. Fischer, Prokosch And Selby To Speak Her .e B)· Diuna Bloum Wednesd ay, February '.!!I at S D,I . " Chand! and the \\' eslcrn World" and the 01 her on Thur Rdny, '.\lard 1, wi ll be the topic of Louis Fischer's nt 10 1>.m. nre of s11eclal Int est to lecture here at the college audlt o- the lo,·ers or literatur e. rlum at S p.m, on Mon day, March 5. Wcdnesduy's - lecture r. Fre · c Mr. Fischer fs an emi nent journali st Prokosc h. will give a talk ou the and th e aut hor of numer ous auth or- co ntem110rary Ame ri can 110\'CI. Thi s ltat h ·e book s o n lnternntlonnl affairs . will Include th e major lnll}u l ses. so- In rt'N'nt Y<'llNl, !H r. F'isdicr has clal, sp iritual and :iesthetlc, of th e mode ex t cnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~ 0 ::~·e ~ -~ 1 i" \~ 1 i8: ';r)~h! n '::::: co ndlt1ons abroad In orde r to give sent s tatus o f so me or our mode rn to hi s audi en ces th e ltlles t analyses "greats," like Hem in g way, Fa ulk· .. and repo rt s. In each countr y he has ner, a nd Steinbec k. ,•lslted , Fi scher h as lnten·lewed and A lbrunt , J>lertS lng pcrsonllll ty wat ched at work ,•lrtuall y every Im- gh·es extra life to Dr. P rok osch' s lec- portnnt, world leader. He was ture. His ability to create Inter est Chand! s hou se guest In 1940 and and , hlK unique gift with st ude nt s .,. again In 194 6. to stir their ent h usiasm are both apt- Mr. Pl!K' h c r 'H book, "The Life or ly demons trated . Mahatma Chand! ," published In Prokosch has taught at Yale and New York unh•e rsltl es, and on a Fu lbrig ht Fell owshlp , lec tu r ed on Ame r ican Cult ure at the Un ivers it y or Rome . He h as writte n five novel s. one or which "The Seven Who Fled ," won the Harper Prize. Stude nt Directors Se lect One -Act Plays Uy Coleen <'hri s tla nse n At long Ins t. the eelectlon o r three one-act plays to he given on A 1nll 18 and 19 In the college audito ri um has been made by s tudentK In ~ti es Pau- line lssucson ·s S11eech 21 G class. The pln ys will bo dir ected by tho Speech 21 6 a1udents nnd c asts will be chos- en a ft er tr youts. wh ich will be held on Monda y at 4 p.hl. in r oom 20i. ··A gurne of Chess" bl• Ken neth Goodman will be directed b)' Earl Grow. This Is a dr a ma about an at- temJ)ted asKasslnatlon of a Ru ssian governor. J ean Giraudoux "Apollo o f Dollac··. und er t he directi on of Margaret Bloom. Is abo ut a mysterious man who tells a gir l what lo\'e is . Th e lho me of "A Phoe nix Too Fre- qu e nt" by Christophe r Fry Is th at love co nQuers nil , eve n In a tomb. the settin g for th e play, Nancy Ha- ge r, th e s tudent director o f this oue- ac t piny, Is casting for three corpses to hang throu ghou t th e piny. Those Int e rested In trying out for these plays keep posted ror tr y-out s whi ch will be annouuced on the bul- l etin boa~d- Radio-TV W_ orkshop Again Announcing Point's Presents Talented Fare Six T op Students Ily ll r ru ll ey Joh nson By N1t tl H1 1le Pi erre On Tu esday o f this week the first Yes, It 's ri g ht orr the r ecord o f n sorfes of fh•e t elevis ion s hows tho to 1> s ix of the first semester were e ntitl ed "Close-U 1> or Centrnl State·· two amazing fema les and four wo n- was pr ese nt ed o,·o r WSAU-TV. The de rful mal es. seri es Is produced by the Rndlo-TV Six peo11le In Ceutral Stnte college Wo rk s hop , under th e dir ecti on of obtnln ed thtee po int averages. wh ich Robert S. Lewis. and appears on al · moans - s trai ght A's. They were ternnte Tu esdays at 4 o'clock. Leo 8e r1111tee n, Sondra Bloom, !<.,rank Tu esday' s progr am was ce ntered Brocker, Bob Slamka, Ray Stroik, around a panel discussion of Sho.kes- o.nd Mildred Swendrzynskl. poaro's tro.ge dl es by se,•eral members Lee Bernsteen. from Rhinelander, of the Engli sh de partment. The pane l Is In Secondary Educalion. Sant:ra consisted-of Mary Or llleb, Ada Lo rd, 11 100111, who ha ll s from Eng le River, !<.,rank Brocker nnd Phil L nLelke, Is In Letters and Sc ie nce. Frank with Jack Zel as mod~rator . The pro- Br ocke r. Secondary, ts from Stevens gram was Introduced by Jim Stasko. Poin t and Bob Shunka, from the big Fou r more programs will follow ci ty .of Milwaukee , Is 111 Letters a nd to co m1>le te the TV series ror this Scie nce. Ray Str oik fr om St evens se mes ter. On Mar ch 6, t h e Mu sic de· Poi n t Is in Le tters and Science. Mll - partment will pr esent an opera. In dred f"S wendrzynskl. coming fr om the program for Mnrch 20 , the Rad io- WIid Rose, Is In Secondary. TV Wor kshop will present a piny Thr ee. other 1>eople who dese r vo entitled "The Shoemaker's Wife." recog nition are Mar y Brnatt:, Bar ba- They will also re,eal some of t he ru Cobu rn , and Bob Prlell pp. who · pr obl ems o f 11lny 1>r od u ct lon th at are r ece ived A ·s In nil s ub jects with th e generally not known to the aud ience. exce ption or Physical ~du call on. The two shows In April will be pre- Th er'e may be ot hers In thi s cat egory sented b)' the Ho me Economics and but th e r ecord of fice has not had Cons ervati on departments. limo to make n compl ete check . J ohn Selby. no ted no,·e llst-edl t or, will de lh•e r a l ect ur e entitled "Liter- at ur e on the As sembly Li ne ," Thu rs- day , March 1, at 10 a.m. In the au d- itorium. CENTRAL STATE CSC. Sororities Really Rushing These Days Uy '.\ lnr y J o ll ugJ:S 1ke.POINTER Thin gs are r eally rus hing In th e ====================================== sorority wor ld these days. All thr ee SER IES VII VOL. V St evens P oin t, Wi.,., Fe br u ary 23, 19:16 No. 10 sororiti es have ghten th r ee ru s hin g ---------- ------- ------ ---- --- - - --- --- ::;:~•\::i••:~.;~~ : ~~~,°".';/ .~;; csc Fraternities Hold Alpha Kappa Rho To Loans For New Dorms :::~~~~n:\l~h ;~tional so rorit y. Alphn lmpres :: :l~u~:. il~iil ~:~~: Present Three Operas at : 1~~·ts t~~ef ~~~ ;~c;c;e;~e~-::11;11~:~~et t oui, Fischer 19 60, wns 1\11 e xhau s th•c s tudy of th e l ate lndhtn le ad er 's philosophy nnd Tiu, fi rs t. rns hi n J: pnrt y was given Th e Home Econom ics Parlor was B;r Uon Smit h t- ..:1ui. Cl air e. Stout , Sul)erlor, Wh ite-· s imultaneous !}by the three Greek th e scene of th e lmpressh·e formal The e,•enl ng so ngs ters on third wiuer. Rh·er Fnlls. Os hkosh and La. 'cf ac hl e,·e ments, whtch took 21 months or th e author's mos t ca reful research and pre 1mrntlons. Shortly after Ghan- dl's death. Loo k magaz ine publi shed groups:. Th e rushees a ttend ed nil Initiation for Phi Sigma Eps il on Fra- fl oor oren·t Just making me rrrwlth Crosse. has hcen a111irove d recent ly thr ee parti es In a round robin fa- te rnlty o n '.\I onda)·, t-'eb ruary 1 3. song. Th ey 8 " 6 reh~a~l ng thrPe hy th e redern l hou si ng and home s hion . Initiat ed at 7 o·c 1 ock were the fol- o11er:is t o be ])rese nt ed rn th e Library r1r11111ce agen cy. .f ~ 1 ::a:::~i1 ~t'e/~;· a 8 :o:t The Tau Gamma Beta's seco nd lowing: Robe rt Chesebro. John BI OS· ;'h ate r. Sunday. f,, e bruar y 2 .. 6 · al Grou nd M houl d ho brok en l ~y ;,~T~i:~ 1 ~~: ;!~/;!r~ !~b~ 1 ~~adnn)~~a;~~ ~ 1 11 ~!:n '.\~;~ 1 : :. ld~r : ;a/dan~ e:n:~ ~ lr!~: ! r; 11 1/ :t;· ;~:,~. ~~ \ 1 ;.;~ es 1~:~~· 11!e ,~~~~ ror th e new dorms. The bu il d ings l et In l ndla. Louis Fi sch er was born and e du - 4' ~:1~:~1 1 ~cn~l~~~adb~:~hr~· h e n:ec=~~: : bruar y 1 3. Arter toli oggnn ln g, the min Pa ff , and Uob I-lanes. mu sic frat e rnity, Is 11lnnnlng to 11re- s~~:';,n1:r:~l~euu:~~l~1r/~~cl:l~~e~~ g irl s had cocoa and dou g hnuts whil e Preeent at the cere mony were Dr. se nt d these oi,e r a.s as oiiern-ln-the- They will ·be three s torl ea high an d c at c hin g th eir breath. The t hi rd ;~~. 1 ~~~tarrer and Henry M. Runk e. ro';;;i~rlott e Lobe rg , nnd lwo ch ild- of brick co ns tru ction. They are ex- ~~:~\~ndg o~~r~· :~:~::albyth~I: !:. gr;~~ :\ p11 rf)' following the lnltlntlou ren. ~Ill .. present Pr okoftlov' s ··ugly ~:~~: ~n~:/:r r~;~~. for occupancy by journali st. He Is one of the outs tnnd· Ing au tho riti es on Ru ssin. and Is well a cquai nted with Euro1ie and As ia. .. Flis in cls h •e analyses hnve been print· ed r ecentl y In th e Hea der 's Diges t. 1 1a rty was held on th e lower deck was held nt the Eag le' !! c lub lo honoi- Duckling . T h is contemporar y work of De lze ll Hall at s ix bell s on th e th~h11 ee 7~r~:1~:;1t~;lsl~ tlo n In to the br o- ;~~I bis ~~a:ad~:~:~~: us :~u·fo1 ; ro,~: :t·tl8t~:;: :1 tl ~o';~ ~~l!t r~~ :~::~~lg ti~! .:,t 0 b;;a;Ti 1 /°.j..au 0 ;;, ~ 1 t. ~ therhood of Tau Kniiim Eps ilo n was Mi ss Pa tri c ia Reilly will direct State, a cco rding to J)ln ns a nn oUn ccd T wo 1111•m o r 11 bh• lt ·1·1ur1•11 , o n t• Tape Recorder Purchase Pl a nned By CSC Groups we re Mrs. WIiiiam C. Hanse n. Mi ss h ~I! on ~u~~da\ f'ebrua~f i. 1hc ;~1 \! ~t~d i:~d c/~~:~· - ri!'n:i 1 tj 0 :1 \\~~~~ ;7 ;~~! ~' : ~i 1 ~r~~~:;~d '~~ 11 ~~::,.e~~ Helen Mes ton, :\ lrs. Mildr ed WII- Pe gos 11 t ate< were e nn Holnr; I '.\la rs l S·1°ll • Mill e r Larn· Delzell Hull Into a women·s dorm Iiams, :\lrs. Weldon Le ahr. :'111ss Ce- mouthier. Edwin f' lat of f. Clar k Cook <an ;! llill\\'l;ke) w{II 11r o~• lde th~ when the new bu lldin" Is ready roe celln Winkl e r, and '.\l h:1s '.\tildred Da- Greehlin,,; . J erry l-l aje nga. J amea · ., ,·Is. :\Hil e r . WIiiiam Reinholt . Donald music . sh ootl nJ; S. and :1 lt 111 through uRe No locat ion has as yet bee n \\'hlt esl des. and Dudl ey Zimme rman . a wlndo~ - bac kwa rd!. J o!icph B. cho:,en for the dorm. " T :w e r ecord er? \\· hat '! \\'h y? T h -, drn lrmen or lh t" ro mmlctt'tfor Aft er the ceremo ny the elec tion of He nr y wi ll nccomruny the .,; ro up . .. , \'h en?.. th e pa rty wer e: Lois nnd J oyce new oHiccri; L ook pin ce. Th e r es ull i; . Per1,;oless l's " Maid :ts Mi st r ess" As you were 11ass ing t hrough th o Sch l ottman. ge nera l co-c hairmen: are that Je rr y Madison Is 1 ,resl de nt : wi ll st ar Jnc k Ze l _ :md Prisc illa Lund - h alls on the way to c lass th ese arc Arl ene Golomskl. decorations: Kan- Hobert Cus iie r, vlce-ines ldent; Dale berg, with Ben Fo ltz _us the silent per haps so me < 1u es tlomt you receh·- cy Ha ge r. ta,•o r s: Uctt)· W9eh lei-t. Li g htfu ss. scc rc tnr y: Ha y mond butler. Or. i\lar11lc w1:1 dir ect thi s '*' ed on so me rather l11111ort:rnt so und ln,•ltntlons: An ne W e h; h r ot. food; Stroik, lr eaKurc r; Hobe rt LttB rot , Dnr of1u e comedy un d \\uy ne Jueckel wa, •es ns they hu r ried 0 11 to mak e a n d J o Dani el. 1iroi;rnm, chapll n : Glenn Dumonthler. hl sto· will be tho a cco m1 ia nlst. the ir pr esence known. Omegn Mu Chi he ld th e ir seco nd rian : J ames Mill er. se r gea nt -at- arms. What? Wi th the coo1 1eratl on a nd 1 1a rt y In th e Student Uni on 011 Fri- and Larr y LnUell e. pledgemaster. (If aid of the various orga nizations on day, Fe bruar y 10, be for e the game. Th C' new fr ntl'rnlly on the t·11 1111111 s, cam ru s th ere Is going to be a. tape Th e girls played a game to introdu ce the Alpha Ueta Hh os. had only one r ecorder pur c hnsed for CSC' s bl ind th emse h•es. the n 11layed charades. l> let:lge, Don counscll. who wns iui - atudent . Ray Lepak . It wil l be given Cocoa and c upcakes were served. tinted In a ce remony Tu esday, Fe bru - ., to him by th o o rganizati ons thnt have Th e Omegs' th ir d ru s hing Jlllrt) ' ary 7. Hli pl edging 11roJect was In aided flnan clally in the 1mrc hase. was he ld at the SlUdent Union on conn ecti on with his schoo l work . Why? Think one mome nt. Imag i ne J, , rl day, Febr uary 17. Th e th eme of Th o off icers are th e same a!I last that you did not t ake no tes In your the 1,arl)' was as lr onomlcal In na- semes ter. Th ese ;:ire Greg Kr ys hak , l ectu re co u rses. nnd found It neces- tur e. Th e decoration s and ta, · ors pr es ident; Pau l Ze l. \'lce-1>res ld e 11 L; IIJ sary for an other J)erso n to adjust car ried o ut this the me. All tho girls Ol li Wi c ke, secr eta r y; a nd Roi;er b is sched ul e to yo ur s so )'OU co uld who atte nded dr essed acc ording to Ku cksdorf . treasurer. study together. A tape recorder th e ir horoscope. Arti sts, nurses . mur - " lll- 11 ,,·1...-..· k" for lh t.· Sl1,:m11 l' h .l E would n ot on ly make thin gs mo re de r ers, teach ers. and many others silon J)ledges was February 6 through 1/1 convenient , but al so make s ome attended. Fe bruar y 11. The Informal initiat io n ::: 1 1 ;: ~1:1 :~s~~=dl:: 1 ;~ul: e~: Cl1 al rnu-n of the t'ommlltces we r e: ~:s ; ~e: 1 ~rn~h :~r;: 1 \::7;'1'; 01 ~!!~~~ gwl~~ ed on tape and listened to at an - Detty Behl, ge neral c hairman: J oyce Sat 11rd11y morning. Then. on S unda y .. :~t~; ~::~:- n~~ c t:erv~:~:~ 1 ~ 1 ~:nr:~o~:: ln\'~~:~:~,~~ 11 ~ie1en R~:~~i' :. night . th e 11 le dges co nsisti ng of Home Ee Representatives Attend Chicago Confab Th e Home Economics c lub at CSC wa s we ll r e prese nted l\l the Twe l fth annual Pro \' lllce Workiiho11 fo r Home Economics at th e Allerton Hotel In Chicago on Fe bruary 9, 10, and 11. Th e gi rls th at auended were - Nan cy S knll tzk)', '.\Tar i; aret Dolnnder. Luella .\lur dock, Syhla Haniso n. Nan- cy Monso n. a nd Joa nne Weber. Mi ss Doris Oa,•ls accom11 anl ed the gi rl s. " Kindl e the He tt)' Lam 11 to Illum- inate the World was th e th eme or the wo rksho11, :\luch lime wus s 1i e nt In exchanging Ideas for cl ub ac thitles and recruitment for new mem- bers Int o the ir 11rofess lo n and In un- dersta ndin g th e c ulture and customs whi ch 1>revall lu other countries. Th board or r egent s of the s late colleges also ho11es to borrow money from the fede ral hou s ing nnd home financ e agency for the co nslruct10 11 of s tuden t unlom~ on tho cnm1 1uses of th o abo, ·e coll eges. No fu r ther word has bet= n rece i ved on th e r e- <1ues t whi ch wou ld amount to about $3 and one-half millio n. Tlw nP:\.t. bulhJ/ng Jub at Central s tnt o will be tho th ird fl oo r addition to Oe h:c ll H ul l. Con tractor!f are In th e process of making bids wh ich c lose Ma r c h 6. Constructio n Is ex· l)Ccted to s tart s hortly th e reaft er. SMILES Thal s miles wlll go a long, l ong way Ts so mething we 11 11 know, But what we so me times do forget. ls wh ere they ought to go. Wh y not a s mil e that s licks and sta ys Rig ht in th e enmc old pi nce - The s mile that ca n't get los l because It 's wo rn upon you 'r race! li mn Tosor 1 d food; Kathy Hollc ky, trans11o rt atl o 11 : Wa yne Sc hmidt . Tony Pass, Ron Mi- s ~~ 'h.en? The g rand J) ur c hase Is hoped Carol Scudder, favor s.: Joan J ec k le. ;;,~;;u~ o~; ~h~~h:~1~:. :!; ----,------=------ ---------- to he mnde ns soon as enough money e nt er ta in me nt; Jan lle nml sh , di sh- Tom Gru man. were h onored at nn "' Is contributed to make the down es. Initiation banquet. At th e bauc1uet. payment, whi ch sho uld be within th e Th e Psi Beta Psi so r or ity he ld GIibert W. 1',uust nn d Hobert T. An- ne xt two weeks. The recorder will their second ru s hing 1>nr ty at Hotel denmn were guests. be wel co med what e\'er day It arrl\'es. Whiting on the af t ernoon of Fc bru - ----- . For furth er Info rmati on contact ary 12. The gir ls who attended play- Prom Plans Discussed your orgaolt:ntlons bull e tin boards or ed two "get-acq u ai n ted" games. Plan& ro r th o coming Juni or Prom th e otrlcers ot your ori;nnlzatlon. T~ey hhad co~:o and :upcak es for were discu ssed at a meetin g ln Mi ss dr;a~:~o~,~~ ~r Su~~~s, l et's make thi s :~t~:: :~ en ~:;d t: ~~r;°caer 8 ryw~~et \~1 ~ Moni ca Unlnte r·s offi ce on February iif ,•al ent lno th e me . 16. Th e 11r om Is to be he ld Sat u rday , Lutheran Students <t Elect New Officers AL a meeting of" the Luth er an Stu· dent association on campus at Cen- tral State College, officers for the comlng · year were el ected as fo llows: Diane Daehler. presiden t; Eugene West phal. vice-president: Gordon 4f :r~~:~·Y :'r~i;:: ~:e e;; c~:i::fnn~:~~e:~ : ,~: city chairman; and Lily Sturkol. membership c halrm. an. Tho Psi llct a's t hird rus hing p ur l )· April 21. was al so he ld at the Union . Th e ir The Junior Class offi ce rs are the th eme was ··Wigwam Welcome." Ge· ge neral go,·er_ nln g group with com- nc r al chairman of th e affair was mltt ecs es tabli shed tor th e \'arl ous Ma r ge Kiefer. Committee ch airmen ta~ll:~- Th o c hai rmen of th e com mit· were Suzanne Muck , Invitations; Le- tees nm : Do~oratlon and Theme . nore Gaylord. food : Lil y Sturkol. d e- UIII Wick e; furnitur e, Louis Korth: coratl ons; J oyce Scheelk , favor s; orch es tra, Don Nice; lm·lt atlons and Mardi Uloom, · ente r tainment : June cha 1 >0 r ones. Coldeue Sc hmok e r; pu b- Mar teos, centerpi ece; Daphne Po r- !I cily. Mary Lu cas nnd Je rr y Madi· ter. clean-up. so n; re fr eshme nts. Jo Anne Weber: Special guests of th e Psi Oe ta Uc ketii and pro~ramJJ, Da,·e Spind ler; Ps l's party were eeve ral members of cl onk room, Hay Stroik . t he Ripon c hapt er of Alpha Sigma Th e the me for th e Juni or Prom Alpha, na ti onal sorority. will be ··u nderwate r Fantasy. "

