Page 1 of 76 LCAP Year X 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update (LCAP) Template Addendum: General instructions & regulatory requirements. Appendix A: Priorities 5 and 6 Rate Calculations Appendix B: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits) LCFF Evaluation Rubrics [Note: this text will be hyperlinked to the LCFF Evaluation Rubric web page when it becomes available.]: Essential data to support completion of this LCAP. Please analyze the LEA’s full data set; specific links to the rubrics are also provided within the template. LEA Name Huntington Beach Union High School District Contact Name and Title Owen Crosby, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Email and Phone [email protected] 714-903-7000 2017-20 Plan Summary THE STORY Briefly describe the students and community and how the LEA serves them. Huntington Beach Union High School District has an enrollment of 16,140 students in grades 9-12. HBUHSD serves students in the communities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, and Westminster with six comprehensive high schools, two alternative education campuses, and the Huntington Beach Adult School. The student demographics are as follows: 39% White, 28% Hispanic, 26% Asian, 1% Native American, and 6% Other. Thirty-two percent of our students are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, 9% are English learners, and less than 1% are Foster Youth. The vision of the District is: ‘Empowering minds and building futures through innovative learning.’ We believe that all students are our highest priority and that all students can learn. The LCAP and HBUHSD Strategic Plan have led to goals and objectives for the District that advance educational excellence and increase opportunities for all students. Our successes, including high test scores, interscholastic championships, and acclaimed performing arts, are a direct result of a strong teaching faculty, a dedicated classified staff, and a strong leadership team of administrators that receive support from a well-respected and knowledgeable Board of Trustees. This, coupled with strong parent and community advocates, enables our District to educate, prepare, and inspire our students to change the world. LCAP HIGHLIGHTS Identify and briefly summarize the key features of this year’s LCAP. HBUHSD will educate, prepare, and inspire our students to change the world. The 2017-18 LCAP contains three goals which are directly linked to the HBUHSD Strategic Plan. The 2017-18 focus areas for each goal are listed below: Goal 1: The district will provide a quality educational system to increase the academic achievement and career readiness of all students. Fund dual enrollment courses (Action 1.1) Parent Education including EL and LI specific (Actions 1.2 and 1.4) Technology tools to enhance teaching and learning (Action 1.5) Continue to implement CTE/STEM education initiatives including sequenced pathways (Action 1.9) Goal 2: The district will provide a quality educational system for all students focusing on academic rigor with interventions to support and narrow the achievement gap for English learners, Low Income, Foster Youth and Students with Disabilities subgroups. Continue to support AVID (Action 2.1) Student Interventions (Action 2.3) EL Program Support (Action 2.5)

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LCAP Year X 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20

Local Control Accountability Plan and Annual Update (LCAP) Template

Addendum: General instructions & regulatory requirements.

Appendix A: Priorities 5 and 6 Rate Calculations

Appendix B: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits)

LCFF Evaluation Rubrics [Note: this text will be hyperlinked to the LCFF Evaluation Rubric web page when it becomes available.]: Essential data to support completion of this LCAP. Please analyze the LEA’s full data set; specific links to the rubrics are also provided within the template.

LEA Name Huntington Beach Union High School District

Contact Name and Title

Owen Crosby, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services

Email and Phone

[email protected] 714-903-7000

2017-20 Plan Summary

THE STORY Briefly describe the students and community and how the LEA serves them.

Huntington Beach Union High School District has an enrollment of 16,140 students in grades 9-12. HBUHSD serves students in the communities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, and Westminster with six comprehensive high schools, two alternative education campuses, and the Huntington Beach Adult School. The student demographics are as follows: 39% White, 28% Hispanic, 26% Asian, 1% Native American, and 6% Other. Thirty-two percent of our students are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, 9% are English learners, and less than 1% are Foster Youth. The vision of the District is: ‘Empowering minds and building futures through innovative learning.’ We believe that all students are our highest priority and that all students can learn. The LCAP and HBUHSD Strategic Plan have led to goals and objectives for the District that advance educational excellence and increase opportunities for all students. Our successes, including high test scores, interscholastic championships, and acclaimed performing arts, are a direct result of a strong teaching faculty, a dedicated classified staff, and a strong leadership team of administrators that receive support from a well-respected and knowledgeable Board of Trustees. This, coupled with strong parent and community advocates, enables our District to educate, prepare, and inspire our students to change the world.

LCAP HIGHLIGHTS Identify and briefly summarize the key features of this year’s LCAP.

HBUHSD will educate, prepare, and inspire our students to change the world. The 2017-18 LCAP contains three goals which are directly linked to the HBUHSD Strategic Plan. The 2017-18 focus areas for each goal are listed below: Goal 1: The district will provide a quality educational system to increase the academic achievement and career readiness of all students. • Fund dual enrollment courses (Action 1.1) • Parent Education including EL and LI specific (Actions 1.2 and 1.4) • Technology tools to enhance teaching and learning (Action 1.5) • Continue to implement CTE/STEM education initiatives including sequenced pathways (Action 1.9) Goal 2: The district will provide a quality educational system for all students focusing on academic rigor with interventions to support and narrow the achievement gap for English learners, Low Income, Foster Youth and Students with Disabilities subgroups. • Continue to support AVID (Action 2.1) • Student Interventions (Action 2.3) • EL Program Support (Action 2.5)

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Based on a review of performance on the state indicators and local performance indicators included in the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, progress toward LCAP goals, local self-assessment tools, stakeholder input, or other information, what progress is the LEA most proud of and how does the LEA plan to maintain or build upon that success? This may include identifying any specific examples of how past increases or improvements in services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth have led to improved performance for these students.


HBUHSD is proud of the following progress: • A decrease in the number of All Students (unduplicated) suspended (652 in 2012-13 compared to 310

in 2014-15) • Increase in English learner progress (2015-16 – 63% with 5 or more years of U.S. education attained

English proficiency on CELDT, with 32% of ELs with less than 5 years of U.S. education) • Graduation rate (Calif. Schools Dashboard State Indicator)of All Students is in the ‘Blue’ (highest)

performance category • Increase in the number of students taking Advanced Placement exams while increasing the passing

rate (70% in 2016 vs 69% in 2015) HBUHSD will build upon this success by: • Ensuring that English learners and students with disabilities have access to the full range of college

preparatory courses (Goal 1 Action 1.3). • Providing opportunities for parents to participate in their child’s education as well as family

education programs such as Grupo Crecer (Goal 1 Actions 1.4 & 1.6). • Continuing to implement a rigorous English Language Development program to help English learner

students meet the annual English language development objectives (Goal 1 Action 1.12). • Administering student interventions that include expanded credit recovery options, use of the Early

Warning System (EWS) to identify struggling students, and funding for release periods for MTSS teachers (Goal 2 Action 2.3).

Referring to the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, identify any state indicator or local performance indicator for which overall performance was in the “Red” or “Orange” performance category or where the LEA received a “Not Met” or “Not Met for Two or More Years” rating. Additionally, identify any areas that the LEA has determined need significant improvement based on review of local performance indicators or other local indicators. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these areas with the greatest need for improvement?


LCFF Evaluation Rubrics: 1. Graduation Rate Indicator – Students with Disabilities and Two/+ Race are in the ‘Orange’ performance category 2. Suspension Rate Indicator – English learner subgroup is in the ‘Orange’ performance category Planned Actions/Services to address the above Indicators with the greatest need for improvement: Goal 2 Action 2.2 Professional Development • Continue to provide a cohesive district-wide program to identify and support student success • Implement systems of support through MTSS/UDL best practices • Continue to support co-teaching classes Goal 2 Action 2.3 Student Interventions • Expand credit recovery • Use the Early Warning System to identify struggling students specifically in grades 9 & 10 • Continue to fund release periods for MTSS teachers at the 6 comprehensive school sites • Continue to utilize research-based math and reading programs to close the achievement gaps

Goal 3: All schools are clean, safe and have a positive climate that supports the academic, emotional and physical needs of all students. • District Wellness Specialists, and other support staff, will continue to provide counseling services (Action 3.1)

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Referring to the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, identify any state indicator for which performance for any student group was two or more performance levels below the “all student” performance. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these performance gaps?


1. Graduation Rate Indicator: English learners, Filipino, Students with Disabilities, Two/+ Race 2. Suspension Rate Indicator: English learners Planned Actions/Services to address the performance gaps identified above: Goal 1 Action 1.6: • Parents of students with disabilities will continue to have the opportunity to participate in their

child’s education through the Community Advisory Committee, the District College Night, and 8th Grade Parent Night.

Goal 2 Action 2.2: Professional Development: • Continue to provide a cohesive district-wide program to identify and support student success • Implement systems of support through MTSS/UDL best practices • Continue to support co-teaching classes Goal 2 Action 2.5: EL Program Support • Continue to fund the PELL Coordinators • Focus professional development on instructional strategies used to support students in SDAIE

sheltered settings • Utilize research-based math and reading intervention program to close the achievement gap

INCREASED OR IMPROVED SERVICES If not previously addressed, identify the two to three most significant ways that the LEA will increase or improve services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth.

Goal 1 • Action 1.8 Continue to provide professional development in working with the unique needs of EL and LI students in the core content

classroom that is subject specific. Goal 2 • Action 2.6 Annually review best practices for supporting the needs of Foster Youth. Goal 3 • Action 3.9 Supplement funding for Low Income students who take AP and IB exams.

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BUDGET SUMMARY Complete the table below. LEAs may include additional information or more detail, including graphics.


Total General Fund Budget Expenditures for LCAP Year $182,720,266

Total Funds Budgeted for Planned Actions/Services to Meet the Goals in the LCAP for LCAP Year $117,202,003

The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool but may not describe all General Fund Budget Expenditures. Briefly describe any of the General Fund Budget Expenditures specified above for the LCAP year not included in the LCAP.

The General Fund Budget expenditures not included in the LCAP will continue to be used to support HBUHSD facilities, athletics, co-curricular activities, special programs and utilities.

$147,099,126 Total Projected LCFF Revenues for LCAP Year

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Annual Update LCAP Year Reviewed: 2016–17

Complete a copy of the following table for each of the LEA’s goals from the prior year LCAP. Duplicate the table as needed.

Goal 1 The district will provide a quality educational system to increase the academic achievement and career readiness of all students.

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 6 7 X 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________



1. a. Increase 3% annually the graduates who complete the A-G requirements for each of the following: All Students, SWD, EL, RFEP, LI and FY. b. Increase 2% annually the graduates who enroll in college (2 yr. + 4 yr.) the fall immediately after high school (National Student Clearinghouse). c. Decrease by 10% of the Class of 2016 grads who miss completing the A-G requirements in only one subject area (compared to Class of 2015). 2. a. Increase cohort graduation rates 1% annually for all students and at minimum 2% annually for each of the following subgroups: SWD, LI and EL. b. Continue to decrease the number of seniors who are credit deficient as of the June graduation date. 3. a. Increase 1% annually the 11th and 12th grade students enrolled in at least one CTE course. b. Establish 2015-16 baseline data on the number of CTE pathway course completers.

1. a. A-G completion rates for the Class of 2015 vs the Class of 2016 Class of 2016: • All students’ A-G completion rates remained unchanged at 62% • SWD decreased 1% (11% to 10%) • EL students decreased 3% (9% to 6%) • RFEP students increased 3% (65% to 68%) • LI students increased 5% (51% to 56%) • FY decreased from 22% (33% to 11%) b. 73% of the Class of 2016 grads enrolled in college (2 yr. + 4 yr.). This is a decrease of 4% compared to Class of 2015 (77%). c. There is a 7% increase in the percent of grads missing the A-G requirements in only one subject area: Class of 2016: 47% missed compared to Class of 2015: 40%. Subject area ‘F’ VPA has the highest number of students who missed only one subject area (Class of 2015=206, Class of 2016=245). 2. a. Cohort graduation rate comparison: Class of 2015 vs 2016: • All students increased from 94.2% to 94.7% • SWD decreased from 68.8% to 68.7% • EL students increased from 82.4% to 84.3%. • LI students increased from 91.4% to 92% b. In 2015-16, the number of seniors credit deficient as of the last day of school decrease by 55 students compared to 2014-15. (Class of 2015 total # deficient = 228 vs Class of 2016 total # deficient = 173). 3. a. Beginning in 2015-16, per CDE, 23 new courses were included as CTE. Baseline data for 2015-16: 52% (11th & 12 grade students) were enrolled in at least 1 CTE course. b. Baseline data for 2015-16: 296 grade 12 students completed CTE pathways.

2016-17 data currently not available for the above

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Action 1.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Articulate with community colleges to promote dual enrollment.

ACTUAL In process with Golden West College with implementation at school sites scheduled for summer 2017. Matriculation agreements developed to ensure dual enrollment success. Dual enrollment courses to include Health, Visual & Performing Arts, Career Technical Education and College Readiness courses.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide multiple opportunities for student success in postsecondary programs and inform parents of options through parent nights, PTSA/PTSO, Parent University and site specific presentations.

ACTUAL Translators/materials cost for the following: 8th grade parent info nights; Parent University; Parent Prep. Academy at Ocean View High School, PTSA program evenings at HBHS, College/Career night and information sessions, District College Night, and ELAC/DELAC information sessions.


BUDGETED Base: $3,000 Supplemental: $1,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $1,654 Total (District College Night) Base: $8,500 Total ($2,500 for Printing of the Planning Guide, $6,000 for Parent University) Title III: $6,950 Total (Parent Education Programs)

Action 1.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Implement a college readiness tracking system (i.e. Overgrad) to inform parents and align students’ strengths and interests to postsecondary goals.

ACTUAL Implemented Overgrad District-wide including staff training.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 1.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to ensure that EL students have access to the full range of college preparatory courses.

ACTUAL Sites’ Master Schedule support. Discussion at ELAC Committee meetings, DELAC, and EL Task Force meetings.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $6,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Title III: $6,977 Total (subs for EL teachers)

Action 1.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to dismantle barriers, as identified in the A-G audit, and provide support for all students to take higher level courses.

ACTUAL Provided Reading and Math Support sections at school sites to help students succeed in higher level courses.

Expenditures BUDGETED Base: $240,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $500,000 Total ($400,000 for Reading Support class sections and $100,000 for Math Support class sections)

Action 1.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Utilize tools, such as AP Potential, to identify and counsel students and their parents on how to navigate the parent/student portal at each site.

ACTUAL PSAT administered to students on high school campuses with scores reviewed with students and parents. School sites used the AP Potential tool to identify students for Advanced Placement courses.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide training to students and parents on how to navigate the parent/student portal at each site.

ACTUAL Training addressed at Parent University, DELAC, Grupo Crecer, grade level parent nights and Parent Prep. Academy. Guides and video created for parents on how to use our digital resources. Tutorials posted on school websites.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $1,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $1,000 Total (Staff support) Title I: $5,000 Total (Computer Literacy Team)

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Action 1.8 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED All teachers will use available online resources (i.e. Canvas, Aeries Gradebook) to communicate with students and parents (i.e. grades, assignments, attendance) on a timely and consistent basis.

ACTUAL 70% of teachers regularly use CANVAS and AERIES. Implemented centralized portal (My HBUHSD) for students and parents to access resources. Site based professional development using Canvas.

