Wordsworth Winners Announced Music, Maestro, Music \\'hut comes to your mind when By S ·1gma Tau Delta Fratern·1ty ,·ou hen, the term "pluno Instruc- tor."'! Uo you think of the comic- Th(' wlnncrs ot lhe uu nual \\'ordl'I· time In '.\Jay. Anyone who wli;ht!S charnct£r t eari ng hi s long hnir :tnd l · worth writin g cont es t h nn~ bt>t:n an- to purchase n co11y at th at tim{' ma y ~:~:~tgToh~1.\ 1 ~; 1 ;~~:ir~\~/i'\e 0 : 1 :i:~ :~)~ nounct-d. Th e wlnnlnJ; 11rosc selec- do .so. but nil ~tudents are fo rwar nf- t.l ,nnh; h trom your mind I( you COTIH' lion wns wrilt('n by ~lary Ann C':1m- thnt only l1 llmit!!cl will bf' J)rintt"d to Donald Rupert' s r~clrnl, )londay . he r . a s oohomon,> In l11t t rme: cllat1'• so th:n th ey n re re mlmlt ,d to bu)' Ai1rll :!9th, '.\Ir. Rupt•rt, the lli nno l"ripe r Eleme nt ary Educa1ion from th el r 11 as soon :H1 th e antholo~lts art- - l,!istnwtor In ou r muslC' d c (mrtment. Krakow. Th e \\"Inning 110,•try st•l1•(·· l)rt.'.'!.E.' llt ed fur !'alt>. The 11ri ct· of the Is i;h·in~ hl:s fir!.t recltnl in Stevens :t1011 wnM writt en IJ)' Rober t (Bohl nntholoμ-y in n.:ct:nl year:s hus IJc·cn Poin t 0 11 thnl day Jn the College LI- Illckinson ·a so11 homore ill Le tt crn '.?:i('· The ontholoJ?:it•s will J>robnb- brary Thf'atrr at S:00 1 ,.m. a nd Scie nce from \\"au1>nc,1. E:ach ly ht: >10l d nt:nr th e nrnln bullc>tln Thi"', howe\·er. is unt h f,; first J)nb- of the inncr8 will receive a cai:;h board on lh e seco nd floor. or the li e npJfparnnce al Stevt:nff Point sloct• award of five dollnrs from th(• SiJ;- college. Thoile interestt •d mny wntdl ht: 11lar8 1 11 n no with tht· Ste \'<! IHJ Point ma Tnu De lln Fraternity . The win- for notll'elJ of sa le in tht: l'uin tf'r or Synq ihouy Orc ht: 1Jtrn . He oh;o !'t:r- nerl!. wer e cho:ten from among mnny around the college. rorrncd h •re with the Wausau Or- entrants and were· l>icked hy a f ht! Thf' underc ln!lsmen mnv nott.•. a~ c h(·:- tr a. me mbt•r judidng committee of th e an afterthought. that no ;,11perclni,is- ·lh· will J)lay· the following sdcc- Sl~mn Tau Oeltn Frat e rnity whi ch 111 n won uny award. tiuu s . \l onday: annually SJ>Ol)HOrs the contest. Hoth Ir you ha,·e any th e me~ that were 'Tonw, God C:n•ntor·· !Jy Bach ~~~r~~smr:~:;:~I a u111inimous ,·ote or written to; th is yenr. y~u ;nny be "Sonutn In I) major, K. j70"' by Tlu•r wt•rr :1J,,.o r wo J1 11 11 or 11bl1• mentions nnd a s1>eclnl mention. Th f' Honorable tnentions were won by Lucille l-lnrris for n 11octry selecllon. wil:le 10 i,i:we tht •m t or ne xt-ye nr's ~Jozarl · Words worth conteti l. Who knows'! You may bl:! a winner. "Sounllt In C :'llinor, 011. 27 Xo. 2·· by H~dhOn !n Olounlli,;ht Sonata) and Xnnc>· Konk ol. a rreJJ hmnn, tor Counsell Named Coach :1 JJro!Je !Je lection. The specia l 11\l'n· ··nha1>sod)• In B Jliuor'" by Urahrng '"Xoct urn e In 't• Jlajor·· l.ly Cho1,i11 ··u:1llade in F . \llnor·· by ChoJJ ln Bob Oit kin1on ond Mory Ann Comb er w,;, onno uoted 01 wlnne,1 of the onnuol Word;. wo,th wriling tonleO by the honorory English frolernily Slgmo Tau Oelto. Their writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole in o few week 1. 't lon went to Jim )lllh·r tor n pro1;e Last w e,• k Uuune ·oumu:11 wns l'ntry. The award to Jlrn v,·as u llnr- 1rnmcd the uew CSC football coach ---------- -------- -- -------- ------ ---- ticular award tor u particular tt lYlt• 11~ succt•K1>or l~ John n.ohcri::J. Coun- or writing and cun be rated Cf llllll !!(: II brln?t> o , ,0 3 wlnnrng l)t' r centnge with an honorabl e nll'ntlon. J im )Ill - to Cemral Stat£'. In six years of ltr is th e only u 1 , 11 er classman who coaching, ('ou nsell hai,; seen his rece l\'ed any recognition. The hltit l •a ms win ,tj and Jose 19 while tleing t hree nnmed awards c:irn· 110 moru•- 2. Lust ye:1r hl!t \\",e1>t Allfs Central 1ary award. · lNtm rlnltihCd with n 5-3 r ecord which The names ?r the mombe rs of tht :;::~'i ~l~:~ e ;:~~u~~; 1 t:.:,.r:~ 1 ;ll~ll/~t~~::!~ CENTRAL STATE 1tie:POINTER Juth;lng co m_ mutee nre: J~rry )h1tll- l'onfcrt' nct·. lte tore goi ng lo West s or•, Sall): :'111ll er. 1110 relation to Jim Alli!'!. Couni.l'II was head COllch nt his ======================================= =~ )!Iller). Gntrude Hosenkr~nz. Robe rt home town or Whwonsln UellK wh e re SERI ES VII VOL. Vl Stevens Poim, W is. April 18, 1957 No. 13 Prndt. and Jere miah L. Farrell. hi !i tearmJ h11d a ·Hl-16-2 r ecord. ------ --- ------------------------ ---~- Tlw \\'unb wo rlh ('o n tt•, t. which Is .\ t \\' i,(·0 11 ,1 11 U1• l b. Co un sel! wan nn ann ua l c\·t·nt s poni;ored by $1J;ma ulso h(':td b:111k e Lball _conch nnd hnd Tnu DP!ta Frat t:rnin•. drt>w man y ist:n• ra l finu teum:1 includlni,:: the en tri es. The me mbe rs ar e esl)ecla lly 1955<,G liff\llHI which lmit out to S11uk thankful to anyone who hel111:d In- l'lty. one ste 11 nwny fr om the i; Latf> rl uence others to J)articlpat e In th l' tourname nt. Couni'tell nl so co:1C'h d contf'st. The ~ qtrnntity or ent ri ei'I wus lmseball, track, gol r nnd ,·0111.:yball on f ar beyond what was expected. thl' high school Jevt:J. Any persons who entered this year. Counsell i,;racluatcd from Central but did not win. nre !Hh'ised thnt they Stnte In l!H!). !Jc Ii; 32 years old n nd are eligib le to nter next yenr·s con- Ii; marri ed to another CSC grnd. te8t. They are re minded thnt with Wanda Toftion, who also hull s from 'the added k11owl1:dge or on contest Wisconsin Uells. Th ey have two Lhey are ln a better f )osition 10 win J;lrl~. a~e six and four. • nt-xt renr . Also. they may i.ubml t n:1 \\"h ih· at <"t• 111rul Sflllt •, ('m111 ,1·ll mnny sto ries n:11 th ey like. 1,layed ,,uarterback on the 194 8 foot- The 1111 b ll 111 lo11 or lllf' a utlu1l nuy bnll team. That year Counsel! made made up of se le('led writlngis from r1uitt! a name ro r h imself . ll o Inter- this contest. In cludi ng th e win" nln,i:: Ct:lll£•d u Jllllht and downed a Point contrilrntions, will 1,;o on sa le s ome- kickoff In the e nd zone for touch- .. downs in csc·s 27·0 opening win on •r Jflssion I-louse. lie combi ned with New Conservation Teacher Phil English to 1111ark a 1>11stilng gumc that sew IO of I :i con111letlons for nenrl)' 100 )'ards In the 22-12 home- coming win O\'er Platte\'llle. lie ln- ter1.:e11ted a tlat )lass and r an 18 ynrds ror a TD In the 21-0 win o,·er C.s.c.·s ConKe rrntl on Dc11:1r tme nt will 110011 profit with th e addition ot Pnul Yambart to lt'11 teachl111. s tnff. ~1r. Yumbart come11 to O.s.C. after three years of t eachlnf: biolo,::)· and Oshkosh. He fir ed a pass co,·erlng Melody and Voice: MUSIC The Sternns Poi11L Syuq1huny Or- chest ra will p;,.-rrorm In the coll ege auditorium at S:00 11.111. on At>ril :!;jth. This is an amateur org:rnlzatlon c0111 1 msed of local 1111u:1lclans and se,·- ernl co llege student~. Josenh B. Hen- ry •if th e music deJ)itrunent Is con- du cti ng it. Thi s will be th('ir seco nd con<'~rt ot the seaso n. After th e orchstra 11lays ··Qer tur e in U. )fo jor·· l)y Handel and .. Sym- phun~· in B )tin or {Unfinished) " by Schubert. )I r. Robert )loore ( nlso or CSC's music· department) will si n~ some 01,cra1 le se le1•tlo111s, I.f ed er. and wil l end with ·· 1 Got'. Ple111y Nuth- iu·· from l'orJ,!)' uml B1• .. s. ;\Ir. )toore h1 the new \·oice tenchf>r at College. This will be his first 1rnbllc a11pear- :1.1we ut Ste\·ens Pi'ilnt. After )Jr. )foore·s 1>erfor111am•c the orchestra will close with " L'.\rll s lcnne Suite :',;u. 2" by Biz.et. Tickel'i mny he )llll'Chasr>d from )lurt~· Thomas or at th e door . Adult tic kets are $1.00. s t1ul ent 1icke ts are 50c. conscnation at Ann ., \rbor (~1lchl- 52. yard s to Tommy Curry and also :: 11 ~11 ~ 11 :tr\·:t::\ ~:~;;i~~:•r~:e~1 ~~~ :~o:ec~:u , :1'tu r:~ ab~tb"r!~~~=:\!"~~! One Acts in Re~s pect tl\'e for the Uo y Scout lJ. He wl) I ai:;- Pointer 's 28 to 13 loss to DeKalb of The Colle,::e Th eat re one-act pla)·s. l!Umc hi ,; new duti es hne arter En11ter llllnob1 In the Henson finale. 11ret11.:nted 011 Wed nesday nnd Thurs- RecesM. )Tr. Yambnrt was r ecently In So ( 'oun, dl t.·omt":, to Pu lnh·r lund dny e,·enln gs last wt•(lk. 11ro,·<•d enter- the "Poi nt"' Ion,; e nou gh to make nr- with a brllllanl ca r eer behind him. tnlnlng to the good- sized 111111ience in rangements ror hOUtiing nnd to tak e Let·s wish h im success in his new job attendance. The 11rodurtlon11 ghowed one ror cs try lab . for a Field tr!J) lo and hope he brlng11 us th e t eam which much hard work e:c 1 1cnded on lh t! m th e ~1cUIII Lumber Compan)·. wlll mak e Poin ter grad and st ndc nts by the 11tude nt dir e torM. cn:;t and )Ir. Yamhart earned his R.$ . In c,·e rywh ere 11roud or CSC. crew. J\ ny ad\'er1,1e c riti cism should F'orestry and \\'lldlife. JI.S. in Gen- ~----------~ he related to th e .Kl'll(' ral lmmaturit)' er a! C'o' ngenatlon. )I.A. In Con11crn1- or Inexpe ri ence of l ht' ra1,1ls, and tu tlon Outdoor Educ:ulun and Is cur- Primary Elects lil t.' faults lying within the plays r ently workin;:- for a Doctorate in The r es ults of the el ection o r o f- th " lll!Jeh·es. Conserrntlon. a ll at th e l.inin:rslly or ricers for Jh'Xt fairs Juni or Croup The first play. J . JI. Harrl e·s "Sf'v- ,t Mlchlgnn. of Primnry Cou ncil are mi follows: en \\"om<>n." w;1s directed by Betty When hC' returns to Stt.>\"Cllll Point. President. )lnril)'ll Eskrltt: \"Ice J ordan and Jtr!'mlnh L. Farrt-11. ,\ 1- .\lr. Yambart wil l be accomJ)anled by President. Ann Yost; Tr eas ur er, thouJ,:h of rn(•dim•re dramatic callhc- r . ~~:. "~~~!ic~~= · l:or~ .~1-1d one daugh- Emmy .\lilla rd . ~l~l1Jl~~~; 1 ;'/t,:~<!.~111~::~~'.y ~~~~·:rcnt~Jc~:. Pictured obo•• ore thr ee of CSC', Your,g Democ,oh who weie elected to .io te oHic~ ot tM rece nt Yo ung Dem Stole Con•enlion in Milwoulcee. L eh lo right they o,e: John Hoywor d. odminhtrotive re pt"eMnt o li ¥1; Jer ry Modison, 1t o te d,oirmon ond Ne~I . Grffhling, M• enth di 1trid rep,-eMnlo ti ve. in the fprn ale !Pad, showr11 rlm, hes or rlM"t."rn('jlilll in many or her lin es. Th( ' i;:cneral fl lnJ:: (> ap pt'aranrc> waw i;ood. t:nlqu c :.imong the three J1J11ys In thnt It hnd n i;:Pnulne plot. ··sc\·ion \\'om- tm" endc1I wi lt.I e,·.._.rythini,.;- arrnngNI Ka tl s f:1rtor i ly for th e nudl e ncc·s bene- fit. l-;oliowlng this was Ali ce Gns ten- he rg'k ··O\'••rtc.mes." dlrect t'd h)· Bar- bara nowt·n . .\lar)' Lund :and Uonna Trh•kf'y. Thl!I play Wt)!'! WPII pPr- formcd. with thf• cx<."1·ptlon of n rc>w blundN-14 Rnd l'OlllE"-f!li~ht1tl ffn eH In thP \1111>8. Thf> tou r c hnr:t rtPrs W<'r<' co n, ·lncl ng In lh f!l r partft. both In actln,:: nnd :llll)earunce. S1u.'<! lal cr edit 11ho uld IJe ~h·en to .\lary Anp Camber for the "s1iark'" which she added to th t: J)r t:scntntlon. La!! t on the e,·e: ning'H J) r ogram was Te11n cn1:1ee \\"l ll lams·s " I. ad)· of Lark- sp ur Lotion", directed by Sharon Ze ntner. Containi ng the bt:Sl acting ot th e ·en : nlni:. this play rt:atur ed f.:mmy .\lllla rd. Hosemaric Stelnfurth and Thoma s Gruman In Its thr ee rol es. Th e set wiu, convincing wi t h a minimum of trappings . The blg- geet wea kne111 was th e lfbortnen or the'. play - Wllllamft. ftpeclallzlng In clrcumetance - tr apped ln d lvl du alft, Music Festival . Set On~r SOO Non h wcstern Wh1co nsl11 )ltu;k F'es th11I bulletins were 1:1e nt hts1 week to persons who w •re e11- 1rant1:1 in la st year's t"'esth·ul nnd .o 1hose ' who re11uested Festh·aJ iuror- 11unlon this year . Th e lmlletln lhit cd the contest music which 11111111 be 11rr>- pur ecl to enter the cnnt esl s. Th e 12t h ~ \nnual :',;ortllc:1stern Wi scons in )Tuslc 1-~e1J ti\'nl will 1.)e heh! In Green Bay un Wednesday, Ju11 c 2G. Th e Fes th·al lg 8JJUnsor e(I by the Green Buy He<: reatlon De1mrt111eut. a divi sion of the Board of Park Com- 111lsiln11erg. The l-'e8th·a J i!i a 11rell- 1111Jrnry <·ontein to 1he Chlcagoland )luslr F" s ti\'al. \\"inners in the loc·al ~;:::e=~~~:~te!l1 ~1:~;::~. ?i:i~ de:ulllne date for e 11trles In the (:reen Hay Conu.>st h:u1 bePn 1:1et for Thur~1l11y .. lun e 1:t . 1wo wcoki, 1Je- r111·1> the prt.>llmluary ,·onl('KI, Th(' are11 01wn for 1:nl1 111e1itlo 11 will lnducle the fullowlu~ t·oun1ie~: l!rnwn. Shchon: an . f"cmd du l,ac, \\ 0 11u s h:1rn. \\"huwha~o. ('alumet, :'lla111to\lo"tw . l' ur la~t>. \\'aup:ll'n. Out:i- ..:.muh•. l-i:(",,a,rncl·, J11JOr. :'l lu ra th un. Out>ida. !=,:IJawanu. Oc•u11111 . J.lnr11ln. l.1111i.:lail t•. V111' f>!ll. )lrtrin('lll'. Flor - ~·111't•. \" ilas. i1n d th e lower half nt ~lt·nnmiu• e. )lidli,1e1rn. Jack Frisch Awarded History Fellowship One of CSC"H I !l:iG i:r:tduateit, Juck Frisch. h11s r ece ntly been uwnrded a Uni\"Crslty l-'ellowshi p 111 h lMtory fron; the nl\'ersity or Jll l11 0IH In Urbana, .l aek hug Ileen 1cad1h1J.: this 1m:-.1 y1.:a r m HeedshurJ;, WIK. The t,·e 11 nw11h ip lnrltule!i a ktl Jl 1111 or $ 1200 ;111t1 1111 tuitio n fe£•k for two fft•mes lcrff nncl lhe following s u111111er HCK.•111111 .. As a 11lem.i111t ror1ulr eme nt, Jar·k Is to do no senfreK u111ler the terms or I he t'ellow11hl J) ; he must only curry 1.1 full load or 111:ademlc 1mbJecu1. Sin(•e, the Univ("rslty ot Il- linois was lOJ..'H on the li st nf about 211 sc twolM tu which Jack a1111llecl. he was es 11ecln lly 11lcused Lo Jm,•e thliJ orrer come from the r e. The M<:hool hUJI a library or 1hreu mllllon volu mes, with 1111 e:cn!l lcnt deJ)art tnent .uul ar- rangements In .Ju1.: k'11 fie ld of Social and I ntcll ect un I A111 erfcnn II h1 tory. J:ick lntend:t to he back In the col- lege fi eld ttome duy. for hlK pu r pose In gol nJ: to ,::raduate ffc• hool ht to t:\·entun lly r C·t·e lve a Ph . D. In hlslo ry 111111 to do tiorne culle1,;e tc11c h lnJ.: , The 11 ..s t or 11wk to him! 111 1 :;~;;;;i~ :, r 11 .'/ 1 \~ 11 • ~ :~ 1 e ,: 11 !:', 1 1t: \~::~. 1 ;.:;~:; Echo of The Everglades 111 u (• hoke or 1<·11 1IIHPr•·111 rn!l ·e l11~- To Be Junior Prom Theme siflc-11 1l on!-: 1 J111r11~c·11 11f I '"• or mflrl! 111 ,. 111 1, f•f'!!': adul l arul J unnllc ,·o,irer 1 ~lnyhe )'Ou wou·t. huve to gel out l,anil s: a•·ror<lluu hand s iu 11u·t·c ,.1 118your o ld J::rllKI! ,;klrt - but It 1111,1::ht ~·;~j ;::~.:~1 ,;~:1:/ta~11~\1lc;:~:~nro;w:~1i';::~ :1:::: ~::tt;1~~n~:uos1\:'~!l~hf :•·~::~· ~o; wiih dhi~ion ~ for :Ill :, ~,.... . thf• hi,:: e\·e nl of th e t1c hool yenr .- TltC' F£• .. ri,al .... 111 11 .. (1,r uuiatPur ~ CSC'H Junior P.rom. ouly: au :1111 :ateur heiui.: dcfiucc.1 :&'I The l'rom thiH year has a · unfquo 1111y J)t:rsou whoi.e J)rint"ipul menns of th Pme: t:c ho of tht· E,•1·rAla1leH. Thht l l\'clihood 111 ohtalned hy nwuns other th t• nit•. howM'('r. hns · 110thi11g to do 1 111111 s inJ.""in,:: or 1ilaylng. e,·cn Ir he or with thr ~ pri \" tllling culyl)MO c:-raze: nor ~he· from time to time a('re11ts s tl11ent1 11rt11aJly with i,;rasM s klrlK or c rof'o. or honor:irlu111 for mu~k:.il s••rvlf·r•H dilc!I. But it Is the ,w1•11••1wttc r ro r rend~ rcd. rin ev1•11i11J.: of cy 11rr>t1M tri"'"· natlvo At1slst h1g \'crnon 11. KriPsc r. f'e!I· d:iu(·r•r Hll houMt t·~. n11th• mn1tks. ~::; 0 ~·~:~~;• 1 1 :::. 1 ~! :tl~;~: 11 :,; ·i':~~~·M~h:: 1 : ~ , Xow for th1• foctual 1;1t~rmntlon. Lh·al lllretor. will t,e I,. A. Skorul<'- 1 drumH, and 1 11111rh from 11 ~raflfJ hut . 1111111 of Choral and (llano con tes111 : fhe date ht :'\lay ·t fr om. !I 1,. 111 . to L :'\Ii i,.!' Lu c-Ill" )l euMP I. (;halrm11n ,•twal a ._m. Thf> 11J11ri • Is lhl' ;,,;('w Armory. ,·oniM.i": :ind th e ('halrm:rn of th<> Tu·kMH :1rc $~.IHJ pe r cou 11l e, a nd will ac ·o r,li~n <'.o nteiJ l!>I whose name wlll h• · or1 Mu le th1• we,-;k followlnJ.: F.a1tter tw nnnourwt•tl latPr . , ,·ri,•:.i llo11 - Ml~ nH and hulletlnH wlll ltP1 1 11 e~1s Cur t:ntr y hl:rnks and 1ht? l• · II wlu•rc an d wht•n. Th" orcheHtrn hro,hun• NJlltalnln,:: <:om rl e le con- IH .Jimm y J1tnH'H, whos(! outsl1111dlng l"st lnflir 111at1011 !'lhoulfl be address e,1 11erfor11H1ncc uml JSell•cllo n o r mod- to: :",;ortheo1lltern \\"lsconsln ~lu sk crn nurnlic,rs 11INtsl.'d :1 11 thoti(• nll e nd- Fes1ln1l. Hecr eatlon De J)t. . 843 :,:'ln1h Ing the Inter-Sorority Formal In Street, Green Bay . \\'I Mt·ons ln; or call January. t:, •c rythln g irwludcd. It Hf ; )fl ock 5-37f.G. i,;oun d M like un ev<! nln,; to r<!mcrnber. ou g ht at lenst to ,;Im them time to nt11 ·1111J1 blundt:rlug a way out. The chlcr fault8 or th e e,·e nlng 0 11 pre11cntatfon were Uio s hortness or the three pJay.i, and tbe content or {he plays th c ms el\'etJ. A good posltl\' e comedy or melodrama would ha"\ 'C ap- pealed more to the audience. On th e credi t side shou ld be me ntio ned the e ft ecth-e setft, the well-planned st age mo,·ement. and the utie t S:cto ry per- fo r mance, ot the charac ters In gen- eral. Len dln i:; thl.' lln c-u 1 l wlll ho John Jones. Junior ('Ins& J)r('11JdP11t, and b is tlancec. Mnri,;f> Kf erc r. Othn Junio r Class officers uce Di ck Spindler. vice 11resfclc11f; al S11ra ngcr, ftCc r lJ(ary; Bob Prl e ll11 1 1. treuuro r: an d Nona ~tartenH, student cou ncil repreHnt a- live. Also In the lino- up will be Lou ie Kor th, Senior Cl ass prettlden t. F or yo ar Eas ter Vacation medit a- tion .•• and for your me mor ies . It's CSC'l!I Junior PTom.