1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status

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Page 1: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status

. Fischer, Prokosch And Selby To Speak Her .e

B)· Diuna Bloum Wednesday, February '.!!I at S D,I . " Chand! and the \\'eslcrn World" and the 01 her on ThurRdny, '.\lard 1,

wi ll be the topic of Louis Fischer's nt 10 1>.m. nre of s 11eclal Int est to lecture here at the college audlto- the lo,·e rs or literature.

• rlum at S p.m, on Mon day, March 5. W cdnesduy's- lecturer. Fre · c Mr. Fisch e r fs an eminent journalis t Prokosc h. will give a talk o u th e and the auth or of numer ous author - contem110rary Ameri can 110\'CI. This ltat h ·e books o n lnternntlonnl affairs . will Include the major lnll}u lses. so-

I n rt'N'nt Y<'llNl, !H r. F'isdicr has clal, sp iritual and :iesthetlc, of th e

mode ex tcnsl\'C g lobal sun·eys o r ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~1i" \~1i8:';r)~h!n':::::

co ndlt1ons abroad In orde r to g ive sent s tatus o f so me o r our mode rn to his audi ences th e ltlles t analyses "greats," like Hem in g way, F a ulk·

.. and re po rts. In each country he has ner , a nd Steinbec k. ,•lslted , Fisch er has lnten·lewed and A , ·lbrunt , J>lertS lng pcrsonllll ty watched at work ,•lrtually every Im- gh·es extra life to Dr. P rok osch's lec­portnnt, world leade r. He was ture. His ability to create Interest Chand! s house guest In 1940 and and , hlK unique g ift with s t ude nts

.,. again In 194 6. to stir their enth usiasm a r e both apt-Mr. Pl!K'h c r 'H book, "The Life o r ly demonstrated .

• Mahatma Chand! ," published In Prokosch has taught at Yale and

New York unh•e rsltl es, and on a F u lbrig h t Fellowshlp , lectu red on Amer ican Cu lt ure at the Un ive r s it y or Rome. He has writte n five nove ls. one or which "The Seven Who Fled ," won the Harpe r Prize.

Student Directors Se lect One-Act Plays

Uy Coleen <'hris tla nsen A t long Ins t. the eelectlon o r three

one-act plays to he given on A 1nll 1 8 and 19 In th e college audito r ium has been made by s tudentK In ~ties Pau­line lssucson ·s S11eech 21 G c lass. The pln ys will bo directed by tho Speech 21 6 a1udents nnd casts will be chos­e n a ft e r tryouts. wh ich will be h eld on Monday at 4 p.hl. in room 20i.

··A gurne o f Chess" bl• Kenneth Goodman will be directed b)' Earl Grow. This Is a dra ma about an at­temJ)ted asKasslnatlon of a Russian governor.

J ean Giraudoux "Apollo o f Dollac··. und er the directio n of Margare t Bloom. Is abo ut a mysterious man who te ll s a gir l what lo\'e is .

The lho me o f "A Phoe nix Too Fre­qu e nt" by Christophe r Fry Is that love co nQuers nil , eve n In a tomb. the settin g for th e play, Nancy Ha­ge r , th e s tudent director o f this oue­act piny, Is casting for three corpses to hang throughou t th e piny.

