Digital Audio Systems – DESC9115 Final Written Review DrumMaster – DSP Product Proposal Created by Meisha Stevens June 2015 The DrumMaster will make your snares snappier, your kicks punchier and your high hats cleaner. All without loosing the natural sound of your kit. This is the drum mic spill solution audio engineers have been waiting for 1. Problem Description Multitrack drum recording is common practice in recording studios, however the vast amount of sound, varying timbres, frequency spectra and sound envelopes of each element of the kit makes it difficult to isolate and treat these elements individually. The problem many audio engineers face is dealing with leakage or spill in close mics, picking up unwanted sound from neighbouring sound sources for example, high hats audible in the snare close mic. The audio effects an engineer may wish to do to a snare drum, could be vastly different to the effects they want on the high hats, and therefore, the presence of leakage will ultimately affect how the high hat sounds in the overall mix, as a result of the processed snare containing high hat leakage. (Elias Kokkinis, 2013) “Leakage complicates audio editing, processing and mixing and it is a well known problem in drum recordings.” (Elias Kokkinis, 2013) Digital signal processors such as noise gates can remove the leakage, and isolate sound events making them more manageable for editing and mixing. Robjohns echoes this notion in his Sound On Sound workshop ‘Recording Drums’ stating, “The more spill, the less control, and the harder it is to balance the kit”. So why not just use a gate to solve this issue? Robjohns goes on to explain “Gates inherently chop off the opening transient of the wanted sound, changing the character of the sound, so the result starts to become more artificial and processed.” (Robjohns, 2003). Maintaining a natural sounding element to the drum mix is particularly important in typically ‘live’ sounding genres of music, such as rock, jazz, and country. The overprocessed unnatural drum sound is less of an issue for other genres like pop, hiphop and electronic music, and in fact, is often employed as an effect. The examples we will look at are for the broad umbrella of rock music, and will look at gaining control of each focal drum element while maintaining a natural feel, avoiding the artificial sound often associated with simple drum gating. The results of the DrumMaster include snappier sounding snares, punchier sounding kicks, clean defined high hats and isolated round sounding toms. All of these results can be achieved without loosing the natural feel of the drum kit, and without sounding over processed and choppy as is often the case with traditional drum gating alone. 2. Specification The primary function behind this effect is a developed noise gate that is called using a single multitrack drum mic recording as it’s input argument. Prior to the gating, the input signal is processed using a 3band equalizer. The resulting output signal is then summed with the original unprocessed signal at a nominated mix ratio. Figure 1 demonstrates the signal flow in a block diagram. Figure 1. DrumMaster DSP Block Diagram.

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Digital  Audio  Systems  –  DESC9115  -­‐  Final  Written  Review    DrumMaster  –  DSP  Product  Proposal  Created  by  Meisha  Stevens  June  2015    

The  DrumMaster  will  make  your  snares  snappier,  your  kicks  punchier  and  your  high  hats  cleaner.  

All  without  loosing  the  natural  sound  of  your  kit.  -­‐  This  is  the  drum  mic  spill  solution  audio  engineers  have  been  waiting  for  -­‐  

