1E xp:on:cnt \'OLU:\IE XXIV. DOZE:IIAN, :\lONTANA, T UESDAY, MAR CH 1-!, 19;33 ;-.;u:1mER ::!1 25 Bandmen To Make Concert Tour Of State Editors Chosen To Be Today Students Seek Low er Living Costs F }} D S · / G l ff& Through "Batc hi ng" In Apartments a rama IC ocza roup IA College To Hoard of Publications Holds ,\n- nual Election for Ex pone nt and )lontanan \lth,ugh "old man depression" nry boarding houses. The followin~ Production To . Giv_e_s _. Rules , Hold Open House ha.., drin•n manv ... tud'-nh from I a t :\l onlana S 'tatc . coli,"'1r"'. , 11 a1 1) ,ic exa~ ac<:~u nts of ,January and Pl ( I I ,..~ l·ebruaiy which were Lurned in lo' L t .-11" ti ~lust Be 1n Hou ses BY t~'~/:(~:~~l !t t::)ii~)~~ \~l;~~:t:,.l:)~ ~~·1s~g!~a1-riso n, social director of the' ay ew1s own 11 ::30 During \:acation Period·; Tuesday Vven1·ng int(. Sin(·e ,,art-time e mplO) ment I T,\ o girls in thr ee -r oo m apart- Other Rcgulat10~ ..fJ BobC'al Hand Leaves )larch 2.J. 1 is pracl ica ll) an imJ>o.--;!:--ihilit) me _ n~ .. (This includ~ ~ roceries, , , . J ·,,r .\nn11 al 'l'11u1· of '. lontana tht;~~/!1t1~~~nf:.!1/i~~~:so/'~t1~}1~f~~·tan~?,1, I and j,;i ncc Plr,ition~ for )O un~ I furni s hrn gs fo r bcginmnJ! and i Elks Club to Sponsor Showing of .\II girh it~ma1nino· in <:,·orvri~"· .. , '" mu 1 in 11ri, at e hom e:,, arc le". n .H. m rc:nt.): Janu ary $10 fi7 I ''T h B k " 0 1\1 h 21 ' ' Cities aml Expon~nt two will L·merg(.• vkto"- 1 hatching" is becoming extremel) e ach; February .. 8.:'JO ea~h. · e ar ·er n J. arc . hou e Pt· Lne 11on11 during the J.'l'.n"' ~-~~~pi::.~ tt~~;~ ten$ bt•:n.~ hclcl Oil lh(• !);~~:',~rs."ith both coeds and men Th l{'C boys in thr ee -room apart- Theatre "Sold Out'' ~t~t'l.~:l(;~gl~~--,t \~"~:,lilt~~ ~l~~i~i~;; ·::;a~/~ The U,)lx-u.t I~aud h·~ivt>-. Fra1ay 'l ho~·c rannrng- for editor of tht' An inYcstig-ation made by an Ex- !nent. (Thi.s includerent , cook- I --- by the social comm1ttcc at a nH..'etm,; O, er 100 Students Will Be H osts at .\ffair Planned For \' isitors Ton ight mo1·n ng. \la ·h 2-., n t twenty- )lontanan inl'lnde Lou Gudg-d, Xie\/ ponent rcport<.>r shows thaL Jiving- con- ~~~i 0 f.n:f=~~C:~ . 1 ii.;ht \\ alcr. and j T~at the.> .J udith-Fox theater in h~ld Thun;du). Fnda:,, and Satl1rd·.1v 1 1··. annua our. Beilenber!!'. ~tuart L'ha.llent!er, anti dili.ons of the~e student~ are ve: y , , · . . ) · I 6.60 eac h. I U"w1slown has lw~·n P-old out ! 11r the night:- the U::ilJal 1~ :.,u · tllne limit \: ,f l Oq•r a hun,h l'il stuU£>n· from tl11• .\ tentatl\C ,:;.t of •he men guing \\'illiam ~da•11k. ln tht• iace for Ex- sat1:-.fadory and that the nwnu:.; an.• . 1 \\ Q gi r6 m three-rooms. (This pt·rforma.ncc of ''The Barkl!i'' to b(• apr,ly. art, home ec ·Jn11mil's, and l:'t;ret.a 1a ,, 11 t,he Lrip folli•"' : l'horalf Ri\uie:,;, pon(.'Jlt ul.t.or t.tw c~n.test l!es betwN•n I well planned. Tht:•:-e young men a:nd j~ 1 c~ud('..., rent, cooking, groceries, ht>ld Lhcre 2'.Ian:h :!·I undt· the au- ··if lhe st.u<knts so de.sire 1,a1t,c dt•partmen_t will be host at an Op(.·I \\ di.am h.,.1t. ka, ,Jarms ~\ monl.b, EJ nen Law and 1>111 S\\t·t·IH·). j \\Olllt·n :-ay that. they are well sat:s- .. •g t, \\ater and radio): .J an uary I :,..pil.'.C.S o[ the Lc\\·i~town chaJ>tl'r of ma)· be giv~n rn theu· hc,u;:;es 1 w,thout Hou. P. wh1 h w 1 le .\l 1n:h 1-1 fr 111 \ld'her:-un, Goiham H.uL(.,ns, Ha:, Th<.·:-e men \\'<.•re recently nominated fied an,l :;itato that they get along- :., I l.9!l each, Ji' ebruary, $1 1.;;;3 Elks, is the information n·l·t1 ind by chapt•roncs, ptoviclc<l the huu::ie 8 t.o lU p. m. LtV.I, <.eor~c ~mu?, H.ohc.t l'attcn, by th~ board '!f 1,uhlit:cltions Whic·h1:·fin.~··" .:\!any.or them 1u·pfcr "bakh- eac h. Bert Han ... en, d1re1·tor of .\I. S. C'. llllithc.:r or t.ht! one ,1,-·ho is t.akin).{ ht:r A s~y!C' huw,a lar~P <JUanttty cook \\iliJam Tallman, Jr., ~igurd \\'et-nua, carefully in\c~tgated th(ll' quaLfi<.:i., mg-. to boarding-: I One g irl in t"O·room apart- dramatic:;. pluC'c (ho~t ur ho::,.ic:-.:,J will makt.:i e1y cla:-is at \\<11·k and the cilucationul Stanle) \'oelker. Huuulph ~Lokan. twn.-. an<l eligiOilit1cs. Tile men wh() 1 1 he ~tudent:- hnd they c.:an live ~l)rl me nt. (T his includes rent food I Rehearsals for the rcvi\'a! u[ th! with th(' pre:-ident 01 ~p~·ifit...J cum- work can;ed on in the home ntan:H!t' \\ alter fJuiH.~~rn, J~hn J:,,L 11 011 , Fred a1 prun·,l tht>:,..e candida1 c:- and who I approximately half the (.'O:<t of orclm- and furmsh111gs for beg111~u n g); ~how, wh1c. h was tlw school :-. llJ.tJ()l Ill .Lee of thl! group, a jomt n•poi t Lv meJJ house are th: cc of the f t'atut L''i t i~iu.in, l,L'orgc Hill, Hubc_tt l omer. a1v mt·mlicr: of the hoarJ of publit·a .l~im,ar), 17.12. ,drama.ti~· production for tlu~ iall qt\,ll' tht! social <lne<:tor as to the snttL·ss }JTuVHh·d for the Oupen lfou-;c whic-h Ju, old ~later,. II?,r \ aldhat~scr, tion:-.. are Jo~m De~ttr and l __ .,oui:-. T ut• I t• B 1 ·. 1 he t·ost at. board in~ hou:-1.!s range~ 1 t~_r. ha\e u:~n he Jc!. for ~OllH' tim.<• 0.1. th1.; part),·· was the thaperonc rult is said Lo be one uf the m, st intt"r6" t "'(fU.r:t, Lrn~:-.t~ tha Jandt•r. ll ·e l'arker. t,n.1;m :o-:--io1wr oC p ... blil.'..ation"', ,.__ On~ 1-'toup of boy~ kept ar·count of paling-. 2'.h•!nb~rs of t._h~.tt.:-·,h~i~·al ~aff \,h,ch wa ame:ntled 1hur~uay. recrnt years. Jlnrrv Johnson l\ 11 (oniadl \r llilfl\ appomt<.-.1 b\" Pn.·:-~(fl.nL Atk1n:-on, ,John nves 1aat1on y 110m $1l:> to $:~2. l\\ lth the ('n.1re Ol"lj.!'Jnal n~t 11arti,1- 1nade by Lhc committee rc~t'ntl:, and I in~ exhibits hy t·uile C u1k1t~ .'" I ,\l.nP, (la\.tl Rnrne::.. an1l .))c \\a!~<' ancl lhH·id Rin•ne-.. u I the time they ~pent working allowed who handltd The.Ba1kt!r la .. t qta - .Aft<.>.r i.:are1mly. con:-.1Jcr.a~111~ Lhe 'lhc program which will 1>e p1ov1t1e,I '1 h<.· (.'t1nn:rt gi,cn at ('llfh tern n Pditors ot tlll' Exp1•m•11t an11 )lon- Dean Ham1·11 · ton thcmsl.:'lve~ ;)2 <:ents an hour a'nd fou nd i~rc now . gat~~rm~ to;.:'t·thl'r Lht• 111aLte1 the 1,)llDWmg pl'OVISIOll!-i an,I gut•. t., is thl j01Ht etf•)I t of the hun1t• \\ill b<.• nu1dt• u1> of tht· follo\\inl! tana~. . they C()UJd get. by [or le:,..:s than they ~~:~eiy, .1 t1hope1~1et .:l_ncl othl'r nt·n·.,,. <~n1e~dm~nt to ml~ cune~rning ~lH t:;'ccun,,mi<:s, an and secreta ial d1;part- numtwr...- If m the rn.l'e tor :\Tontar,an no on t·ould in the t::hcapest buanJing houst> :SI ,1cs_ OI e. piuc Uc:i...ion . tvr hre,sidc wa.s made: "lhe: prl\jle.~l' ments. The cla.,$. rooms and labur.1- I O · l . . rma S irit f C'andidate ren J\ l':- a m:i,1ur1ly uf ,ote~. .J..t pn>:-t: nt the main problem is· t~ [ \~enty. studtnts and I>iredot L"' g antl.'d to the su(<al d;recto1 tu tones will be open in Ht.·ITlck Hull an l u~~j"· 0 ... l O unoth1..•r '-'ll'"Ltiun \\!ll ht• hdd with hP B • R It ~ccurc .... noui/h desinble a >art.me.n t~ Ifan."Sen will leaH• Thur~,lay morn,n~. apJ;luve or di_sappruve the ho .... t or the :--cnetarial buildin;:. 1·la::;.s rou111 1 ~~ths;1~~1,:n: o\.rom: \ a"ahoml thl't'<.~ h _g-h t·omp<>tin~. Thi-. will pr)~). I rings esu s Dean ll .a m ilt.o n ~!Hj ).lr~.' ll arrii..1;~; rlar~!l 2;'.· probabl~· b~·- aut.o.m?bill·, f,,1· ho:-tt ... ::; cho~ n for Jirc,idcs.r activties will Uc t:arrietl on during the 1 1 r u . td th. 1 ~J \!Ill aln.v bt• hl·ld thf• latter patt ut tn ha.\·e been working- 011 plans for a ,C\nsto\\_n, They.\\ 111 J)lt'~t·nt the displa)· of exhibits . \ ;';~~. Pif~ri~~1 ~ 1 ( t~or~t 1 ._ lr;) 111 ":ee~ or durin.~ I.he eal!y pai·t of l1l'X a1 artmcnt hou~e. This would put all t,~:m; 1 1 ~~l~u~;i:': 10 1 ~ 0 .";i~ .. return tc: A . T k f T1e styl<: show will ton . ..,;:-it. only uf T·rnnhau..., .... r \\Cek. the studu1ts logcthe!' under de~irablc :\1 ' 1 "' f ' g. ffilgO S a en Il .;.:.armcnts de~1 ... ~e<l a~d made in tht• '1 u ,·"' n. ·outh . It . 1:-. tht~ lwrw 0 1!' the l,liard of pub Veteran E ducator Queries De- t·ot!dttinns and e na ble them to buy .: em. lei.·s. 0 t c .. (·c1..-;t. m~ik:n~, the: , dothing cla::ise:-. Th:s is ~hedulcd . ,i'-1 t s E : t (f. l ) ltcat.1ons to haVt' all tlw t•lt .•dio n...: ('{)11] ! then· groccrie~ in qu·mtities . tt1pN~1.e a-. folio\\:.,;, Ray \nn J.lt•N. B L bd ch ·' ··or 1-i;LJ anrl U:15 in 11<.•JTi<:k llall. ,). . .. 1 '. ar) . ,u,r 1' t• \\') plt·t I bl'i11r lw entl of liH' quartt·r. 1,a rt ment Heads On Benefits '. as ~. Uty, the Ba!·.lwr; Lt 1·;1. Brown, y am a I s Low-cMt refre~hments will be ~1.'l'Vl'tl Ii. lin:u:' lla)~. I of Student .\ct·,,, ti· e..... Carne, t.he Hawaunn dancer: Kath- ,. Ole ~outh. . · '" H T T e rine Duncan, Lou. the ~nah• cha n1er• 111 IIL'rrick Hall. s. ~I. s. <:. ,\Ima '1at.r ung. 0 t" OOp OUrney O Bob Smithers, Chris )!illt·r; J,, '. Last Local On Campus Ins talled llumilton Hall will be open an,, !). ~e_ ,cral ~land_ard 1 1 1arc:ht.·~ rgan1za 100 I In an:--wcr to the r1unstion, "\\'ill t Steine r, Col. Gowd.v ·, Geor!."(' lluffn an. \'1Sil01S may see the livin~ quarter:-., d It I ' 8 H }d J 8 Into :\ational "'oc·1··,1l L'ratc1·- t · 1 t d 1 1 1 ~-II 110\C ) num >ers. R . G"f l~e mun• valuable to a :-:lltcknt in hi...: e e n utte llap S1>1ssel; Lillian \\'ill~·omb,. )Ia lJ .r a Y[liCa s u cnt room ant t \«! ar..{c lhe soluuH:-; on th {\1U,. :lnt ar ece1ves I t lite wo:k h1 dl.'\'dop leade1ship by Benson; Carleton Dale, ~ailor \\e.,.,t; nit.y Ji'riday t1uantity cookery class at work . :-.igurd \\ e1rn.a:::., :,antone, P..obt'I t I 1.!h·ing' time and effort to extra tur- --- I Dan )Iaxey, T-Bone. Cleo; ,James The home mana.:;em~nt house, at. 1, 1 'atton, c 1 ia~ met, Jtl.L,r 1 old 11 :3I_~te1, t 01 1 11 1 --- ( 1d1t·utl~1r abcl·tt\ 1t1l's sucdh as l'J,tmg- ~, tu- State H ig h Sc hool Board of Co n- ~JcaK te a 1 y, a l d1ickH ; Bibll 1t'all 1 n 1 ian 1 Ilarohld __ Init.,auo.n _ot mei_ubc_·rs of the An.iig-o lthl~ 1 _ 0 ug\\h. e 0 sutt t< 1 · 1 1.:_ ,·eenla 1 n 1 _rde. 1 , 1 ~irl_ 1 1,_ 1 bcf,,,~'P. 1 •n''. one. ant .i;.,une-. ia tnue i a,, 1- International Relations Club ;e t en pu tt::ations an being- prC' .. ht·nt . 1 :. an. er er ent''" · t e f .... " .. panb,t. ., , ol "-Uth on:an1zations a the- A-.~o(.·J- tJ ol Changes Sta nd a nd Per- Hawa11an trio. 1 .att'tnlt!, into tpsilon Dttlta ZL'ta J spe<"tion by vi:--1tors. - Boo I\~ I• rum Carnegie Endo\\- j ate<l Stu_Jents and f1ate1 mt1c .... or to mi ls o 'fea nlS 'fo Plai· Th e produ_ ction :-.tafl' for the Lewi:-- of Lambda Chi )dpha Fi i<lay mg-ht, o t h llla1·ch 10, which \\.l:, folto,\ul b\· a ment de\ote his tm e lo ea1nm,! h,g-h !!"radl•<:: · own 5 owm~ are: Glenn .'\lucho\\ dinner dant.:l' on ~at.urda,\·. marked-the FORENSIC TEAMS PRACTICES START FOR SPRING PIAY in making Phi Kappa Phi and othe stage manager; Leonard Delou~her) scholarship frakrnities ?'' )Iont.ana · Reconsidering their Jcti:;ion of la~t off-stage noi~es; 2'.hny l'atlt·n, prop- i.:unwlt·llun ° 1 the metgcr of the tw The Intunationnl Rl•lation~ duh · II I k th tat b d f I s J 'I · · L' I .l!l'UUJ,s. !Jue to the prt!~1.:nt. bankin;.., State co e/;!e f tipartmenLal head~ hav(' wee-, e s e oar o contro · un- 1 1 .es ant 1 arJoru: llt c, tt•m•t) iSiluati_on, Jfouben ( . 'ot1n,.,1u·1.•t, GIRD FOR ACTION rl.'t:l'ntly I cnin~t a ishipnwnl nf nm• exprt•s:-.eJ. th<'mst>lves with the opinion d~y grante<l t.he. Butte Chamber or design. .1 ,:-, ., books from the (·urnc .. it.• J<:ndowmcnt that a littlt~ of e:u·h quality was Comm~rl'e ~he r.1ght to hul<l a stat~ --------- t1·a\tdmg ~cn~tar) of the Lambt.Ju lh or Jnb:rnntional Pead:. The J:,;ndow- nt.'CC'S!-la!'y for succe:-..~ art .... r gradua- l'hamp1Unsh11) h1ghschool basketball Alpha fratc1mtr, was unable to ma.~1 \'a~abond King to Be Ghen Dur- ing .\pril H~ Students of Stale College mtnL organization ~pon~o!:o- clubs in tion. Lo.urnament. Only eig-ht team:;, those M s C ALUMNUS a spet.:_ial trip here to attentl the in-J hi~tory dc.purtmt•nt:-; of 111any A111 .. •ri- Dean Hamilton ha::- been condud - ~\·1th the best records, will be entered SL~\aellr~\i~ll(~~a~\"a~r~\~~!.~r 01n,l~~nt1~: }Jontana Slate Orators Prepare ic:: aml for~i.l!tl <.·olll.:'g-l.':o- anJ univcr- in,,. an invt ti,...alion along- ~imilar 111 the meet. " cu :'-Jdt.>:-. . Th~:-ct..·. IJ~l)~; -~:-n_e ·b·e .. Pn 1.1~a;~. lin'""es •for tht• . .,p~~-:.t. ft:>w Wt>(•II'.:- a~d till' .Principal \Ya llin of Cust~r county REVEALS IDEAS .-.nmc manner as an in~tallnt1011, F~<l· J'or Convention of Pi Kappa m t~e )I.::;. l. l_1l>1arj. \\IH:rc tht.:) all ,·e.··t1lt ot· h,·,.· ,,.,, ,. · .. of ·h ·, t '····ti h1~·h :;ehool completed the list of en- ward .:\kPher~on, n.::.J,re::.cntiug a •. J)ulla H •r I I I f l t t I ... -~ h i.... llllll 11 tel('- I ..\m1g-o frat~ nil,\'. Uth1,;rs in1t'.ated '" C C a\:a1 a' e or t·11cu :" Ion o me111 ,t.·r~ to collcg-e stuclcntg,. . ~rants Sunday and na med the follow-, o1 the student. bod:,. I "O . . .. I mg teams as those which ha,e ac- were James Gannaway, lluml!r Lamb- Rehcar:-als for the spt·ing quart.Ci' The new books are as follows: f Dc<"ldt"CI 'aluc . cepte<l bids to the meet· Gallatin . r - din, Charl<=s ·woo<l, l'hc.:::tcr 1: unk, )lontana Stutc foren.-.i1· teams arc JtlU::.ttal cunu.Jy, ··lhc \·a!...abond ! . Gro.\e1: Cla1:k, .. ~=t'(lnomic .Rin1lries' T_h~ general :-cntiment of all those' Custer, Park, But.le High, Butte Cen~ Jelo me G. Loc~e. "ell h.nown \\"csley Funk, ,valtt!r Jacoby Edwar<l IJC1ntin!:!: tu\\anl the twu tourna- h.1ng-,"' whkh will bl! pre:-t!ntt:<l at t111.! m hlm~ '; Ed1t~1 ,, are, :·nusme.:.-~ and que::-.t1one<l wa_s .t~at ~s long- .a..-. extra tral, Anaconda, Havre and Great Falb. Grad, Tells ,. OW to Cu_re De- i\.is~at·k, John );:ye, Dt~ To\~·ne, B .. y ment:;, they \\ .~l partit:7; ale in dunn, .. Elltn theater April 27, ,.,b anu 2~, 1 be· 1 oht1e.s m t~w tar E?-st,' I Bric1 rt·ad- cun1cul.ar ac:.t1v1t1es did not mter~ere The games are to be played 011 the pre~s io n \Vith '\\leriti ,. Greene, Georg1: Hill, John .\larn,n, the :-prn,:; quaJ.lcr wLh the hope ol ;...an last \H•ek un4t>r the SUJH:'r\'1:-\(J:J able ~J:....:Us:-.10n::; of vital pha. :e?_(_lr. I :nth ius work they were a dec1Je .. J, S.'cho.o~ o[ Mines floo r, undel" lhe SU- ... ~ 01 Rubert ~ttillJ;hnm, Edwa.rd Wegman. brin~mg l.,a:.;k champ1un,h1p-. of Bert Hansen director 01 till! lll"•;-jFar Ea~t); .:\lo1~e anJ :"IIa.l·);an, 1-,u ,, aI!d_e to the stud<.•nl. 11erv1s1on of John Dexter of )Jontana Larry 2'.lalmborg, Jat:k Read, I.Jean The :.-econd \\eek of the new quartt·r d::..t.'twn. Be<.:au~e of Lhl' Jar:.,~ cast. Eas~u·n 1nlernati cnal Relations,'' tT_h<.• 'lhe se_c~nd q~esti1.;n askt>d the g-roup State colleg-e. The Butte Chamber of )(eritL .. m, a ri\al o[ Techno..:rac:v Stebbin5, James Phelan and Edwartl will Hnd the 1'1 K~wpa Delta sL·hooh which includes, bes;<lcs the muL mos~ recent and ptobably the be:-l dJ:..- was: "\\h1ch \\'Ill. be m_on.• valu~ble to Commerce has agreed to guarantee was injected into public con\·er:-atiO~ llaa!...en-.,un. George l'ar~e, \' ho \\a:.. of the no1thwe"t gathcre.J 111 Hozt·~ JJrominent 1 ,an:-, large sing1n~ and c.:us::1on o! the Far Ea~t. A thorougl~ a stu<lent an 111~en~1,e (.'U!rit·ulum' the expenses of scYcn-men teams from last. week, \\hen Je1ome G. Locke, unable to be prest!nt fr,daj mght, man to contest m debatP. oratory anti dancing chotuses, it was found nei:e~- yet. <;oncise accou.nt by :-;cholars u1 made up largely.of co~1r:-cs o_lfel'ed.by each of the schools invited to the ).l_ ontana State colle..::e gH1.duatl·, no\\ \\Ill be mittated ::.ometJmc dur111g- the <'Xtemporaneol.l.;i ~peakmg. Plat:t.'"' on ~I\Y to hold rehearsals on t.he gym- un<l1:5puted au~honlr); .:\loult.on. and I ~he departn~ent m which he 1s nrnJor- meet. A sum of $2.25 a day and rail- of Orange, N. J., sent a. number of his \H'ek. I the \arious teams ate ~oon to he flllt·tl. nasium floor . Pasvoliky, .. \\ ar Debts and \\ orld ITI!! and allied courses; or an extcn- road fares to and fro m tht:-ir homes I pamphlet~ t.o several former ac11uaint- La,\, Stebbins \\'111 Places Tho;;e who h~n-e solo ~ingoing num- Prc:sp<:rity,'' (The be~t account of one si,·e curriculum which ha .. a con~!d- are to be advanced. ances in Bozeman. C . . p . At the tr)ou~ la:,t \H•ek for the Je- ~rs and chorus .w.ork have tor sum1. of our mo:-t .~omtilex pro?len.1s). .. . · ei:able. nu:nb~r of ~·our:-<:s .only ~n- . As th~ rei,,rular l!i team tour:name~t lfocog niz~ Sodet)" r JtJCS raJSe L.ate team which is to travel to lbl" t1rn~ been l)racucmg under the U1- E:$th~J'• )l o_dem I·or_<'IJ.:.n .. bx- clue<'tlJ rela.t~d ~o .h1~ maJo! .and_ 1!1- 1s definitely out of the question th1:, I Locke's .:\Iehitism i,.. far ieachmg Rlicky )lountain For(.