VOL 9. NO I 1RES FOR 192 1· L � 2 3-ÊRRY T ASHES JANUARY·U\JY. 192

1RESClUTIO'JS FOR - shotpeener.com 1950... · 1RESClUTIO'JS FOR 1950 1· 9-IOVEL ON ... A WY.CQ D\IJilUM roilt'Ctorll ItA' in ... ('lin boP Jlllnchf'd in a •-.·

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VOL 9. NO. I




SfliTif'<>Of" onn- a•d "AIIourl'!rorllJfni(' HI!! Wlll bo- ltOI\'ctJ If we just planl t'J>«If{h 110ya MoaN'' And lh<' Olllny �· to which IIOYII bfeiUI llrt! p ut m11kf' thl• l!lAlt"ment moN" true 1"\'tr)' day A t tJW. 8(lya l''roducu Dav of ThP 01111-dt"n Co .. Chi�ICO 01� larJ:I'tll aoyb8n jlnlt'<",..lnJ( plMt I n lht' country rour A WY.CQ D\IJilUM roilt'Ctorll ItA' in­IJtailcd

'Thnoot" or lht> oollectOnJ are \'t'nUIIlt­lnt; f(l)'lt btoan dour mlllln�:: OPf'rlllloM The- """ Nn . ... 11!) KD Ctml\nU()\QI AU· tomatk [)l.u•tu_,., Will rec:tntl)' •rtnallf'd in thtolr t,ean pr�lng bulldln��:. Thl1 roiloK"tc:' \"t"nUlltl"ll all ot thf' dWit­CJ"Qllng opuatlonlln the 1l:t:injl'. ('i("'ln­lns. crackh1Jt, ttoniJW'ring 6nd ll•klng or .0)'8bdln. Sl:tlng A.nd ell'fl.nlng aN' the prlnc:lpal dW!Il �tlng openttion• Thle f1 prlmully a nuiS&MI" dual. but

lh·· mAU'ual rollec:tnl will normally � URdMIIlOC'kl�

Clidlk>n II big nAOit' In Jl'llnl. Vllr• nlllh, )('lid, c:hf'ml<."411lll lll'ld foox\11 !Dur­kll'l!'l mllrglrine, etc.J hi the- onl¥ plllnl in Uw country manuta�:turlnk" AlpM prott'ln. Th� IIWttrWI I• Ultod .. " pull' ntltr Clllldtn alta prudu«-• fi'Ciyabf'ln no<.lr, meal, I<"Cithln iuiOt'd In p!llnt, ('OIJnlrhr"'- 111nd d�o(•ollllf' <'Oat· tnp),f't('.

TIM! dust collf:('tora hl"lp mak.- our li\••_. �alt-r for ..O)'l' bnon n1 ... 1. nour. oil or by-pn:KiuctA Ia uJio"d 1n Many Cl'f our f!Vf'ryday llf'Cn,nti�L ,.�or inJtan«, tht' marprlnt' �� lipt't'ad nn your IIO)"Il nour brMd, lbt- rhc('()lllte roatlng on lhl! randy bar, Uw C'CMlmtlil!ll your witt use.. thr paint on your hO\lM, 11nd mAny more probably Wt'rt> produe.-d by Dull­tulw-\"MlilatMp�

3 Little Words I b .... g'I:NI; I put on a shew; laoundc-d on'

And I got et&Ut:ht n4 faoot It wu appan!ntly 11 atmple quuUon! l•"liJiaUn'l knrwtheMnP·f'r;lrot

1 wtah I had b<-tn wls.t o:onouth to aay, "ldOJt'tkn;)>�."

llru•l•tf'd: JqU()lf'd•t«tJ•ti('•; I made"" Mil or my�lf.lk-ftnltii!IY; And hJid lho:o fact• thrown In my fan:"; \\'I" parll!d on w·ry cold l11'rm11

I wlioh I had b(-('n rrutll t"rKIU.�th Vl :Ill)'. "I \IlL"\\ r•�Ojt."

It Ia now ('IM�r that ! w... bloin�t aelfb·h, And maybe" a hllll! mdr bt1dli-H; Tllrre wa• an unnof)('r-ry atin� In my

�""' But it would ha\'t'�nallright t'\"en 80,

If 1 had �n kind tnou gh to aay, "l am !'Orr)'·"

My � tritnd my \1-.ffl' n1y aon my da.ug'ht<"r

)IIJ!;ht ru.w. bHn Ira. hurt, !('ail lone­JoOmr;

ll mlt:ht hnf' �n a brlghtrr, b'f'tt.-r ... ,.

It n•iJ!:ht han �tn • j:I'Nl tlf'81 dit­renent. It l had only rtmt'm�rtd to ay,

"IIOif)OII." Thurrrnr.rt 8 Rlct- M 0

!Jt eGJ.t $5o, ooo But it Makes YOUR Job Easier And Our Equipment Better

Th"- ill t.ht tw\11' Wlltdem11nn pr<'IIJI that mak� oor ybl> ""'"'kr 11 •1.!10 pUll the Compe.ny 10 a pcwitJ.on to Nondlt a ,.,eatrr \'filum� of blulntou, adding tc. lhr �urlty of our�. Th� prt_.. pennlt11 WI to build I ni� c.f equlpn1�nt In IMNI Uml'. lhrl't'by t'O.blln,g WI to on'Pr our oullOfl\f'nl t"tulll"r df'· Jivt'rytlatfll

Thlll mathiiW' ,:rtt�tl)' mlnlmlte• thf' amo unt ot \ayrut rt­qul� U\UI ma.klnK oor t-qulpmrnt '""" f'Oitl)' to �abrlc-atf'. Bto:'aUH ot lhiJI., our prlcu can b4' OlOn! <"Onlpt-UUn wllh othrr bull<kNI or lltm.l lar <quipm(!nt. F'..arly �livery •nd price art' oftf'n th,. tk'cldlng f11ctor. In thf' pladng ot an ordtr tor A WECO ('(I;Ui pmenL

Thl" Wl('tlt"mann pn!<M hu,. c:t�pNclty or 80 10011.. nw,..... f()rt', a 2•1• dtl. holP ('lin boP Jlllnchf'd in a •-.· J>'l'llt', or as� diL hoi<' 1n a .,_ • pl11tr nr • 8",. • 1\.olp In 11 '• ·or thlnntr phll�"