1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole

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Page 1: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole

Wordsworth Winners Announced Music, Maestro, Music \\'hut comes to your mind when

By S·1gma Tau Delta Fratern·1ty ,·ou hen, the term "pluno Instruc-tor."'! Uo you think of the comic-

Th(' wlnncrs ot lhe uu nual \\'ordl'I· time In '.\Jay. Anyone who wli;ht!S charnct£r t earing his long hnir :tnd

l · worth writin g contest hnn~ bt>t:n an- to purchase n co11y at th a t tim{' ma y ~:~:~tgToh~1.\ 1~;1;~~:ir~\~/i'\e0 : 1:i:~:~)~ nounct-d. The wlnnlnJ; 11rosc selec- do .so . but nil ~tudents are fo rwarnf- t.l ,nnh;h trom your mind I( you COTIH' lion wns wrilt('n by ~lary Ann C':1m- thnt only l1 llmit!!cl will bf' J)rintt"d to Donald Rupert's r~clrnl, )londay. he r . a soohomon,> In l11t t rm e:cllat1'• so th:n th ey n re re mlmlt,d to bu)' Ai1rll :!9th, '.\Ir. Rupt•rt, the llinno l"ripe r Eleme ntary Educa1ion from th el r 11 as soon :H1 th e antholo~lts art- -l,!istnwtor In ou r muslC' dc (mrtment. Krakow. The \\"Inning 110,•try st•l1•(·· l)rt.'.'!.E.' llted fur !'alt>. The 11rict· of the Is i;h·in ~ hl:s fir!.t recltnl in Stevens

:t1011 wnM writt e n IJ)' Robert (Bohl nntholoµ-y in n.:ct:n l year:s hus IJc·cn Poin t 0 11 thnl day Jn the College LI­Illckinson · a so11homore ill Lett crn '.?:i('· The ontholoJ?:it•s will J>robnb- brary Thf'atrr at S:00 1,.m. a nd Scie nce from \\"au1>nc,1. E:ach ly ht: >10l d nt:nr th e nrnln bullc>tln Thi"', howe\·er. is unt h f,; first J)nb­of the "· inncr8 will receive a cai:;h board on lhe seco nd floor. or the li e npJfparnnce al Stevt:nff Point sloct• award o f five dollnrs from th(• SiJ;- college. Thoile interestt•d mny wntdl ht: 11lar8 111 nno with tht· Ste \'<! IHJ Point ma Tnu De lln Fraternity. The win- for notll'e lJ of sa le in tht: l'uin tf'r or Synq ihouy Orc ht:1Jtrn . He oh;o !'t:r­nerl!. were cho:ten from among mnny around the coll ege. rorrncd h •re with the Wausau Or-entrants and were· l>icked hy a fht! Thf' unde rc ln!lsmen mnv nott.•. a~ c h(·:-tra. m e mbt•r judidng committee of th e an afterthought. that no ;,11perclni,is- ·lh· will J)lay· the following sdcc-Sl~mn Tau Oel tn Frate rnity which 111 n won uny award. tiuus .\l onday: annually SJ>Ol)HOrs the contest. Hoth Ir you ha,·e any th e me~ that were 'Tonw, God C:n•ntor·· !Jy Bach ~~~r~~smr:~:;:~I a u111inimous ,·ote or written to; th is yenr. y~u ;nny be "Sonutn In I) major, K. j70"' by

Tlu•r t· wt•rr :1J,,.o rwo J1 11 11 o r11bl1• mentions nnd a s1>eclnl mention. Thf' Honorable tnentions were wo n by Lucille l-lnrris for n 11octry selecllon.

wil:le 10 i,i:we tht•m tor next-yenr's ~Jozarl · Words worth conteti l. Who knows'! You may bl:! a winner. "Sounllt In C :'llinor, 011. 27 Xo. 2··

by H~dhOn!n Olounlli,;ht So nata)

and Xnnc>· Konk ol. a rreJJhmnn, tor Counsell Named Coach :1 JJro!Je !Je lection. The specia l 11\l'n·

··nha1>sod)• In B Jliuor'" by Urahrng '"Xocturn e In 't• Jlajor·· l.ly Cho1,i11 ··u:1llade in F .\llno r ·· by ChoJJ ln

Bob Oitkin1on ond Mory Ann Comb er w,;, onnouoted 01 wlnne,1 of the onnuol Word;.