·n~ic tournam1:nt rect1on of l\lrs. A. n._ .Johans:;un Uul change, (A brief populaily \~r1tt1:n ten?E:<l 1;>,,gl\e social and c1tizen:::.h1p type of ~leetl embrac ing as It. docs tho;? a nd IS defined as '·An outillle plan fo11 'Arms & The Man' at I.~u·amie durin~ the latter part of la:-<, we<'.K wa the tir~L t1me the ca:-t account of a tomplex sy~tu.n for the. trammg · . . outsta ndin g teams of the state, should I a. new ('(.'Onomic ,y ... lem thnL \\ 1 11 April, Ben Law and Dean Stt.>bbin:-:; rehearsed as a whole. I lay reader); ;llazur, "A:mer;<'a Lo!1k~ O_f. the 12 answers re<'eived lO th 1, undoubtedly produce a ch amp ion abolish capitalism anJ avoiJ com mun- ___ cmelg-L•li at the top with Kllmeth Lor,! tast are as follows: ranc1s \ 11lon, Econonnc Ilonzons); :'\orma~ An:?:.ell. that a iathe1 ex~emme course J.!ivin ! t.he "Big' 16 title, Boz.eman and Pan: Ile would eliminate all competition Ptofessional )Io, te .:\!en La.ud In <lcbate~ on the war debt tiuestion The principal member_:> of ~he large Abroad.:' (The. author ~1scusst.•=-- .. ),;ew I que:;hon.' fiv? ~cra:~~1e~t h~ads. t:clt worthy. of the. nanw. )Ill es City wo!1 1:;m." 1 ··. . as alt~rnate. the \"agabond King, :Sig \\ cnaa:-, 1 ·-~ he Ln~cen A;:::assm<' (This r.a!ner I the stud1:nt .a wl(le backgl'ou nd was tied for runner-up hon ors, while and all profits, organize all of the \\ ork of Technicions in l\laJor Ben Law anJ. Sam Eade L·halkt·d u11 Kathe_rine de \"aucclle:-, ..Jlildrea d.ffel'ent. analj·s1:- of prc:--e~1t con,l:t1vns ~he lll?~t de~1~·able. Fo~r felt that the I Anaconda and Butte were amon~ !he 1~opulation into a unit called ~ociety. \\ ' inter Production ,·ictorits oYer Xorth Uukota State und Flannigan; Hugul!ttc.: uu .Hamtl,1ha...; ath'acted w!Cle aa~cntlon th·oug-h- rntensi,\e ~ui11culum w1th the studenl leaders. All the othe rs have a high ' lhe people he would group into lt ~lontana. un:vcr~.ty for the tir:--t t1111l'.' R;achel. Egbert; Loui!- .XI, k!ng ot, ~ut, t~.~ cou~try J; Ernes~ P~tte~sc:n ((;ontmue<l on Pa~e Three) p~rcentage of _win~ and a high hrradP sections ~c.cording to the merit of their I --- in :-cYe··al \'cars. 1ance, Fred Bennion; f1 1stan' An,e11ca1 \"\ orld . Lt-adc1 01 \\ 01 lil of basketball 1s expected. work, g1Ymg them advannment as "The be~t )lontana ~tate collcg-e h.efkr and 81:et·k \Yin l'Hermrte, K<:nn cth Cole; Rene de Led'?" (A very. l.n1ef. ge~eral ~u.rYey I they became of mvre value t-0 :-ocietv, s.how yet produced," hus been the gen- ~fillet heller and Carrol :,;p<"<:k )lont1gny, ~oren .:uarshall; La::.in of present po~1t10.n. in rnte1na.t1opal BR A NNON TA LKS ~\.BOLJSH CL.ASS OFFlCERS and would pay salaries to C\'t>:y I\l'i·-/ cral sentiment of :stud1.mts aml Bozt>- lt:'\'CIL"ll ihl' Cniversit\· fre~hman t..t.•am Cholet, Bud Fis.ht.>r; 2\Jarg-ot. Dorothy bu~me~~ and pol_1t1tsl, r:n.J ~.~1.er, son engaged in valuable work run.:dn·• man townspeople regardmJ.t thb quar- la~t Wl"C'k \,Hh the uTlanimou:-- \'1..·rdit't 2\1.illcr; Thibaut d'_'\u.-.signy, Jacub/ '"Re<.·o,·e· Y, ~he Se<·ond tHurt. ( ..\ from $800 a year in the 1owc.~t ~n,uP I ll'r's dramatic productwn .. ·· . .\1ms an~l o( the jml~t·:s. Ben Law anti lkan Bauer; Lady )Iary_, Betty A.km::; Xue! pcpularlr \\Tltcn ye.t ... cho!~r!r act::ount TO H ONOR GROUP :Student Senate Elimi nates All Sa,·e to $75,000 in the top. the :\lan· 1 whi(.'h was μresented ..\1a·..:n ~tebbins werl~ cJ.C"ed out of avid •n le Joly~, Gordon \\'estlake and OliYer of present. economic ~ond1l1un:-- Ly a Class Pr es iden ts Caused College Strilw an<l 4. . over lntermounta-in Lnion t·ullegt~ ,,;1 le Uam, Craig \Y1kox. notc•il EnJ!li:oh cconom1 .. t). J err. Locke h . . j Pt.•rhaps the greatest praise uf the the capiUdism question Ly one volt•. The technical work of ''The \"ag-a- j .' .as e \\a:s. known to :;how came from two profcs:-ional R,whel E.~beTL and :\Ia1\· LC>\,·11~\' haYt· bond King'' j:; progressing rapidly Secrets of Successful Scholarship Abolishing all rla~s offices except :..rk:an:i. pi·ecipitated the firs~ l.'.O!~eg-~ .. lllo\·!e" men who happt.•ne.J to be in bet'n developing- into a real tea1TI. after under the di1 ·cction of Bert H an.st·n. M · 1 T J ks On that of P\e~ident ~\ as the w o· k of the colle e O 1 rec_ord at . .:\lontana,.. ~:at: the Ell~n Lhcatre at ~ne. um~ of the contesting with women from the l 'n - All the work on this en<l of the pro· al a J Revealed By Chance lJ or of :-;,wJent ~enate ,1t a meeting held g o d timer~ 1ecall. Lo ... kt.:, a pcrfo1n-,ancc. :\lr. BenJamm J., ish, l"l'P- ,·ersit\' an1l from the Ea:-:tern )Iont .. rna duction is done by members of Lhl'. Sn akes At H. S. 1 Unh e rsity of 1\-lontana )larth G. It was pointed out that the magne~]~ t>ef s~. na ltty, was 3(.'CU~e<l of rcsentall\e of the New Yotk uffH:e ot Xorm31. clas~ in play production . The cu~- ~nly officer who ha<l definite dut1e.) megu auty, 111 his class. \\orh. the l'mted .\rL1:,,ts plctme corpor,1t10n, l ru1· . Bert H. Han~on has two n•li- tume crews have for scn:ral ween:- ,. . . !n the cla~s oqrnnzatio n wa:s Lhe pres- l radu~out ~vo da)s _b,efore hl'c\\:~s l.0/and E. J. D1ucker. a bn.1n .. h mana~t.·1 ablt• extem ornneoa~ $peakt>r:-- in been engaged in making the larg..: )lake_ no lit~le plansi make bi_ 1dent an~ that he could :sccui e better g . te \Hth the <l .. lss of LIOU. or 1eph~~entm~ the :same L'ompany at Rui.:hel E~bt.• t and llt>an ~td>bin~ wit1 wardroLc r~quirtd . ln charge of the Ins tructor Jn E ntomolog.} De- 1Pl~n!i;; ltn" g/o.nou~~r," wa, the m- 1..ooperat10n by a1!po111t mg the s ubor- the ~~bo~t. Au.t~oiitie~ annoumed he ~alt Lake City, \,ere m con,t.•11:n e :-.e\·e,..al orator~ in tht mak 111 ... six costume crews arc: Dorothy Fo:d. ·t t Jr .. .. . " J t . ·t- !-ip1re<l admomt10!1 l hanc~llor ;\I .\. dmate m embers oJ the govern mg bodv. wo no re<:e 1\e a chploma \\ith A. ~1. Ru:;.:sel,l local nurnag-t•r ot ------ -- largaret · winter:; \ 'ir .. inia ,\.arn e pat nten Isc usses n ei es Brannon of the Gn•uler Wnl\e1...:1ty 01 ! It \qt,... 1·e.:ommend(·d at th is meet ing One-Time Editor i the Ellen and Rialto theatre-- a, th..: Doris Roys Edith john...:;n and Paulin~ ing Subject to Schola. · tics I .'\Jontana, mat.le_ to_ the stw l~nt bod) II~ that the prnpos.1t.:on of ha~·ing the stu~ I On graduation 111g-ht onlj one lll('Ul• !.hU\\ \\as m pro.::rc:-!'>, 1 he~ h:1ppen1 I Eastern School \Virak. The costumes were de:-i1,med ___ t~e annual Phi l\.appa Phi a~~cmbl:, 1 dents plal.'.e their rt.>fu ncl s 11~ an. alun~m ber of the class of ~ibout 10 wenl on to catch a g-limpse of the st..1g-e and b Marjorie Little. ,, . . . . . . .. ! 1 uescl~1y. . . j loan. ~uncl be t.ablctl until financial the stage to reeeive his shc1..•pskin. remarked to .\lr. Ru~scll that tht.' Ousts Sororiti es y Construction of the scen('l'\' for thC' h ' 1 h.\'/' lil'.t. on.;~ ,,h~ 1 . 1 ~~r 1 ~1 ·-n· 1 ~\1~:~ I . J?ecl_i('at1ng- }~1:-1 SJH!Pt·h lo the Jl(:'\\' tond 1 t1ons were more favorable. La~r t~e others and Locke palchc>d up stag·e scenery and light mg- effect:-. \\"Cl'l' five sets of the show bt·.Q"an ia~t \\'<.•eh. 1 r. \\I.' tun .-.late • · a, : 1 · • r ht hapJ a Phi llll'mber~. and to the ---- --- theu· difficul tie:s with the tolle!.!:c au- uf high profcssioni.1.l standard. Tht>\' with Gilbert Gill tt ·n ·ha .. ,.- Tl e- .:\fail, or the. c.•ntomulu;..:-y l.1. part1~u·_111 I initiatt.>s of the two f•c..:hman honor- Here's the way th ey take them thorities and were given thei dl'gn•t.• we1e unable to see ."Arms anll th~ ,Yc!men·~ ::,;tudent GO\ ernn1ent at ·cenery has bee~ ~le~iK~l'cll t,~: ( n·\1 at' .\Ji°~ta.ni ~t_a~j: ~'.)Ile!!"{: /i'-1 I ~·:r I a~ric-s, .:\lpha ... a:11hda De~ta and Phi O\'er _in s,.,ain . ' R_l.'(t' lltly. ;;u stu cl c.:nts . He w_as later chairman of tht• sta;~ ).fan'' be(.'nU~l' of the l1m1tcJ tinw tht.·) <:onrad and G •en & . 1 . · ng t H bio og.~ '- ~ 1 s~ at ""t .1..1n ll.!: 1 l<~ta SIJ!ma. C ham·l'llor hrannon ('X- at \ nllap111, Spam. locked up lwol mdusl r1nl accident board at ont• time had to stay in Bozeman. The\' :-aid I ~warthmore Yote:-. to . \bolish Head f \\th . d~ e\. • . ti. L "1 hat :-nake is th<.· iatll(·I'. 1 he tom· 1. amim•.l Lhe qualities of the n•~I profcssol's in a room until Lht ~y p 1 om- was editor of the Lh·in' gston Enter- however that if the al'tin,,. \\·as a: Sororities a\·e b:e O ~I O ·t!f ~p.at('n~e;i•s v/.<L mon wate_r ... nakl', Ulue rat'~r, and 1 ~.ul] I scholar . "The s(.'holar anywhere 111 i~ed t.o pMs the whole class without prise, and for some years was a not- g-ood as 1 thc Lct·hnieal dfl-'('t;thl• sho·.v iams b~ : e~ ai e. '_ 0 .' 0 ~ ( , 1 1 :-n~ke bemg- Yalued as high as ::;l ,> I the world," he raid, ''is juc!in·d by only exam. Pitt. ~cws. able figure around 2'.lontana would be an ext'l"ilcnt production. Much~w sm. s mana~~~· ~rnc <·f; '-:~ api~et.· l>y f~rmcr~." . one thing-, a c.:rcative mincl.' 1 ·'):l>t · 2'.lr. Fish has been L'onnectcJ w:Lh foward 'is rtgeian~r 1 }~;.t:hc r!,;l,,J;-,_ Uc, clescr 1 !~C.l~ th~ wa~·.r :-n~~(.'. :1-" fora-ctinit. ,re:;(•art~. 1 · • he ('On~inued, Ilollrwood pictur~s produ~titm for al s. p ,~eaut,f~J..,inacefu l. and.<l<_~n. ? ".':'t scholarsh,~s trcal11c mt<>llect 1' u,•sl Soil Surv ey Work Of Great Valu e To many years and is a special l'OJ>l'C- ~cts 1!1 ~, ~aid :\ Ii . :\-fail. J:,.. the \\a) expregsed 111 cleal111g- \nth human an,1 I 1 ::entati\e of Snm Goldwyn, major pro- Les Bou ff on s To Giv e Danc e Soon Cam pus Social Lions Prepare For Formal Ball lo Be He ld .\ pril 8 m which people ~o r~thh•:-- sly slaugh- growing minds." 116 l f S l d dun•r of the l"nited _\ttbts. ill' and t<J' theq• crcatu.(·S. r.n·n the dreaded Chancellor Brannon was introduced JYJ.On an a armers, urvey n lcat es ~Ir. Drnckcr \\'Cl'C in Bozt•mnn Jettin~ raltlt:--nakes eat .l!Ophers and. oth<.'r, by Prof. R. T. C'allt•nder who brief!~ lontracts for futurt• l nitt•tl .\rt st, han1.lf.ul roden~s .but. offsl'l the!r go.odl mentiorwd the aims and ideals or Phi pit.:ture::- to be ~hown h<'r<.'. qualities by killmJ.r Jamhs \v~1ch out Kappa !'h i hono!'ary fratPrnity and Soil survey work carried on in the r epo rt for ma kiJ1g lot\11~ nnd fol' ___ _ of :--het'I' (.'tJJ'io:,.it.y, puke tlw1r no:-.cs intioclutcd the following memher:-- whu 2'.lont.ana by the '.\lonta na Ag1itultura l e\·aluating certai n ~ection:-:. H1' ~(;I8T H \ 'l lO'X I) \TE~ (;1\·E. into a rattle~nake's ta(·c." have b(•comc eli!!ible during- the Ja~t Experiment. Station i~ o[ ine:-.timable A detailed soil sur\·1..·)' im ar.a, 11:,- \Yorm, \re Ddrim,·nts . twn quarter~: · . value to farmers of Lh is state . At p recedes the conslrudion of an in - tlt>c-istrar \\ illiam II. ::\Icl'all an- Th<.• economic: n1lut· of. many worm~li I \"ictor Bauer, Cht·ster Fun~, :\lel~·111 pres_ent _li1e most impo rt ant ~roblem gatio n system and g·o\"<.•rnmt·n~ ha-= I nounre~ that ~l'IH ol will s:art 1wxt and hu,l!s was al:-10 d1sl'u,:-t· I. 2'.lr )fabl'n. l~lmC'r Rothfus, 8\wm Wh it<• eonlrontmg' fan11l•l's is that ol wo1k- been spared the l'Xfll'll:-lt• of st•,·<'11d qua1tcr on till' mornin:.r of ~1an·h :2!1. 2'.lail continuc.-.1 to expla:n that t:1J 1 l' ,John Lig-htfoot. and Rudolph Stokan I ing tho ngricultu1u land s inlo (.~l.'.o- useless project$ by tht.• lintl:n'.!s of Uw llt• al:-o madL' it known th:\l th~ worrns, round ,_,·orm:-- and til'ks an~ a :ill of the collei.r<' of eng-im•(•r1n:...-; Ed nomic farming and J.!l'HZi n!t. units. so il s ur vey. Land of qtw~t ·onabll' quarll•r will Lt· oH·r at noun 1•11 th det!'iment to J!Uhlic heallh . •\ clL·!ailul L.:1~.satre, .John Pop(', Kathlec•n Durig the n ine years t.he soil survey , alue is tH'('UratelY dc.•l(•rminod nnd :2:.!rnL :\~ a climax to a ;ea.:fl n of org-nn- ..::kd<:h or thL· life of the common ti(.'k \"aughn and .Jim \Yater~ nf the col- has heen <.·,u -rie<l on in ?I Iontuna, it report ed beforeh1.11H 0 I and \\·ith ,h•finite Rt•c-istration will h<' th{• ~anw th zatwn and frat.-.rnitv <lanl·t·~. IA• R was given . ]1•!.!'C' of :-:ciN't'i f;tlwl Salt's, Bel'lha ha:; tabulatc·d 2fi,GHl,120 atn·:; into knowlege of these po~;~ihilities fur c?op qw,1h•r a, last. Rl•;!isti·at:1)11 day hn ~ulTons will a,n1: 11 JH(;.:l·Ht tJwir JI t·- "Th<' tick is a carric·r of threC' dis- \"an Horn and Ah•xnntl, ia Blain or tlw I these unils. The ~urvey is or a g-cn- produ cts. New :-eltlt·r~ and land h11y- hl•t•n set for tomorrow. Stuch•nt ",JJ lll·r soc al C:'\l·nt of Lhr \"l'ar wh'-'n ea..s.::es, ,111 of which a1c vf'ry ~eriou::. (·olleg-e of housl•lrnld an.~ industrial eral natu 1c and cnclt•avors to d el.t•r- crs are ('On:--tantly writin~ for n•port·· s<>t·un.• th(•ir t•ial study cal'd. n'j!' her S,ri\'c thPir anm al f, 1 :mal 1 ,arty Tularemia is one that ha-. het·nmt• art:;.· and Frank D\'( :r and \'in.di ll url- mine and lotale the maj or soil lli\ i- on specified areas in the ant;l•:pation tratinn t·~u'\l. and othl'I' infonn:i o t tht• Hotel Baxt{'r ~atuniay, April x. knnwn to scil•nc-c only in n•c(·nt Yt•uro::. hmt' of lh(' c:ullc·~l· of ag-ril'ulturP. .-.ions in the :--tale. T he deta iled sur- of pur<·hasing-. Th<.•y dl-'ilt'n.l almo,t f1om tlwir t'la:..:~ ad\'isnr. \\'ith th(•se Founded in l!H)f) for t.ht> pu· 1>o:-t• of EV('!')'~ s<.•\·en yc·ars rabbit:-. in tlw (':1.,~ vey supplements th<' reconnoisn•nce in entirely u1>0n t.he TC'port of the :..oil ftlll•d out propt•t ly lht• !--tUdPnt will .rumntin,r l!Oot1 follow:-hip by an <H'- tt•~n s<•<·t:on nf the '-'OUT1ll')' di(• off hj An Alpha Grumna Dt'lt..a rot··l of •, areas now extt'n~i_,·ely <.·u lt ivatcd and survey for the land \'aluatinn. ,l!t> lo the l.!"tnl'l·al lib•:u·y whcr,• stc- lVt' partici1,ation in thr !-,ncial affair!- the hundreds. Ex te>n.-.in• n·~<·arch ha:- ~orth Dakota Stnte uniH•rsity re- is limi ted to the ug-1·ic uJtu!' <.> seclio n ~. 'rhe cost of ~un<•ying- th<' a\'rra'!:{' tionin~ will lit• (lorn• . \\'hen this hns of the c•olleg(•, Le:; Bou IT, ns is tlH· pl oven that 1..he <·au~e t,f this plu "ll<' 1 cently took flr~t pin.re in thP l'O-t•d Su ch a survey is not only valuable county is IL·ss than tht• buildini! of blen C'l m1 h·tl·cl tlw studl•nt \\ ill I re ld <•st organization on thC' <:ampt1 is the same that affctls :-n manylmilk in g contest lwlcl in lhl• t·ollcrn·,• to the agriculturists. but i~ o[ ntlue nn<. •-fonrth mile of l'OOl''t.•tp hil!h•n\:·. :>Pnt hi~ t.:trcb to th<' l"l•gi~trnr'-. otTkL•. h l• name. Les Bouffon,-, mean:nl! people every :v<•ar. livestock pnvilion. ' rhi s makt•s tlw,a:-; a mca 11 5 of adjustment of land It is doubtful if U1t•n• is nny nth1·r1 '.\'n fl-'1.':-1 will u .. , Ul't'l•ptC'd by tht• t 1 sft•1:-, or met rynrnkC'r:-., \\as a,loptt'd Pa raly:;.is. _Iik<.> ~ula1'l'mia i:o;_ ca11~c>,I ~Pt·ond y<'ar in. a. r n,y thnl the fa_ir va lu e~ for taxation and other_ pu1·- line of puhfa· work of ... uch l'l'Oll<)m!c· trc>asurl'r on fl'l-fi:-.tratic\n da\·. 'J'hP when the organiza tion \\ 3,-. fi st by the inj ection of the g-<.•rms into the (·o-e<l has :-o d1st101w1shed her:-elf 111 poses. Bank ers, real-estate a g-e n ts , va lu e that can be done at ~o low a lust day for paying fol, ... will be \)11 (Continued on Page Three) I (Continued from Page Two) this cont est. new se LUer s ar.d land compan,es use cos t. April 8. Sw.arti1mnrt•. Pa., (XSF'A) Ah- olition next fall of :-ororilie:s. kno\\ n at Swnrthnrnn• l'olll-....~e as •·wuml·n'.., lralt•rnitie--.'' was vutetl hy lhl• \\'onwn·~ ~tudt•nl (.;oH·nrnicnt a:-:-..s1x·i- ath,n rt('entlv. In se<'ret hallnt.,. lliU girl:-; yoted lo abolbh thl• sororit.t•-., IO~ faYored aining- them nntl 1:x were undecid~d. The action was takt•n tle,:;pill' lh\.· fact that 75 per ct·nt o!· t.hc \\ "m\·n students are members of the :,,t,ror ities. The campaig-n for ul.olitivn wu:- headed by :\tiss :'\lolly Yard of E, a11-.- ton, [11. , a mcmhcr of the Pan-Helkni<" Council and (.'haitman ut' t 1 ie s1H.:1al committee of the a::-sociat.on . The decision came nt~arly a ) I."> 11" nfter a previous dt>ci-.ion to ,·urtnil 1\1· tivities of the sororitit•s for t!a:·~. · and to work out a plan fur U11~ JJ.11· ticipation of all ,,, .. c,nwn in (.'ampu~ o cial nfTnir:-:. It follnwe,1 lcn1?-s.i;.rntli11 complnints that 50cial adi\ it1P a111011 tlw women s.tud~·nt . ..; \'t·rC' li1111tt,d al· most entirely to ~orodl) mcmbtrs. .\ ··J·'<'maJL._ ~lll "-01 ,1·t~ •· lrn;;. ht n or ~nnizL·tl nt thl• l'n1n·1~itv or \\'a li in.~ton for tlw pm·110-..,• ;,f rrntm fratt-rnity pin lo unatt r.lc:I :\'t• n>-t; :s at very reusonublc price~.

