Sect/79 22 May 2019 To, The Manager [NSE NEAPS] Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, S'h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai- 400051 Dear Sir /Madam, To, The General Manager, [BSE Listing Centre] Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, 1'' Floor, P.j . Towers, Dalal Street Fort, Mumbai 400001 Co pies of Notice to Shareho ld ers in newspapers for transfer of Eq uity Shares of the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund Please find enclosed herewith the copies of Notice to Shareholders published by the Company in The Business Standard (English)- Kolkata edition and Aaj kaal (Bengali)- Kolkata edition on 16 May 2019 pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 Er 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 Er Rule 6 (3)(a) of Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, requesting the shareholders whose dividends have remained unclaimed/ unpaid for a consecutive period of 7 years up to the year 2017 to claim their unclaimed/ unpaid dividend amount on or before 17 June 2019. The concerned shareholders have been informed that in case no claim/ communication is received from the them, the Company will initiate the process to transfer the shares to the demat account of the IEPF Authority. You are requested to please disseminate the aforesaid notice for information of Members and Investors. This may please be treated as compliance under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Thanking you, n ar a Asst Vice President and Company Secretary Encl: As above Registered Office Linde India limited Oxygen House, P43 Taralala Road Kolkata 700 088, India CIN l40200WB193SPlC008184 Phone •91 33 6602 1600 fax +91 33 2401 4206 customercare Jg in@linde com www Iinde in

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22 May 2019

To, The Manager [NSE NEAPS] Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, S'h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G-Biock, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai- 400051

Dear Sir /Madam,

To, The General Manager, [BSE Listing Centre] Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, 1'' Floor, P.j . Towers, Dalal Street Fort, Mumbai 400001

Copies of Notice to Shareho lders in newspapers for transfer of Eq uity Shares of the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund

Please find enclosed herewith the copies of Notice to Shareholders published by the Company in The Business Standard (English)- Kolkata edition and Aaj kaal (Bengali)- Kolkata edition on 16 May 2019 pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 Er 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 Er Rule 6 (3)(a) of Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, requesting the shareholders whose dividends have remained unclaimed/ unpaid for a consecutive period of 7 years up to the year 2017 to claim their unclaimed/ unpaid dividend amount on or before 17 June 2019. The concerned shareholders have been informed that in case no claim/ communication is received from the them, the Company will initiate the process to transfer the shares to the demat account of the IEPF Authority.

You are requested to please disseminate the aforesaid notice for information of Members and Investors. This may please be treated as compliance under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Thanking you,

n ar a Asst Vice President and Company Secretary

Encl: As above

Registered Office Linde India limited Oxygen House, P43 Taralala Road Kolkata 700 088, India CIN l40200WB193SPlC008184

Phone •91 33 6602 1600 fax +91 33 2401 4206 customercare Jg in@linde com www Iinde in

Page 2: 1rttoyear - Linde

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1rttoyear tterthan peers

low Jllllt:erial cosrs, and thus, a high bnse eD"ect will come into play," says Motilal Oswal Securities. In CY18, Ebitda margin of23.5 per cent was the highest in at least 15 years.

Prtcesofkey Input material such as whear, sugar, cocoa, milk and m.lliHelated prod­ucts are also rising, and food i.nflatiort Is expec~-ed to con­tinue trending upwards.

Further, new launches S\lCh as orgnulc food products will require additional promo· tlonalactMtles Initially. TI1ese cotlJd cap profit mar:glus urtlcss Nestle is able to pass blgher costs on to customers.

For now, the Street seems l· happy. The stock was up l per er cent on Wednesday. and is JY trading at 52 times Its CY19 !lt estimated eamlngs. After ~e results, lhe average ~ger ns price of 21 analy ts as per by B/()Qmbell data ~~ ru ,086.

1future M&As 1 consolidation drive



eand pita!, illnds It two them juacy in Q4. nmay msive is con­In the

run-up to the same, and after the merger. Whether the two banks have the wherewithal for it is the question.