Those Inte res te d In trying out for these plays keep posted ror tr y-out s which will be annouuced on the bul­letin boa~d-

Radio-TV W_orkshop Again Announcing Point's Presents Talented Fare Six Top Students

Ily llr ru lley Joh nson By N1ttlH1 1le Pierre

On Tuesday o f this week the first Yes, It 's rig ht orr the r ecord o f n sor fes o f fh•e televis ion s hows tho to1> s ix of the first semeste r were e ntitl ed "Close-U 1> o r Centrnl State·· two amazing females and four wo n­was presented o,·o r WSAU-TV. The d e rful males. seri es Is produced by the Rndlo-TV Six peo11le In Ceutral Stnte college Wo rk shop , unde r th e direction o f obtnln ed thtee po int averages. wh ich Robert S. Lewis. and appears on al · moans - s trai ght A's. The y were ternnte Tuesdays at 4 o'clock. Leo 8 e r1111tee n, Sondra Bloom, !<.,ran k

Tuesday's program was centered Brocker, Bob Slamka, Ray Stroik, around a pane l discussion of Sho.kes- o.nd Mildred Swendrzynskl. poaro's tro.ge dles by se,•eral m em bers Lee Bernsteen. from Rhinelander, of the English de partment. The pane l Is In Secondary Educalion. Sant:ra consisted-of Mary Or llleb, Ada Lo rd, 11 100111, who ha ll s from Eng le River, !<.,rank Brocker n nd Phil LnLelke, Is In Letters and Scie nce. Fran k with Jack Zel as mod~rator. The pro- Brocke r. Secondary, ts from Stevens gram was Introduced by Jim Stasko. Poin t and Bob Shunka, from the big

Fou r more programs will follow ci ty . o f Milwaukee , Is 111 Letters a nd to co m1>lete th e TV series ror this Science. Ray Stroik from Stevens semester . On March 6, t he Music de· Poi n t Is in Le tte rs a n d Science. M ll ­partment will present an opera. In dre d f"Swendrzynskl. coming f rom the program for Mnrch 20 , the Rad io- WIid Rose, Is In Secondary. TV Wor kshop will present a piny Three. other 1>eople who deser vo entitled "The Shoemaker's W ife." recog nition are Mary Brnatt:, Barba­They will a lso re,•eal some of the ru Cobu rn , and Bob Prlell pp. wh o · pr oblems o f 11lny 1>r od u ct lon t hat a re rece ived A ·s In nil s ub jects with th e generally not known to th e aud ience. exce ption or Physical ~ducallon.

The two shows In April will be pre- Ther'e may be ot he rs In this cat egor y sented b)' the Ho me Economics and but th e r ecord office has not had Conservatio n departments. limo to make n complete check.

J ohn Selby. no ted no ,·e llst-edl tor, will d elh•e r a lecture entitled "Liter­ature on the Assembly Line ," Thu rs ­day , March 1, a t 10 a .m . In the a u d­itorium. CENTRAL STATE CSC. Sororities Really Rushing These Days

U y '.\ lnr y J o llu gJ:S 1ke.POINTER • Things are reall y r us hing In th e ======================================

sorority world these days. All th ree SER IES VII VOL. V Stevens P oin t , Wi.,., Fe bru ary 23, 19:16 No. 10 sororiti es have ghten th ree ru shin g ---------- ----------------- --- - - --- ---

::;:~•\::i••:~.;~~: ~~~,°".';/ .~;; csc Fraternities Hold Alpha Kappa Rho To Loans For New Dorms :::~~~~n:\l~h;~tional so rorit y. Alphn lmpres:::l~u~:.il~iil~:~~: Present Three Operas at : 1~~·ts t~~ef~~~ ;~c;c;e;~e~-::11;11~:~~et

toui, Fischer

1 9 60, wns 1\11 exhausth•c s tudy of th e late lndhtn le ad e r 's philosoph y nnd T iu, fi rs t. rnshi n J: pnrt y was given The Home Econom ics Parlor was B;r Uo n Smit h t-..:1ui. Claire. St out, Sul)erlor, W hite-·

s imultaneous !}• by the three Greek th e scen e of th e lmpressh·e formal The e,•enl ng so ngsters on third wiuer. Rh·er Fnlls. Os hkos h and La. 'cf a chle ,·ements, whtch took 2 1 months or th e author's most ca reful research and pr e1mrntlons. Shortly after Ghan­d l's death. Loo k magaz ine publi sh ed

grou ps:. The rushees a ttended nil Initiation for Phi Sigma Eps ilon Fra- fl oor oren·t Jus t making m errrwlth Crosse. has hcen a111irove d recent ly three parties In a r ound robin fa- te rnlty o n '.\I onda)·, t-'eb ruary 13. song. They 8 "6 reh~a~l n g thrPe hy th e redern l housi ng and home s hion . Initiated at 7 o·c1ock were the fol- o11er:is to be ])resented rn th e Library r1r11111ce agen cy .

.f ~~~:h;~~t ~1

::a:::~i1~t'e/~;· a 8


T h e Tau Gamma Beta's seco nd lowing: Robe rt Chesebro. John BIOS· ;'h ater . Sunday. f,,e bruary 2 .. 6 · al Grou nd Mhoul d ho broke n l~y

;,~T~i:~ 1~~:;!~/;!r~ !~b~

1~~adnn)~~a;~~ ~ 1:·11 ~!:n '.\~; ~

1: :.ld~r: ;a/dan~e:n:~ ~lr!~: ! r;

111/ :t;· ;~:,~. ~~\1;.;~es1~:~~·11!e,~~~~ ror th e ne w dorms. The bu il d ings let In l ndla.

Louis Fischer was born and edu -

4' ~:1~:~1 1~cn~l~~~adb~:~hr~· he n:ec=~~: :

bruary 13. Arter tolioggnn ln g, the min Paff , and Uob I-lanes. music fraternity, Is 11lnnnlng to 11re- ;~~ s~~:';,n1:r:~l~euu:~~l~1r/~~cl:l~~e~~ g irl s had cocoa and dou g hnuts whil e Preeent at the ceremo ny were Dr. sent d these o i,e ra.s as oiiern-ln-the- They will ·be three s torlea h igh an d

catchin g th e ir breat h . T h e thi rd ;~~.1~~~tarrer and Henry M . Runk e. ro';;;i~rlotte Loberg , n nd lwo ch ild- of brick co ns truction . They a re ex-

~~:~\~ndg o~~r~· :~:~::albyth~I:!:. gr;~~ :\ p11 r f)' fo llo wing t he ln lt ln tlo u ren. ~Ill .. present Prokoftlov's ··ugly ~:~~:~n~:/:r r~;~~. for occupancy by journalist. He Is one o f t he o u ts tnnd· Ing a u tho rities o n Ru ssin. and Is well a cquainte d with Euro1ie and As ia.

.. Flis in cls h •e analyses hnve been print· ed recentl y In th e Heade r 's Digest.

11arty was held on th e lowe r deck was held nt the Eag le '!! c lub lo honoi- Duckling . T h is contemporary work

of De lze ll Hall at s ix bells on th e th~h11ee 7~r~:1~:;1t~;lsl~ tl o n In to the bro- ;~~I l~~::c~~1 ~~1~:~~~ bis ~~a:ad~:~:~~: us:~u·fo1; ro,~: :t·tl8t~:;::1tl~o';~ ~~l!tr~~

:~::~~lg ti~! .:,t0b;;a;Ti1/°.j..au 0;;,~1t.~ therhood of Tau Kniiim Epsilo n was Mi ss Pa tri cia Re ill y will direct State, a cco rding to J)ln ns a nn oU nccd

T wo 1111•m o r 11 b h • lt·1·1ur1•11 , o n t•

• Tape Recorder Purchase Pla nned By CSC Groups

we re Mrs. WIiiiam C. Hanse n. Miss h ~I! o n ~u~~da\ f'ebrua~f i . 1hc ;~1\ ! ~t~d i:~dc/~~:~· - ri!'n:i1t j0:1\ \~~~~ ;7;~~!~': ~i 1~r~~~:;~d '~~


He len Mes ton , :\l rs. Mildred WII- Pe gos 11 t ate< were e nn U· Holnr; I '.\la rs l S·1°ll • Mill e r Larn· De lze ll Hull Into a women·s dorm Iiams, :\lrs. Weldon Le ahr. :'111ss Ce- mouthier. Edwin f' latoff . Clark Cook <a n ;! llill\\'l;ke) w{II 11ro~• lde th~ wh e n the ne w bu lldin" Is ready roe celln Winkl e r, and '.\l h:1s '.\tildred Da- Greehlin,,;. J erry l-l aje nga. J amea · ., ,·Is. :\Hile r . WIiiiam Re in h olt . Donald music . shootl nJ; S. and :1 lt 111 through uRe No locat ion has as yet bee n

\\'hlt esldes. and Dudley Zimme rman . a wlndo~ - bac kwa rd!. J o!icph B. cho:,en for the dorm. " T:w e record e r ? \\·hat '! \\'h y? T h -, drn lr me n or l h t" ro m mlctt't• for Aft e r the ceremony the elec ti on of He nr y wi ll nccomruny the .,; r o up .

.. , \'hen?.. th e pa rty we re: Lo is nnd J oyce new o H iccri; Look pince. The r esulli; . Per1,;oless l's " Maid :ts Mistress" As you were 11ass ing t hro u gh th o Sch lottman. ge nera l co-chairmen: are that J e rry Madison Is 1,reslde nt : wi ll s tar Jnc k Ze l _:md Priscilla Lund­

halls o n the way to class th ese arc Arl e ne Golomskl. decorations: Kan- Hobert Cus iie r, vlce-ines ldent; Dale berg, with Ben F o ltz _us the silent perhaps some <1ues t lomt yo u receh·- cy Hage r. ta,•o rs: Uctt)· W9eh lei-t. Lig htfuss. scc rctnr y: Ha y mond butler. Or. i\lar11 lc w 1:1 direct this '*' ed on so me rather l11111ort:rnt so und ln,•ltntlons: An ne We h;h rot. food; Stroik, l reaK urc r; Hobe rt LttB rot , Dnrof1u e com ed y un d \\uy ne Jueck e l wa,•es ns t hey hu r ried 0 11 to make a nd J o Daniel . 1iroi;rnm, chapll n : Glenn Dumonthler. hlsto· will be tho acco m1ia n lst. t h e ir presence know n. Omegn Mu C hi he ld th e ir seco nd rian : J ames Miller. se rgea nt -at-arms .

What? Wi t h the coo11eratlon a nd 11art y In th e Student Unio n 011 Fri- and Larry LnUe ll e. pledgemaster. (If aid of the various organizations on day, Fe bruary 10, be fore the game. Th C' ne w frnt l' r n ll y o n t h e t·11 1111111 s,

cam rus th e re Is going to be a. tape The girls played a game to introduce the Alpha Ueta Hh os. had only one recorder purchnsed for CSC' s blind th e mse h•es . the n 11layed charades. l> let:lge, Don counscll. who wns iui­atudent. Ray Lepak. It wil l be given Cocoa and cupcakes were serve d . tinted In a ce re mon y Tuesday, Fe bru -

., t o him by th o o rganizatio ns thnt have The Omegs' th ird ru s hing Jlllrt)' ary 7. Hli pledging 11roJect was In aided flnanclally in the 1mrchase. was he ld at the SlUdent Union on conn ectio n with his schoo lwork .

Why? Think one mom e nt. Imag ine J,, rl day, Fe br uary 17. The th e me of Tho off icers are th e same a!I last that you did not take no tes In your t he 1,arl )' was as lronomlcal In na- semes ter . These ;:ire Greg K ryshak , lect u re co u rses. nnd found It neces- ture. The decorations and ta,·ors pres ident; Pau l Ze l. \'lce-1>res ld e 11 L;

IIJ sary for an othe r J)e rso n to adjust car ried o ut this the me. All tho girls Ol li Wi cke, secreta ry; a nd Roi;e r b is sched ul e to yo urs so )'OU co uld who atte nde d dressed according to Ku cksdorf. treasurer. study together. A tape recorder th e ir horoscope. Arti sts, nurses . mur- " lll- 11 ,,·1...-..· k " for l h t.· Sl1,:m11 l' h.l E n· would not on ly make thin gs mo re de rers, teachers. and many others s ilo n J)ledges was February 6 through

1/1 convenient , bu t also make some attended. F ebruary 11. The Informal initiat io n

:::11;:~ 1: 1:~s~~=dl::

1;~ul:e~: r:~~~~~ Cl1al rnu- n o f the t'omm ll tces we re: ~:s ; ~e:


01~!!~~~ gwl~~

ed on tape and listened to at an - Detty Behl, general chairma n : J oyce Sat11rd11y morning. Then. o n S unday

.. :~t~; ~::~:- n~~ct:erv~:~:~1~ 1~:nr:~o~:: ~:~;~t~~ · ln \'~~:~:~,~~

11~ie1en R~:~~i':. night . th e 11 ledges co nsisti ng o f

Home Ee Representatives Attend Chicago Confab

The Hom e Economics club at CSC wa s we ll r e presented l\l th e Twe lfth annual Pro \' lllce Workiiho11 fo r Hom e Economics at th e Allerton Ho te l In Chicago o n Fe bruary 9, 10, and 11.

The gi r ls that auended we re -Nan cy S knll tzk)', '.\Tari;aret Dolnnder. Luella .\ l u rdoc k , Syh•la Haniso n . Nan­cy Monso n . a nd Joa n ne Weber. Miss Do ri s Oa,•ls accom 11anl ed the gi rls.