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1Exp:on:cnt \'OLU:\IE XXIV. DOZE:IIAN, :\lONTANA, TUESDAY, MARCH 1-!, 19;33

;-.;u:1mER ::!1

25 Bandmen To Make Concert Tour Of State

Editors Chosen

To Be Today

Students Seek Lower Living Costs F }} D t· S · / G lff& Through "Batching" In Apartments a rama IC ocza roup IA College To

Hoard of Publications Holds ,\n­nual Election for Exponent and )lontanan

\lth,ugh "old man depression" nry boarding houses. The followin~ Production To . Giv_e_s_. Rules ,Hold Open House ha.., drin•n manv ... tud'-nh from I a t :\lonlana S'tatc . coli,"'1r"'. , 11 a 11) ,ic exa~ ac<:~u nts of ,January and Pl ( I I

,..~ l·ebruaiy which were Lurned in lo' L • t .-11" ti ~lust Be 1n Houses BY

t~'~/:(~:~~l!t t::)ii~)~~ \~l;~~:t:,.l:)~ ~~·1s~g!~a1-rison, social director of the' ay ew1s own 11 ::30 During \:acation Period·; Tuesday Vven1·ng int(. Sin(·e ,,art-time emplO) ment I T,\ o girls in t hree-room apart- Other Rcgulat10~ ..fJ

BobC'al Hand Leaves )larch 2.J. 1 is praclica ll) an imJ>o.--;!:--ihilit) me_n~ .. (This includ~ ~ roceries, , , .

J·,,r .\nn11al 'l'11u1· of '. lontana tht;~~/!1t1~~~nf:.!1/i~~~:so/'~t1~}1~f~~·tan~?,1, I and j,;i ncc Plr,ition~ for ) Oun~ I furnis hrngs fo r bcginmnJ! and i E lks Club to Sponsor Showing of .\II girh it~ma1nino· in <:,·orvri~"· .. , ~ '" mu 1 in 11ri, ate hom e:,, arc le". n .H. m rc:nt.): Janu a ry $10 fi7 I ''Th B k " 0 1\1 h 21 ' ' Cities aml Expon~nt two will L·merg(.• vkto"-

1 hatching" is becoming extremel) each; February .. 8.:'JO ea~h. · e ar ·er n J. arc . hou e Pt· Lne 11on11 during the J.'l'.n"'

~-~~~pi::.~ tt~~;~ ten$ bt•:n.~ hclcl Oil lh(• !);~~:',~rs."ith both coeds and men Th l{'C boys in three-room apart- Theatre "Sold Out'' ~t~t'l.~:l(;~gl~~--,t \~"~:,lilt~~ ~l~~i~i~;; ·::;a~/~ The U,)lx-u.t I~aud h·~ivt>-. Fra1ay 'l ho~·c rannrng- for editor of tht' An inYcstig-ation made by an Ex- !nent. (Thi.s includes· rent, cook- I --- by the social comm1ttcc at a nH..'etm,;

O, er 100 Students Will Be Hosts at .\ffair Planned For \ ' isitors Tonight

mo1·n ng. \la ·h 2-., n t twenty- )lontanan inl'lnde Lou Gudg-d, Xie\/ ponent rcport<.>r shows thaL Jiving- con- ~~~i0f.n:f=~~C:~ .1ii.;ht \\ alcr. and j T~at the.> .J udith-Fox theater in h~ld Thun;du). Fnda:,, and Satl1rd·.1v

1 1··. annua our. Beilenber!!'. ~tuart L'ha.llent!er, anti dili.ons of the~e student~ are ve: y , , · . . ) · ~ I 6.60 each. I U"w1slown has lw~·n P-old out ! 11r the night:- the U::ilJal 1~ :.,u · tllne limit \: ,f l Oq•r a hun,h l'il stuU£>n· from tl11• .\ tentatl\C ,:;.t of •he men guing \\'illiam ~da•11k. ln tht• iace for Ex- sat1:-.fadory and that the nwnu:.; an.• . 1 \ \ Q g ir6 m three-rooms. (This pt·rforma.ncc of ''The Barkl!i'' to b(• apr,ly. art, home ec ·Jn11mil's, and l:'t;ret.a 1a

,, 11 t,he Lrip folli•"' : l'horalf Ri\uie:,;, pon(.'Jlt ul.t.or t.tw c~n.test l!es betwN•n I well planned. Tht:•:-e young men a:nd j~1c~ud('..., rent, cooking , groceries, ht>ld Lhcre 2'.Ian:h :!·I undt· the au- ··if lhe st.u<knts so de.sire 1,a1t,c dt•partmen_t will be host at an Op(.·I

\\ di.am h.,.1t. ka, ,Jarms ~\ monl.b, EJ nen Law and 1>111 S\\t·t·IH·). j \\Olllt·n :-ay that. they are well sat:s- .. •g t, \\ater and radio): .J anuary I :,..pil.'.C.S o[ the Lc\\·i~town chaJ>tl'r of ma)· be giv~n rn theu· hc,u;:;es1

w,thout Hou. P. wh1 h w 1 le .\l 1n:h 1-1 fr 111 \ld'her:-un, Goiham H.uL(.,ns, Ha:, Th<.·:-e men \\'<.•re recently nominated fied an,l :;itato that they get along- :., I l.9!l each, Ji' ebruary, $ 11.;;;3 Elks, is the information n·l·t1 ind by chapt•roncs, ptoviclc<l the huu::ie 8 t.o lU p. m. LtV.I, <.eor~c ~mu?, H.ohc.t l'attcn, by th~ board '!f 1,uhlit:cltions Whic·h1:·fin.~··" .:\!any.or them 1u·pfcr "bakh- each. Bert Han ... en, d1re1·tor of .\I. S. C'. llllithc.:r or t.ht! one ,1,-·ho is t.akin).{ ht:r A s~y!C' huw,a lar~P <JUanttty cook \\iliJam Tallman, Jr., ~igurd \\'et-nua, carefully in\c~tgated th(ll' quaLfi<.:i., mg-. to boarding-: I One g irl in t"O·room apart- dramatic:;. pluC'c (ho~t ur ho::,.ic:-.:,J will makt.:i e1y cla:-is at \\<11·k and the cilucationul Stanle) \'oelker. Huuulph ~Lokan. twn.-. an<l eligiOilit1cs. Tile men wh() 1 1 he ~tudent:- hnd they c.:an live ~l)rl ment. (T his includes rent food I Rehearsals for the rcvi\'a! u[ th! with th(' pre:-ident 01 ~p~·ifit...J cum- work can;ed on in the home ntan:H!t' \\ alter fJuiH.~~rn, J~hn J:,,L 11 011 , Fred a1 prun·,l tht>:,..e candida1 c:- and who I approximately half the (.'O:<t of orclm- and furmsh111gs for beg111~u ng); ~how, wh1c. h was tlw school :-. llJ.tJ()l Ill .Lee of thl! group, a jomt n•poi t Lv meJJ house are th: cc of the f t'atut L''i t i~iu.in, l,L'orgc Hill, Hubc_tt l omer. a1v mt·mlicr: of the hoarJ of publit·a .l~im,ar), 17. 12. ,drama.ti~· production for tlu~ iall qt\,ll' tht! social <lne<:tor as to the snttL·ss }JTuVHh·d for the Oupen lfou-;c whic-h Ju, old ~later,. II?,r ~· \ aldhat~scr, tion:-.. are Jo~m De~ttr and l __ .,oui:-. T ut• I t• • B 1 ·. 1 he t·ost at. board in~ hou:-1.!s range~

1 t~_r. ha\e u:~n he Jc!. for ~OllH' tim.<• 0.1. th1.; part),·· was the thaperonc rult is said Lo be one uf the m, st intt"r6" t

"'(fU.r:t, Lrn~:-.t~ tha Jandt•r. ll ·e l'arker. t,n.1;m :o-:--io1wr oC p ... blil.'..ation"', ,.__ On~ 1-'toup of boy~ kept ar·count of paling-. 2'.h•!nb~rs of t._h~.tt.:-·,h~i~·al ~aff \,h,ch wa ame:ntled 1hur~uay. recrnt years. Jlnrrv Johnson l\ 11 (oniadl \r llilfl\ appomt<.-.1 b\" Pn.·:-~(fl.nL Atk1n:-on, ,John nves 1aat1on y 110m $1l:> to $:~2. l\\ lth the ('n.1re Ol"lj.!'Jnal n~t 11arti,1- 1nade by Lhc committee rc~t'ntl:, and I in~ exhibits hy t·uile C u1k1t~ .'"

I ,\l.nP, (la\.tl Rnrne::.. an1l .))c \\a!~<' ancl lhH·id Rin•ne-.. u I the time they ~pent working allowed who handltd The.Ba1kt!r la .. t qta - .Aft<.>.r i.:are1mly. con:-.1Jcr.a~111~ Lhe 'lhc program which will 1>e p1ov1t1e,I '1 h<.· (.'t1nn:rt gi,cn at ('llfh tern n Pditors ot tlll' Exp1•m•11t an11 )lon- Dean Ham1·11·ton thcmsl.:'lve~ ;)2 <:ents an hour a'nd fou nd i~rc now . gat~~rm~ to;.:'t·thl'r Lht• 111aLte1 the 1,)llDWmg pl'OVISIOll!-i an,I gut•. t., is thl j01Ht etf•)I t of the hun1t•

\\ill b<.• nu1dt• u1> of tht· follo\\inl! tana~. . they C()UJd get. by [or le:,..:s than they ~~:~eiy, . 1t1hope1~1et .:l_ncl othl'r nt·n·.,,. <~n1e~dm~nt to ml~ cune~rning ~lH t:;'ccun,,mi<:s, an and secreta ial d1;part-numtwr...- If m the rn.l'e tor :\Tontar,an no on t·ould in the t::hcapest buanJing houst> :SI ,1cs_ OI e. piuc Uc:i...ion. tvr hre,sidc wa.s made: "lhe: prl\jle.~l' ments. The cla.,$. rooms and labur.1-

I O · l . . rma S irit f C'andidate ren J\ l':- a m:i,1ur1ly uf ,ote~. .J..t pn>:-t:nt the main problem is· t~ [ \~enty. studtnts and I>iredot L"' g antl.'d to the su(<al d;recto1 tu tones will be open in Ht.·ITlck Hull an l • ~~r u~~j"· • 0

• ... l O unoth1..•r '-'ll'"Ltiun \\!ll ht• hdd with hP B • R It ~ccurc .... noui/h desinble a >art.me.nt~ Ifan."Sen will leaH• Thur~,lay morn,n~. apJ;luve or di_sappruve the ho .... t or the :--cnetarial buildin;:. 1·la::;.s rou111 1 ~~ths;1~~1,:n: o\.rom: \ a"ahoml thl't'<.~ h _g-h t·omp<>tin~. Thi-. will pr)~). I rings esu s Dean ll .a milt.on ~!Hj ).lr~.' ll arrii..1;~; rlar~!l 2;'.· probabl~· b~·- aut.o.m?bill·, f,,1· ho:-tt ... ::; cho~ n for Jirc,idcs.r activties will Uc t:arrietl on during the

1 1 r F· u . td th. 1 ~J \!Ill aln.v bt• hl·ld thf• latter patt ut tn ha.\·e been working- 011 plans for a ,C\nsto\\_n, They.\\ 111 J)lt'~t·nt the displa)· of exhibits .

\ ;';~~. Pif~ri~~1 ~1

( t~or~t1._ lr;) 111 ":ee~ or durin.~ I.he eal!y pai·t of l1l'X a1 artmcnt hou~e. This would put all t,~:m;



1~ 0.";i~ .. return tc: A . T k f T1e styl<: show will ton . ..,;:-it. only uf

T·rnnhau..., .... r \\Cek. the studu1ts logcthe!' under de~irablc :\1 ' 1 "' f ~ ' g . ffilgOS a en Il .;.:.armcnts de~1 ... ~e<l a~d made in tht• '1 u ,·"' n. ·outh . It . 1:-. tht~ lwrw 0 1!' the l,liard of pub Veteran Educator Queries De- t·ot!dttinns and ena ble them to buy .: em. lei.·s. 0 t c .. (·c1..-;t. m~ik:n~, the: , dothing cla::ise:-. Th:s is ~hedulcd

. ,i'-1 t s E : t (f. l ) ltcat.1ons to haVt' all tlw t•lt.•dion...: ('{)11] ! then· groccrie~ in qu·mtities . tt1pN~1.e a-. folio\\:.,;, Ray \nn J.lt•N. B L bd ch·' ··or 1-i;LJ anrl U:15 in 11<.•JTi<:k llall. ,). . .. 1 '. ar) . ,u,r 1' t• \\') plt·t I bl'i11r lw entl of liH' quartt·r. 1,art ment Heads On Benefits ~ ~ '. as ~. Uty, the Ba!·.lwr; Lt 1·;1. Brown, y am a I s Low-cMt refre~hments will be ~1.'l'Vl'tl Ii. lin:u:' lla)~. I of Student .\ct·,,.·,ti· e..... Carne, t.he Hawaunn dancer: Kath-,. Ole ~outh. . · '" H T T erine Duncan, Lou. the ~nah• cha n1er• 111 IIL'rrick Hall. s. ~I. s. <:. ,\Ima '1at.r • ung. 0 • t" OOp OUrney O Bob Smithers, Chris )!illt·r; J,, '. Last Local On Campus Ins talled llumilton Hall will be open an,, !). ~e_ ,cral ~land_ard 111arc:ht.·~ rgan1za 100 I In an:--wcr to the r1unstion, "\\'ill t Steiner, Col. Gowd.v ·, Geor!."(' lluffn an. \'1Sil01S may see the livin~ quarter:-., d It I ' 8 H }d J 8 ~ Into :\ational "'oc·1··,1l L'ratc1·- t · 1 t d 1 1 1 ~-II 110\C ) num >ers. R . G"f l~e mun• valuable to a :-:lltcknt in hi...: e e n utte llap S1>1ssel; Lillian \\'ill~·omb,. )Ia lJ .r a Y[liCa s u cnt room ant t \«! ar..{c

lhe soluuH:-; on th {\1U,. :lnt ar ece1ves I t lite wo:k h1 dl.'\'dop leade1ship by Benson; Carleton Dale, ~ailor \\e.,.,t; nit.y Ji'riday t1uantity cookery class at work. :-.igurd \\ e1rn.a:::., :,antone, P..obt'I t I 1.!h·ing' time and effort to extra tur- --- I Dan )Iaxey, T-Bone. Cleo; ,James The home mana.:;em~nt house, at.

1,1 'atton, c

1ia~ met, Jtl.L,r


11 :3I_~te1, t 01


--- ( 1d1t·utl~1r abcl·tt\ 1t1l's sucdh as l'J,tmg- ~, tu- State H ig h School Board of Con- ~JcaKtea1y, a ld1ickH; Bibll 1t'all


1• Ilarohld __ Init.,auo. n _ot mei_ubc_·rs of the An.iig-o lthl~


ug\\h. e0sutt t<

1·11.:_ ,·eenla






one. ant .i;.,une-. ia tnue i a,, 1- International Relations Club ;e t en pu tt::ations an being- prC' .. ht·nt . ~ •1 :. an. er er ent''" · t e f .... " .. panb,t. ., , • ol "-Uth on:an1zations a the- A-.~o(.·J- tJ ol Changes Stand and Per- Hawa11an trio. 1.att'tnlt!, into tpsilon Dttlta ZL'ta J spe<"tion by vi:--1tors.

