... . Found e d,1915 Tr easure Island Dear Brother, ?Ll n l1 111 i l[ 0 b g e, ® ne 10rber of IDe l?f rro \.J.J j130p ofQ;{tne ric a PHILADElPHIA' -COUNCll, B.S.A. Twenty-Second and Winter Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (21 5) July 12, 1915 + 65 Continuing in Unami Lodge's proud tradition of concern for the preservation of ihe rich history of the Order of the Arrow, the 65th Anniversary Celebration Committee is pleased to present this document. Attached to this cover sheet ' is a copy of the original Brotherhood Cer emony (formerly called the Ritual for the Second Deg ree of the Wimachtendienk) written by Dr. William M. Hinkle. The script bas been reprinted verbatum from the Archives of Unami Lodge for your edification and reenactment as appropriate. We of the committee sincerely hope that this booklet will prove to be a useful re ference piece and that it will inspire a concern in each lodge for the of past traditions. May it inspire insight into the long history of Cheerful Service. We request that you keep this cover letter of explanation with this copy of "The Ritual" and with any copies of this ceremony which you may reproduce. Thus all Arrowmen who have the opportunity to read it will know of its historic significance. May this ritual, as we acknowledge the recent loss of our Beloved Founder and Brother Dr. E. Urner Goodman, enable us to always the ageless principles upon which our order was founded, Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Ser _ vice. Yours in the bond; - '- David H. Sirken Chairman 65th Anniversary Celebration Committee c.

1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony

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An original copy of the Unami Lodge #1 Brotherhood Ceremony.

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Page 1: 1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony

... .

Found e d,1915 Tr e a sure Island

Dear Brother,

?Ll n l1 111 i l[ 0 b g e, ® n e 10rber of IDe l?f rro \.J.J

j130p ~COUt5 ofQ;{tnerica


Twenty-Second and Winter Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

(21 5 ) ~64-2~40

July 12, 1915 + 65

Continuing in Unami Lodge's proud tradition of concern for the preservation of ihe rich history of the Order of the Arrow, the 65th Anniversary Celebration Committee is pleased to present this document. Attached to this cover sheet ' is a copy of the original Brotherhood Cer emony (formerly called the Ritual for the Second Degree of the Wimachtendienk) written by Dr. William M. Hinkle. The script bas been reprinted verbatum from the Archives of Unami Lodge for your edification and reenactment as appropriate.

We of the committee sincerely hope that this booklet will prove to be a useful r e ference piece and that it will inspire a concern in each lodge for the pr~servation of past traditions. May it inspire ~aluable insight into the long history of Cheerful Service.

We request that you keep this cover letter of explanation with this copy of "The Ritual" and with any copies of this ceremony which you may reproduce. Thus all Arrowmen who have the opportunity to read it will know of its historic significance.

May this ritual, as we acknowledge the recent loss of our Beloved Founder and Brother Dr. E. Urner Goodman, enable us to always recog~ize the ageless principles upon which our order was founded, Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Ser_vice.

Yours in the bond; -'-

David H. Sirken Chairman 65th Anniversary Celebration Committee

~~- -----------------------------~ c.

Page 2: 1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony

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Medeu: Broth e rs, form our mys tic turtle . Of f i ·c e r s tak e y ou r resp e cti ve plac e s . We will now proc e ed to open our lodge in the second d egree. Brothef Nutiket, sati s fy you~self that all p er s ons present are entitled -to remain .

Nutiket: I have so done Brother M~deu.

J·jed eu: Brother l-ledicine l'~ an is the al tar properly arranged and the fire burnin g cheerfully?

l1edicine };an: It is • .

Olornipees: Brother Medeu I -have heard that there are without ( ) . brothers who have not yet received the second degree c;illd who seek admission to the higher mysteries.

Medeu: Brother Nutiket will you search the trail to see if this be so, and if it is conduct these brothers into our presence?

(Huti~;: et retires and returns with the candidates, walking in single file -wi th the left hand on the shoulder of the one in front . He leads them around, outside the circle, from the south, by vay of the east until they reach Pow-wow in the northeast . Here Hutiket halts and greets PO\";-WOW

with the taps on the shoulder as in the first degree.)

Pow-wow: Bra ther nu tiket \',ho are these who come wi thou t our mystic turtle?

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Nu t i}<;et : T}le se are brothers wh o have pass ed our fi rst d egr ee and \'!}10 now se ck f urth er knov!led ge of our rites and mysteries.

Pow-wow: How h a ve they e~rned the right to l earn more?

Nutiket: They have continu~d, since their first initiation, cheerfully to serve their fellow scouts in their ovm troops, as reported by their Brothers.

Pow-wow: Are they willing to pay the price of knowledge?