wo,th wriling tonleO by the honorory English frolernily Slgmo Tau Oelto. Thei r

writings o long with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeo r

in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole in o few

week 1. 't lon went to Jim )lllh·r tor n pro1;e Las t we,•k Uuune ·oumu:11 wns

l'ntry. The award to Jlrn v,·as u llnr- 1rnmcd the uew CSC football coach ---------- ------------------------ ---­ticular award tor u particular tt lYlt• 11~ succt•K1>or l~ John n.ohcri::J. Coun­or writing and cun be rated Cfllllll !!(:II brln?t> o , ,0 3 wlnnrng l)t' rcentnge with an honorabl e nll'ntlon. J im )Ill- to Cemral Stat£'. In six years of ltr is th e only u 1, 11er classman who coaching, ('ou nsell hai,; seen his

• rece l\'ed any recognition. The hltit l •a ms win ,tj and Jose 19 while tleing t hree nnmed awards c:irn· 110 moru•- 2. Lust ye:1r hl!t \\",e1>t Allfs Central 1ary award. · lNtm rlnltihCd with n 5-3 record which

The names ?r the mombe rs o f tht• :;::~'i ~l~:~e;:~~u~~;1t:.:,.r:~1;ll~ll/~t~~::!~


1tie:POINTER Juth;lng co m_mutee nre: J ~rry )h1tll- l'onfcrt' nct·. lte tore goi ng lo West sor•, Sall): :'111ller. 1110 relation to Jim Alli!'!. Couni.l'II was head COllch nt his ========================================~ )!Iller). Gntrude Hosenkr~nz. Robe rt home town or Whwonsln UellK wh e re SERI ES VII VOL. Vl Stevens Poim, W is. April 18, 1957 No. 13 Prndt. and Jere miah L. Farre ll. hi !i tearmJ h11d a ·Hl- 16-2 record. ------------------------------------~-

Tlw \\' un b worlh ('o n tt•, t . which Is .\ t \\' i,(·0 11 ,1 11 U1• lb. Co un sel! wan nn ann ua l c\·t·n t s poni;ored by $1J;ma ulso h(':td b:111k e Lball _conch nnd hnd Tnu DP!ta Frat t:rnin•. drt>w man y ist:n• ra l finu teum:1 includlni,:: the en tri es. The me mbe rs are esl)ecla lly 1955<,G liff\llHI which lmit out to S11uk thankful to anyone who hel111:d In - l'lty. one s t e 11 nwny from the i; Latf> rl uence others to J)articlpat e In th l' tourname nt. Couni'tell nlso co:1C'h d contf'st. The ~qtrnntity or ent ri ei'I wus lmseball, track, gol r nnd ,·0111.:yball on far beyond what was expected. thl' high school Jevt:J.

Any persons who entered this year. Counsell i,;racluatcd from Central but did not win. nre !Hh' ise d thnt they Stnte In l!H!) . !Jc Ii; 32 years old nnd are eligib le to nt e r next yenr·s con- Ii; marri ed to anothe r CSC grnd. te8t. They are re minded thnt with Wanda Toftion, who also hulls from 'the added k11owl1:dge or on contest W isconsin Uells. They have two Lhey are ln a better f)osition 10 win J;lrl~. a~ e si x and four.

• nt-xt renr. Also. they may i.ubml t n:1 \\"h ih· at <"t• 111rul Sfll lt•, ( 'm 111 ,1·ll mnny sto ries n:11 th ey like. 1,layed ,,uarterback on the 194 8 foot-

T he 1111 b ll t·111 lo11 or ll lf' a utlu1lnuy bnll team. That year Counsel! made made up of se le('led writlngis from r1uitt! a name ro r h imself. ll o Inter­this contest. Includi ng th e win"nln,i:: Ct:lll£•d u Jllllht and downed a Point contrilrntions, will 1,;o on sa le some- kickoff In the e nd zone for touch-

.. downs in csc·s 27·0 opening win on•r Jflssion I-louse. lie combi ned with

New Conservation Teacher Phil English to 1111ark a 1>11stilng gumc that sew IO o f I :i con111letlons for nenrl)' 100 )'ards In the 22-12 hom e­coming win O\'er Platte\'llle. lie ln­ter1.:e11ted a tlat )lass and ran 18 ynrds ror a TD In the 21-0 win o,·er

C.s.c.·s ConKerrntlon Dc11:1r tme n t will 110011 profit with th e addition ot Pnul Yambart to lt'11 teachl111. s tnff. ~1r. Yumbart come11 to O.s.C. after three years of teachlnf: biolo,::)· and Oshkosh. He fired a pass co,·erlng

Melody and Voice: MUSIC The Sternns Poi11L Syuq1huny Or­

chest ra will p;,.-rrorm In the coll ege auditorium at S:00 11.111. on At>ril :!;jth. This is an amateur org:rnlzatlon c0111 1msed of local 1111u:1lclans and se,·­ernl co llege student~. Josenh B. Hen­ry •if th e music deJ)itrunent Is con­du cti ng it. This will be th('ir second con<'~rt ot the season.

After th e orchstra 11lays ··Q \·er ture in U. )fojor·· l)y Handel and .. Sym­phun~· in B )tinor {Unfinished) " by Schubert. )I r. Robert )loore (nlso or CSC's music· department) will si n~ some 01,cra1 le se le1•tlo111s, I.fed er. and wil l end with ·· 1 Got'. Ple111y o· Nuth­iu·· from l'orJ,!)' uml B1• .. s . ;\Ir. )toore h1 the new \·oice tenchf>r at College. This will be his first 1rnbllc a11pear­:1.1we ut Ste\·ens Pi'ilnt. After )Jr. )foore·s 1>erfor111am•c the orchestra will close with " L' .\rlls lcnne Suite :',;u. 2" by Biz.et.

Tickel'i mny he )llll'Chasr>d from )lurt~· Thomas or at th e door . Adult ti ckets are $1.00. s t1ulent 1icke ts are 50c.

conscnation at Ann .,\rbor (~1lchl- 52. yards to Tommy Curry and also

::11~11 ~

11:tr\·:t::\ ~:~;;i~~:•r~:e~1~~~ :~o:ec~:u ,:1'tu r:~ ab~tb"r!~~~=:\!"~~! One Acts in Re~spect

tl\'e for the Uoy Scout lJ. He wl) I ai:;- Pointer's 28 to 13 loss to DeKalb of The Colle,::e Theat r e one-act pla)·s. l!Umc hi ,; new duti es hne arter En11ter llllnob1 In the Henson finale. 11ret11.:nted 011 Wed nesday nnd Thurs-RecesM. )Tr. Yambnrt was recently In So ( 'oun, dl t.·omt":, to Pu lnh·r lund dny e ,·enlngs last wt•(lk. 11ro,·<•d enter­the "Poi nt" ' Ion ,; e nou g h to make nr- with a brllllanl ca reer behind him. tnlnlng to the good-sized 111111ience in r a ngements ror hOUtiing nnd to tak e Let·s wis h h im s uccess in hi s new job attendance. The 11rodurtlon11 ghowed one rorcstry lab . for a Field tr!J) lo and hope he brlng11 us th e team which much hard work e:c 11cnded o n lh t! m th e ~1cUIII Lumbe r Compan)·. wlll mak e Poin ter grad and stndc nts by the 11tudent dire torM. cn:;t and

) I r. Yamhart earned his R.$ . In c,·e rywhere 11roud or CSC. crew. J\ ny ad\'er1,1e c riti cism should F'orestry and \\'lldlife. JI.S. in Gen- ~----------~ he related to th e .Kl'll(' ral lmmaturit)' e ra! C'o'ngenatlon. )I.A. In Con11crn1- or Inexpe ri ence of l ht' ra1,1ls, and tu

tlon Outdoor Educ:ulun and Is cur- Primary Elects lil t.' faults lying within the plays rently workin;:- for a Doctorate in The results of the election o r o f- th" lll!Jeh·es. Conserrntlon. a ll at th e l.inin: rslly or ricers for Jh'X t fairs Junio r Croup The firs t play. J . JI. Harrl e·s "Sf'v-

,t Mlchlgnn. o f Primnry Cou ncil are mi follows: en \\"om<>n." w;1s directed by Betty When hC' returns to Stt.>\"Cllll Point. President. )lnril)'ll Eskrltt: \"Ice J ordan and Jt•r!'mlnh L. Farrt-11. ,\ 1-

.\lr. Yambart wil l be accomJ)anled by Preside nt . Ann Yost; Treasurer, thouJ,:h of rn(•dim•re dramatic callhc- r .

~~:. "~~~!ic~~= ·l:or~.~1-1d one daugh- Emmy .\lilla rd . ~l~l1Jl~~~;1;'/t,:~<!.~111~::~~'.y ~~~~·:rcnt~Jc~:.

Pictured obo•• ore three of CSC', Your,g Democ,oh who weie elected to .io te oHic~

ot tM recent Young Dem Stole Con•enlion in Milwoulcee. Leh lo right they o,e: John

Hoyword. odminhtro tive re pt"eMnto li¥1; Jer ry Modison, 1to te d,oirmon ond Ne~I .

Grffhling , M• enth di1trid rep,-eMnlo tive.

in the fprn ale !Pad, showr11 rlm,hes or rlM"t."rn('jlilll in many or he r lines. Th(' i;:cneral fl lnJ:: (> ap pt'aranrc> waw i;ood. t:nlqu c :.imong the three J1J11ys In thnt It hnd n i;:Pnulne plot. ··sc\·ion \\'om­tm" endc1I wi lt.I e,·.._.rythini,.;- arrnngNI Katl sf:1rtor ily fo r th e nudle ncc·s bene­fit.

l-;oliowlng this was Ali ce Gnsten­he rg'k ··O\'••rtc.mes." dlrectt'd h)· Bar­bara nowt·n . .\lar)' Lund :and Uonna Trh•kf'y. Thl!I play Wt)!'! WPII pPr­formcd. with thf• cx<."1·ptlon of n rc>w blundN-14 Rnd l'OlllE"-f!li~ht1tl ffneH In thP \1111>8. Thf> tou r chnr:trtPrs W<'r<' con,·lnclng In lh f!l r partft. both In actln,:: nnd :llll)earunce. S1u.'<!lal c redit 11hould IJe ~h·en to .\lary Anp Camber for the "s1iark'" which she added to th t: J)rt:scntntlon.

La!! t on the e,·e:ning'H J) rogram was Te11n cn1:1ee \\"l ll lams·s " I.ad)· of Lark­spur Lotion", directed by Sharon Ze ntner. Containi ng the bt:Sl acting o t th e ·en:nlni:. this play rt:atured f.:mmy .\lllla rd. Hosemaric Stelnfurth and Thomas Gruman In Its three rol es. The set wiu, convincing wi t h a minimum of trappings . The blg­geet weakne111 was th e lfbortnen o r the'. play - Wllllamft. ftpeclall zlng In clrcumetance - t rapped ln d lvldu alft,

Music Festival . Set On~r SOO Non hwcstern Wh1cons l11

)ltu;k F'es th•11I bulletins were 1:1e nt hts1 week to persons who w •re e11-1rant1:1 in last year's t"'esth·ul nnd •.o 1hose 'who re11uested Festh·aJ iuror-11unlon this year. The lmlletln lhitcd the contest music which 11111111 be 11rr>­purecl to enter the cnntesls.

The 12th ~\nnual :',;ortllc:1stern Wiscons in )Tuslc 1-~e1J ti\'nl will 1.)e heh! In Green Bay un Wednesday, Ju11 c 2G. The Fes th·al lg 8JJU nsore(I by the Green Buy He<: reatlon De1mrt111eut. a divi sion of the Board of Park Com-111lsiln11erg. The l-'e8th·a J i!i a 11rell -1111Jrnry <·ontein to 1he Chlcagoland )luslr F" s ti\'al. \\"inners in the loc·al

~;:::e=~~~:~te!l1~1:~;::~. ?i:i~ de:ulllne date for e11trles In the (:reen Hay Conu.>st h:u1 bePn 1:1et for Thur~1l11y .. lune 1:t . 1wo wcoki, 1Je­r111·1> the prt.>llmluary ,·o nl('K I,

Th(' are11 01wn for 1:nl1111e1itlo 11 will lnducle the fullowlu~ t·oun1i e~: l!rnwn. Shchon:an . f"cmd du l,ac, \\

0 11us h:1rn. \\"huwha~o. ('alumet, :'lla111to\lo"tw . l'ur la~t>. \\'aup:ll'n. Out:i­..:.muh•. l-i:(",,a,rncl·, J11JOr. :'l lu ra th un. Out>ida. !=,:IJawanu. Oc•u11111 . J.lnr11ln. l.1111i.:lail t•. V111'f>!ll. )lrtrin('lll'. Flor­~·111't•. \" ila s . i1n d th e lowe r half nt ~lt·nnmiu• e. )lidli,1e1rn.

Jack Frisch Awarded History Fellowship

One of CSC"H I !l:iG i:r:tduateit, Juck Frisch. h11s recently been uwnrded a Uni\"C•rslty l-'ellowshi p 111 h lMtory fron; the nl\'ersity or Jll l11 0IH In Urbana, .laek hug Ileen 1cad1h1J.: this 1m:-.1 y1.:a r m HeedshurJ; , WIK .

The t,·e 11 nw11h ip lnrltule!i a ktl Jl 1111 o r $ 1200 ;111t1 1111 tuitio n fe£•k for two fft•mes lcrff nncl lhe following s u111111er HCK.•111111 .. As a 11lem.i111t ror1ulrement, Jar·k Is to do no senfreK u111ler the terms or I he t'ellow11hl J) ; he m ust only curry 1.1 full load or 111:adem lc 1mbJecu1. Sin(•e, the Univ("rslty ot Il­linois was lOJ..'H on the list nf about 211 sc twol M tu which Jack a1111llecl. he was es 11ecln lly 11lcused Lo Jm,•e thliJ orrer come from the re. The M<:hool hUJI a library or 1hreu mllllon vol u mes, with 1111 e:cn!l lcnt deJ)art tnent .uul ar­rangements In .Ju1.: k'11 fie ld of Social and I ntcll ect un I A111 erfcnn II h1tory.

J:ick lntend:t to he back In the co l­lege fi eld ttome duy. for hlK pu r pose In gol nJ: to ,::raduate ffc• hool ht to t:\·entun lly rC·t·e lve a Ph . D. In hlslo ry 111111 to do tiorne culle1,;e tc11c h lnJ.: , The 11 .. s t or 11wk to him!

111 1:;~;;;;i~:,r 11

.'/1\~11• ~ :~1e,:11!:',

11t: \~::~.

