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  • 8/11/2019 1STMG2


    I) Rpondre aux questions en compltant le dbut de la phrase.

    1) What is the nature of the text we're studying

    It's a ...

    !) When was it published

    It was published ....

    ") Where was it ta#en from

    It was taken from...

    $) What is it about

    It's about the fact that the British ....

    %) Where does the scene ta#e place in the two picture at the top of the page

    &aboe the text)

    In the first picture, the scene ...

    In the second picture, the scene ...

    () What are the people doing in these pictures

    In the first picture, ...

    In the second picture, ...

    II) raduire les phrases sui'antes en anglais*

    1) Les jeunes se divertissent avec les nouvelles technologies.

    ) Ils ach!tent les derniers gadgets, comme par e"emple les tablettes ou les


    #) Les anglais utilisent des appareils mobiles plus $ue les autres nationalit%s.

    &) Les jeunes acc!dent internet pour aller sur les r%seau" sociau" ou les moteurs de


    () Il a une augmentation dans l'utilisation des appareils mobiles.

    *) Les internautes passent plus de 1 heures en ligne par semaine.

    III) +omplter les blancs a'ec les mots proposs*

    obsessed, leads, country, oerta#en, download, online, use

    1) +he - the world in mobile web.

  • 8/11/2019 1STMG2


    ) +he British watch more television on their tablets or smartphones than

    an other in the world.

    #) +he have /apan in mobile internet use.

    &) +he - is a gadget0 nation.

    () +he British are with acebook and 2outube, and the more

    than a ear ago.

    I-) tilise/ une expression idiomatique anglaise pour complter les phrases. 0e

    sens est donn en fran1ais entre parenth2ses.

    1) 3 lot of British people access their social network profile 4.......................................

    5en chemin, alors $u'ils font un trajet)

    ) 6ith video0on0demand services, it's eas to 4.......................................... 5rattraper 7

    revoir)a programme on +8.

    #) 3lthough, there is a slight 4............................... 5une l%g!re diminution) in the time

    the British spend online

    &) +he British are the people who are .............................................................5$ui ont le plus

    de chances7 $ui sont le plus susceptibles) to watch +8 on a mobile device.

    () 6atching traditional +8 in the living room has 4........................................................4.

    5rester stable) in the -.

    -) raduire en fran1ais les expressions sui'antes*

    5to) be gadget0obsessed9

    5to) have an obsession with the latest devices7gadgets9

    5to) spend an average of 4 minutes online in total9

    5to) download 4 megabtes per month9

    5to) access the web 7 m acebook profile on the go9

    5to) catch up with +8 online9

    5to) use an online +8 catch0up service9

    -I) 3xpression* rpondre en anglais en faisant des phrases.

  • 8/11/2019 1STMG2


    1) 6hat is our attitude to the latest technolog:

    ;"ample9 I

  • 8/11/2019 1STMG2


    *) >o ou think wearing headphones on the move is bad for our health :

    -II) -ocabulaire 4 sa'oir*

    1. d%passer9

    . un appareil mobile9

    #. acc%der internet9

    &. ?tre en route, sur le chemin9

    (. une augmentation9

    *. une diminution9

    @. ?tre obs%der par9

    A. s'int%resser 5 ?tre int%ress% par)9

    C. les distractions9

    1D. se distraiure9

    11. rester9

    1. t%l%charger9

    1#. un moteur de recherche9

    1&. regarder un film9

    1(. le salon9

    1*. mener7 ?tre le premier9

    1@. bien $ue7 m?me si9

    1A. les derniers gadgets9

    1C. il a D ans9

    D.Les Britani$ues9

    1. le Eoaume0ni9


    #.la Fu!de9

    &.La Ghine9