Ttw! '""". pr.-. hal • turrtt Y.•ilh 32 dUJe"'nt punch1n� ,.:tatlunl <>f varlou.• d\amf'ltr• and dltr�rrnt 11hapea. Th\1 \llr­l't'l is f'lf<'trinlly rott�.tf'd, brlnf[ing Into poll! lion any \tal!'«< IIUIU(ltl. C«\1 HI«, th<' OJX'nllnr. nr11l plfiC't'll a l!hf'C!t nn thf' uobl• of tht' machin..-, lind ('\Ani� It IM'('\Irl"ly. Hf' next rt'81U fr11m a pnop1u'l"d ('hllrt t� Pr'OII"n'MI\'t (lp<'riUonl rTqllin'tl to punch all h.ll� cutou tl, lind c.-nll"r punch ""''k._ On!' "ta· Uon11ry nllf'r l'nabll'll tht' open tor In kx-«tt. by tumlnK: a hand \\'h('('\ n.ny ti'ON j"IOe:ltJ.on; anotrw-r nl\t>r, any In and out JXlfll• Uon In • .almll11r way .AI- tech p;ll'itlnn II' found. t� pl't'•• !11 tnf!aged b)' atrpptng o.l 1 fool pedal

Thr filUipmrnt. with l\'l.t \DPIIn,g, f'Otlt J.W.OOO. AM!lhtr rnmplf' f>f what It ("'lJUi to toqu\p our manufacturing plant

nunt:IIT T, I'III'H 1111111 •PPolnt...:l Tt('hniW OCr«tnr ot IM 1:1\at a.nd V'umof C4>fll� Dl\' ... '""· '""'"' Uw• J•nu. ., ....

Afl,.robt.lurunj;;alt.!.-l!lr"'""KS.-...­dt-IC"f'C' In CM..urt�l JI'..IIICUW.ru!fi: fnlm 1\tt� ('llUq'" 1 .. IW. a.lr Pnllat �m­pt•-t<td cr.o:tu:.tf' V."Or"lt In lno.n..t.rv.JIIy· IC'f'flf •t tM Huv.,.d Bc-hni>l rrl Puhll<" H..,.lth In l&M ,.�oii<WdiiJ: two y .. a ,.. u ""'"fi:IT\4't"rwlth I�I':Oll'lhyrrA(;""'P· IWlf>n. ht t-nttffll th•· 4'mplll.Y or tho.' Ut.ah C(lpJ't'r Co. In 1�341 N ll"fuatrlal Hy&IN!blt

In 1840 bf" ilft-a,_f'tl..,f (........._of l't.ah Or•PJI"". but ("o:o.nhnu.d to .-n·t­ln a t'o r.-ult\.rl� ca,_O!IIJ .,. all -u"' n'"&lltilli" I.QI�I JI,yll"'n• \\""Jwn Utah ("oppt'r bt<w,.,... • rt1v"''"" ol K'"" IW'('(>tl C(>J'ptr Cl•rp Mr PTIT\1( re· mtu� v.·lth tM c .. mp.ny 11nd bM. .. m .. UIN'('tor nf U!t' lndu�trtilll �IY�tl\·l•c 0.. r:-rtml'flt (>( Kenn.-.•fllt C:n11Ptr In Ult; HI' rw.lil!l"� th� laUt-r pNIIU•»> In t�rdo.•r lo .-.rfiW' t1J.11 llt'Yo duli,.oll WIUI AWJiX."()

\\1\U.. .,.,lh K""IIH'C•H <'••pPtr. )lr l"nn�e•I"'I'Mua C'UIWU.Ilantt �r _.,.."._ nod l«twnod l>ft tndl.ultnal hy�"" at Uw Unt\T,...l)" f'lt l"tab

Mr..h>Nll !khoot Ill' ha• publt•hftl• nun•bf·r<Jt arUdt"a

d�llnJ .,.1lh hlll work, •nd OW. In· rlutk: 'Dull C'ontml In Ur�r .. ·SC.IC' o"' CbneC'ntrwunr Optor•tl.>�t.��". AIME Tfo(-hnk-.1 I'Ubti<.'tiU<>n N'n. 12:2::1, 1940. and ··c.-.� of l':xNuat VH!Uiatit.., f• r �ld lbteN� HArtolh"C 11"\1 ..... lrl#'fttal �ru-· '*'"-•ttt.l a..t r.a��:l-n..cOtrmf...lf).� V4'f'lb!'rl-..&9

a.tr •nd )lni Prin11: Art' �<•.XII'III: f<if • """"" ff•r lh•rma..l.-..., •M lbr1r lhl'ft' chlklrtn • 11r11 an•l t11on bo�"' Clflt' I )'4'tlf'll, the other tllml'lflth•olol

'nt.-y .,... ftndtna '"'" hitllluUI land· lllrAPf' "'•th it.,,..._ a "'f'l('t)nl•· rtUirgt! fuom lbf. l'tah ....._.rt til llolnrb Uw-�· lwl\'f' ��� llt'nla.totr'IC'd In Uw ..,._,.

Robed T. Pring

Technical Director

Dust Control Oiv.


J. Robert Bunch 1cw Salesrnan

ttwr """"" tn play co.lt 01'1 on'" rl lhf' �rby�""""

All Mn�l I'Wrh&bt l<t'ftnc"'C<olt r�opJ"'r en doM not ..,.,..,. � tbrr .. t•lr4' thbl wllt be �� ""' u""' m It YMnl that )lr_ I'Ytn• hb .,.orkl'd wttb'llrnn'lt'ntn hlaoft\«'

)lr l)rin�t ... mt!m�roflht>Amt'rl· ('Aft l'uhll<" Ho•lillth A....oo:'laUon, IM Anwrk'lln C'hf'mlcal 8tt"l4'l)'. OM- AJmOrl. <"tin lndWJt.,....l Hy�" A�tk>n, �d W ...... .wn·tn,c on two tvfrlmltlt!'N ot Uw AI"Mf1C'NN StandA.rda A.- dMI� ..,u. """•-' �t"fttik.lloft aftd �J hY'I"•I ..

1.4-\Jif(>r.IE.f fU1.fl '"""

On the Cover Wf'tUMI-•"""'Iftii'Aftdft>Uit!

