1. Why does economic decline lead to war? 2. Why is economic decline's link into war better than hegemonic collapse? Hint: think about historical examples of economic decline causing war !" how economic decline could lead to hegemonic collapse #. Why is hegemonic collapse's link into war better than economic decline? 1) If our eco nomy fails, we are unable to pay debts b ack to ot her countries which could lead to war. If we owe other countries money that we can’t pay back, they could attack us without worrying about the money we owe them and just take us over. 2) conomic dec line can be !" ed by other cou ntries loan ing us money . #owever, hegemonic collapse will make other countries think that we are no longer powerful, and may turn against us. $) If hegemony collapses, it is possible that our allies may still protect us against those who think we have become weak. If we fail economically, our allies may turn against us due to our lack of money. 1. $i%e some reasons for why the probability of terrorists successfully attacking the & is low. (hink about why terrorists couldn't get nuclear weapons) historical examples of when nuclear weapons were lost and weren't used) etc. (e rrorists wouldn*t be able to get nuclear weapons because they don*t ha %e enough support.  lso) the pr obability of terr orists attacking th e & is low because of all t he foiled plots a nd attempts and terrorists do not think they can achie%e much by trying again. 2. Why does a terrorism impact not matter when +," has been deployed? (hink: what does +," do to nuclear missiles launched into space?  %he terr orist impact will not matter after &'(s a re deplo yed because they will be able to shoot down nuclear missiles and stop terrorists from being able to attack the *.

1N Jefferey Yan HW4 5

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7/17/2019 1N Jefferey Yan HW4 5

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1. Why does economic decline lead to war?2. Why is economic decline's link into war better than hegemonic collapse? Hint: think about historicalexamples of economic decline causing war !" how economic decline could lead to hegemonic collapse#. Why is hegemonic collapse's link into war better than economic decline?

1) If our economy fails, we are unable to pay debts back to other countrieswhich could lead to war. If we owe other countries money that we can’t pay

back, they could attack us without worrying about the money we owe them

and just take us over.2) conomic decline can be !"ed by other countries loaning us money. #owever,

hegemonic collapse will make other countries think that we are no longer

powerful, and may turn against us.$) If hegemony collapses, it is possible that our allies may still protect us against

those who think we have become weak. If we fail economically, our allies may

turn against us due to our lack of money.

1. $i%e some reasons for why the probability of terrorists successfully attacking the & is low. (hink aboutwhy terrorists couldn't get nuclear weapons) historical examples of when nuclear weapons were lost andweren't used) etc.

(errorists wouldn*t be able to get nuclear weapons because they don*t ha%e enough support. lso) the probability of terrorists attacking the & is low because of all the foiled plots and attempts andterrorists do not think they can achie%e much by trying again.

2. Why does a terrorism impact not matter when +," has been deployed? (hink: what does +," do tonuclear missiles launched into space?

 %he terrorist impact will not matter after &'(s are deployed because they

will be able to shoot down nuclear missiles and stop terrorists from being able to

attack the *.