Expenditures BUDGETED K12Voucher: $97,310

ESTIMATED ACTUAL K12 Voucher: $97,310 Total (Canvas LMS and Aeries)

Action 1.9 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Parents of students with exceptional needs have the opportunity to participate in their child’s education through the Community Advisory Committee, the District College Night and 8th Grade Parent Night.

ACTUAL Community Advisory Committee meeting held 12/8/16, College Night held 10/5/16, and 8th grade parent nights held throughout spring 2017.

Expenditures BUDGETED Base: $1,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $1,000 Total (Students with Disabilities parent meetings)

Action 2.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Ensure best first instruction through student-centered and standards-aligned instruction with frequent formative assessments to inform/modify instruction.

ACTUAL Teachers' salaries, including English learner teachers (attract and retain talent). Cost for Illuminate Data and Assessment system (including the INSPECT item bank) for formative assessments.


BUDGETED Base: $74,211,013 Supplemental: $1,131,516 Lottery: $68,461

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $80,584,546 Total (Teacher salaries) Supplemental: $4,241,291 Total (Teacher salaries) Lottery: $49,000 (Illuminate)

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Action 2.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Transcripts from non-HBUHSD schools are evaluated so that students can be accurately placed and receive credit for courses taken and passed outside the district and the United States.

ACTUAL This is mandated. Guidance Specialists, Counselors, Assistant Principals of Guidance, and Registrars all evaluate student transcripts.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to embed the effective use of technology in all curricular areas to enhance and accelerate learning.

ACTUAL Purchase of Chromebooks


BUDGETED Base: $300,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $295,041 Total Supplemental: $195,058 Total Title III: $4,250 Total

Action 2.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide extended time (i.e. library hours) to utilize district/site resources for all students (i.e. LI, FY, SWD, EL).

ACTUAL Provided extended library hours for all students which began second semester. Increased access to library resources.


BUDGETED Supplemental: $40,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL College Readiness Block Grant: $4,700 Total (Salaries to extend library hours/implemented spring semester) Supplemental: $97,523 Total used to purchase library books

Action 2.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Establish protocols and support for communications with English learner parents regarding student achievement and attaining high school graduation.

ACTUAL District information documents translated into Spanish and Vietnamese and Parent Prep. Academy.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 2.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide staff training in working with ELs that is subject specific.

ACTUAL Collaborated with Orange County Department of Education to conduct professional development for ELA, Math, History and Science teachers on February 22 and March 7 & 8, 2017.


BUDGETED Supplemental: $3,000 Title III: $6,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $26,264 Total (Facilitator) Title III: $21,286 (Facilitator) Title III: $1,900 (Contract with OCDE)

Action 2.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Increase availability, awareness, and access to parent/family education programs geared toward EL community (i.e. PL1, Grupo Crecer, etc.).

ACTUAL DELAC meetings - information shared between school sites and funding to offset costs by District for PL1 and Grupo Crecer.

Expenditures BUDGETED Title I: $10,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Title I: $15,000 Total and Title III: $5,000 Total (District contribution for Grupo Crecer)

Action 3.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Evaluate existing CTE elective courses and develop new offerings based on student interests, unique needs and access to college and career readiness.

ACTUAL Career Technical Education (CTE) continuing to move towards more UC/CSU approved courses with new courses in place during school year. Provided CTE pathways for students at sites. Course Adoption Process implemented.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 3.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Develop sequenced pathways aligned to careers and STEM fields.

ACTUAL Developed sequenced pathway for CTE, program focused (i.e. EHS) between math and science. ROP Pathways developed.

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Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 3.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to collaborate with the Department of Rehabilitation through transition services for Students with Disabilities to increase understanding of student options.

ACTUAL Workability teachers’ overall salaries - transition partnership program and vocational training through Adult Transition Program (ATP).

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $12,331 SPED/TPP: $604,327

ESTIMATED ACTUAL TPP: $382,145 Total (Workability teachers’ salaries)

Action 3.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Implement career pathways actions and services as outlined in California Department of Education Career Technical Education Incentive Grants program.

ACTUAL In process, alignment to career pathways required for funding.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $5,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $4,895 Total (Subs for teachers)

Action 3.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Implement Orange County STEM initiative activities through interdistrict, community college, and feeder school articulation.

ACTUAL Teacher release time and training for STEM and HBUHSD and feeder school articulation regarding STEM pathways.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $5,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $5,000 Total (Subs for teachers)

Action 3.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Foster community partnerships to support learning beyond the classroom.

ACTUAL Community partnerships included: Boeing; HUBS (Sea World) collaboration with EHS; OCDE STEM initiative; Partnership with OCDE to support MTSS teams.

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Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 3.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to increase the number of A-G approved Career Technical Education courses.

ACTUAL New courses were implemented in the 2016-17 school year in Culinary Arts.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


ANALYSIS Complete a copy of the following table for each of the LEA’s goals from the prior year LCAP. Duplicate the table as needed.

Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable.

Empty Cell

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

In 2016-17, HBUHSD continued to provide equity and access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum for all students. We developed a partnership with Golden West College to promote dual enrollment with implementation at school sites scheduled for summer 2017. Dual enrollment will include Visual & Performing Arts courses which will help students meet the subject area ‘F’ A-G requirement (see Actual Measurable Outcome #1.C.) In an effort to continue to embed the effective use of technology to enhance and accelerate learning (Action 2.3), the grade 9 English Language Arts teachers successfully transitioned to the use of student Chromebooks and open, online instructional resources. The greatest challenge we encountered in this transition was the implementation of professional development to support our ELA grade 9 teachers. Professional development continues to be a focus area in our 2017-18 LCAP (Goal 1, Action 1.10). We collaborated with parents, school personnel, and the broader community to promote college and career readiness. We provided multiple opportunities to inform parents about the post-secondary options for their child/children, but our parent LCAP survey revealed that 45% agreed/strongly agreed that they had received this information. A challenge for us in 2017-18 is to find additional methods to communicate this information to all parents.

Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the LEA.

In providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum, our All Students’ A-G completion rate for the Class of 2016 remained at 62%. Though the All Student A-G completion rate continues to increase, we recognize that there is still a gap with SWD, EL and LI students (see Annual Update Goal 1 Actual Measurable Outcome 1.a.). We decreased the number of seniors who were credit deficient as of the last day of school by 55 students (Class of 2015=228 vs Class of 2016 = 173). We continue to focus on the graduation rate gap between All Students and SWD (Calif. Schools Dashboard-Graduation Rate Indicator). All grade 9 ELA teachers are using Chromebooks and online embedded instructional resources, with grade 10 ELA classes to follow in 2017-18. With the addition of CTE Pathways data included in all schools’ 2015-16 College and Career data packets, discussions are occurring on how to market and promote schools’ unique programs and increase the number of students completing the CTE Pathways.

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Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Changes to the Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures occurred in the following Actions: 1.2: Increased expenditures to fund our District College Night, parent and student Planning Guide, and Parent University classes. These programs and services were provided to support our students and parents in the college readiness process. 1.5: We added additional reading and math support classes to help provide access for all students to take higher level courses. 1.7: Additional staff hours were needed to provide training to parents on how to navigate the parent/student portal. 2.1: Increase due to recalculating teachers’ salaries. 2.3: Increased expenditures to support the purchase of Chromebooks to enhance instruction districtwide. 2.4: We extended our library hours at the 6 comprehensive sites starting spring semester. College Readiness Block Grant money supported the additional hours so the budgeted supplemental funds were used to purchase additional library books. 2.6: We provided additional staff training to support all curricular area teachers who work with EL students. This training included professional development provided by OCDE. 3.3: Recalculated the Workability teacher salaries.

Describe any changes made to this goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result of this analysis and analysis of the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP.

Changes to Goal 1 include: • The Graduation Rate Indicator (Calif. School Dashboard) identifies two subgroups that are in the ‘Orange’

level: Students with Disabilities (SWD) and Two or More Races. Closing the SWD graduation gap was identified in our 2016-17 LCAP (Annual Update Goal 1, Annual Measurable Outcome 2.a.) and continues to be included in the 2017-18 LCAP Goal 1 Identified Needs and Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes. Two new Outcomes have been added to focus on increasing the graduation rates for Two or More Races and Filipino subgroups. (Goal 1, 4 yr. Cohort Graduation Rate Outcome).

• Eight 2017-18 Goal 1 Actions/Services have been modified from 2016-17 (Goal 1). These modified Actions/Services are identified in the 2017-18 Goal 1, with each Action indicating its former Action number and Goal.

• During our 2017-18 LCAP revision process, Stakeholders recommended moving the following Metrics from 2016-17 Goal 3 - Expected/Actual Outcomes: 2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 2.d, 2.e, 2.f, 3.a, to 2017-18 Goal 1 Metrics.

• The following 2016-17 Goal 3 Actions: 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, were moved to 2017-18 Goal 1 and modified to become Actions 1.10 and 1.11. After Stakeholders reviewed the new College/Career Indicator (CCI), they believed that these metrics and actions better aligned with Goal 1.

• The following 2016-17 Actions were deleted during the revision process: 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3, and 3.6. Though deleted from LCAP, we will continue to implement and monitor these actions/services.

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Annual Update LCAP Year Reviewed: 2016–17

Goal 2 The district will provide a quality educational system for all students focusing on academic rigor with interventions to support and narrow the achievement gap for English learners, Low Income, Foster Youth and Students with Disabilities subgroups.

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 X 3 4 X 5 6 7 X 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________



1. a. Increase attendance rates annually by 0.2% for each of the following: All Students, SWD, LI, EL, and RFEP students. b. Continue to maintain a chronic absenteeism rate under 1% for all students. c. Decrease the cohort dropout rates 0.5% annually for each of the following: All Students, SWD, EL and LI. d. Continue to decrease annually the number of students transferred to programs outside of HBUHSD. 2. a. Decrease by 15% annually the number of LTELs identified on CBEDS date through the last day of school.

1. a. Attendance rates 2014-15 vs 2015-16: • All students’ 2015-16 attendance rates increased 0.58% (95.31% to 95.89%) • SWD decreased 1.57% (93.14% to 91.57%) • LI increased .26% (95% to 95.26%) • ELs decreased 1.58% (95.61% to 94.03%) • RFEPs increased 1.56% (96.41% to 97.97%) b. 2015-16 chronic absenteeism rate baseline data = 10.74% c. 4 year cohort dropout rates 2014-15 vs 2015-16: • All students decreased from 2.5% to 2.4% • SWD decreased from 5.0% to 4.8% • ELs decreased from 7.0% to 4.7% • LI decreased from 3.9% to 3.6% d. Total # of students transferred to Access as of March 30, 2017 is 141 compared to 185 students in March, 2016. 2. a. Decreased the percent of LTELs reported on June 10, 2016 by 3%. On October 2015, 72% of the ELs were LTELs compared to 69% in June 2016. (October 2016: 72% are LTELs). 2016-17 data currently not available for the above

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Action 1.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to support AVID.

ACTUAL AVID Programs at MHS, WHS, HBHS and OVHS. The AVID Program expanded at OVHS and WHS including the hiring of additional tutors at WHS.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $15,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $35,040 Total ($14,780-AVID membership, $20,260 AVID site libraries)

Action 1.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Identify resources and implement summer academic support for SWD, EL, FY, and LI.

ACTUAL Implemented the following: • Extended year program for SWD at EHS • Extended year for credit recovery at WHS paid for through Title I • Summer credit recovery at all sites through HBAS. Increased number

of credit recovery classes through HBAS. Developed and advertised summer 2017 classes earlier in order to enroll students sooner and avoid having them go out of district

• WHS added 5 more classes of credit recovery • Several sites offered one or two week prep. classes to prepare students

for AP classes prior to beginning of the school year

Expenditures BUDGETED Title I: $5,000 Title III: $5,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Title I: $97,491 Total (Westminster High School Extended School Year)

Action 1.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide cohesive district-wide professional development to identify and monitor student success, and implement systems of support/Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as outlined in the Educator Effectiveness Professional Development Plan.

ACTUAL MTSS professional development at Orange County Department of Education and HBUHSD participated in SUMS District Knowledge Development Planning. Also includes OTW and Reading professional development.

Expenditures BUDGETED EEG: $144,000


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Action 1.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Expand credit recovery options for all students.

ACTUAL Edgenuity for online credit recovery offered through HBAS.

Expenditures BUDGETED Base: $170,000 AEBG: $80,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $131,400 Total, Supplemental: $43,800 Total, and Title I: $43,800 Total (Credit recovery options for students)

Action 1.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Evaluate the Early Warning System (EWS) indicators and implement necessary changes.

ACTUAL Ongoing updates through Guidance team and MTSS meetings - EWS evaluation occurred within these groups with necessary changes to be implemented in 2017-18.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide alternative settings within the comprehensive site (i.e. Hybrid learning classes).

ACTUAL Online hybrid learning offered at all comprehensive sites but OVHS.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide educational advisement to Foster Youth and their guardians.

ACTUAL Educational advisement to Foster Youth occurred at each site with the Guidance Team.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 1.8 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue Student Attendance Review Teams (SART) at each site.

ACTUAL SART in place and in progress at each site.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.9 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to increase parent awareness of drug and alcohol education, interventions, and student wellness as early as possible through Parent University, parent education events, and site communications.

ACTUAL Parent University addressed the following topics: • October 2016 - drug and alcohol interventions • November 2016 - addressed student wellness • Ongoing - will continue to focus on these topics

Expenditures BUDGETED See Goal 1 Action 1.2

ESTIMATED ACTUAL See Goal 1 Action 1.2

Action 1.10 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Support co-teaching teams through professional development.

ACTUAL Professional development provided on May 15, 2017.

Expenditures BUDGETED EEG: $6,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL EEG: $5,200 Total (Professional development contract)

Action 1.11 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide research-based interventions that help students develop their affective and executive skills for success.

ACTUAL One MTSS teacher provided at each of the 6 comprehensive sites (release periods: 1 section x 6 sites, $20,000 per section).

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $120,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $120,000 Total (MTSS release periods)

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Action 1.12 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Utilize research-based math and reading intervention programs to close the achievement gap for low income learners, English learners, and Students with Disabilities.

ACTUAL Purchased Scholastic maintenance agreement and My Path for lower level reading intervention.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $17,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $24,240 Total ($17,700-Scholastic Maintenance agreement, $6,540-Renassance Accelerated Reader))

Action 1.13 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue Student Success Teams (SST) at each site.

ACTUAL SST’s in place and ongoing at each site and collaborating with MTSS teams.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.14 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide training on using Aeries to record student remediation plans.

ACTUAL Training with Guidance Teams and use of the 4 year Student Plan.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.15 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to support new teachers through the Induction Program.

ACTUAL Monthly new teacher training.

Expenditures BUDGETED EEG: $135,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL EEG: $135,000 Total (Induction Program)

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Action 1.16 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide collaboration for Low Income and English learner teachers and facilitators to identify and share strategies that will work across curricular areas to support closing the achievement gap.

ACTUAL ELD teachers met regularly to share best practices. There is some overlap of student populations (Low Income and English learner).