- Boo I\~ I• rum Carnegie Endo\\- j ate<l Stu_Jents and f1ate1 mt1c .... or to m ils o 'feanlS 'fo Plai· The produ_ ction :-.tafl' for the Lewi:-- of Lambda Chi )dpha Fi i<lay mg-ht, o t h llla1·ch 10, which \\.l:, folto,\ul b\· a

ment de\ote his tm e lo ea1nm,! h,g-h !!"radl•<:: · own 5

owm~ are: Glenn .'\lucho\\ dinner dant.:l' on ~at.urda,\·. marked-the FORENSIC TEAMS PRACTICES START

FOR SPRING PIAY in making Phi Kappa Phi and othe stage manager; Leonard Delou~her) scholarship frakrnities ?'' )Iont.ana · Reconsidering their Jcti:;ion of la~t off-stage noi~es; 2'.hny l'atlt·n, prop- i.:unwlt·llun °1 the metgcr of the tw

The Intunationnl Rl•lation~ duh · II I k th tat b d f I s t · J 'I · · L' I .l!l'UUJ,s. !Jue to the prt!~1.:nt. bankin;.., State co e/;!e f tipartmenLal head~ hav(' wee-, e s e oar o contro · un- <·

1 1.es ant •1 arJoru: llt c, tt•m•t) iSiluati_on, Jfouben ( . 'ot1n,.,1u·1.•t, GIRD FOR ACTION rl.'t:l'ntly I cnin~t a ishipnwnl nf nm• exprt•s:-.eJ. th<'mst>lves with the opinion d~y grante<l t.he. Butte Chamber or design. .1 ,:-, .,

books from the (·urnc .. it.• J<:ndowmcnt that a littlt~ of e:u·h quality was Comm~rl'e ~he r.1ght to hul<l a stat~ --------- t1·a\tdmg ~cn~tar) of the Lambt.Ju lh or Jnb:rnntional Pead:. The J:,;ndow- nt.'CC'S!-la!'y for succe:-..~ art .... r gradua- l'hamp1Unsh11) h1ghschool basketball Alpha fratc1mtr, was unable to ma.~1

\'a~abond King to Be Ghen Dur­ing .\pril H~ Students of Stale College

mtnL organization ~pon~o!:o- clubs in tion. Lo.urnament. Only eig-ht team:;, those M s C ALUMNUS a spet.:_ial trip here to attentl the in-J hi~tory dc.purtmt•nt:-; of 111any A111 .. •ri- Dean Hamilton ha::- been condud - ~\·1th the best records, will be entered • • • SL~\aellr~\i~ll(~~a~\"a~r~\~~!.~r 01n,l~~nt1~: }Jontana Slate Orators Prepare ic:: aml for~i.l!tl <.·olll.:'g-l.':o- anJ univcr- in,,. an invt ti,...alion along- ~imilar 111 the meet. " cu

:'-Jdt.>:-. . Th~:-ct..·. IJ~l)~; -~:-n_e ·b·e .. Pn 1.1~a;~. ~ lin'""es •for tht• . .,p~~-:.t. ft:>w Wt>(•II'.:- a~d till' .Principal \Yallin of Cust~r county REVEALS IDEAS .-.nmc manner as an in~tallnt1011, F~<l· J'or Convention of Pi Kappa m t~e )I.::;. l. l_1l>1arj. \\IH:rc tht.:) all ,·e.··t1lt ot· h,·,.· ,,.,, ,. · .. of ·h ·, t '····ti h1~·h :;ehool completed the list of en- ward .:\kPher~on, n.::.J,re::.cntiug a •. • J)ulla H •r

I I I f l t t I ... -~ h i.... llllll 11 tel('- I ..\m1g-o frat~ nil,\'. Uth1,;rs in1t'.ated '" C C a\:a1 a' e or t·11cu :" Ion o me111 ,t.·r~ to collcg-e stuclcntg,. . ~rants Sunday and named the follow-, o1 the student. bod:,. I "O . . .. I mg teams as those which ha,e ac- were James Gannaway, lluml!r Lamb-

Rehcar:-als for the spt·ing quart.Ci' The new books are as follows: f Dc<"ldt"CI 'aluc . cepte<l bids to the meet· Gallatin . r - din, Charl<=s ·woo<l, l'hc.:::tcr 1: unk, )lontana Stutc foren.-.i1· teams arc JtlU::.ttal cunu.Jy, ··lhc \·a!...abond ! . Gro.\e1: Cla1:k, .. ~=t'(lnomic .Rin1lries' T_h~ general :-cntiment of all those' Custer, Park, But.le High, Butte Cen~ Jelom e G. Loc~e. "ell h .nown \\"csley Funk, ,valtt!r Jacoby Edwar<l IJC1ntin!:!: tu\\anl the twu tourna-h.1ng-,"' whkh will bl! pre:-t!ntt:<l at t111.! m ~ hlm~ '; Ed1t~1 ,, are, :·nusme.:.-~ and que::-.t1one<l wa_s .t~at ~s long- .a..-. extra tral, Anaconda, Havre and Great Falb. Grad, Tells ,. OW to Cu_re De- i\.is~at·k, John );:ye, Dt~ To\~·ne, B .. y ment:;, they \\ .~l partit:7; ale in dunn, .. Elltn theater April 27, ,.,b anu 2~, 1 be· 1 oht1e.s m t~w tar E?-st,' I Bric1 rt·ad- cun1cul.ar ac:.t1v1t1es did not mter~ere The games are to be played 011 the pre~sion \Vith '\\leriti ,. Greene, Georg1: Hill, John .\larn,n, the :-prn,:; quaJ.lcr wLh the hope ol ;...an last \H•ek un4t>r the SUJH:'r\'1:-\(J:J able ~J:....:Us:-.10n::; of vital pha. :e?_(_lr. ~~~ I :nth ius work they were a dec1Je .. J, S.'cho.o~ o[ Mines floo r, undel" lhe SU- ... ~01 Rubert ~ttillJ;hnm, Edwa.rd Wegman. brin~mg l.,a:.;k champ1un,h1p-. of Bert Hansen director 01 till! lll"•;-jFar Ea~t); .:\lo1~e anJ :"IIa.l·);an, 1-,u ,, aI!d_e to the stud<.•nl. 11erv1s1on of John Dexter of )Jontana Larry 2'.lalmborg, Jat:k Read, I.Jean The :.-econd \\eek of the new quartt·r d::..t.'twn. Be<.:au~e of Lhl' Jar:.,~ cast. Eas~u·n 1nlernaticnal Relations,'' tT_h<.• 'lhe se_c~nd q~esti1.;n askt>d the g-roup State colleg-e. The Butte Chamber of )(eritL .. m, a ri\al o[ Techno..:rac:v Stebbin5, James Phelan and Edwartl will Hnd the 1'1 K~wpa Delta sL·hooh which includes, bes;<lcs the muL mos~ recent and ptobably the be:-l dJ:..- was: "\\h1ch \\'Ill. be m_on.• valu~ble to Commerce has agreed to guarantee was injected into public con\·er:-atiO~ llaa!...en-.,un. George l'ar~e, \' ho \\a:.. of the no1thwe"t gathcre.J 111 Hozt·~ JJrominent 1,an:-, large sing1n~ and c.:us::1on o! the Far Ea~t. A thorougl~ a stu<lent an 111~en~1,e (.'U!rit·ulum' the expenses of scYcn- men teams from last. week, \\hen Je1ome G. Locke, unable to be prest!nt fr,daj mght, man to contest m debatP. oratory anti dancing chotuses, it was found nei:e~- yet. <;oncise accou.nt by :-;cholars u1 made up largely.of co~1r:-cs o_lfel'ed.by each of the schools invited to the ).l_ontana State colle..::e gH1.duatl·, no\\ \\Ill be mittated ::.ometJmc dur111g- the <'Xtemporaneol.l.;i ~peakmg. Plat:t.'"' on ~I\Y to hold rehearsals on t.he gym- un<l1:5puted au~honlr); .:\loult.on. and I ~he departn~ent m which he 1s nrnJor- meet. A sum of $2.25 a day and rail- of Orange, N. J., sent a. number of his \H'ek. I the \arious teams ate ~oon to he flllt·tl. nasium floor. Pasvoliky, .. \\ ar Debts and \\ orld ITI!! and allied courses; or an extcn- road fares to and fro m tht:-ir homes I pamphlet~ t.o several former ac11uaint- La,\, Stebbins \\'111 Places

Tho;;e who h~n-e solo ~ingoing num- Prc:sp<:rity,'' (The be~t account of one si,·e curriculum which ha .. ~ a con~!d- are to be advanced. ances in Bozeman. C . . p . At the tr)ou~ la:,t \H•ek for the Je-~rs and chorus .w.ork have tor sum1. of our mo:-t .~omtilex pro?len.1s). .. . · ei:able. nu:nb~r of ~·our:-<:s .only ~n- . As th~ rei,,rular l!i team tour:name~t lfocogniz~ Sodet)" r JtJCS raJSe L.ate team which is to travel to lbl" t1rn~ been l)racucmg under the U1- E:$th~J'• )l o_dem I·or_<'IJ.:.n .. bx- clue<'tlJ rela.t~d ~o .h1~ maJo! .and_ 1!1- 1s definitely out of the question th1:, I Locke's .:\Iehitism i,.. far ieachmg Rlicky )lountain For(.·n~ic tournam1:nt rect1on of l\lrs. A. n._ .Johans:;un Uul change, (A brief populaily \~r1tt1:n ten?E:<l 1;>,,gl\e social and c1tizen:::.h1p type of ~leetl embracing as It. docs tho;? and IS defined as '·An outillle plan fo11 'Arms & The Man' at I.~u·amie durin~ the latter part of la:-<, we<'.K wa the tir~L t1me the ca:-t account of a tomplex sy~tu.n for the. trammg · . . outstanding teams of the state, should I a. new ('(.'Onomic ,y ... lem thnL \\ 111 April, Ben Law and Dean Stt.>bbin:-:; rehearsed as a whole. I lay reader); ;llazur, "A:mer;<'a Lo!1k~ O_f. the 12 answers re<'eived lO th 1, undoubtedly produce a champion abolish capitalism anJ avoiJ com mun- ___ cmelg-L•li at the top with Kllmeth Lor,!

tast are as follows: l· ranc1s \ 11lon, Econonnc Ilonzons); :'\orma~ An:?:.ell. that a iathe1 ex~emme course J.!ivin ! t.he "Big' 16 title, Boz.eman and Pan: Ile would eliminate all competition Ptofessional )Io, te .:\!en La.ud In <lcbate~ on the war debt tiuestion The principal member_:> of ~he large Abroad.:' (The. author ~1scusst.•=-- .. ),;ew I que:;hon.' fiv? ~cra:~~1e~t h~ads. t:clt worthy. of the. nanw. )Illes City wo!1 1:;m." 1 ··. ~· . .· as alt~rnate.

the \"agabond King, :Sig \\ cnaa:-, 1 ·-~ he Ln~cen A;:::assm<' (This r.a!ner I the stud1:nt .a wl(le backgl'ou nd was tied for runner-up honors, while and all profits, organize all of the \\ ork of Technicions in l\laJor Ben Law anJ. Sam Eade L·halkt·d u11 Kathe_rine de \"aucclle:-, ..Jlildrea d.ffel'ent. analj·s1:- of prc:--e~1t con,l:t1vns ~he lll?~t de~1~·able. Fo~r felt that the I Anaconda and Butte were amon~ !he 1~opulation into a unit called ~ociety. \\'inter Production ,·ictorits oYer Xorth Uukota State und Flannigan; Hugul!ttc.: uu .Hamtl,1ha...; ath'acted w!Cle aa~cntlon th·oug-h- rntensi,\e ~ui11culum w1th the studenl leaders. All the other s have a high 'lhe people he would group into lt ~lontana. un:vcr~.ty for the tir:--t t1111l'.' R;achel. Egbert; Loui!- .XI, k!ng ot, ~ut, t~.~ cou~try J; Ernes~ P~tte~sc:n ((;ontmue<l on Pa~e Three) p~rcentage of _win~ and a high hrradP section s ~c.cording to the merit of their I --- .· in :-cYe··al \'cars. l· 1ance, Fred Bennion; f1 1stan' An,e11ca1 \"\ orld . Lt-adc1 01 \\ 01 lil of basketball 1s expected. work, g1Ymg them advannment as "The be~t )lontana ~tate collcg-e h.efkr and 81:et·k \Yin l'Hermrte, K<:nncth Cole; Rene de Led'?" (A very. l.n1ef. ge~eral ~u.rYey I they became of mvre value t-0 :-ocietv, s.how yet produced," hus been the gen- ~fillet heller and Carrol :,;p<"<:k )lont1gny, ~oren .:uarshall; La::.in of present po~1t10.n. in rnte1na.t1opal BRANNON TALKS ~\.BOLJSH CL.ASS OFFlCERS and would pay salaries to C\'t>:y I\l'i·-/ cral sentiment of :stud1.mts aml Bozt>- lt:'\'CIL"ll ihl' Cniversit\· fre~hman t..t.•am Cholet, Bud Fis.ht.>r; 2\Jarg-ot. Dorothy bu~me~~ and pol_1t1tsl, r:n.J ~.~1.er, son engaged in valuable work run.:dn·• man townspeople regardmJ.t thb quar- la~t Wl"C'k \,Hh the uTlanimou:-- \'1..·rdit't 2\1.illcr; Thibaut d'_'\u.-.signy, Jacub/ '"Re<.·o,·e· Y, ~he Se<·ond tHurt. ( ..\ from $800 a year in the 1owc.~t ~n,uP I ll'r's dramatic productwn .. ·· . .\1ms an~l o( the jml~t·:s. Ben Law anti lkan Bauer; Lady )Iary_, Betty A.km::; Xue! pcpularlr \\Tltcn ye.t ... cho!~r!r act::ount TO HONOR GROUP :Student Senate Elimi nates All Sa,·e to $75,000 in the top. the :\lan·1 whi(.'h was µresented ..\1a·..:n ~tebbins werl~ cJ.C"ed out of avid •n le Joly~, Gordon \\'estlake and OliYer of present. economic ~ond1l1un:-- Ly a Class Presidents Caused College Strilw ~ an<l 4. . over lntermounta-in Lnion t·ullegt~ ,,;1 le Uam, Craig \Y1kox. notc•il EnJ!li:oh cconom1 .. t). J err. Locke h . ~ . j Pt.•rhaps the greatest praise uf the the capiUdism question Ly one volt•.

The technical work of ''The \"ag-a- j .' .as e \\a:s. known to :;how came from two profcs:-ional R,whel E.~beTL and :\Ia1\· LC>\,·11~\' haYt· bond King'' j:; progressing rapidly Secrets of Successful Scholarship Abolishing all rla~s offices except :..rk:an:i. pi·ecipitated the firs~ l.'.O!~eg-~ .. lllo\·!e" men who happt.•ne.J to be in bet'n developing- into a real tea1TI. after under the di1·cction of Bert H an.st·n. M · 1 T J ks On that of P\e~ident ~\ as the wo· k of the colle e O

1 rec_ord at . .:\lontana,.. ~:at: the Ell~n Lhcatre at ~ne. um~ of the contesting with women from the l 'n -All the work on this en<l of the pro· a l a J Revealed By ChancelJ or of :-;,wJent ~enate ,1t a meeting held g '· o d timer~ 1ecall. Lo ... kt.:, a pcrfo1n-,ancc. :\lr. BenJamm J., ish, l"l'P- ,·ersit\' an1l from the Ea:-:tern )Iont .. rna duction is done by members of Lhl'. Snakes At H. S. 1 Unh ersity of 1\-lontana )larth G. I t was pointed out that the magne~]~ t>efs~.naltty, was 3(.'CU~e<l of rcsentall\e of the New Yotk uffH:e ot Xorm31. clas~ in play production. The cu~- ~nly officer who ha<l definite dut1e.) ~~~ea megu auty, 111 his class. \\orh. the l'mted .\rL1:,,ts plctme corpor,1t10n, l ru1· . Bert H. Han~on has two n•li-tume crews have for scn:ral ween:- ,. . . !n the cla~s oqrnnzation wa:s Lhe pres- l radu~out ~vo da)s _b,efore hl'c\\:~s l.0/and E. J. D1ucker. a bn.1n .. h mana~t.·1 ablt• extem ornneoa~ $peakt>r:-- in been engaged in making the larg..: )lake_ no lit~le plansi make bi_ 1dent an~ that he could :sccui e better g . te \Hth the <l .. lss of LIOU. or 1eph~~entm~ the :same L'ompany at Rui.:hel E~bt.• t and llt>an ~td>bin~ wit1 wardroLc r~quirtd . ln charge of the Ins tructor Jn E ntomolog.} De- 1Pl~n!i;; ltn" g/o.nou~~r," wa, the m- 1..ooperat10n by a1!po111tmg the subor- the~~bo~t. Au.t~oiitie~ annoumed he ~alt Lake City, \,ere m con,t.•11:n e :-.e\·e,..al orator~ in tht mak 111 ...

six costume crews arc: Dorothy Fo:d. ·t t Jr .. .. . " J t . ·t- !-ip1re<l admomt10!1 l hanc~llor ;\I .\. dmate m embers oJ the govern mg bodv. wo no re<:e1\e a chploma \\ith A. ~1. Ru:;.:sel,l local nurnag-t•r ot ------ --largaret ·winter:; \ 'ir .. inia ,\.arne pat nten Iscusses n ei es Brannon of the Gn•uler Wnl\e1...:1ty 01 ! It \qt,... 1·e.:ommend(·d at t his meet ing One-Time Editor i the Ellen and Rialto theatre-- a, th..:

Doris Roys Edith john...:;n and Paulin~ ing Subject to Schola. ·tics I .'\Jontana, mat.le_ to_ the stw l~nt bod) II~ that the prnpos.1t.:on of ha~·ing the stu~ I On graduation 111g-ht onlj one lll('Ul• !.hU\\ \\as m pro.::rc:-!'>, 1 he~ h:1ppen1 I Eastern School \Virak. The costumes were de:-i1,med ___ t~e annual Phi l\.appa Phi a~~cmbl:, 1 dents plal.'.e their rt.>fu ncls 11~ an. alun~m ber of the class of ~ibout 10 wenl on to catch a g-limpse of the st..1g-e and b Marjorie Little. ,, . . . . • . . .. ! 1 uescl~1y. . . j loan. ~uncl be t.ablctl until financial the stage to reeeive his shc1..•pskin. remarked to .\lr. Ru~scll that tht.' Ousts Sororities y Construction of the scen('l'\' for thC' h ' 1 h.\'/' ~'~ lil'.t. on.;~ ,,h~1.1~~r 1~1 ·-n·1~\1~:~ I . J?ecl_i('at1ng- }~1:-1 SJH!Pt·h lo the Jl(:'\\' tond1t1ons were more favorable. La~r t~e others and Locke palchc>d up stag·e scenery and light mg- effect:-. \\"Cl'l'

five sets of the show bt·.Q"an ia~t \\'<.•eh. 1 r. \\I.' tun .-.late • · a, : 1 · • r ht hapJ a Phi llll'mber~. and to the ---- --- t heu· difficul tie:s with the tolle!.!:c au- uf high profcssioni.1.l standard. Tht>\' with Gilbert Gill tt ·n ·ha .. ,.- Tl e- .:\fail, or the. c.•ntomulu;..:-y l.1. part1~u·_111 I initiatt.>s of the two f•c..:hman honor- Here's the way they take them thorities and were given thei dl'gn•t.• we1e unable to see ."Arms anll th~ ,Yc!men·~ ::,;tudent GO\ ernn1ent at ·cenery has bee~ ~le~iK~l'cll t,~: ( n·\1 at' .\Ji°~ta.ni ~t_a~j: ~'.)Ile!!"{: /i'-1 I ~ul~~ ~·:r I a~ric-s, .:\lpha ~ ... a:11hda De~ta and Phi O\'er _in s,.,ain. ' R_l.'(t' lltly. ;;u stucl c.:nts . He w_as later chairman of tht• sta;~ ).fan'' be(.'nU~l' of the l1m1tcJ tinw tht.·) <:onrad and G •en & .1 . · ng t H bio og.~ '- ~1s~ at ""t .1..1n ll.!:

1 l<~ta SIJ!ma. C ham·l'llor hrannon ('X- at \ nllap111, Spam. locked up lwol mduslr1nl accident board at ont• time had to stay in Bozeman. The\' :-aid I ~warthmore Yote:-. to .\bolish Head f \\th . d~ e\. • . ti. L "1 hat :-nake is th<.· iatll(·I'. 1 he tom· 1. amim•.l Lhe qualities of the n•~I profcssol's in a room until Lht~y p1 om- was editor of the Lh·in'gston Enter- however that if the al'tin,,. \\·as a: Sororities

a\·e b:e O ~I O ·t!f ~p.at('n~e;i•s v/.<L mon wate_r ... nakl', Ulue rat'~r, and 1~.ul] I scholar. "The s(.'holar anywhere 111 i~ed t.o pMs the whole class without prise, and for some years was a not- g-ood as 1

thc Lct·hnieal dfl-'('t;thl• sho·.v liams b~ : e~ ai e. '_0

.' 0

~ ( , 11

:-n~ke bemg- Yalued as high as ::;l ,> I the world," he raid, ' 'is juc!in·d by only exam. Pitt. ~cws. able figure around 2'.lontana would be an ext'l"ilcnt production. Much~w sm. s mana~~~· ~rnc <·f; '-:~ api~et.· l>y f~rmcr~." . one thing-, a c.:rcative mincl.' 1 ·'):l>t · 2'.lr. Fish has been L'onnectcJ w:Lh foward 'is rtgeian~r

1}~;.t:hc r!,;l,,J;-,_ Uc, clescr1!~C.l~ th~ wa~·.r :-n~~(.'. :1-" fora-ctinit. ,re:;(•art~.1· • he ('On~inued, Ilollrwood pictur~s produ~titm for als. p ,~eaut,f~J..,inacefu l. and.<l<_~n. ?".':'t scholarsh,~s trcal11c mt<>llect 1' u,•sl Soil Survey Work Of Great Value To many years and is a special l'OJ>l'C-

~cts 1!1~, ~aid :\Ii . :\-fail. J:,.. the \\a) expregsed 111 cleal111g- \nth human an,1 I 1 ::entati\e of Snm Goldwyn, major pro-