�·ho�tto.>l\l "" (Of' l"'r N'- Tt��r •n•llht>n"""''l'lOIIN>pth4'�illl'lnl..

�!K,�::.. .. T \\AWA\11'Tit a liN'I •-..wmbltr on l� llot<'Ond •hlfl tor t11t Pl'At •cwrn )'11'1101 Mowa how It .,.(lrkf, � rf'IIOiuUona lin! m•<k' ((>bvklullly "'•th hf'lpl 11nd bpc •l�ob,·KoUMy .... -nh ... ,.

"· IUIIIt';K'r IJtlN'CU .,.,... •Jlpolnl@d I() t� •In -.aff_ f"tft<-U\'t! NO\'C'Mbt'r ll'i. to ......,., J o_ Alf'XIIIn.dt·r In Uw Ot•· ..... nd.f'f'll

Bob • alll'>tlwr of lhf' ..,........ addN to our •la.tl' lll� U..t uw .. les tf'rrit<.r- � bf' mono ......,..,,4'1y f'OVtf'fd, lhW l11oOn' bwt\- WIJI bC!' fOrthe(lfntn«

Thl� IAtflll •1"-na.n Ia v.tll IIF'OW'n to t� In lhf' Mlahawaklll p\lnt for hi!'

workf'd In t.h" ractor)' t"'nt IDlt to tt-4�. m<)lltJ)' In t� muhlflf' lltH>p f'<or 1M put • ,..._,.. hC' hu bftn • m4'mbrr ot the •n·kC' M.aJ!' �ptrvt.inJ lbf' f'� Arid wtTtdJsc ol A WECO .-qul�nt • uw On-� •'"- H•JW -11 llit' billa �rfcrmf'd ha. ctutiN M: iMJ«,t� by tbt> foUowtnc l�tt•r re­

HtV\"d t rom C�f' Oubhn. vtant Mt�n•K�r of Kt) .. t.one BnlU Work-. f:rtt,l ..

w. -Hfl•h lo ""l'lUl -- ... , A.ot • .., , ... _·--� ..... ,, • ...-JI .... . ,... .......... ,..,......,. .. .., diotiM�- .... ........_­oalr _...... ,_,. fiOIId ,..,.., ..... ...... ,...,.._.....,.,br __ •<Wt A.ot•COIIMM..-.. _,_,, ...... Bob IJwa.y• took "" •ruv,.. l*rt In

Union and rmployH> •lfa1ra. Dudnr U!IP \\'&f', Whf'n A WECO waa aw•l(lll'(l the Anny·NIII")' 'E", Bob a«tpted tht� filM 111n bthi!Jt Of all �pl oy-. He hC'Ipf'd Ol'plnlz .•. and a<U""I)' •n-f'd lhf' Credit u ....

lndlaM tlnh�ty and 81..-llWtn Unl· V'C',..I,., Dtlafld. Uonda,. t'Omhut..S to a'lve hl�n hi-ll f"""'-1 ed�tiOri

loCr •nd )of..., Bu.nth havf' two � halrfll rhlldrrn . Ot&n.t' •�t• II 111nd T<>mmy •«• '1, •nd Mf' wll"f' fox trrrt .. r

Ht'a • mt-ml)fr or t.hC' Ktv.·anl• Club. •c-th·f' on lh.t t)<ty. Uld Ctrla Cc>mmlt· IN, a dJr«tor c.r the Girl Sctlul Cttun· t'IL •nd ain&• In tbt- CM�t�l Olurrllchnlr

t:ft«IIH• ,faJOuary I, 19.)0, lit :Mt�(t In· erH8C' In pa)·roll deoducu.m. ru• $odlll Srcurlt)' Wll8 noted by llll AWEC0 cmploy�ll Th• �'ale <rt COfllrlbuUo n for both •mploy•r 11nd ernpiOyN" I• now 11,.•, The dedu<:tlon Ia mil� ff'()m th\o ftr11t 13.000 pa.ld In tht> �•h:ndar Y1"'1'·

Ti'le """' ,,,,., not• wlll b(l In to� during 1900 11nd 1�1. and on Jt.nuill')' 1. IWi%, Uu• �'ate- wt\1 go up to 2';

And •pM.ll:tng ot d..W<:tions. If yO\lr df!p!'ndt'ntil tun-e Inc� or dft'rd.•o�d in tht' p118t yn.r, r'l"f'nrmbfl Ull• will �hanjl;t' thfo wllhbQidlnJr: tax on )'(>lU' m · ('O)me Stop I n th., Pefl!IOI'�I �pt.rt· ment And 1111 out a nt'w Form \\'.-4, It your d�>pentk!nttl hln·., t"banged.

C'rWih.-d Wlllnut ahelltl •rt' Wlf'd In a No.. lA W�lllobrstor �luiii-Table at Bult:'k )lotor Dlv .• F'1lnt.. Mlchi_." to ttl!burr alun•lnum part• for � Bmt:'k Dynt.ftO'IO.' drh•t Dependlnlli' upon lht' ,.it.(� ott� pi�-. from no to 810 perta .,. WhHIIlbMIIt('d hourly

Ctlt('Tpill•requlpmtnt. butlt·t�lllke-lt on thf' toughht aulgnml':nta. lneorpor· att'' ..e9'""' of Wherlabr11� cutin�•

and forging• JJUcb u mantfoiiJ., t'nglne head>!!. l'r4f41. bl'll.t:'kl"t.l. hou�nl'•· tt�. A total of ll<e\'�n Wh�lsbr11Jtol"':: are u:lie'd In their Prorill plt.nt fol" �\'t,..l· f«o<<appllt"atklJUJ.

