1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show

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  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    Adult Bible Study Guide

    Jan Feb Mar 2014

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    Adult Sabbath School Bible Study GuideAn Appeal

    Dear User.This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all whomay find it beneficial. While intended primarily

    for personal use, some find it useful for teaching

    the lesson in church.There are those, however, who add illustrations,change background, change fonts, etc. Whiletheir intention may be good, this is not right.

    Slide #1 says designed by claro ruiz vicente.For honest Christians, it is not necessary for

    anothers creation to be copyrighted in order tobe respected.


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    Dan Solis, Principal Contributor

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    1 Disciples and Scripture2 Discipling Through Metaphor

    3 Discipleship and Prayer

    4 Discipling Children

    5 Discipling the Sick6 Discipling the Ordinary

    7 Jesus and the Social Outcasts

    8 With the Rich and Famous

    9 Discipling the Powerful10 Discipling the Nations

    11 Discipling Spiritual Leaders

    12 Harvest and the Harvesters

    13 The Cost of Discipleship


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    DiscipleshipLesson 8, February 22

    With the Rich and


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the FamousKey Text

    1 Timothy 6:10 NKJV

    For the love of money is a root of

    all kinds of evil, for which somehave strayed from the faith intheir greediness, and pierced

    themselves through with manysorrow.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the FamousInitial Words

    Money can have a powerful influenceover all of us. Because personal

    financial habits comprehensively

    represent an individuals values,money is actually a spiritual matter.

    Famous people exercise influence,which is one form of power. Jesuswanted them to have the kind of

    riches that money cannot buy.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the FamousQuick Look

    1.The Man Who Came at Night (John 3:1-21)

    2.The Man Who Wanted to SeeJesus (Luke 19:1-10)

    3.The Man Who Kept It All(Matthew 19:16-20)

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the Famous1. The Man Who Came at Night

    John 3:1-3 NKJVThere was a man of the Phariseesnamed Nicodemus, a ruler of the

    Jews. The man came to Jesus by nightand said to Him, Rabbi, we know that

    You are a teacher came from God.Jesus answered, Most assuredly, Isay to you, unless one is born again,

    he cannot see the kingdom of God.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    1. The Man Who Came at NightRich and Famous

    Wealthy, well-positioned famouspeople did not intimidate Jesus. Christ

    neither resented nor revered the

    social elite.The Savior recognized that financial

    prosperity could not supply peace,personal contentment, meaningfulrelationships, or deep-seated


  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    1. The Man Who Came at NightNicodemus

    Nicodemus rebelled against anysuggestion that knowledgeable

    Israelites should require conversion.

    Jesus persisted, presentingNicodemus with the eternal choice

    between judgment and salvation.That spiritual seed, lay buried, slowlygerminating beneath his hearts soil.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the Famous2. The Man Who Wanted to See Jesus

    Luke 19:2-5 NKJVThere was a man named Zacchaeuswho was a chief tax collector, and he

    was rich. And he sought to see whoJesus was. So he ran ahead and

    climbed up a sycamore tree to seeHim. Jesus said to him, Zacchaeus,

    make haste and come down, for

    today I must stay at your house.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    2. The Man Who Wanted to See JesusRich and Infamous

    Respectability does not alwaysaccompany wealth. Many do earn their

    wealth honestly through hard work,

    industriousness, and the blessings ofGod, others are outright crooks.

    Even worse, some make their moneylegally but immorally, for noteverything immoral is illegal, as we all

    know so well.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    2. The Man Who Wanted to See JesusZacchaeus

    Zealous patriots despised even honestcustoms collectors, seeing them as

    tools of their Roman oppressors, but

    they greatly disdained dishonest onessuch as Zacchaeus.

    Essentially having assumed the role ofRoman governmental agents, theywere viewed as traitors, or worse yet,

    thieving traitors.

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    2. The Man Who Wanted to See JesusZacchaeus

    Christ was not deterred. Defyingsocial constraints, Jesus dined with

    them, drawing intense criticism from

    priests and commoners alike. And, byJesus interaction with them, these

    despised men were won to thegospel.We should be careful about the kind

    of spiritual judgments we make

    h h h d h

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    With the Rich and the Famous3. The Man Who Kept It All

    Matthew 19:16-22 NKJVOne came and said, Good Teacher,

    what good thing shall I do that I may

    inherit eternal life? Jesus said tohim, If you want to be perfect, go,

    sell what you have and give to thepoorand come, follow Me.Buthe went away sorrowful, for he

    had great possessions.

    3 Th M Wh K I All

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    3. The Man Who Kept It AllWarning About Materialism

    1. Things own us. It is easy to beconsumed by material possessions.

    2. It is easy for money, or the pursuitof it, to blind our spiritual priorities.

    3. Materialistic persons, whether

    rich or poor, are in danger ofsacrificing eternal well-being for

    temporal pleasure.

    3 Th M Wh K I All

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    3. The Man Who Kept It AllRich Young Ruler

    He possessed credentials,qualifications, abundant materialresources, unquestioned morality, and

    unlimited self-esteem!Should Christ have been flattered?

    Finally were converting the upperclasses! Apparently no such

    exhilaration polluted Christs thinking.

    3 Th M Wh K I All

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    3. The Man Who Kept It AllRich Young Ruler

    Christ established the TenCommandments as the minimum

    standard of obedience.

    Christ had elsewhere demandedrighteousness that exceeded that

    which other religious leaderspossessed.Would that standard be lowered to

    accommodate this candidate?

    3 Th M Wh K I All

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    How many have come to Christ,ready to cast their interests in with

    hisearnestly desiring to inherit

    eternal life! But when the cost ispresented to themwhentold that

    they must forsake allthey go awaysorrowful. They are not willing tosurrender all to obtain the crown of

    life.EGW, The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, April 19, 1898.

    3. The Man Who Kept It AllRich Young Ruler

    Fi l W d

  • 8/13/2019 1st Quarter 2014 Lesson 8 With the Rich and Famous Powerpoint Show


    Final WordsThe Ministry of Healing 210

    Riches and worldly honor cannotsatisfy the soul. Many among the rich

    are longing for some divine

    assurance, some spiritual hope. Manylong for something that will bring to

    an end the monotony of their aimlesslives.Manyfeel their need of something

    which they have not Shall we make