Lithgow High School Pau Street Lithgow 2790 PO Box 296 Tel 6352 1422 Fax 6353 1081 email [email protected] Lithgow High School Excellence In A Caring Educational Environment 1 NEWSLETTER 1 st April, 2016 Closing night of Film Festival: photo left to right Michael Rabehl, Director of programming at Cinequest, Tom Wilson, Director, Steph Dawson actor (Hunger Games), Sean O’Keeffe (LHS Visual Arts Teacher), Miranda Otto actor (The daughter, Lord of the Rings Trilogy)

1st April, 2016

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Page 1: 1st April, 2016

Lithgow High School

Pau Street Lithgow 2790 PO Box 296 Tel 6352 1422 Fax 6353 1081

email [email protected]

Lithgow High School – Excellence In A Caring Educational Environment 1


April, 2016

Closing night of Film Festival: photo left to right Michael Rabehl, Director of programming at Cinequest, Tom Wilson, Director, Steph Dawson actor (Hunger Games), Sean O’Keeffe

(LHS Visual Arts Teacher), Miranda Otto actor (The daughter, Lord of the Rings Trilogy)

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PRINCIPAL I congratulate Year 12 on the completion of the Mid-Course Examinations. These exams can be a difficult hurdle for students - as they realise the rigorous nature of the HSC courses. Students at Lithgow High School can be confident that they have highly experienced teachers with a long history of excellent achievement. I can assure you that the staff are working hard to support Year 12 achievement in all courses. The reality is that HSC candidates seeking a high ATAR need to study for a MINIMUM of 4 hours per 2 unit subject per week. From the beginning of the HSC Course in Term 4 2015, Lithgow High

School has put in a range of strategies to support HSC students. Elevate Education has delivered Study Skills Sessions for students, Tuition Support is available in the Library. All Year 12 Students have a study during Period 6 on Thursdays and staff are available to lend support. Mrs Cross is developing a collection of HSC workbooks for students use - to ensure all have access, these are for in library use only. The school has a subscription to an online study skills site which all students can access. See Mrs Cross for more information. I strongly urge Year 12 Students to use the library resources in any study periods and to attend the extra Study sessions our school is providing after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. I recognise that the HSC course is rigorous and challenging and we seek to work in partnership with students and parents to maximise the results of our HSC candidates in 2016. Year 12 Parent Teacher Night was well attended on the 15th March, thank you to those families for coming along. Please know you are more than welcome to contact the teachers for feedback regarding your child at any time. Congratulations to all the staff that have put themselves out to organise and supervise a range of inspiring excursions and extracurricular activities this term. I know parents appreciate how our staff put in the extra effort for all students at Lithgow High School. I wish the whole school community a restful holiday and look forward to Term 2. School students return on Wednesday 27th April. I will be on Long Service Leave until the end of May, Matthew Quirk will be relieving Principal during this time.

Ann Caro – Principal

Next P & C Meeting is at 6.00pm on Monday, 4th April in the Hall Foyer

You are all very welcome to attend,

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In late March 30 students from Stage 5 Visual Arts travelled down to The Armory Sydney Olympic Park venue of the 2016 Artexpress Exhibition. Over 40 artworks from the 2015 HSC in Visual Arts are on display. Two students from LHS (Sophie Beale and Louis Long-Jaccoud) achieved the high standard required to be selected for the Armory Artexpress exhibition. This is no easy task, as only 240 works from a total pool of nearly 10,000 works are selected each year for the five Artexpress venues. Outstanding talent was displayed throughout the hall in a great variety of forms including Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Photomedia, and Film. It was a great experience for our aspiring young artists to view. The three LHS ArtExpress HSC recipients artworks will also be available for viewing at the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre in Katoomba later in the year. Jessie Luchetti’s artwork featured in our last newsletter.

The Creative and Performing Arts faculty would like to extend congratulations to the 3 students on their selection, and wish them every success for the future.

Miranda Swift - Press Club

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DEPUTY PRINCIPAL As relieving Principal for the coming weeks I am excited about some of the changes that the school has made this term. While Mrs Caro is away Mr Lloyd will be relieving Deputy Principal. The school has also employed a third Deputy Principal who will be part of the Senior Executive Team for the remainder of the year. At this stage Mr Dean will be relieving in the position until the end of May. An application process will then take place when Mrs Caro returns. The introduction of a third Deputy Principal will provide the school and students with many opportunities for rich innovative learning experiences.

If you require any assistance please contact the Deputy Principal responsible for the following year groups:

Mrs Mawhood- Year 7 and 11 Mr Lloyd- Year 10 and 12 Mr Dean- Year 8 and 9

7 and 12 Parent Teacher Night Thanks to all the parents who attended the Year 7 and 12 Parent Teacher Night. It was a very well attended night that provided many opportunities for parents to discuss student progress. If you did not get a chance on the night, please contact the teacher directly to organise a time for a discussion.

VIVO…. This term we have also seen the successful introduction of VIVO the online reward system. At this stage of the term we already have student achieving their Bronze Commendation Level. That means they have already accumulated 250 points. Please be aware that you can purchase rewards at any time and this will not impact on the accumulative total. We currently have a number of rewards in the shop for students to collect. Don’t forget to remind your teachers to allocate points.