Nutiket: They are ~eady to shed their blood in token of brotherhood and to cheerfully suffer for the sake of others ~ ·

Pow-wow: Do they know. our hailing sign?

Nutiket: They know it not, but I know it and will give it to you for them.

(Gives sign • . Pow-wow an~wersit.)

Pow-wow: You give it correctly. Pass on, and may you all be firm in Brotherhood.

(The line passes on by way of the south and east until they again reach Sakima in the northwest where they halt and Nutiket and Sakima exthange the shoulder taps and hailing

· signs)

Sakima: Brother Nutiket who are these who circle twice abou t our. · ~mystic turtle?

Hutiket: These are brothers who have passed our first degree and who now seek further knowledge of our rites and mysteries.

Sa};:ima: How · have they earned the right to learn more?

}Iu tiket: By continuing . since their first ini tiation, ._~. _. faithful to their oath of brotherhood, and cheerful in their service of others as reported by their brothers.

Sakima: Are they willing to pay the price of knowledge?

I I, i,

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l Nutike t: Th e y a re re ady to she d th ei r b10 0d in toLon of brotherh o o d, ·to s~ffer ch e er f ul ly for th e s~~e of o tl1 e rs, and t o tak e th e obligat ion 0 f servic e for as l o n g as l if e ' sh all l as t .

Saki ma: "H a ve th ey seen th e a rrow?"

Nutiket: They have not , but lilt is Ie ft" wi th me to guide them ' til they have.

Sakima: .Pa ss on, and may you all be cheerful in service.

( Hutiket lea ds them by way of the west and south inside the circle and arranges th em b e fore the al tar. The 0 ff i cers s tep just1'li thin the circle and the brothers drop their hands.) . "."

I'~e deu: Let " the turtle retire wi thin its shell. Brother Medicine -Man will you again call upon the Great Spiritto ~ guide these our younger brother~ and to keep them true in the time of their testing and faithful to the obligation that they are about to take.

(H edicine I·jan maJ~es a brief pra"yer.)

J·jedeu: (To c a ndidates) Mj :Brothers, once before you passed an o~deal proving that you were -worthy to be received into our mystic band. At its end you took the oath of sec~ecy and of servic~. Now we are going to ask you to endure another trial and to take another oath that shall bind you to serve as ~ong as the Great Spirit allows you to remain. If any of you should wish to turn back let him do so now, for beyond this point there is no return. (An opportunity for anyone to refuse to take the degree.)


You who choose to proceed will present your right hand to the J·'jedicine Ban who will 'open your- veins so that you may mingle your blood with that of the brothers, thus sealing the bond in the world-old way~

(The J-j edicine J.1an with a sterile needle makes a urick in the the thumb of Medeu and then of the first candid~tein the line. They allow the blood to flow together and then the first candidate ~ mixes his with that of the second candidate, and he with the third, and so on till all have had their thumbs pric1-;:ed. )

Page 5: 1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony

Hedeu: now that you 11Dv e pro ve d y o u rs cl ves as Brothers you "I'/ill pass by ' t he al tar and each l ay one sti ck on th e fire of ch e erfulness, at the s am e time passing your hand through th e fl aJTle \'/h i le you smile.

( The sticks must be very smal l and the fire built in a pan of sand so that it will be entirely safe.)

Medeu: Having proved that you can suffer cheerfully you will now arrange yourselves in two lines, facing each other . The first one on my left ,nIl advance and t*e froin the shoulders of Sakima the heavy burden which he is ' bearing and return with it to his ·place. Then the . first ·one on the right will take i tfr.om him and b ear , it till it is t a1{en from him by the second on the -le-rt > ,' Let no one pass his burden to his brothei, but bear it until it is lifted from his shoulder.

( Some heavy burden is ' thus passed dovm the lines from Sah:ima to Nutiket.)

l~edeu: Having now performed .the three acts typifing Brotherhoo~, Cheerfulness and Service, you will now kneel cbefore the ' altar, raise your right hand to the position of the Scout sign, and repeat after me THE OBLIGATION putting your name into it.

I, ,of my ovm desire, do hereby most solemnly and truly promise, on my honor as a Scout, that I will always remember to keep secret all the rites, ordinances and mysteries of the order of the rJimachtendienk which I have received, am now about to have conferred upon me, or may be taught at any fu ture time.

I will not spe~t of them to anyone except it be to a true and lawful brother of this degree, or within the body a lodge of such brothers, and not to him or them, until after testing them properly, I shall have found th~m such to be.

I will be faithful to all . ~he principles for which this Fraternity stands and endeavor at all times to be helpful to all Scouts, especially those of this Order, even at the expense of mi own time and convenience~ and do it cheerfully, and as long as life shall last.