Les Bouff ons To Give Dance Soon

Cam pus Social Lions Prepare For Formal Ball lo Be Held .\ pril 8

m which people ~o r~thh•:--sly slaugh- growing minds." 116 l f S l d • dun•r of the l"nited _\ttbts. ill' and t<J' theq• crcatu.(·S. r.n·n the dreaded Chancellor Brannon was introduced JYJ.On ana armers, urvey n lcates ~Ir. Drnckcr \\'Cl'C in Bozt•mnn Jettin~ raltlt:--nakes eat .l!Ophers and. oth<.'r, by Prof. R. T. C'allt•nder who brief!~ lontracts for futurt• l nitt•tl .\rt st, han1.lf.ul roden~s .but. offsl'l the!r go.odl mentiorwd the aims and ideals or Phi pit.:ture::- to be ~hown h<'r<.'. qualities by killmJ.r Jamhs \v~1ch out Kappa !'h i hono!'ary fratPrnity and Soil survey work carried on in the report for ma kiJ1g lot\11~ nnd fol' ___ _ of :--het'I' (.'tJJ'io:,.it.y, puke tlw1r no:-.cs intioclutcd the following memher:-- whu 2'.lont.ana by the '.\lontana Ag1itultura l e\·aluating certai n ~ection:-:. H1'~(;I8T H \ 'l lO'X I) \TE~ (;1\·E. • into a rattle~nake's ta(·c." have b(•comc eli!!ible during- the Ja~t Experiment. Station i~ o[ ine:-.timable A detailed soil sur\·1..·)' im ar.a,11:,-

\Yorm, \re Ddrim,·nts . twn quarter~: · . value to farmers of Lh is state. At precedes the conslrudion of an in - tlt>c-istrar \\ illiam II. ::\Icl'all an-Th<.• economic: n1lut· of. many worm~li I \"ictor Bauer, Cht·ster Fun~, :\lel~·111 pres_ent _li1e most impo r tant ~roblem gation system and g·o\"<.•rnmt·n~ ha-= I nounre~ that ~l'IH ol will s:art 1wxt

and hu,l!s was al:-10 d1sl'u,:-t· I. 2'.lr )fabl'n. l~lmC'r Rothfus, 8\wm Wh it<• eonlrontmg' fan11l•l's is that o l wo1k- been spared the l'Xfll'll:-lt• of st•,·<'11d qua1tcr on till' mornin:.r of ~1an·h :2!1. 2'.lail continuc.-.1 to expla:n that t:1J 1l' ,John Lig-htfoot. and Rudolph Stokan I ing tho ngricultu1u lands inlo (.~l.'.o- useless project$ by tht.• lintl:n'.!s of Uw llt• al:-o madL' it known th:\l th~ worrns, round ,_,·orm:-- and til'ks an~ a :ill of the collei.r<' of eng-im•(•r1n:...-; Ed nomic farming and J.!l'HZi n!t. units. soil survey. Land of qtw~t ·onabll' quarll•r will Lt· oH·r at noun 1•11 th det!'iment to J!Uhlic heallh . • \ clL·!ailul L.:1~.satre, .John Pop(', Kathlec•n Durig the nine years t.he soil survey , alue is tH'('UratelY dc.•l(•rminod nnd :2:.!rnL

• :\~ a climax to a ;ea.:fln of org-nn- ..::kd<:h or thL· life of the common ti(.'k \"aughn and .Jim \Yater~ nf the col- has heen <.·,u-rie<l on in ?I Iontuna, it reported beforeh1.11H0

I and \\·ith ,h•finite Rt•c-istration will h<' th{• ~anw th zatwn and frat.-.rnitv <lanl·t·~. IA• R was given. ]1•!.!'C' of :-:ciN't'i f;tlwl Salt's, Bel'lha ha:; tabulatc·d 2fi,GHl,120 atn·:; into knowlege of these po~;~ihilities fur c?op qw,1h•r a, last. Rl•;!isti·at:1)11 day hn ~ulTons will a,n1: 11 JH(;.:l·Ht tJwir JI t·- "Th<' tick is a carric·r of threC' dis- \"an Horn and Ah•xnntl, ia Blain or tlw I these unils. The ~urvey is or a g-cn- products. New :-eltlt·r~ and land h11y- hl•t•n set for tomorrow. Stuch•nt ",JJ

nlll·r soc al C:'\l·nt of Lhr \"l'ar wh'-'n ea..s.::es, ,111 of which a1c vf'ry ~eriou:: . (·olleg-e of housl•lrnld an.~ industrial eral natu 1c and cnclt•avors to del.t•r- crs are ('On:--tantly writin~ for n•port·· s<>t·un.• th(•ir t•ial study cal'd. n'j!' her S,ri\'c thPir anm al f, 1:mal 1,arty Tularemia is one that ha-. het·nmt• art:;.· and Frank D\'(:r and \'in.di ll url- mine and lotale the major soil lli\ i- on specified areas in the ant;l•:pation tratinn t·~u'\l. and othl'I' infonn:i o

ut tht• Hotel Baxt{'r ~atuniay, April x. knnwn to scil•nc-c only in n•c(·nt Yt•uro::. hmt' of lh(' c:ullc·~l· of ag-ril'ulturP. .-.ions in the :--tale. The deta iled su r - of pur<·hasing-. Th<.•y dl-'ilt'n.l almo,t f1om tlwir t'la:..:~ ad\'isnr. \\'ith th(•se Founded in l!H)f) for t.ht> pu· 1>o:-t• of EV('!')'~ s<.•\·en yc·ars rabbit:-. in tlw (':1.,~ vey supplements th<' reconnoisn•nce in entirely u1>0n t.he TC'port of the :..oil ftlll•d out propt•t ly lht• !--tUdPnt will

P.rumntin,r l!Oot1 follow:-hip by an <H'- tt•~n s<•<·t:on nf the '-'OUT1ll')' di(• off hj An Alpha Grumna Dt'lt..a rot··l of •, areas now extt'n~i_,·ely <.·u ltivatcd and survey for the land \'aluatinn. ,l!t> lo the l.!"tnl'l·al lib•:u·y whcr,• stc-llVt' partici1,ation in thr !-,ncial affair!- the hundreds. Ex te>n.-.in• n·~<·arch ha:- ~orth Dakota Stnte uniH•rsity re- is lim ited to the ug-1·icuJtu!'<.> seclion~. 'rhe cost of ~un<•ying- th<' a\'rra'!:{' tionin~ will lit• (lorn•. \\'hen this hns of the c•olleg(•, Le:; Bou IT, ns is tlH· pl oven that 1..he <·au~e t,f this plu "ll<' 1 cently took flr~t pin.re in thP l'O-t•d Such a survey is not only valuable county is IL·ss than tht• buildini! of blen C'l m1 h·tl·cl tlw studl•nt \\ ill I re old<•st organization on thC' <:ampt1 is the same that affctls :-n manylmilk ing contest lwlcl in lhl• t·ollcrn·,• to the agriculturists. but i~ o[ ntlue nn<.•-fonrth mile of l'OOl''t.•tp hil!h•n\:·. :>Pnt hi~ t.:trcb to th<' l"l•gi~trnr'-. otTkL•. fh l• name. Les Bouffon,-, mean:nl! people every :v<•ar. livestock pnvilion. ' rhis makt•s tlw,a:-; a mca 115 of adjustment of land It is doubtful if U1t•n• is nny nth1·r1 '.\'n fl-'1.':-1 will u .. , Ul't'l•ptC'd by tht• Jt1sft•1:-, or met rynrnkC'r:-., \\as a,loptt'd Pa raly:;.is. _Iik<.> ~ula1'l'mia i:o;_ ca11~c>,I ~Pt·ond y<'ar in. a. r n,y thnl the fa_ir va lu e~ for taxation and other_ pu1·- line of puhfa· work of ... uch l'l'Oll<)m!c· trc>asurl'r on fl'l-fi:-.tratic\n da\·. 'J'hP when the organization \\ 3,-. fi st by the injection of the g-<.•rms into the (·o-e<l has :-o d1st101w1shed her:-elf 111 poses. Bankers, real-estate a g-en ts , va lue that can be done a t ~o low a lust day for paying fol, ... will be \)11

(Continued on Page Three) I (Continued from Page Two) this contest. new seLUers ar.d land compan,es use cos t . April 8.

Sw.arti1mnrt•. Pa., (XSF'A) Ah-olition next fall of :-ororilie:s. kno\\ n at Swnrthnrnn• l'olll-....~e as •·wuml·n'.., lralt•rnitie--.'' was vutetl hy lhl• \\'onwn·~ ~tudt•nl (.;oH·nrnicnt a:-:-..s1x·i­ath,n rt('entlv. In se<'ret hallnt.,. lliU girl:-; yoted lo abolbh thl• sororit.t•-., IO~ faYored n· aining- them nntl 1:x were undecid~d.

The action was takt•n tle,:;pill' lh\.· fact that 75 per ct·nt o!· t.hc \\ "m\·n students are members of the :,,t,ror ities. The campaig-n for ul.olitivn wu:­headed by :\tiss :'\lolly Yard of E, a11-.­ton, [11. , a mcmhcr of the Pan-Helkni<" Council and (.'haitman ut' t 1

ie s1H.:1al committee of the a::-sociat.on .

The decision came nt~arly a ) I."> 11" nfter a previous dt>ci-.ion to ,·urtnil 1\1·

tivities of the sororitit•s for t!a:·~. · and to work out a plan fur U11~ JJ.11·

ticipation of all ,,, .. c,nwn in (.'ampu~ o cial nfTnir:-:. It follnwe,1 lcn1?-s.i;.rntli11 complnints that 50cial adi\ it1P a111011

tlw women s.tud~·nt . ..; \'t·rC' li1111tt,d al· most entirely to ~orodl) mcmbtrs.

.\ ··J·'<'maJL._ ~lll "-01 ,1·t~ •· lrn;;. ht n or ~nnizL·tl nt thl• l'n1n·1~itv or \\'a li in.~ton for tlw pm·110-..,• ;,f rrntm fratt-rnity pin lo unatt r.lc:I :\'t• n>-t; :s at very reusonublc price~.

f'AGE TWO TH E l\10?\T A ·A E XPONENT, TUESDAY , l\IARCH 14. 1933

but t.hat he wn~ re11Ily :sdlin~ that J ::-;t1PPOHT FOR M0;-./1'.\'.',; .\ ST .\ TE COLLEGE

Continuance o! ·weekly Exponent, and of ~lonthly Exponent, Founded 1895 Published every Tuesday of the college year by the Associated Students of

Montana State college, Bozeman, ).lontann

Cb~ .Hsb £an --:--

''slicker'' manner of his to 3 youni..: lad\· behind a t:c>Unll•r down th1..'re. It wnSn't tol<l us bul WL' all. hc~1rd that she ':; made him .:-top chcwml.!' tobal'l'O, nnd if slw'::, Jone that we kno\, t._11.; '"kid"' has g-one for romam:e m a bi..:. wa y.

T he follo\\'i ng figu r es show the support "hid, :.'l lont:ma $t:1t,, College' . the l::>,,wr imenl Station. tlw Branrh Stations an,l tlw Exten~iun $ (' r \"it.·r• r ect:>i\"L'd last year . nr(' reteiYing lhtnng- tlw present ,·ear , the amount rl'qucsted from tlw lc•gislalurc• and tlw amount whic h t h,• le •is lalu re appropnal,•d. Th~ lablvs also indudc inconws from F ect0ral a nd othc• J' suurl'~S. Subscription rate· $2.00 per school year

A s hes lo ashes , and dust lo d ust ; If we don 't get the dirt, some­

body m ust.

t ·-.. - ··---·-- -- .. --··- ··- ·j j Notices! i

Telephone 14 7 Ask for Exponent On ~londoy ofter I P. M.-80

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of post.age pro,;ded !or in Section 1103, Act of October :3, 1921, authorized February 17, 1919

+·-·-- - ··- --·-··-·- ··- ·- .. -1 TOT 11. l :S: l'O\I Ee, l'Clll ( 0 1 1. EGE 1' l l'l'(l]!T

Hl'IJUl•sh•d t ~1::;~ ~: I

:,,.;:.?_J .:! Ill -11,llCHl ;",O.OtHI

U1 ltl ,,~.:~1;.1


EDITOR. .......... . MAl\'AGll\G EDITOR. ..

.JOE WALTERS, Phone 93-J )JICIIAEL DEE\ Y, Phone 188


Alpha Gam-"You rl.'mind 1111..· of )\t•n,."

..:\. G. R.-··\\"hy'' . .1·u:st fidt!lin~ ar,1u1HI." ~\lph Gum- "lier(.' 1 nm hurnirn: up anti you n.'

Ben Law, Sam Eagle, William Schenk Frnm the en•nts of tlw la~l "et•k it lnok:,;. ns thou~h han~t'IS ,ar~ 11.1~'.1

Bernard Copping who illVl'Sl the nwm·~ of J)t•uple who don't kn~)W how tt) lll\'C:--l it Lhllll:-.C'ht:~.

As~i1ciate Editor... .. ·-. Edif orial As~istanls. ...... . .. . Spo1 t£ Editor ..... . . .. . ... -·· ... . .Bill Sweeney Society Editor................ . ................................................... Kina Davis

L\" l'Bl!li .lTI O:S: ,IL l{EL.\TI O:S:'

T he Jnternational HC'lations c-~uh " ill hold its rcg· u1 ar tu t.:: ... 'tl ng ' l'u esda:i, ni g ht at -~ p. 111., in the Littl e "i'twatcr. Dr. Sli1)J)l l•r fron, GC> mun, ,\ ill :rns "er questions and ~,,cal.. ~n ihC' economic a nd po liti · t: al problC'm -: fa d n!! (~ erman).


There "ill be no mon"' lll l't'lin~ -.

Sourt·t' St::>tl \ ppt·<,pTiation

, I.and Grant l nt'()llh'

3!twrill ~!.'Ison ( Ft•dL•ral I fmith l lu~h'-'~ { Ft•tkrnl) ~tudi.•nb 1-'l't's and ~alt•s


1 n:~ 1.:t~ ~:!:::?.H-.:.1)

-I:?. .,~,:! :-,o.nno


:;;, 1 !•:~.;ion l::!,OOtl

:-in .ooo i.~no


I ~1:1;l.:{.J 11.~l!i(l l:!,l)OO


~.Jitltl ~\ l,l)l)ll

TOT.II. lli CO)JE,-; F Oil E\l'Elli'IE:S:T :ST I T IO\ ,-;t f' l' Ol!l' Socictv Assistnnts ............. -~ .Helen Shaw, 11,aye Clark, Dorothy Olson1

K~thryn Rafferty, Virginia .Speck, )larjorie St:UT, Constanre W iggen­horn, Lillian \\"ilkomb.

\ \ "omen may llL· dh·idcd into two l'la~:-e:-- . those who eh)~L' their l'yes when you kis:-- them. and tlwsc wlw look to :-t'L' if you clo.

t his quarter. The ne~t nl\L'e tin .K I::. 8ou1Tc t he first \\"(-dne::.da) of l ,c ,µri ng- . . 1n:n.:1:!

:,::, -;-;,.ilOU

l!:i.Olltl 1:i,OtlO G0 .000 lL'd~.

Ht•qut·:-.tt•1l I ~1:;:i. '1 ·l

::_ 11.7:!.i


t:-1,(ltl\1 ,,i .11110 1:.!.:!7~

1:l'\'('i\·,·d I ~1:t~-.l I .\. O. Pi.-··. \ rc you from . .\ la~ka ·., ·· . quarter. State Appropnat1on

Dorothy i\lille r , l 're~. Jlatt·h .\d ( FL•dcral) ~ 1;-;,~1,lt)

1,i,000 1'.),01)0

tl.l.llUO 11,;i.10

~ -li.~11 1:-).0(11)

tC,,llt~l tiU,Utlll 1:!.:!7.l

Ft:'aturc Writers.... .... .. . . ,J\1t1 .Steiner, Rachel Egbert. ::\Iary 11. Lowney Reporters..... ..... -···· ...... _ ............ Lcolyn Howard,_ Basil Ashcr~t,

\Yalter ,Jacohv. Dc:in :-,iti.:bbin~. (.,lndys ilkl"rea. :\lurgut>nte Ro:scoc-. JI Ilda IlalonL•n. Ed )kPhcrson, illary !\a:-h, George 2\JiseYic, )lt.,y 1 .. ose \Volfc, Jerrv Snyder, Cooky Carruth, Edith Watson . ..\lary EJ!t:'n Beiknberg, Rud~• ~tokan, Rnlph flurlhurt. Leono .Jlan·in. Anne Harrington. Stuart /

.\~,~~rll~i ('~~ilu~/\~;H;;;~:~:d,n\~L~Ue~l~~;L' ~~:11~~w:1°~h Yt)U had snow ~h,w~ on

HiccOu!,!hs an.• tlll'.'~sa.g-es from departed ~pirits-spirits nf what?

" .. .. '.\ 1 ITFI! IT l'l!F I \ dams Act t Fcd,•rnll HE(,!S I IL\ I IO~ ' ' · ' f'urcll Act < r'edcral 1

Ame rican Litl'rature " i ll he> ~ales J ncom.._,

ChaiILnlkr, Lt•wi:- Alli,on, Hobert ( ·umplwll, )l!tijoriL· GcisC'k('r. a

BUSJNESS STAFF I B · e "anager .............. J a mes Water s I USln SS ui ..... •.. . •••••.••...•••• . ••••.•.•

Circulation Manager..... ····-····················-·-······ ·-·············-·········A_1elvin ~Ia tsen Circulation A.s:;1stanb . . . . .. N1lk Bielenberg, Jun Hall, Clifford Koe~ter I Advertising Manager _ _ ....... _ . . . . ..... .. . ... Robert Munzenn?er Business Assistants .. .. .. ..... . . . Jat:k )!arron, Clemen t Schnutz,/

Grckhen Thnlc-1, Bob Clnrke, Bud Pnce, D?n Rathbone, Bruce Cannon, Stenographers....... .. .. . .. C) nth1a Hopkins, l\lont.ana Vegas,

Eileen Cumn11ngs, Louise Talmac;e, Thelma Loberg, Jean i1It1ler, Alice,. .S\,1~her, Edith C. John:;un, Irma Puut10.

Proof Reader....... ..... ... . .. . Betty Bolinger

•·Keep the clrnng-c,'' replied a :-orority houscmothl'l' as :-:he> slippNl !\ hum new :c.uit of tmdL'l'\H'<:ll'.

A college student ~cnt thl' following- note lo a d_owntown ~tor~; ''Plen:-e send me four dc1zen h,11urn~ts: if good, will ~l·ml eht.•t:k.

!:,he rcceh l'd thi.' follnwin.l!: rt.'ply. f I hananus.'' ··Send dll'ck: if g'L)O<I. will :--end our < OZC'n

SortH"it)· :'llotlo-"E\'L'l'Y man for my~clf.''

).ra1h. $tud~nt- ·· I am about at the C'nd of my rope. Tallman ."Herc try one of my cigars.''

Earl Gray "1 wa!- out with a ntll"~L' in Gn'at F'nll_s.'' Amelia Spieth •·t 1wl'r up. )lay he your mot hC'r will kt you ~o out

. I with-

Courier Print Bozeman, Montana

I out one ~ornl'time.' '

=================~=========== Gi\"(• an s. A. E. pll'd.Q'e cnnu/.!h rope and you'll surely find him all tierl DlSTRIBUTIOX OF P.\PE RS up with the women.

• · · • j ·, , • •- f"ft •.f'fh· Thl:.' wonwn ha\'(' their hl'nuty SN'n•t, and

taught a t 8 u. m. )londay::,, and \\re<lnc."ida) S br :\Ir. Ca ppon in· stead of at ~J a. 111. on \\ (:{in t.·:-. · day~ hy \Ir . ll a 1L.;;i: 11 .


::;pur mel'ting- toni g-ht Jft-. rrit:k llall <It :i o'cloch. .

$01'11 0,IOHE ) IB ETl'.\G

So1>homorc c-la~ m C'c t in,r in the Littl(• Theater thi, afternoon at

o'('lock. J ohn Harris on . l 'rC'S .

l'. l'>'G S TO '1EET

T he re ,\ ill be a medin g today at :; o'clod. in ll crrick Hall for :Ill Fa ng s and plL·rl ~es. Offic-Ns " ill be ekcied at thi~ timC'. H<' there.

Bud Lon e. Duk e. Tl\'it-e this ,reek \\·e ha\'e recei,·ed letters from 1ncl1,·1duals on, On tins campus _,ts , ; , . ·. I

' b . It ~een1g that th men han• then· ~ecret beauues. the campu:-; concerning Exponent di~tn utwn. ·· I ----- Easle1n ) l ont.ana Xormal ,\on a a number of ::-tudents are getting n1ore than one paper and tha~ :::ihakc~pearl;' said . "Bowll•J.!s may bi.~ few, hut they're far hetwecn.''


Afl<'r v1do1\· ovl'r the ) lontan,1 State colle.re

\\'O)t E:S:' :-; OBB I 1 E

some who are not subscribers are purloining a few also. One of examining- nw,t of the i,irls till the hill it looks as though he \\'USn t far ~:~~i;:f:;,s l~)~b: ll~g't~e()md~:~ti~l~'.ay T~; the letters recei\'ecl from a faculty member pointed out that it L ,.m wrong-. question debated was, "Resol"ed, that

h h JI l, "b h a Y of the the United States shou ld agr ee to t.he \\'as hard!)' fair (?at c_ s OU ( su sen e 11

· .:n s~ ~· n. . I h is one who puts huir tonic on his ca ncellation of Allied \\' ar Debts." other members of the faculty \\·ere not pa) mg 101 the paper. The latest definition of a sop omore ~lontana Sta le had the negative. Annrn\' this fellow is adhering to principles \\'hich should be fol - rhest. Debating- for the i\ormal wa..s Miss

· · t · Hazt'I Do, l' and )laqraret. Gustafu~. Jo,1·ed by faculty members as well as students. His let er JS as A Phi Eta Sii,mo aspirant from the ,\g. Dept. look a hath in horse line- sen. ~Ian· Lowney and Rachel E!!bert folJows : ment: an enl"inccr told hom that it would make him smart. rt du!. ep,esented l\ l onta na Stat.e.