Expenditures BUDGETED Title III: $6,500

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $28,829 Total (Subs for teachers) EEG: $1,995 Total

Action 1.17 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide professional coaching for math and English teachers at schools serving higher populations of English learners and Low Income students.

ACTUAL Professional math coaching was provided at Westminster High School in 2016-17.

Expenditures BUDGETED Title I: $4,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Title I: $26,565 Total

Action 1.18 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Expand the skills of facilitators to support instruction with research-based strategies that scaffold learning in all classrooms.

ACTUAL • Facilitators worked with teams to develop shell courses. • Math facilitators worked with teachers on available technology/resources

to support learning (i.e. Khan Academy, Desmos, and CK 12).

Expenditures BUDGETED Title II: $15,000


Action 1.19 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide training opportunities for DELAC members to assist them to better understand their roles and responsibilities.

ACTUAL Annual review with DELAC on roles and responsibilities.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 1.20 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Increase outreach efforts to encourage parental participation in site and district decision making.

ACTUAL Parent participation included DELAC, LCAP Planning & Steering Committees, and School Site Council at sites. Parent online survey conducted in October 2016.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $3,270 Total (LCAP parent and staff survey contract with OCDE)

Action 2.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Identify English learners who are on the threshold of becoming LTELs and provide interventions.

ACTUAL PELL coordinators reviewed data to identify ELs who were on the threshold and provided interventions. Additionally, the redesignation criteria was examined to ensure ELs were identified and redesignated to RFEP.

Expenditures BUDGETED See Goal 1 Action 2.1

ESTIMATED ACTUAL See Goal 1 Action 2.1

Action 2.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED The English Language Development program will ensure sufficient rigor for all EL students so that students can meet annual English language development objectives.

ACTUAL ELD teachers implemented the ELD/ELA standards to prepare EL students to meet the annual objectives as measured by CELDT.

Expenditures BUDGETED See Goal 1 Action 2.1

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $24,940 Total (Instruction)

Action 2.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED DELAC will develop/revise the District’s master plan of education program and services for English learners.

ACTUAL The LEA Plan was updated by DELAC in fall 2016.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 2.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Monitor quarterly academic progress of EL students.

ACTUAL The PELL Coordinators monitored the academic progress of EL students at their sites throughout the 2016-17 school year.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $90,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $128,843 Total (Pell Coordinators)

Action 2.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Increase availability of interpretation and translation services for non-English speaking families at school-related functions.

ACTUAL Translation services were provided at expulsion and SARB hearings, parent presentations, District College Night, and IEPs.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $5,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $10,954 Total (Increased translation services)

Action 2.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Ongoing monitoring of EL Task Force implementations.

ACTUAL LTEL articulation meeting with feeder districts held in November 2016 to discuss strategies for the reclassification process.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Focus professional development on instructional strategies used to support students in SDAIE sheltered instructional settings focusing on oral language skills and primary language support.

ACTUAL See Goal 1 Action 2.6 (On-going professional development with EL teachers and collaboration with OCDE)

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: $5,000 Title III: $5,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Funding addressed in Goal 1 Action 2.6

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Action 2.8 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Educate families of LTELs on the RFEP process and importance of redesignation.

ACTUAL PELL coordinators provided information to parents. Additionally, information was presented at DELAC and ELAC meetings.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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ANALYSIS Complete a copy of the following table for each of the LEA’s goals from the prior year LCAP. Duplicate the table as needed. Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable.

Empty Cell

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

HBUHSD continued to focus on ensuring student success by providing strategic and systematic student support. We successfully implemented research-based interventions led by one MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports) teacher at each of our six comprehensive school sites. The Early Warning System (EWS) was used as part of our process to identify academically struggling students. Once identified, students were provided credit recovery options offered through the Huntington Beach Adult School (HBAS). Our expanded credit recovery program increased access for more students, however, we continue to explore additional year-round options for students specifically in grades 9 and 10. The PELL (Program for English Language Learners) Coordinators reviewed data to identify EL students who were on the threshold of becoming LTELs (Long Term English Learners) and provided interventions. Additionally, the redesignation criteria was examined to ensure ELs were identified and redesignated to RFEP. HBUHSD hosted an LTEL articulation meeting with the feeder districts to discuss strategies for the reclassification process. With ELPAC replacing CELDT, criteria for determining reclassification may be a challenge next year. Four of our high schools successfully implemented AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) again this year, with Westminster High School selected as a National Demonstration School.

Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the LEA.

The HBUHSD Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) focused on students who were struggling and provided a vehicle for teamwork and data-based decision making to strengthen their performances. MTSS meetings were held throughout the year to discuss the support needed for MTSS to be successful at the school sites. MTSS school teams reported success in a variety of areas including Student Attendance Review Team (SART) trainings, using data to guide decisions, systematic referral process for intervention, and the implementation of grade level meetings to support students. We expanded our credit recovery options to include the use of Edgenuity, an online program offered through the Huntington Beach Adult School. With the implementation of interventions, we have decreased the number of student who have transferred to Access from 185 (as of March 2016) to 141 (as of March 2017). Our cohort dropout rates for All Students remains under 3% for the last four graduating classes (2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016). Students with Disabilities’ cohort dropout rates have decreased from 7.3% in 2012-13 to 4.8% in 2015-16. The English learner rate has decreased from 7.0% in 2014-15 to 4.7% in 2015-16. We will continue to articulate with our feeder districts to develop strategies to address redesignation. Though our percentage of LTELs decreased by 3% in 2015-16, our LTEL count on CEBDS 2016 indicated an increase again in the percentage. The majority of our LTELs enter HBUHSD as 9th graders.

Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Changes to the Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures occurred in the following Actions: 1.1. Additional expenditures were made to support the libraries at our four AVID school sites. 1.2. Title I funds were used to support the Westminster High School Extended Year program. 1.16. Additional collaboration time was provided for teachers and facilitators in identifying strategies to support closing the achievement gap with our LI and EL students. 1.17. Reallocation of funds to provide professional coaching for math teachers. 1.18. Educator Effectiveness Grant funds were used to provide professional development opportunities focused on scaffold learning strategies. 2.5. Additional funds were needed to support our translation services districtwide.

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Describe any changes made to this goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result of this analysis and analysis of the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP.

Changes to Goal 2 include: • Chronic Absenteeism (Annual Update Goal 2, Expected and Actual Outcomes, 1.b.) was recalculated for a

new baseline rate for 2015-16. • Four 2017-18 Actions/Services have been modified from 2016-17 Actions/Services (Goal 2). Each 2017-18

Goal 2 Action that was modified is indicated as such, and includes the former Actions (from 2016-17 Goal 2). • One new Action (Goal 2, Action 2.6.) has been added to the 2017-18 LCAP to address the best practices for

supporting the needs of our Foster Youth. After meeting specifically with a group that included Assistant Principals and Guidance staff, it was determined that we need to annually review District Foster Youth practices to ensure consistency of services provided.

• The following 2016-17 Actions were deleted during the revision process: 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.13, 1.14, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 2.1, 2.6, and 2.8. Though deleted from LCAP, we will continue to implement and monitor these actions/services.

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Annual Update LCAP Year Reviewed: 2016–17

Goal 3 All schools are clean, safe and have a positive climate that supports the academic, emotional and physical needs of all students.

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE X 1 X 2 X 3 4 5 X 6 X 7 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________



1. a. Gather information from students on a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness. b. All schools will receive an overall facility rate of ‘Good’ on their SARCs. c. Suspension rates will continue to decrease and remain below or at the County and State averages. d. Continue to decrease or maintain an expulsion rate of 0.1% for all students. 2. a. Increase annually the percent of students scoring at achievement levels Standard Met & Standard Exceeded for SBAC ELA: All Students and RFEP by 2%, LI by 3%, EL and SWD by 4%. Increase annually SBAC math: All Students, LI, & RFEP by 4%, EL by 5%, & SWD by 6%. b. Increase annually the percent of students prepared for college (Level 4/Ready) by EAP ELA: All Students, LI & RFEP by 2%, EL & SWD by 3%. Increase annually the following for EAP math: All Students, LI & RFEP by 3%, EL & SWD by 4%. c. Increase AP exam passing rates annually by 1% for each of the following: All Students, SWD, LI, EL and RFEP students. d. Increase 1% annually the 11th and 12th grade students enrolled in at least one Advanced Placement course. e. Increase CELDT proficiency 3% annually for ELs (with 5 or more, or less than 5 years of U.S. education). f. Increase reclassification rate annually by 2%. g. Maintain student access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials (100%).

1. a. Conducted an online student survey in grades 9-12 from Dec 5, 2016 through Dec 9, 2016. Results included: 80% agree/strongly agree they feel safe in their school, 84% agree/strongly agree that their school provides students with many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, 74% agree/strongly agree that they are happy to be at their school, 70% agree/strongly agree their school has a positive school climate. b. All schools received an Overall Facility Rating of ‘Good’ on their 2016-17 School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs). c. In 2014-15 the HBUHSD overall suspension rate was 1.8%, a decrease from 2.8% in 2013-14, and below the County and State rates. (2015-16 data not released yet) d. HBUHSD has maintained an expulsion rate of 0.1% in 2013-14 and 2014-15. (2015-16 data not released yet) 2. a. Percent of students scoring at Standard Met & Standard Exceeded on SBAC ELA 2015 vs 2016 scores: • All Students scoring at these 2 levels increased 2% (75% to 77%) • SWD increased by 2% (25% to 27%) • ELs decreased by 4% (15% to 11%) • RFEPs increased by 2% (78% to 80%) • LI students remain unchanged scoring both years at 66% Percent of students scoring at Standard Met & Standard Exceeded on SBAC Math 2015 vs 2016 scores: • All Students scoring at these 2 levels increased by 4% (49% to 53%) • SWD increased by 1% (8% to 9%) • ELs decreased by 2% (13% to 11%) • RFEPs increased by 6% (52% to 58%)

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h. Decrease teacher mis-assignment rate by 5%. (Reported annually at December Board meeting). 3. a. Establish baseline data in 2016 for new SAT. ACT: continue to increase the number of students participating. b. Gather information from parents on a variety of topics including knowledge/awareness of postsecondary programs and career pathways for their students.

• LI students increased by 4% (38% to 42%) b. Percent of students prepared/Ready for college by EAP ELA 2015 vs 2016: • All Students scoring at prepared/Ready increased by 7% (34% to 41%) • SWD decreased by 1% (6% to 5%) • ELs remain unchanged scoring at 1% both years • RFEPs increased by 11% • LI students increased by 6% (24% to 30%) Percent of students scoring at prepared/Ready for college by EAP Math 2015 vs 2016: • All Students increased by 2% (21% to 23%) • SWD remain unchanged scoring at 3% both years • ELs increased by 1% (2% to 3%) • RFEPS increased by 2% (25% to 27%) • LI students decreased by 1% (16% to 15%) c. AP Exam pass rates:

• All Students increased by 1% (69% in 2015 to 70% in 2016) • SWD decreased by 4.29% (65% to 60.71%) • ELs decreased by 5.56% (55.56% to 50%) • RFEPs increased by 33.35% (60.57% to 93.92%) • LI students decreased by 0.38% (57.76% to 57.38%)

d. In 2015-16, we increased by 1% the number of 11th and 12th graders enrolled in at least one AP course (40% to 41%). e. CELDT Proficiency 2014-15 vs 2015-16: • With 5 or more years – Increased by 3.9% (59.2% to 63.1%) • With less than 5 years – Increased by 2.5% (29.2% to 31.7%) f. Increased EL reclassification by 5.9% when comparing 2014-15 to 2015-16 (10% to 15.9%). g. 100% of HBUHSD students have access to standards aligned textbooks/instructional materials in 2016-17 school year. h. Number of teacher mis-assignments reported at December Board meeting: 2015-16 - 45 teachers total vs 2016-17 - 53 teachers total. 57% of teacher totals, both years, assigned to a sport or PE Athletics. 3. a. Baseline SAT data for 2015-16: 1,607 students tested or 39.80% of grade 12 enrollment. Combined SAT average score of 1594. Increased the number of students participating in ACT in 2015-16 by 43 (2014-15 = 958 students to 2015-16 = 1,001 students). b. Conducted online Parent Survey October 10-21, 2016. Results included: 85% agree/strongly agree students are safe at school, 83% agree/strongly agree students have access to AP courses, 78% agree/strongly agree school is a welcoming place, 45% agree/strongly agree they have received guidance about post-secondary options for their child, 54% agree/strongly agree they know what career and college pathways are available at their school. 2016-17 data currently not available for above (exception 1.a. & 3.b. 2016-17 surveys)

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Action 1.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED District Wellness Specialists, and other support staff, will continue to provide counseling services for students.

ACTUAL Salaries for District Wellness Specialists (2% of $201,241=$4,025). Added MTSS Specialists at each comprehensive site (MTSS funded in Goal 2 Action 1.11).

Expenditures BUDGETED Base: $197,216 Supplemental: $4,025

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $206,584 Total and Supplemental: $4,216 Total (District Wellness Specialists’ salaries)

Action 1.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Analyze and use the results of the biannual California Healthy Kids Survey to identify at-risk behaviors and trends.

ACTUAL Sites were provided with the spring 2016 Healthy Kids survey results. Each site Guidance team analyzed the data and determined how to use the results to address the needs of students.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue outreach to families to communicate the available benefits of the National Student Lunch Program (NSLP).

ACTUAL Outreach to families included: • Using mass notification systems (Blackboard Connect and e-mail) • Through enrollment services and school registration, parents were given

counseling and access to complete applications for the NSLP

Expenditures BUDGETED Title I: $ 500

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Title I: $500 Total

Action 1.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to provide financial, educational, and wellness resources for certificated and classified staff, operational/facility

ACTUAL Salaries for Assistant Principals, Guidance, Nurses, Custodial, Administration, Classified, Supervision, & Clerical staff (teacher salaries included in Goal 1 action 2.1).

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needs, and administrative needs to ensure a safe, secure learning and working environment.


BUDGETED Base: $20,846,585 Supplemental: $3,521,703

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $24,249,493 Total and Supplemental: $1,940,276 Total (Salaries for administrators, guidance staff, nurses, classified, excludes teachers and District Wellness Specialists)

Action 1.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Improve student and parent understanding of digital literacy, social media and cyber citizenship and respond effectively to safety and security issues as they relate to technology usage.

ACTUAL Actions taken to improve student and parent understanding of digital literacy: • Parent University presentations • Creating/updating Board policies for acceptable use of social media and

cyber citizenship • Teachers included digital citizenship curriculum into their instruction to

prepare students for the requirements of 21st century learners

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Use parent groups to enhance communication to all stakeholders.

ACTUAL Parent groups included: • Monthly meetings with PTSA presidents • Academic Booster Club • School Foundations - School Site Councils • Student orientation meetings where parents and students have access to

information to ensure their success at each school site

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED ACTUAL

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Continue to inform parents and students about programs that allow for open flow communication with respect to safety concerns on campus.

Presentations at Parent University, LCAP Parent and Student Surveys given in fall 2016 addressing a variety of topics including school safety.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 1.8 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Strengthen relationships through positive customer service to encourage active student and parent participation.