1;.:;~:; Echo of The Everglades

111 u (•hoke or 1<·11 1IIHPr•·111 rn!l·e c· l11~- To Be Junior Prom Theme siflc-111lon!-: 1 J111r11~c·11 11f I '"• or mflrl! 111 ,. 111 1,f•f'!!': adul l arul Jun•nllc ,·o ,irer1 ~ln yhe )'Ou wou·t. huve to gel o u t l,anil s: a•·ror<lluu hands iu 11u·t·c ,.1 118• your o ld J::rllKI! ,;klrt - but It 1111,1::ht

~·;~j ;::~.:~1,;~:1:/ta~11~\1lc;:~:~nro;w:~1i';::~ :1:::: ~::tt;1~~n~:uos1\:'~!l~hf:•·~::~· ~o; wiih dhi~ion ~ for :Ill :, ~,..... thf• hi,:: e\·e nl of th e t1c hool yenr .-

TltC' F£• .. ri,al .... 111 11 .. (1,r uuiatPur~ CSC'H Junior P.rom. ouly: au :1111 :ateur heiui.: dcfiucc.1 :&'I The l'rom thiH year has a ·unfquo 1111y J)t:rsou whoi.e J)rint"ipul menns of th Pme: t:c ho of tht· E,•1·rAla1leH. Thht ll\'clihood 111 ohtalned hy nwuns other th t• nit•. howM'(' r. hns ·110thi11g to do 1111111 s inJ.""in,:: or 1ilaylng. e,·cn Ir he o r with thr~ pri \"tllling culyl)MO c:-raze: nor ~he· from time to time a('re11ts s tl11ent1 11rt11aJly with i,;rasM s klrlK or c rof'o. or honor:irlu111 for mu~k:.il s••rvlf·r•H dilc!I. But it Is the ,w1•11••1wttc r ro r rend~ rcd . rin ev1•11i11J.: o f cy11rr>t1M tri"'"· natlvo

At1slst h1g \'crnon 11. KriPsc r. f'e!I· d:iu(·r•r Hll houMtt·~. n11th•1· mn1tks.

~::; 0 ~·~:~~;•11:::.



1: ~ , Xow for th1• foctual 1;1t~rmntlon.

Lh·al lllre<· tor. wil l t,e I, . A. Skorul<'-


drumH, and 111111rh from 11 ~raflfJ hut.

1111111 of Choral and (llano con tes111 : fhe date ht :'\lay ·t fro m . !I 1,. 111 . to L :'\Ii i,.!' Lu c-Ill" )l e uMP I. (;halrm11n ,•twal a ._m. Thf> 11J11ri • Is lhl' ;,,;('w Armory. ,·oniM.i": :ind th e ('halrm:rn of th<> Tu·kMH :1rc $~.IHJ pe r cou 11l e, a nd will ac ·o r,li~n <'.o nteiJl!>I whose name wlll h•· or1 Mu le th1• we,-;k followlnJ.: F.a1tter tw nnnourwt•tl latPr . , ,·ri,•:.i llo11 - Ml~ nH and hulletlnH wlll

ltP1111 e~1s Cur t:ntry hl:rnks and 1ht? l• ·II wlu•rc an d wht•n. Th" orcheHtrn hro,•hun• NJlltalnln,:: <:om rl e le con- IH .Jimm y J1tnH'H , whos(! outsl1111dlng l"st lnflir111at1011 !'lhoulfl be addresse,1 11erfor11H1ncc uml JSell•cllo n o r mod­to: :",;ortheo1lltern \\"lscon sl n ~lusk crn nurnlic,rs 11INtsl.'d :1 11 thoti(• nlle nd­Fes1ln1l. Hec reatlon De J)t. . 843 :,:'ln1h Ing the Inter-Sorority Formal In Street, Green Bay. \\'I Mt·ons ln; or call January. t:,•c rythln g irwludcd. It Hf; )flock 5-37f.G. i,;oun dM like un ev<! nln,; to r<!mcrnber .

oug ht at lenst to ,;Im them time to nt11 ·1111J1 blundt:rlug a way out.

The chl c r fault8 or th e e ,·e nlng 0 11 p re11cntatfo n were Uio s hortness or the three pJay.i, and tbe content or {he plays th c msel\'etJ. A good posltl\'e comedy or melodrama would ha"\'C ap­pealed more to the audience. On th e credi t side shou ld be me ntio ne d t he e ftecth-e setft, the well-planned s tage mo,·ement. and the utie tS:cto ry pe r ­fo r mance, ot the characte rs In gen­eral.

Lendln i:; thl.' llnc-u 1l wlll ho John Jones. Junior ('Ins& J)r('11JdP11t, and b is tlancec. Mnri,;f> Kferc r . Othn Junio r Class officers uce Dic k Spindler. vice 11resfclc11f; al S11ra ngcr, ftCc rlJ(ary; Bob Prle ll1111. treuuro r : an d Nona ~tartenH, student co uncil repreHnta­live. Also In the li no- up wi ll be Lou ie Kor th, Sen io r Class p rettlden t.

F or yo a r Easte r Vacation medita­tion .•• and fo r your m emories . It's CSC'l!I J u nior PTom.

Page 2: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole

Money Answers Thl' Sludeut Acli\·ity Fund Commilt"I' ha s bf't•n nwnin~ morf' frp­

qu ntly in the (llllit ft.ow months in nn ('rrort to (•stablish m•xt Y<•ar't1- nllocn­tio n s. Thf•Y art• 11tt<'mJ1ti11~ to d••U.•tml nc wh c tlll'r t he I :!.:ii) s tudl"IH acti\·it)" f t•t· !)t.'t Sl'lll"Kter will bf' ~ufrid<:nt ror next yPar. nud Jufl:t whut or­gnn izn t lons shou ld f:t't how much or this f('c.

This hi , o ur rnon C'\" t h o.L tlH•)" arc \\'O rk in~ w ith. u11d we• of th(' 1'ol 1111•r feel that It 1; only logit~al thnt C'SC M11d l.' 11tfl should he lntt•r1·stcd c 11 o u.1; h to n.t t E>n d the:;e m1•+·tlu ~s. Somt• ~tudent!; do attend :l~ do i 11t t.' r t•k t t•d tnc u lty mcmlwrs , but mort• o r tilt• i,, tudl·nb1 ~houl d co me :uul t~:(Jlt•·~s thei r 0 11lnlont­bcfo r f' till' rflmmill<'f'.

Trut•, th•: S,\ PC hafl four st ud f•nt. t t' lltN•t· ntath·t-:; on It hut l hf•!4c few s tud ,•uUl c>:1u·t hr l'Xlll't·tr, d to kn ow ~t ud c- nt 01, iu ion 011 :tll of th(' <fU C)I· liona thnL (•01111· hdon· th1: co mm ltt1'<•. It iz;: 1inw wu too k l hC' Qtl('Stlon or " wh C'rc: our 11100,•y ,:01•1," out of the n •:t l lll o r lh l" <·o rk<' Rh o11 rlliscu:J:,ion .l :ind take adva11to)'.:.t' or lt•uruln~ NOUll• ur the 11 11sw"rs Lo t h h1 qucHt lo n h~ att('11dl11~ thv SA l-T llH ,·tlll~N. J , :11 . )T.

L T Th Ed• ·1 Third Floor. '.\lulu BulllllnJ: etters O e ,tor ~entcal S tate C"ollege. I Dear Editor: I Editor or l::it~~;\':~l~~:'.~ll , W I!>.

It Ii- with mtlf'h thou~ht aud d1·l' II First Floo r . '.\lain Hu lldln.i:. I conct•rn th:11, I 11n1 wrltln::: 1hl -.i lit · C,•ntr;ll Stul•• L'nlleµ: l•, tt•r. You ~•·1·. \\;•· !t,I\P ;i iir~bJi•m ~ll·\·('ns Polut, \\·Is. Thnt'is ri~ht , m•. 1 h.-r, • :1n• (1\1' 6t ll,•;:1r i.:dilor : u ... -:-1:wod h, ·:1llhY~ wholi ·~~nu· . J.:ootl- .\ ... a lifl'-lon~ rf':;.ld1•ut or th!" 1'.'0l· lookm~ rnl-l il<i,~ilt·tJ

1A 11rr1;·•;u l•t·s. 11·~1·. I :nu all for i1111irO\'f'tn!•llht nnd I

Al 1(:ai-,t Wt• 111wc to H' 11 ·a L ir. \LJt j J)ro~n·s". :i~ Jon~ n~ tht·,· ar,• for tilt' f insl h:l mt· t1·II }ilU m.y i. toi·y. · ~nod of M·1.·ryour. But ·1n~l :i1nnd11y,


four o r U 'i. :incl Wt• Wt·re mo rl' or !{'~n flrl'=l floor. 011 my usunl mornlnj: Port of the lti"dergorten or! di1ploy prepared by CSC's orl deponme"I is shown obove. The depor1me"t'1 di1ploy, shown in 0111·1· 111,u •_• a 1h11P tlwn• w.-rP o.nly ln.s I w.1s wln.;ing nt}' woy down t.o

( mo1'1llY lt·~"I known /11'1 ti\\• "Bl~ rounds. J was hllnded hy n ~ren t dC'n\ the librory, i1 one of the mo"y which they hove preporsd throughout the yeor.

G uys rrom !1:!I '.\l ulu Rtrert ... Then o r lig ht in the formerly durk cor- Al • B bl A d H H dentlals :1n.• kl•11t 1111 to dnte. Aloy-

{,';"~~1,:~m;~/!~::~c:1 ~~I f:1;.~· ::\;'~::~ I ridi°~~.i:ht~:~r~/ ~~'::~ stud e nt !' tnlkln ~ oys1us ean ossom ii ow e :~u~,;~~111~11:~~ g~~1::,~

1\~~~:;1~°u~~ f,~~-: ( or th l' " Ulg Guyi." :tl ~o. W,• thou ,i: ht I a hout ~onw n~w Dor- Brite li gh ts. so E . d Th T h• p f • a ny cli f(!c ultr 11ro\·l tli11 g thr.: u1111or-il WII S ti t1W1•JI ldf•n, hut WC' jUSI I 8 UJ\110.$l' t.hllt S whnt lhOlie ))OWCrful ntere e eac 1ng ro ess1on tuuity for hllll tO l<C',' llrt ' a nothe r )10· f'ouldn't sf'<'lll to fine! room rur him I thin,!.'s are cn lled. I hnt e to ndml t li lt.Io n. If h o de:iln.:d to mnk o use o r at 9!! l. liO du•• to t.>Xlt·u uall nJ: rln·um- th l~. as it s huwis how istn11ld I nm - T h rl'l' years nftcr AIO)'Slus Denn- wutJ lil'lll to hi s home tow n for 11 uh llc- this iirh·l h.•st.• whi<:h th<' offi ce 80. i; t:ml'f'S we :i ll harl Lo mon• to .i 11,..w <'!ol fll'Cia lly ror a <"o llege hat - but blossom t'll l <.' r ed _the hallowed hall;1.1 lty 11uri1ofi{'li wh .-.• u he c,bwined that J;l• iwromslr pro\· lth.'s. loeullu n _ Ml 1 .. 1118 would h(• :l hlt• to nll th i!J time I thouc; ht everyon e wni. o r i~y or the mam building a t CSC. lonj:Cd ro r pos ition (ct"! rt ain ly there Sow, 111 a ll ,t•rlou:-nt.•:a, , h•t", Jlln, join us. lh- rt•'!i wlll'rt' t lw troub le disl'.' ussing somethi ng nbou t the stntC' ho d1sco\·c rcd that the re wus a nothe r is a preuy blond the re!) . :md Lb c