" Kindle the Hett)' Lam 11 to Illum­inate the World '· was th e th e me o r the wo rks h o11, :\luch lime wus s 1ie nt In exchanging Ideas for c lub acth'· itles and recruitment for ne w mem­bers Into the ir 11rofess lo n and In un­d e rs ta ndin g th e culture a n d customs whic h 1>revall lu other countries.

Th board o r regents of the slate colleges also ho11es to borrow money from the fede ral hou s ing nnd home finance agency for the co ns l r u ct10 11 o f s tuden t unlom~ on tho cnm 11uses of th o abo,·e coll eges. No fu r the r word has bet= n rece ived on th e re­<1ues t which wou ld amount to about $3 and one-half millio n .

T lw nP:\.t. bu lhJ/ng Jub at Central s tnto will be tho t h ird floo r addition to Oe h:c ll H ul l. Co n tractor!f a r e In th e process of making bids wh ich close Ma rch 6. Construction Is ex· l)Ccted to s tart shortly th e reafte r .

SMILES Thal s miles wlll go a long, long way Ts something we 11 11 know, But what we so me times do forget. l s where they ought to go. Wh y not a s mile that s licks and sta ys Ri g ht in th e enm c old pince -The s mile that ca n ' t get losl because It 's wo r n upon you' r race!

li mn Tosor 1

d food; Kathy Hollcky, trans11o rtatl o 11 : Wayne Schmidt. To ny Pass, Ro n Mi-

s ~~' h.en? The g rand J)urchase Is h oped Carol Scudder, favors .: Joan J ec k le. ~1!~:~wl~~~ ;;,~;;u~o~;~h~~h:~1~:. :!; ----,------=--- - - - ----------• to he mnde ns soon as e nough money e nterta in ment; Jan llenmlsh , dish - Tom Gru man. were honored at nn "' Is contributed to make the dow n es. Initiation banquet. At th e bauc1uet.

payment, which sh o uld be within th e The Psi Beta Ps i so ror ity he ld GIibert W. 1',uus t nn d Hobert T. An-n e xt two weeks . The recorder will their second ru s hing 1>nr ty at Hote l denm n were guests. be welco me d whate\'er day It arrl\'es. Whiting on t he afternoon of Fc bru - -----

• . For furth e r Info rmatio n contact ary 12. The gir ls who attended play- Prom Plans Discussed your orgaolt:ntlons bull e tin boards o r ed two "get-acq uai n ted" games. Plan& ro r th o coming Juni or Prom th e otrlcers ot your ori;nnlzatlon. T~ey hhad co~:o and :upcakes for were discussed at a meetin g ln Miss

dr;a~:~o~,~~ ~rSu~~~s, let's make this :~t~:: : ~en~:;d t: ~~r;°caer8ryw~~et \~1~ Monica Unlnte r ·s o ffi ce o n February

iif ,•alentlno th e me . 16. The 11rom Is to be h eld Satu rday ,

Lutheran Students <t Elect New Officers

AL a meeting of" the Luthe ran Stu· dent association on campus at Cen-

• tral State College, officers for the comlng ·year were e lected as fo llows:

Diane Daehler. presiden t ; Eugene West phal. vice-president: Gordo n

4f :r~~:~·Y :'r~i;:: ~:ee;; c~:i::fnn~:~~e:~ : ,~: city chairman; and Lily Sturkol. membership chalrm.an.

Tho P s i llcta's third rus hing p url )· April 21. was al so h e ld at th e Union . The ir The Junior Class o ffi ce rs a re the th em e was ··Wigwam Welcom e." Ge· ge neral go,·e r_nln g group with com­nc ral chairman of th e affair was mlttecs establish ed tor th e \'arl ous Ma r ge Ki efer. Committee chairme n ta~ll:~- Tho chai r me n of th e com mit· were Suzanne Muck , Invitations; Le- tees nm : Do~oratlon and Theme. nore Gaylor d. food : Lily Sturkol. d e- UIII Wick e ; furniture, Louis Korth: coratlons; J oyce Scheelk , favors; o rchestra, Don Nice; lm·ltatlons and Mardi Uloom, · ente r tainment : June cha1>0 rones. Coldeue Schmok e r; pu b­Mar teos, centerpiece; Daphne Po r- !Icil y. Mary Lucas nnd J e rry Madi· te r . clean-up. so n; re freshments. J o Anne Weber:

Special guests of th e Ps i Oeta Ucketii and pro~ramJJ, Da,·e Spind le r ; Ps l's party were eeve ra l members o f clonk room, Hay Stroik. the Ripon chapte r of Alpha Sigma The the me fo r th e Junio r Prom Alpha, na ti onal sorority. will be ··underwate r Fantasy."

Page 2: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status

z I

\Y.e.ek:-end_Y/an_d__erers We noticed, In r eading the Rl\'er Falls Coll ege newspaper, th a t tho\·

too ar& ha,·lng trouble with su itcase stu dents. The paper wns trying t~ persuade the wee k·end wandere rs to stay tor th e ann u a l Winter Carnival.

We do not know whether the)' were successful In their plea to the su itcase etudenl.8. but Is seems s ignificant lhat the SCSer Is n o t just a to. ca l si tuation . Perhaps oven the Uni versity of Wisconsin s urfers rrom Ulis malady, but they're too big to noti ce It.

In the past we ha,·e made e loquent n1111eals and tirades to the suitcase student. This s tuden t ha.s wea th e red the verbal barrages and Is still going st rong. Therefore. we do not plan to rlre any more \'Oll eys or edi to rial In· Yecth·e a t this hapless spaclman, but instead we extend the white flag.

However, our s urrender Is n <1u11Jlf ied one. If ,,you SCS'e rs will ktore th e s u it cases for o n<' weokeud a year, jus t In a scientific ht\'es ti~ntlon to 11ro\'e that Ste\·ens Polut doesn't ro ll U I} lt.s tw o s ld.ewalhs O\'C r the week· e nds . th e Pointer will s to re th e fireballs and peace will reign ugnin.

J.M .'.\t.


f . Faculty Familiar Face i

F'or Ideas to bear rrultagc, co m­munication Is necessitated. Thus I wlSh to e:<press n wish for n student Jou nge - near the classroom nreu . At present. the on ly wny studen ts can exchange OJ)lnlons, gossip, etc. Is to go orr to a distant rooming Jllnce. u cou 1,le crowded private snnck bars, !ilUnd In the halls, or go to th e library und turn a J)lnce of ··study" ('!??) into a large chll.tl cr room. 1 hut the library is not con­llu c lve to scholar ly pursuits Is an often heard opln lou around the.• cam 11us.

ll was th e writer's l)rlvllego t,1 hurn attended t ho State Co ll ege m Whitewater ror u while. As IL po.rt or the ir new library building, ll ln rge 50




'.~lue n g1•,,ec' '



c 1•0

.. \'C,'11

)1' Jock L. Cron of CSC' , hi , 1ory dttporlmei"il ii 0110 author of ,om• recent literory works

u ., • pvblished in "orlovs n11 w1popen ond magoiincn,

i+++.!-<:•O:••l-++++-:.+.><...,.,..:.--:••!-•:•?•:•O:••:•Y+•H•-:---:0 •:-+...-:••X••:-:,,:,.++++++++++->-t.: ll)' llU\·c l\ utm('h tim e to s tay In one J)la ce.

Fred J . Schmeec kle o r Cen t ral :llr. Sd111tt·t·1·klc':- 111·1·11111pll1d1111t· nts Stu te co ll ege 11nd conse n •atlon hn \'e at CSC ha,·e no t been limite d to exchrrnge or idl e tales nnd mngaz lnc - - ---------------------- ­

~~1~1:e t:8~a:~ 1::::i:o~~~~:1~1;::11!~:~~ ~1::~:~:;.tlo:~ ~tl~cr t~:i~l~)~n~11 t~~~~: them th roughout the s tate and O\'en he built th e college athletic f ield al· the nation. In his 33 years at CSC, most slug le lmndedi)'. li e sncr lrlced Mr. Schm eeckle has made a name an e nti re s ummer to 11ertor111 this ror himself In eoosen-nllou that has 8erv lce for th e school. ll is appro­become known far beyond th e cam- 1>rlately called Schmeeckle rle ld pus bo undari es. He has been a 1)10· Through '.\tr. Schmeeckle's efforts nee r In this re lall\'ely new a nd CX· CSC has a c<1uired u bus n nd the glfl lre mely ,•Ital rleld. or two stntlon wa go ns wh ich a re In·

The ,:cncrnl course In ('Onsc r ,·ntlon \'aluable to many out-of•claas 1>ro· that CSC orrers as a major Is :\Ir . jects.

g lancing. I ha\·e n lso been Informed thnt a large nrea or our library build· Ing Is rather , ·nc1u1t. To wh a t better occu pntlon co uld this area be de\'Oled to thnn a s tud e nt lo unge? J can sur· mlse t wo ve ry a11precla tl\'e beno~hs to be derh·ed from a student loun ge. A s tudent ga the ring place and -with s tud e nt coo pe ration - a more s in g le purpose 11\Jrnry - tor study.

Sincerely yours. Hay Stroik

Scbmeeckle's brainchild . Conserva- In his 33 years h e re. he hns sen-ed Dear Editor: tloo Is wise use, or manage me nt. o r on th e sclioor s ath let ic commlllee A gro up o r you ng busi nessmen , our resources and as Mr. Schmeeckle 3 1 years. I-l e also round lime to with wh o m I a m associated. ha\'e has said. "Educatio n Is necessar y coach csc·s te nnis teams ror rh·t.l come up with a proposition which we ror management." yea rs and to ad\'lse P hi Sigma Epsl· \\'.OU!d a1>prec late ha\'lng brought lo

R eali zing th ese th In g s, :\Ir. Ion fraternity until th ey became a the attention of the CSC public . ll Schmeeckle saw that th e re was n national o rganizat ion . Is our ho pe that we may thus go.lo place al CSC tor co nsen •atlon. :\I r. 8ch mt-e,·~c hns ... poke n before additional s upport on bringing our Through his Ideas n11d e ffort s nncl numerous audie nces at \'arlous con· plan into s uccessrul operation. ll President WIiiiam C. Hanse n 's sup. ve ntlons on the subj ect or co nservn· Is ou r wish that Ste ,·ens Point, par· port. a ro ur year major In general ti o u. li e Is \'Cry much in demand tlcu larly Central State, ex-tend an In· consen•allon was the first co urse of by many clubs nn cl organizations to \'ltallon to be the official host or the Its kind ottered In the Unite d States. s pread his knowledge o r conser\'U· 1!16 0 s umm e r Olympic games. The

The ~UC(.~s.,; of the 1·011~,·n·n1lun tion to the lntere11ted public. It could maze or de tails ln \'O)\'ed In such an coul)iQ_ Is e \•ldent. CSC now has be said that h e Is th e \·oice or co n• und e rtaking Is O\'e rwh elmlng but we graduates with co nse rnltl on majors sen·at1611 tll CSC. are contident that none Is too great situ a ted in lOJI Jobs In educat ion 11nd In th e 1mst . '.\Ir. Sch meec kle has, to us to resoh·e - If we ha\'e th e io consen•a tio n administration and also. done professio nal landscape p roper cooper a tion . fl e ld wo rk rrom const to coast. Al· work nround th e communll1•. T!le \\'o h u\·o not yet n1111rouchcd th e

P .J. J.ucobs Mig h sc hoo l nnd the a thletic de partme nt but we ha\·e Jillie Nlgbor h o me :u !101 ) la in Street a re doubt o r th ei r eagerness lo s hare exam)l les or his lan dsca)l in g tal e nt. their magnificent foc illlles wi th the

:\I r. Schmeeck le's le is ure time Is athletes or th e world. s pent In the 1m rsu it or his hobbles Other than th e physical plant wh ich nre fishing. hunting, nud wood· needed tor th e actu a l games them· wo rkin g. He Is an a rd ent trout tlsh· sel\'es there are a rew o th e r details. e rman who s 11eciallzes In th e a rt of Some o r these are h o us ing. dry fl y tlshing. Hi s ' take or these reed ing. trans)lortatlon facilities, colorful gamerlsh o ,·e r the years has s pec tator arrange me nts and even been tre mendous . news coverage. lmpOstng as these

Ho hus hu n ted nlrnos t o,·cr)' lY(>C may seem. they a re not imposs ible or gnmo th nt can be round In Wl11· when one cons iders th e means al­consl n . Of the many d eer seaso ns read)' In existence here. And one tha ba,·e pa"38(] inc he-fi rst ar- UBL r e in.ember that there will ac· rh·ed In Wisconsin, h e bas missed tually on ly be around 5 or 10 thou· on ly two . Mr. Schmeeckle claims he s and people otticlally connected with would die hapJ>Y Ir h e we nt while s it· the participating. nations. One must ting o n a deer that he had just not con tuse these ottlclal delegations bagged . Hi s hunting and tls blng ex· with the several million spectators perlences alone would fill a good who. ton g reat e xtent , mus t general· s ize d book. ly expect to make their own a rran ge-

