jgfll& Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Ste


California Wheat, Oat Hay. in large and compressed bales ; Barley, Rolled& Ground Barley, California & New Zealand Oats, Middlings, Bran, Com,

Cracked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Also,

Drifted Snow and Victor Flour I

1 If K 1 '1' ILIZKKS :

We keep constantly in stock the celebrated Fertilisers manufactured by Mr.

A. Haas nf San Francisco, viz.: B w Meal, Wix.l Dust aud High GradeSuper Phosphates, all of which can be had at bedrock prices.

iAddress, , ...


71 aeeB Mtreet, Haaolala, WU LIsland orders solicited and