ACTUAL Through regular parent meetings and events such as orientations, booster meetings and open house events, parents were provided with training and information to strengthen positive relationships with school sites. All employees participated in regular professional development to strengthen their customer service practices.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED All students will have appropriate standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials and will be enrolled in all required areas of study.

ACTUAL Supplemental instructional support materials (includes textbook access).


BUDGETED Base: $400,000 Lottery: $200,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $736,497 Total Supplemental: $188,840 Total Lottery: $562,912 Total

Action 2.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Ensure implementation of English Language Development (ELD) and English Language Arts (ELA) framework.

ACTUAL Framework was shared with principals, Pell Coordinators and all instructional staff. Collaboration with OCDE for subject specific training.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 2.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide professional development addressing understanding instructional shifts needed to develop 21st century skills as outlined in the Educator Effectiveness Grant.

ACTUAL Professional Development opportunities included: • Out of this World PD • Redbird PD • Snap-N-Read and C-Writer trainings • Edulastic training • Ongoing Educational Technology integration trainings and NexTech

committee recommendations

Expenditures BUDGETED See Goal 2 Action 1.3

ESTIMATED ACTUAL See Goal 2 Action 1.3

Action 2.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Research and implement digital instructional resources (i.e. online textbooks, open educational resources).

ACTUAL Staff release time and training for #Go Open initiative and Open Educational Resources (OER) trainings for 9th & 10th grade ELA and Algebra 1 teachers. Funding to support Edgenuity used for credit recovery, Accelerated Reader, and Turn It In.


BUDGETED Base: $135,000 Supplemental: $15,000

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $131,400 Total (Edgenuity) Supplemental: $62,220 Total ($43,800-Staff release time, $6,540-Accel. Reader, $11,880-Snap & Read) Lottery: $53,653 Total (Turn It in) Title III: $8,200 Total (Accelerated Reader)

Action 2.5 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED EL students will have full access to rigorous academic content in all core content areas and enrichment courses.

ACTUAL EL students were supported in LEP courses with supportive curriculum and resources as well as in mainstream core content areas.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 2.6 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Seniors who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English will receive the State Seal of Biliteracy recognition.

ACTUAL Students were recognized at graduations and senior awards ceremonies.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $4,984 Total (Cords and Seals)

Action 2.7 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to support the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards/STEM with appropriate professional development and resources.

ACTUAL NGSS Professional Development included: • STEM Ecosystem participation & training • STEM articulation with feeder districts • Science facilitator trainings with science teachers

Expenditures BUDGETED $0

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $1,785 Total (Subs for NGSS meetings)

Action 2.8 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to support high quality library services and resources that ensure 21st Century readiness for all students.

ACTUAL Funding to support Follett Destiny (additional library hours funded under Goal 1 action 2.4).

Expenditures BUDGETED Lottery: $9,984

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: $20,983 Total (Follett Destiny)

Action 2.9 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to review the State Standards to identify essential standards and pace instruction to support struggling learners, English learners, Foster Youth, Low Income and Students with Disabilities.

ACTUAL Continual implementation of the State Standards and NGSS. Through MTSS, all struggling students are identified and provided scaled academic intervention.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 2.10 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Evaluate and update technology infrastructure on an ongoing basis including hardware, software and internet systems.

ACTUAL Continual improvement to network infrastructure, which included increasing bandwidth speed and wireless coverage and capacity.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.11 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Increase the use of personal electronic devices on campus to enhance learning.

ACTUAL District has updated the Board Policy on student usage of personal devices (Bring Your Own Device).

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.12 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Monitor teacher assignments to ensure appropriate placement based on credentials.

ACTUAL Master schedule development at all sites and communication with Human Resources staff.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 2.13 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Provide research-based technological resources to support instruction in ELD/LEP content classrooms and as support for mainstream and Redesignated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students.

ACTUAL Use of Chromebooks and Snap and Read and Co-writer applications in ELD/LEP content classrooms to support EL and RFEP students.

Expenditures BUDGETED See Goal 3 Action 2.4

ESTIMATED ACTUAL See Goal 3 Action 2.4

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Action 2.14 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Continue to increase teacher growth and retention through competitive salary schedule.

ACTUAL Staff raises of 4.75% (2015-16) and 0.5% in 2016-17.

Expenditures BUDGETED Base: $2,416,815 Supplemental: $358,249

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Base: $2,416,932 Total and Supplemental: $363,251 Total (Staff raises)

Action 2.15 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Expand hybrid-online learning classes to all school sites in multiple subject areas to increase flexibility for students (i.e. EL, LI, FY, SWD) and provide access to a 21st century learning environment.

ACTUAL Increased usage of online courses using Canvas and Edgenuity and hybrid online learning courses implemented throughout the District.

Expenditures BUDGETED Supplemental: Included in Goal 1 Action 2.1 (teacher salaries)

ESTIMATED ACTUAL Supplemental: Included in Goal 1 Action 2.1 (teacher salaries)

Action 3.1 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Continue to collaborate with students, parents, counselors and guidance specialists to develop digital 4-year educational plan/career plan for all students and assess annually.

ACTUAL Adopted the use of Overgrad to help students and parents prepare for life after high school. Provided professional development on 4 year plan with guidance specialists.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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Action 3.2 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Educate students in the process of accessing postsecondary programs which may include the application process, financial aid, scholarships etc.

ACTUAL Activities/events held to educate students on accessing postsecondary programs: • OVHS Senior Application day - all seniors applied for college over a

two day period during the school day. Certificated and classified staff were available to assist students on the completion of their college application

• Each school's Guidance team visited classrooms or invited classes to the College and Career Center to learn about postsecondary options via online interest inventories

• Guidance teams provided access to college and career guest speakers at all comprehensive high schools

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 3.3 Empty Cell Empty Cell

Actions/Services PLANNED Provide career and college planning guidance geared to EL needs.

ACTUAL Career and college planning provided in EL classrooms.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


Action 3.4 Empty Cell Empty Cell


PLANNED Evaluate district support and intervention services for effectiveness and modify as needed.

ACTUAL MTSS specialists evaluated the effectiveness of the Early Warning System (EWS) with enhancements to occur in 2017-18. Ongoing meetings with site counseling and support staff.

Expenditures BUDGETED $0


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ANALYSIS Use actual annual measurable outcome data, including performance data from the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable.

Empty Cell

Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal.

HBUHSD believes in a safe and well-maintained environment for students and staff. Students’ social, physical, and emotional well-being has a profound impact on their learning. In an effort to support the emotional needs of students, our District Wellness Specialists, and other support staff, continued to provide counseling services. Presentations at Parent University were given on a variety of topics including how to support their child/children academically and emotionally. All students were provide standards-aligned textbooks and instructional materials and were enrolled in the required area of study. Our professional development program continued to focus on developing 21st century skills, understanding the instructional shifts, and implementing the State Academic Standards. Additionally, a new professional development opportunity for teachers, called ‘Out of this World PD’, was highly attended. We successfully administered online Parent and Student Surveys available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. One of our remaining challenges is how to increase the participation of our Spanish and Vietnamese families.

Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the LEA.

Results of our Student Survey indicate that of those who responded, 80% agree/strongly agree they feel safe in their school. Our Parent Survey respondents also agree/strongly agree (85%) that their child is safe at his/her school. The Student Survey also revealed that 70% agree/strongly agree their school has a positive school climate, while 78% of the parent responses agree/strongly agree the school is a welcoming place. Though the number of students suspended in 2014-15 decreased to 310 from 652 in 2012-13, we recognize that the EL subgroup suspension rate is in the ‘Orange’ performance level (California Schools Dashboard). We will focus on this area in 2017-18 (Goal 3). As we continue to provide professional development, we see gains in the percent of All Students who scored at Standard Met and Exceeded on the 2016 SBAC ELA (77%) and SBAC math (53%) assessment. There still remains an achievement gap with our SWD, EL, and LI subgroups (Annual Update Goal 3, Actual Annual Measurable Outcome 2.a.). Additionally, the percent of our EL students, with 5 or more years, who were proficient on the CELDT increased from 59.2% in 2015 to 63.1% in 2016.

Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures.

Changes to the Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures occurred in the following Actions: 1.4. Recalculation of salaries/benefits for certificated and classified staff (excluding teachers who are funded in Goal 1 Action 2.1) and operational/facility needs to ensure a safe learning and working environment. 2.1. Additional funds used to purchase instructional support materials and textbooks. 2.4. Additional funds used to purchase Accelerated Reader, Snap & Read, and provide staff release time to implement digital instructional resources. 2.8. Additional funds used for Follet Destiny, a program used in all school libraries. 2.14. Recalculation of certificated and classified staff salaries based on the negotiated rate increase.

Describe any changes made to this goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result of this analysis and analysis of the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP.

Changes to Goal 3 include: • Suspension Rate (2017-18 Goal 3, Expected Annual Measurable Outcome) – We identified a specific decrease

for the LI, EL and SWD subgroups. This addresses the Suspension Rate Indicator (Calif. Schools Dashboard) EL rate in the Orange performance level.

• Moved the following Metrics/Indicators to 2017-18 Goal 1: SBAC ELA & Math percent performing at the achievement levels Met and Exceeded, Early Assessment Program (Level 4/Ready) ELA and Math, Advanced Placement Exams Pass Rate, Grades 11 & 12 enrollment in at least one Advanced Placement course, CELDT proficiency rate, English learner reclassification rate, and SAT and ACT participation.

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• Three Actions/Services have been modified from 2016-17 (Goal 3). These modified Actions/Services are identified in 2017-18 Goal 3, with each Action indicating its former Action number and Goal.

• The following 2016-17 Annual Update Goal 3 Actions were moved to the 2017-18 Goal 1: 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.7.

• New Action to 2017-18 Goal 3 includes: Action 3.9 • During the LCAP revision process, the following 2016-17 Goal 3 Actions were deleted: 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 2.9,

2.11, 2.15, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Though deleted from LCAP, we will continue to implement and monitor these actions/services.

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Stakeholder Engagement LCAP Year X 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20

Empty Cell


How, when, and with whom did the LEA consult as part of the planning process for this LCAP/Annual Review and Analysis?

Introduction: The HBUHSD is committed to using the LCAP to guide a cycle of continuous improvement. The engagement of parents, students, teachers, staff and other community members will continue to play a critical role in supporting the implementation, evaluation, and future adjustments to the Plan. The following groups were actively involved in the LCAP development process described below: HBUHSD Cabinet (Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, and Directors): During six Cabinet meetings in September and October, this group reviewed the *2015-16 HBUHSD College & Career Readiness data to identify areas of growth and areas of need. LCAP Planning Committee: This Committee is comprised of parents, students, community members, teachers, assistant principals, principals, classified staff, union representatives (classified and certificated), and district administrators. This year, two administrators from our feeder districts, Fountain Valley School District and Huntington Beach City School District, participated on our LCAP Committee, and we in turn participated in their LCAP revision process. The Committee met three times throughout the school year beginning with a Data Gallery Walk on September 28th. During the Data Gallery Walk, the Committee members analyzed the HBUHSD College & Career Readiness data and identified areas of growth and areas of need. On January 18, the Committee met to evaluate the 2016-17 Actions and Services and provided recommended 2017-18 Actions and Services. On March 9, the Committee met to review a draft of the 2017-18 LCAP and made additional recommendations. Information on the LCFF rubrics was presented and the Committee previewed the California School Dashboard. Parents and Students: In addition to parent and student involvement on the LCAP Planning Committee, the District conducted a parent survey in October and a student survey (grades 9-12) in December. Both surveys were available in Spanish and Vietnamese. DELAC: Reviewed the 2016-17 Goals, Actions and Services in October. At the February 8th meeting, DELAC provided feedback on how HBUHSD can continue to grow. Principals: Reviewed progress on the 2016-17 Goals, Actions and Services and reviewed the draft 2017-18 Actions and Services. Educational Services Division Team (Assistant Superintendent, Directors, and Special Programs Administrator): The Team met (December, February and March) to review progress towards the 2016-17 Goals, Actions and Services, revise the 2017-18 Actions and Services, and preview the California School Dashboard. Areas of greatest needs and performance gaps were identified and addressed in the LCAP. Additional Meetings: In January and February, the following groups had the opportunity to provide recommended actions and services for the 2017-18 LCAP identified needs: District Education Association (DEA) Reps, Program for English Language Learners (PELL) Coordinators, Special Education Coordinators, Technology Committee, Administrators and Guidance Staff to address Foster Youth needs and students’ post-secondary options. Public Comment: In May, the 2017-18 LCAP was posted to the HBUHSD website for public comment. The Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services addressed comments. *2015-16 HBUHSD College & Career Readiness data included: A-G Completion Rates, 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates, # of Non-Grads due to Credits Deficient (as of June grad date), CTE – Students Enrolled in at Least One Course and # of Students Participating and Completing Pathways, Percent Average Daily Attendance, 4-Year Cohort Dropout Rate, #/% of LTELs, Suspension & Expulsion Rates, SBAC ELA and Math Performance Levels, EAP ELA and Math, AP Exams, CELDT, SAT and ACT. (the data was disaggregated by All Students, SWD, EL, RFEP, LI, and FY)

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How did these consultations impact the LCAP for the upcoming year?

Through the Data Gallery Walk, the LCAP Planning Committee consistently identified areas of need which led to a new, critical step in the development of our 2017-18 LCAP. This additional step involved meeting with specific groups that had the expertise to provide recommended actions and services to address these needs. For example, the Special Education Coordinators addressed the SWD graduation rate gap (identified on the California School Dashboard) and the A-G completion rates (see Goal 1 Identified Needs 1 & 2, Action 1.3). Our PELL Coordinators met to address credit recovery options for EL students (see Goal 2, Actions 2.3 & 2.5). The HBUHSD Technology Committee reviewed staff and student needs to establish a plan to continue to help embed technology tools in all curricular areas (see Goal 1, Action 1.5). After reviewing the LCFF rubrics and the College/Career Indictor, the LCAP Planning Committee recommended moving the Identified Need, ‘Provide students with meaningful, rigorous work aligned to 21st Century,’ from Goal 3 to Goal 1. Additionally, the following metrics and actions were moved to Goal 1: SBAC ELA & Math Performance Levels, EAP, AP Exams, CELDT, EL Reclassification Rate, SAT and ACT and action statements 1.10., 1.11., & 1.12. (Goal 1). By moving this Identified Need, along with its metrics and three action statements, Goal 1 is better aligned to address and measure HBUHSD’s college and career readiness. Through the California School Dashboard we identified that the English learner subgroup’s suspension rate is in the ‘Orange’ level. Though the HBUHSD suspension data indicates that the number of All Students suspended in 2012-13 versus 2014-15 has decreased from 652 to 310, our schools will continue to use tools (i.e. Restorative Practices) to foster positive, healthy school climates (see Goal 3). We will also meet with District Supervision staff in the Fall to review the Cal Pads codes used for In School and Out of School suspensions. The results from our Parent Survey indicated two areas where the percentages of those who responded with agree/strongly agree were under 50%:

• 41% agree/strongly agree the school encourages balance and teaches students stress management. HBUHSD will continue to address this concern by providing District Wellness Specialists and other support staff (see Goal 3, Action 3.1).