 1.  Problem  Description    Multi-­‐track  drum  recording  is  common  practice  in  recording  studios,  however  the  vast  amount  of  sound,  varying  timbres,  frequency  spectra  and  sound  envelopes  of  each  element  of  the  kit  makes  it  difficult  to  isolate  and  treat  these  elements  individually.  The  problem  many  audio  engineers  face  is  dealing  with  leakage  or  spill  in  close  mics,  picking  up  unwanted  sound  from  neighbouring  sound  sources  for  example,  high  hats  audible  in  the  snare  close  mic.  The  audio  effects  an  engineer  may  wish  to  do  to  a  snare  drum,  could  be  vastly  different  to  the  effects  they  want  on  the  high  hats,  and  therefore,  the  presence  of  leakage  will  ultimately  affect  how  the  high  hat  sounds  in  the  overall  mix,  as  a  result  of  the  processed  snare  containing  high  hat  leakage.  (Elias  Kokkinis,  2013)    “Leakage  complicates  audio  editing,  processing  and  mixing  and  it  is  a  well  known  problem  in  drum  recordings.”  (Elias  Kokkinis,  2013)  Digital  signal  processors  such  as  noise  gates  can  remove  the  leakage,  and  isolate  sound  events  making  them  more  manageable  for  editing  and  mixing.  Robjohns  echoes  this  notion  in  his  Sound  On  Sound  workshop  ‘Recording  Drums’  stating,  “The  more  spill,  the  less  control,  and  the  harder  it  is  to  balance  the  kit”.  So  why  not  just  use  a  gate  to  solve  this  issue?  Robjohns  goes  on  to  explain  “Gates  inherently  chop  off  the  opening  transient  of  the  wanted  sound,  changing  the  character  of  the  sound,  so  the  result  starts  to  become  more  artificial  and  processed.”  (Robjohns,  2003).    Maintaining  a  natural  sounding  element  to  the  drum  mix  is  particularly  important  in  typically  ‘live’  sounding  genres  of  music,  such  as  rock,  jazz,  and  country.  The  over-­‐processed  unnatural  drum  sound  is  less  of  an  issue  for  other  genres  like  pop,  hip-­‐hop  and  electronic  music,  and  in  fact,  is  often  employed  as  an  effect.  The  examples  we  will  look  at  are  for  the  broad  umbrella  of  rock  music,  and  will  look  at  gaining  control  of  each  focal  drum  element  while  maintaining  a  natural  feel,  avoiding  the  artificial  sound  often  associated  with  simple  drum  gating.  The  results  of  the  DrumMaster  include  snappier  sounding  snares,  punchier  sounding  kicks,  clean  defined  high  hats  and  isolated  round  sounding  toms.  All  of  these  results  can  be  achieved  without  loosing  the  natural  feel  of  the  drum  kit,  and  without  sounding  over  processed  and  choppy  as  is  often  the  case  with  traditional  drum  gating  alone.    2.  Specification    The  primary  function  behind  this  effect  is  a  developed  noise  gate  that  is  called  using  a  single  multi-­‐track  drum  mic  recording  as  it’s  input  argument.  Prior  to  the  gating,  the  input  signal  is  processed  using  a  3-­‐band  equalizer.  The  resulting  output  signal  is  then  summed  with  the  original  unprocessed  signal  at  a  nominated  mix  ratio.  Figure  1  demonstrates  the  signal  flow  in  a  block  diagram.    Figure  1.  DrumMaster  DSP  -­‐  Block  Diagram.  


The  script  for  the  DrumMaster  calls  3  different  developed  functions,  the  first  to  normalise  the  signal  (normalizsig.m)  so  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  peak  values  are  contained  within  the  parameters  of  1  and  -­‐1.    Next  is  the  equalisation  function  (EQ.m)  which  uses  3  separate  sets  of  EQ,  each  with  the  capability  to  boost  or  cut  specific  frequencies  over  a  given  band  width.  Finally  the  Noise  Gate  (noisegtabs.m)  function,  which  uses  a  set  of  parameters  to  allow  sound  to  pass  at  a  given  upper  threshold,  and  no  sound  to  pass  at  a  lower  threshold,  these  thresholds  are  activated  and  deactivated  at  user  defined  rates  called  attack  and  release  and  will  remain  open  for  a  nominated  hold  time.  These  working  functions  are  included  with  the  script  package,  along  with  audio  examples  for  trial  purposes.    The  digital  signal  processor  has  been  kept  modular,  so  maximum  user  control  is  available.  The  modules  of  the  processing  system  can  be  expressed  in  the  following  five  step  mathematical  sequence.    1.     X1=  x  *  n       Normalise  the  input  x  2.     X2  =  X1  *  (EQ1,  EQ2,  EQ3)     The  normalised  signal  is  process  by  3  separate  EQs  3.     X3  =  X2  *  G       The  EQed  signal  is  gated  using  the  noise  gate  function  4.   S  =  X3  *  X1       The  EQed  and  gated  signal  is  summed  with  the  normalised  signal  X1  5.     Y  =  S  *  n         The  output  Y  is  a  result  of  the  normalised  Summed  signal  S    x  =  audio  input  signal     G  =  Noise  Gate  function   EQ1,  EQ2,  EQ3  =  3  independent  Equalisers      X1,  X2,  X3  =  3  steps  of  signal  processing   n  =  Normalisation  function     Y  =  DrumMaster  Output  result    S  =  Sum  of  2  processed  input  signals  X3  (normalised,  EQed  and  gated)  and  X1  (normalised  input)      Different  drum  inputs  will  call  for  different  parameter  settings,  however  pre-­‐sets  have  been  developed  and  trialled,  creating  a  suite  of  presets  for  an  entire  drum  kit  including  the  Kick,  Snare,  High  Hats,  Tom-­‐toms,  and  Overheads.  Figure  2  demonstrates  how  a  skin  for  the  digital  signal  processor  may  look  as  a  plug-­‐in  for  a  DAS.  The  presets  along  the  top  will  pre-­‐determine  the  parameter  settings  below,  however  the  user  still  has  the  option  of  controlling  certain  aspects,  as  not  all  drums  will  have  the  same  characteristics  as  those  used  in  the  trial  phase.    Figure  2.  DrumMaster  plug-­‐in  graphic  user  interface  prototype.  

