1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook

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  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook





  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook





    1. This handbook has been prepared to insure t ha t th eadvice rendered by a l l US Advisors who are involved inth e PHUNG HOANG Program i s coordinated and in accordancewith the ob jec t ive of th e program.2. These gu ide l ines p a r a l l e l bu t do not supp lan t ex-i s t i n g Standing Opera t ing Procedures , Direc t ives , Regu-l a t ions , or Circu la rs and should be used only fo r th epurpose in tended - guide l ines .3 . I t i s emphasized t h a t th e advisory e f f o r t of a l lagencies must be di rec ted toward the sus ta ined a t t ackon th e VC In f r a s t ruc tu re . The primary opera t ing elementfo r th e PHUNG HOANG Program i s th e Nat iona l Pol ice ;however, it i s impera t ive t ha t a l l agencies c on t r ibu tei n t e l l i gence suppor t and in format ion necessa ry to ensurethe accomplishment of the miss ion .4 . Use of t h i s handbook should not be l imi ted to PHUNGHOANG Advisors but u t i l i z e d by a l l US Advisors asa re fe rence .


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  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook


  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook


    PURPOSEThe purpose o f th i s Handbook; is to pro:v1de, general, g\lide",,:l i nes _for PHUNG HOANG Advisors on the PHUNG HOANG Program,i t s miSsion and organization. I t should also be ut i l izedby other US Advisors whose counterparts are represented onPHUNG HOANG.Committees and/or involved in PHUNG HOANGac t iv i t ies in Qrder_ tha t the general advice given wil l becoordinated and d1rected towards the same object ive, theneutra l iza t ion of the Viet Cong Infras t ructure . (Vel ) .

  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook


    THE VIET CONG INFRASTRUCTURE (VCI)The Viet Cong In f r a s t ruc tu re (VCl) i s def ined as thep o l i t i c a l ahd admin i s t ra t ive o rgan iza t ion through whichthe Viet Cang control or seek control over the SouthVietnamese people. I t embodies the Communist party ofSouth Vietnam (SVN) (People ' s Revolut ionary Party (PRPcontrol structure, which includes a command and admin-i s t ra t ive apparatus with the Central Office for SouthVietnani (COSVN') a t the 'na t ional l eve l . I t a l so includesthe leadership and administrat ion of paral le l frontorganizations, the Provisional Revolutionary Government(PRG) with i t s subordinate Revolutionary Committees, andthe National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam(NFLSVN). Both the PRP and the front organizations ex-tend from the national through the hamlet level .The VCI i s the communist shadow government which providesmoney, rec ru i t s , suppl ies , intel l igence and support to VCmili tary units . I ts primary mission 1s to at ta in effect-ive control of the people and t e r r i to ry of SouthVietnam by becoming a viable al ternat ive to the GVN fromhamlet to national level . Control of VC mili tary uni tsi s vested in the VCI.


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    Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam,promulgated in 1967 s t a t e s ;"a . The Republic opposes Communism in any form;

    b. Any act iv i ty designed to public ize or carryout Communism i s prohibi ted ."In accordance with Article 4, the President of Vietnamin Decree No. 280-a!TT/SL, 1 July 1968, promulgated thePHUNG HOANG Program. The i n ten t and aim o f _the Programi s to ut i l i ze exis t ing c iv i l i an and mil i tary agencies(pol ice , parami l i ta ry , and mil i tary forces) in a systemat ic and coordinated ef for t to destroy the Viet CongInfrastructure throughout Vietnam.The Government of Vietnam (GVN) chose the name PHUNG HOANGto identify the program. The Phung Hoang (PHOENIX) wasadopted as a symbol of the program. In Chinese and Vietnamese mythology the Phung Hoang is a good omen of maritalhappiness, peace, and good fortune.The PHUNG HOANG program coordinates GVN agencies in theat tack on the VCI by placing VCI-intelli ,gence gathered bya l l agencies in one locati0n, systematically col la t inganti-VCI operations (often j o in t inter-agency effor t s )based on the PHUNG HOANG center ' s data bank. PHUNG HOANGis NOT a separate agency, organization, or ent i ty . PHUNGHOANG Centers are ent i re ly dependent on the PHUNG HOANGProgram member agencies: National Police, RF/PF, RuralDevelopment Cadre, ARVN, Chieu Hoi, NPFF, VIS, etc .The U.S. Advisory ef for t in support of PHUNG HOANG iscal led "PHOENIX". PHOENIX is composed ent i re ly of U. S.advisors working with PHUNG HOANG Centers a t national ,regional , provincial , and dis t r t c t levels . Substantia lrel iance is placed on a l l other U.S, advisors to the PHUNGHOANG member agencies. PHOENIX is NOT an intel l igenceunit or separate command - i t has no intel l igence holdingsor collect ion capabi l i ty . PHOENIX personnel and s t a f f arepresently members of MACCORDS a t every echelon under thedi rec t command of the senior MACV/CORDS off icer a t eachechelon.