J am incl0,.<,;ing a eh<'ck for the n in ter and sprinl,!" quarte rs or T he Juchres for t he contest. were : )Ii~-;

Expon ent. . . )tis-: Rohert:-on: \Vill You \\·ake Up That Fdlow Sitting- ~l'xt To You? ll apne"1\ Prof. ,J. \ r. ll ur~t a nd R~\·­erenJ Sp.a.ulding of the :'i lethodtst ehu rch .

J ma, :-a, that [ am ~ome\\h at reluc tant to do th ,_s not beca use , . · . \\ \ 11

. l ,. 1

f)tl Put liim To Sleep. t he pa~cr i~ not "t!'ll worth the money (it i!-) hut h('('au:-e -.o ma nr ~tmllnt: ) ou a ·1.: 1111 I·

folks about the campus an1il themsches of t h£' prhi le,:re \\ it hout --=====---==-==---===------------=-=-'--------------We of course realize that the students like to send their papers

so contributinir. I home to their parents. friends. and sweethearts. u they want 'ust Fri'ends to send the paper home, why not gin the circulation manager a J, fe\\· pennies more than the actual amount of postage w h ich indi-1 \'idual mailing would entail . This would make it possible for '-:s-·o- l-it_tl_e_•_·::;-·c,-,a-r_y_J_e_>_T_y_"_s_·,-,;--<l-c_r_h_a~s eYerv student to receive his or her cop,· and \\'OUid make a much taken Frankie "(Jrator'' Brown, under

· · h I ] t b d her wing1 anti i::- $he g-oing ~ t,ake more :-atisfactor,· arrangement for the ,1· o e slue en O y. good care of him ·r i, rank sttll has


Are politics crooked al :.'1Iontana State Shall we beat around

that pa:$sion for '·8LU1np·· speak.mg and with the generous Jerry ~o ably fluent on so many t.opics oi t.h<' day w~ know the\' will make a super-lingo pair. ·

the butih and say no more crooked than many other places, or \\'e'll lend a tear to Margaret · · l · f.. · · h t 'I S C t I· · J' ·'th · •, ·h , "Toodleoo'' Roberts too. Just when .~hc1ll \\ e ac m1t 1 ankl~ t a ,,1.\ • • • ~ anc s 111 tne \\ I C\ e1 ~ '' e1 e Clem Andm·son gets a nice, new sh111y

l'lse? I roatl.ster. (Cu:;.tom Built) \~·hat. doe:s E,·ery student \\·ho has had anr experience at all in politics on be do but i:o forth for a lug-h schobol

· • ' • . 1nrl:; tender ,vay:s and giggles. i\la.y e the ca111pus know:-1 that the only way to get elected rn to trade it's a muse, i\targaret, k~eJ) on being ,·otes. That skeleton in the closet is seldom brough t fo r th in nonchalant.

puLlic. but t" rnttlv it ence in a \\·hile is to stir thing~ out of th~ I \\'e always had an idea that ;l!a,·ion le(hargv. The skeleton is present now and has ahrnys been so, "Gop" Gilchrist liked the b1awn and

· ~ - . bkeps boy:, pret.ty well anti now we and 1f we must haYe 1l. \\·h~· not let eYeryone take a look? know. oi: eour,e l'ol. Joe Hazen has There has not been an clecli,·e office on this campus for man y se,·eral interests, but as long as Lhe

· · - . newest. installation ball foun<l t.hem years without trad111g of votes. That 1s the one means of be 111 g Loi,ether ma,·be we'll sc'<! more of them clectt•d. An c,·,·n surer way 1s to trade ,·otes with both sides, it together. you can. That. too. has been a popnlar fashion here for some years. The al.Jo,·e statement will not b, questioned by those wh o han~ been in lhP s\\·irn for the past few years. It has been too ,·1·ident.

There's no holding that big biceps promoter, Pat Dola.n, down eilh_er. \\"~ thought it was she but no, _ it's Phyllis "'J3ubhling- Over" H ar~J~on now. Thero's athletic t·ompct1Lion

As soon as indi\·idual trades are macle. a cam·ass of the houses tho,,gh. !'at, don't say we didn't warn I begins. with trading of \'o(es ensuing, l'ngendered by promises of )'OU. I L'omrnittt•t• appointments or suppo.-t "next year." Seldom docs Little Wesley "Double Action"

\Valker also won't stay home hy any 1 t hc• latter materialize. Ii reside. He g-lidc-s around with his I

Then ,·ome the most important question. How about the Incle- smooth personality breakini, oneJ . heart after another, and last week h1~ lH'lldeJJts? How \nll lhey \'O(C? )'earninp:s took him home to ll ck~a,

1 At first thought all this dil'eei influencing h\' trading may seem where a. locul blonde thinks \\ ~sl . . . · · 'spends his week-ends study111g-. Its

crooked. It may be al ler a fasluon. but it cannot be he lped. and I neut to be in demand, but don't make I it IS th,· only way to get electt'd . L'niversitalit,· l'emo\'es the them cry, Wes.

taint of t'rookedness. \ \ 'e in the system cannot condemn it. Its We am i,oing to give one of our l'hief dJ'md.1aek is that the bt•sl men for (hp offices a re not alwars medals to ;Ile! Matsen and ) la1·y EllcnJ

. . • B1C'lenbl•rg- for thl" nice way llwy l'ieclcd. One of the best mo,·es of recent yeal's was putlmg t he floated into the romance mat ket just' election of editors of publications in the hands of a board \\'here when exam week rnu.t;ht things at a

. . . low ebb. ,vhcther the trUll1f)et Sl'l'-poh(Jl'S cannot ereep 1n so much. tion will blare forth to c<>n1plete a Politics is a game. Politics is a game of tradi ng. T hat word ni<"e triangle we don't know, hut it

''trading" sePms insipid, lJUt it has many ramifications, and was still looks good anyway.

• o us1:d in the abon•. It mean, much more than "You ,·ote fo r Althoui,h a i,;ood half dozen girls my man and I'll n,te for yours."

For proof. ask lhe politicians.

...,..,,,._._ ~"',"' ~ ._ • J"w ~ .., •• .,._"""" • ~~w......_..._""'-._._._._.._..._-.,...,...,....,,._

~ Text Books --- Student Supplies 1 I Can,~::~,.~.~~.,~'..!,~,r:~t=,~ ! ~ Associated Students Store \ J GYJ\IN.\ S ILTl\l i ........................................ .._.. ......................................................................................................... ~.,.._._

ha\'e laid their head:-- on ,Johnnr \\'oothvorth's ~houlder, it ha::. taken \'1oln Cox to capture tlw interests nf the ramblin.ir ,Johnny. \ f1..,'q~ ~L'cn them to,!!cther a lot laUc•ly, and if his pals werl•n't kidding u~. he, talks in his :--lC'c>p about ht·r too.

.\nd with tht> pennission of lhe powers that be may Wt' present Clara I and Russlc'll Alk in~. Two peoplL' lo you, but really om• by henl'fit. of cll•rg-y. :\fr. nnd Mrs. Atkins don't walk. They ridl:' in limo:;i nes. T hey l nro ~till in lovr with each other. They ~till m<>et one anothC'r on the cnm1>uS, and if you rt'allr wnnl to know, they think marriage is the real :\ lcCoy.

Tr, wns a brother of Il t'rb " P:syrhol­og-y'' rrosi-:.man 's who fi na lh· told U!'I

that it wnsn 'l tape nn<l wns'hl'r~ that he was bu)1 ing at ~fontgomcry \Va rd '~,

Just a few pennies for this bowlful of


IJ"'hen JOII see Tinga r.-1 F.:11/s on the /Mckage,) 'O II KNO'\ · yo11 ha1·e Shredded )17/Jeat.

YOU GFTyour money's worch when yo u

o rd er Sh red cl c d\\'.lhea r. It 's a ll of N.1turc's grea t energizing food .. . whole wh ea t. Nothing added, nothing ta ken away. • ) use go ld en brown bis­

cuits o f whole wheat, ready-cooked, ready co eac, delicio us and easy co digest. A treat you ' ll never tire of; a well-bal­anced mea l with milk or cream and fresh or preserved

fruit. And a susta ining meal clue will he lp yo u SAVE MONEY! At all campus eating places.




Totab ~tll .tlJ;i ~1;io,1l~12

TOT .IL 1:-;c o)IE FOi! EXTE:S:Sl()',' SElffIO:

Requcsti.•d Rl'<'t·ivL•d Source Hl:lI-:!~ Hl:1:!-:l;~ 1~1:.;;~.:t-l l!tt-;. ,-t

~tatL' Appropriation ~ 71 .100 ti!Ul::o ~ 7.),:•q,-, rn.::!10 ~mith Le\'er ( Feclernll -t7,:rnn 17.;)~lil -17.,)Hll J7,0!1ll Capper Ketl'ham l Fedl•ral l 1:t;!:-::1i 1-t,:lUO -1-t.:~oo -.i-t.:lOO

, ) !iscellanL·ous Income ~.-t{-t :?.;;oo .:?..000 2,7'00

I Totals ,IoI,OlO <Jti4.:l~O ~Jt\s.~o;;- ,11 :.,on


ll " 111 be noled t hat t he income fo r next Yt'ar \\'Ill be St'riously be low the ineorne fo r t he presen t yea l'. and that this year's 111c,1me sh o\\'s a substantia l reduct ion belO\,. the income of last rear These r ed uct ion~ a re gomg to n1ake necessar y sharp reorgan1zat1ons in t he work of the institution, but t he details of the reductions and reor gani za tions necessar,· will not he complete!,,· \\'orketl uut and ready fo r a nn ou ncemen t un ti l afte r the meeting of the "(ate Board of E ducat ion th f irst week in Apr il.

i\l .\lL TALKS ON station at llarniltonprepar,•s a scrum S-·~ \lillS \ T H. S. lo I!uard al!a~nst. th1~ di:-e~L'-t·. l nnol·U·

• · .._ • 1 latwn:c. nre ~1\·en ft-et:' of 1:harge L·~ll-h -- ~pring- by the ... -ounrr health l,tfkt>r. It

{Continued from Ppy~ One) hns been shown that the fatality Ii~· blood bv tkk~. T hi:-. disease tt•nd~ lo of the pe,op!e who h:n·.._, not_ r('t:~~i,·l'rl paralyze the body. Be,f!inning in thl.:' an lnnOL'Ulat1on of the _Sl'l um JS !1,l flt'T foet the paralysis spreads upward in I cent . The death rnt~. Pt tho:-<.' w_ho ha\'~· the bod~· until it reache:-- the heart. :~~-1;1, the serum 1:-. about 11\t' fM:1

FeYer l s Wide Sp read

" Rockv ::.\fountain spott&l fever i:- The AssociatL~l \\·0111u1 Studl'lll.s ,,( the best· known of the three di~ea.se:-. the eniver~ih· of .\lamaha ha,·'-" carried b\· the~e tick~. Thi:i di~ease passed rules f0rbidding L'tli.·<ls to drink is w idely· spread throu!,!hout \\·e"-~Prn n ear-beer. )lontana and is rapidly spreading __ ea~t.wa rcl. A ll three of these tlisea~,.. T .

1 .•

f W I wi.•nt:,;-nllll' .1~ H!lt_n~ ;!l'l'. 1·1•1n·t~-ar~Th: l .rnited State:::. experimental sented at thL"' l nn-t•r.s1t.v ot :'llld11!!1tn.


On Watches. locks. a nd Jewelry

LESLIE E. GAGE Optom e tris t a nd 1\lfs:r. Optkian

Broken Lenses Replaced the Sn.me Day

20 S. Bla<·k Ave. Phone 842-J -OPTOMETRIST Eve. Ear. Nose. or Throat ., ,~ .A cc urat e Optical Sen·ice ~ · Trouhle g

Glasses Fitted ~ Story Bldg. Room 4, Phone 272-J >I g C. E. \\' l!ITEJIE.1 n. M. D. a

~'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'X.'-.~'X.~'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.~'U >I Michig an Block Phone 23 ~ >I ~''-'-'-'-'-''-'-'-"-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-''-''

1111111111111111111111111 - -- 11111111 1 I I ii I 1111111111 I 1 -Send Youl' Dry Cleaning -- -

I - -

IF YOl° W.\NT QU .\ LITY - with Your Laundry -- -- PHONE - Bl' Y F ROl\l T H E - -- --79 -- -

Side - - West - -- -- - - .- - -- -- GALL.\TIN LA NDRY -

Grocery - --''Expert Dry Clea ners" -- -- --- , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

S 'L\PLE .\;>;!) F .\ :-. CY

~ ' ! (; HOC ERIES

The Baxter 13al'bcr S hop Prices Hig ht for

Hair Cu lli ng that atisf ics Phone 266 -110 \Y. CuJ'tiss

j II I I I. I I I I: I I I It ,I! ft I I I I I 1


Hotel Baxter Fountain Room

The Home of


FO NT.\I N Ont ' KS

An Ideal Place for Thea t r e P a r ties

After t he Show


an,! Hazel Borders were Sunilay <linn<;r 1 :\lcDowell. . 1 erson, Robert O"Brien, Joe Hazen,

, .. ue ... t:-.. Bill Smith of But e wa~ a dmner E\·e1 tt P t Cl'ff I H h :'llari..rarc-t Gu~t.aff . .;on was the J(Ue-.l guest Tue~day. 1 Arth.~r Beb~1~\:d· , va1ia(:~r\Yendf us,

t f h..ar,pa lJL'lta ~unda:,· and ,\tonil:1y. . Dinner guests on Saturday were Week end guests Wl:re Lcona1d ~lary Lo\\ ncy and \'ir;!in.a Spc,:l~ !\cal Cowan, frank l:h'own. 8l:Ol"Jl E liason an<l \Yard Rightmire.

sptmt. the WL"t'k-()ntl in \\'hitt>hall. .-\nd1.::rMm anJ Lo1en ~la1shall. E1>silon Delta of Lambda Chi Alµha Dr. an<l ~'1rs. J. T. B a<ll.urY ''-t·n· !·rank Brown wa~ a ~ut•sl for din- in itiated \Veber Peler:son of Bu7,ernan.

v1::-1t,11 s Sumiay a[t~rnoun. · Iner on ~unday .

April G, 7 and ~. with the O! e,;011 Knights acting as host~. One of the things to be done at. this convt..•nt1on i~ to el<:et a new national ativisor 'o take the plnct- of I. R. A . Cunit! \\h" tlied last fall.


C..ala k..;fr, 1ti<'~ during- tiu pa'.".t wc(·k-end markt:d the do:,,,l' of the winter 1-, (" al <.•a:,;cJ" a ... :\lontana Statt• rnlll'g-t'. On Friday n1i.:-hl Amigo was in~tallcd 1111 Lambda ( hi Alpha, and on :-;ulunlay mµ-ht the group entt:rtained O\"CI" ~1, J;Ue.._t .. :.it ...1 11,rmal <linnl't' dam.:t. at the llotcl Baxter. On ~un<lay af·ci-11 r, 1Jwy ,Hll' th, honor 1- Ul:"'b a 1 :• reception g-in:n by Alphd Umicr1,11 P1.

ENJ OYABLE DI 'NER HELD Kap1la ::,;i~ma. -- I Omega .Bela.

h.ai E -:i ~.~ma L·lltL•itamL•d at a fire- . 0111;"'.a Beta e_ntertained at a fire- T F ' s.,dc Friday night.. Tht..· ;.me~t ... ,~L·n, siclc l· n<lay evenm:;. 1 lie ckq1t.>ron~s went y- ' t\""e Inde pe ndent Womc 1l :\lr. and :\lrl'. Loui:-. True . .\lr. au,I ,:ere :\lr. and i1t:~· ~tewart Ave1y. Attend Self- Sen-ice Dinne r :\Ir:-. H11Lcrt Ada1n:-. JJr. and ::\lrs. j 1.he gue::.ts ~vere: Violet Tr.eni~e. Jean __ _ G1. drn t<;n1.i,l. \'n.i.:mia l!aL S\-IGre(;n, Judith Belden, (alhe Lou .

The co, ention la:-t year "a.-:. hel<l in· .\lo:.cow, Idaho, with the Idaho chaptl'r entertaining-. At that tim~ J-luntana State wa:-- repre::.ente I by LmH·, \lur­dock and Art. Buckley.

Fin·:,;ide:. w<.·rc tile mo:-l pt1pulal' form of amU:-t;>mcnt for the pa:,;t \H•ck-cnd. h:appa !-=i~ma .. \lpha Uamma Hhu, Ume.l!a Beta, and .:\lpha O plcdg-c:-. Wl:rC

the host'- and ho-.;ft•,,; ... es \\ ho p1 o, idcrl thc.':-.e s(lcial funetions on Friday and ~atunla:, ntj!ht,. Jndcp<>n<IL·nt, stag,t!d c:\ very smt·e:.-.sful frontier party ut th, J.{)'lll :,.:atunlay night..

m1,n 1,, )l,i1g,li t Bo,d Jean \lill~l" l'E.tc1~cn, lhelma Lobe1g1 Lillian .-\n enJoyable self se1,1te dinner !JLtt) Bvlm;:.c:r, ~l,H\ "sa'n<le, ,\Iati-.aitLI :;.\Iab1y, Kath1yn Raffe1t), Kathleen for Independent women was held !<'-rt-\\ ntcJ ... ,.\!~JI ~a1 el h.unl\l·l, N\I :th h.ea• ney. Bet.ty Bell. ;\I ddred 1· Ianni- day e\·ening at. ~he home of 111 s. Har- I Larlll1J...CJ. E,ehn Fte~~e. ll,in,('-" gan. Helen S0U1d, Ahc.e Johnson1 111son About. 2.1 ~nl~ enJoyed the cle- ---• ·011 ~ .. \ll<t l~ordon, l na harot..:1.1 qrm:e Jio<.-ker!Jmtth . L1lhan Button, hc10us repast wl"uch wa::. followed b\ 8.)s tem l\lakes lt Possible For l;.l1z.t .. t:h L('athe1 ' lulu l'almc1. I:..1nc .. t1ne I I11-?.man and Hope Kane la social hou1 . :;.\!rs. Doane was the St d t t S t· . I S I I I h) IL Ilan on, Hohl,~ .U.ms, Bt·th •r :\11' and ~lrs. Gilbert Lowe of .\ l mn- guest of the evening. ti en ~ O U) n ... C 100

Hamilton llall. 11r~. J. C. \\'arncr wa,.; a :4unclay

lrnm~r gut- t ol \ 11·g;n:a Hae ::iymonu:-. .\lary Ro:,;e \\'ol1\•, )JarJo y Brown,

Ray Huzz<:tti, Dub ~mmct and .F1 ank Brr,wn \\lJ"C gUe"-h o Jc,r~ ~n)tltr

ur sclf-:-c•rvicc ;-;unday nig-11t.

Pi J1<•ta Phi. Pi Beta Phi 1:ntl·rtained al their an­

:iual Dad's d11mt·1· 1 hur::-<la\·. GuL"st mlu(ll'd )ks::-1:::. Earl :\Iur;hall :,..;. ,J. Milll r. l'hurlt:s \ ,rn,1enhtH.1k, P. J Seif1.fft, A. ,J. Bu:--d1. Capt. Geo!/.!<: JahanL. Dean Janw:-- )L ihunilton. Pt:an \\ .. \1. Cublcig:h, R. b. Bro,,n tnd J, )1. Wylie.

Lw.:illc \\'esio, 1..'I' ,, a .... ~undav dinner ,:-uest of P1 Beta Phi. ·

.\lp-ha Delta Pi. Emy Graf and Lulu Cnnlt•y w1:1e

lmm:r gue:-t:-- ~unda).

\IJJha Omicron Pi. The pledg-c..., of Ali ha Omicr_on P1

t?a\'e a fireside Friday l'\'ening- m the rhapter house for the rww initiate .... Guests were )liss Ritchie, )liriaff Baker, Laura .\[ay )Ia:xey, Bai hara White, .\lar) Ellen Shoa'. GL·or.!....c R(,we, ..\mbr< '-t' Shea. F1 c-1 L1quin, Geon!e .'\oe-. Clemt:nt ~t·hmidt, );at

Kutzman, Bob { ampht-11. Fred B<.:nnion and Tc<l Antonid,.

Alpha Omic1 o l'i gaYc a formal tl' ~un<la) ailt:rnc.;on in hvn\)r ol the n :;tallation oi Epsil1 n Iie!Lt Zl'.:a o Lambda Lhi ..\ltiha.