Experts, however, believe one shouldn't sideline the tntentofthetw withrespeot to mer:gers. "Even fftlley are not acquirers. these tme­ments indicate they are strong enough to absorb poafolios from banlc!or non­banking financial compa­llies,~ says l\Hle h Shah MD ot'Envlston Capital.

Effectively, he says, OBC and UBI may expect a rea­sonable P.temjum if merged with larg r banks, unlike Dena Bank that folded into Bank of Baroda for a steep discount.

The final word, th<:lugb. would rest wltll the ma]orlty Sllarellolder - the Centre.

Tel: 91-11·271511381/8 Ti efix: 91-11·271-. E-mail: lovestors@oantablllntamallon;il.com

Website: www.cantabilinternational.com

~ Pursuant 10 RegOiaUort ~9 &: 33 ~flhe SEBI (UliUng Obligation and Dlsclqsure Requirement) RegutaUons, 201 &, nQ~ Is heJeby given tbal the MeeUng or 111e ~rd of Dlractors' of l!le Company is schedul~d to be held on Thul1d1V• M•V 2~rd . 2019 at 12:3P P.M allhe RE!li !Steredol'fll;8of lhe {)QJl!ll3f\Y-!>IIUated at B-16, Lawrel!QI Road, Industrial Area, New Deilil-110035 lnter·alfa, c;oosldered, j!pprove and take on !Wlrd Audlted!f]MO<;Ial Resul(sof tile Company for the rovrth quarter·(OI) and Ftnanolal Year ended March 31s~ 2019as)er tndAS. The Notice Of the Board meeting Is also iJVallsble on the Wl!llslte olthe COmpany at www.ean~b!ltotematlonal. coi)J apd BSE on (www.bseiMia,CQnl) and NSE on (WWw.nsetndla.Cbml Further In aCQ:~rdanl18 with the provision or SEBI (.Prohlbltlon of Insider Trading) (Amend men!) ~egu lallons. 2018, Compa~y'> Oode or Conduct to Re9ulate, Manltor and R,eporl Trailing by ln~lder and circular deled 2n~ April! 2019 received from BSE llil\ltea and Nallcif1~1 S!Qcl< whange of lndl~ Umlled regarolng Glarlr~ugn on trading r!9ttldllon ~tlribtl , lhe trading wlfldow has afready been clcslid from April 03. 2ll19 till the aompletton of -48 hours after the rest~Us ilre made publlo oil May 2~rd . 2019.


POONAM CHAHAL Company Secretary and Compliance officer

Linde India Limited CIN: l40200WB1935PLC008184 Oxygen House, P43 Taratala Road, Kolkata 700 088, India Phone: +91 33 6602 1600, Fax: 91 33 24 01 4206 Email: [email protected] Website; www.llnde.ln


Kond,, ~i1QQ96' *; ll'ofow.t.;!mtOIJ!I E-maN:~

~ ~Ito Regulalloo 29 fffilll Wl#l Regllls!ion 47 of 1M Sjoorilles a~d ~ Boaro of India (Uttlfl!l Obl!g~ilons a\1(1 ~ ~equlf91J18!1ts} R~hllloos, ~1~1 NlltJoe Is hereby giVen lhal a meeli09. o( me BMd • of D~edors o( lhe Ccmpan'f W1~ be ~~~ Q!l Wedll8sday, May 29. 201a. al Hs Co!pora l)fflce. lo conSidlir and ~pji(O'Ie. inll!f•Bii,a, 11'111

Alldi141d Flfllnoial Results of the Company 1111 the quarter end finafllllat yur ~ Mafd1 31, 201d atXI to coniiidef and~ Pnal aMdehd, If ~ny.

)!iiJmiatfoo Is atoo~on tfletompanys \Wb5!1e\'il.WJUI,bagfilms.malldalspavaltable on lhe websites of Stock Exchanges wz, WWIYnsel!l!!!a,c:qn and www.bseindia com

For BAG. Films and Media iJm!lld Sdl·

Date: 15.05.2019 Rajeev Paraahar Place: Naida Company Sacrelal}

Thi~ Notice Is h~reby given to the shareholders of the company pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 a11d 125 of the COmpanies Act, 2013 and Rule 6 (3)(a) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 ('the IEPF Rules') as amended from time to tim~ .