Mr. Schmeeckle Since 1938, Mr. Schmeeckle and meol tor eating and housing. Our most one·flfth of the present en· his wire ha\·e lil'ed In Plover. They only true obligation toward th e spec­rotlment or CSC Is major in g or min· now lh·e In a new h o use on ly three tator Is seating nl the games lhem­orlog In conser\'8tlon. years old. Mr. Schmeeckle made selves and this we reel confide nt can

Mr . Schmeeckle has spent bis en· good use of bis woodworking abili ty be worked out with the erect ion or Ure life In close con tact with natural by doing i5 1>er cent of the work on additional bleachers. We are sure resources and the ou tdoors. The the house himself. The house Is Point's hotels and restaurants would first 21 years or his life were spent all or wood panel , ba\'log seven dlt- appreciate the shot In the arm this on a rarm near Eustis. Nebraska. ferent types ot wood used In Its additional business would give them. There on the rarm he rlrst came to structure. Some of tho housing ror the alb­realize tbal there was a need for :\I r. and :\lrs. Schmeeckle hn,·e letes can be racllllated , we reel, by conservation. H e saw the great, both u son and a daughter. Their ha\'Jng the games only on we'e keods sweeping winds or the prairie states, son, Don, Is an e lectrical engineer thus gl\'lng us two near empty dorms which later became the dust bowl, at~ lhe Whillog·Plover paper mill. and countless . vacant rooming houses already begl.nolng lo transform the Wilma, the daughter, Is married and available. fertile top soil of the land Into Im- living at Luxem burg, Wisconsin The athletes could eat al Nelson meoee black clouds. Even then, Mr. There are four grandchildren. Hall, which we are sure they cou ld Sch meeckle knew that something The conservation cl ub, Alpha Kap· appreciate, as mosl rorelgners wou ld could and should be done. A Ufe. pa Lambda, paid tribute lo Mr. prefer not having to eat the rich long dedication was beginning to Schmeeckle tor bis years of service American diet. mold. to consernllon and the college at We have talked to Soo Line offl·

Kearney State Teachers college at the AKL venison dinner lasl eemes· clals at Minneapolis and they assure Kearney, Nebraska, was where Mr. ter. He was presented with an Ar· us that they would serious ly consider Schmeeckle obtained his bachelor's gue C·4 cilnera. Ot hie 33 years at putting oo an extra coac h or two degree with a major In agriculture, CSC, Mr. Schmeeckle ca lled bis past duriog th e duration of the games. biology, and German. While al col- 10 years In conservation the most en- '1110 n ows co,·eru.ge, natu rally. lege, be was active In football, bas· joyable. could be adequately handled through ketbaU, baseball , trick, and tennis. Recently Mr. Schmeeckle received the Pointer. Your bl-weekly dlstrlbu· Following bis graduation, he taught a lette r rrom Dr. William L. Bristow, lion might s low the relay of results vocational agriculture for tQur years director or the Bureau o f Currlcu- lo the oul81de world, but patience Is at a b.lgh school lo Marquette, Ne· lum Research for the Board of Edu· a virtue to be developed by man. It bra.ska. During the summer he cation of New York City. Mr. Brls· would pe rhaps not even be necessary eerved as an aaslatanl in the biology tow sla ted, "It must be a great satls· to add addi t ional s tart members, as department ot his alma mater, factjo n to you to know that you are you could merely take the bowling Kearney State Teachers col.lege. o ne o t the k.ey spots In co nse rvation reporter and reassign him.

Worid WIU' I terminated his career in the United States of America . We, of course, ln...Lh.La Ietter-ba\'e temporarily l.n the ) ears from 1918- You are not doing a pretty good Job . just t ouched on the maze or planning, 1919. During lbls time be saw ac· You are doing one of the most ef. but Ir eu tfl clenl Interest ts Invoked tive duty In France during the closing fectlve Jobs being done anywhere by we should be happy to make public stages or the war. . anybody.'' our complete plans. Persona wlablng

Po!~: :~~:~lelnca~~/0af~!~v~: ma~~l~!r:;b:e~:ns~~~ ~~: c::;a: ! ~~ ~~~:711~~~!~ 0::~:~a



cefnui lila maater•a degree- 1irvo- of bis convictions and the lnh.ta tlve invest may contact us In care of: caUq,nal education &t the University to carry them out. He baa glvell, Box 36, Delzell H all. or Minnesota.. Evidently he liked It &nd wlll continue lo gh'e, much to ,..TII then. we remain yours ror here, because 33· years la a long CSC nod conservation. better Ol)·mplcs, The Syndicate.

CSC History Instructor Pursues Literary Course

B)' Bnrburn UN•n(•r A membe r of our h isto ry de11art·

Songfest Here Again Here Is The Pitch

By l.t•norc 011)·Jord

me u t has been putting his llterar)' "Sing n song of six pe nce: .Sing a talen ts to use by wr iting 1lrliclcs tor so nt. of school O\·en l.8!" No matte r \•arlous magazines. He Is J nck L. how you look a t It CWA ln\'ltes you Cross. recentl)' a1111oln ted to the cen· to s ing In th e annual Songresl to trnl State ra culty his tory departme nt. bo h e ld :\la rch 12 In the CSC auditor·

An arti cle he sent In to th e "Kew lum. Those ln,•lted to J)nrtlclpato England Quarte rly" will appear In In th e Songfest nre houses of six or the near future . This pertains to the more. racully members. r eligious members hip of th e Massa chusetts groups, the tlorms . and social Greek His torical Socle l)' from 1 i91·1 850. grou11s.

l\1r. Cross has had publis h ed three Each grou1) Is to pre11enl two songs, re ature stories In the "Christian n se r io us number nnd a 1mrody on Science Monitor ." The s ubj ec ts were school lite. The groul)s will not be abo ut the Manuscripts Division . th e a llowe rt to costume. present solos or National Archh·es . and Abraham Lin· ensem bles. or dnnce In their num­co ln . Al so 1rnbllsh ed was n s tory In he rs. Orgnnlzntlons whi ch plan to the "William and Mary Quarte rly " e nter s hould notify tho Dean's ofUce on nine letters or J o hn :'\larshall. by February 2 4. These le tte rs or o ur first chief justice The typed l)a rody sh o uld be In had no t been pre,·lous ly 1rnbllshed . th e Dean's off ice by :\tarch G tor ap.

Also co ming out soo n In the "South 11ro\'a l. The songs will be judged o n Carolina Magnilno or Histo ry" are n b111tl s o r 50 11ol nts each. For the tour Ins tallments fea turing SO e dit· se ri ous numbe rs. musknl c1uallty will ed letters or Thomas Pinckney to co unt 40 1>oints and n11 11earnuce 10 his s is te r. These te llers or g rent In· l)Olnts. I\) the 1ia rody. orig inality will teres l we re written be tween 1 ii!i an d be worth 30 l)O lnts, quality 10 po ints 1 i SO. nn d Uj)J)Cll rrt!I CC 10 i>Oi ntl5. The first

The State College Saga In locating the n1ne s tate normal

schools, now State Col leges . 42 \\' ls · co ns ln communities have bee n con· slde red.

Each city or v illage bid In cash

place winners will be presente d with a ce rtifica te a nd the CWA tra\•e l­ln g t ro11hy.

.Joyce Schl ottman. 11res ldent of CWA nnd J oan DupUls . ge neral chairma n , are wo rkin g toge ther on the organization or th e Songfest.

and llrOJICrty fo r lhe prl\•ll ege Of s• having a college In to•·n and It the ,gma Zetans Tour high cash bidde rs had won there Me mbers or Sigma Zeta. honorary wou ld be State Co ll eges today at science frate rnity. trave led lO Wis· Berlin. ! .111d du Lac, Green Hay , cous in n a plds to to ur th o Conso li· MIiwaukee. Neennh-:\tenash11. Omro. dated Water Power and Pape r Com, Os hkos h. Rac in e , and Stoug hto n . 1ia11y recenll)•. The guided tour pro-

H l~ hcst b idder no ycuni ngo was \'lded Informa tion o n th e processing Stought'on with an orrer of a s it e. o f JlUJ>er (eS J)Oclall)' that tor maga­and $35,000. Snmllest city to o rrer zinc use) from Its 1,ulp beg innings a bid was Trempea leau (1>011ulal1011 down to the rlnls hecl produ ct . today, 645) on the Ml ss lsslp1il 11.h•er. Ur. n o land Trytlen and Gilbert

Lowes t bid came rrom llaraboo - W. r~aust. raculty ad\'hmrs for Sigma a site nod $10.000. Zeta , acco mpanied th e . g ro up.

Page 3: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status


February 23, 1956 THE POINTER.

Here's The Epic Tale Of The Pointer ~';:'d\~~:!!n~:0 :~~::se F I Pl bl

Each year every girl on the CSC - rom ts anning To-Pu ication- - CAmpu1-mus P•l'---75-cenUJ..._l<LJ.he. CWA, but few ot these g irls realize

By ~lnrl' Brnntz wo uld be no newa11a1,er. Ara Ser- the purpose of this organization or Unlik e mnny 11eo1>le m ig ht pos­

s ibl y think, t he Pointer ·\• hl ch you


~ are now readin ;.;- is not de lhered by · n bene,·O!eut stork early on e \·ery

T hu rSday morning. The work wh ich Its production ln \'olves amounts to a great den! or time and e ffo rt on t he 1mrt of many 11eo1>le. a lo ng with certa in fl tllll S o f mone y. h:.rnd-wrltlng or news e ditors, and 11rayer s or ad· vl sert1. Adel one 111air o r gym shorts th row n o n to n of th e Pointer off ice's fl ourescent li ght, mix thoro ug hly with a Monday night jam sess ion, an d th e result ls the news1m1>er which yo u now hold In yo ur hands.

~ ninn hi Business ;\tanager. with Jus t what their money ls used fo r. Emalee Berth and Lar ry Pierce work- The purpose or th e CWA, which Ing under him. Oetting the ads Is stands for co llege W omen's Associa­thelr busi ness. pas ti me. and week ly lion, Is to try to de\·elo1> actl\•ltles headache. but It nil comes out for and expe r iences for college women the best in t he end. which aren't de\'eloped iu other ways,



1.kforc I h e• c ,·olutlon or Lho Pointer cnn be fully descr ibed , It Is neces­sa ry to name those three l}COJ>le whose cons tant g u idance, 11atle nce, and occusionul pushing s tart th e whol e job rolling. They aro Miss Be rtha Glennon. editorial adviser, Robe rt T. Anderson. bus ine11e ad\'lser, nnd J e rry Madison, a. junior from MarKh fi e ld, who should ha ve known betto r , but ls now editor anyway. F'o llowlng behind them are J oyce SJ)encer a nd Mary Braatz. co- news editors. wbo begin th e ne xt Po inte r sa~n on 1he isnme day one Pointer C0111e8 Olll ..

A,t thi s time. th e news e ditor checks th e cale ndar In the Deans' Off il'e so M to be sure or all com­Ing c,•e ut s which should be covered by ass ignmen ts to reporters. These potential sto ries, co m bined with Ideas for reatures which a re r11,1,ed Kcre am ­ln _i.: rro111 wracked brains . are th e n mu.do Into ass ignme nts with u. re 11or t­er ass ig ne d t o ench. O\·or th e· week­e nd , th e u.ssigument s ll))!! are tnude out. these be ing s 11111\I 11ieces of 1m11er bea rin g tho s tOry the me :.nd lntor­matlon wanted. and 11eO t)l e to see nbout It. Thei.e are tuc ked on th e P o inter Of fi ce bull e t in board the !ol· lowi ng )londay morning.