*SPECIAL* Aqua Blitz - Lake Lyell V100 $5.00 Canteen Voucher V150

Sports Equipment for hire V5

Sports Power Voucher V300 Michel’s Patisserie V550

Pizza Hut- free large Pizza V200 *SPECIAL* McDonald's Voucher V75

Subway Voucher V200

Front of the line Canteen Voucher V10 Principal Car Park for the day V1,000

Deputy Principal's Car Park for the day V350 Cruze Driving Lesson V500

Bunnings Gift Voucher V400 E27 Computer Room Hire V15

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1 month Anytime Fitness Voucher Gym Membership V500

10 Day Anytime Fitness Gym Membership V350 7 Day Anytime Fitness Gym Membership V300

Anytime Fitness Gym Pack V300 Eve Clothing Lithgow- 30% OFF V250

ONE Free Lithgow Fitness Centre Workout V150

Representing the school Please remember to be polite and respectful in the community if you are representing the school or wearing the school uniform out of school hours. Issues that are reported to the school are dealt with as if you are on school grounds.

Please remember if you wish to represent the school, the following must occur:

Cannot be on suspension

Must be off their monitoring cards for 3 weeks

Should have no overdue N Awards, all N Award Warnings must be redeemed

Must have a minimum 70% Attendance unless there are special circumstances.

Demonstrate compliance with uniform requirements of the school as deemed by the P & C

Matthew Quirk – Rel Principal

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Year 11 - Preliminary Course Year 11 are now well into the course content for all of their subjects. Other than changing their level of English or Mathematics, there can be no changes to their subjects for the remainder of the Preliminary Course. Students must successfully complete 12 Preliminary Units by:

Followed the course developed or endorsed by BOSTES;

Applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and

experiences provided by the school; and

Achieved some or all of the course outcomes.

Students are reminded that they need to attempt and submit all assessment tasks on time. Students may apply for an extension of time for illness or unavoidable misadventure. Independent documentation (e.g. doctor’s certificate) must be provided; a parent note is not acceptable for Preliminary Tasks. Forms are available through any HT, their Year Advisor or Deputy Principal. The form is also available in the Assessment Booklet found online on the school website by following the quick links tab. Students are reminded that the Library is open every Wednesday and Thursday and every second Monday afternoon until 4.30pm for study and access to school network. A range of Head Teachers supervise and are available to assist students completing work during this time. It is important that Year 11 students access the opportunities for study and

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reflection of their course material. During the day, the library has two Senior Tutors available to work with any Senior Student with their upcoming assessments and study program.

Year 7 Year 7 have really become engaged members of the school community. I regularly look into their classes and find them on task doing great activities in a range of subject areas. I have seen the students working diligently on their BYOD devices and collaborated with other members within their classes in the online environment of Google Classrooms. Students are reminded to ensure that their device is charged for every school day and that they take great care during the day when transporting them between lessons and during break times. The school has lockers available in a range of locations to secure these devices if necessary. Please see the school office for further details.

Karin Mawhood – Deputy Principal


On Thursday 7th April we are holding our Fun Day / Colour Run. The day will be a mixture of Athletic events, Novelty events and a Colour Run in the afternoon. The aim of the day is to encourage fun and physical activity for all students.

Students will have a choice of activities they can participate in and compete in during the day.

We are encouraging ALL students to attend on the day and participate in the range of activities. The Colour Run will be held in the afternoon around the Cross Country track in Pitt’s Paddock. Students can walk or run around the course and there will be a number of Colour Stations where they will be showered with powdered colour. We have asked students to bring a white shirt to put over their clothes for the run as the colours are more vivid on white. There will be a cost of $3.00 per student for the colour run. Special wrist bands will be on sale as the entry ticket. The day is also an opportunity for fundraising for Year 12, with a Barbeque and an ice cream van providing for the students.

Anytime Fitness are also partnering with us to promote fun and fitness. They will be doing a presentation of a range of fitness activities on the day.

It is a whole school event and students are expected to attend and participate.

Jeff Dean - Rel Deputy Principal

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Thank you to our valuable VIVO Rewards

Local Sponsorship Partners:

Anytime Fitness, Sportspower,

Eve Lithgow, Bunnings,

Aqua Blitz - Lake Lyell,

The Edge Cinema - Katoomba,

Pizza Hut, Subway - Main Street,

Cruze Driving School, Red Rooster

Michel’s Patisserie, McDonalds Lithgow,

Centennial Coal, Lithgow Lions Club,

Barry F Cosier, Lithgow Bowling Club

Lithgow Musical Society

REMINDER, there are many rewards still up for offer in our LHS VIVO shop!!!

It’s not too late to claim a prize.

Great work to everyone this term, keep earning the rewards will come!

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In March of this year, Film Making and Visual Arts Teacher Sean O’Keeffe took leave to travel to The United States. There he attended the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose and also participated in an ongoing Cultural Exchange Program between Lithgow High School and Palo Alto High School in Silicon Valley.

Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose is considered one of the best Film Festivals in the United States and Lithgow High School was very fortunate to have been selected to screen one of its recent student films “The Gift” which features a zombie love story filmed around the school and downtown


“Increasingly in recent years we have been invited to more and more of these types of events and usually are unable to attend because of the distance and cost. This year because of its proximity to Palo Alto High School I felt it was just too good an opportunity to pass up.”

“The Gift” screened twice during the festival as part of a schools shorts program to packed audiences on both occasions.

Sean was also able to attend workshops and industry events and rub shoulders with important creatives in the Film Industry.

“It was described as ‘Film Camp’ on one occasion and it really was a great opportunity to learn and share ideas. “

“I was able to meet incredible people who have been innovative in all aspects of media from film making to newer digital technologies. “

Sean was part of a group of about six Australian representatives at the festival including the well-known actor Miranda Otto who was there for the film “The Daughter”. Miranda is perhaps best known for her role in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

As well as the Film Festival Sean also participated in the ongoing Cultural Exchange program with Palo Alto High School, a public high school in the heart of Sillicon Valley, home to Facebook, Apple, Google and a host of other Tech companies. Whilst there he presented classes in Film Making and Visual Art to both students and teachers as well as developing collabotative projects between the schools.

“It’s an incredible opportunity to develop a relationship with a school like Palo Alto High, and when our students connect great bonds are formed and amazing projects happen”

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As part of the exchange Sean spent time on the set of a student film making project that had been initiated by former “Paly” student Academy Award nominated actor James Franco. Franco funded a film-making workshop to produce a film version of his mothers book “Metamorphosis”.

After a packed schedule of classes, screenings, meetings and filming Sean is back in Lithgow to start implementing some of the exciting collaborative projects between students at Lithgow and students in the United States


Mr O’Keeffe and some of the crew wearing Cinequest t-shirts

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There was a lot of nervous anticipation amongst Lithgow High Schools Robotics Team as they entered Sydney Olympic Park to compete in the FIRST FRC Stronghold Competition. That anticipation soon turned into overwhelming excitement and a sense of achievement. The Blast Furnace Bots, a rookie team, performed way above expectations. The competition involved them designing and building a robot, along with a pit area then programing their robot to compete with two other robots in an alliance against another

three robots. The robots had to be controlled by software written by the students as it navigated obstacles, picked up boulders and scored points by shooting the boulder through castle turrets. The pace was frantic and hard on the robots. Between events there was inevitable damage that required the teams mechanics come up with running repairs.

Our pit area, thanks to Energy Australia’s support was a stand out. Judges and other teams could not believe the work done by or team in just 4 weeks. A key feature was the team’s 3D Printer which was kept busy over the 3 days of events printing out parts not just for our team but for other teams as well.

The other stand out was the quality of our students who conducted themselves with gracious professionalism pride and distinction over the whole event. These qualities were recognised by the organisers who sought out one of our finest, Shae Bradford, to act as student ambassador for the event. In this responsibility Shae ran tours for visiting students. Our team was also signalled out for special attention by being selected as the only Australian School for a visit and interview with our Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop.

A special invitation has been extended to our robotics team to compete in “Thunder Down Under”, in June this year. This event will offer the opportunity for our school to hone and develop skills in Maths, Science, Engineering and Technology in a follow up event aimed at improving our robotics capabilities in preparation for the 2017 FRC.

The various students who attended the FIRST STRONGHOLD robotics event said it was an amazing experience and one they were so happy to be a part of, it was exhausting and exhilarating all at once and we can’t wait for the competition next year! We have to thank Mr and Mrs Brownlow, Mr Dingle and Mrs Luchetti, for all of their time, energy and passion; we know none of these extra-curricular activities are only possible without amazing teachers leading the event.

We need to openly thank EnergyAustralia for assistance in providing Ben as a valuable mentor to the students before and during the competition and for assistance with our team shirts and in assisting in building the pit area.

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Congratulations “Lithgow, Blast Furnace Bots” From: James McArthur <[email protected]>

Date: 22 March 2016 at 3:22:16 PM AEDT

To: Peter Brownlow <[email protected]>

Subject: Well done Lithgow

Well Done.

I cannot express in words how amazed and inspired I am by your team. Amazing students, amazing

attitudes, amazing pit and a true demonstration of the fact that the Lithgow Blast Furnace Bots


Please pass on my support to the team. I hope to catch up soon - and I hope to see your team again

at the Duel Down Under later in the year.

Kind Regards,

James McArthur

RoboCamps Coordinator


[email protected]

+61 432 853 961

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COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER Recently we conducted our Year 7 and Year 12 Parent/Teacher Evening and we would like to thank all of the families who participated and kept their teachers busy reporting on students’ progress for the term. Our full Parent Teacher Evenings are scheduled for the last week in Term 2.

A reminder of why attendance is such an important factor in educational success. With such rich lessons, missing school can leave students feeling far behind and a little lost.

Whilst it is important for students to stay home when ill, good attendance is crucial for good educational outcomes.

- ANZAC DAY (during

holidays) - Any student wanting to march in the either the Lithgow or Wallerawang Anzac Parade representing our school are most welcome. Please wear Full School Uniform. For Lithgow, please gather at Lithgow Primary School at 9.30am for 10.00am start and at Wallerawang, meet at Old Goods Shed for 8.00am for 8.30am.

The Raising Children Network is a complete Australian resource for parenting. This site has information, tools and resources for parents of students in the pre-teen and early teen years. Australian government supported, it helps teens make informed choices on many topics including Cyber Bullying, Social Media and Puberty. All content is quality assured. http://raisingchildren.net.au Stay up to date with notifications, announcements and organisation of our school on our official Facebook page. Please like and share our page with anyone who has children attending Lithgow High School. We will endeavour to keep building our Facebook Community to ensure that school information is quick and effective for all parents.

Sam Luchetti – CLO

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Uniform Update The school has a well endorsed, community supported, student/staff and parent selected uniform. The majority of students are looking wonderful in their School Uniform and nice and warm in the new hoodies.

Unfortunately there can be no variations to our uniform, we have a large variety of mix and match styles to suit all students. However circumstances may require students to be out of uniform for a day, in which case a parental note must be sent in. Students are required to see the Head Teacher on duty at the SRC desk before 9.00am, students will be issued with a uniform pass for that day only!

