1H2012 M&a Capital Raising in Mining and Metals

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  • 7/29/2019 1H2012 M&a Capital Raising in Mining and Metals


    1BHP Billiton quarterly briefng

    Mergers, acquisitions andcapital raising in the mining

    and metals sector 1H 2012

  • 7/29/2019 1H2012 M&a Capital Raising in Mining and Metals

    2/82 Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    Escalating capital costs and softening prices

    are forcing mining and metals companies to

    rethink investment decisions. This may

    herald a shift in focus from build to buy.

    However, resource nationalism and macro-

    economic issues are making decisions

    difcult. This is reected by the steady

    decline in deal volume since 2010.

    Synergistic and one chance deals continue

    to be undertaken, while more speculative

    deals are being deferred. The majors are able

    to access capital, but remain focused on

    maintaining investment grade credit ratings,

    driving efciency and reducing nancing

    costs. This suggests that there is capacity inthe market to support activity that best

    demonstrates attractive returns including

    M&A and return of capital to shareholders.

    Equity is tightening amid widespread

    volatility and risk aversion, impeding the

    timing and pricing of IPOs. Early stage

    juniors face particular challenges, with

    widespread implications for exploration

    activity. Majors themselves are becoming an

    increasingly important source of capital, as

    they look to invest in future growth through

    minority holdings and joint venture positions.

    Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in

    the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    Note: The data is primarily sourced from ThomsonONE. $ refers to US dollars.

  • 7/29/2019 1H2012 M&a Capital Raising in Mining and Metals


    M&A activityGlobal economic uncertainty and market volatility have subdued

    deal value and volume in 1H 2012, but strong balance sheets

    among producing companies, favorable long-term fundamentals

    and lower valuations are creating an attractive environment

    for M&A.

    There were 20 megadeals (>$1b) completed in this half, up from

    15 in the same period last year reective of opportunistic and

    synergistic M&A. Activity in June suggests a pick up in

    momentum, with deals totaling $10b completed (up 88% month

    on month), and an increase in 1H 2012 volumes on 2H 2011

    (although volumes are down year on year).

    Higher cross border deal share is being seen, despite a

    consolidation drive in commodities such as coal and steel.

    Developed market assets were increasingly targeted by BRIC1 and

    emerging market players seeking to secure resources.

    The Asia-Pacic region was both the preferred destination and the

    most active acquirer, with China dominating deal activity. Chinese

    mining companies acquired domestic and cross border targets inequal measure, completing deals worth a combined $17b.

    Australia closely followed, largely driven by domestic consolidation

    among coal companies. North American deal activity more than

    halved in comparison with 1H 2011, primarily due to reduced

    domestic consolidation activity within the region. This may change

    in light of the current shake up of the US coal market.

    Major European players continued to be acquisitive, seeking to

    achieve growth through outbound M&A. The largest of these deals

    was KGHM Polska Miedz acquisition of Canadas Quadra FNX

    Mining for $3.3b.

    In Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone

    were the most-targeted, for copper and iron ore assets, despitethe higher risks associated with these nations. This highlights the

    strategic importance of mineral supply.

    2010 2011Y-o-Y


    Volume 1,047 1,008 -4% 580 470 -19%

    113,706 162,439 43% 89,746 55,679 -38%

    101 161 59% 155 118 -24%

    64% 62% -2% 60% 63% 3%



    Crossborder(% share)





    Value and volume of deals by size

    3Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    1 Brazil, Russia, India and China

    Asia Pacific 19.1

    10.4North America

    Africa 9.0

    Latin America 8.1

    Europe 5.9

    CIS 3.2

    Value of deals by target region ($b)

    Asia Pacific 25.2

    12.1North America

    Europe 9.3

    Latin America 5.0

    CIS 3.5

    Africa 0.6

    Value of deals by acquiring region ($b)

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    4/84 Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    Outbound (bubble size = deal value)Domestic (bubble size = deal value)

    0.8 Australia








    South Africa



    Republic of Congo

    Sierra Leone



































    1.1 0.7





    1.3 6.1



    Commodities coal remains top target

    Coal remains the most targeted commodity in 1H 2012 in value

    terms at $12.4b, despite a year-on-year decline in activity as

    lower shale gas prices weakened coal demand. Coal acquisitions

    were driven by:

    Power utilities and trading companies buying assets to secure


    Consolidation in order to achieve synergies and economies of

    scale, particularly in Australia due to the inationary cost


    Large players looking to boost production capacityCopper was the second most sought-after commodity in 1H 2012,

    with $9.2b of deals completed. Activity was driven by strong

    long-term demand fundamentals and competition for scarce,

    quality assets. Steel deals took the third largest share of deal

    value, reecting consolidation among Chinas fragmented steel

    sector in an effort to remove excess capacity, reduce costs and

    improve margins.