.\ltiha Gamma Delta. Ucan Glat1ys lhamgan and :\I::-­

.Julia R1:-cr. nat.l)nal 1n~J}Lt tnr o Alpha Gamma Della wt.:'rc \ ·e<lnt:-<lay dinner gue:5ts. '

Callie Lou l'l't.t•rsun I t·Uirnt•1l ti) Bozeman after a week's \·l~it a, her home in Glas...::ow.

l•1anc, ... to, llilda. Ilalnnc:11. .-\ile<•n ~ota wc1e week-end guest~. I After th~ dmner wa" sen·ecl :\Ir~ ---11,rnkhe~ly. ,Jt 1y Snytl1:1, EJsit• \Yl.'tz-1 Sunday dinner _g-uests \\Cl"e 1It and Doane, a pion.~er 1.n -:\l~nt.ana and o( Eugene, Oie. , (i\SFA) :·lhc 01c-~tl.'nt1, I. iah (., .ll,Jm ... on l;ctt\ J 111,t 11n: Lowe .Jean Green, Judith Belden, t~e Gallatin \ alle) • 1 elated many ot gon Emerald' ha.'> mauguiatecl and i:...

.Jlaiy Jane Rubel l-=. \\"1~11rL·d 0

B1~•\\CI' Lillian 11ab1y, Callie Lou Peter;:,On . t. ~I ~hrills a~ \\ell as the trial'{ of the backing a cooperatl\e li\'ln~ plan at 11 n1a l'tmt v, \\rn1f1ed Hc:ne

1w, L11c1lk Ilclen Solhd and l\!tldred Flannigan eat J fo ntie~ hf~ l\bs. Doane pamted the Umver:,1tv of 01eg-on whu.:h 1t. 1 ;:,

lla)b, Yirg.n1<-l .\lontt.at:i, E:d th ,\In,. - - a ,,eiy ~t~tc pie ure of the ea.·ly ltfe hoped, \\Ill ;nal\fc: 1s pu:.s1blc io1 a gun anti 1· !menu· llu'-cnbe 1 \. I .,.\l11ha Gamma Rho. ft Old Fa~ L El!~~ ' '?en .1t was the ohut-j n umber of students who woul<l other-

Le \ crnc Ltcrow of l'·Hk ~t 1tv ·rn JI

Alpha Gamma R ho entertatned at a ymg pos on e ronuer Il er fat er w1se have to 1;1,.:e up heir stu<l1es in

:\~clvin :--:nyder ~f ~aJ...cr \\ere si.m;lay fi1.es1d? Satu">rd3;y evenir~~-. The c~ap- s~:in i~~ founder of H unter's H ot the universi~y fol' the next term. thnner b'1.1cst.s of h.appa. Sigma. , ?Ionc:s wee I 101. and )ll:.- .. H.oss ~I1Jler. I .~ Under thll) plan nec<ly ::;tudcnt

Lou Howard, <l,reetor < f the Uob<:a, ban I for tlw la,t. ~ti yC>ar!;, who will take his muskians into no then! )Iontana on Lhe rin~ tour :\lan:h 24-W.

fhc.• gue:-t.s \\"ere the .\lis...;e~ Gladys i\lls. Doane has a knowledge of could have a balarn:e<l rat.ion of thre<· Pi h.ai>r,a \lpha. I B~iyer1 Freda Clinton. Virginia eal"iy Montana ~isto_t Y which she was meals a da:,; at a toLal wee-kly cost LE~ BOPF.FOX~S TO

Bob Hn~t wa~ a \rt•diw:-unv dinnl·I \\ ~rncr. Dorothy Benne.Lt, Dorothy able to J)resc!1 ~ 111 a manner th~t wa::; per person of 1.54. Four stu<len:s an•

Ed Steven:son from Alpha Tau \\a:- :\larJone G1eseker1 Dorothy Ford, sc1·1es o[ papers on the early life in the Home Economics derartmC'nt t.o gue~t. · .\l1ll';r,. Alil·e. Pitman . Esther Gilman. I very en~ertammg. She is writ~ng- .a now following the menus prepared b) GIVE D.\ NCE SOO

In week end gue_st. _ :\lar_J?.a•et Wells, Phyllis Sullivan, Rut.h the northwe."t for the Pioneen,' t:o<:i- test t he practicabilily of the plan bl'- (Continued from Pa~e One)

Chi Omcp:a. nc~v1:-. )largal"(.!t. Knot. 9ladys ~ord- et~·· She read se\·ernl of the;-;e to ihc fore putting it int.o effec:t. foun<led. The m<•mber-;hip has hf·L·n Dinne-. g-ue<.:t.s Tue:;.day were )tr:;. Sii.:;_i:1a Chi. . . , q~nst.. Alexandria Blain jJHI Beth I gioup. In support of the idea the Emeral,I recluce<l to ten act.i,·e 11p1wr da~snwn

Simpson, ..\hs. Spp.in. Ilelen Simr,::-un, . S1).!1~1a (. ht en~ertarned at a Fin·- I• ranu~c:o. . .. , , 1

, .,says, "There is no doubt that it the.-, o( prO\:ed_ char~lt'ter, sncia! qual~tic..; D;-i~l::> !ten, Rut.h ht•ppner and Burl,an-1 Hie S;:nu~ day 111t ht nt tltt' l haptc_,r ::.Hr. and _Jlrs. Lout~ \ mke and ft!r.. ,v ILD '\ EST PARTY GIVEN f plan is put into effect the hope:s of I and e11Jo_rm2 WH~1;:. populanty. F .... ac_h \\ h1te. house. l· nrnk Gta{ly an1l < arnUnl and ill rs. 1•. ?L 1Ia1 rm1.don were tlm- 1 ___ many down-and.out ~tudent.'l for .r1..:ar <lunn:..:- the formal JHl ty, tht• ti,

Leolyn Jlowar,l \\"a" a ~a· ~nday ,. I\1.~k~lt wen· t~e chaJ•tnmc~. Gue:-b ner g:u.e~ts of Alpha Gamma Rho on I hulcpe ncle nt S tudents II olds Frontier - we.athering the spring te1 m will be i of pledl!e:- _t > Le:- Bouff~ns i~ 3:11· ner gue~t. i \\ ~ ie. Jlell'n "anl, l\..aLe \\ atL·rbury, Sund a~. bnghtened immeasurably. That the nounced. 1 en mC'mbcr:;_ ot the_ Junior

Sun<la,· dinner "'UL s: s . , . . l \\ anna ( asper. Clara Hoat. Erne:--tinc- , . -- Type Dance Emerald's plan for providinh beard I clas:-. are cho:-:en on their ml nt~ an I Bini \\·a , . . . ...... · . \HI~ ~~I\ H:_man, Lcol:,'n Ili)\\a\J, .. \lary :\fr. La mbcl.i Cht ~\lpha. . _ __ and r oom at rock-bottom rate:~ 1,., >·ac- presented to the party g-uL•:a:ts as they

I ·8 1

lt~t f JahoL. on. Jlln \\ <\Ill ILY f a..ll. Dnrna llumphttY. BL·tt~· Ly(Jn""', Lambd~ C'ht .Alpha cnt.erta111ed at a . tical is evidenced b. the fa .t; \ha~ aTe frJ'mally plulg:etl. Duxing- tlw am o l L111 01 t · · Ha hd E!!.bci t. f~tiiL·l <"ubha!!e. Ruth f~rnial drnner <lane& Saturday e\'e~ Chaps, ten ~allon hat~1 six-shooters several gemups of .iu<le t..:· • c . 'J latler r-art. of the spring- quartl•r, r...e~ i

1 Tower. 1l1Jro:hy d'.\utremont. Ifolen nmg-. The g-uests inc!ude.l: Presich:nt i·fd. all I.he par~phernal.a of weste_rn boarding at rates v:n.:n n b :~e.

11~~~ Eouffuns holds the mock initiation fr,r \a1>1>a Ue ta_ :\_lat.\rth,ur. -~nn StokHn, .\Tarjorie and :'.".Jrs. Alfred .Atkm::-on, Lh..-an and '. e_- J)l'ef-en:ed 1t:self, at the. ~rontier and. 7.50 per month "e~- ;"tuJc~\~ef'!ri'i: I the anrn~e!nent of t~e ·twl1:>nt body.

}liss ,Julia Riser, Ali1ha Gamn1 a :-;tarr. latht•rme Andl'Y'-On. Floren.:-Ci: ":\lrs. J. l\l. Hamilton . ..\lr. anti :\lr:s. J,~1t.y held a~ t.he 1:nm Satutd~y e_ve. plan is tor those ,tho are willin•r to Clever actmg and smi.:ml!' from tht· Delta national in~pel"tor anti .\bxinL !:-~hcarl"er, ~arl,an1. \\'hit<·, )la•·y Ro:-._~ H. C. Cheever, :;.\lrs~ Olga Ro:,,:,s Han- 1\~'l? by. the rndependen t or.irani_zat10n. make sacrifices to continue their ;·lu-1 tops of the library ~ahle~ a e among­\\'hit.c.-omb were dinner !....uest:-: o~ \\ r,lft1. \\_ ;.1 11.ne Hunlh) . .Jt>n) Snytl1;.~r non. l\lr. an<l i\frs. 'led Chaddock, i\Ir. ~ o~L .rn coup~~.s spent. a del~jrhtful cation, for those who are willinir to the many ~tunb which the neophy:cs Kappa Delta ..\Iondav l~\·e:n;nc. Ladn1·a l\..l· r, :\Iary .Jar PR he1 t"'. \bu·. and ::\-11-s. E . R. Dye, Dr. and ~lrs. R. e-.emfng of cla_n c:mg unde1 the light of sweep floors peel potatoes terve must. perform.

)largaret Uu:-taff;on . \'ii_!.dnia Dove arC't Roht'rt". J~ila R1 -;.s and ..\Jin· R . Renne, irr. and .J-Ir:s. ~ - Tootell, a ~0 t syiheiic moon. meals, and take their turn at th·e ciozC:·n -Prof. and Mrs. H . E . :\lotns, :\h . an,1 Pu_nch was se!v~d throughout the different chores which a coopcrati\·e J.:>~~~....., - --~~-­!\Irs. R. E . Wall. ) l r~. C. C': Lang-. H evening-. T ":o mus1c2.l numbers were l iving establishment demands of it:... I RIDE WIT H ' T. Nelson, Homer La.mbdm, J. G. sung by Richard Peek and Ernest occupants The sa\'ing-s eff "t I ' i::essman, i\~s. \'i1·gil Hurlburt, ),[ary Challedc>r. Chaper~:mes of the evening th1ough i.he policv of ''!-.elf-ser~·ic:~, t 8,·ans. Lucille " c_stove,. :llary Pattee. were i\lrs. Harrison. ,Ir. and ;\[ rs. will be devoted . to reducing the ' Er1· ckson's t Dons )lacQuarr1e. l\Iary Stewart. Cappon and. 1;t. and :\l 1s. C. E. Jack- monthly charges." Margaret Ki~telson. E<lith Pa~ha. son.. Hoff1e ::i orchestra furmshed ------- - I t ~[arg-aret Wmters, Alla . Gordon. music for the dance. I INYESTIG A TION BY Tax1· ' <1rolh,· Olson. :\Ia• 1011 G1lchr1st. R uth • · It Bradbury. Helen Shaw, Beth Griffiths,! FANGS ELECT OFFICERS DEAN HAMILTON Be.tty Fransham, ~lildrcd White. )!ar)· BRINGS RESULTS l Serv1·ce A Alice Peterson, Etleen Cumming$, I __ , , )Iaxine \\'hitcomb. Fay Cowan. Loui:-::.e lnten-olleg1ate Kn ig h ts Will Choose --· A f 1:•lmatl.~e. )lary E l!en Shoaf. Fern Leaders Tonighl . (Continued from Page One) ' PHOl'iE 314-W l_ounQ", i\I~rgaret K!!=:~atk,. Jeanette. ___ , specializing- only in hi::> majo; :-tucly 6 A ha_bel, Lucille H ,utch rn:.,,:. Lots Eames, . , , 1 would be the most \'aluable to him .._-ca-~~~~..-~~~...-..--


2 Packages 25c AIRW.\Y BLE~D Delicious Flayor 65c


All('e \Vatte_,s, E~ther Blake, Thelma. 1

Tomght. at 5 ° clo<:k the _Fanl'.{s ,~d i I Three aswers were more or leF-s d'.­Loberg-, Edith G. Johnson. Aud rey hold election of off1cen• 111 Herrick I \'ide<l on the que.;:tion feelin1:t that it ~~!ft-rt, )[arjori~ Brow,~, ) l aybelle I Hall. T he nev .. ·ly elected office· s will wo_uld be better ·to si.rike a· halfway \\ 1lkomb, Phyllis llarr1son. Grace be delegates to Oreg~n State colleg~ c.·ourse u as one of the an.-:wer~ put ii Cloninger, ;_\farg-aret Be· :r, Carolyn for th~ ann1;1aJ convent~on of_ t he Inter.,


Opinions , ·a r iable s · I S HOES REBUILT I Sl.19 Carton

:1 lbs.

That's the part Tttrkish

Tobaccos play 1n making

Chesterfields Taste Better

SMOK ERS notice a certain "touch" in Chesterfields that comes from having

just enough Turkish tobacco in them .. . a spicy, aromatic flavor that's much the same to a cigarette as seasoning is to food.

For only by blending and cross-blending the right amoun ts of mild Domestic tobaccos with the right amount of Turkish can we get the flavor and aroma that Chesterfield smokers enjoy .

ext time, ask for '' The Cigarette that Satisfies" ... you'll get Chesterfields, with Milder, Better Taste.

)!ich_olson. )la1-y Sande~ .K~y Va~_g-hn, f~ltb~~t l\mgh ts which will be held T he third question, ··How much clif-La~1 a ) I~y :\Iaxey. S:, h ta B1 tgf(::.. P · . .. ference will it make if an,~ whethe•

.\ II Ladies Rubber Heels 25c :wen's Half Soles Sl.00 Edith )r,Uer. Edith . :>Iorg:a21: Patty The outgo111g offtcers are Buel Low~. the student plans to 'take u·' adminis-


Pntten, Laura H uffme. F,ltzabeth George P arke, H erold i\furdoc:.k and trative and bu~ine·s h pf h' Akins, Katherine Raltzell. Evelyn Joe Walters. fession· or do-::, t~h fc-r,t:~ d . 1.:s p~·~ Petrie, Gladys !\tcCrea. F1ancis Pet- T he national convent.ion will be held work ? 1; brought a" \\~iu:"va;-ie~t"e,~i~f

answers. A few felt that a thorotirrhlv



Jf © 1933, L1 GGC1T & MYLRS T oSACCO Co.


t~chnical ~our~e. is the best preparfl0


l.1on for either side of the pi·ofession. Others said that it made no clifferencr· whether the student recei\·ed either a technical or liberal e<luaction. Some said t hat post graduate work should 1

make the differentiation for the stu­den t and that it was for the individual to decide which line in his profe~sion he would follow.

Dean Hamilton will make a studv of the <let.ailed replies and will pre­sent his finding:::. to the faculty next quarter . ·


Al1>ha Lambda Delta Inti tiat es; X e"

'.\l e mbe rs Thur!-day




Baxte1· Hotel Pharmacy Open Until :Midnight ·

~~ p 0

Four freshmen womt'n who hn.l ~ averages of 90 or abo\·e were initin.ted O ~f~r-;-i~kh~;jtmbda Della Thur~dny at ©

The new member~ of the hw:11 I BOZE!\JA.1'\" !\IE.\ T i\lARKET

Headquarters fo r

E\t)~· ~:~.=ri~~0n":\~{?i\~~:~11tif,~d1~l·r~

I kinson: other:; are: Edizabeth Akin", Esther Loube Blake, Elizabeth Ern::c-:.l j and Floience Schaeffer. Pledges arc Jul ia Jlurlbw·t and ..\lice \ ~·ater::.-. The above me1n bers were presented at the-Phi Kappa Phi assembly Tuesday.

( hoice l\Jeats Poultry and F i~h ·

TELEPHO~ E 167 We Deliver

Alpha Lambda Delta iR a freshman ~ women'::. honorary. Each quarter ~ freshmen women a1 e elected to mem-bership on the basi:::. of scholarship and personality. The organization is ----------e(luivalent to the men's hcnonH·y, Phi : I Eta Sigma. ! STl l DE~TS WELCOi\lE

-.-_______ !! BOC FFO;>;S !'RE I' .\ ll!;>; G

APRIL 8th.


I _

'-''""'' ~'''''"' ''''"''''"' I ~~~=T ::: '1~



a Expert Ha ttet·s ~ . ~ ...~ ,,,,,,,~ '--'' ''-'' '"' '' ' '



25c Wed. Nile 25c



! 1933 Western Division Honor Roll

nn.·T TF \)J

I Rl!(ll/1,S l "f \II If \ T \II

I .\111.1,~.I B.\.l. rf ll.).l". "I 'hi! LT \II C ll. Y. l .

!:'ECO"\I> TE. UI

s. ('.

T. 11 .\TTS "\El.SO"\

\ldl\l HER BE'.\).10),

(<) .\LI.SOI'



I .\ ~pirants Will Don ;11ole kin~ .\pril :1 and "e,u· Them Unlil .\pril 22

B.\SEB~\LL ::,T.\HT' ' OO •.

Intramural Hard and Soft Hall \\ ill Be Pin) l'd at ~'I. S. C.


S Ii Dl\tl),t; E \. \\11\.Elt FOIi l!EI> t"l{O,;s \I ILi , ) !:<IT IIElff

:\:,; part , .. a rn\t1onal Hc,l Cro.;;. program tn mainta.n lc>ad1.:r:--l11p fo l'ommuni•y edUL':tl!on in n~lu1.:in the appallln:: annual r:.tt1..• of dL•ath throu .b

Inlrnmurtl.1 athlcuc., w II n·ach ~\ drownin~. )lr. Rol 1.•rt E. Eatun, nn•m-nc\\ hi).!'h mark :-0011 with till' tn~nu:~/ Cougars Conquer ~ t rong \\') o- bcr of the tfohl :-t!' r ,1( the Hf•d 1.. ro:-urul of both the ba:--1.•ball ,rn<l :,;oftl,a, 1 tir:-t aid an,{ L'c !tUVIIH'' :-1..•tv 1.'C, w11l :,;t:ason:,;. Thi:- Jatlt:r 1:-- a 111.·w :-}hH·t. lt n1ing ('O\\' boy~ for ('on ·e ren('e , bit )h,ntana ~t:lh." coll('t!"1.• :\lnn·h ;!t),

)1. s. C., althoug-h in other ~t...'i.·tion::- o Chrunpion:5hip ~I an<i :!:! to re\lew lfl• a\ 111g- ""' thu countrv it ha:-- enj11yL•d g-11..al pop- amint.·rs anti lo quahfy new 11ne-: u1arity fo1=- ::i-Cn·r:il Y\.•ar: . r_lw ruk:- Turnin~ on thc> ,\"yoml11J.!' (\m hoy~ J.lr. Y.:a111n 1~ l"l"'·(·n~n1r.L"l a, one- ,)f

\\.it!, tli•• f"ir:-t ,.,.llll" of till' l!l:U of the game arc ulnw-.t itkntll'.ll "·11h1 altPr droppinJ.; the tir::-t gamt• ti~ ~hl• tlw most abll' ."Incl t''\:tWril'th:ed au-

.... ,.. .. . . thc.1:--e of regular ba"chall, lillt. till' hn_ Hockv )Iountuin confo c·m'l' llth thoritil':S on lifl• s:i,·rn~ m1..>thmb ~n th1:


l ~;\t,Z_/_~_,t·\_l'_I -(.-) n"l~O-~/~R.::lU~~,~::·l;I~;, JOH\\ \I l>S Pl'tO, l°t,1h St:tl<•. \\ ('ndt, "· t L. 'I LH: < .itnJ>hl'I I, t't:ih Stall'. f:l \HUS: Lund. l tah F: LeSt1t.•ur. U. Y. l.

season still_ mon, thnn. :--ix mont_h:-- US{'d is much largl'r :rnd tlw rame is senc.·~, Br1g-hnm Youn..: unl\ l't sit~ t1,o\ count1-y. Ile is tht.• n,,.;pit·nt vf l'\"t'r.11 away, the 111st \:all for iuothall Jl.:·-J~ll'- considcrnbh· fn:ster. both vf tht• follo\\111!! t,H, lMtth•-. to spcl·inl fii-:-t aid rt•rtJkalt•:-i an,1 Im ant" _wa~ .i:--:o-ut•d la:--t \H.'l'k. ~prm~ It is ho1~ed Lhat org-anizalions ,, ill lllWIJ!l~ from the "'l'rlls ,ll\ Rol'k) renckre,l C\.lt'n"iH~ s1..·n·n· in ctn(lu

April ... 7. . aftt•r he ha~ b1..•('ll t'llll'n•,l in llllC h.·a~·ue kritlc~s Coug-aB, :rn1l th(• (:rown mo,C'l -

I l?actH.:e, . 1{,r . lh_t" .1 ~~ 0~~ _-.Ln•nu.?,.':1:-- enter teams in both ~port..; hut no man '\lountn111 confL·l"l'nn• t·h:rntt s frr l.l.;-~.' inJ..!' c1in1111unit\" an,! urJ.?anizatinn :-1.:ht.~lult in ~t:'\t·t~d )~~11 :-: ~ to btc,...in. -·11 b) , U · ·d to plav in h,lth and Thl·. \\'yomin~ l'owl~oy_:--. titlL•hold.,.·r:-:


.. watrr :-nfl'ty·· ·l·amra\ .. n 11 Wt' tern ------- Apr!! .,:; and will contrnlll' thrnul!h ~\~dcr en: l~~\\imstan1..·t·~ will a man, for Hl;;2, wl'n' thl• ,u·t11ns of tlw re- ~tales.