The follow items of clothing are totally unacceptable, and parent/carer will be contacted to bring in more suitable clothing.

Gym tights or tight stretch jeans

Jeans (denim)

Ugg Boots

Short denim shorts, black gym shorts or frayed legged shorts

Football shorts or board shorts

7ART10 have been looking at the work of artist Pablo Picasso in relation to the art movement, Cubism. The have been exploring different art making techniques in the creation of a Cubist Self Portrait and Miss Leffley has been very impressed that all of the students have shown such enthusiasm while undertaking this activity. The students of 7ART10 have not only been following instruction but have also shown dedication in developing their own creative style, while meeting course outcomes. Miss Leffley looks forward to seeing the completed paintings and would like to thank these students for their hard work. Well done year 7!

Jessica Leffley - STLA/Norta Norta Teacher

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Mrs Lee Middleton and myself (Ross Guihot) are both Science Teachers at Lithgow High School. We regularly visit many of the Primary Schools within our Western Gateway Educational Community (WGEC) region.

Our visits involve Staging; Hands on Science Shows for the Stage 3 Students, mainly Year 6. Our aim is to provide a bridge between Year 6 and Year 7 that helps their transition into High School. We provide experiences in Science to help build on their understanding of scientific concepts, ideas and terminology in Science. Making the prospect of Science in High School a less scary and more interesting proposition for the future.

Our visits also provide the Year 6 students with two familiar faces in the teaching staff of Lithgow High School so the transition into Year 7 at Lithgow High School is a less formidable experience.

The images here show a visit to Zig Zag Public School where we studied energy with a particular emphasis on sound energy. The enthusiasm shown by the students in the activities will hopefully encourage them in their future studies in Science at High School.

Ross Guihot – Science Teacher

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HELP REQUIRED If you have any old school uniforms and would like to donate

them our clothing pool, please hand in to the front office. Year 11 in particular, we need junior uniform

Many students benefit from these donations.

Lithgow High School is fortunate to have an enthusiastic dance troupe. Our dedicated students choreograph dances themselves, rehearse in their own time and have performed at the Schools Spectacular, Western Region Dance Festivals, Education Week and at various School and Community Events. Two of our Year 11 Students were selected to attend the Western Region Dance Camp in Dubbo recently. Grace Horton and Amy Muir took part in three days of intensive classes in a range of dance styles under the tutelage of expert teachers from Sydney. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to hone their skills and meet other dancers from around the region.

“The camp was such an amazing opportunity and experience and we would thoroughly recommend the camp to any student who loves to dance” commented Grace Horton

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Up Close

With MISs jones Full Name: Annaliese Jones What is your role at Lithgow High? English Teacher What is your favourite colour? Blue What schools did you go to? St Mary’s Yoogali (Primary School)St Patrick’s School Griffith(Primary School) Marian Catholic College, Assumption College. What are your hobbies? Basketball, Netball, Travelling and Reading What annoys you in class? Phones/devices, insolence If you could be an animal what would it be and why? Something from the cat family (lion, tiger or house cat) because they are strong-willed and get to sleep a lot. Describe yourself in three words: 1. Determined 2. Competitive 3. Empathetic What is your greatest achievement? University degree, sporting achievements, enabling successful students What did you want to be when you were a kid? Actress or Lawyer Do you have any nicknames? Anna, Jonesy What is your greatest fear? The loss of loved ones How long have you been teaching? 1 year Rate yourself on the following (1-10) Driving: 7 Sport: 7 Shopping: -9.5

Dane Guffogg, Clare Francis, Brooklyn Mackie and Jack McIntyre

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Ed Sheeran is an English singer-songwriter born in Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire. At the age of 16, Ed dropped out of school and moved to London to pursue a career in music. He released his first EP February 2010, however didn’t become popular until 2012, when he made a guest appearance on Taylor Swift’s album Red. Since then he has released 2 albums: + and X, which both reached number 1 on the Australian Album charts. Ed has written many hit songs for artists like Justin Bieber, One Direction, the Weeknd, Hillary Duff, and Taylor Swift.

X’s first songs were written in 2011, when + was released. Ed started writing the album with Snow Patrol’s Johnny McDaid, and Irish musician Foy Vance. The album was released June 20th 2014, and reached number 1 on the charts in 15 countries.

Ed says his work is inspired by artists like Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder and Elton John.

He was joined by Elton John at Allianz Stadium on the X tour. The X tour started in August 2014 and went on until December 2015, and featured about 180 shows. The tour was so successful, it sold out three dates at Wembley stadium, which holds up to 90 000 people.

In comparison to his previous album, X is more upbeat in its performance, particularly in songs like Sing and Don’t.

Afire Love, One and Tenerife Sea are the more personal songs on the album. The album in its entirety is more diverse in style.

If you are looking for some good music, we’d recommend this X-cellent album.

Taylah Harrington and Braden Coleman Press Club

Notice to Parents/carers please be aware that the school has been notified of confirmed case of whooping cough in the junior school. If your child is unwell or has a continual

cough please seek a medical consultation.

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Book Review - Nimona

Nimona is a fantasy/modern graphic novel written by American artist and author Noelle Stevenson. Noelle has been a personal favourite on mine ever since I stumbled upon ‘Lumberjanes’ which she wrote in collaboration with Grace Ellis and Brooke Allen.