    Gold deals took the highest share of deal volume at 160 in

    1H 2012. However, there have been fewer sizeable deals

    compared with the same period in 2011, resulting in a relatively

    low average deal value of $40m (down from $62m during

    1H 2011).

    Expectations of a demand rebound in uranium is triggering

    acquisitions to secure future supply in the current depressed

    pricing environment deal value and volume has increased

    year on year.

    M&A outlook

    We expect to see continued uncertainty and volatility in the

    market throughout 2012. Those companies with a bullish outlook

    on China, and that can work with volatility, will be the dealmakers

    this year.

    The following factors are likely to drive future deal ow:

    Lower valuations, which may drive opportunistic deal activity

    A prevailing focus on M&A in familiar territory during volatile

    times; this may take the form of domestic consolidation or

    companies seeking to build on their minority holdings and JV

    positions. Synergistic, one chance deals if valuation metrics permit

    Increasing costs of organic projects driving a greater focus on

    M&A by the producers

    Greater scrutiny on investment returns will force management to

    adopt more sophisticated bid tactics and focus on synergies and

    unique competitive advantages.

    We expect to see more divestment activity, and an increased focus

    on portfolio management, in the face of rising costs. Nearly 70%

    of mining and metals respondents in Ernst & Youngs Capital

    Confdence Barometer (April 2012) conrmed they are planning

    divestments in the next 12 months to focus on core assets.

    M&A outflows for key nationsDeal values in $b

  • 7/29/2019 1H2012 M&a Capital Raising in Mining and Metals







    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1H 2011 1H 2012







    Capital raising by asset class proceeds raised (20071H 2012)





    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun




    Equity Bonds Loans

    Capital raising by month proceeds raised (2012)

    Capital raisingtrendsChallenging markets contributed to a

    decrease in capital raising activity in

    1H 2012, compared with the same period

    a year ago. Total proceeds fell 35% to

    $123b, with a 16% decline in volume of

    issues. There has been almost a 50%

    reduction in the number of companies

    raising capital, and a marked decline in

    equity raising due to market volatility.

    However, corporate bond activity continues

    to break records, following on from a

    strong 2011.

    5Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

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    6/86 Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    IPOs a dramatic drop-off

    Market volatility has had a profound impact

    on 2012 IPOs across all sectors. The

    mining and metals sector has been

    particularly impacted due to a decline in

    investors appetite for risk, and lower

    valuations, which have resulted in issues

    being too dilutive for foundation


    IPO volume fell 37% to 47 IPOs in

    1H 2012. Proceeds decreased by a

    signicant 80% (excluding Glencore) to$0.9b, from $4.3b in 1H 2011.

    All major mining capital markets were

    impacted, with lower volumes, reduced

    prices and deferrals experienced on the

    Hong Kong, London, Australian and

    Toronto exchanges.

    The largest share of proceeds were raised

    in Hong Kong ($644m), with the TSX-

    Venture exchange attracting the highest

    share of junior IPOs at 22 still a 53%

    year-on-year decline. The largest cross-

    border IPO was that of Chinas Rare EarthsGlobal, which closed the half with a market

    value of $322m, listing on AIM to capitalize

    on demand outside of China.

    IPOs remain on the corporate agenda but

    in such a volatile market, only the ASX and

    TSX-V are seeing real volumes. A relatively

    small number of explorers are raising

    minimal funds through IPO in order to gain

    a market presence for future raisings.

    Short term nancing solutions (including

    private placements and debt facilities) are

    being sought as an interim solution forthose in need of immediate capital.

    Follow-on equity in free-fall

    Proceeds raised from follow-on issues of

    equity are also down signicantly year on

    year, following a particularly volatile

    2Q 2012. Volume declined by 18%, while

    proceeds dropped 69% to $10b, from

    $32b in 1H 2011. This was the result of

    fewer large issuers and a reduction in

    funding to the juniors.

    Mid-tiers and advanced juniors attracted

    equity investment to fund the development

    of quality projects and acquisitions.However, early stage explorers are faced

    with fewer options and challenging market

    conditions, with average proceeds by this

    group falling to $3m in 2Q 2012.

