1.That is the woman. She bought my laptop. -> That is the woman who bought my laptop. 2.We know many people. They live in London. -> We know many people

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1.That is the woman. She bought my laptop.

-> That is the woman who bought my laptop.

2.We know many people. They live in London.

-> We know many people who live in London.



• A clause is a part of a sentence. A relative clause gives extra information about a noun in the main clause.

• Ex: That is the woman who bought my laptop.

Relative clause

WHO is used in relative clause to talk about people.

• The man – he lives next door - is friendly.• The man who lives next door is friendly.

• ->Who is used instead of he

• We know many people – they live in London.• We know many people who live in London.

• -> Who is used instead of they

EX:I don’t like stories. They have unhappy

endings. S

->I don’t like stories which have unhappy endings.

Lan works for a company. It makes typewrites.

->Lan works for a company which makes typewrites.


Where are the eggs?– they were in the fridge?

Where are the eggs which were in the fridge?

WHICH is used to talk about things


Who and which can be replaced by that.

Ex: The man that lives next door is friendly.

(that = who) I don’t like the stories that have

unhappy ending.(that = which)



Subject in the relative clause


Who refers to people

Which refers to things

That refers to people and things

1.The man – I wanted to see him – was away on holiday.

->The man who (that) I wanted to see was away on holiday.

2.Have you found the keys? – You lost them

->Have you found the keys which (that) you lost.

If who,which or that are objects of the verb in the relativeclause, we can leave it out.



Ex: Is there anything(which) I can do?

The dress (which)Linh bought doesn’t fit her very well.

The girl (who) Phong is going to marry is Lan.

That’s the car (which) I used to own.

We saw some people. Their car had broken down.

= We saw some people whose car had broken down.

A widow is a woman. Her husband is dead.

= A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.Whose + noun = adjective possessive + noun



Adj.poss n

We use whose in relative clauses instead of his/her/their

Whose = of whomWhose usually refers to people.

Ex: This is Son.His sister is staying with us.

->This is Son whose sister is staying with us.

The hotel – we stayed there – wasn’t very clean.

= The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.

NOTES:Where in the relative clause is used to

talk about places.

• Ex: I went back to the town. I was born there.

-> I went back to the town where I was born.

I would like to live in a country. There is plenty of sunshine there.

-> I would like to live in a country where there is plenty of sunshine.