• 45% agree/strongly agree they have received guidance about post-secondary options for their child/children. Goal 1, Actions 1.2., 1.4., and 1.6. address the parent education opportunities that HBUHSD will provide. The District will also continue to explore other methods/tools that may be used to communicate this information to parents.

The results of the Student Survey indicate that of the respondents, 80% agree/strongly agree they feel safe in school and 84% agree/strongly agree their school provides students with many opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. School safety and school connectedness remains a focus area in 2017-18 (see Goal 3). In meeting with members of the HBUHSD Guidance staff, the group determined that they need to meet annually to review best practices in supporting the needs of our Foster Youth. A new action statement was developed and included in the 2017-18 LCAP (see Goal 2, Action 2.6.). Additionally, through our LCAP revision process with the above groups, we identified specific 2015-16 actions and services that were similar and could be combined. These modified actions and services are indicated as such in the 2017-18 LCAP, along with the former 2015-16 action statement numbers.

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Goals, Actions, & Services Strategic Planning Details and Accountability

New X Modified Unchanged

Goal 1 The district will provide a quality educational system to increase the academic achievement and career readiness of all students.

Empty Cell Empty Cell

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 6 7 X 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________

Identified Need Though our 4 year cohort graduation rate for All Students remains above 94%, we have a gap between Students’ with Disabilities (SWD), English learners (EL), Filipino and Two or More Races (Calif. Schools Dashboard – Graduation Rate Indicator). We continue to remove barriers and provide support for our SWD and EL students to increase the number and percent completing the A-G requirements and passing the Advanced Placement exams. We remained focused on preparing all students to qualify for and succeed in baccalaureate degree programs and certificate or career training without needing remediation (EAP Level 4/Ready ELA and math scores, CTE Pathway Course Completers and Enrollment in College).


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

A-G completion rates

Class of 2016: All Students: 62% SWD: 10% EL: 6% RFEP: 68% LI: 56% FY: 11%

Increase 3%: All Students, SWD, EL, RFEP, LI, FY Maintain at 2017-18 rate or increase Maintain at 2018-19 rate or increase

Enrollment in college (2 yr. + 4 yr.) the fall after high school (Student Clearing House)

73% (Class of 2016) Increase 2% Increase 2% Maintain 2018-19 rate or increase

Grads missing one subject area in A-G completion 47% (Class of 2016) Decrease by 5% Decrease by 5% Maintain 2018-19 rate or decrease

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4 yr. Cohort Graduation Rate

Class of 2016: • All Students: 94.7% • SWD: 68.7% • EL: 84.3% • LI: 92% • FY: 71.4% • Filipino: 92.3%

(Baseline/Calif. Schools Dashboard)

• Two or More Races: 85.7% (Baseline/Calif. Schools Dashboard)

Increase 1%: All Students Increase at minimum 2%: SWD, EL, LI, FY, Filipino and Two or More Races

Increase 1%: All Students Increase at minimum 2%: SWD, EL, LI, FY, Filipino and Two or More Races

Increase 1%: All Students Increase at minimum 2%: SWD, EL, LI, FY, Filipino and Two or More Races

Number of seniors credit deficient as of the last day of school

173 students (Class of 2016) Continue to decrease compared to prior year graduates

Continue to decrease compared to prior year graduates

Continue to decrease compared to prior year graduates

11th & 12th grade students enrolled in at least one CTE course

52% (2015-16) Increase 1% Increase 1% Increase 1%

Number of CTE Pathway Course Completers 296 Grade 12 Students (2015-16) Increase 1% Increase 1% Maintain 2018-19 rate or increase

SBAC ELA & Math: percent performing at achievement levels Met & Exceeded for each subject

SBAC ELA: 2015-16 • All Students: 77% • SWD: 27% • EL: 11% • RFEP: 80% • LI: 66% SBAC Math: 2015-16 • All Students: 53% • SWD: 9% • EL: 11% • RFEP: 58% • LI: 42%

SBAC ELA • Increase 2% All Students and

RFEP • Increase 3% LI • Increase 4% EL & SWD SBAC Math • Increase 4% All Students, LI,

& RFEP • Increase 5% EL • Increase 6% SWD

SBAC ELA • Increase 2% All Students and

RFEP • Increase 3% LI • Increase 4% EL & SWD SBAC Math • Increase 4% All Students, LI,

& RFEP • Increase 5% EL Increase 6% SWD

Maintain at 2018-19 rates or increase

Early Assessment Program (Level 4/Ready) ELA and Math

EAP ELA: 2015-16 • All Students: 41% • SWD:5% • EL: 1% • RFEP: 11% • LI: 30% EAP Math: 2015-16 • All Students: 23% • SWD: 3% • EL: 3% • RFEP: 27% • LI: 15%

EAP ELA • Increase 2% All Students, LI

and RFEP • Increase 3% EL and SWD EAP Math • Increase 3% All Students, LI

and RFEP • Increase 4% EL and SWD

EAP ELA • Increase 2% All Students, LI

and RFEP • Increase 3% EL and SWD EAP Math • Increase 3% All Students, LI

and RFEP • Increase 4% EL and SWD

EAP ELA • Increase 2% All Students, LI and

RFEP • Increase 3% EL and SWD EAP Math • Increase 3% All Students, LI and

RFEP • Increase 4% EL and SWD

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Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Pass Rates

2015-16 • All Students: 70% • SWD: 60.71% • EL: 50% • RFEP: 93.92% • LI: 57.38%

Increase passing rates by 1% for All Students and each subgroup

Increase passing rates by 1% for All Students and each subgroup Maintain at 2018-19 rates or increase

Grades 11 & 12 enrollment in at least one Advanced Placement course

2015-16: 41% enrolled in at least one AP course

Increase by 1% the 11th and 12th graders enrolled in at least one AP course

Increase by 1% the 11th and 12th graders enrolled in at least one AP course

Maintain at 2018-19 rate or increase

CELDT proficiency rate 2015-16: • With 5 or more yrs.- 63.1% • With less than 5 yrs.- 31.7%

Increase proficiency 3% for ELs with 5 or more, or less than 5 years of U.S. education

Increase proficiency 3% for ELs with 5 or more, or less than 5 years of U.S. education

Increase proficiency 3% for ELs with 5 or more, or less than 5 years of U.S. education

English learner reclassification rate 2015-16: 15.9% reclassified Increase reclassification rate by 2% Increase reclassification rate by 2% Increase reclassification rate by 2%

SAT & ACT participation

2015-16: SAT: 1,607 students tested or 39.80% of grade 12 enrollment. ACT Participation 2015-16=1,001 students

Continue to increase the number of students participating in SAT and ACT

Continue to increase the number of students participating in SAT and ACT

Continue to increase the number of students participating in SAT and ACT

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Action 1.1. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Fund dual enrollment courses. Formerly Action 1.1. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $5,000 Amount $5,000 Amount $5,000

Source Base Source Base Source Base

Budget Reference 4101 Textbooks Budget Reference 4101 Textbooks Budget

Reference 4101 Textbooks

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Action 1.2. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Parent Education: • Provide information on post-secondary options and

educational resources unique to each grade level. • Expand the use of college readiness tools to inform parents

and align students’ strengths and interests to post-secondary goals.

Formerly Actions 1.2. & 1.3. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $18,000 total Amount $18,600 total Amount $19,200 total

Source a). $9,260 (Base) b). $1,740 (Supplemental) c). $7,000 (Title III)

Source a). $9,460 (Base) b). $1,940 (Supplemental) c). $7,200 (Title III)

Source a). $9,660 (Base) b). $2,140 (Supplemental) c). $7,400 (Title III)

Budget Reference a). 5721 – Int Pl Dup b). 2000 – 2999 Classified Salaries c). 5850 – Professional Services

Budget Reference

a). 5721 – Int Pl Dup b). 2000 – 2999 Classified Salaries c). 5850 – Professional Services

Budget Reference

a). 5721 – Int Pl Dup b). 2000 – 2999 Classified Salaries c). 5850 – Professional Services

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Action 1.3. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to ensure that English learners and Students with Disabilities have access to the full range of college preparatory courses. Increase student access to A-G courses. Formerly Action 1.4. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $7,326 Amount $7,670 Amount $7,720

Source Title III Source Title III Source Title III

Budget Reference 1100-1199 Certificated Salaries Budget Reference 1100-1199 Certificated Salaries Budget

Reference 1100-1199 Certificated Salaries

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Action 1.4. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

EL and LI Parent Education: • Continue to provide training on how to navigate the

parent/student portal (My.hbuhsd.edu). • Increase availability, awareness and access to family

education programs (i.e. PLI, Grupo Crecer, etc.) to support EL student achievement and high school graduation.

Formerly Actions 1.7., 2.5. & 2.7. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $20,000 Amount $22,000 Amount $24,000

Source a). $15,000 (Title I) b). $5,000 (Supplemental)

Source a). $15,000 (Title I) b). $7,000 (Supplemental)

Source a). $16,000 (Title I) b). $8,000 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference 5850 Grupo Crecer Budget Reference 5850 Grupo Crecer Budget

Reference 5850 Grupo Crecer

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Action 1.5. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Technology Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning: • All teachers will use available online resources (i.e. Aeries

and/or Canvas) to communicate with students and parents (i.e. grades, assignments, attendance).

• Continue to embed technology tools in all curricular areas (i.e. Chromebooks, LCD projectors).

Formerly Actions 1.8. & 2.3. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 Evaluate technology needs


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $1,200,000 total Amount $980,000 total Amount $720,000 total

Source a). $1,137,240 (Base) b). $62,760 (Supplemental)

Source a). $928,750 (Base) b). $51,250 (Supplemental)

Source a). $682,340 (Base) b). $37,660 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference a). 4301 Chromebooks, Projectors, 5818 Aeries b). 5818 Canvas

Budget Reference

a). 4301 Chromebooks, Projectors, 5818 Aeries b). 5818 Canvas

Budget Reference

a).4301 Chromebooks, Projectors, 5818 Aeries b). 5818 Canvas

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Action 1.6. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All X Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Parents of students with disabilities will continue to have the opportunity to participate in their child’s education through the Community Advisory Committee, the District College Night and 8th Grade Parent Night. Formerly Action 1.9. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 Review opportunities for parents of students with disabilities to participate in their child’s education.


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $1,050 Amount $1,100 Amount $1,150

Source Base Source Base Source Base

Budget Reference 1100-1199 Subs and extra pay Budget Reference 1100-1199 Subs and extra pay Budget

Reference 1100-1199 Subs and extra pay

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Action 1.7. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Continue to provide extended time (i.e. library hours) to utilize district/site resources for all students (i.e. LI, FY, SWD, EL). Formerly Action 2.4. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 Evaluate extended time provided and determine needed changes.


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $18,500 total Amount $18,592 total Amount $18,685 total

Source a). $9,250 (Supplemental) b). $9,250 (College Readiness BG)

Source a). $9,296 (Supplemental) b). $9,296 (Base)

Source Supplemental

Budget Reference 2200-2299 Classified salaries Budget Reference 2200-2299 Classified salaries Budget

Reference 2200-2299 Classified salaries

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Action 1.8. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Continue to provide professional development in working with the unique needs of EL and LI students in the core content classroom that is subject specific. Formerly Action 2.6. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 Evaluate and provide professional development as needed.


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $31,090 total Amount $31,270 total Amount $31,400 total

Source a). $24,310 (Supplemental) b). $5,500 (Title III) c). $1,280 (Title III)

Source a). $24,432 (Supplemental) b). $5,588 (Title III) c). $1,250 (Title III)

Source a). $24,500 (Supplemental) b). $5,600 (Title III) c). $1,300 (Title III)

Budget Reference

a). 1000-1999 PELL Facilitator Stipend b). 1000-1999 Subs c). 5800 Contract w/OCDE

Budget Reference

a). 1000-1999 PELL Facilitator Stipend b). 1000-1999 Subs c). 5800 Contract w/OCDE

Budget Reference

a). 1000-1999 PELL Facilitator Stipend b). 1000-1999 Subs c). 5800 Contract w/OCDE

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Action 1.9. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Continue to implement CTE/STEM education initiatives including sequenced pathways aligned to careers. Formerly Actions 3.2. & 3.5. (Goal 1)

See Year 1 Evaluate the developed Career and STEM pathways and adjust as necessary.


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $5,030 Amount $5,055 Amount $5,080

Source Supplemental Source Supplemental Source Supplemental

Budget Reference 1000-1999 Subs Budget Reference 1000-1999 Subs Budget

Reference 1000-1999 Subs

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Action 1.10. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to provide professional development to support the implementation of the State Academic Standards, including English Language Development and Next Generation Science Standards. Formerly Actions 2.2., 2.3., & 2.7. (Goal 3)

Identify needs and provide professional development to support the implementation of the State Academic Standards, including English Language Development and the Next Generation Science Standards.

See Year 2


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $294,294 Amount $300,000 Amount $150,000

Source EEG Source a). $275,000 (Base) b). $25,000 (Supplemental)

Source a). $125,000 (Base) b). $25,000 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference 1100-1999 Subs/5210 Conferences Budget Reference

1100-1999 Subs/5210 Conferences

Budget Reference 1100-1999 Subs/5210 Conferences

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Action 1.11. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

EL students will have full access to the State Academic Standards and the English Language Development standards to gain academic knowledge and English language proficiency. Formerly Action 2.5 (Goal 3)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $1,807,106 Amount $1,817,200 Amount $1,817,800

Source Base Source Base Source Base

Budget Reference 1101 EL teacher salaries Budget Reference 1101 EL teacher salaries Budget

Reference 1101 EL teacher salaries

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Action 1.12. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

The English Language Development program will continue to ensure sufficient rigor for EL students so that students can meet the annual English language development objectives. Formerly Action 2.2. (Goal 2)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $25,000 Amount $25,500 Amount $26,000

Source Supplemental Source Supplemental Source Supplemental

Budget Reference 4301 Supplemental instructional materials

Budget Reference

4301 Supplemental instructional materials

Budget Reference

4301 Supplemental instructional materials

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New X Modified Unchanged

Goal 2 The district will provide a quality educational system for all students focusing on academic rigor with interventions to support and narrow the achievement gap for English learners, Low Income, Foster Youth and Students with Disabilities subgroups.

Empty Cell

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE 1 2 X 3 4 X 5 6 X 7 X 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________

Identified Need We will provide research-based systems of support for all students to continue decreasing the number of students transferred to programs outside of our district. Interventions will be provided to support all students from dropping out of school (Cohort Dropout Rates). Additionally, we will continue to focus on strategies to decrease the number of LTELs (Percent identified on CBEDS compared to last day of school).