T iu• n ·p·o r1t.•r:oi who 1111\\' 111 ln1111·1• on th o wai tin g bulletin board. fore­warned hy signs pos ted which say "Pointer .As1!11-:n111entti .Are Out" are : Hu1h Sol be rJ:. Diana Bloom. Sharon Ze ntner. Leno re Gaylord, Bradley J o h11181)U , Loi!; Gehres. Rus8e ll Gard· ner. Um·ld Kubach . )lary J o . l'lu g_i.:14 J o)·ce Uau ucmann. IJ.arbara Urener , H:1rbara Collllrll, Barbara llowen. No t ha lie r•1 e rre. Ru th Wright. ))on Smith. Colleen Chris tian· sen. \\"a r nc .laeckl. nan CooJ)­c r . and :\";rn(•y II,;L i;er (w h o can he:il be C'l:t!<s ltled as looking "m·cr th e fence". i From th e o ffi ce, th ey h:1 1101) ha1111il )' o u t !11 rtucs t or a sslt-:nrncn t- rulrillment. until f~rlday of tho saule week. when th e ir ,;to r les are s 1111posed to repose pcucefully In tho "incn tuini; co 11y" bas ket 011 t he

\ed~~~,::h:;ss~;ecles ut re1,orter which tluds th e bulletin bonrd foll o r jo lly sll 11s o n ) lond:.y morning Is the sporl.8 14ectlon of th e Po inter. Car l Hube rty Is S11urt11 Edito r . w ith a s taft con· sh1tl11 .1,: or Jim ~!Ill e r . ass is tant e dl· tor; Harry Bucher. Paul Rassm us­sen, UII I Seka! , Da\'e J e rsey, Jl ggs J\lf;ur:ll, and Hoh Sc he ure ll. An )'· thlnt-: of 1111 at hl etic nature hu1,pe nlng around Central Sta te falls within their field. and Is duly set d own In th o p1111e r. ,

)lrnnwhlh·. Che.• 11ho10;.;-r11J)hl'r, Jim li u1<111lrkJ. unde r pllolog raphl c ad­\' l!;e r. Raymo nd r..: . S11echt, s tnrt s to work. Ills Jo h Is to tak e J)lctures tor th o rcatu ro s tori es o r Kpecla \ e,·e nts lo be wrlllen about In tho coming

· 1i;~ue. When th e plctur~ ha\·e been

Tl1t·n tl1c.·ro·:. 111<' c·u rloonlst. B('tly Uehl. A littl e ho.rd to classl ry as to re11orler. business, or c ircul a t io n, sh e cont ributes n good bit t"o the 1Hq 1er with her drnw in gs and i;:enera l lnteq>retatlon or lire al CSC.

nnd to try to be of serv ice to the school.

Du ring th e 11ast se mester the CWA ca rr ied o n Lhe soc ial 1>rogrn111 ror the new stu de nts. Thi s Included nr­rnngl u g the program or bi g and lltll e s iste rs nnd the party th a l was held

As Monday night drnws near, the for th em. They nlso 1,ut o ut the hand­Pointer swings Into frantic act h ·lty. books ror the new s tude nts.

Thoe people ore b1.1•ily reheClf1in9 o Rodlo Work1hop pruenlatlon. They ore fr om left lo righl= Phil Lo teike, Mory Ortleib, Jade Z,i, Ado Lord and Frank Brocker.

The co11y Is edi ted a nd a g roup o r The C\\"A also spo nsored a rrec pcOple kuOwn as tn1ls ts Lype u 11 th e cottee hour o nce e ,·e ry two weeks rlnlshed product, e ithe r Monday af- a nd arrnnged the Th n nksgh'lng as­ternoon o r nli;ht. They a re ) 1ary eembly. Al ChrlsLmas tim e th ey gave P uw a losk l. Ruth Wrigh t , Pnl Ro th , g irt s to CSC's Lwo for e ig n women Cllrto rd Hans, Janis Nottleman, Ilnr- stud e nti; who were not able to be hnrn Co burn , Lois Gehres. nnd Bob at homo. At the end or the semeste r Hamme rsmi th . th o CWA s ponsored a dinner nt the Married Population On Sectional High School

1•0~:,~;t·trr'i'!:h \·v


0~~n Is tta;~;~i~ !~~ ;!~~ g~:~u~~~ng~·omen studen ts WSC Campuses Increases Debate Meet Held At CSC

a nything else o n this or any other During the seco nd semester the A modern phenomenon ot the co l· B)' Dun COO(>er planet. Typists, news editors, editor, CWA will sponsor a Sonctest which lege campus Is th o mar rie d s tudent. CSC J)lared hus l to 12 high school )tlss Glennon, n comi1osltion Starr will be h eld In March . This songres t He wns n most unusual !)Creon 50 dehnte teamH In the sec tional meet o f \\"edenlln Frenzel. Bob P rl elllp and Is OJ)ell to any o rgrrnh:atlon or h ouse )'ears ago but today at th e State Co l- he ld he re 0 11 Saturday, February 11. returued-at-Jast t:url Grow, and var- o r six or more. On March 15, an even- leges o ne o ut of e ,•ery se,•e n s tude nts These tea ms reJ)rescntod th e Stevena ious o nl ookers mingle tn Joyous con - Ing a ssembly will also be ~l)Onsored Is married. n total or l ,GfiO. Point. La Crosso and Os hkosh dis­fu s ion with CO i))' . cokes. 1>01,co r n . by CWA. The a ssembly will feature Th e, 1rc1ul 1.H•,.:1rn urtcr Wo rlll War t r lc ts . t:llg lble ror srnto co mpetition and wlsccruck8. Now th e rlnnl t)'()- Mrs. Lynn Hon ec k o f l\ladlso n. who II and th o co ll ege rog lstrarK estlm- In Mmllson o n P ebruary 24 an d 25 In g Is d o ne, th e 111s t s to ry wrluen, has a weekly TV 1,rogrnm on gracious ate that th e re are mo re marrie d HUI - nre those tenms winni ng tour ot the a ud th e h e:Ldlines co mposed out ot 11\'lng. l\lrs. Honeck will talk on d e nts now on cam pus than e\'o r be- KIX arg uments. th e blood :uid s weat o r the Co 1111>osl- " Poise nnd Grace Can Be r::asy". rore. Us uall y on ly hai r or tho two· tlou staf f. The typed. headlined COl>Y Also, on March 23 and 2-i , CWA some a tte nd s college. ' but there ore Is taken u11 In two s hirts to \\"onnlln will be hostess to th e s tat e CWA nearl y 100 hu s band aud wife com­Pu bl h1hl.ug com 1mny. wh er e th e paper meeting. Six delegates Crom each bl nations s tud y in g and atte ndin g Is printed. schoo l will be here and di scussion c lasses toge th e r.

Tuesday ls th e day or r eading the ~;::f:r:n:el:;e;:::~e:.' entertain- The college reg ist rars are lei;s th1111

F irst 11l n1:c s11ot.s (fl\'c wins and o ne loss) went to Stoven8 Po int , Nee­rmh , Merrill , and Two JUvers; se­co nd place. (tour wins and two loss­eK) \\"ausau: third, (three wins and three losses) Ln Crosse Logan: fo urth (two wins nnd rour losses) Wiscons in Ho.pld tt, Wuupun, Tomah u nd Green Uny F:as t; fifth ; (one win uncl fh·e losses) Knuknunn; s ixth ,. (no wins) Ln CroRse Centra l.

ga lley proofs :rn c .... c hecklng them ror During past years the CWA hns enthusiastic abo ut c1111111us marriages. e rrors. Gall ey 1>roo fs arc regular also S)lonsored ,rn ch mlacellaiteOus 'l'll ey lm\'U sct- 11 loo muny s tmle 11 h> printed nows1m per co lutnns. run orr nc th'ltleS ns buy ing songboo ks for end their edu ca t ion at murrlngc. in lon g s trl11s. Polnte r 1uoor. read ers the school and giving mon ey to th e fo"'lnan cl ng the marriage Is difficult , at 11rese11t ure Uonnle Drisco ll , Pat Nel son Ho.II Recreation Roo m for tl1 cy ex11laln, un d jobs are t1cu rco In Schultz, Sall y n ose, IJorothy Curr. oe w curtains. coll ege to wn s. They have wntc bcd and )Ia rgarot Christ. The n. th e New o ffi cer s we re elected at the married cou11les drop from out-of- Er\'ln Marquardt, Wausau, was Composition men arrange th e co l- beg inn ing or the second semest er . class uctl\·ltleH s uch a.s s 1,or ts. muitlc. cha lr nuu1 or th e sec ti onal meo l with umns Into a "dummy ... which Is th e They nr e: Joyce Sch loumau. l)resl- and drama. I.e land l\1 , llurro ughK ns chairman

~~!u~~l;rl!~r;:~st:rd ~!:~o ~l~~11

!~~st!~!~ ~~:~~\h y )I~~~~. ~:;;;tn:~~-1~r::111de;~,: ca;:~:~::11:~=~=8°~~~: ;~~~1~~;:

1 :~~11 ~~~ o f th o co ll ege forensic committee 11ro1irlalc lllncc. 11lus. lre11surer: Ln lK Sc hlo umnn. se· e duca tion seem too g reat." suld 0 110 (•om1•o14ed of Dr. Pete r A. Kron e r,

Um ·k ·w \\'orzn lla's ~ucs th u dum- nlor re11rese1nath'e; Betty \\"oe h \ert. reg is trar. Hobert S. Le wis. ll.lt:lmrd C. lllnkes-m r to !Jo turned Into page 11roofs. Junior re 1>resematlve: Caro l Ne lson , 'l 'h c, s111di•n1~ who lake Urn 111111.- ll'e. and Miss Paulino lsa11cson. whi ch are th o 1mi;:ca just a s th ey MOJ)h o more repre1;e ntatlve: nnd Diane rl mo u ln l ste1, nnd Killy In school do wll\ finall y look. These are checked Unehler and Nathalie Pierre. fresh- be tte r :tcadomlc work r1tler 11111rrl:1i,;e ror new or old mistakes OtL \\"cdncs- man r e.n resen t!llh'el'l. ban bet.ore. tb O,_ reg.ls.Lt11r.s a dutll.

,J111l1,: 1•:oi 8utur1 l11y wt·ro Dr. Frnnk w. Crow. Mr. Burrou i;hs, Miss lisaac­NO n , :\"orman f.:~nut~en . Dr. Rolnnd dav noon. \\' ed nesday night or ea rl y And th e college o ff icials nre 11rcmd


u rsday mornillh, tho final 14 00 Read This And Weep of the mn ny l'l UCCC88fUI C:\IU J)US A. Trytte n. )tr. Blake8lee. Mr. Lewis, Polntert1 ure 11rinted nnd d elh·e red cuu11les who hu,•o O\'e rcome all dlf. und Ur. r·red c rl ch A. Kre m11le, all to CSC tiho rtl y hetore 9 a.Ill. Jlany Out or th e firs t semester e nroll - rlcultles. or CSC. Murk MILkh o lru, Hard-or these Pointers u re rushed LO th e me nt of !i LG freshman s tud e nts . 29.5 At Ste\·enK Polnl a married G. I. ware )tutuuls. un<I Nevin James , 1,·aiting tabl es o n rlrst and second iie r ce nt ha\'e been put o n J, robntlo n . wllh three childre n holdK a 4 0-hour She r man Guucleniu n. and WIiiiam floor. where they ure 11 lcked up and a cco rdlni; to Gilbert w. Fnus t . rcsls- a week Jo b und mnkeis s traight A'8. d evoure d by CSC'ers. trar. The so iihomore cluss has a per· At Hl\'Cr F'all s a :JO-year o ld \'etern n W hite, Os hko8h.

One Just g rou11 pla)'S It s part now, contuse o r 12 . 1 or th e 280 students. wll11 rive childre n g radua ted with Ann \\"elt11Jrot u nd P h y llis Knop and that Is the Circulation Starr. The percentase tor th e Juniors Is 7 .2 acceptable grndeB uud now hus· an ni+Klsted )llss Oorh1 l)nvla and Dr .

~!:cui;.~~1:un~~il~~/s L!;r/r~~;~~:;. ~~rtl~:l~t

2~: t~:ss1;~er;~bn~~~-8 a;:e ~! ~:~~~~es~t 1~e=~:~~~l

11!~1:~~\h;\•~t!g~~ Kronor at the 9:30 corree hour held

llere ul ce Hahn, and Mary Jane J>robatlon. s hirt :.ta fo undry , Is n c ity alde r11111n , In Studio A. Mr. Burroughs was Kohler. They tak e charge or se nd - The total probat ion and final pro- a unio n ort lcla l , nnd Is marri ed to 11s11 ls ted by Emalee Be rth , Barbara ini; P o inters to o ut-of-school s ub- bali o n pe rcentase o f th e co llege Is a concert lllanl s t. Coulon, fluth Volbrecht . and Mary sc ribers . re tired fll culty members, li. 9 J)e r cen t or 212 o f th e 11 88 en- From Sto u t comes this desc rl1>tlo11 S tei nk e nt the 2 ::IO coffee hou r he ld

~:~~utd~·~r~:~:~: 111 a11:f ~~1e D~a,~;~·; ro l.~~~n~.robatlon" mea ns that a s tu- ~tee ~


111: . )~:~ :~:ero:1:: ;


u in the Suident Union . sc hoo l. who uses 100 Pointe rs to de nt has a g rade J)Ol n t 1wcrnge of less " I got 1111 1hls morning ut ;""j : aO, (;Sf ' i; l111kn1 s 11si. ls tl11,: wit.It de-send to \'arlouM alums. than one for the pre\·lous se mester. re d the baby. und. at her lnsls lance, baLCH were J ohn )till e r . cha irman ot

Thus. o u r e1ds ll e In th e rorm o f In the coll ege as a whole. 22 Fres h- 1,lnye d 'this little 11 lg.' She wu.s n11 tho time kec1,ers. Uarbara. J enkins, s ix pages o f new11p rlnt Is fin is hed. me u . 23 !!Ollhomo rc!I . two Junlon. happy a s I was Hlce i,y, a nd with th e Sue ll.e2: l11 , l\lary Lund. Kay Schrel­A great deal of work goes Into It , nnd tw o seniors were dro pped from sun 11ourlng In o ur east wind ow I but lotK of fun too. And , If th e s tu- school. Firs t se mes te r freshmen are got to thinking: Here I ant ~C l• her, )Jary J o Buggs, Mnry Joe Brei­

dents e njoy It. the teachers appro\'O ~;~~seus;:~1\,,.:::.ll~::;P:;dco:~~~~ ~! tin g a coll ege e du cation . rai sing a tenstcln. Jerry Farrell , Patri ck Col­It. and the s taff sti ll manages to schoo l without o rrlclnll)' withdraw- famil y, nnd ge tting three good meal8 lier, Harry Pittma n . Jnne Weronke , find tim e to do Its col! ectl\'e hom e- Ing. Others had been admitted on a day. ll 'R not ~ bad life . o nly Sharon Ze ntne r , Mary Ellen Fry­work between duti es. Its been a su e- 1>robo.tl o11 or final p robntlon . tiring!.. rn rark . Nancr Hager, and J o an J eck le. ccss.