Nimona is adapted from a webcomic that has won many awards in its entirety, after its online success it was released to the public in print and beautiful full colour.

Nimona is full of Dragons, Science and surprisingly Sharks. It was released on the 12th of May 2015. The book follows the story of a wild young shapeshifter and Lord Ballister Blackheart, the villain she has decided to become the sidekick of. His knowledge of Science and his dastardly plans draw Nimona to his side. With her help he is practically unstoppable. However Lord Blackheart is not your typical ‘villain’. His arch nemesis ‘Sir Ambrosius Goldenlion’ is on the rise and a dark secret from his pass is beginning to surface. The mystery behind what happened and who this mysterious shapeshifter actually is will keep you enthralled to the very last page.

I recommend this book to teens and to adults who like some light reading with a bit of dark humour.

I give it 4/5 stars

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Cool Stuff 1. If yesterday was four days before the day after Tuesdays

tomorrow what day is today?

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

2. A man was killed in his office; the suspects are Edison, Maxis,

Jason, Janna and Sophia. Before dying the man wrote 6, 4, 9,

10, 11 in blood on a nearby calendar. Who is most likely to be

the killer?

3. Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my

father’s son. Who is that man?

That man is my: a) father, b) son, c) brother, d) grandfather

4. A monkey, a squirrel and a bird were racing to the top of a

coconut tree. Who will get the banana first?

5. The numbers - 16, 06, 68, 88, X, and 98. What number is X?



Beth, Faith, Lara and Callie – Press Club.

Answers: 1. Monday 2. Jason (number of the month) 3. b) son 4. no one, it’s a coconut tree 5. 87, upside down.

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Reminder, Senior Tuition is available daily during Student’s Study Periods in the Library, providing assistance with Assessment Tasks and Study Techniques in all subject areas.

Our survey has shown that HSC results improved for students who studied effectively in the Library last year.

In response the library will be supervised from 3.30pm - 4.30pm on Mondays and now on Wednesdays in addition to Thursdays afternoons.

We are here to provide Support, Motivation and Stress Management during the Senior Years. A variety of resources are available for students to borrow.

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National Day of Action - Friday 18th March, 2016

Lithgow High School became active participants in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence with all years “Making a Stand Together” with a chalk mural depicting their ideas creatively in the playground - Jenolan Quad under the new Wet Weather Shelter Area.

Their messages were loud and clear “Bullying No Way!” and ‘You’re Not Alone” demonstrated the importance of the active bystander and how they can support those being bullied and isolated.

Year 11 started the day by creating a year by year back drop where students from Year 7 - 10 worked together in their section to create a message that Bullying is NOT Ok which was shared by the who student body during the recess and lunch breaks.

The weather didn’t dampen their enthusiasm and whilst the rain did its best to remove the creative art piece - but it remained for the National Day of Action and was a reminder to all students to “Make a Stand Together” and “Bullying No Way” are our intentions!

Leanne Walding – Student Support Officer

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Last week the Lithgow High School Girls’ Basketball Team competed at the Western Knockout Carnival. The team consisted of students from Year 7 all the way through to Year 12.

Great talent was displayed as they won their first match against West Wyong 67 - 18.

Next they came up against Bathurst and after going into overtime unfortunately lost by 3, with the end score being 45 - 42.

Lastly the girls played against Dubbo and lost after a tough game.

Great sportsmanship was displayed throughout the day and a special thanks goes to Mr Lloyd and Ms Farebrother for organising and coaching both boys and girls throughout the competition.

An extra congratulation goes to Geordie Goodwin (Year 8), Kallan and Kyra Phillips (Year 8) and Erin Cowie (Year 12) for making the Western Region CHS Open Girls’ Basketball Team after being selected from their exceptional performance at the carnival.

Great work girls and good luck for the Combined High School Tournament next term!

Miranda Swift, Press Club

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Recently our finest swimming representatives ventured off to Dubbo to test out their aquatic speeds against some of the best swimmers in the Western Region. Starting the morning with the most difficult stroke, Butterfly, Lithgow Swimmers performed the stroke with grace and style.

All students took to the pool for Freestyle, with many of them earning a spot on the Western Region Team for this stroke.

Backstroke was hotly contested against all swimmers for each school, yet a number of our swimmers once again securing another place in the representative team.

Breaststrokers glided through the water with precision making the stroke look effortless.

Then came the Individual Medley where swimmers perform all four strokes in the one race. A great amount of stamina and skill is needed to perform this race with speed and accuracy.

Congratulations to Meleke Jenkins, Benjamin Seymour, Logan McManus, Ethan Pringle, Ebony Seymour, Griffin Houston, Brody McManus and Cassandra Houston for all the hard work, training and on their success for the day.

Good Luck to Brody and Logan McManus, Cassie and Griffin Houston, Ethan Pringle, Meleke Jenkins, Benjamin Seymour who will be competing in the State Swimming Carnival at Sydney Olympic Aquatics Centre on the 3rd to the 5th April.

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WESTERN HOCKEY On the 11th of March Lithgow High School had six girls travel to Bathurst to take part in the Western Hockey Trials. The girls first took part in fitness testing and drills, after a short break they were put into teams to play a series of Round Robin Games. Well done to all the girls who attended the trials, and a big congratulations to Abby Wilson, Bonnie Goodsell, Tiana Anderson and Amber Shaw who were successful in making to side. Kellsey Charlton was named shadow player thank you Mr Conroy for organising for the girls to attend the trials.