In terms of the IEPF RUles, all hares In respect of which dividend ~as not been claimed or paid to the shareholders for the last seven conseCiUtlve years or more shall be transferred to the OEMAT Acco.unt of the tEPF Authorily within 30 days from the due date of transfer. The concemed shareholders, holding shares In physical form and whose shares .-re liable to be transferred to the OEMAT AccoUnt of the IEPF Authority, mc'IY notelhatlhe Company would be Issuing new share certlfi<ate(s) In lieu of I he original share cerllflcate(s) held by them for the purpose of transfer of share(s) to the DEMAT Account of the IEPF Authority and upon lssue of such new share c.ertlflcate(s), the orJglnal ~hare certlfl(ate(s) which stand regl$tered In their name(sj will stand automatically cancelled and be deemed non·negotlable. It may however be noted that no suth h-'rther action would be required In respect of shares held In dematerlalited form. Putsuanlto the prO-visions of the IEPF RUles, the Company has sent individual notices to the latest avallabll! ddresses of the shareholders whose dividends are lying u[lpald/undalmed tor the l11st seven ~onsecutlve years or more, inter alia, providing de tans of shares to be transferred to IEPF AUthorlly. Further if'! terms pf Rule 6(3)(a) of the IEPF Rules, the Company has uplbaded names of the shareholders, whose divld nd has remained undaiined or unpaid for seven consecutive years and whos shares are liable to get transferred to the OEMAT Account of the IEPF Authori ty along With th ir folio numbers or OP 10- Client 10 on its website at www.linde.fo for Information and necessary action by the shareholders. shareholders may note that both the unclaimed dividend and the shar~s transferred to the IEPF Authority, Including all benetltsaccruing on such shares, II any, can be claimed back after following the procedur prescribed In the IEPF Rules. Th hareholders may fUrther note that the details uploaded by the Company on its website shall be deemed to be adequate notice foe Issue of new share cerUflcate(~) by the company for the purpose of transfer of the shares to the OEMAT Account of the IEPF Authoti~y.

The concerned share~olders are requested to daim their undalmedjunpaTd dlvtdend amount(s) on or before 17 June 2019. In ca5e the Company does not receive any communlcallon from the (Oncemed shareholders by 17 june 20t9, the Company shall with a view to comply with the requirements of lhe IEPF Rules, Initiate the process to transfer the shares to the OEMAT Account of the IEPF Authority. In case of any dalms or querl!;!s, the shareholders are requested to con tad the Secretarial OepartmeJ'Il of !he company at Oxygen House, P·43 Taratala Road, Kolkata 700088; Phone 033·6602~1600; Fax 033-2401-4206; E·mi!illd [email protected] Website: www.ltnde.in or Its Registrars, Link lnt!me India Private Ltd at 59 c, Chowrtn.ghee Road, 3rd Ploor, Kolkata - 700020, Phone 033-12~9 0540/0539 and E·mail fd [email protected]

For Linde India limited Date : 15 May 2019 Pawan Marda Place : Kolkata Asst. Vice President & Company Secretary

Page 3: 1rttoyear - Linde

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. C'I'-~~(Iff~rtl!tl11t:tloshlt'f11~~~r~~~~<RT~: ~ G>tt\!li'Gtj1l~u., ~ ~· ~ f91-s~ ~ ,~. ~-'loo ovlr, Cll'R: o~~-~\l,o~-'J~oo ~: o~~~~t8o)~S~ol\l; 8-mnil id investor.reluHons.in@linde:com, '8~: www.llnde.iu "fl!l~ ~. ~~~ !1~1~1:1, e~P! '~~ sQf~. ~-'loo o~o. ~: o~~-~~lrll> o~So/o~~ll>, <ll~ E-mail [email protected]

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