    Convertible bonds project-based funding

    Convertible bonds showed a year-on-year

    increase in volume and proceeds in

    1H 2012, largely driven by small-scale

    project-based funding for advanced

    juniors/mid-tiers unable to access straight

    bonds. Over $2.1b of proceeds were

    raised, compared with $2.0b in the same

    period a year ago. Convertibles can be an

    attractive investment option in periods of

    volatility, offering investors some downside


    Australian issuers took the highest share of

    proceeds, offering opportunities for

    investors to participate in the growth

    potential of Australias mining industry. We

    have also witnessed a number of strategic

    investors taking cornerstone positions in

    convertible bonds during the rst half of

    the year, including Mount Kellett Capital

    Management in Lynas Corps $225m issue,

    and China Railway Materials in African

    Minerals 8.5% notes due 2017.

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    7/87Mergers, acquisitions and capital raising in the mining and metals sector 1H 2012

    Corporate bonds continueddemand drives record proceeds

    The popularity of corporate bonds

    continued during 1H 2012, with a 29%

    increase in proceeds to $59b from $46b

    year on year. Corporate bonds remained an

    attractive funding option for the majors

    looking to renance, push out maturities

    and lock-in favorable long-term yields.

    The rst half of 2012 was about windows

    of opportunity, reecting uctuating

    market condence. There was a slow startand end to the rst six months, with a clear

    preference for quality compared with

    1H 2011. But mid-tier companies found

    pockets of demand in March and May for

    high yield issues and we expect that

    sustained (albeit volatile) demand for yield

    should provide valuable support for

    mid-tier producers and advanced juniors in

    the second half.

    The rst half of 2012 witnessed a greater

    share of volume by emerging market

    issuers accessing US dollar investors,looking to secure rates ahead of an

    expected increase in US treasury yields.

    Nearly $9b of investment grade Euro

    bonds were raised, despite challenging

    market conditions in the Eurozone,

    reecting investor demand for quality

    investment opportunities.

    Record low coupons were again achieved

    by investment grade majors. Conversely,

    yields remained relatively high for sub-

    investment grade mid-tier companies,

    driving demand among yield-seeking


    Syndicated loans majorrefnancing, but little project


    Syndicated loan proceeds declined 46% in

    1H 2012, to $51b from $95b in 1H 2011.

    Large deals have been reserved for A-rated

    borrowers with strong banking

    relationships for example, Glencores

    $12.8b renancing with a 91-strong

    syndicate of lenders. However, with over

    half of this years loan proceeds used to

    renance existing agreements, very little

    new money is owing in, particularly for

    project nance. During 1H 2012, $2.9b

    worth of project nance was closed, the

    largest deal being a $1b facility for First

    Quantum Minerals Kansanshi copper mine.

    A mandated pipeline of $10.8b in 2012 is

    still to be nanced.

    With Basel III making it increasingly difcult

    for Western banks to provide anything

    other than short-term loans at competitive

    prices, we will continue to see a signicant

    shift away from traditional long-term,

    project-based bank lending in the sector,

    and an increased role for alternative

    lenders and funding structures.

    Capital raising outlook

    We expect the corporate bond market to

    remain strong in 2012 for investment

    grade issuers, with sustained but volatile

    demand for higher-yielding sub-investment

    grade issues by mid-tier companies for

    project development. With funding options

    (both equity and debt) tightening for

    juniors, we may see bond investors with

    higher risk appetites (such as hedge funds)

    willing to fund quality projects in smaller


    The IPO markets are expected to remain

    difcult, with companies unlikely to pursue

    large issues in the very short term, at such

    dilutive levels. Signs of recovery in global

    equity market conditions over the second

    half of 2012 could lead to an increase in

    IPO activity in Q1/Q2 2013.

    Markets are volatile and sentiment-driven:

    pockets of condence will drive investor

    demand, but companies may increasingly

    look to strategic investors willing to invest

    for the long-term. Funding may come from

    Asian lenders, made via co-investments in

    overseas projects with local state partners

    such as infrastructure developers. Such

    investment often comes with additional

    ties, however, such as a share of future

    offtake. Multiple options need to be

    pursued to raise nance at the right price,

    in order to create competitive tension and

    ensure that reliance is not placed on just

    one source of nance.

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    Ernst & Youngs Global Mining & Metals Center

    With a strong but volatile outlook for the sector, the global mining and metals industry is

    focused on future growth through expanded production, without losing sight of operational

    efciency and cost optimization. The sector is also faced with the increased challenges of

    changing expectations in the maintenance of its social license to operate, skills shortages,

    effectively executing capital projects and meeting government revenue expectations.

    Ernst & Youngs Global Mining & Metals Center brings together a worldwide team of

    professionals to help you achieve your potential a team with deep technical experience

    in providing assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services to the mining and metalssector.

    The Center is where people and ideas come together to help mining and metals companies

    meet the issues of today and anticipate those of tomorrow. Ultimately it enables us to help

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