3.  Implementation    There  are  a  number  of  user-­‐defined  parameters  that  can  be  selected  in  a  preset  or  adjusted  by  the  individual  when  using  the  DrumMaster.  The  first  step  is  to  select  an  input  signal  to  be  processed  by  the  DrumMaster.  A  good  starting  point  for  a  snare  mic  input  would  be  to  select  the  SnareMaster  preset.  All  of  the  preset  options  are  working  and  are  included  for  trial  purposes  with  processed  audio  samples  also  available  before  and  after  using  the  DrumMaster.    There  are  3  bands  of  EQ  ranging  in  frequency  bands  of  [20Hz  –  200Hz],  [200Hz  –  2,000Hz]  and  [2,000Hz  –  16,000Hz].  Bandwidth  at  each  frequency  can  be  as  narrow  as  50Hz  and  as  wide  as  500Hz  of  the  nominated  centre  frequency.  The  third  parameter  is  the  gain  control,  where  the  selected  frequency  range  can  be  boosted  by  up  to  6dB  or  cut  but  the  same  amount.  Figure  3  shows  a  close  up  of  how  these  parameters  can  be  easily  controlled  using  3  virtual  knobs  in  the  graphic  user  interface.    Figure  3.  Equalization  Module  

   The  next  step  is  the  gating  module.  The  user  can  determine  an  upper  threshold,  where  the  gate  lets  the  sound  through,  and  a  lower  threshold  where  the  gate  closes,  rejecting  any  input  signal  below  this  number.  These  threshold  values  have  been  normalised  resulting  in  max  amplitude  of  any  given  input  of  1  so  that  there  is  uniformity  across  a  variety  of  recorded  materials.  For  simplicity  and  easy  understanding,  these  thresholds  have  been  labelled  ‘No  Sound’  and  ‘Sound  On’  on  the  graphical  user  interface,  as  seen  in  figure  4.  To  the  left  of  the  threshold  parameters,  the  hold,  attack  and  release  knobs  can  be  set.  The  nominated  attack  time  (0  –  1  second)  is  the  time  in  takes  to  engage  the  ‘Sound  On’  feature  i.e.  how  long  until  all  sound  is  passed  through  un-­‐attenuated  above  the  upper  threshold.  The  sound  will  remain  on  for  a  minimum  hold  time  after  the  Sound  On  has  been  engaged.  Once  the  input  signal  drops  below  the  ‘No  Sound’  threshold,  the  output  signal  is  attenuated  to  0  over  a  period  of  time  determined  by  the  ‘Release’  parameter.    Figure  4.  Noise  Gating  Module                      Figure  5.  Mix  ratio  Module  


Finally  the  Mix  parameter  determines  how  much  of  the  normalised  only  input  will  be  summed  with  the  EQed  and  gated  signal.  The  value  is  between  0  and  1,  0  being  no  signal  at  all,  and  1  being  the  entirety  of  the  signal  strength.  The  graphic  mix  knob  represents  these  parameters  as  a  percentage  for  user-­‐friendly  manipulation  as  show  in  figure  5.    4.  Evaluation    The  enhanced  performance  and  audio  qualities  of  the  demo  audio  files  can  be  heard  clearly  in  the  included  files.  Below  are  some  visual  representations  of  how  the  signal  has  been  modified,  it  is  evident  the  DrumMaster  mixes  of  the  tracks  ‘Wicked’  and  ‘Sirens’  have  more  prominent,  clear  and  isolated  sound  events  with  less  leakage  between  transients  than  the  original  mixes.  Figures  6  –  9  show  the  mixes  in  the  time  domain,  and  can  be  listened  to  in  the  included  files  named  in  their  headings.    

‘Wicked’  by  Traffic  Experiment  (Drum  and  Bass  mix)    Fig  6.  Original  –  ‘Wicked_origmix.wav’      Fig  7.  DrumMaster  –  ‘Wicked_DrumMasterMix.wav’                                                

 ‘Sirens’  by  Leaf  (Drum  and  Bass  Mix)  

 Fig  8.  Original  -­‐  ‘Siren_origmix.wav’            Fig  9.  DrumMaster  –  ‘Siren_DrumMasterMix.wav’                                        

Figure  10  and  11  shows  how  the  frequency  response  of  the  snare  track  in  Sirens  before  and  after  going  through  the  SnareMaster;  a  preset  that  uses  parameters  designed  to  brighten  the  snare  sound,  reduce  high  frequency  spill  from  the  high  hats  and  to  boost  mid  frequency  energy  so  that  the  snare  pokes  through  the  mix.  EQing  the  drum  tracks  is  important  so  that  the  frequency  spectrum  does  not  become  cluttered,  and  each  individual  element  can  situate  within  an  audible  frequency  range,  adding  clarity  to  a  mix.    Fig  10.    Sirens  Snare  -­‐  before  SnareMaster     Fig  11.  Sirens  Snare  -­‐  after  SnareMaster  

 Kokkinis  introduced  a  new  tool  for  drum  leakage  suppression  at  the  135th  AES  Convention,  stating,  “From  a  signal  processing  perspective  the  only  available  tool  is  the  noise  gate.”    The  proposed  DSP  A3  –  Advance  Audio  Analysis  is  an  advance  sound  separation  algorithm,  however  it  does  not  address  the  benefits  of  a  natural  sounding  sound  source.  He  also  goes  on  to  state,  “in  general  sound  engineers  are  not  trained  to  use  such  tools.”  (Elias  Kokkinis,  2013)  This  puts  the  DrumMaster  in  the  perfect  position  to  fill  the  need  of  sound  engineers  with  an  effective,  natural  sounding,  clarity  enhancing  DSP  for  multi-­‐tracked  drums,  all  within  a  simple  package  and  user-­‐friendly  parameters.    By  comparison  the  Tom  samples  from  the  demo  track  ‘Sirens’  were  plotted  in  the  time  domain  in  itheir  original  form,  after  the  TomMaster  and  after  simple  Noise  Gating  alone.  It  is  clear  that  the  bottom  signal  would  sound  heavily  isolated,  and  un-­‐natural  in  a  mix,  while  the  top  would  sound  muddy  and  crowed  by  surrounding  drum  sounds.  The  DrumMaster  result  in  the  centre  uses  the  TomMaster  preset  and  presents  a  good  combination  of  the  two  in  a  simple  step  with  the  added  benefit  of  enhancing  the  frequency  placement  of  the  Toms  in  the  mix.  In  summary,  figure  12  demonstrates  the  benefit  the  DrumMaster  has  over  the  current  available  tools  for  controlling  sound  leakage  in  close  miced  drums  and  how  in  can  improve  isolation  of  an  unprocessed  signal.    Figure  12.  Sirens  Toms  Left  and  Right  without  DrumMaster,  with  DrumMaster  and  with  gating  only  Audio  files:     TomsL.wav  /  DMTomsL.wav       TomsR.wav    /    DMTomsR.wav  

Bibliography    Elias  Kokkinis,  A.  T.  (2013).  A  new  DSP  toll  for  drum  leakage  suppression.  Convention  e-­‐Brief  108.  135th,  p.  4.  New  York:  Audio  Engineering  Society.    Robjohns,  H.  (2003,  Feb).  Recording  Drums.  Sound  On  Sound  .    Sounds    All  multi-­‐track  drum  samples  are  provided  for  educational  use  only,  not  for  commercial  use.    ‘Sirens’  by  Traffic  Experiment  Samples  provided  by:  http://www.cambridge-­‐mt.com/ms-­‐mtk.htm#TrafficExperiment  Accessed  June  2015    ‘Wicked’  by  Leaf  Samples  provided  by:  http://www.cambridge-­‐mt.com/ms-­‐mtk.htm#Leaf  Accessed  June  2015    ‘Dad’s  Glad’  by  Blue  Lit  Moon  Samples  provided  by:  http://www.cambridge-­‐mt.com/ms-­‐mtk.htm#BlueLitMoon  Accessed  June  2015    Figures    Figure  1  created  by  Meisha  Stevens  June  2015    Figures  2,  3,  4  and  5  original  design  by  Meisha  Stevens,  digital  design  recreation  by  Seana  Seeto  June  2015    All  other  figures  created  by  Meisha  Stevens  in  MATLAB  2014b  June  2015