1.Introducing People Activity

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Introducing peoplevocabularioA continuacin se presenta vocabulario para presentar gente y preguntar informacin personal .

Vocabulary I don't think you've met (name)......No creo que conozcas a (nombre) I don't think you know (name).. No creo que conozcas a (nombre) May I introduce you to (name?) Puedo presentarte a (nombre) Do you know (name)? ....conoces a (nombre) I'd like you to meet (name)Me gustara que conocieras a (nombre)

My name is.. Me llamo I am..soy What is your name? ..... Cmo te llamas? Nice to meet you.. Gusto en conocerte Pleased to meet you..encantado en conocerte How are you?............... como estas? How old are you?.........Cuntos aos tienes? What do you do? ...........A qu te dedicas? Which is your e-mail? .... Cul es tu correo electrnico?


De acuerdo con el video proporcionado en el blog (video 1) responde las siguientes preguntas. Puedes escuchas el video cuantas veces sean necesarias

1.-How did Joey start introducing his new roommate? a) She is b) Id like you to meet c) May I introduce

2.-What is the name of the girl? a) Janine b) Jasmine c) Jnny

3.-What is her last name? a) La Croix b) La Fois

c) Lavanda

4.-Where is she from? a) Austria

b) Australia

c) America

5.-How long has she been living in America? a) a couple of week ago b) a couple of months c) doesnt say ago

6.-What does she do? a) She is a singer

b) She is a dancer

c) She is a model

7.-What was the expression that one of the boys used after Joey introduced his roommate? a) Hi! b) Hello c) hey!

8.-Which expression did the other girl use after Joey introduced his roommate? a) hello b) pleased to meet you c) nice to meet you

9.-What did Joey ask to his new roommates in his interview? a) What is your name? b) When did you arrive? c) When can you move in?

10.-How many questions did Joey ask to his roommate in the interview? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

Respuestas 1.-c 2.-a 3.-a 4.-b 5.-a 6.-b 7.-a 8.-c 9.-c 10.-a

Introducing people por Oscar Morgado Lpez se encuentra bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported.