1 Copyright 2009. Jordan Lawrence. All rights reserved. Annual In-House Symposium Practical Steps to Minimize Privacy Risks: Understanding The Intersection Between Information Management and Privacy Law May 21, 2009 Marty Provin Executive Vice President Jordan Lawrence [email protected]

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Annual In-House Symposium

Practical Steps to Minimize Privacy Risks: Understanding The Intersection Between Information Management and Privacy Law

May 21, 2009

Marty ProvinExecutive Vice President

Jordan [email protected]

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Privacy Breaches Happen Everyday• May 7th , 2009

3,400 individuals information from a benefits report may have been pulled out of a dumpster. • May 5th, 2009

Documents that included SS numbers, addresses, phone numbers and names were found in an unlocked public container sitting off a side street in their apartment complex.

• May 5th, 2009 Boxes found in a trash bin contained 75,000 voter registration application cards and 24,000 precinct

cards. Many of the documents contained personal information on active voters, such as full names and Social Security numbers.

• April 29th, 2009 A spreadsheet with worker names and Social Security numbers was found on the Internet. The data

was released to a so-called peer-to-peer network during a music transfer to an agency laptop. • April 29th, 2009

A laptop computer containing the personal information of about 225,000 individuals was stolen from a home. The names, Social Security numbers, tax identification numbers, birth dates and addresses.

• March 24, 2009 Hospital employee left patients records on an train she was taking with her to do billing work over

the weekend. • March 11th, 2009

University kept information (including Social Security numbers and salary information for employees of students), dating back at least ten years in a storage area next to one of the most trafficked lecture halls on campus, behind a door that was not only unlocked but taped open.

Source : Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

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Current Standard

• Definition of Personally Identifiable Information Resident’s first and last name, or first initial and last name

• Social Security number

• Driver’s license or state-issued ID card number

• Financial account number

• Credit or debit card number

Possibly medical or biometric information

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Who & What

• Who privacy laws apply to A resident of the particular state Not location of the business or breach

• Always apply to electronic information May apply to hardcopy as well

• Trigger of notification period Disclosure should be expedient, and without unreasonable delay

following the discovery of the breach

“Timeliness” of response will be scrutinized

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After a Privacy Breach

• Safe Harbor Possible if data was encrypted Best Practice is to notify regardless

Credit monitoring and assistance

• PenaltiesFinesCivil right of action

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Cost of a Privacy Breach

• Hard Dollar Costs$6.6 m average expense to an organization

• Cost of notifying victims

• Maintaining information hotlines

• Legal, investigative, and administrative expenses

• Credit monitoring

• Reputational Harm31% of breach notice recipients terminate their business57% reported losing trust and confidence

Source: Ponemon Institute

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Privacy Laws & Cross Border Litigation• EU privacy laws vs. FRCP• Blocking statutes restrict discovery of information meant for

disclosure in a foreign jurisdiction Switzerland, France and the United Kingdom

• EU Data Protection Authorities intend on limiting U.S. discovery within the EU

• Doubtful U.S. judges will be sympathetic

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Why Companies Struggle

• Misguided “prevention” effortsLess then 20% of breaches involve unauthorized network accessMore then $5 billion spent on network security

• Fail to understand the most common risks 73 of125 data breaches reported1 in 2009 have involved

• Lost or stolen laptops, computers or storage devices

• Backup tapes lost by employees or third-party vendor

• Employees’ handling of information

• Dumpster diving

1Source : Privacy Rights Clearinghouse as of May 20th, 2009

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People and Policy

Its about policy awareness and policy compliance

• 54% of business representatives don’t think their companies privacy policy applies to email1

• 39% of business representatives report saving sensitive1 company data to personal computer and storage devices• One out of ten employees report having had a company computer or

storage device lost or stolen in last 12 months2

1Source: 2008 Jordan Lawrence Assessment Data 2Source :2008 Data Leakage Worldwide : The Insider Threat and the Cost of Data Loss by insightexpress

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Taking The First Step

Identify the necessary information

• What personally identifiable data does the company have• Where do they have it• How is it managed

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How Do You Get This Information

• Business Representatives understandThe types of sensitive information they work withWhat media its inWho they share it withHow they manage itWhat they do with it at end of life

• Subject Matter Experts understandEncryption services deployedBack-up processesDisposal processesThird party’s that have access to sensitive information

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What You Will Find

• 1,272 record type profiles with sensitive information

Type of Sensitive Data

Human Resources 29 :: on laptop (no encryption) 11 :: on flash drive 14 :: emailed outside organization

Accounting 18 :: on laptop (no encryption) 22 :: on flash drive 15 :: emailed outside organization

Security 10 :: on laptop (no encryption) 9 :: paper (no shred bin)

Location of Data

• Social Security Numbers

• Credit History Information

• Credit/Debit Account Information

• Employment Information

• Medical Information

• Name, Phone, Address

Source : Client data from a Jordan Lawrence Assessment

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Putting Policy Into Practice

• Develop a policy includingDefinition of what is considered sensitive informationHow to manage sensitive informationHow to dispose of sensitive informationAnnual acknowledgment Consequences for not complying

• Train all employeesConduct annual trainingMake it part of the hiring process

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Enforcing Policy

• Implement process for safeguarding sensitive information Information technology for technical safeguardsThe business for managing and destroying hardcopy

• Audit Formal audit processAnnual spot auditing of business areas

• Annually re-assess Identify new risks as business processes changeEnsure compliance with “New” and changing lawsCross border litigation

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Thank You Marty Provin


[email protected]