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Attendance rates

2015-16: • All Students: 95.89% • SWD: 91.57% • LI: 95.26% • EL: 94.03% • RFEP: 97.97%

Increase 0.2% for All Students, SWD, LI, EL and RFEP

Increase 0.2% for All Students, SWD, LI, EL and RFEP

Increase 0.2% for All Students, SWD, LI, EL and RFEP

Chronic absenteeism 2015-16: 10.74% Decrease a minimum of 0.5% Decrease a minimum of 0.5% Decrease a minimum of 0.5%

Cohort dropout rate

2015-16: • All Students: 2.4% • SWD: 4.8% • EL: 4.7% • LI: 3.6% • FY: 21.4%

• Decrease 0.5% for All Students, SWD, EL and LI

• Decrease 5% for Foster Youth (FY)

• Decrease 0.5% for All Students, SWD, EL and LI

• Decrease 5% for Foster Youth (FY)

• Decrease or maintain 2018-19 rate for All Students, continue to decrease 0.5% for SWD, EL and LI

• Decrease 5% for Foster Youth (FY)

Students transferred to programs outside of HBUHSD

As of March 2017, 141 students have been transferred to ACCESS

Decrease the number of students transferred to ACCESS from prior year

Decrease the number of students transferred to ACCESS from prior year

Decrease the number of students transferred to ACCESS from prior year

Number/percent of LTELs identified on CBEDS/compared to last day of school

October 2015, 72% were LTELs compared to 69% on June 2016 Decrease by 10% Decrease by 10% Decrease by 10%

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Action 2.1. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to support AVID. See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $15,000 Amount $15,000 Amount $15,000

Source Supplemental Source Supplemental Source Supplemental

Budget Reference 5800-5899 AVID membership Budget Reference 5800-5899 AVID membership Budget

Reference 5800-5899 AVID membership

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Action 2.2. Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged

Professional Development: • Develop and provide a cohesive district-wide program to

identify and support student success. • Provide professional development on Implementation of

System of Support through MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)/UDL (Universal Design for Learning) best practices.

• Continue to support co-teaching classes. Formerly Actions 1.3. & 1.10. (Goal 2)

See Year 1 Evaluate our professional development plan and adjust as necessary based on student needs.


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $155,200 Amount $155,980 Amount $40,000

Source EEG Source EEG Source a). $30,000 (Base) b). $10,000 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference 1100-1999 Subs Budget Reference 1100-1999 Subs Budget Reference 1100-1999 Subs

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Action 2.3. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Student Interventions: • Expand credit recovery options. • Use the Early Warning System (EWS) to identify

struggling students specifically in grades 9 and 10. • Continue to fund release periods for MTSS teachers at the

six comprehensive school sites. • Continue to utilize research-based math and reading

programs to close the achievement gaps. Formerly Actions 1.4., 1.5., 1.11., & 1.12. (Goal 2)

Evaluate student interventions and continue to expand options for struggling students.

See Year 2


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $368,300 total Amount $375,000 Amount $379,000

Source a). $258,000 (Base) b). $63,700 (Supplemental) c). $46,600 (Title I)

Source a). $260,000 (Base) b). $67,000 (Supplemental) c). $48,000 (Title I)

Source a). 262,000 (Base) b). 69,000 (Supplemental) c). $48,000 (Title I)

Budget Reference a). 1101 MTSS teacher release periods

Budget Reference

a). 1101 MTSS teacher release periods

Budget Reference

a). 1101 MTSS teacher release periods b). 5843 Scholastic Maintenance

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b). 5843 Scholastic Maintenance c). 5843 Edgenuity

b). 5843 Scholastic Maintenance c). 5843 Edgenuity

c). 5843 Edgenuity

Action 2.4. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Parent Education: • Provide drug and alcohol awareness and student wellness

education. • Provide educational opportunities through Parent

University, site communications, and parent groups. Formerly Action 1.9. (Goal 2)

See Year 1. Review results from Parent Survey to identify additional needs.

See Year 2


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $42,500 total Amount $43,150 total Amount $48,400 total


a). $8,600 (Base) b). $1,700 (Supplemental) c). $7,000 (Title III) d). $25,200 (Title I)


a). $8,700 (Base) b). $1,750 (Supplemental) c). $7,500 (Title III) d). $25,200 (Title I)


a). $8,800 (Base) b). $1,800 (Supplemental) c). $7,600 (Title III) d). $25,200 (Title I)

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Budget Reference

a). 5833 Planning Guide & Parent University b). 2421 Extra pay class. & cert. c). 5816 Parent Education d). 5850 Calif. Youth Services (%)

Budget Reference

a). 5833 Planning Guide & Parent University b). 2421 Extra pay class. & cert. c). 5816 Parent Education d). 5850 Calif. Youth Services (%)

Budget Reference

a). 5833 Planning Guide & Parent University b). 2421 Extra pay class. & cert. c). 5816 Parent Education d). 5850 Calif. Youth Services (%)

Action 2.5. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

EL Program Support: • Provide training opportunities for DELAC members to assist them

in accessing the systems of support to better engage in their student’s learning.

• Continue to fund the PELL Coordinators. • Increase availability of interpretation and translation services at

school functions. • Focus professional development on instructional strategies used to

support students in SDAIE sheltered settings. Formerly Actions 1.19., 2.4., 2.5., & 2.7. (Goal 2)

See Year 1 See Year 1


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2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $139,538 total Amount $140,490 total Amount $141,500 total

Source a). $10,695 (Title III) b). $128,843 (Supplemental)


a). $11,000 (Title III) b). $129,490 (Supplemental)

Source a). $11,500 (Title III) b). $130,000 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference a). 5210 Parent Support/translation ($2,475) 5834 Renaisse Accelerated Reader ($8,220) b). 1302 PELL Coordinators

Budget Reference

a). 5210 Parent Support/translation ($2,680) 5834 Renaisse Accelerated Reader ($8,320) b). 1302 PELL Coordinators

Budget Reference

a). 5210 Parent Support/translation ($2,980) 5834 Renaisse Accelerated Reader ($8,520) b). 1302 PELL Coordinators

Action 2.6. Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners X Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

X New Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

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Annually review best practices for supporting the needs of Foster Youth.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount Included in salary for Director of Support Services – see Goal 3 Action 3.2

Amount Included in salary for Director of Support Services – see Goal 3 Action 3.2

Amount Included in salary for Director of Support Services – see Goal 3 Action 3.2

Source Source Source

Budget Reference Budget Reference Budget


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New X Modified Unchanged

Goal 3 All schools are clean, safe and have a positive climate that supports the academic, emotional and physical needs of all students.

Empty Cell

State and/or Local Priorities Addressed by this goal: STATE X 1 2 X 3 4 5 X 6 X 7 8

COE 9 10 LOCAL ______________________________________

Identified Need HBUHSD believes students’ social, physical, and emotional well-being has a profound impact on their learning, therefore, we will continue to provide a well-maintained learning environment where all students feel physically and emotionally safe at school (2016-17 Student & Parent Surveys). Though the number of all students suspended has decreased from 652 in 2012-13 to 310 in 2014-15, our EL suspension rate is two levels below the all student rate (Calif. Schools Dashboard – Suspension Rate Indicator). All students will continue to have access to standards aligned instructional materials and teachers who are fully credentialed.


Metrics/Indicators Baseline 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Student survey or Focus groups

Online student survey (grades 9-12) conducted 12/5/16 through 12/9/16. Topics included school safety and school connectedness. 80% agree/strongly agree they feel safe in their school, 84% agree/strongly agree that their school provides students with many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, 70% agree/strongly agree their school has a positive school climate,

Conduct Student Survey or Focus Groups to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness.

Conduct Student Survey or Focus Groups to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness.

Conduct Student Survey or Focus Groups to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness.

Facility rating on School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

All schools received an Overall Facility Rating of ‘Good’

All schools will receive an Overall Facility Rating of ‘Good’

All schools will receive an Overall Facility Rating of ‘Good’

All schools will receive an Overall Facility Rating of ‘Good’

Suspension rates

2014-15 (2015-16 not available yet) All Students: 1.8% Calif. Schools Dashboard: EL: 4.2% (Orange Perf. Level)

• All Students and LI: decrease by 0.5%

• EL and SWD: decrease 1%

• All Students and LI: decrease by 0.5%

• EL and SWD: decrease 1% Continue to decrease or maintain 2018-19 rates

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LI: 2.6% SWD: 4.2%

Expulsion rates 2014-15 (2015-16 not available yet) 0.1%

Continue to decrease or maintain a rate of 0.1%

Continue to decrease or maintain a rate of 0.1%

Continue to decrease or maintain a rate of 0.1%

Parent Survey or Forums

Conducted online Parent Survey 10/10-21/2016. Topics included school safety, access to AP courses, welcoming culture. 83% agree/strongly agree that their child has access to AP classes. 80% agree/strongly agree their school provides a wide array of academic, cultural and personal experiences to engage students. 85% agree/strongly agree students are safe at school, 45% agree/strongly agree they have received guidance about post-secondary options for their child, 54% agree/strongly agree they know what career and college pathways are available at their school.

Conduct Parent Survey or Forums to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness

Conduct Parent Survey or Forums to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness

Conduct Parent Survey or Forums to address a variety of topics including school safety and school connectedness

Student access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials

2016-17: 100% of students have access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials.

100% of students will have access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials

100% of students will have access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials

100% of students will have access to standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials

Rate of teachers appropriately assigned and fully credentialed

Reported to Board at December meeting: 2016-17 = 53 teachers total, with 30 out of 53 assigned to PE Athletics/specific sport, 23 teachers assigned to a subject area class.

Decrease by 5% the total number of teachers mis-assigned as reported at December Board meeting

Decrease by 5% the total number of teachers mis-assigned as reported at December Board meeting

Decrease by 5% the total number of teachers mis-assigned as reported at December Board meeting

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Action 3.1. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

District Wellness Specialists, and other support staff, will continue to provide counseling services for students.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $210,800 Amount $210,900 Amount $215,000

Source Base Source Base Source Base

Budget Reference 1901 Other Certificated Salaries Budget Reference

1901 Other Certificated Salaries

Budget Reference 1901 Other Certificated Salaries

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Action 3.2. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to provide financial, educational, and wellness resources for certificated, classified and administrative staff. In addition, continue to provide financial resources for operational/facility needs to ensure a safe, secure learning and working environment. Formerly Action 1.4. (Goal 3)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $109,789,269 Amount $110,887,162 Amount $112,217,808

Source a). $103,641,070 (Base) b). $6,148,199 (Supplemental)

Source a). $104,455,707 (Base) b). $6,431,455 (Supplemental)

Source a). $106,045,829 (Base) b). $6,171,979 (Supplemental)

Budget Reference 1100-1199 Budget Reference 1100-1199 Budget

Reference 1100-1199

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Action 3.3. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Provide resources related to digital literacy, social media and cyber citizenship and respond effectively to safety and security issues as they relate to technology usage. Formerly Action 1.5. (Goal 3)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount 0 Amount 0 Amount 0

Source Source Source

Budget Reference Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

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Action 3.4. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to inform parents and students about programs that allow for open flow communication with respect to safety concerns on campus (i.e. Titan HST, TipTxt, Black Board Connect, Loop K12).

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount 0 Amount 0 Amount 0

Source Source Source

Budget Reference Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

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Action 3.5. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New X Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

All students will have appropriate standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials, including digital instructional materials, and will be enrolled in all required areas of study. Formerly Action 2.1. (Goal 3)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $1,370,000 Amount $1,370,000 Amount $1,370,000

Source a). $600,000 (Base) b). $200,000 (Supplemental) c). $570,000 (Lottery)

Source a). $600,000 (Base) b). $200,000 (Supplemental) c). $570,000 (Lottery)

Source a). $600,000 (Base) b). $200,000 (Supplemental) c). $570,000 (Lottery)

Budget Reference 4101 Budget Reference 4101 Budget

Reference 4101

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Action 3.6. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Evaluate and update technology infrastructure on an ongoing basis including hardware, software and internet systems.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $450,000 Amount $300,000 Amount $300,000

Source a). $225,000 (Base) b). $225,000 (E-Rate)

Source a). $150,000 (Base) b). $150,000 (E-Rate)

Source a). $150,000 (Base) b). $150,000 (E-Rate)

Budget Reference 4301, 4410, 5850, 6490 Budget Reference 4301, 4410, 5850, 6490 Budget

Reference 4301, 4410, 5850, 6490

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Action 3.7. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to monitor teacher assignments to ensure appropriate placement based on credentials.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount 0 Amount 0 Amount 0

Source Source Source

Budget Reference Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

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Action 3.8. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X English Learners X Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to increase teacher growth and retention through competitive salary schedule.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $1,040,000 Amount To Be Determined Amount To Be Determined

Source Supplemental (Negotiated staff raises) Source Source

Budget Reference 1100-1199 Budget Reference 1100-1199 Budget

Reference 1100-1199

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Action 3.9. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth X Low Income

Scope of Services X LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

X New Modified Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Supplement funding for Low Income students who take AP and IB exams.

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $54,000 Amount $54,000 Amount $54,000

Source Supplemental Source Supplemental Source Supplemental

Budget Reference 5825 Student Scholarship Budget Reference 5825 Student Scholarship Budget

Reference 5825 Student Scholarship

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Action 3.10. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Continue to support new teachers through the Induction Program. Formerly Action 1.15. (Goal 2)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount $135,000 Amount $135,000 Amount $135,000

Source EEG Source Base Source Base

Budget Reference 5816 Budget Reference 5816 Budget

Reference 5816

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Action 3.11. Empty Cell Empty Cell

For Actions/Services not included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served X All Students with Disabilities [Specific Student Group(s)]___________________

Location(s) X All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


For Actions/Services included as contributing to meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served English Learners Foster Youth Low Income

Scope of Services LEA-wide Schoolwide OR Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)

Location(s) All schools Specific Schools:___________________ Specific Grade spans:__________________


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged New Modified X Unchanged

Increase outreach efforts to encourage parental participation in site and district decision making. Formerly Action 1.20. (Goal 2)

See Year 1 See Year 1


2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Amount 0 Amount 0 Amount 0

Source Source Source

Budget Reference Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

Budget Reference

Included in salaries in Goal 3 Action 3.2

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Demonstration of Increased or Improved Services for Unduplicated Pupils

LCAP Year X 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20

Estimated Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds: $7,800,123 Percentage to Increase or Improve Services: 5.65 %

Describe how services provided for unduplicated pupils are increased or improved by at least the percentage identified above, either qualitatively or quantitatively, as compared to services provided for all students in the LCAP year. Identify each action/service being funded and provided on a schoolwide or LEA-wide basis. Include the required descriptions supporting each schoolwide or LEA-wide use of funds (see instructions).