Primary Council Plans de,.·elo11ed, usuull)' by Wed nesday or Primary Council Is again J)l a nnln g Thu rsda)'. th e neJ::nth·e14 are sent In the annual "Sparta" project to hel JJ Lo Jim Freiberg at )Ierrlll. who doe!l the less rortunute ch ildren there. th e final 11rln t ing or them. The>' are In 11a1,1t yenrs thlit has been carried ret u rned to Ste,·ens Palm on the rot- o n a t Chrls t 11mi; at wh ich lime Prl­lowlnh )lond:a y o r Tuei;dar. nn d ap.. 111ary glrh1 raised money for gi ft s 11cnr In tll u 1,roori. or the 11a1>er. and toy1,1 . This yea r f;a15te r haKk ets

Workln~ :!lo ng wit h th e de \'CIOJ)· :.111d fa,·o r8 will he l, lrnn to the chi!· ln i; l'oiuter ii; the ht1 Ki nc1;t1 RLarr. tl rcn at Sparta. _Tr le\'a J lao Ande r· whic h J)ro\'l dci. that \'err l111 pur t11nt l su 11 and Jea1111e Hoei; ke arc co-cha lr­slufr, 111,mey. wi thout whkh there men of lho 11rojec1.

VOL. V The Centra l Sta te P ointer No. 10

... h,di,i~~1~tr4,,~~';;!:!1!~ttc!11~~~~'1'tOOnth~~1 St~~;~0"sSb:~~·1~0~1 J;~~rn;}.: 1~r ~/:;;·br ~,

l!ntcr(J u u <and,c bs1 manu Mar 26. 1927. at lhr poll o/lKr II S1c.-cn1 Po,at. W11<oiu10, undrt the set of March}. 1179,

Page 4: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status


- The Mn. (SC- Club i1-orM of th.-ffl01t- f)fomln.nt rMW-'IOdol group, CHI tti• comp111. A, thh pktur• 1how1, It hoi o good many m•mber, and th.y or• 01 en1hv,lo1tic 01 th•y ore mony.

February 23, 1956


To: THE STUDENTS - CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE With the start of a new semeste r, we would like to remind yo u

of the situation at the two Stevens Point !heaters and to restate the issue.

The projection booths a t both theaters ore now staffed by non· union operators, because the union projectionists hove refused to accept the type of contract offered them .

Why hove they refused to sign? Because management hos required, as a condilion of the contract, that they work for the repeal of a City of Stevens Point Safety Ordinance designed for the protection of movie patrons.

Projection booths in Stevens Point hove always been manned by two men. Thus, in on emergency such as a fire, one man con toke steps to combat it while the other keeps the show going to ovoid panic. Situated high in the theater, looking down a- beam of light, the projectionists ore in the best position to spot fires earl y. (In the lost few years, they have discovered and extin­guished several fires in Point theaters, only one of which was in the projection room.)

Rea lizing the va lue of o two man projection staff, the Stevens Point City Council several years ago passed on ordinance making two men in a booth mo_fldotory. Now management, wishing to cut costs, asks the union projection ists to agree to work for the repeal of this low. Since they cannot in good cons9§D_Ce do~thi,

- the-union men hove-refused to sign·; so non-union operators hove been brought in.

The union projectionists feel their position is clear, sound, and in your best interests and invite your support.

Stevens Point Tra des and Labor Council State College Local, American Fede ration of Teachers.

Page 5: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status

February 23, 1956 THE POIN~ I

Poin·te-•I'"' •ate 5...... .. ........................ csc Ca ers To Meet AAU Wrestling Tourney Set - ·- 1-1-1- 1-:,------t; --- vr-4r,-,::i.------J~ - letting-Out-the-Ai1 tata...AA.U-W.reatllng tourney By Cul Hube.... Pioneers an Titans ;;~:.::u:·~~1!:,.t:~1~~~:·:o:;. '~! Tops Whitewater Five .......................... 25~~b: ;;~~~csk·o;a~:;~::h ~~~r~~~~ !::~:bm;:·:~ter~~~le~~!1:~0t~: a~~~

It appears tbal Conch Hate F host to the Quandtmen or OSO. The tete may enter or hla own accord. Last Silturday, Februar)' 18, at the led. The rest la written into the books

• Cnm1rns gym the CSC Pointers pull- as history. ed a close game from the jaws or de- The ,·lctory ga,·e th e Pointers a feat by squeezing out a 90·88 ,·ictory 5. 5 conro record and an o,·er all re-O\·er th e Whitewater quintet. cord ot 11-i. '

Quandt has found that much needed Point tl\'e will wind up their road coach Roberta 8nys he will take rive scoring punch In J ack Krull and La· tours for the 1955·66 bucket•ball or six boys to reprel!ent CSC at the verne Luebstort. Since Joining the season. tourney, but Isn't too sure as yet who ~:1r:te;h::r;~f P~~~~l P::s g::e;a::: The Oshkosh team' which is sport- is going. Luebs torr has been s upporting hi m Ing a l-9 record wlll be out to see tr The Qunndtmen. stng lng. a g r eat

comeb.ack , won only after the final buzze r sounde d . Amid th e tremend­ous roaring nnd chee rin g or the tans,

Lu ebsto rr. r ...... Kes tly , t -g Koepke, c . Marko, g ...........•

FG 7

PT 10

8 2

PF with his s hare of lnllles. Jim Mark o ~::\::;. JlUII their second upset ,of and F rit z Kes tly are csc·s other pair

It Lave rn Lue bstor r stepped up to th e charit y line tor a oue-and-one s itua­t ion that could make him a hero, or prolong the game. True t o the Point· e r &llir lt , he du mped the firs t o ne,

4 l

Krull. g ...... . .. 10

or cagers who make up Quandt"s The Point Quintet wlll be paced by " first four'". The "fifth man ' ' ya lea Jnc k Krull , Jim Marko, On· Koepke, from game to game with Don Sch el- nnd Lnvern Luebstorr.

Schneide rs, c o ders, On•e Koepke. nnd Jim Bo I Monday, Februar)• 27, the Pioneers

Amburgy, g . . .. 0 lnterchangln'g in that spo t. rrom Wiscons in State Co llege at

• then j ust as calm))' dro11ped the SC• cond tnlly be tween th e cords to wrn1> the ga me up for the home team.

Whitewater 's vis iting Quaker team • led almost all the way through the

second half. only to ha,·e the score ti ed with 4 5 seconds Jett to piny. T he \'lsl tors tri ed to stall for a few

• seconds until they could get a good s hot, but th ey had th eir plans lo used Ut> by Marko, Luebs tort, and Krull .

After a tim e out, Lu ebs torr too k a llDSS trom Krull when h e was foul-

lloldlg , C

Bostnd, t ..... .. 1



Ke lly, r ......... . .. 11 Fre~rlchs, f ....... 6 Belkin, c ...... 7 Jackson. g .. .. ... 3 York, g .......•... . .. 2 Mundinger, c Witt. g Sutherland. f .



5 9 6


College Eat Shop Keglers ,

Tho Plnth!,·llle l'lonecrs cinched 1 at least a ti e In th o WSC by rolling

O\·er Os hkosh last Saturday by a 11 !) ~

·15 8 7 marg in. Other WSC r esults : La Crosse 8 4, Rh·er F{LIIS 70: Supe rior 90, Stout 79; Enu Clair 104 , Chlcngo Nu ,•y Pie r i 7: MIiw a uk ee 11 8, l\tl­chlgnn Tech 107.

Hank Yetter . rorm er P. J. Jncobs 99 11ound wrestling s tnr. ls curren tl y wres lling for his forme r conch, John E. Roberts, and Is co ntinuing on s uc­cessrully. only now as n hea\'ywe lght.

26 Agains t Ripon a cou11le weeks ago Yetter, a 160-pounder. decisione d Rlpon's HW, a 250- ilounder, 6-0.

• Move Into First Place Grapplers Beat Beloit;

Pins aren't the ou ly thing that Lose Upset To Marquette topple and fnll In the bowling league. On February 11, at the Campus Some of th e top place tea ms also tak e school gym the Point Orapplers de· a spill once In a while. The Yellow- rented the Beloit Matmen 36 to O.

Hank has mo,•ed down to the 157 pound clnss for th e next meet.

Juck Blosser 1md Jlggs '.\le u.rct, CSC's two leading 157-pounders, are out or action du e to Injuries recei\'ed last week . Blosser sprained his ankle at Milwaukee last week and Meu r et Injured his e lbow.

I stone H otel team, after holding a Although Beloit did not score any rlrst place lead for &e\'e ral weeks , points. the match was close r thu.n was dropped out ot the first dl\'lslou the score Indicated. Thursday nig ht when they dropped The Polnters Imel thrc Jlins, two

• three games to the blgb flying Col- decisions and three tor Its. There lege Eat Shop. were two exhibition bouts which B~-

Platte\·llle will hn•ade the Campus School Crackerbox for the final buc­ketball game or th o seaso n .

If the Pointers manage to u proot th e WSCP scauatJ, they will do no dnmnge except to g lYe Platto,•llle a ti e for first place In the WSC con­rerenee .

When th e Plntte Yllle fl\'e take th e rloor, they will bo led by Larry Marshall, the lending- tree-thrower In the s tate. Another big gun ror the Unrthmen will be Ralph Smedema. the mos t. hn1lrOYed Jllayer on th e Pioneer roster.

Las t Satu rday eYenlng , Plntte,•llle rom1ied O\'er Oshkosh (Trample Those Titans!) 119-87 wh.lle the CSC Pointers were s queezin g past Whitewater 90-88 In a thriller at the Campus School gym.

Want A Union Job? Musicians belong to 11 u nion, wen\'•

ers belong to a union, carpenters be­long to a uni on, so why don't you be­long to one too by app lying ror th e job ot student union manager for tho 1956·5i sc hoo l year!!! This Job

CSC M«:1lmen Meet UW Jvs This coming Saturday, February

25 . the Roberts co nched grapplers will trll\·e l to Madison to meet the Unherslty or Wisconsin J .V. team. The match Is scheduled to start at l~: 30 nnd Is to be followed by the Univers ity or Wisconsin Varsity, who ha\'e n meet at 3 o 'clock.

Roberts says h e wil l send Orv ., .. Ink nt 12 3; Terry l\lneMnhon at 130; Captain Don Smith nt 137; Te r­ry McLlarkey at 147; at 157, 187, l i7 and hea\' ywelght he wi ll put ln either Ha nk Ye tte r , Ron Wlsllnsky. Bru ce Ten1llls, or Butch Sorenson.

Jack Dlosser Is u do ubtfu l be­cause or n bndly sprained ankle he suffered In the Marquette mat ch. If his ank le Is healed, he will wr estle at his us ual s pot of 167.


Phone 621 Complete Hn, of ocuiuori.,

Wo1hing - Greoalng Corner Crou & Moin - Sllt'l'en, Point, Wk.

HETZERS South Side


LOCK & KEY SERVICE Don Lasecke, the league leader, Jolt a lso los t. Fink pinned Morris

with an average or 167 plus for 42 at 12 3 pounds. McMahon at 13(1 games, was th e big man tor the Eat pounds won on a forfeit, but pinned

• Shop with bis total of 56 1 pins tor Zachek In an ex hibition bout. Smith the night. Da\'O Stueber hnd the high decis ioned Boudreaux. which Wai

Wes Sante. America's lone hope in th e 15-00 meter rnce In the 1956 Olympics. has been barred tram track ror life by the AAU. Santee will fight In court to gain back ama­teur status which he los t following his suspension Sunday. The Reds are. looking better than e\'er now.