I will as far as possible, attend all meetings of the Order, and pay my dues promptly, and seek to promo te good fello,\'Jship among our members; remembering always thatllNow abideth Faith, Hope and Love, these three, but the greatest of these is love."

Page 6: 1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony


I Medcu: My Bro th ers , now th a t you have succes s f ul ly complete d

the'three t e sts, a nd-h a v e taken the p erp etual ly bind­ing obligat ion, yo u will ris e and stand while Sakima explains t o you the meaning of the things done and said tonight.

Sakima: l"ly Brothers, you will no doubt have noticed that t he work of this, the second degree of the WH1ACHTENDI ENK, iE Ii tt'le mo're than an intensification of the things that were tatight you in the first degree. It was intended · to .be so. ' When you took the first initiation, on Treasure Islan.d, you were tired from the long ordeal. You were possibly ~ bit nervous, and not likely to think deeply nor to remember exactly the things that wer~ said. Largely forthat .reason we have repeated . them here. . '. . V/hEm you were led into the room by Nutiket you passed twice ,around, the outside of the turtle, in token of the second degree. 'Yotiwere stopped first by Pow-wow wh6 demanded the hailing sign, which was given for you by your guide. This sign consists of pla~ing your right hand on your left shoulder. It is a modification of the sign of the first degree, which ·is the drawing of the arrow from the quiver. In this form it can b~ used when seeking to know if anoth~r scout is ·a member of our order, and will attract little or no attention from those who are not mernbe~s. The answer to it is laying the first finger of the ·right hand upon the lips as in the sign for silence. ' On your second round you were stopped by Sakirna who among other things said, "Have you seen the arrow ll ? and was answered by Nutiket, "It is left.1I This question and anSVJer serve the same purpose as the sign and may be used after it to make doubly certain that a scout is a member of the order before you give him the grip. The mingling of the blood is a ceremony older than civilization, and in some form has been used by many peoplrs when they take an oath of brotherhood. It signifies the joining of your life to that of your brothers in this order, all of whom have so mingled their blood with that of Medeu and of each other. The fire" has been, among Indians and white people alike, a sign of cheer. You helped to build it higher, and so ~dded to the cheer of your fellows even if the doing so ,brought pain to yourself.

Page 7: 1980 Unami Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Brotherhood Ceremony

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v Yo u li ft e d t he burden f rom t h e s houl de r s o f yo ur b ro t h er ! i n token of you r purpose to s e rve otJlerS a nd t o will ­i n gl y and ch eer f ull y b ear th eir lo ads a l l th rough you r . lif e. Fin ally y ou h 'a ve t ak en th e o a th which is a sol emn, binding obliga tion to hold, so long as life shall last, to the three principles of our order, which a re expressed in the three mystic words, Wimachtendi enk , Wingolauchsik, Witahemui. Nbw, with the assistance of Pow-wow, I shall · p~n on your breasts the badge of the turtle, with the arrow point~ng over your left shoulder, change your arrow bands to the left side, ~nd giving you again the grip of the order, declare you members of the second degree, and entitled to all . ~he rights, priviledges and immunities of the order.


Ne deu: W~ will no~ proceed to close the lodge in due for~. Brother Nuti"ket, your place and duty in the formation of the turtle.

Nutiket: Outside the circle, in the south, representing the tail. I guard the trail that leads to our lodge to see that no unauthorized persons may follow it, and to guide those who seek more knowledge of. the second degree.

Medeu: The place of Pow-wow the vice-chief of the fire?

Nutiket: Outside the -circle in-the . northeast, Tepresenting the Tight front fEhet of the turtle.

Nedeu: Your duty there Pow-wow?

POl'i-WOW: To ac t as guard and see that none may pass who know not the hailing.sign.

liedeu: The place of Sakima the Chief?

Pow-wow: Outside- the circle in the northwest, representing the left front foot of the turtle.

I·led eu: Your duty there Sakima?

Sakima: To see tha.t none may pass who know not the ·words of salutation and recognition.

M~deu: The station of Medeu?

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SaJ\: im Cl : I n th e no rth , r epr e senti n g t he h cad of th e l.ur t J c , a s b e i s a l u a ys h ca d of our ord er , an d di r ec to r o f al l it s acti vi t i ~s .

Me d eu: Brothers r epeat "the si gns a nd words of saluta tion and recogni tion.

(l1edeu gives the sign and the others answer, then Hedeu s ays "Have you seen the arrow?" and they an swer 11 I t is left. lI )

Ne deu: Brother Medicine Man once more will you call upon the Great Spirit to watch ove~ us as we depart from this lodge.

(J·'J edicine nan mqkes a clDsing prayer. -) -...

" I

Medeu: Brothers you will all join hands and unite in singing our lodge song, after which I declare this meeting of the lodge to be duly closed.