11 J:"reat big hn1HI o r ni, iil ouso LO '.\Ir.

~~~~ es t:1':';t T\~~~11;:;11\~-~~~:~~:~/o~\~~ ~~,~~~~!; ,!~;1 e:!a~;~!f1~·t ,~·M::se~l~l~1tg t:; =t~; ::ii:::11~::.~~·111111!111:: -~t~h~10~11~11:11~: ;~~~:~e:\·aN k(' llt in t he ortlce fo r rcr- C:uthnm nud his c rew who .ire doing n

" B h:: GU)'S .. w,111 a Mf•f·oud rl oor room :-Ln te colleg<' w:1s 1mttin,:: In llny-Rrlte School. IL seemed that the students .\luy~111 .., dllln"I lwnr :rn~·tl~~ug ro.~ t~':~1~ ~r




13h~ il

1:1:l ~~~).s::~

~~e th;,:,:~~1l ou/ ;;1!'.f,t::~: ~:·,~~lo~~~~; llg~~I:.:· mornlni this 11:i s t week , J :;~~rnot::~~e ~::se enage~I~!~ ;~~;~·~~~r~ ~\~;·!,1:; :~eh~r~::~1~=~ ~!~ 1~; ri:~:;1:e l achc rs. but al so the L & S g rad-You may s:1y : Whnt·s the matt e r round l):1y-8rl te s11re nding O\'er more - nnd they had 3 rich teacher wh o t each ing. The n. one morning h o was u:ites. with that? IL ~houldn't. IJI.! ~1 11y wors(' o r th e corridors . not o n()· on firs t . but bnd n lot o r " s.en·nnts " he lping ( ???l "'nil s hook ." He dressed In hi s best A little birdie snys thnt th e re­thnn nny oth,•r rnom8 O\·erlookln µ: seco nd ;:ind C\'C'll h1Yndin g )tY her. ( Th is WiUI nctuall)• a Cam 1rns wea rin g 0 111mr el. s ha\'ed, and e \·en Kponsc of the seniors to thi:; 11roced­Slrcets. \\' t.>11. lt>t me l(•IJ you. When FLOOR! Xow, m)' p le:1 .dear Editor, School s tudent' s imJ)reaslon.) combed his hair _ HE was i;olng to ure Is e :cce llent and ,·cry few abuse we fi rst 11\(H'l'tl he r<.", we m~ed to e n- ,is 11tease don 't le t them 1ml a. ligh t ,\loy~lu~ ult...:·rn•tl thl~ 11rot·c1h1r1· have an Inte rvi e w with a s u11c rln- the 1>rh·ilcgc. joy look in }: out th i1 wi ndow :.md on my hcam ! ( It's the 3!lth rro m the fo r a fe w day:;, and he was \'ery def- te ndem: ! ! He had noticed on thC' (Su11enlsors, the unde rgraduates wntchln i:,:; th e cars J.O hy. r nu·d he west e nd on t he ri g hL side. about se\·- lnlte ly iln11ressed. The n. n it or a s ud- bulleti n hoa rd that one o r the s u11 r- didu ' t Intend nny offense !> 1m n 1rl sed ho"· ma ny goodloo kln~ rn nnd n half reet ttll). You ca n easil y de n . he found hlmseH one o r the intl' nd e nts whom he: wan t ed to s11eo k


8 ~~;01~:;.

11 i.":;11

111,th n~~t :1;011

:1~.~·,~ ~:~11~!~


~ n~~1;·;lir~~:t :0u~

1~r f:~~efa:,~ ~·::;~: ~.ts~h~;i~!,:


; h~;?f1; st l~~: t;'~; ;~f/~07··~;rn~o~;.~ .. L\~~1 :~:.11

fm~,:~~~::: The Community Profits when we would b(• studying. If we Hy home, beca use the r e wouldn't be 11rnctlce teaching nnd ns nny ne w m:Hte rs s ul'.'h a s thi s nre all ke11t A community drea ms or enriching

=~t~~\~!'~;';,7~~1~1 ;~ ~Jl~: k\~~;1~\: ~ :~~~~ ~:~;[r1~a; ~ 11:~~~~r:utttl \;~nf =~~11~ ~::. so~~~\.~eokk11 ·~;~~I~\!; :~~c~~~i ~~~ ou~~~Yt~;~:11~::ci'1\'i:1c.~~,;~~~~:i~~-o~~ :~:::1~/!u"~~d!:~e~: 1~~~m~~i°e~, ~:::~ 1;ee what wns co mln i:,:; ort. Xot Just family Lo s tay he re Ill CSC nn d he 1>retly soon the quarte r np11rouched. Kee a ny ,;u11e rl11tc11dc nt hl fJ h i!! littl e Ing the m buck us bu 1:1 incs11 me n, doc-o ne or 11 11 . mind you. hut n il t l\'e If coll cg reside nts. the n tho semest e r . Graduation Day hea rt desi red and nil the 11 u1,e rl11d cn- tors . lnwycrli , nnd teachers. we wcrn a t home. It wa!m't ,·e ry lo ng Thaok 11 ,·cry mu ch. Mr. Ed itor. wa1:1 now. in sight and only te n more dent11 was gl"en a co11111lc te lli;t of the lndlcntlons are t hat. In t eachi ng at before we Kta rtcd worrying about our If fo u could he lp me o ut . I'd gladly cr edi ts or prac tice leaching to· go! CSC g rad untes Crom whi ch they co uld lcalit . It mny be more tha n a d ream! corne r , wond P. r ln,: why there we re n·t name my twe nty-third sr:.rndson arte r Then he began th in kin,;- - " \\'hat reques t to see cerrnln people. if they .A recent tJ ludy ot 630 young high more ncclde nL'i ou t th e.re. It cnm got you. Sincere ly. nm I goi ng to · do a fte r g rnduatlon? wis hed to. school teache rs who were graduates so bad that one ot th e ")Joys", (we 'll Quine)' D. Bat . - I WA:\"T to Lenc h! - How will I We ll , Al qysius s u r \'hted thi s In- o r the Wlscon"ln Sta to Co ll eges si nce ca ll him Dig J im . Just 80 no nnmes P.S. Please te ll the gl rls no t to worry get a Jo b ?" te r\•le w In g-rent s ha11e and wns of- 194 7 Hhows that the old hom e town will he Jm•olved) woke ui• wit h n nbout !:i<> nte of us getting Into the ir '.\Ir. Goth:un o r the PJ:iccmt'nt Of- fo red n contract which he co uld eith- ls stil l nurncth·e .. Almost one out or stnrt In th e middle or th e nig ht, come hn lr an y more th is yen r . as oar nes ts tire kne w Just wha t kind or a 1,redlc- e r accept o r r e ject. li e did not. de- eYe r)' three t eac he rs r eturn to Leac h roa rin g O\'('r to my hed. grabbed Ill)' are all co m1>leled '. nme nt Aloysius was In, and he wns c lde lmmedlnte ly; he talked with with in 50 mil ts of hom e. hands. rf' lt my ra ce nnd said, "Than k only too happy to he li> him. Assisted a fe w more s upe rinte nd ents and the n One out. of e ve ry e ight or the yo un g God you·re a li ,·e... Quips And Quotes by ~l lss Czn11lins kl . )t lss Swnllow. and signed tho cont rnct which s uited him t eac hers co me bac k to the ir owu h igh

Wh e n I l:li'ikNI whal was th'e mnt- CSC co n\'Crsnlion : the !'I UJ)e r visors . ·Mr. Gotham gnYe bes t with a minim um of SlOO.OO iie r school to tenc h a fter g rndunting trow " Tha t's a sad cnse." Aloysi us n li ttle rorm t o fill out. This month - he cou ld hardly lm ngl ne college. Hnlf of the m do not coma

te r . he told me he Jus t had a drenm " \\"h ut Is'?" rorm consis ted of three typed pages hu\•lng a ll this money at one time! back the first >·ea r a fLe r college, but th nt I "'':ts r idi ng wit h him In hi s ca r . " Twe nL)'·four c m11ll e11." nsk lng for a littl e "Info" abo ut bi s Me planned to s tay nt thi s school ror r eturn nrte r n yea r o r two In some a nd we'd had an accident on our • • • pe rso nnl. education a l, and profess ion- two years because ho might mnke 11 " fore ign" Wisconsin co mmunity.. coroe r , and I was killed. I 'm g lad he Allhlograilhr _ f rom White wa te r a l "q uallr lca tlons" ro r n teac hing re ~· e rror~ his t/r~t ~car ~ndll co ul~ Anothe r one out of e ight or the was onlr drcnml ng. S tate College's " Royal Pur11le" : 11osltion . Aloys ius had no trouble on Y rece "e a m te e \•n u~ . on o G30 t cnche rs wond e red beyond the

You are gh·en nn objective test. t illing In Ite ms s uch ns: name, ad- hh:1 Leac hi ng Job. Beca use ls e re- borde rs o f W isconsi n for n Job. They ~

80~ ,~~~~-;

1/1:~ ~1;~


8~~'!·,:~ .. 1t doe~n't let us e xi,ress ouraeh'es dress, t e ~~ph;1~e /::g~e; t ~: : nh:~=~ Gruman New Y·D Head wc;t ~o :

11;1no:s, r,:inn~sotn. I\~lchlgand

:~ ;:;;~~;: :;;:~':':i:::~~ ~:J~~;~ Yo.\~::"il~:~~:n~g:•;:~:i·~~gue; we :!~~•::~~r.~~::,'.":i·~:i::, ':u~·~\ oe:'n.'r~~. ~~:t\~!o::,d~~::,.~~::.~ ~f~~':on~•Jiii.:ti.• '.,!~, •;.;;.:~. to the local ni ght clu bs ror RO me r - don·t know wha t ls e:cpected luck - but It at firs t you don ' t s ue- J ohn Hayward r es igned as he Celt he New tencherH nro Ho ught by school ta.:catloo . Out one the re . we s(art of us. " ceed. try a nd try aga in). birth dnte. could not handle Doth the pres ide ncy o rri cla ls Crom nil ove r the nation lo 'I' worryi ng nga ln beca use we don 't You are gl\'en many more mino r testa,. height. we ight (be was not a re- of the loca l unit a nd bi s posltloo a..t th is pe r iod or teac he r s hortage. It Is want to r un the ris k or drl\'ln g "They keep us on edge, why oot II male, you see), hea lth , physical de- Admlnl strntlve ltepresentnllve lo the a cr edit to Wlscoas ln tha t seven out around our corner whe n the re Is s uch fe w big ones Ins tead ?" . feels, colo r or hair, eyes, and complex- s t.ate orgnnlzatlon. He appointed or eight or he r tencbe rs want to stay heavy trafr lc. Co nsequ e ntly. we ba\· e You are give n a fe w majo r tests. Ion . However. s ome ot lhe questions Tom G ru man to tu Ifill bis unex pired In the ir home s tate. Even more re· to wai t until tra rrl c dies down. whic h "Too mu ch depends on each one." gave .him a little trouble - s ~nce he te rm. Tom will hold office te mpor- mnrkable In this age or easy trans­so metimes takes an awru1 long time. Yo u are give n 00 testa at all. hadn t been lo sen •lce, he dldn t quite nrlly, until fa ll e lections . port a llon and demnnd for teache n, la When we flnntly do get home, we "Thnt's not fair What does be know what number to put In the The next meeting Is schedul ed tor the " pull" the home community

! ~"eh~::i~~g;;~; ~1";u~g: ~:d~e°:a u:: ha.,·e to .g rade: us o~?" :~~:~ce~·~

3~ :a~~so"~:d :r11i~a':u: 1~ ~::!0

~~~~Y;.:!0! e~b~~ar~~

0rof; :'~:~ see;~\~:::;~~ the shortage or teach~

you see they can't blame the "Big Also from· t he " Royal Purp le :.. c ully rem e mbe ri ng In wha t orde r ho computed a t this meeting so alt e ra In a Wisconsin community may Guys" from 839 tor receh·lng nil .. Coll egla t.e Illnesses can be cate- J;te bad ntte nded those nloe grade old me mbert a nd those wishing to ho, oddly e nough, to e ncourage quat-tbose low s lips becam1e t hey s u rfe r gorlzed accord ing to tho day of the schools. And the n the r e was the Join s hould be s ure to attend. Also ltted young people to Jea,·e - tor from nenous t e nsion . week." Al least that 18 wha t the question that asked what e xpe r ie nce on the agenda la the al te r ation o t the college. The grent majority will stay

. school nurse a t Clnrk college In Du- be had bad teaching and le tt a grea t local Coo&tllutlon a nd by-la ws. So It In the state a nd as mnoy na one out .. Yes , '°.'~· you re rla:ht. All Lhe buque, Iowa, says. big blank space - h e had ha d no yo u want to ba,·e a voice In the gov- of three may "come home."

Big Gu)s ha\'e nothi ng Je tt but "First .. says t.he college'K r esident expe rie nce! We ll, a tte r a te w days , e rnlng or yo ur g roup you mus t be Tho study or young teache rs gradu-tbetr original good looks. The good- nurse :.Comes Monday morning Aloysius had just one doubt In his the re. Reme mber our thought tor tho a.ting from WIKcons ln State Colleges neas h a31 dl~ ppeared . and If you talk miser~ A sign 0[ the oos lnught or mind - wh a t it the refe re nces he week : "Arise an d unite agalna t this was made by Dr. 1. w. Schaffe r,

~e!~t~ml/s~:~1:::u'!e:r ~beea : ~;,~e~; th is d isease la the s ight or a colle- ~~it:

1~ ';!r

11ee:o:bs:tu:~:~t:~uM ~~ -eer- fa lse R epubllcao pros pe rity!" Whitewate r.

~:::.lo~b::d~:~~~e. w::'e 8

wr:::1~:m:~ f~:ro:u~~r;:/:r~:~nd~o:~1~r!/~~a~ Aloysi us waa very astonished that VOL VI The Central State Pointer No. 15

And we ourselves don 't know It our symptoms are ,•ls lble Sunda y e vening from this form, not one or two or Pl.lbluhtd .bl·•eck'l; uc~ bolidan ind .cumia.tioll Crl~. •t Scn-eu POUlt, wu .• br tbe blood la red or It we even h8\'e any whe n the atudent feebly algoa In . three, but FIVE sets ot c redentlala •tvd!tt,.~cro!d '!':K.!c':~-cf!!! mal:Cr'}).~"°z,~:z{"!r°tb:u,::i:ff:c ~~k~ ·= ~hcoOU ·, left tor that matte r . we don' t claim The cure? A complete day of re- were pre pa r ed. These c rede ntials u"dtr die: , ct of Much 5,, m,. • to be Americana _ we reel It would cupe ratlon. would be shown to the superlnteo-be better In Ruasla than to be In our ''Fr eshmen and sophomores get denta when they came to the Place- Ediro,-in-cbid _ Jerry )hdilOn 0c:!fr~ condition. '.;~a;!::~1-o;~;t!t!:s~ ~~:d:;;0:~d ~e:l~t~~r~c~~~~~~!:e :::i:e::,e;:~ t;!~~r!::"'~o?~t~ {~j,~11$r

Dear Editors: I plead with )'OU to au rr back0

s , weak knees, unprepa r ed Included (maybe a pretty blond la a ~~c1.,~·;::1tL11s;:u r:~~~: :~~g:1;:: :e:\:i:~.~~~ ;~s~:1':ie!~lu:;u;~~88~zemptlon Crom ~~:::i~t~~ w:ho;~:zle:mb~ ~T.:~~t~~-

tbere 11 , would you ull: the m to seod " Friday, Saturday and Bunda)' are 1omethlng else now - he had give n ~°:Z:'~0;-


their 1uggesllona. It females, come the hea llhleat days; atudentl who seven plcturea to Mr. Gotham and BUSINl!SS STAFP .

~of:tso.;1~ 839 Main Street , Stevena ~!::ve~ee~: ::i:!l :::0 ~nv;~~:~~ ~·~:~~\::::0::tt

0 ~~: :;:::~~~! H,.J~~l!.na~~ll~~eN~:v'J.no..~ - am Hus. w.,, Au Cambtr, GetaJ!I,..

' M.erlyo Habeck noon ." Upon Inquiry, be dlaconred that on~ aw............, - Alls'e Zink : ~_!I~~:!!: A4rilOI _ lolNrt T. ~

Page 3: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole


April 18. 1957

The Lowdown on Library Basement


Ootumenh onyone? Here i1 o portion of the Congreuionol Record1 thol moke up porr of ,he CSC libro1y' 1 documenll iectiol'I.

rt-~istra lio n . Hc me mhe r ~ Sarf.'l y ,iom('o ne. ic tand ln~ In 11ny-your-fr,•s lim· for hourK 0 11 e nd. mus t haw• wonde red what those hooks wer.-. whi ch lined th e Khe h ·eis heCore hi !-! J,:hn~•·d eye11.