''All I knll\\ 1� !hat II "a.� \�Omll'r­ful- 811.)'11 an A WECO workl!r who t:OI· l�teod ht$unnce bo,nei\tt followfng an ope111.Uon, "Wlwon l� illliU,.nce plan "'.._. rtl'llt oft'trtd. I didn't take ad· •·antagt ot it. but deddf'd later to partldp•lt'. Of ('()Uf'M I dldn'l rNIIz.e It would amount to >110 mu�h ror It .,-td about half nt,)' doctor and hoiJpiU.l bUla Without the ht3ur-an« btneftta I (loft't know what 1 would tlsv(l don,. I would "('''"' 4('t out of dtbt'

"It only I.'OIIIt.a me -tOt a v:�M:k and the ComP"nY r-Y• lift ..,qual amoun\ form!'."

ttur A\\ tX'O "'lll"'omo•n, all nNUI,. ''Ill lell.d to �"-""""..,.k"' tor lht we-ek ot Ptbru•ry 20. Tht ael� ���:hool \ldll � h�ld then. This mH"ling which I• 11n annual t\�nl "illf�>&lu"' mund-U.bli> dl.ec:US8lona and tlllk41 by mf'llll:l'e,... of

the prod�.�<:UOn. ad\'frlialnjt, t'nlflne('l"­tng and Mit-a dtpartmtnlll. Th,. t.nUI'C' mHUng Ia dl'slgned to d�.A an\1 pn!­H:nt ntw v.·ar- llnd mtana of obtalnlnJ: a �rtat�T volume nf bu•ini"U In lllr.O

R� /ut 'Whed�iutr; cd w� MIH. ea.

We•\'l'r Mfg. Co., Sprl"¥tlt'ld, Ill lllllhllfRcturt' 11 ODmpll'!.t' line Of automoth'f' .. ·n•lu equipment. Tht:ir line lncludM the \Vt.avtr Twin Poll Uft. WhHI t..llgnntf'nl and blllandng ma­<'hlnf'. brakt' teatera. hydrauliC' j!Kkli and related ga,.ge equlpml'nl u wrll •• _.r .. ty tnapt'Cli(ln dctvla-«.

\\'Naw•r pl11.nt I� J)l.ll throush Utt-l r $JW('lal Wh�labrt.trr Cabinet pktured ••,..we. Thill pro«-AA!ttg r1-mo\·�• all wtldlnt 11patttt a.nd tiUJC at • M". NW1ng ovtr the fMTMr methnd

and pro\·t&-. 11. uniform n�.t�tte $Url'll« for painting Wt'•\·�r lnal11.1led Ult SJ't'('Uil Wh('(' .. trr-tur lll ��� up el,.anlnK llM1 fouttd •n •<lded <livid-end In the matt<:> ftnillh. p,..ctlc.lly "''"'Y Wt'ldt'd .,_,,nbly fabrlt'llted In the

...... lf"rt•lnPMnl a n d amu....mt'nt In pn�wlfna: thi'O\It;ll an okl cnve yard • l,rna Tur""' •Y. It'• �n and llllf' looQ fCir It l,..otna bt� h�r c.mtltry «•rrlllnc whf'n •hfl viAJtl!d St. JOOru� Cf'mttrr)' In "lc>hmond, Vlrrlnla, 1bout 10 )'f"&ra •a:o Ttw:n 11M found a weallll (I( old, lnt.-�lnc. and amu.ttnc epttat.a..

1!._, ,.'rott' thotn\ dow'I'L TherNfler, , .. ,..,. tim" L.of:M p&Ml!d All oad JniYI' w.rd .tlf, want«' l.O •top and t'Jiplon> iJMolC*lb .t..., for n.tW �h.atM to atkl to thf- ""llf'l'tklft.. �ow aM baa at k1W. • huJ'drH t� --uJ ln&MptiON rmm oW tom� and mot�Umf'nt.a.

lit'lt'a,..aff!WotMrfavMttawllh lhe {ort�etnal 11pdhns. et�pU.I..IIutlona, ett.:

Thill Mf' from �L J ohn• Ctmrter)' fbiCible!Mo�M

--1:.--. .. au. •* -ioJ·----·

a-.,.w,.,_ ...,.,7. ,..,.

1 ... .-�� ,....,..,..._..,,..

,.,_ ___ JforUGJ , •• rro;- ....... ,..

·-­,.,.vjrvliiCaiv-ol • ...

o.dilte»f- ol J.,.ptada-ln Urnry County, llllnoU, 11 11n In·

M"ripllon, wrtttrn by 11 bored wife tr.r her h111�d'a mcnument

,._,,cu..,lwiav�lload ...... -.we, ......

In a KenUM:k)' Ct':'me'tr,.,. w ... .,.........,

... o.c "· ,., ,�..,.�-drto


nua anJ�CripOon Ul on t.ht' okt#-llllt,.�·e In 8L John'a Ctmt'lf'ry H�• IraQ tM loti., o1 "*"' 1t0M "KfOI oiAJbal*>tlal't>tl.aiJ H� .. trgonf)""''' C.11,.,. olld Copllelf)' ill all doe JIOl• o.w/ ....t..J All.ll o1 Ilia tllo .,......,by•l•••..,,,.,�byr� .,- eoo.:t-.. o1 Ail H-r H-.ty. .._..__.. ,.. c..,.,. - ,....,. lM ______ ..,_,... ... .. � .... --- � -.1 .,..._ .,..li�M,....�· ..... - .. c...-- .. .. b ...... .. --· ...,"'""'r·•••"'-•,..,.•..,acur. .... � ....... �·----­,,�. WJdl �� - ,._., ,..., ... .,_ �-� on ,_.. ..,...JC: dvflu o1 Hlllbcaad. Tar-., Soo ood llolhw Ia •.llorl lie woJo ,. l r ... rtd 10 I� ""hoJ. b...-11 .IIGCW olld II� rhot ,..� o «r••-. "-"'- ollli 0.. laad.roiUbetfJ' Harl>adU...U .,., , ... 11.51 bilk .. ,.,.,_,ol .... �

And lhlt OOo· fr<om Plymouth, ),1 .... fo tao._,. ol.,-w.Nra.lo- � �rolNrS.IIDrov9fftwlloc1JadHG)" 3/, 11H •• 1111• JCirlll ,...., o1.., �· Abo a • 1&/otlfdawqat.rb)' .. r•iiM c- ...... , ... _.,W\1/hiJyooo•d

--�,.,_ ... ,_,.,_.111 __ __ �---· .... .....,�...,-.,� ..,. ,.,.........,_ • ......, aor,_..-...,.