Is a,•allable to rellows who are so- '-------------' ))homores o r O\'er. A notice will be .--------------,

single game for th e e,·enlng wll11 Boudrenux's first loss. n. solid 218. Ln.secke was In thare tor At H7 pounds McLlnrky won on a

C second high s in g les with a bl azi ng forfeit. Illosse r at 15 7 pinned End· 212 game. Ro unding out the trio o~ s ley. while Yetter at 167 pinned Mc­high singles was Don Chrlstoffersou Cauley on n s ide roll. Defore this with a 201 game . action. It appea·red that Yetter was

As of February l G, mixed u11 goi ng to lose. Sorenson al 177 1iounds leag ue s tood something like th is: won his ei g hth straight bout from 1. College Eat Sholl ..... 29 13 Johnson on a d ecis ion. At hen\'y-2. Campu s Cafe ............ 27 1 5 wei g ht, Wlslinskl won on a [Ortelt. 3. Phl--Sigs ................ 22'h 191h From 1he lk lolt mutrh, the Cra1>-

• 4. Bsser's ... .22 20 piers m o,·ed to Milwaukee on Fe · 4 . Hannon '& . . .. 22 20 bruary 15 to take on the Marquette 5. Ye llowstone ll otel .... 21 21 squad \\'.hlch lost to Point earlier in

A 1ml r o f Oregon h.lgh school quintets s talled out n contest enough to allow autograph seekers on the cour t. and referees to twidd le their thumbs ns a HIils boro team o\'er powered Forest Cro,·e 3-1. Not n field gonl was scored and one cn.ge r did all ot Hillsboro's scoring as

~::;oug~r:u~d t:he $!::~!:.u ou,sly booed

pos ted 011 th e main bulletin board Loday, so It yo u are Inte rested In the position. slgn ·UP and you will be Interviewed.




113 Strongs Ave . Phone 1179

Stevens Point, Wis.


6. l\1oeschlcr·s ............... 17 Y., 24 Y., the year. They pulled an u pset to & 7. !\tiller 's .. . .... 9 33 win 16 to 14.

Can yo u to p t his - 5600 consecu­tive s lt·ups! A 17 year old Callfornl11 high sc hool s tudent performed the feat In a three and one-halt hour s tint.

There's money In the union and It's not a ll In the coke machine! This Is an exce llent op11ortunlty for someone to gather the mo8S that ke ps the s tone rolling, the kind of moss that )lays tulliom . Anyone doubling th e fertility or this position mn.y as k "Money bags·• Mark Ferris abou t Its ad,•nntages. No n eed to se ll you r guppies or trade-In your chess men when you 're "broke" -s lm1lly ap11ly .tor the job ot s tude nt '-----------~

According to Coach Roberts, las~ ,-----~--------, union manager and your tro ubles will be O\'er.

Ing t o a llOOrer team made it par· CSC Bows To Platteville tlcularly unpleasant. The team now

On F ebruary H. Coach Quandt and th e Pointer basketball team tra­vele d to Platte\'lllO to play the game that h a d been pos tponed earlier In

has a seven and t w9 record and will tackle Ripon next.

The first match. was at 147 pounds between l\tcLlnrk y and l\tetnlh\nO, au nubeaten mnn, who took the bout on

th e season. a decision. At 123 pounds, Fink won

Mrs. CSC Club Meets A regular meeting of the Mrs.

CSC cl ub will be held Thursday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m. In the home economies parlor. The gues t s11onker will be Mrs. Paul Foeller, whose topic will concern the use of arts and cra ft s In the home.


SHIPPY SHOES The CSC me n put up n good strug- on a forfe it, but went outside his

:~:d b~:0 ~heti~naslta:c:;:10~as;;1 ~~: weight to pin Si Ledoux ror fh·e '============!..:.'.:============ Pointers. It was 10 8· S9 In ta\·or of ~~~~~;lcio~~esn;;~ ~;~ b;adt::,:~0 ;:ere

th~hheos\~lc~~~:c;:!.~ Plalle\·llle n 9_1 Mc'.\lnhon nt. 1!30 pounds decision·

record for the year In comfo play, ~~/:::~:~. 1d2ef~: t!d wt~!~l~~it~~ ;~

and a full game lead In the tight s tate At this time Point was leading 11 to rnce. lt wa.s Point's fourth lose In J when an unfortunate accident hap­se,•en starts nnd cut down the seaso n p~ned. which was the turning point record to 10-6. ,

1 or the match. ·

Larry Mars hall. the Pioneer 8 b g Jack Blosser at 157 pounds was gun, was hlgh with 29 points. He was grappling with Chaney when Jack rollowed by big Ralph Smedema, the sprained his ankle. Everyone was most Improved player on the Platte· confident that Blosser would takl)

Yll~esci·:1~~c\,. Krull was playing his ~l:s:~~t~~s~~~

1! ~!:t~:a';e~::~/ ~~dd fourth game, nnd came through with was interned In a Milwaukee hospital a total or 24 .tallies for tbe hlgb .man until some time F riday morning. honors on tho Point th•e . Orv Koep- After tl l.18 bout the match went ke was the runner·UP In the gnme against the Poin ters. At 167 pounds with 14 · Wlsllnskl was unexpec te dly pinned

Pointers Split Two Tilts On February J 1 . (he Pointers were

se t back by the Lacrosse Indians by a 94-80 score. The CSC cagers were up to within one o r two points several times. but cou ldn't come through on the rree throw line. With approx­imately six minutes left.. the Poin ters were behind by one .point.

A stall by Lacrosse dldn·t he lp the Pointe rs ns they s urtered their 4th co nfe ren ce setback agains t three wins. High sco re rs for Point were Jack Krull with 28, Mark o with 16.

, and Kestly with 1 t.i. La.Crosse lead­- en, We r8 Wtnlarak lllllaKempt-with

26 and 21 points r espectively. The following evening the Point•

e.ra gai ned the .600 mark by banding th e Stout fl\'e a 94·77 shellackl n15. The local five were In comm nl'ld mos t ot tbe game and a t one time le d by :?0 points. High men for Point agnln were Krull with 28 and Kestly with 22. Stout waa led by Sorense n with 19 points.

by Argke11an, and Yetter at 177 pounds. was s urprlalngly decisioned by Anlch 8 to 4.

At this time Marquette was lead· Ing 16 to 11, "Butch" Sorenson was the last hope o r the Poin ters tcr tie the match . Sorenson took bis ninth consecutlYe match by beating Ger­shaw 6 to O, which was not enough, 118 be had to have a pin In orde r to tie the score. Sor;nson did not pin his opponent, but did a commendable Job as Ge rshaw was 20 puunds henv­ler.

WSC Standin s Platte\'llle .. . ...... 10 1 Eau Claire ..... . ........... . 8 2 La Crosse ........................... 8 2

Superior .. : r 3

~1t~:;i:;k:~int . .. . ~ ~ Whitewater · f· .. \ .: 4 7 Rh·er Falls . .. . , . . 2 9 Stout , . . . .. 1 9 Oshkosh ... ..... .... 1 9

AS EXCITED .A.S A . CHILD MEETING.....__Sonto Clou1 wo1 Miu Moy Rooch wh•n 1h• h•­ui'led gift1 Sunday night from Council No. 1170, Knighll of Columbu1, ond lhe N•w­mon club of C•nlrol Slot• coll"J•, ol th• fourth annual Newmon dub-Knighh of Col1,1mb1.1, Valentin• porly, which thi1 y•or hono_,d th• ,,tiring CSC teacher. In the obo'le pictu,e, wearing o conog• from the collncil, Min Roach h ,hown 01 1he rec.l'led o desk pen from J udo• Jome1 H. l •vi, KC od'lo«Jfe, cent,,, who rep,e1en t.d the co1,1ncil, ond o itoh1e of "01,11 Lody of the Schoch" from loui1 Korth, pre1idenl of the Newmon club.

WHAT? ,,. Clonifi.d Adi S.11 ANYthlng?

YESI .. , Clo u lfied Adi S.11 ANYTHING!

To ploc• f or Sole o•h

11 EASY Simply coll 2000

Stevens Point


AM for Min AdtokM

Norm's Barber Shop 102 Strongs Ave.

"Get Trimmed Now,.

So You Can Trim


Page 6: 1ke.POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · mode extcnsl\'C global sun·eys or ~~:e~;~~0::~·e~-~ 1i" \~ 1i8:';r)~h!n'::::: condlt1ons abroad In order to give sent status

6 I

Scientists, Sit Up! Salaries .....

Mrs. CSC Club Plans Meet A socia l e\'ent has been planned by

the '.\frs. CSC Club. It will take place In th e Laurel Motel dinin g room

Ther e Is nn urgent need for Chem- on February :?6 nt S o'clock. is ts. :\1athemaliclans. '.\letallur1,:ls1s. Each coupl e is 1ui ked to bring o ne Physicists. und Electronic Scientists wrnp11ed white e le phant gift t o be


H. W. Moeschler South Sid e


~nnl~~~ ~::~=t~~~;;· S~.n~~~ a~~~;n!fs: :.~~Id b:8 s:r~·~d~\~~t;~i~~ ~~r:;~o1o0~~'; :============:: slon has announced. Vacancies are couple. In ,·nrlous Federal agencies nnd l).O.Y '.\! embers are requested to make re­salaries ranging rrom $-1.3-15 to $1 1,- senu.tlous with '.\1 rs. John Leuau , 610 o. year. 3286-WX. or '.\lrs. Tom '.\loro.n,

To qualify for positions paying 1260- W.


Downtown Store South Side Stare 111 STRONGS, AVE, 7S2 CHURCH ST/

PHONE l PHONE 99 STEVENS POINT, w1s~ $-1,3'15 n year. ap111icants must have -----------­

had appropriate education or n com- will be accepted by the Board of U. S.

t::~:: :!s7~~~a~l;~~e~~r~:f: r~: ~::: ii~';!au8:~,-~~:n:;~~::1

~,~=;~ln::~~o;: '. I'.============::'. tfst , appropriate technica l or scleo- D. C., until furth er notice. Ufl c ,uperleoce alone may be quail- ,------------, tying. For higher-grade posi tions. professional expe rience Is also re­quired. Graduate study mny be sub­sti tu ted for all or part of tbl s ex­perience. depending on th e grade of position. No written test Is re­quired .

HANNON Walgreen Agency

Prescription Pharmacy Phone 555

441 M o;n St. Further Information and app lica-1 ·-------------• 1

lion forms mar be obtained a t many 1,-------------. post offices throughout tbe cou ntry, or by writing to tbe U. S. Ch• ll Se r­vice Commission, \Ynshlngtoo 25, O. C. Applicants should ask for An­nouncement No. 46(8 ). Appli cations

Fred's Paint Store Mautz Paint

Phone 2295 748 Church St. South Side

Pete:s Barber Shop South Side

"Ja·~k & Pete"

422 Main

Women's Appare l


Drugs - Cosmetics Cigarettes - Ma gazines

Fountain Service



Sport Shop Bldg.



Nut to Lyric Theal..r

S1even1 Point, Wilcontin

NORMINGTON'S l aundering &

Dry Cleaning

for Every financiol

S.rvke S..



Members of F. D. I. C.

STUQENTS When your gos tonk's down,

O r you r oil runs low. J ust stop o t Rudy's East Side

Then go man go.

" Phillips "66" Produds Ma in Street


Whiting Hotel

BARBER SHOP The shop tha t specializes in you(

Type of Haircutting

Compliments of

Altenburg's Dairy

We've been· servicing CSC so­

rorities and fraternities for

many years now. Why not

le t us be of service to you?


. w coLLEGIAt£ N£ L£AD£R1 51YL£


OsHKosH;, -~ '8~

Compu, leader, won't be 1een in on71h,ng eh, rhis fall! Oshko1h BCosh gives Super.Twill oil 1h11 highs11l,ngmo1twon1edb1callege men. Bodi: s1rap.na pleoh,topered leg. Sonfori red. colorfo11, wonder· fully long wea1,ng. For school, leisure or wa,tuhop.Anunmarched vo!uel In atm7:on,11l~ertan,char· <ot>I. Sizes 27-36.

Hob-Nob Herbert 0. Bentzen

112 Strongs Ave., Phone 2302

Frank's Hardware Phone 2230

11 7 North Second St.


2nd Door from Journal Bldg.


Mai,. C:• ··-.,at Cate Special ize 1n Home Cooki ng & Baking

24 Hr. Service

Photo Supplies Block & White

a nd Colar Finishing


CAMERA SHOP 110 Strongs Ave.

All .TYPES of Instrument

Rental & lessons At


On South Side

Dutch's - 306 Main St. QUALITY CLOTHES

You Owe It To Yourself To Get More for Your Money at

"on the sunnyj sid e of the street"


February 23, 1956

CAMPUS CAFE Serving Home4 cooked Meals.

Home-made Pies & Cakes at all times.

Our Food is Ta sty and Delicious - Try us.

Cafeteria and t ounter enable us to g ive you Fast Service

At All Times - No Wailing.

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