For thm,1• who mli,:ht lrn w• w 1111 · 11,•r,•d . thi H 111 r-hl' fed eral d e 110M ltory ,

t orll'al Society. whi ch hll K 11ut these 1w11en, on m it'ro rll m . A ":\'c w York He rald Tribune " collectio n rrom 1830 to th t· I SG0'11 I~ rep reise nte d . Re 11re­i;c11t:1 Lh·" \\"ll!eon11h1 mn te r la l c:in be rnund here In the "'.\lllwnukce Jour­nal'·. co \·cr l n.,; a twc my yea r 11e rlod f rom I !120 to 1940.


American School Teacher The rnrmer's son nnd dau g hter

co m11rlse the larges t si ngl e grou11 or 11c hoolteach ers In thi s country's pub­

De lving With Smith

Student Council Doings By Lilie Brow n

lic schools. acco rdln,::: to a nati onal ~----------~

The typi ca l wo111e11 teach er h1 mar­ried :rnd has o ne r hlld . She nhm ho ld!! at lea.st n bachelo r'!! deJ,:" rC<' and ha:,1 taught fitr-nfbre than I:; Y<':lr!I. nea r­ly el.&:ht year~ in th e syste m wh e re flhe no w ll'.I em 11loye rl .

ft tu 1·1. fl Mhunltl h" n h\'lo uM wlth o11 1 f11rth c1· c_-0111111e u1 , what 111h;h1 d eve· 101•. It h1 11 d ay In whic h nnythl n~ 111 l~ht h :11111e 11 - murde l' , s u lcldt•. Ch'. - I ror one. am i;olnJ:; to s ta r lu bed .

Th" choi r or Centra l State College IM com11lf'tl11J:; Its a nnu a l tour today nt \\"nh(' no. Th e ~ro1111 has trave led 11orthwar1I thlM yea r to an a r ea to which th ey hll\'e not bee n . On Tues­day th ey 11c rforme1I nt Seymour In Lh l• 111oruhu:: and mo ,·('(I on to Preble ll h::h School 111 GrNi n 1lny In th e ll ft l'rllllOII .

\\'edn cKdny mornl ni; ro und the m nt Oconto 11 ntl Wedncsdn y llfternoon In :\larlnc t tP. If nny o r you we re lu cky c 11ou1,;h to h(• wntc h ln,:; Channel 11 , :\!11rl11ett11 on Wedneudny eve ning nt li :t:1 11. yon WPr(' 11ro hahly 1rnrprl sed to he w11 tchl111t o ur CSC choir perrorm­ln .l' Its l~l'l1te:11 offe rin g In Kong. To­fi ny . IK th1• co m1,l ctlon of th e to ur.

Th" c hoi r nnmhcr!I Clrty-three uwmbcrH thlK year. In goin g on tour

I ~Ir. X':!! uame wlll he s u111•ll e tl th l·Y nre cn r ryln,:;- 0111111 unn ual event. u1m n wr itten re1111 e)>I. It I.; Harold Th i• choir w11K o rganized three yearH Crollsh. J u~u hy l)r, llu t,:o D. Mnr1>le un d b u

Perlu111:. KOrnt or you sa w th e \'ls lt· i,;o ne on tour n ll th ree ye11 r 11 or lls lfrr >·1·11rl)· i,1u lu ry rrom t,·uC'li l nl-:" i!I In~ hh::h 11ehool 11e nlor11 the othe r dny. exh1tf' II CC'.

s::.9:l :! 111111 rerresent11 9:-,.::r;, o r her Pe rhap:. ffOme or you e \·e n re m e mhe r The cont'ert wuH c hi e fly co m po11ed totul l11 co1tte. Sh ~ teaches In anele- &h e lnu;·agn iluy when you 100 we re cl r 11t11nlm~ from th e "Crucifixion" menrnry ;rade with ::o 1m111!11 111 h e r irnch II lowly creature. All I wa-1 with ll nrhrn Ada mK nH KOloli.t a nd oue class. She devo teK 9. ';' hnurit a wutch lru; ,come o{ the:,1e prnitiiecth·~ rro 111 " EII Jn h" with Dnrhme Olson as we(' k to 11chool neth·ltle11 In addition s tud Pntll rlJ,, 11110 the andllo rlum for Kololst. llonna Toe 11 11e r 111 th e accom-10 th e regu la r 11chool day . n bit or Jrul1Jc lrina tlon. J was HU I"· 1111nh1t.

Al110 au acth·e church 11\Pmber. Kh f' 11 ri llf'd to 11e,• a eoll ei,;e rre11hmun Hecn uKr- or thrJ Lont •11 Hen11on a nd he lou~s 1.0 ut lea11t twfl oth"r ('011\IIHI· who 111 1 k 11 ow tul111w th em in . "\\ 'hal f•M !1t•eln ll y llol y We>ek . th l~ co nce rt nit~· orgnnizatlon fl. She wu M u111011.i:- 11 re you ,:::o l n,i.: 111 th ere for'! '" I n:ikNI. wn :,i made up t1 1,uc lrlco ll y o r re ligious

!:.;~o \~;:e~ 1:~r ,!i~~r ~·:~~~o;~o1~i°:i~/1\~;·; ~:~,0o~lt ~~';,~.:t~· .~ :· n~;~o~~.~. \\'Z !11:~:1. ~i,'i1t~'~ ,;!·,t~l:i ~;:~g ::11c:i~i:~:~1t:1~~:u:~:

e lection . · "IHI! J waM ~eullu: kinda d l!,1•011ra~c1\ ot th iM holy IIC'UKOn . The choi r 's rendl-lf th ey had iL to do o\'Cr a guln. and I wa n tMI 10 hear thal old 11 nle"I lion n nd l11tc rr1retnllon o f Ho ly

1w 11 ,e 53 ~ t)f th e men ft ald t)l('y rnlk a.i;alu.'· Sc rl 11L11rl't1 HJ' l Corth to muiilc h el1>ed wo uld choo!le teac h ln~ whil e $0. i '; Puhll r Sen·i.:e Deiit. -· This 1~ 10 to d rh'" hom e this J)h aHQ o r Easte r : of rhe women :ia. ld th e }· would . ln!urm y._m that u.; or a f'Ot1J1l e or C h rist lnus lt l111• 11 .

we" kM n;.;o, th e Ste,·em1 P ol uL (' it y fa · ;:s,.,r;.s..,us_'(.~s,;,.,,r;.~~

Nelson Hall Formal Held ~~:;;ic!~,t~!;r~~~:' ~:1t11


t~~~ HAPPY EASTER Cruising down the MIM&ls1Jl 1111l wer('

cou11tea who dan ced at 1he Xel110n Hall rormul. s urrounde d by the111nth! "Showbo111 " Influ en ce. The cou 11le1J dan ced Crom nine to one to· th e m usic o r Ray Kram Pr an d hl11 o rcheMtru .

Ge nera l chairmen we re C lora Col­r u'l and Pau lin e Alm~worlh. Commit· tee chairmen were as fo ll ows. : Tick· e ts. Lil a ,\ blard: Pu blicity. :-:ancy We isne r : n e rrcs hmen ts . n o:1emary Orlchko ; lnYltntlons. Hc bcccn C'olll­,:::an : Decorations . Sh e ri Ti a ld wln , Lois Fied le r . Coro! Butt k e. Bunny ~f a nkows kl. Jenn SteJ)he nsQu , Kaner S1.a lkows kl . Donnii. Mu ell e r , June !loo pe r. :\1axlne Seereldt. nnd Karen Collie r : Clean-u p , enro l llle nrclch .

11 rret~1s nea r 1he ram 1111M. Th t>)" had In· te ndNI to prohibit 1mrklnJ: on nil Mtrec1 11. but they ran ou t o f ~lg ns too "0011, whkh IM unror1umne Mince th e ~~~,;3.,;~,;:,;;~ JlriHonerH uulou a t Wau 1rn11 will no t • 11rnnuruc111re any 111Qre thl!! year. Tau Gems Take Charge of po~";~ 1~~~= :~t1';1~ :th~it:~

1~;:1: "~:~ Activity Display Showcase

sen l'd1 O\'e r the la:,i t t wo weeks, o ur The dls1)lay s howcase t or bulletins Mtnrr h all come up with th e- Collowl n,:; which Is found on the second tl oor of 11!1111ic 10 he fo llowed by the hnrrl ti the main b u ilding ls tnke n car e or by co m mute r : th e Tau Gam ma Uetu sorority.

Plan i \ : C:o out e \·e ry hour and T he Hhowcase la used to advertlao 1110\•e your car to a new location . This com in g events In school activiti es IM pe rhaps the c he11pcat way, bu t lt and Is changed about eve ry two has 1he dl ~ad\'antagc or nrnkl n,:; t h e, weeks. In case th e re nrti groups wlsh­hnr r led commuter e\'e n more hur ried . Ing to UHO the showcnse. permission Is a nd goodne!iM knowM h e'K har r ied granted by tho Tn.u Gama.

wh t' re "ltCtnK" iscnl f rom the 11ntio1111 l 'l'lwr,• u r ,• ubo J>orl1tJ.CI' ( "011nl y J,:o,·l• rnme nt n rc ke ))t. Th eMe "l te 111 :,1·· cou r t n :cords w hi ch dnte buc k to th e ure uot simply o ne o r two Mheets of 18·10'M. The bulk o f th e cou nt y rCt'•

1m1w r: but whole cn t1:gorl eH or 11cri cK ord!-1 there. th o u,:::-h, a rc t11x rolls . of material which co me Crom v11 rl o u11 Three eount if•M a rc solidly r e prei.c nt· gon•rnnwnt burea.u M. From twe nty- cd he re. luclodlng Clark . Portage. Ch ·, to Clfty or th ese pi eces or ma te· and \\'au1111cn. Smaller rpmnt ltles o r r ial com e from th e ,co\·e rnm c nt 11r lnt- o t hf' r reco rds ( mos tlr 11chool ) nrel------------­ln,-: o Ulce daily. <' he amount recel\'ed kc))t from e l,::ht othn t'O untl cH. mc nt o{ th e· lib ra ry - mate r ial snd IK de iiendtmt u11on th e llbrarlan . Xe · The laKt of th " bl,:; roomK Is that more mate r ia l. Wh at 's t he good o r 11,i R. Kamptin gn, o ur H ead L ib rar ian one north or the "T''. ThlK IK n lo nJ:; It ~ Who will e \'e r use It? The pur­

..b i:=r ... h u selected a rath e r broad roo m reac hlni,: Crom th e nook Sto re po11e o r It all Is s tude nt clnKM work c hoice; as a consequence. thl K II- to t e weis e rn m t i! o f the library nn d resea rch . Some or th e fac ulty brHrY i>robably h a& a more lnte ns h ·e base me nt. Right now, thi s Is 11 s to r- are ,•ery Inte reste d In t his t)'l>e o r eollrctl on than most . Rcce h ·ed he r e age a nd catch-n il Kpacc. contalnlnK work ; Kome s t udenu a r e alao. f"or

1~ :, Cull comple me nt o f legh1latl\'e C\"C ryth lng from old biology and Instance , Donald Whites id e , a Juni o r mRterlal - Including e ve r)·thln,:: c he m istry labor ato r y eqU' lp me nt to In Seco nd a ry Ed uca ti on, has bee n rrom th e o ri gina l bills pasaed, all recently r ecel\'ed ma te rial for lhc doing eco no mic 11tudlea Crom tax roll K r t'\•lslona. d8bateK In Congress, a nd library. Th is 111 th e ex pansion space o n Stock ton and Sharoti townships , all Co ng reaalonal r e ports. In this which will probably be Citie d up In Tbls ba11 been an fndlvldual s ludy and room. congreulonal proceedings o r ru ture years. la Indicative o r wha l can be done t h<: red e ral leglslalure (s ince Its be- So we ha"e It - th e whole base- with th e mate rial.

('nou,w; h at It Is. A di splay or seasons, h olidays. and

P inn B: Hi re a ,•haurrer tn drh·e ~~~c ':!q:C::t~:n~l~8

u~:.d;.~/:0~;;~t~ :trnunrl t11e bloc_k all th e lime you pledges have been keeping th e ahow-11 re In school . Besides being some- case up to date t or the aat nine whAt expensl\'e. thi s also causes ra~ :w.ith-J.oy~ hlo~-man-a ·hercowgesre-.:rrr1rtt1 their s u pe rvisor.

ThP. contlnuou K drh·.lng also make• During the war, the Tap Garns de-for dizzy chaurrers. a thin g th'? vised thl• particular bullelln board teamster s union frowns upon . tor the purpose of dliplaylng the pie-

tr ~!:n d;~e!:1~:

0yU:u:a:~r ~~ ~~~r!! ~~;::. ~t ~:;·e;:d

1~r t::e •i:,n:.~~ i\e:;

school this also means that you must continued Its use &8 a project for stu­qult school. but Just t hink how nice dent benerlt. At the preee o. t,, "' bui­lt will be to sleep la te every morning. tetln board baa been anft"0'1& lq the

Now don' t aay you weren't warned'. Big Episode,.

Page 4: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole

Ri1ing, for o tcnue, the ruid•nt1 of ,Oelrell Holl woged o 1v«eufol compoig11 lo k .. p .SC bottl.d coke in the dorrn. A1 the pk tvre 1how1, reolou1 proponent, of Ike idea •"•" worked up enough ambition to get their ideo1 pointed on the fint floor lobby window. W, dOfl' t know who got up •novgh ambition to toh it off th• window.

THE POINTER .April 18, 1957

hnn• an nge range o r 20 t o :15.

Thnt. CSC has a beHry - nnd bnts.

The Coll ege Book Sh o1> Is 01,e n from nin e to t we l\•e O\'C r )' Sa tu rday 111or11lng. •

CSC mny be 11re6e n ll ng a mu s ica l next ye11 r -- with Co ll ege Theatre, 1111u~lc d e 1mrt111e n t an d Orch csh:1 work­lu g together o n It .

1 n t he l ong-dead duys or th e l!)20'K, CSC h ad a Ocnn o f W omen w h o o bJec;tcd to the g irls wenrl ug red ~a r111 c nt 11 o f uny tmrt or sl ieer hlou11e11 - becau1rn It would exc ite th e men .

F'lnnlly (thunk God!), I t 's S1>rl np;'.