Otht',. ¥t.btt kJtfM' 9( �·· �)' llf'nd hn' tM unMf\lf' orplllllhll Uwy � l("'f'((oN ln thrlr trav�l., and atW'I r.lll· thllncl'll "'·nh olllf'r ('(Ill«�

l..ma. known .. ")U• TunM"r" to t.hoiMo In the n111thlnll' llhop, wllt-re •M prnidl"l oVt'r tht 1)1'\lodU<'tlon otnce, b .. another ootaldt' lntti'PL She acta In orlrlnal humorou.- •kit• that Ill.' ch'tn bt'fore t>llfllnluUONI 1nd b�t

lft'V Vlrl•ou. r.(ll(t ltalton...

\l\Y.C'H f:\hlMh>d al tlw' J%d �:O.I�Ikta ;;I ('lW'nllniJ lndu .... trie., held Nowmber 28 to 0Kro1bt'r 2 In Grand Ct-ntral Pll.lafi', Nf'Y- York CUy H('rt! iJI 11 vii!W ot our booth wtth t"rank l'l'dmcty, Chartn t.uotwt1, an d Dill Blank l't'lld)' to talk 111101 aomto ot tM �.000 Pt'O� whoa\tt'n6Pd the ahow. OUWr A WECO I*JPI• at tbf. aboW lndudtcl R. E tkhalllool, F P! t'bl, R J F"'�rra)d. 1... B. Nt'-on. J K O.vt� W 1J IIdia� L. L Alldrva. \\' \\' C..VW.Il, Dan.t �an. K. P' .. Ulf'A(IJJic. and c. 1... BtnhAm

11t<' Athl<'lk' A-P. ll<Nird of lll�iiJ"' lor 193o0: 1"1allllill� In tM u.aual ordf'r Luth�tr C.'amp •atf1'1ilhopl. nu Rr1hl i tt�l �':!i1 �!nrt��':f��o;';. �.:-J;:.J!n�0:.�1���!-�� ��·

:. cmaolnUionl Sf.lt.ted Cltft'ord N-land iiJupplncJ. �rd N� tmat"tenaiK'f'l, Anna Mart. Btetlbrotd: (oftkt>l, and �n.l KriU!oy SUI tm-hUN- ..,., •. Marw )ldZif' �""" I*<'«� Anna Nartr She waa tkc'lPd htl'f'la'7 'l1w ptnna• ntnl�l't"'' 1..1Ha.rold\\'1tlt..ner


)'AJ.,.ard Jo:m�l 11\N-IIN'p nrclll'oP"' n·-rch A.U.I'IIII'\rtllf'r •lf'foll\an IMnKarnf"> machlnl!'l!.hol) .1. n. t•f'druU)' .-n·k'rtn�m�r

C:f'nf'Ukkr.,.•n stockroom

.1\.,'\'k<ollnl dtmoru;tratkm

John i"t"lu�k) foundry

l"a!("'ll""" adn•rt.uoin�;:

Chari� Anthony born DH'- 12

Norman Fl"rrlnt'ht bom l>tc 8 ... bom Sepl 11 Kf'nl Eugl"n" born NO\" 3 JllmURI.,hardJr born OcL ll Cllryf'!ul l born No-v. 2D

"''('(ldlnJ: No\·embt'12tto Htld•Wordingt-r W1-ddln(:' Dect-mbM" 30 tt> 81/onl"h"Rift'd di&nlond ring '""" Dick Connon

,\lllO'rl \'•mh•noh)lr MfchA�I Jvhn ct»ot acwuntlns bom OCI. 29 l'�thrl w .. lkrl d1111mood rtnr trotl\ billing Don !ol11.-...h l.a•lrrm·riJio•k•·l JOII<'ph Anli\UJI)' �to ... ·k Jamlllr)' 1%

WIH!ll JAY PI;NU.ND oo- to AWI."CC • ff42 It wcu ftl WOI'Ir ill NNr:nbly. Hownet.


Aw<>y /«>101 •-"• plant Jay u- ""' !late 1o O.p up IIU qor6t11 olld lloee ill eoe.-.. �ra. 90•du IIOY• loy •-u #vSI o ...,, -. oJ>oul 1-S' " 7-S'.- ""' h •WII � a po•lit\o lo•lr flood qo1dller lof our M ""'•" 1gw• M •ffowbeuleJ .1!¥ wll• toll'* 100 Q'-'011• M ....

Tkt IIIIV7 -nd /h 0' 1«. bat rile Pu lolld• her• 12 liYW� o:luJdreft.. olld Ill odd> ,.,.,, cvr•iw o .s-r-•-old 9roodal• Ollld o 5 _.uM-C)Id 91<111do:111"'1Jh'et, llkll lltl-q 0' lot ··-

YO<IIJ'obol'Jylilln-•-" O'rodtafbd,.lllt W AZ.1tlt tASitwJCZ Oil lb4o ltld.,.,.,, ., ql-1"9 dltpmt-« lw do you .,.,..,.. th-eM thln9•oboutllm1Wo.'l· I. 1'/oyed !C.dl• 011 o N'l&how!Ho Hoqh

:rc--2. StWNd efte•JC"OI "9-1"'9 "' Abet

dw-". .S. D. "" o foothall oo:bokualllp J. Wa• o Copto� Jn the .-.,...,. 1:"9•-t•

dw-ttqWorldWoolr.O'otdlltl..-.e"k-e'" ,..,. £utopocm Tbeotre

4 Pnt .. ioclll 10 COIII-"'9 lo AW£C0 2 y.-ar.1 ogoo, IO'CH employ.cf a.1 o corurol ,.,._m,M 01 &oJJSaltd..

.S. b-utileflomdll<utw'Oorluk:lr•"· I. Spend. ,.,. .,,. ,_ r•IIIOde iJ119 "'"' ,...._ oaf..our•l St. Ja H'urHwolo

7 hloft9•to9or/0019Uailo�


. ..,.._.. .. ,,._, ... _, \\alt,..r llf'•ll) h&ll.)oLnfll lht rank"

ut t.hOoiJII" owning farma. \\'all'• f11rm il on F..dlwn I"(JAd, c-� to lhe- airport. HI:' tlu chlcktll� •.nd fruit . T'he M(kr mrtOO from tlw' ftPf)l{'fl on hi• tnoeJr wu 10 a;cod... n,. lll C"'n.Jick--rlng pul"t.h.uin� • new dck-rprt.u

AnOthf'r chickf'n fllm1('J' '- ! l .. mltUI ·'111.-hrll. llr! I!Oid 11 num\l(',t ot �m to hie fc<Uow-c<mployen around thf' h-oh· .. ,.