The girls will be a dominant part of the team right through the field from the Defence Midfielder to the Striker Forward Line. The girls will contest the Combined High School Open State Championships in Wollongong from the 19th - 22nd of May.

The Lithgow High School Boys attended the Open Western Hockey Round Robin on Monday 21st March, we then defeated Dubbo 10-0 in the second game. Unfortunately we lost to Orange High School in extra time in a tough match 4-3.

At the conclusion of the competition the Western Region Open Boys Hockey Team was announced and four talented Lithgow High School boys to Samuel Gray, Bill Eustace, Brandon Lloyd and Dane Guffogg were selected to represent Western Region at the Combined High School knockout.

Congratulations on your selection into the Western Teams and we wish you the best of luck in the Championships.

Kelsey Charlton – Press Club

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After singles, Miranda competed in Mixed Doubles with another Western Representative from Bathurst High school. They won their first round and went straight to the quarter final - unfortunately they lost to the eventual winners in the tournament. Her last event was doubles, competing with another Western Representative also from Bathurst High School. In the first round they came up against the highest ranked players in the category and won. Continuing to the next round they pulled off another win - this was the quarter finals. Unfortunately, Miranda and her partner went down in the semi-finals with a close score. After losing the semis, they had to play off for bronze and won, leaving with an overall 3rd place in Junior Doubles.

Lauren Trounce – Press Club


The girls will travel to Bathurst where they will represent the Western Region playing Combined High School Championships in May.

Congratulations girls on your selection into the Western Region team, we wish you luck at the State Championships.

From the 1st to the 4th of March the Annual Combined High School Individual’s Tennis Tournament was conducted in Parramatta. Miranda Swift from Year 9 was Lithgow High School’s only Representative.

On Wednesday the Junior Side of the Tournament began, Miranda competed in the Junior Doubles, Singles and Open Mixed Doubles. First, she competed in the Singles; getting a bye in the first round, winning the second round and just missing out on quarter finals after losing the third round.

Two of our finest Football (Soccer) players Tayla Lloyd, and Chloe Anlezark, recently travelled to Orange along with many other girls from the Western Region to trial for selection into the Western Region Girls Combined High School’s Open Football Team.

For the fourth consecutive year our girls have been successful into the Western Region Team, with Tayla’s attacking skills and speed, and with Chloe’s strong defensive and team leadership skills in the backs made the girls an easy selection into the team.

Both the girls have worked hard to be at the top in their sport at District Representative Levels. The both currently play for Western Central Coast Mariners in Premier League.

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Lithgow High School Netball Team travelled to Orange, NSW bright and early at 6:30am on Thursday 17th March along with our friendly and considerate bus driver, Stan!

Kirrily Beutel, Amy Muir, Kaitlyn Virtu, Cassie Houston, Erin Cowie, Zoe Davis, Kiara McDonald, Ayana Shiobara and Brooke Dowsett all put in top effort and shined bright in their individual game and worked well as a team.

With some girls in the team new to the game of Netball, coaches Miss Jones and Miss Hotham noticed significant improvements throughout the day. The girls represented the school with great respect for officials, themselves and other players;

They conducted themselves with pride, and put in top effort. We are very proud of their performance, team-spirit and sportsmanship. Well done.

At Lithgow High School we are:



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TOUCH FOOTBALL Lithgow High School Girls Open Touch Football played Portland Central School in the Combined High School Knockout hosted on home soil on the Lithgow High School Oval.

The first match to take place was the Girls Touch Football, the girls played extremely well in the hot conditions coming out on top with a 4-0 win.

Game two was to see the Boys also take on Portland Central School. Like the girls, it was

a very hot tough game and when the final bell sounded it was 6-4 to Lithgow High School.

The Boys and Girls then went on to compete in the third round of the Western Knockout Competition at Blayney last week. The teams consisted of talented students from Year 9 through to Year 12. The boys showed great determination and came out on top with the end score being 4 - 3. The girls narrowly lost and will not be continuing in the Knockout Competition.

Outstanding Teamwork and Communication was definitely a factor in this game. The boys would like to thank Mr Dunn for all the support he gave to the team during the games and for all the time he is putting into the squad. The Boys Team are looking forward to the next round!

Makenzie Denley, Kellsey Charlton and Matilda Cafe - Press Club

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Our Girls and Boys Open Soccer Teams took on Mudgee last week with a home ground advantage in the second round of the Combined High School Knockout Competition. Both the teams were convincing winners although the boys were even for a very long time and were dead locked at halftime 1-1. The final score was 3-1 thanks to some great goals close to the full time whistle.

The girls got off to a slow start, but run away with the win in the second half scoring a number of goals in quick secession, 6-0 being the final score. We are looking forward to the next games, with both teams progressing the the second round next term.

Makenzie Denley, Kellsey Charlton and Matilda Cafe – Press Club

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For the indoor classroom, they spread awareness on what can affect you driving, such as Drowsiness or Medication. They showed us how we should be aware of our surroundings and how they can be unnoticeable until it’s too late.

The biggest impact was probably the story telling part of the day, the Cross-Roads had a Guest Speaker who was a mother, and her story told us how her son, with such a bright future, and a good career, was taken from her in a car accident, he was in a car with someone he knew who had consumed alcohol, was affected by tiredness and it was also raining, three biggest road hazards. These three things caused the car to crash and took her son’s life instantly.

Sponsors of the Road Safety RYDA day included:

Rotary organisers of RYDA, and the collective Bathurst Rotary Club offered to partially fund the bus trip. Panorama Road Safety, who offer RMS/PCYC Safer Drivers Course, and driving lessons, in Lithgow.