.... $ 153 .44


9Cl. 16

585 .00


Page 5: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole

April IS, 195i THE POINTER

SIASEFI MAKE HISTORY Tennis Results Rcs ul u, ot t'tic Sa turday. AJ)r ll l 3,

Allhou g h t he S fA SEFl S e ws has nu: mllers p11rtlc ipaling wit h n 1:;7 1957 tennis meet bc Lw ee n W lsco nsm not l.l. l>Peared In t h e Poinler th!~ yea r , :\\"Crase. Stn te Coll ep;e at Steve ns Point . nnd w e nre s till \" e ry nct l\"C. Ou r co rre- s i,en k ing or "Uawg .. , di d you \\'iscomsln State College nl La Cro~sc. s1>o nde ncc has been h eld U\I hcca. use kuu w Lha t ht: lrns writ!lclJ ·i. boo k Siu~ lt•.. ¥.":·

Diagnosis By


Golf Schedule Released The golf tea m th is year will beg in

ltM t·o m11c t lth·{' senson A1,rll 2 7 with :t fh•e nmn muti: h at \\'bltowate r. Th re was a match sc heduled 1>c ro re "Doc"

l!lee====================e:!!J ~~~~1 t \\~1·~:1n7~~t~e11:(~o 1:~\ ~~\.:~e; : ~~ ot th e tlm~ ·con~um ed by o ur proj- \\·h1ch b :11.11ieari 11t, i 11 t h e 111;:\.~ wee k ·! 1. Tony Koehn - CSC ........ .. 0 ect of the ).enr, \\h lc h hns been s ta rt- ile ha wriuen u IJouk e ntltlt-d · ·How Roger , ·en ·~lde 6

~ ng riots II~ Polnud , Hu nga ry a nd lu Urc.ik 1-'a r" . It i~ a boo k o f t he 2'. l{c nn cth Sa lzwed el - CSC l

r SJlring i 'i s prung. co il ed ht!cn usc th (· o ur:tc didn't oile n ' The~ gm:;:; Is rls . in t iml',

t he_ l\llddl e Ea:;L. \ ~ ha\'e .also been mo nth :.electio n . Fur t bost: luter i::.t- - Burt \\' e th e ........... ........... G ftCll\" ~ In ll lncl.n g Hunga ri a n r efu- ed In 01Jta 111 tn i:;. th is cut n lo'"" wr ite 3. :\l i ke Kublacyzk - CSC .... :? sec& 1.r1 hon_1es m th e United S lates. tu: " ll :lwg .. 'J ;,nucr , ::iaudt;l.l. ll Xo. Rog Dt' rnhach ... ................. 6

W e wo nd ered 'where t he a thletics Is . At t his tim to the re are th e follow-Thu:; beg ins a no t her s11rtng se:i..~1 011 Ing mau•he~ to be 11layed with t1011es

o r athl e ti c:;. 'l' ho team:;,. wh e n they o f mor e later. han? home mcels , h o ld them ut ,·ar.:. Ap r il ~7 - \\'hlte wat,•r (thc ro )

11lus d onaung 100 rier ce!1t. JH1:e 7, \\' h itinb C.:uu mry Club, :5 tcven:. -1. J erry :\tillCr - esc ... . .. .. .. 3 b lood to tho Red Croi--s, a1drng ut l'oiut. ,Ji m Barte lt .. ........... .......... . 6 6

ious !llac~s thro ug hou t th e cit y or :\lay 4 - St. l\'ot hl' rts ( there Stc ,·ens Po m t. and s u r ro u n d ing terr! - .\l :1.)' 11 - Oshkot1 h ( th e re ) flood cont rol o n tlrn P love r R h•cr. 5. Dt nn l:s Dedeck e r _ CSC .. :;

a nd writi ng notes o r cond ole nce to l 'l·! HSUX .\l. l 'l'IE:::t J im \'o llma r ~~~~'i;. wh o flunk ed o ut the fl r:1l sem- :,O: u rbl.ir t .. Xu bhs" :\li llcr for mer u. Gnrr Ou li ckson . gri d iron ercat ot <.:SC h a::i bcc u a11- Ed Ste ng(;r ............ .. ...... . .

S0( '1ETY l>o ublf' :-

Kcuneth Sn lzwe de l ..... ... ... . JJe nn h; JJe d cker

tor):· '.\l n y !!3 - Sta te :\feet (at Oiihkos b) 1· 0 1· all who ure lntc res1cd, :111d \\O Th1.1n• have h c1.m u11uiy co\l cgo st u~

a ll ij h ou ld be. th e g o lt meets nr c he ld ll c u ts who IHwe s lg nt>d 1111· n nd mnny at the St~\·c ns P o int Co un try Cluh. o r Lh l'!W h :i.n~ h nd h l,!h dchool nud ;1 fe w m iles cuKt o r to wn C)n Hi g h way coll (•f;i· C'XJ)~rlc uce. Am o ng those s lg: n-10. Te nnis Is us u:1lly he ld on t h e two Ing n r1!: n:,n· Amumlseu , II. \\'llllam ~ou r ts behind 1he ·d o rm.,. :111N t r uck Is Btw hc r, JJ. J , Crow 11 ::i, Et1 J:1:t• 11e Curlis , s 11ll l bet wee n Sch meuk le F l(! ld a111! Do n IJa niC>lim u , n ,rn J,:dw nrcht, Hl ch-

On th e mo re loi;lcnt socia l si de we hu ,·c het:n as ai;ti\·1:: as e , c r . Severa l or th &. mai u evcnt is we re lhe Christ­mas F o rm a l, wh ic h was a hu ge suc­\ C!IS . w it h o n ly t wo co u11ks br l..'a k ing 1111.

t1umt1::d to u 11os 1t lo n wi th lhe :5t l.l. t c .l.1tl \·crugo 1Jc11t. H us fi r~t ol ficia l d uty L wais lust ::ia tu1·d ay n igill. i u whic h b iJ looK ~d ut num e rous wnllct:; co nt 11 iu-111 g 1dcntlf1cu u u u 1,:.qhtr::1. l Xo mo n­

Roger \·ern~ld ~ Burt Wethe .....

C> wa-S rc11oncd 1111:;siu g.J :\o com­muut u:. yet ha i:1 Ut:t· n h e:.ird 1ro 111 1Jc1m ty .!;i hcri f[ .\lillct.

~- To ny J{ochu ... . .J ~r r r ) tille r ... . . Hog l)t'ruboc h ,

• •• G


G th e fi eld at ~h e h ig h schoo l. .\II t.h c a rt.l !!:rlcki;on , 11. Jl a r rl ugton, Norm r unnlu g e,,·enls are :it P .J . J:1.colJH J{ o h ll, Ca J"! Rroc1>lln. Pat :\lc l nnis ,

1 rie lrl . nn d the j a ve li n , nnd well::.ht D lt'k H :uhJ e, J1a,·ld $Lark. Doug Tau­e ,·cnt!! a re hch ln d th e dorm. llusebu ll u ,~r . St 1.• w:1rt Trull .. John \ 'a nln. Dic k

• The second a nnual S lASEFI ha,· " Pi!c \\'t:c· :5ummct'li has bum hau l- ,J im Vo llma r ···· ...... .... .. C Is 11.tared on t he r!eld Ill Plcl\er. \ 'INtt-1. J o h11 \ 'O lkrna u, and J{ e u • • • \\"a nliCr~k l. ri de wa:s 'o. great i.u ccetoH. A t rio wa~ I Ing di r t ti1c 1m:.t \\l!ck . Ii i: is i n a 3. ) like n ubi u.czyk .... ... ..

tm i)orted [ra m Cu"t,a. whose Ca lY1u:1o b ui;ineiss vc utu re, u. c.; u ll !Ji:l,iug Ca ry Gulicktion ..... ;; COtll'h J ac k Croi;~ a nd Co1u•h A l- Y••s u •rduy t hose wh11 were intc r-

111 uislc e n chan ted th e mu ltitude at- l< a nge , t hree m lles :.oulh of Poin t . Ji m Bartel t tending-. Alu m ni r ro m aro u n d th e T h iis Ii; h is f1r:; t. t ry h t t he hu:.luc:.s r:d Sw nge r ···· ~LALO w re 11re~ent fo r th is occnslon. f1dd a ud It uluy be h is lus..t. i ·otc u-

Cr ... cl B u r re r luok th e ir u~:uns 10 J.u f':ited :lllC'nd cd 11 ~ ro u 11 lf':!11:1011 at lho G Crosse S tate tor a meet w ith t lw Cuuut r·y Club g l\·cn hy th e 11ro th e re.

.. :\lus.cle Te<'lt" men Sntur,1a ,·. The re!lult s we re nol th e best , h u t· Coach

Lacrosse Downs csc C rosi. was tlnall y fo un d ror a few im Luedtk e and Jim S ha fn w ~k l LIU! i;oltcrs uic welco med to 1H·ac­

:.a11g "OayO .. :Htd Ho 1111y Hoi,klus did t il!c o u Lh1s ra nJ;c . .\ Ir. S umme rs 1m.:· his ramo us so n g and dance numbe r . dlct :s a 11ro.::111cr o us yea r rn th is ri d d . After th e e ntertninme n l there we re Some of o u1· m embe rs d esen ·~ siu.:­movle:s and ·a pane l d isc ussio n ou the clal m c uti ou ei th e r l u t he to rm ut " .\liddle Eas t Crisis .. . It was d ec id- coudolc nccil o r cong ratu lu lious , if e d to lea,·e it th e re . ei ther IJ i: a 1111ro11rla tc. ..1~ec Wee"

ATTE~TION GIRLS! The drivc is Su mmers, fo r getting his pictu ro )in 011 ! Be 11re 11 u. red LO go to the s tu1le 11d· thi: .\lilwa~kcc Jouruul ; Uo l) Uos tud. o us SIASEFI S1>ri11g Forma l be ing f~ r coachmg t he \"Olley ball tc :1111,;

, h e ld Lhe 1 1th ot l\lny. rr yo u ha,·e ~\a~·1ie. Uuss, Cor Le lllug ll,W.,lnost lies the 0 11portu i1it)' girls . don·t re fu ise ~11 uu e d a ~· ; Jim Bolding, for getting ir you are as k ed. A notice will be Ill one u1ght las t week be fore one 11ostcd soon o n our mai n boa rd for o ·cioc k ; J ohn Ple nk e.i fo r g etting n111lllcations . so watch (or It. A ma rrie d; Goose Hab1..>e k and Hk h d rawing will be he ld in Xelson Hall :\l;i rko, on th e loss ot Marie ; To m a wee k l)rior to th e tor mnl. So don ' t 'J'ut · , ror hi s discussion ot the Co r­wait - s ign Ull now. Xo stuffing of ru Criseg in Hilnory : De nny Ued ec k­th e application box 1ilease . Rny Cord- e r. Cor th e :!2 root Northe rn that got illg and his band will s piel tor th is away; u ea n c .ayo, uous Tanne r , Gene gala c \·ent. They have jus t coml)l et- Curlis , and Uc nuy Dedl.!c ke r wh o e d n 17 week "Wyuas ha" at the will all be 11roud papas 11rcu/ soon ·

' :,~<~k:~t~;~:i~e~t;sl : .~~ i,~g:: ~\'~;,n: ~ and to r all the othe r S1ASE1"l m~m:

do n't rorge t the da l e , )lay l lth . ~; r:0~0;r;;1:

1~~osr:e! e:!~;·1~d v.~~o r::~:~

The las t meetin g he ld Tuesd ny to do so. April 9th wa. s headlined by Tom Tate, who ga,·e hi s ,•ie wa on th e Soil

"'Bank Prog ram a nd bow we shou ld 11ut our , ·1ctory garde ns to t he ir best use. A collection wa!:l l:tk e u fo r the needy and th e d estitute In th e cyclonl! l.l.nd torna d o d estruct ed a r ~as of th e Un ited Stutes. As in the pni;t. the SI ASEFl's hn,·e ginm thei r ut­most to s uc h worthy causes.

Young Republicans Name State Confab Delegates

Ue leg :nes to the State \'oung Re­publican co nve ntion he re :\1uy10- l:! we re name d at u recent mee ling. Bob .\l cLe ndon . chairman of the Nomina­tio n Comm lu ee . named the fo llo w-iu i; s tude nts .a s d e leg a tes and they we re al)l) roved by the club : Ge rald D. :\le nze l, Ste\·ens Point , :\la.r)' Ann Hu rban . Philli11s. Rodney Jus tesen , :\los lnee, and Ann Hrueue and Paul Ras mussen, Green Bay.

T h e La Crosse track t am d is pluy ­ed its ~rca t s tre ngt h in do wnin g Coac h M:i rrer·s th lnlyclnds In a dual meet at LaCrnsse In' a scorepJ :.1 9. 7 lh to 23 % . The meet was to 11c h e ld here. bu t. 1he anow a nd cold weather to rC'ed the Point e r team to tra,·el Lo La Crosse wh ere there was no s now, but 11l e 11ty of cold weathe r.

'l'ht: l'nlnt c rs w(•re s 1ro 11 i.:t• r than th e IOJlsi ded sco re 1;ec111 s to indicate . Lacrosse Is o. Jlh yslcal e ducatio n ma· Jo r school and h usn·t bl!e n hnm1>e red hy th e had weather as th e Po inters ha ve.

Bill Promine ))rove d to be the top 1)erfur111e r by c:a J)turing tour firs t pi nce!'! and 1,we nty points . He won th e 100 . the lo w and hig h hurdles , a ud the broad jum11. Promiue took o ntr one lea11 in the broad j um11 and sai led o,·e r 2 ~ feet.

The Pointe rs too k on ly 1wo fir s t 11laces. three seco nd~. and five thirds. The powe rful Indians o[ I.aCrosse s lammed the hl~h and lo w hurdles . Lh e half mile. th e 2 20 yard dash , th e brondjum p, and the hi g h jump.

Uo n H)·s k oi;;k.l . who \\ a~ th e LOI) pole ,·aulte r to r LaCro~se las t year. showe d h is ex-teammates a re w things about 11ole ,·aultiug a s h e cleare d th e bur at l l ree l S ln r hes to 1ila ce firs t in the eve nt. Claren ce Grl ­~ham , lust year·s s tate conrere u<:Jl cham11. tied ror third in hi s 11ole· ,·nulling s pec ialty.

Cal Clausen. u fres hman Crom Ra­!l ids . 1rnt his 2 1iQ 1io1rnds behind the s h ot put and blas te d It o,·e r the 42 roo t 111ark. less than a t oot s hort o f Lhe school re cord .