" ..... .,,,.. At .... J took a n•uplf' ut day., oft' durin-'! ttl .. holiday• to make< Kc<fte

11 rk'h HnnJ::arirtn Jll'llt .. t)'. Shl' •Y• It t111k"� two .-t.y� t o n1a.kf' tht>m l..rn• TtuiH'r �nd 'larj<!rll' Frat( .... wen t� IIK'ky Pf'Oplc: whn r.-«-ln•d •mplta or Mrs. Acal'• baklnc


Harry llu-lm�" .., .. , rl'C"tntly t'lect.oed trf!ll�rer of thol' local cheptf'r of I � KnJgh tuown Chlldrl!'n'• Hom.- Alumni A•lln. He- b •1$0 tret�o.Url!'r of lhe nil· liQnlll 11M('dalinn

• 4

l r•lnc f'rll'� Juii!-�IIIJI:Inao TN!nkfla;h•lng, •nd UI'Of'KI'l fln:draln 111 rooovt-rinJ; from �tn O))f',..tlon 0\lr IM"It WW\(-.!IIO�m

(1f'<)rl[f' Tharp"" eon RichArdt. major· Ill� ln C1'1nllnok)gy at San JI)Mo Stilt ..

Collt"K<'- \\'Dfl\ler If thAt •I<�:'"-' ff'Onl Ute ti�M Crorct' 1pen1 al w._xhln.:-too SUI. If' f'1i11on'! Ceol1:<' i�U�t.al� a Wh.,...labn­ttor SpN'IaJ C.blnt>t •nd D u a t u � Du•t Coll«tor In Apnl r.f 1�8. � m.IIChlne i• n!M!d l.n blut thot llluminum autn lll"f'll..!le- pllltt'-' 11.-d by that stilt"

ENGINEERING NEWS • .,.. ..... ..,,.,.11 ....... _.-.41..-c.lil!,.l ... lo.krt

ltiC"k '"•••kl<"'ll">rrll( .. Mn ""r�h·t'd il train tor Christma ... ).fe.kins him thl:' 1,089,00.1'th child to gt"t 11 train for hi• father to p lay wit �. •

HIIVt' yru aet"n l't oil _..,hfl!011-n'" ''hol rod'' tie! Which rt'm lnd!l me-, did you knov.· thlll •ll l"" A \VECO Ml.!l!lllt'll �port fi:"Qid color'ftl tie• with rmr t,..df'· mark ''The Mold<"r"' I'Uind prtlnlt'-d on thtm! 8oh Orlh •rnt��gl"tt to hsve- th-r:--m

mllldt'. T h t ' m.-.n wt.l.f lh�m at tl"rrldt' �twv.• t o di•Ungulll-h thc-m�h·t'a from thecustoment.

fi"""l' U<>hloodo•r Is noakln,c hLm,...lr 11 "HO Gagut l..ayo\11". ln ltlll!e )'OU don't folio"'' modl'l 1"11111'08dlng. th,.t'• Mt' of lM t111•n populllr ai:u-a Q( n!Od1!1 r-allroadfi.

uouho \\'hlln-t4'r C'OOkoed hf'rflr•t tur-­k�y for Ctor-t.tmrrll. Hs•·lnJ' h�lllr4 th ai It took 6 hou, to pr�pan-. ahe � u!) at .t ;00 Alt 1111d put It on 1M lltO\"f' Wllf'n &hr il.f'Oiile at 8:30 AM the turkey

wa-1 �dy to Mn·e. Dollie.- manlfed to k.-.ep It molrrt •nd wrrrm u n t i l d in ner

��m�� •; ... :"r�llf'h:1���;:.�.;;s'�';:�j; motM:r .

Bt<-11� IJ"yd Wall� ai"''"Y" tall• ('\'('t)'OI\r ll "rat" A�n .... f:rlh P"t' him lll mOWte tn.p for Chrlalmllll. Uoyd ,.-ouldn't o�n lht' Jl-1'1-Ckll.l;� In lM """ t"ln('ol'rlnj:;' �partm!"!· but took It heme.

In rlae K .. nn-'· Hohi-l'<lf'r .tt\11 do.-wn' t kn-ow who (llo\' .. hlnl Ow- dlodt-r&ill: 0011 rorCllrito-lnuu. w�t' ll ttlll tw aa l..-ottlf' \\hilnu·r.

At W Mt.llr; l'any Mkt by 1M Alh· k:tlf' A_. .. u,.n [)l'orotm.,..,. 2. apprwrl· lbii.U.Iy ;o m.et� "'t"' pr�t Ttw �rty wu lwld ln OW> K--.u.lul Chill Dlt.tf'o WNIW'nt �tf'd ot 6lnul ,. s..tunc -..d • Dt<-h,-. �nuu!M'nL Y.Uc:bft priaN "'v"' aw.rdold to· n.-r1 Bfcc ... � a-t�. ....... no. 1('1>, r..t :O.rlM&, Ra.) \h.,....., ....t n.-r..n11 F1Pm.l11c.

n... rl'lrtM--nLl ..,-�"' LJ.kotn m� ol by R,., �II•I.T,.. (-.,., t.utlwT(.amp. r.r...,. llrar,...ll. •""-' CUlloM ,,....lafMI.


.. ,..<�Mit,r,..,\ M•lt .. '••lru,.,,_., t...&.c ...... ll

Y.lmrr ll)rtl V.C'IIl hu11Unr; Uto �"'"' �olll• wrlh I rabbota Thrl:'!' of WbJC'h two llhot. U.... fe>Utth No klllf'd by hittln� It v.·;th ttw-run blon�l •

I.,) n• R.Mor"" h.ad tn fir""'- f'f'N"Dl· ly n.._..,.,, .. tO(.kthf-01.1 �tlr!r..,_,,., ·�tt wtwn It "'"Ofolltbl"t "'·or-k. lhf'D had to aort hrlp lo pt1l It Ndt �r ar-ut.