Bathurst Kia and Kia Australia provided the vehicles for the ‘Stopping Distances’ demonstrations.

Year 11 recently travelled to Bathurst to take part in the RYDA Road Safety and Training Course at the iconic Mount Panorama Race Track.

On the day, they learned a number of different things, there was 6 different activities, 5 were in the classroom, and one was outdoors.

For the outdoor activity, they showed us how fast a car can break at different speeds, and how just a little 5 kilometres can save a life.

From the whole, RYDA Road Safety told us about the dangers of driving and the road and how we can reduce the risk of having fatal car crashes, it expanded our knowledge and understanding and hopefully from this experience, this could reduce road risks and make sure everyone stays safer.

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Our School was victorious in many sections of the Local Show.

The Food Technology and Support Faculties both received many Ribbons and Prizes for their entries including: Most Successful Exhibitor, in the Girls and Boys sections.

“The Young Farmers Challenge”, once again LHS were victorious.

Congratulations to everyone who entered, well done, a tremendous representation of our school.

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Lithgow High School entered 8 of our Corriedale Sheep into the Sydney Royal Easter Show in 2016. Eight students attended, each student was responsible for the care and exhibiting of 1 sheep during the 4 days we were at the show.

The sheep have been prepared by the students in sport this has involved trimming the fleece and training them to be handled. Our sheep showed well and the efforts of the whole team were rewarded with places in the following classes.

1st Place Corriedale ram over 2 years of age 2nd Place Corriedale ram Lamb 2nd Place long wool ram over 1 in the interschool competition 3rd Place long wool ewe lamb in the interschool competition 3rd Place Corriedale ram (shorn) over 1 and under 2 years of age.

All these sheep have been bred and raised at school. We hope to be able to improve these results in the future with selective breeding and improved pastures at school to increase the nutritional value of their feed.

A special thankyou to Alison Grant and her family, who was our female representative (camp mum), for her continued support.

Jon Abbott – Agriculture Teacher

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Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability Notification for Parents and Carers

From 2015, all Government and non-Government schools across Australia are required to participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).

All Australian Schools will collect data on their students who are receiving adjustments to meet additional learning and support needs in accordance with their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Disability Standards for Education 2005. This data will be provided to the Australian Government to assist in the development of a consistent, national picture of the education needs of students with disability.

The data provided to the Australian Government by the NSW Department of Education and Communities is provided in such a way that it cannot be used to identify any individual student or school.

General information about the National Data Collection can be found on the Australian Government Department of Education and Training website at http://education.gov.au/fact-sheets-nationally-consistent-collection-data-school-students-disability.

Privacy Protection

The NSW Department of Education and Communities follows the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. Schools will collect, record, store and use data about individual students in line with these requirements. Data security and protection is a priority and students’ personal details will be kept confidential.

Under Clause 52 of the Commonwealth Australian Education Regulation 2013, data collected by the NSW Department of Education and Communities for the NCCD must be provided to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. This includes the number of students at each level of education, the number in each category of disability and the number at each level of adjustment. The information is provided to the Commonwealth as a series of number sets that cannot be used to identify any individual student or school.

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training follows the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 when handling any data provided by NSW Department of Education and Communities in connection with the national data collection. A privacy notice has been developed to by the Australian Government to provide students, parents and carers with important privacy information in relation to the data collection. This notice is available on the department’s website at http://education.gov.au/notices

If you have any questions about the data collection please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca Hamment at the school on 6352 1422.

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We still need Volunteers to help in our Canteen.

You can put your name on the roster once a month or just when you have a spare few hours.

The hours are 10.45am - 1.45pm.

Our volunteers don’t have to handle the money or know the price of our items.

All profit is donated by the P&C back to the school.

If you can help, please ring Debbie or Yvonne on 6351 2308.

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UNIFORM Alinta Apparel is open for purchasing the School Uniform and Accessories. An added advantage to purchasing your uniform from the Uniform shop is the financial benefit that the school receives. This allows the school to help many struggling families, providing them with the necessary uniform. The on-campus shop provides the

benefits of the latest in retail service and technology including a full range of payments and on-line shopping options and an on-line appointment booking system.

The Uniform Shop’s phone number, email address, opening times.

Please check online at www.alintapparel.com.au for updates on stock arrivals and to view the price

The Uniform Shop (02) 6352 3494

Uniform Shop business hours during school terms are:

Tuesday and Thursday

Mornings 8.00am – 10.00am

The uniform shop can be contacted outside of business hours by email - [email protected] .

Payments can be made direct to Alinta Apparel on the day of

purchase. Alinta will take payments in the form of cash, credit card, or debit credit card.

Uniform price list & online shopping available at:


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Lithgow High School’s Important Dates to Remember

Monday 4/4/16 P&C Meeting, 6.00pm - Hall Foyer

All welcome to attend



Athletics Colour Fun Day - Wear House Colours

Friday 8/4/16 Last Day of Term 1

Monday 25/4/16 ANZAC DAY (during holidays) - Any student wanting to march in the either the Lithgow or Wallerawang Anzac Parade representing our school are most welcome. Please wear Full School Uniform. Meet at Lithgow Primary School at 9.30am and at Wallerawang, meet at Old Goods Shed for 8.00am for 8.30am start.