1'hc.hr:-:t two game's ~dw,l;1kt!_ t 1r bl' allowC'<I to tran . .;frr intu thL· o_tht•r. to the wcsh'rn ~lope for thl• ti1·,t t1111,

B)· II \ H.01.1) L. W F.l.('11 next 1all arc to ht· playt•d lll l tah Tht.•re arc tt•n m<'n on a ~ol thall sinct' the old tillH' Bol~nts t'('l;11qu i-:hl BU I[)(; E PI \ ( ·o"' TFST \ l''.'i ttah (.'hrunid1..• ai:iJ. ns a result mn .... t. of the t,uin'.n:_, tt'.'am . the t>xtrn playl'1· stn·mt. a~- a it.

' ,. I 1, ( ,1,·, I t11h. )lar,·h 1:JIJ?\I IP\)-\\ ht•n tht• militar., dl"·d,l!natcs ,nil l~e clonl' thtTl'. J hi-"' tW1'l'"~ ta.lt· .. :-econd shortstop, playin.~ hctw~t·n firs \V\"oming- won lhl' lir ., ~:lrtll' 1~l~:!~, Prf'I m;nary plnn t ll' \ 'l '- t·hoo~mg- tht~ mt n durm,: th1~ ~pr_n..: and :-:rronJ b:.l~('. and l\ppca.n•d h,:nch•,I f_t}J' nnolht·l utll, I fn-..utut(' of "-tl'c' l ,1n-.L"lh ton• .. •1n-

its ht•,u-., 1t dm.• o \\ilh a .... hcrnt·r of ml'tlals and rolon•d rihbons. But the ~l'ssio!' whtl will makt• th~ trip. lht --- -·- hut thc> folll1win,::- t•n•nm the l,H1ga1~ nun! hrdl!'e t inh"'-t h,l\"(' 1,c-en r. in

ttlL .. •a.:: f('- 1>rc .... lonhnts it ... t•lt n1lh a mtn• ... ,1n•ad ol 1111.. in rccoi.rn1t1on of,seh.•cl1on:- ,,ill be hnal. Ur. Rov:,.; .'\.n1lt•r-.on, p£'r-.on~1l ll1 ,n•n·.the heth•r and too_k tht> da,h h)· l'hl' fol11,w;n,,. :--t111ll~nt in tl"ie t·

1 htt·\t•nu ut J hu info tht· rt.turd-. ,1 ill ht•,, ntkn tht• J~lt t \\t''-1t.-'rn di, ,~ ·t•n t..'t ,u:h U~l'lw f,llt'" ~l d11f1tu1t t.1-.k \l~st1).!"atoi· of tlw T£':\dH•r-. l'ollt•..!t' .1t a rnunt of Sj.:~~. l'Yt·n:ni: thin~-:. up. cn,1'.!'int't•t·ith? {'t'Ur:--t' -:.uhm:t11 .. •1I 1.le-... rn • m tindlllJ.!' nwn to 1111 tlll' platt•, of Columh1n unht•r ... 1t\. ha-. Oh$l'IH'i 'ha· ~atu•dny. aftt•r trnilin.l{ mo ... t of ti \\"illi:1 111 Glawt•. \rn,1lt\ lf:ln...,or.

Hazl'n, K. D:i,1.?1. nnd )kl.1.·,lll m thP colh~1!'t' 1!'1rl, \\ th <·lt,:Ht'"' ttl -..ll.1•,(•, ~amt~ . tht~ G.Y.('. h<1op ... lt'r:-i. Jul hy C'h:.wJ,.._ 11:-i.tnwn, R F J.:.\mJ~ .uul .10 .. la..:.-. of Ln kt·lhnll pl.1:i, of Ill' \\t•-.tern tl.lllt•r of tlw Jim•. as \H·ll n-. timLnc: rang-ml,! r10111 , )ltl t-0 :-; 1,1illH ,._ com 1:Jw{>l'd R,mrnt·y, thP:r tar plup" \\~altt-r-. . The pn limin:11y ju,l••n1t·nt

p.tr \'dtl• iln) othl·i· at1)\\ht·n·. men to t:tke thl• pl:Wl'S ,,r Bn·t•1!t:n at pa.rl'cl with ~!HJ:-1 to ~~.:!i~1 t•arrtt·tl h. who ha:-. hl•l'n <Tippled. ~wq),t p:i·t tlll I w1\I he j!l\"t:'n :\lan·h :!I . ;rn J tht -.u encl, and BuzzC'tli at haJf.ha,·k. ll1rn hu~inC'~:-: and profl•!':sion:\I wnnwn. J)r. 1 (',>,,·bo,·s in tht" Jin:il 111;rn1tec: ,f a ln:s-:.ful c.·<'ntr,;t:mt~ tha• :11·L• -:-.•hrkd

t c 11:, i,e •he Jnpul:nit;,; oi a quintt•t 11f hrilliant s.{'urrrs and e,·cr. many n:tl'r.lns from t.hc lfll2 \n(h•r:--nn t·nnchidl•-:. from his .-11rn•:ii, torrid irnttlc.• nml t•ktil out a 11-:;!) de.•· r, r tht• final p:nt tif llw l'ontest ,,. 11 ready lu ti 1 ; hl Ult', a..rgn•:s-:-in.• hall h:tndh•rs. .st..at.c <:hampion"'hip s11uad '.'r~ tt>turn- of ~HI t·ollc~t.• ~iris in :!2il . .st•hools th:11 ci~ion. Romnl·~·. who wa.:; 1,ut (,f 1.wt:011 lw tl~ltified :1-ncl mur.1 ~uhm:,t. t~t.>ir

1., 11 ab,. uf batl-. ,urt :-tar twc) \\"~fl' :--ing-lt•d out. Unth point-g1..•ttt•r.,.; in!!' n~d with_ a wc.•alth ot lrt.•shman thC'y oui.rht to h•a n a hu-:.1m:ss or pro. nrnst of thC' Yl':11' with an inj11n•d I~- _dl'"awm.l!':-- het.ure )lny I. at wh;l'i\ tun-. m~tc_nal rominir_ up _.11r.o:-:1.1t'1.:!s fo.r :~·fl'~~i<~n in additi11n t'., thei_r <'Olll·!!l'. was hot.Satunlay and'?~'.! up a to all the> prizC's will be awanh·d.

cf Lhe 11 to d1r, lo11L1na's Buzzelli and \Yhitman nf Youn.~. lt•nt dash wmnmg- )'l"'~\1' atl' b11i.:-ht. 1he )t'lllltraimnl,.!" to make> up t1w thl•Jr l'h:im·t':-- of 1-1 Jl"lllls for top ndrndual hono·..... --- ---

• ~d , n , Jn\c \\ 1,·.1 <'ontr1l ukd much to the r tt·,u11:--· sm·t·css. lluzzt"tti 1933 will mnrk thl"' lir-..t tmw .111 sl',·- to c.·ompetC' with hu .. irn\-:--:. tollr!.!"l' ).:l'.:.n n w~tilt•r .. :it the t'nin .. :-:L\" of a r,," r of oth r \ u , wa l't1n,·crtcJ into a g-un·d for the current '-'U1ll- l'ral st·~t!-ot1

1s tha~ Ii


1looth3ll trainl'd women. (:-;SF\). \ . J' . ~ELECT~ Bl ZZ1·.TT I (1 t \Hi \GL•or..:ia h:nl· inrnwtl a fra t::nt

I n } 1 d L1 t}.- und ·~1 ming- of thC' ball were un:--urpa.,.;sctl in the sector. ~enm wil! P.:r al Ju o(· ·y · ounta n -- --- - . • :rn10!1l.!' thl•ir c:roup. In ,,rd r lo llt" . . • , 1:onfcrcnce ::,ehe< u e. . . . ThP . .\~sociat1"d Pr,·s~ Sa\11nla, ~uim1tlC'il vne mu:-t b•• n huth"r rn ,t

\\ , , et~ h n,selr ti ~urny a_n O~l~Om·~t.to !l'.ankt'~\ ~t:or'.t.l!-!. th_1l•ab. ~ -.--.. ;- ~ ., ----:. .l~r111~10~. mu~t :-t,? m ~l~~· f1:ntC'1·- sdc,dcd an al~·l·onfc.·rt•nn• b:h~et~ialljcn•t•k Jeth""' r,att•rnity nrn:--t a:,t·ntl J1 t I ~ ,..d :::; nn~ .\J. .... op :11t• lhd a"' .. l ipt.1m·il('sJ_1!n,llt:- In ,~c-og- :\11:\0H SPOH I~ .\11'.,F I \\I! 1 ... 1 ... nit) ~.~up:-- o1 ~~l h~i·u· ~~,"ill !~~ outfit. nnm:n:1tlnf!" Hay Du~zl'lll, :-t:ir l'\"t·r~· football ~.~UH· anti wear l"lullll'

mt or: of t 1e1r l hip :1rn1 'OOllh.~-"'!'> untlt•r lll'l', ) ST \TE tr. 1~ l \:'\ l h Ll.hD l'r~t~Y'\g'iii!11~: ~ {~~il~~~-hlh:!~ !l~:111 Bobcat guanl. fn ·~. p_n:,!llOll ."". t.. nt'(JUtre<l from iratcrn1ty llll'll.

fl n I l 1 cc , c l' m•t· dt>c full, wm n pClll of tllC' unciL•rgraduate :--ports ~ hi: nwn fraternih·. His Ordt>r wa:-; re- "~tlllli _!11,nor tl'lt_m. I_~:"' is.~ 1_l'lll:11k -- - -,--.- --.-hout the league. Lack of . unds hn.-. cau.-.t'(l th<.· ~ 111- hwed 10 other Orj?r1nizat.ion:,,; tin till' al lt• 1•11l<'r1t>n ,•t Ha~ .-. ah1.lit~ n:-- 1a RE:sults of te. ts 1:on.durtt •I 1?). th

I Yersitv ·it -:\li:--.soula to canc~l thC' n11nor ~ · .. .\l l 1 f f tl plave-d on tlw n•llar tl'am I l thl' wt•,t Medical School fo { 1·e1ghton l Ill\ C'l"· spo;·t; ;lH?~t ·w .th· :\luntana Stall· col. c.am1:~1s: . j t l~ll-': 1 d a" ~''\tt hi~k crn· di\"i.. .. i,,n. It b pn)l1a1,le l 1l,1t ha,· sity showed that ~mokC'r:-; <ln• ~ lit tt1 r

------·------------------------ Jeg-e for t!l:l:L ).~un,....c,i ,'11Tm\ 1~'1n. _ I '

1 <'


1 . kt J'k, he been a na•mlwr or n winnin tt:am grades than non-:-:mokcrs, l nur t' .

I .Thl' wre-:-tlin.!.!' h>am at jf. ~- L', b ~.~~rl;n~;~n,,~1~1~1 {n c~t~JJ;,,.~,

0 1}1/:ltnj:n~ 1 h1.• would _han .. bet·n aw;.ntil•d a h1rtl per cent, cla!sct! as mo1h•ralt• mok ... ,. l' :13 H. '1. I. J'. \. Ea.stern Di,-ision Honor Teams

orye of the ~e.st in rc-t•ent year~ and ftv of alumni ~an•nt...; hu'i'ci 'to my viC'w l on the fi1 ~t fi\"e. averag~ 8~..! Jll.'I". Ct'~~ go1 .. acle~:. an.( with a prom ts mg- tTl'W of boxC'r.:-- and tl;at drinking- ha~ no pine t' in our . . . . , . _

1• Lhose ~' ho d~d not :,;~10kt: h.lt! g1 .1,h

l'Oz-.. Fll?~T 'J'J,;\,t SECOXD TE \, T IIIHD TE.\\l

I swimme1·s on hand pro~pet.·ts ot l"OP- C'rllc>l!(' lifl'. 1 .-.aid Dr. r.arfielrL-(;'\S .~1h~1.st.ol~ ftom ~U\n1l11d un1,t_1

1averagmg ... .4 per 1:cnt.

... · ... · · 1 ping the 11\l'('t wl'I e neH~r l)('tter. Bow-1

' sity ~n_ung- 1 oum has bl'~·n f,!und 1n . - --.- . L "ith:- \\"nnnin.~ Hummel-\\ . :S. C. Y. Olandt•r-Teach,,.rs ever. it is hoped that ,wxt yC'ar Uw FA). the dmmg- }~all 1?r a ~t·,,· J< .. ndantl I Tlu:re arr, two. kin,l~ ot t-tlu1·:it1c.n l'. Sch\\nrtz W)o. Campbell-.\,::-gies 1,errcrdink-Colo. t I tourney will b(' hid a!; us.ual, and as - -- • lcollesre and m China. One 1s that whit>h m:1k"-"' you ra--( Lc.ut)- ")t1min.i:: Hli;:d,t-Teachers Pt'<l<'rson- \\. S. c·. mo~t Or the ml..:'n who were to repre- The l'niq•r.,.ity of llawaii hold:-: ont -- --- --- l''-:.lminat.ir-ns. the ntht•r is thl· onr, ynu (, himh.'lll \\ .,ominO' I sent the State colle.i..:-e nt )li~.·~()ula will of its extension coul':s(.• sthoob (II\ th<' :it_o1·(' c-olll'_:..'"t.' l,.!"racJuah•s among- .01:· I t-njny. Thi~ J~U\~l·~ l·dtll at1.on_ ~n at

,., Hugg'-\Yyominc- Xcnton-C'olo. F be in adion a!!nm nncl it is prnhahk I rim of a. volcano, so that the -:-tutlt•nt• 1..::amzt:'(} nud::--t:-: (0 la1n1 ll an:1rtl l m- mosphen\ a d1sl·1pllnl" anti :l. \:IL'. an1l C.. )la~on Teacht•r-. - ·('it;hbars-Colo. l'. "hite-- \ ggics that an even belt<'r meet will be hel,l can bl'ttl'r study botany , J!"l'olog-)· 1 andl\"l'r:{ity a::. thl•tr alma ma'(.'l" than .111y produces a human hl.•in~. J;.:-lw

·---------------------- ,t-hen. ,·olcan ic phenomena. nthcr in:-litut!nn. na,·id of Li\"crpool.

(ltr (~orman Hog-an, ~ports Editor. Toi, O' The ,Yorld)

l.unnison, \ olo .. ,rarch J:J-R)lll'A)- With the 19:12-3:l bashetbnll scaso:i nc·aring n dramatic clo-:l"'. sporls e-Oitors of the eight ischools in the Eastern ,th is ion of tht· Hoch.) :\lountain Conference han~ chosen for the third ronsec u­tin• )ear. fhrc(.• all•dhi~ivn honor teams.

Thl , oting \\ a"' do:-,t• throu,1.!hout, and, with the e\:Cl"' l>iion of \\~itte and him>al of \\)oming. \\U-. \\idely :,;catlered among the many candidates. \\Jomin~ l"nh<'r...;it~ .!!1in took a majority of the first tram bC'rths, placing four men: "ilh. ~drnnrlt., LC'UfJ, and himball. Bill )Jason of Colorado 'fl.·arh<.·rs (. ulh·J.:t• ,, as ,·ott,d the oth('r truard po.-.it ion , n hich filled out 1 he first fin•.

COLLEfiE WORKS ON I ing year. Re<lucetl appropriations foi· this year from :-tail• funds is 3;;.:3 1~1' cent lower than la:st year, ant.I with

LOWERED REVENUES I ~1i~n.!i:i~J?.oii ·~~<,;/1~~1.t~i, ct,::,:.~-~

I in~ on its act1v;ttes. ChanceJlur Brannon stntt.:'tl en.•n· .

( hancelior Brannon Confers \\ itli Ilirectors In Outlining Plan .For) ear's Operations

thing- will be done to maintain the high standard in every department of the colle_g-e. Reduct ions will be mmh• i11: ~laries and in other cuts to kl>ep w1thm the alloted n•,·l'nues, and ll•n,·­ing- the income of half a mill to rt!tire

--- warrant indebtt..><lness of the Greater Cha;;ellt,r ~I. ~:,;,,,. Brannon, of ~Ion-1 t'niver.sity. Reductions in :-alaries will

lana .Ur catc'!' T Ill'_t:•':-1ty, spcn~ 1 uc . .;. be made, in adjustinJZ' the expensl'::: . day m lk1z('man ll1 confL·rl'nn• w~th j with due ronsiderntion to require­.1ont·rna State coli~~e head:, rela~1L! ments of en•ry membt~r uf the faculty. to collcgoe ouer".lt ons fo1·. tlw comrn·.! It is the purpo::ie of the <'olle.!!e offi­) ca·. He et "\\ 1th Pn"~lllf'nt Alfre•l I cials to continue the s:tm(.• course n• A k ~ on, Dir" tol \ H. i.;nfi_eld of I studie.s . givingo the -:-ame service a:-- in tho l ,Xi1C n n on and Ull"el'tl•r the past but at the sam(' time ket•,1. J. l Taylor 01 th Bx , n iun ~er\ ice. ing with'in the est:mated inrunw.

"'itt l' t-unnted re c•11,ns lD fc>e .... , 1 fede nl f.m , and ot..h r llllOITI('", Lhel For rc.1.~ons of t'<'onomy, c.·o-t"><l:-; at I

1 e e w H b f"r d t,1 ope ntt: on :1 Tulane univer. ity haVL· t.ak1m up pipe decrc e of ut 62 OflO le than smoking. or t:ie c c t ve-a • The fund, for ----- - - I

fiscal . c r c1io;ng June ~O for th• col. A professor of Fordham is rl'J){lrled lege, , as $ ~3.000 whil·b has bet"n re- to have passed a sludt.•nt who had lwc·n du ed about 1, ite cent for the t·om- 1 dead sLx months.

Ellen SHOWI:-..G TIils \\'EEi~

Wedne:sdn). '.\larch l ~

h ELLY .\D SHOW and

li.at hleen :-..orri~' SECo:-;n H .\);l) WIFE

\\ith Sally Eilers .Ral1,h Hellam)

and Helen \ in,-on

Thur:sd,n. Frida, and s ;tturd,n ·

THE SO. -D \l;(;H'rim with

Helen Ha~ cs and Ramon - a,nrro

Cominl! Hund,n. :\londav Bueter KN1ton ·and .Jimin)

Durantt• in


Rialto s11ow1:-,;c; THI:,, WEEh

Friday. Saturda, (;" iii \ndrc ·

in . 'EC RET:,, OF THE IRE);CH POl.l( 'E

Coming Sunda,. :\lond,n HE LE.\R:-..Eb \ BOl 'r

WO:\IE:'\ \\i(h

Stuart Erwin, .\llison Skipworth and /',usan Fleminl!

Patronize Our Advertiser,;

For the Woman Who Walks

A l:1rge packi ng ca~t> is e"<hihited on :1 r:1i.,ed pl:it· form . .-\ ~·ouni.:: ,, om:rn dimh ... inlil th e ho"<. H e:i <l, hand, a 1;d feet protrude, an1l :irt· hdd hy -.pt'CIJ·

1o r:-; , , hile the magician takt', .1 rro-.. .. 1•111 ... :i\\ :md, wi1h the hel p of an :i-. ... i,tan1, 'iJ W'i 1hruug:h the cc:nte r of the box :incl :ipp.irt·ntly 1hrough the wo. mnn.

It's ft1n to be fooled_ we suggest

STYLE 2663 in

HOlEPROOF IHOSIIEIRY An all silk stocking especially designed to give that extra bit of wear that walking shoes require, and at the same time have the sheer dull sheen that

every woman loves.

Three pair box, $2.85


EXPLANATION; ·1 here arc mam expl:rn:ition .. f r thi, illu,inn. One rm 1hud of pcdurminl,.!; thi-. ilh,,ion rt'•lt1irc" 1he prc-.t'l'lrt of /q.:,v Kiri ... in 1he ho:\. Ont· J:irl cur l, up in 1hr: ldt half of 1ht- ho, \\ irh h, -r head .10d h.1nd-1 p ro1rudin~. giving 1ht· t·ticrt HI -.n• i1J,1 ... 1ratcd =ihun·. Th t otht:r girl j.., Jnuhlt ti up in thl' ri ~ht hall uf lht' 1111 ,, \\ ith on ly her fe -.huwing. Sobo.ly i ~ ~awed in h:ilf.



. ' ... 1t S 1nore fun to KNOW Cigarette a,hcrtisin!(, too, has its tricks. Consider the illusion that "Fla,-or" can be achieved by some kind of nrn!(ical hocu • pocus in 111:inufacturing.

EXPLANATION: Just three faclors control the fl avor of a cigarette. The addi1ion of arti­fici a l fla,orin!(. The blcndin~ o[ rnrious to· baccos. And the qualir:,, of the tobaccos them-

sch·cs. Quality is hy far the mo t impo1 rnn t. ])on,c -.tic cig3rcttc tohaccos , ~1ry in prin:­

frorn 5: n pound up to 40· a pound. l rnp11r1cd tobaccos \t1ry from :iO· J pound to :1.1:-.

~ ·o \\ onc..lcr, then, d1J.t ci~arcth.:'\ differ in

tas te ·since Ui,tincti, ·c, pl, •asin :! ll.1, or JL ...

pends so lurgely upon the blcnJint: uf the co:,;/.

lier 1obaccos.

r.- It is a fact, well known by leaf tobacco experts, that Camels

are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand.

Try Canu:-ls. GiYc your t:1qe o chance to "'icn,c

the subtle difference that lie ,;; in costlier to·

hacco . . . a diffcn,ncc ihat mean, t1ll th<! world in ~nH>ki11g pleasure ... in pure, lltl· alloyed sntisfaction.