Kill 'IIJillrr and IUJ (,.oe4 Wotnl dfol'r ha11Ut1C C111llwol'pp.o-r�laot Jollrt•l:.•n. Btll Alv>tll dfw'r tbP ll'"lft day. Ray •·" 1111 th.t � HoUl ...,r w<�-r�

:�:-.::.' ,�::"'�' ::r ,.� �: � rftht>mni•"'•Y

-'�tc,·���d'l,.'��=-�:fJ:.:u��-: rfft'ntly Hr •• a fl:ll W11r \"t'l

'M'Ito lun('h Umot tOp:lt' or ronvt',.,.lion '* 11l>"' ,..,.t'lf'\"l.,on•· 1'1loiWo who hiiY'l' and tn..t YoM hiiY'l' not a .,., 00 1111 f'qUlll a.mt�Unt � LJiklnJt .lim l'o'l'lrll. ( '"tu. .... k K'"•"">· :cam n ... rTf"ll. l'"..mlf' IINirrrll • ....tt-11" \lalr-IN'n,cwniltl.IL '"""NW�N'ftiiUt �that Ow� p��m till tO' ... \�"Ift .. -clll lfMo WrftUillJ -l('� 'MilA, .,.f'll lhou .. h. l'-'t MlfW" Jll!""')lot a .. n J.-o l4 wrHth"tt mat� at a.ayhn ...

t::ddlor and IIaNe 8)nl llront pur. t"tra.l-da113arr'ff•""I'Wif"lbolS)N· nuor "nlcoy - bav. chH:knY, • II'I"N', lfll(""lor•n.dpe .. ,..,Uoo fum

�,...-.,.�I. Jr �·� u ek<t� traJn f•..- f:hrlltmao HUI p.llff'IIU: i(, ..... ,.,. ....... u. :o-r .. �"'* ahl>pl f:"ll"'t' It to tum �ftt' te"t_, 1\ 11� \n hlm· .-elf..,...otMcklnn"ttNn·••c:hildto play•lllr It

, .... l.n!Nird" .. "'lfot Ulou&:hl }No lh<Ju!d bllft a IO)' for ("lu_. ... ._ 110 .lhr f:"ll'"tbJR�oalnytra!•.

Tho bftlutttul po�n.-Uu tMt do'(ltlof· atf'd th• "-•bby lhla ynr V.t'rt A'lla.rdl!'d to. �u(' ....,...k, Ullla111 1:1ou ..... n .. a ... and .IUIIO'I\-Ilo

Ia .... ,........ .,., .AUH AUSTIN ...rhd•teldt•�-oAioiU..� ..___,,..._ ,.._,-o,,... ,.....,.... ......... '"',....._� ····-���-- ..... , .......... ol ..... t.#llfT........, ••hwe��u..,.,., • .....,. .... ._ ...

..,.. » .. .. ... ... - u.c. .. ......,_,.., .. fOIIW..,.._. ........ -. • ...,....,c,..,.,,.dlelr•.tiMchabl o-'--*"'Df9CII-

H• --.-•-•'-' .. ,_.•""''II•-t Ul ,,. .. , .... ·��-- ..t.Oo.r Cll ,_, "'911 Jlof '"'' /ror=-•leu., ,. tJiit _,..,._ 9'119 ·� ..,., fi&Jdo •IM•• .. Jtad' boNa -•"'9 � , .. V I _., .. , .. �no. -• #oufloCIIJooi'lololl(lltffeH--


._......,"'-4 ... ... .,. dftl"t''rJ':; :.:����=:crubftlt-

.......... r1 .. ,.,... .. 11111,... Ill ba<"k \1\orkon�; Yntbu.att•r• n••·-Uitll...,...._

.0 .._,, • ..t DON CltNst � o ............. _.,lloel ... lle"""""ill .... gdjo,if- a.....,, .... -- kit-. .... 91'11 ... _...,.._....,d.. .. --.

,.._._._.u.., ......... .. lldt ...., ·- ....... ........... ,. ,... Mop 0.. -.t .. ,.,_....,.. __ ._ wild • ..u. ..., ,. -. -wb,._,.- ,_ oldtotlo-w-•-·-�--- .... ... ..,_ ...... lllr_. .. __ .u. ... .Jear .. -

, • .-u-. Doll Ill-co 1Mb tc • .., --... a.o.t�� .. ,� ..... ..,,aJ,_ ,.._""" ... ,_.,.,_ .. .....


A numbfor r>f dUJtWlC't'd pft)pl,. art bAck In tJMo Foundry •.-.Ln

Kr11ey ,,.,..,. � ba• k ,.. e �rna('(' hriJillr't llf"f.,..rl lo(ln...-, ts bllrk u a "'lillly motdo-r land JllJl �ndl � rupt.l h:unt•nc: "terl!lt t.,...,_"' r..:t<-1!1..,. "'ba.cll,.. lht l\')w.f-,.lllr.tor opc-ratlW

A�totJM.tundr)' .. \lef'rio. llvft. _.. •• '"IIJWo tor H• fOI"Inl'rly Yovrkol'd In tbr 11•,...1111 roo,..., Hor ...,. an taa:-. r� .o ,..kq a J(>(ld �!Mpr�:tiM"

w" 1o •t • ..,.,..,.,. 11....,.,... to 0.. •to�:k .-- Tbat IVY wu aJway• cuo.od fnr •t a.ut ,.,. M-lly lau�tr.a da.1

\\all'f'r ,-,..,,,.11""-l, thlll Jtolf"r fron1 ttw foundry. dl•l all rir;ht tor lllftUII"If at the lo"<lo'•ndrynlm'• ph:nlt' Ht nnL!Ihrd With lftolnd I()WII('o<ll'fl m thotJ,OlfnUili:h TM priU wa• an 1111-l,..lhcor rolf bti.J. TMn he ropptd tht d< or prllof. • l•alhrr­bllltoldr;•11talnlrtfC• '"lht'r·•

\\'aJt alao ,.,H.,.d tiM> ra•Una ron­tellt. but h'* P"rlvmall11t'• WJlMfl prtz.to. 11111111!11111:. II"' V."CJUI\d up AJ<ol tM<'d tO thi'O'IIt Owo C"!Utll�• pluJt a miloto •nd • lut.lf Hl' fin,.,.,... up Wllh A "'bLrd"e Milt-• thattOPII"hiR lh. �t (l( thC'II.!ltr!IOna tount&ll�

\nnaado , ........ ''"'k th ................. oil ..... tu. ...... y-rnc.na ,.,.,. drG'I"C'