Tuesday 26/4/16 School Development Day Teachers only

Wednesday 27/4/16 All Students return to school

School Musical Rehearsal - 3.30pm - 5.30pm School Hall



P&C Meeting, 6.00pm - Hall Foyer

All welcome to attend



Elevate Education - Year 11

School Musical Rehearsal - 3.30pm - 5.30pm School Hall

Tuesday 10/5/16 - 13-5-16 NAPLAN Testing, Year 7 and Year 9

School fees may now be paid on line direct debit to:

Westpac, Lithgow High School, BSB No: 032-001

Account No: 15-3857. It is imperative that you put your student’s

full name, Student ID number or both when paying fees in this manner.

If your child has represented at a high level of achievement in any vocation and you would like it acknowledge

through Lithgow High School, please email the school on:

[email protected] with the relevant information.

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In the Community

Need some driving

lessons? Cruze

Driving School is

available for

lessons, contact

Gabby on

0404 644 089 to book your lesson now!

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For information call the Library Lithgow Library Learning Centre

157 Main St, Lithgow

Phone: 6352 9100


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Will be held at Lithgow Showground on 16th & 17th April 2016. Aiming to educate through entertainment, Ironfest features historical events over these days - Jousting and other events depicting accurately extremely interesting periods in history. The re-enactments are very dramatic, featuring Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, and there is a fully authentic Military Encampment, Hospital and Blacksmith’s Workshop. Lots of Roving Entertainers, Music, Dance, Woodturning Demonstrations, Birds of Prey, as well as Australian made goods on sale at the stalls.

Saturday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and Sunday 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

For more information you can visit the Ironfest website at: www.ironfest.net

AT GATE DURING IRONFEST: One Day - Adult $40; Concession. $30; Child $25; Family $95. 2 Day Weekend - Adult $55; Concession. $45; Child $35; Family $140

FAMILY TICKET includes 2 adults and 3 school age children. Any extra children over the age of 6 are to have their own ticket.

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Disclaimer: Lithgow High School will, as a service to parents, advertise community news, events & services, which may be of interest. Lithgow High School does not necessarily endorse the events and services, and accepts no responsibility for their management, organisation or quality.

We are now an approved club.

16 & 17 year old’s welcome Enquire about a 7 day free trial in club or call us on 63514251.

1 Naomi St Lithgow (opposite Woolworths)

The next PCYC Safer Drivers course in Lithgow is scheduled

for Friday 8th April.

If you have 50 hours completed in your Learner Log Book, grab

a mate and book for this course.

Driving is one of the most dangerous things teenagers

have to learn, help to keep our children safe on the roads!

Contact the Lithgow PCYC on for further information or for


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Are you looking for a piano or violin teacher for you child? Tutors Field is a tutor searching website where you can read and compare the profiles and reviews of the local music teachers. Hiring a music teacher can be affordable. You can find over hundreds of discounted or free trial music lesson on Tutors Field. Visit www.TutorsField.com.au

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For your fridge – Term 2 Calendar

Lithgow High School Calendar - Year 2016 TERM 2

Month/ Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



25 Anzac Day

Public Holiday

26 School Development Day

Staff Only

27 All Students Return to

School Term 2 Begins School Musical

Rehearsal 3.30pm

28 Senior Study Sessions

- Library




2 P&C Meeting 6.00pm Hall foyer

Senior Study Sessions Library


4 Elevate Education Yr 11

School Musical Rehearsal 3.30pm

Senior Study Sessions Library

5 Senior Study Sessions

- Library




9 Senior Study Sessions Library

10 NAPLAN Testing

11 NAPLAN Testing

Senior Study Sessions Library

School Musical Rehearsal 3.30pm

12 NAPLAN Testing

Senior Study Sessions Library




16 Year 11 Mid-Course Exams

Senior Study Sessions Library

17 Year 11 Mid-Course Exams

18 School Musical

Rehearsal 3.30pm Senior Study Sessions


19 Year 11 Mid-Course

Exams Senior Study Sessions


20 Year 11 Mid-Course




23 Stage 5 Mid-Course Exams

Senior Study Sessions Library

24 Stage 5 Mid-Course Exams

25 Stage 5 Mid-Course

Exams Senior Study Sessions

Library School Musical

Rehearsal 3.30pm

26 Stage 5 Mid-Course

Exams Senior Study Sessions


27 Stage 5 Mid-Course




30 Senior Study Sessions Library


1 Festival of Speech

School Musical Rehearsal 3.30pm

Senior Study Sessions Library

2 Year 6 into 7 2017 Parent Information Evening 6.00pm -

Library Senior Study Sessions



Newsletter Issued



6 Year 6 Parent Tour – 9.15am P&C Meeting – 6.00pm – Hall

Foyer Senior Study Sessions Library


8 Senior Study Sessions

Library School Musical

Rehearsal 3.30pm

9 Senior Study Sessions





13 Queen’s Birthday

Long weekend


15 Senior Study Sessions

Library School Musical

Rehearsal 3.30pm

16 Senior Study Sessions





20 Year 6 Parent Tour-9.15am

Senior Study Sessions Library

21 Prefect Speeches

22 Prefect Election - Roll Call

Senior Study Sessions Library

23 SRC Advertisement

Senior Study Sessions Library

24 2015-16 School Captain

June/ July


27 Year 7-12 Parent Teacher

Evening - Reports Distributed

28 School Musical


29 Year 7-12 Parent Teacher Evening -

Reports Distributed

30 School Musical

Performance 7.30pm

1 School Musical

Performance 7.30pm Last day of Term 2

Please note - Dates and times may be changed without notice, the dates below are only a guide to planned

school activities