Wes $cl1cibc·. a not her lo,·111 t resh­

The SIA°!3EF1 homecoming trol)hY tor th e best hum e rous float Is now cur re ntly on dis play at th e s how­room Ill th e P .G. from 9 A.1\1. t o 1 A.1\1 . on the 101> &heir. Thi s is th e second ye ar In a row that Lbe SIA­S EFls ho.vc won this honor. lt is rumored that it we win again n ext year, we will get pe rman ent 11osses­s ion ot th e De monst r:1.lion School.

~ ee "Bilka Hall" .

Thc YGOP g roup h eard a talk bv 1111111 . took two second places In th e LeO :\lartin of Waupaca, th e s tat~ 1111le nnd two mile. Wes wa, conve rt­YGOP chairman, who discussed " The ed rro m a halt mil r to take u1) the Case Agains t Lertls t Professors . .' He gap in th e dis tan ce e ,·ents.

SPOR'fS urge d s tud e nts to "call the blur[" or La\·e rn e 1 ... ue bs torC. a so phomore

Hea d coach Bostad is having his teac hers with le ft-wing lea n ings. ~~~mtr:~·:u: c7i~d~u;ea:e~e~~:°'~1:,~el~: s ortball chargers work out In an During n s hort busl neHS meeting , O\'e r J 58 reel to take second in t his 41-trn-sq uad game April 17th al Sia- con ,•entlon arrangements and the e \•ent. He also ran the h a lf mile and sefl Field at h erson Park. Cand i- 11ro1iosed " right-to-work" proposal , took rnurth place despite the fact dates, or wblcli the r e are 26, h a ve which woul d bu.n the un lou shop. Lhat he lost his s hoe on the rlnt turn bee n working out every night the were discussed. A decision 011 the Is- and ran the rest or the i..wo laps with past couple ot weeks. I t was re port- s ue Is expecte d lo be made at the on ly One ti hoe.

=~or~baf~t t!~e~;;:.s ~ : r:~:!c:: !~ g roup·s rtrst May mee ting . clli;~~c~~ b~~x w~'::n~~ ';:.01>~::~ !;h~::

comment~ :ll1011 t th e e\"<:U t h is tenni~ l~am 11urt lcl 1mte d In Sutu n l ay .

.. \\'e lea rn ed u lo L Tha t 's th o w:.i, tenn is Is. r o u· ,·c. ~o t to get waxc~I o nce In u while. I lh lnk our fellows loo ked good , e,·en In de!ern .

"'it was a ,;ood trl11 d ow n on t he bus. The Coca Co hl people evt"'n Cu rn­L-.h cd n!S with free Coke .

" Tho LnC rossl! . tOa ch s a id t h a t he hart o nl y s ix men th!ll we re r <:ally rull M qualll:,- . an1l t ha t fo ur o r th O!i'C we re fres h men ...... Th~re wa .. q a w orl d ot ditte ren ce hetv.·etn his number. a.ix and hi :; number seven nrnu .''

Dllllnrds Is the latest ra ~e iu fJel-7.e ll Hall. The me n a re 11a ylng for tht; re 1n1lr11 o n th e tabl es , the ir cues . chalk. and oth r equl1nnent by 1my­lng th e s mall fee that Is requi red he­fore one can play.

It's te n ce nts pe r cu e 11er h o ur it four rcllows ))lay , or twe111 y cents 1>er

cu :\ r e;hio~~l~ 011:\5L:~1~7~l<> ~·i~.>.lar~

shou ldn· t he too lo ng . hefo re 1:: -1 De l­zell me n petition th e wo r1d ·s cha1J1 -1lion. WIilie Hoppe. for a c ra ck a t his titl e.

Once a gain , th e ~ reat Ameri can pas tim e or bn..<iehall startk, a nd oneo ng:1.ln th e :\Tllwaukee nrnves tu ke to the rle ld in .ho11e8 or s na tchin g the 11e una n t race . Th h, year s hould be a litt le he lle r tha n any othe r. thou g h , because this year, the :\ll11ne a1>olls and th e Brook lyn odds-make r s are 11ickln g " our Brn,•es .. 10 win .

Unfortunately. we wo n ·t kno w u n­til fall. !SO don't anyone h o ld the ir breath , unless you teel that 1he world 11opulatlo 11 proble m will he l1111l ro,·e11 by your absence. . .

Now 1hat th e seMo n h n.'1 s t a rtod , he re are a cou11l e or llulc ques1lo ni:1 dug up rrom a common source:

l . Who o rganized th e ri r11t r,rofes­s lonal baseball team '!

2. Who was base ba ll's firs t u larled player?

(See the n ext exciting ISlSUe of th o all CSC pape r. the P oi nte r . tor the answers to the abo,·e ffuestlons . ,

The Intellectual Fellow

make some changes In the line-up the winner. Bob Sengstock managert and possibly make some trndes th is a third lo th e 100 ya r d dash hehlnd Ca}I• The YELLOW rr:~:1:f; ??:[2~!;::££:~~a~~= ~~;::~:!~g~~~llw~t~ ~!:~e ~:i~f{il~~~: f £{~~;rn~i:i;v!1 Yellow Cob Co. mound cor ps Jg exceptionally s trong theme ror the annual WRA play day, and Jiggs Meuret edged " Lips" Kes t~ this ·year as " L ltlle Igor", "Erta :\1ay 4 . ly out tor third place in the HO yard

Call 12

!~f~h:~~. t~e s~!~!"tn~~=ldloao~~c:: = Approximately forty-fh·e schools da~~~ry Drake. sprinter and br~id HAROLD'S CLOCK SHOP ed by tb'.e "Golden Warrior·• at short ;~~~ beea::~~~s::1t:~~e:·!~:g~I~:: ::; ~ jumper, along with four or five

;~:I~ 180

~0~~!~! l~tot :~a~:stT~= ol~t; will be divided Into three g r oups: r:::::r d~!:'\1:::e~ t!ftbtr~~·e c::;:. WATCH, CLOCK AMO JEWELIY


N•;11I to lyric Th.al., Ste.-en, Pohll, WIICOfllln leagu e with the acquisition ot speed y Broncos, Mavericks , and Mustangs . work as It wu their rlra t r eally good

"All en Roy" to the teain . Because or Beginning at 8 : 45 t hey will spend workout of the )'ear . It gave the

!'i5nt~~ts:O:~~:~ .~:~~~1:: :~:~~gs~!~ !!;~ t::~~~n=:~~~n~~gs;~>:n! ~1~: ~~a!~/r~:e~t!dg:~~::er~:~h:b:i:i~: :===========:::'.

'-! rans kl wlll captain the Ye llow team, and playing volley ball an d cage ball t r ack meet.8. The next meet will be and J im "Gino Clmoll" Hopldna wlll In the Campus school gym. Thia will held here on Thursday, April 18 , at


1 captain th e Green team . be climaxed by a hike to h'erson 2 : 30. here nt Schmeekl e F ield GREENHOUSE FRESH

The SIASEFI ,·oUeyball team bas park, highlighted by a lunch and a ::0~::~ ~~k;11;~!u~~~r~e~[.1 ~~~·:~:

- had- a-very-aucceurul- aeaaoo-U nde r 1:.a.r.e.ni:e.Lh.WU -oo111fO"me-ineer or th e-.aeaso11 . · -r·ORENSON' the tutoredge ot Coach Bob Boatad , General chai r ma n Is Sonja Shield. ~ 'trlonlog none and losing none. It Committee ch a irmen a r e as toliowa: seems be t ailed to taro lo th e roater~ In vi tations Doona Warner; Pro-

SIASEFl membe r• were we ll re p- g:rama, Lo rrai ne Oitmar; Scavenger resented on the champlomblp team Hunt. Ruth Westbrooke: Field and and Other teama which participated equi pment, Meurrell Knutaoo; Food, lo the Campus Bowling League. Betty J a ne R adue ; a od Reg lstralloo , " Ha.WI" Tanner led all SlASEF[ Nancy RoH. ,


510 Brigg• St. Phan• 1310W

Team Takes Trip Coach llal c Quand t tutd th o Po lnt­

l!r ha!tt>li:ill teum journeye d to H.lpou Cullcge, lli1w n. \\-lsconsl n . t n tt\k t, on lhe Hl11on nln .

llecn usc or hu;k of 01i 11o r t1111lty to set in any outdoor 11ructico, Coac h Qu rrnd t didn't kn ow Jus t what the Cull t a Jmbllitif·M uf hli. tea m's rn lcnt.

The follow ing nm de the Lrl11 : Boehm e r - 1,ltcher Pe:i~t· - fl n1t hu ite Ro man - c11td1cr K ru II - aecoud h:i se Green war - cat cher Sto rm - 1ert. ri(·l d Fel t - 11itche r Laramie - Jlitt·h er llos tad - ri ,::: httie ld Schall orl - <'lt tche r H,,eulst.h - ce nt e r !lold ll aherk - s horts top Sehil\ - 11ltcher Wc ll<'r - third hase

Students Visit Stout S tude nts :111d tacul t)· rc 1, resenta­

li o11 from th e hom e eco nomics de­partme nt. o t Ste nms Point hig h sc hool we re 1ire11e nt at the 0 1>e n ll ou~e s 11onsorcd rece ntl y by the ho 111 e econ om lcH dh-lslou or Stout Siato Coll ege , :\l c nom o nle.

O \·e r u;o o 11e rsrm s attended the e ve n t. d lsco ,·e rlng th e e lc numts which go into th e educatio n ot n gi rl tu hqme ecouo mlc·!i a nd the 1na11y 01i-1>o rtu11lt les 011011 io h e r ar1 e r ,;radu­at lon . The ,·l!sl tCJrs a!Mo enJo>·ed e .z­hlhlts. cnm pu fl to urs . and a "This Is Yo ur Life " a ta,; o pro du ctio n. depict­ins th e coll ei;e llf~ ~nd 1•roreRslom:sl careur o r :\l r11. fl.h:hard Dale . a 195 2 g radu a te of Stou t.

for h•tY f inonciol s.rvlw s..





Page 6: 1tie:POINTER · 2016. 3. 11. · writings olong with mony other writing, of the uudenll here on compu1 will oppeor in 1he Sigmo Tou Deho publico1ion "Word1wo,1h" whKh will be on 1ole


Success is Po$sible \\"hen C drlc H. Twoblt decided to

enter colfc!,((•. he also decided UJlOn whal,he would adOJ}l ft !! his mural a nd ethic.i i beliefs.

Main Street Cafe Specialize in Home Cooking & Baking

24 Hr. Service


HANNON Walgreen Agency

Prescri pt ion Phormocy Phone 555

441 Main St. Todny. Cedric: It Twnbil Is i,:,rad tt· ated. and in lhl' fnte rein 1) f filllnt; u '------------ ' s 11a1•e in the 110,J)e r . we han: lntereincd Cederlc in gi,·in!,!; u~ thti stou of his college career. :uul why Cedric I~ what he I!- t<u1a y.

··To beg( n with . I decldf'd that I would ,ujt drink. smoke. stay u11 be· yond 10: 00 J). lll. on sd1ool clayi; , nnd 10~:.:o 11.m. on weekends. or go out w ith girls.

" I deciOe d lO i.lCHllO IUY enti re life 10 the beuerment of my rPllow man and the de11lornble conditit>ns into wh ich he hud foll c n . l rt>alized at onre th:tl I. and only I could be the sa \·lor of mankind: th e second :,.tes­sinh. .

··The first year a. t o ld f'.U. was r eitlly tremendou~. L spoke to only one gi rl - t he reason was t hat I had to rind out th e unswer tu th~ qUPStion as to what lhe 11!:!Si};lllllCll l

was. and J cou ld find no one else to

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us k ; anti iru lte by acddcnt. inhaled · 317 Main Street

laundering &"~ Dry Cleaning

the smoke rrom nne or my rrienda JOE STRELICE Monog•r

cigare ttes. t~------------' I:============: .. :-.1y ~ovhomomc year was a 11n1c BOei:rON l

hit worse. 1 went IO :1 rr:1ternity ru sh · For the Latest .J I -·

inJ: 1mr1y. and there someone s li pped Styles in ~ FURNITURE ,1 g lass or beer into my hand . backed Easter Shoes me into a corner . and s tarted to talk. And Ari r h e rinl ;ihcd. h e said "drink up·., See and before I ,ealli•!Lil. I was on the SHIPPY SHOE STORE / NERAL SERVICE road 10 l1eeomln~ au a lcoh ollc : or so th ey wld me. • -------------' !.---',----------~

.. It wn!I dulin;; my j unior year, t hat I hel,(un to notice that strange thini;s were lrn111)e nln g to me. l w a.<.n't mulntalnlni: my g rades the wa\· I should. and when 1he Dean ~alied me In and 11ald ... Cedric. you dropped to an ~, - In Ad vanced '.'\'uc· tear P hys ics. an A in Theor)· of Thermal Dy namics and The ir In­fluen ce Upon Wl:lter. and 13 in your fourth year cah.:u)us. What h a.s hap­pened ;.o you? ..

JANTZEN (Girls') Shirts

Bermuda~ Peddle Pushers



Haase's Print Shop (Job Printing)


S.• " Milt•" Al The Compu1 School



"Once: during the second semester. while in the library going O\·e.r a rare COJlY or a Ger man trunslatlon or an Egyptian imper d.ea \lng with th e co m- t '--------------' p)exlty or the R ussian language . 1 felt myself Blaring al the gi rl across t he table .

.. During my senio r year. I ab~n­doned a ll hope.

··1 staned the year of f by bein g enticed to a birthday party wh ere th e

· 11<1uld alco hols nowerJ like water. :_tnd the nex t day. th e water flo wed like the alcohol had the night before .

.. Two months later , I was the talk or the campus when I gaYe a girl m y fa\·orlte COP)' of Homer In th e orlgl n ­a l Cantonese Chinese, and asked her to s tudy. with me In th e library .

"By the time that graduation roll ed around. the faculty was In an u11roar. my 11a rf'nts had diso wned m e. the mini s ter said that I was fo r e \•e r

• Jost. and m y grades hart alt been 'dropped to A-. but I was the hap py· go-lucky, care free. dashing. s moking . drinking, da tin g ma n about camp us. and the man my class elect ed most like ly to Unisb school.

.. Ther e, my frif'nd you have my ltfl! hh;tor)· as a college student. The s tir­ring saga or a man who racked his brains. his grades, and a degree In Nuclear Physics and Math .

"' No·w, if you'd 1, lease s te p up ont o the s id e walk . I have io fini sh s weep-

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