Supplemental funds are used to support services that are principally directed toward and are effective in meeting the needs of unduplicated pupils in the state and local priority areas. Increasing academic achievement and career readiness for our EL, FY, LI, RFEP and SWD students is a primary focus for the Huntington Beach Union High School District. The following actions/services will be provided districtwide to support EL, FY, LI, RFEP and SWD students: 1. EL and LI Parent Education (Goal 1 Actions 1.2 & 1.4 and Goal 2 Action 2.4): Expand the use of college readiness tools to inform parents and align students’ strengths and interests to post-secondary goals. Continue to provide training on how to navigate the parent/student portal. Increase availability, awareness and access to family education programs to support EL student achievement and high school graduation. Improved communication between teachers and parents increases student engagement as measured by homework completion rates, on-task behavior and class participation (‘The Power of Parents, Research Underscores the Impact of Parent Involvement in School’ February 2014). 2. Technology tools to enhance teaching and learning (Goal 1 Action 1.5): Continue to embed technology tools in all curricular areas (i.e. Chromebooks, LCD projectors). The ‘Blue Print for Great Schools’ report indicates the urgency in ensuring that schools have more rapid and ready access to appropriate digital materials to support student learning. 3. Continue to provide extended time (i.e. library hours) to utilize district/site resources for all students (Goal 1 Action 1.7). In the NEA policy brief, ‘Closing the Gap through Extended Learning Opportunities,’ expanding access to extended learning programs which engage and enrich students will provide many more students with firm foundation for success. 4. Continue to provide professional development in working with the unique needs of EL and LI students in the core content classroom that is subject specific (Goal 1 Action 1.8). Professional development provides opportunities for teachers to learn how to adapt instruction for the needs of EL and LI students and how to work with parents to build strong school programs. 5. Continue to implement CTE/STEM education initiatives including sequenced pathways aligned to careers (Goal 1 Action 1.9). STEM education is a key pathway to success in 21st century careers and college. Students learn to think critically and flexibly, preparing them for fulfilling 21st century careers. 6. The English Language Development program will continue to ensure sufficient rigor for EL students so that students can meet the annual English language development objectives (Goal 1 Action 1.12). As stated in the ELA/ELD Framework (pp. 6-10 and pp. 5-16), the goals of the HBUHSD ELD program are for each student to graduate from high school to have: a). developed the readiness for college and career, b). attain the capacities of literate individuals, c). become broadly literate, and d). acquire the skills for living and learning in the 21st century. 7. Continue to support AVID (Goal 2 Action 2.1). AVID’s research-based strategies and methodologies develop students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas. 8. Student Interventions: Continue to utilize research-based math and reading programs to close the achievement gaps (Goal 2 Action 2.3). Khan Academy, Read 180 Next Generation and System 44 are programs used to close the achievement gap and support language acquisition and literacy skills.

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9. EL Program Support: Continue to fund the PELL Coordinators (Goal 2 Action 2.5). The PELL Coordinators will monitor EL and redesignated students to help ensure success in the EL program or in the transition to mainstream instruction. 10. Continue to provide financial, educational, and wellness resources for certificated, classified and administrative staff. In addition, continue to provide financial resources for operational/facility needs to ensure a safe, secure learning and working environment (Goal 3 Action 3.2). HBUHSD believes in the following statements as reflected in the District’s Strategic Plan: 1). Providing a safe working and learning environment, 2). Being responsible for the well-being of students, staff, and the institution/facilities/environment to promote success, 3). Fostering a culture of visionary leadership, and 4). Encouraging a mindset of growth and innovation. 11. All students will have appropriate standards-aligned textbooks/instructional materials, including digital instructional materials, and will be enrolled in all required areas of study (Goal 3 Action 3.5). All students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Before textbooks are purchased they are thoroughly evaluated by teachers, administrators, curriculum facilitators, and made available for review by the community and the Board of Trustees. 12. Continue to increase teacher growth and retention through competitive salary schedule (Goal 3 Action 3.8). One of the key beliefs of ‘The HBUHSD Pledge’ is that for our employees, we believe that education is a people-centered enterprise that derives its strength from the quality of its employees. HBUHSD will sustain common and consistent practices for recruiting, hiring and retaining staff. 13. Supplement funding for Low Income students who take AP and IB exams (Goal 3 Action 3.9). AP and IB exams provide opportunities for motivated and prepared students to experience college-level courses while in high school, thereby fostering critical thinking and college persistence and success.

The End

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Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template Instructions

Addendum The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Annual Update Template documents and communicates local educational agencies’ (LEAs) actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance. The LCAP is a three-year plan, which is reviewed and updated annually, as required. Charter schools may complete the LCAP to align with the term of the charter school’s budget, typically one year, which is submitted to the school’s authorizer. The LCAP and Annual Update Template must be completed by all LEAs each year.

For school districts, the LCAP must describe, for the school district and each school within the district, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students and each student group identified by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) (ethnic, socioeconomically disadvantaged, English learners, foster youth, pupils with disabilities, and homeless youth), for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities.

For county offices of education, the LCAP must describe, for each county office of education-operated school and program, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students and each LCFF student group funded through the county office of education (students attending juvenile court schools, on probation or parole, or expelled under certain conditions) for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities. School districts and county offices of education may additionally coordinate and describe in their LCAPs services funded by a school district that are provided to students attending county-operated schools and programs, including special education programs.

If a county superintendent of schools has jurisdiction over a single school district, the county board of education and the governing board of the school district may adopt and file for review and approval a single LCAP consistent with the requirements in Education Code (EC) sections 52060, 52062, 52066, 52068, and 52070. The LCAP must clearly articulate to which entity’s budget (school district or county superintendent of schools) all budgeted and actual expenditures are aligned.

Charter schools must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students and each LCFF subgroup of students including students with disabilities and homeless youth, for each of the state priorities that apply for the grade levels served or the nature of the program operated by the charter school, and any locally identified priorities. For charter schools, the inclusion and description of goals for state priorities in the LCAP may be modified to meet the grade levels served and the nature of the programs provided, including modifications to reflect only the statutory requirements explicitly applicable to charter schools in the EC. Changes in LCAP goals and actions/services for charter schools that result from the annual update process do not necessarily constitute a material revision to the school’s charter petition.

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For questions related to specific sections of the template, please see instructions below:

Instructions: Linked Table of Contents Plan Summary Annual Update Stakeholder Engagement Goals, Actions, and Services Planned Actions/Services Demonstration of Increased or Improved Services for Unduplicated Students For additional questions or technical assistance related to completion of the LCAP template, please contact the local county office of education, or the CDE’s Local Agency Systems Support Office at: 916-319-0809 or by email at: [email protected].

Plan Summary The LCAP is intended to reflect an LEA’s annual goals, actions, services and expenditures within a fixed three-year planning cycle. LEAs must include a plan summary for the LCAP each year.

When developing the LCAP, mark the appropriate LCAP year, and address the prompts provided in these sections. When developing the LCAP in year 2 or year 3, mark the appropriate LCAP year and replace the previous summary information with information relevant to the current year LCAP.

In this section, briefly address the prompts provided. These prompts are not limits. LEAs may include information regarding local program(s), community demographics, and the overall vision of the LEA. LEAs may also attach documents (e.g., the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics data reports) if desired and/or include charts illustrating goals, planned outcomes, actual outcomes, or related planned and actual expenditures.

An LEA may use an alternative format for the plan summary as long as it includes the information specified in each prompt and the budget summary table. The reference to LCFF Evaluation Rubrics means the evaluation rubrics adopted by the State Board of Education under EC Section 52064.5.

Budget Summary The LEA must complete the LCAP Budget Summary table as follows:

• Total LEA General Fund Budget Expenditures for the LCAP Year: This amount is the LEA’s total budgeted General Fund expenditures for the LCAP year. The LCAP year means the fiscal year for which an LCAP is adopted or updated by July 1. The General Fund is the main operating fund of the LEA and accounts for all activities not accounted for in another fund. All activities are reported in the General Fund unless there is a compelling reason to account for an activity in another fund. For further information please refer to the California School Accounting Manual (http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/ac/sa/). (Note: For some charter schools that follow governmental fund accounting, this amount is the total budgeted expenditures in the Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund. For charter schools that follow the not-for-profit accounting model, this amount is total budgeted expenses, such as those budgeted in the Charter Schools Enterprise Fund.)

• Total Funds Budgeted for Planned Actions/Services to Meet the Goals in the LCAP for the LCAP Year: This amount is the total of the budgeted expenditures associated with the actions/services included for the LCAP year from all sources of funds, as reflected in the LCAP. To the extent actions/services and/or expenditures are listed in the LCAP under more than one goal, the expenditures should be counted only once.

• Description of any use(s) of the General Fund Budget Expenditures specified above for the LCAP year not included in the LCAP: Briefly describe expenditures included in total General Fund Expenditures that are not included in the total funds budgeted for planned actions/services for the LCAP year. (Note: The total funds budgeted for planned actions/services may include funds other than general fund expenditures.)

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• Total Projected LCFF Revenues for LCAP Year: This amount is the total amount of LCFF funding the LEA estimates it will receive pursuant to EC sections 42238.02 (for school districts and charter schools) and 2574 (for county offices of education), as implemented by EC sections 42238.03 and 2575 for the LCAP year respectively.

Annual Update The planned goals, expected outcomes, actions/services, and budgeted expenditures must be copied verbatim from the previous year’s* approved LCAP. Minor typographical errors may be corrected.

* For example, for LCAP year 2017/18 of the 2017/18 – 2019/20 LCAP, review the goals in the 2016/17 LCAP. Moving forward, review the goals from the most recent LCAP year. For example, LCAP year 2020/21 will review goals from the 2019/20 LCAP year, which is the last year of the 2017/18 – 2019/20 LCAP.

Annual Measurable Outcomes For each goal in the prior year, identify and review the actual measurable outcomes as compared to the expected annual measurable outcomes identified in the prior year for the goal.

Actions/Services Identify the planned Actions/Services and the budgeted expenditures to implement these actions toward achieving the described goal. Identify the actual actions/services implemented to meet the described goal and the estimated actual annual expenditures to implement the actions/services. As applicable, identify any changes to the students or student groups served, or to the planned location of the actions/services provided.

Analysis Using actual annual measurable outcome data, including data from the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, analyze whether the planned actions/services were effective in achieving the goal. Respond to the prompts as instructed.

• Describe the overall implementation of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal. Include a discussion of relevant challenges and successes experienced with the implementation process.

• Describe the overall effectiveness of the actions/services to achieve the articulated goal as measured by the LEA.

• Explain material differences between Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures. Minor variances in expenditures or a dollar-for-dollar accounting is not required.

• Describe any changes made to this goal, expected outcomes, metrics, or actions and services to achieve this goal as a result of this analysis and analysis of the data provided in the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable. Identify where those changes can be found in the LCAP.

Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful engagement of parents, students, and other stakeholders, including those representing the student groups identified by LCFF, is critical to the development of the LCAP and the budget process. EC identifies the minimum consultation requirements for school districts and county offices of education as consulting with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the school district, parents, and pupils in developing the LCAP. EC requires charter schools to consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, parents, and pupils in developing the LCAP. In addition, EC Section 48985 specifies the requirements for the translation of notices, reports, statements, or records sent to a parent or guardian. The LCAP should be shared with, and LEAs should request input from, school site-level advisory groups, as applicable (e.g., school site councils, English Learner Advisory Councils, student advisory groups, etc.), to facilitate alignment between school-site and district-level goals and actions. An LEA may incorporate or reference actions described in other plans that are being undertaken to meet specific goals.

Instructions: The stakeholder engagement process is an ongoing, annual process. The requirements for this section are the same for each year of a three-year LCAP. When developing the LCAP, mark the appropriate LCAP year, and describe the stakeholder engagement process used to develop the LCAP and Annual Update. When developing the LCAP in year 2 or year 3, mark the appropriate LCAP year and replace the previous stakeholder narrative(s) and describe the stakeholder engagement process used to develop the current year LCAP and Annual Update.

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School districts and county offices of education: Describe the process used to consult with the Parent Advisory Committee, the English Learner Parent Advisory Committee, parents, students, school personnel, the LEA’s local bargaining units, and the community to inform the development of the LCAP and the annual review and analysis for the indicated LCAP year.

Charter schools: Describe the process used to consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, parents, and students to inform the development of the LCAP and the annual review and analysis for the indicated LCAP year.

Describe how the consultation process impacted the development of the LCAP and annual update for the indicated LCAP year, including the goals, actions, services, and expenditures.

Goals, Actions, and Services LEAs must include a description of the annual goals, for all students and each LCFF identified group of students, to be achieved for each state priority as applicable to type of LEA. An LEA may also include additional local priorities. This section shall also include a description of the specific planned actions an LEA will take to meet the identified goals, and a description of the expenditures required to implement the specific actions.

School districts and county offices of education: The LCAP is a three-year plan, which is reviewed and updated annually, as required.

Charter schools: The number of years addressed in the LCAP may align with the term of the charter schools budget, typically one year, which is submitted to the school’s authorizer. If year 2 and/or year 3 is not applicable, charter schools must specify as such.

New, Modified, Unchanged

As part of the LCAP development process, which includes the annual update and stakeholder engagement, indicate if the goal, identified need, related state and/or local priorities, and/or expected annual measurable outcomes for the current LCAP year or future LCAP years are modified or unchanged from the previous year’s LCAP; or, specify if the goal is new.

Goal State the goal. LEAs may number the goals using the “Goal #” box for ease of reference. A goal is a broad statement that describes the desired result to which all actions/services are directed. A goal answers the question: What is the LEA seeking to achieve?

Related State and/or Local Priorities Identify the state and/or local priorities addressed by the goal by placing a check mark next to the applicable priority or priorities. The LCAP must include goals that address each of the state priorities, as applicable to the type of LEA, and any additional local priorities; however, one goal may address multiple priorities. (Link to State Priorities)

Identified Need Describe the needs that led to establishing the goal. The identified needs may be based on quantitative or qualitative information, including, but not limited to, results of the annual update process or performance data from the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, as applicable.

Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes For each LCAP year, identify the metric(s) or indicator(s) that the LEA will use to track progress toward the expected outcomes. LEAs may identify metrics for specific student groups. Include in the baseline column the most recent data associated with this metric or indicator available at the time of adoption of the LCAP for the first year of the three-year plan. The most recent data associated with a metric or indicator includes data as reported in the annual update of the LCAP year immediately preceding the three-year plan, as applicable. The baseline data shall remain unchanged throughout the three-year LCAP. In the subsequent year columns, identify the progress to be made in each year of the three-year cycle of the LCAP. Consider how expected outcomes in any given year are related to the expected outcomes for subsequent years.

The metrics may be quantitative or qualitative, but at minimum an LEA must use the applicable required metrics for the related state priorities, in each LCAP year as applicable to the type of LEA. For the student engagement priority metrics, as applicable, LEAs must calculate the rates as described in the LCAP Template Appendix, sections (a) through (d).

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Planned Actions/Services

For each action/service, the LEA must complete either the section “For Actions/Services not contributing to meeting Increased or Improved Services Requirement” or the section “For Actions/Services Contributing to Meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement.” The LEA shall not complete both sections for a single action.

For Actions/Services Not Contributing to Meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement

Students to be Served The “Students to be Served” box is to be completed for all actions/services except for those which are included by the LEA as contributing to meeting the requirement to increase or improve services for unduplicated students. Indicate in this box which students will benefit from the actions/services by checking “All”, “Students with Disabilities”, or “Specific Student Group(s)”. If “Specific Student Group(s)” is checked, identify the specific student group(s) as appropriate.

Location(s) Identify the location where the action/services will be provided. If the services are provided to all schools within the LEA, the LEA must indicate “All Schools”. If the services are provided to specific schools within the LEA or specific grade spans only, the LEA must mark “Specific Schools” or “Specific Grade Spans”. Identify the individual school or a subset of schools or grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5), as appropriate.