�;'� �:-.. � e:-.-� •-.Mra..Nk'ullnl.._lnl�to Sl("k._. trn,_ .. at a r«"-t'plk"lft he'ld Dl'­('flDMrl�

The Story of a New Produ<t

How A WECo Developed

Copper Shot AW� te�Rrl"h l"nil;intfN t\t.\'� ik\'t'lopt'd a tr\lto t't)Jip('r

��otaot •b,...ah·e 111ntl ,_. nov. Mllln)t it throo,th our rtgulal" -.1�

>'tatf Tl'li• 111 .nothoer "ftnl�" for WI. It n:t'illrtt •nothl"r pr'f'M.Iuct added tit {lur lln�t, ad<lM lrt('('lonlt' tor u-. •nd LIII"N 'aatd pru­tiK'" tor tM Compsn)'

But wh.tlt'll bfohrn� all t.h\11 ! Why we• thte n;:rw product dt'\'lttope.d� Wba .-ny !bd thl' work� AM wh<l bup 01" pr·ochx:t! w .. ·u an,�r �11rr o)wn qutlltJ.ona. one at • tim('

Why Wo, It Developed? Pl'lldUCf''11 o1 norr-ft>rroutl � I("Op�r, bronJJI!. bra.511. and

aluminum) ha\·e long dl"rn.Arnkd a JiP"<'hJI •b,.._,,.t' tor their nkll-. R(>gular lnm abnalv<t f'l�r I H deJM)IIted INlfl dUtlt on th� aurtac.- which IAttl" ru•ttd, 121 !rub� lt.o-11 In lh<' .rn't metal �utlng "11twH-qutnt tnol bf"*.Uj!:�. or {3t talllt'd to I�•''��' • Mture.l lu"tr 11.nd rolor on non·ftr� pe.ru. Non· ftrr(lUII ,,,.tal llhoJII' trlffl • nutnbrr o( waylt to «oiYf' thtir protllcm, but •l\llo"llY" met wil.h only llmltf'd liU<'«:D-

Why Did AWECO Interest hsel f7 About th� ynn age, at a Mire m�unc Mid In MrW·

wakll the point a�1t ncm·fc-rrvu.. nu•tal planu n�nf: a •J)of'dal abniiiYr WIUI dt»l'uurd. Our aaJ(<jlm�n "''ho art- In lM fteld and knew.• our cu.lltomttl" n� lfnew that nf)n­fc-n-ou. planltl n«<<fd • t�l abr·�ta:h"t' to U.lllt In their Wh�lllbl"'ltO� Why didn't A WECO 00 aomethln� llbnul It!

Who Old the Work? ��ollowlnjt tMt m�tln� C. R. C\JM �.«.n tn ln,UUJ;lll(l

the 11Ubje-C't o( rwn-tc-rrou>� abr••h· ... �au� oopl)f'r �mM to otl'tl" the bMit ltl)lutiml hf' triM to IO!ratf a alo:)UI"tll! ot C'Oppc'r �hot. No Mtl�actory � wu tound So, he ••ked om

metllllurJisl, Tcwn Hut�hiMOn, It ht <tQtJ\d dfvlee a m�thod ot making oo�r llbr.Jiive. 1Tom a.. now "''lth Sl�l Shot f'roducel'll, Inc .• manult.ctu«'n of the IJt<!'t'l ahot d.twlopNI In our J..bon�tory .l.nd market«! by \I .. I

Wrth l.he Mlp (Jf' VlfJl:ll J'opf', Tom WHit to "'"Otk and a pracUC'al e<lpl)f'r 4hot WAll tbr rMUil. Furl.h('t tl"'ltlni!C WM car. r1t'd Dn by Tom CrtotiN' und\•r tb<t 11\IJ)f'rvi•IM ot Geoorgr Me· Nc-tlt" •nd John Straub, ut th.t rt-n:h dtpertmf'nt

Until 1M middle (If January, IV,�. all of lhf' ('OJ)pcor strot market� wu prodtteltd to GUr labor��tory by \'lrrll t'Opt ud Tom Gn-ef}(', �tMil!"lrd by Jot" VlC.ttk. Sr At tbat Umt: pro. dll('tlon O( Wflpt'f" tl'lol ,. ... tr11.n8tc-M"'"d 10 the «'cuta.r' flllctOf)' manufacturinJ ptrfiMn,.l and .Aip!'l'',ollion

Who Sell, It? Thf" ('(lpp4!1" tohot 1a oruld b)' C)tlf Ail If'• and ""n·wc: rnJrlnC'C'no.

The- ,....,rk tn tM Mif.fra .. ·ak• ofllno ill Ntndl.-d untkor lbC" d.l�· Uon of AM S•w)·tr, who) ha" ttlart�t of th� dlf' of aJI abr"ll· ji.IVC' m•rkc-toe-d b) A \\'ECO

Anoth•r Use for Cop�r Shot? Copper llh« may u�·e •notbt'r U&t". It h.l.ll hll'orn fltrr�

10 liM- C'hrrntr.l p�,.. irtdWIIriH f(r u� c-itl'lf!r •• a "'atal.)'llt or lo bC' U��ot'(l 1n ttw fOI'I'IUitk>n rA ftit�r �

' - -

Every Job is Important at AWECO

- - ' � · ..

::�:F-=-�- - � � < ��

Crane Operator Ita} l,yllf' r.pN'11lMI � ktw C1"aJM' )i,-..·. a OIAtl that t'an

pkk up a N!f:'!t of • .-tH I and Mt It dov.-n on a layout Olbll'. Tb .. cnrne ptrlorm• t.hll' \O'Ork �f'r and ri"IIC'\'f<� mt:n M a ba�k­b�king, a«ld.,.nt·!nught tuk

But It nequln'8 a U;t\IM ha.nd on the tonti'Ol• or • tranf' to JMrk up 11 lo.d anr1 ��e-t II tSoto.·n ht the p� pla�. lt"II IUI l01porurnt j<ob, too fflr Just Mil' bit ot tatl!l"'IWI� could �11ult In a pt�lnful Injury to a tr>llovo empiO)'H', •nd damaged 1n•lf·rie.l bolA of whl<'h ar" rtH<\1� wl!u•te and I!Xp("r-lk'.