Charter schools operating more than one site, authorized within the same charter petition, may choose to distinguish between sites by selecting “Specific Schools” and identify the site(s) where the actions/services will be provided. For charter schools operating only one site, “All Schools” and “Specific Schools” may be synonymous and, therefore, either would be appropriate. Charter schools may use either term provided they are used in a consistent manner through the LCAP.

For Actions/Services Contributing to Meeting the Increased or Improved Services Requirement:

Students to be Served For any action/service contributing to the LEA’s overall demonstration that it has increased or improved services for unduplicated students above what is provided to all students (see Demonstration of Increased or Improved Services for Unduplicated Students section, below), the LEA must identify the unduplicated student group(s) being served.

Scope of Service For each action/service contributing to meeting the increased or improved services requirement, identify scope of service by indicating “LEA-wide”, “Schoolwide”, or “Limited to Unduplicated Student Group(s)”. The LEA must select one of the following three options:

• If the action/service is being funded and provided to upgrade the entire educational program of the LEA, place a check mark next to “LEA-wide.”

• If the action/service is being funded and provided to upgrade the entire educational program of a particular school or schools, place a check mark next to “schoolwide”.

• If the action/service being funded and provided is limited to the unduplicated students identified in “Students to be Served”, place a check mark next to “Limited to Student Groups”.

For charter schools and single-school school districts, “LEA-wide” and “Schoolwide” may be synonymous and, therefore, either would be appropriate. For charter schools operating multiple schools (determined by a unique CDS code) under a single charter, use “LEA-wide” to refer to all schools under the charter and use “Schoolwide” to refer to a single school authorized within the same charter petition. Charter schools operating a single school may use “LEA-wide” or “Schoolwide” provided these terms are used in a consistent manner through the LCAP.

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Location(s) Identify the location where the action/services will be provided. If the services are provided to all schools within the LEA, the LEA must indicate “All Schools”. If the services are provided to specific schools within the LEA or specific grade spans only, the LEA must mark “Specific Schools” or “Specific Grade Spans”. Identify the individual school or a subset of schools or grade spans (e.g., all high schools or grades K-5), as appropriate.

Charter schools operating more than one site, authorized within the same charter petition, may choose to distinguish between sites by selecting “Specific Schools” and identify the site(s) where the actions/services will be provided. For charter schools operating only one site, “All Schools” and “Specific Schools” may be synonymous and, therefore, either would be appropriate. Charter schools may use either term provided they are used in a consistent manner through the LCAP.

Actions/Services For each LCAP year, identify the actions to be performed and services provided to meet the described goal. Actions and services that are implemented to achieve the identified goal may be grouped together. LEAs may number the action/service using the “Action #” box for ease of reference.


• Check “New” if the action/service is being added in any of the three years of the LCAP to meet the articulated goal.

• Check “Modified” if the action/service was included to meet an articulated goal and has been changed or modified in any way from the prior year description.

• Check “Unchanged” if the action/service was included to meet an articulated goal and has not been changed or modified in any way from the prior year description.

o If a planned action/service is anticipated to remain unchanged for the duration of the plan, an LEA may check “Unchanged” and leave the subsequent year columns blank rather than having to copy/paste the action/service into the subsequent year columns. Budgeted expenditures may be treated in the same way as applicable.

Note: The goal from the prior year may or may not be included in the current three-year LCAP. For example, when developing year 1 of the LCAP, the goals articulated in year 3 of the preceding three-year LCAP will be from the prior year.

Charter schools may complete the LCAP to align with the term of the charter school’s budget that is submitted to the school’s authorizer. Accordingly, a charter school submitting a one-year budget to its authorizer may choose not to complete the year 2 and year 3 portions of the “Goals, Actions, and Services” section of the template. If year 2 and/or year 3 is not applicable, charter schools must specify as such.

Budgeted Expenditures For each action/service, list and describe budgeted expenditures for each school year to implement these actions, including where those expenditures can be found in the LEA’s budget. The LEA must reference all fund sources for each proposed expenditure. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual as required by EC sections 52061, 52067, and 47606.5.

Expenditures that are included more than once in an LCAP must be indicated as a duplicated expenditure and include a reference to the goal and action/service where the expenditure first appears in the LCAP.

If a county superintendent of schools has jurisdiction over a single school district, and chooses to complete a single LCAP, the LCAP must clearly articulate to which entity’s budget (school district or county superintendent of schools) all budgeted expenditures are aligned.

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Demonstration of Increased or Improved Services for Unduplicated Students This section must be completed for each LCAP year. When developing the LCAP in year 2 or year 3, copy the “Demonstration of Increased or Improved Services for Unduplicated Students” table and mark the appropriate LCAP year. Using the copy of the table, complete the table as required for the current year LCAP. Retain all prior year tables for this section for each of the three years within the LCAP.

Estimated Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds Identify the amount of funds in the LCAP year calculated on the basis of the number and concentration of low income, foster youth, and English learner students as determined pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) Section 15496(a)(5).

Percentage to Increase or Improve Services Identify the percentage by which services for unduplicated pupils must be increased or improved as compared to the services provided to all students in the LCAP year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR Section 15496(a)(7).

Consistent with the requirements of 5 CCR Section 15496, describe how services provided for unduplicated pupils are increased or improved by at least the percentage calculated as compared to services provided for all students in the LCAP year. To improve services means to grow services in quality and to increase services means to grow services in quantity. This description must address how the action(s)/service(s) limited for one or more unduplicated student group(s), and any schoolwide or districtwide action(s)/service(s) supported by the appropriate description, taken together, result in the required proportional increase or improvement in services for unduplicated pupils.

If the overall increased or improved services include any actions/services being funded and provided on a schoolwide or districtwide basis, identify each action/service and include the required descriptions supporting each action/service as follows.

For those services being provided on an LEA-wide basis: • For school districts with an unduplicated pupil percentage of 55% or more, and for charter schools and county

offices of education: Describe how these services are principally directed to and effective in meeting its goals for unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priorities.

• For school districts with an unduplicated pupil percentage of less than 55%: Describe how these services are principally directed to and effective in meeting its goals for unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priorities. Also describe how the services are the most effective use of the funds to meet these goals for its unduplicated pupils. Provide the basis for this determination, including any alternatives considered, supporting research, experience or educational theory.

For school districts only, identify in the description those services being funded and provided on a schoolwide basis, and include the required description supporting the use of the funds on a schoolwide basis:

• For schools with 40% or more enrollment of unduplicated pupils: Describe how these services are principally

directed to and effective in meeting its goals for its unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priorities.

• For school districts expending funds on a schoolwide basis at a school with less than 40% enrollment of unduplicated pupils: Describe how these services are principally directed to and how the services are the most effective use of the funds to meet its goals for English learners, low income students and foster youth, in the state and any local priorities.

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State Priorities Priority 1: Basic Services addresses the degree to which:

A. Teachers in the LEA are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching;

B. Pupils in the school district have sufficient access to the standards-aligned instructional materials; and C. School facilities are maintained in good repair.

Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards addresses: A. The implementation of state board adopted academic content and performance standards for all students, which

are: a. English Language Arts – Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts b. Mathematics – CCSS for Mathematics c. English Language Development (ELD) d. Career Technical Education e. Health Education Content Standards f. History-Social Science g. Model School Library Standards h. Physical Education Model Content Standards i. Next Generation Science Standards j. Visual and Performing Arts k. World Language; and

B. How the programs and services will enable English learners to access the CCSS and the ELD standards for purposes of gaining academic content knowledge and English language proficiency.

Priority 3: Parental Involvement addresses: A. The efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each

individual school site; B. How the school district will promote parental participation in programs for unduplicated pupils; and C. How the school district will promote parental participation in programs for individuals with exceptional needs.

Priority 4: Pupil Achievement as measured by all of the following, as applicable: A. Statewide assessments; B. The Academic Performance Index; C. The percentage of pupils who have successfully completed courses that satisfy University of California (UC) or

California State University (CSU) entrance requirements, or programs of study that align with state board approved career technical educational standards and framework;

D. The percentage of English learner pupils who make progress toward English proficiency as measured by the California English Language Development Test (CELDT);

E. The English learner reclassification rate; F. The percentage of pupils who have passed an advanced placement examination with a score of 3 or higher; and G. The percentage of pupils who participate in, and demonstrate college preparedness pursuant to, the Early

Assessment Program, or any subsequent assessment of college preparedness. Priority 5: Pupil Engagement as measured by all of the following, as applicable:

A. School attendance rates; B. Chronic absenteeism rates; C. Middle school dropout rates; D. High school dropout rates; and E. High school graduation rates;

Priority 6: School Climate as measured by all of the following, as applicable: A. Pupil suspension rates; B. Pupil expulsion rates; and C. Other local measures, including surveys of pupils, parents, and teachers on the sense of safety and school

connectedness. Priority 7: Course Access addresses the extent to which pupils have access to and are enrolled in:

A. S broad course of study including courses described under EC sections 51210 and 51220(a)-(i), as applicable; B. Programs and services developed and provided to unduplicated pupils; and C. Programs and services developed and provided to individuals with exceptional needs.

Priority 8: Pupil Outcomes addresses pupil outcomes, if available, for courses described under EC sections 51210 and 51220(a)-(i), as applicable. Priority 9: Coordination of Instruction of Expelled Pupils (COE Only) addresses how the county superintendent of schools will coordinate instruction of expelled pupils.

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Priority 10. Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (COE Only) addresses how the county superintendent of schools will coordinate services for foster children, including:

A. Working with the county child welfare agency to minimize changes in school placement B. Providing education-related information to the county child welfare agency to assist in the delivery of services to

foster children, including educational status and progress information that is required to be included in court reports;

C. Responding to requests from the juvenile court for information and working with the juvenile court to ensure the delivery and coordination of necessary educational services; and

D. Establishing a mechanism for the efficient expeditious transfer of health and education records and the health and education passport.

Local Priorities address: A. Local priority goals; and B. Methods for measuring progress toward local goals.

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For the purposes of completing the LCAP in reference to the state priorities under EC sections 52060 and 52066, as applicable to type of LEA, the following shall apply:

(a) “Chronic absenteeism rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30) who are chronically absent where “chronic absentee” means a pupil who is absent 10 percent or more of the schooldays in the school year when the total number of days a pupil is absent is divided by the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the total number of days the pupil is enrolled and school was actually taught in the regular day schools of the district, exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays.

(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic

year (July 1 – June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(b) “Middle School dropout rate” shall be calculated as set forth in 5 CCR Section 1039.1.

(c) “High school dropout rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of cohort members who dropout by the end of year 4 in the cohort where “cohort” is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4.

(2) The total number of cohort members.

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(d) “High school graduation rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The number of cohort members who earned a regular high school diploma [or earned an adult education high

school diploma or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam] by the end of year 4 in the cohort where “cohort” is defined as the number of first-time grade 9 pupils in year 1 (starting cohort) plus pupils who transfer in, minus pupils who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4.

(2) The total number of cohort members.

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(e) “Suspension rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was suspended during

the academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

(f) “Expulsion rate” shall be calculated as follows:

(1) The unduplicated count of pupils involved in one or more incidents for which the pupil was expelled during the

academic year (July 1 – June 30).

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(2) The unduplicated count of pupils with a primary, secondary, or short-term enrollment during the academic year (July 1 – June 30).

(3) Divide (1) by (2).

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 42238.07 and 52064, Education Code. Reference: Sections 2574, 2575, 42238.01,

42238.02, 42238.03, 42238.07, 47605, 47605.6, 47606.5, 48926, 52052, 52060, 52061, 52062, 52063, 52064, 52066,

52067, 52068, 52069, 52070, 52070.5, and 64001,; 20 U.S.C. Sections 6312 and 6314.

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APPENDIX B: GUIDING QUESTIONS Guiding Questions: Annual Review and Analysis

1) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all pupils and did the provisions of those services result in the desired outcomes?

2) How have the actions/services addressed the needs of all subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to EC Section 52052, including, but not limited to, English learners, low-income pupils, and foster youth; and did the provision of those actions/services result in the desired outcomes?

3) How have the actions/services addressed the identified needs and goals of specific school sites and were these actions/services effective in achieving the desired outcomes?

4) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was examined to review progress toward goals in the annual update?

5) What progress has been achieved toward the goal and expected measurable outcome(s)? How effective were the actions and services in making progress toward the goal? What changes to goals, actions, services, and expenditures are being made in the LCAP as a result of the review of progress and assessment of the effectiveness of the actions and services?

6) What differences are there between budgeted expenditures and estimated actual annual expenditures? What were the reasons for any differences?

Guiding Questions: Stakeholder Engagement

1) How have applicable stakeholders (e.g., parents and pupils, including parents of unduplicated pupils and unduplicated pupils identified in EC Section 42238.01; community members; local bargaining units; LEA personnel; county child welfare agencies; county office of education foster youth services programs, court-appointed special advocates, and other foster youth stakeholders; community organizations representing English learners; and others as appropriate) been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP?

2) How have stakeholders been included in the LEA’s process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP?

3) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and used by the LEA to inform the LCAP goal setting process? How was the information made available?

4) What changes, if any, were made in the LCAP prior to adoption as a result of written comments or other feedback received by the LEA through any of the LEA’s engagement processes?

5) What specific actions were taken to meet statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement pursuant to EC sections 52062, 52068, or 47606.5, as applicable, including engagement with representatives of parents and guardians of pupils identified in EC Section 42238.01?

6) What specific actions were taken to consult with pupils to meet the requirements 5 CCR Section 15495(a)? 7) How has stakeholder involvement been continued and supported? How has the involvement of these

stakeholders supported improved outcomes for pupils, including unduplicated pupils, related to the state priorities?

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Guiding Questions: Goals, Actions, and Services

1) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to “Conditions of Learning”: Basic Services (Priority 1), the Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2), and Course Access (Priority 7)?

2) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to “Pupil Outcomes”: Pupil Achievement (Priority 4), Pupil Outcomes (Priority 8), Coordination of Instruction of Expelled Pupils (Priority 9 – COE Only), and Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (Priority 10 – COE Only)?

3) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to parent and pupil “Engagement”: Parental Involvement (Priority 3), Pupil Engagement (Priority 5), and School Climate (Priority 6)?

4) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address any locally-identified priorities? 5) How have the unique needs of individual school sites been evaluated to inform the development of meaningful

district and/or individual school site goals (e.g., input from site level advisory groups, staff, parents, community, pupils; review of school level plans; in-depth school level data analysis, etc.)?

6) What are the unique goals for unduplicated pupils as defined in EC Section 42238.01 and groups as defined in EC Section 52052 that are different from the LEA’s goals for all pupils?

7) What are the specific expected measurable outcomes associated with each of the goals annually and over the term of the LCAP?

8) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was considered/reviewed to develop goals to address each state or local priority?

9) What information was considered/reviewed for individual school sites? 10) What information was considered/reviewed for subgroups identified in EC Section 52052? 11) What actions/services will be provided to all pupils, to subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to EC Section

52052, to specific school sites, to English learners, to low-income pupils, and/or to foster youth to achieve goals identified in the LCAP?

12) How do these actions/services link to identified goals and expected measurable outcomes? 13) What expenditures support changes to actions/services as a result of the goal identified? Where can these

expenditures be found in the LEA’s budget? Prepared by the California Department of Education, October 2016