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    ~ g a n 1 z a t 1 o n a l l y , the PHUNG HOANG Program 1s representedby nat ional , regional , and provincial committees composed,a t each echelon, of the heads of a l l part icipant agencies.Subordinate to these committees are PHUNG HOANG Centers.At the national government level , the PHUNG HOANG Bloc ofthe Directorate General of National Police coordinates theprogram throughout the country, There are four CorpsPHUNG HOANG centers. At the province level, ProvinceInte l l igenoe _and Operations Coordinat:J.-ng Centers (prOCCa)have heen established and. at dis t r ic t level DIOCes havebeen established. The national and regional off ices aretasked_with planning, t raining, inspecting, and overal lprogram management for subordinate echelons in theirrespective areas of competence. PIOCCs and DIOCCs atprovinces and dis t r ic t s serve to coordinate collection andcolla t ion of anti-VOl intel l igence and anti-VCI operations.The agenCies represented on PHUNG HOANG Committees are theNational Police,. the Special Police, the National PoliceField Force, G2, G3, the Military Security Service, ChieuHoi Service, Vietnamese Information Service, ProvincialReconnaissance Unit, and Rural Development Cadre. Thesections of PHUNG HOANG SOP No. 3 which pertain to thevarious echelons of PHUNG HOANG Centers are: Corps (pgs5-18), Province (pgs 19-35), and Distr ict (pgs 37-123).


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    RVN President ia l Decree 280a-TT!SL dated I ,July 1968prescribed the establishment of the PHUNG HOANG Program.The SOPS are implementing ins t ruc t ions issued by theauthori ty of the Minister of the Inter ior by vir tue ofh is pos i t ion as Chairma)l o f the Centr,al PHUNG HOANGCommittee. SOP No.1 del ineates the organizat ionalstructure of the program. SOP No. 2 prescribes the basictools and working procedures of an inte l l igence andoperations coordinating center with-special emphasis onthe DIOce. SOP No. 3 i s an amplif ication of the f i r s ttwo which covers in depth the ,operational responsibi l i t iesof each echelon of the PHUNG HOANG Program. Finally, A-Current Breakout of Executive and, Significant Viet CongInfrastructure Cadres (the Green Book) defines the ta rgetof the PHUNG HOANG Program; i t i s a GVN/US agreed uponl i s t ing of Viet Cong posit ions which are considered to beof the VCI cadre.


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    1. The PHOENIX Biweekly2. The MACV J2 Monthly "Summary of VCl Activities"3. The Combined Documents Exploitation Center (CDEC)Readouts4. Combined Intel l igence Center, Vietnam (CIeV)Readouts5. VCI Information System (Monthly)6. PHOENIX End of Year,Report


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    US DocumentsTit le1. MACV Directive 10-20, Organization, Functions' andResponsibil i ty for Support to the Attack 'on the

    VC Infrastructure (U), Short Tit le : ~ H O E N I X , dated 23 May 1969, Confidential .2. MACV Directive 525-36, ,PHOENIX (PHUNG H O ~ N G ) O p e ~ - ,at ions (U), dated 18 May 1970. .3. MACV Directive 381-43, Reporting on Neutralization

    of Viet Cong Infrastructure (U), dated 3 February1970, Confidential .4. MACV Directive 381-51, Military Intel l igence NationalPolice Field Forces (U).5. VCI: MODUS OPERANDI (RAND Corporation"Yellow Book").6. MACV Directive 37-2, Financial Administration MilitarySupport of , l)acification Fund (U).7. DA pamphlet No. 550-106, The Communist InsurgentInfrastructure in South Vietnam: A Study of Organization and Strategy.8. MACV Directive 525-222, PSYOP Pacificat ion SupportPrior i t ies , 19 June 1970 (C).9. MACV Directive 525-208, PSYOP Support of RVN PHUNGHOANG (PHOENIX) Program (C) .

    10. MACV Directive 340-1, Government of Vtetnam NationalPolice Records System (U), da'ted 14 January 1969.11. CORDS-PSD National Identi ty Registrat ion Project Procedure Manual (U), Revised Edition, dated 1970.GVN Documents1. Presidential Decree, 280,-a/TT/SL, dated 1 July 1968,

    Secret .2. PBUNG HOANG SOP I" d a t ' ~ d 23 July 196,8, Confidential .


  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook


    3. PHUNG HOANG SOP 2, dated 1 November 1,968, Confidential .4. PHUNG HOANG SOP 3, dated 1 February 1970, Confidential .5. Handbook, "Current Breakout of VCI Executive andSignificant Cadre" (Short Tit le : "Green Bookl!).6. Ministry of Interior Circulardated 21 March 1969, subject :Rehabil i tat ion of Offenders.

    No. 757-BNV/CT/12-A/M,ClaSSification and7. Ministry of Interior Circular No. 2212/BNV/CT/13-A/M,dated 20 August 1969, subject: Improvements of theMethods of ResolVing the Status of Offenders.8. Prime Minister 's Directive No. 004'OI/UBPH/TU/UPTT/NK,dated 13 April 197'0, subject : Information to Villageand Hamlet OfficialS Concerning Operations and Arr,estsby PHUNG HOANG Operations.9. Prime Minister 's Oirective No. 1293-Th.T/PCl/M, d'ated27 November 1968, Regulations for a l l Ministries andServices with Respect, to capture and Detention ofSuspects.

    10. Prime Minister 's Directive No. 1690/0BPH/VPTT/KH/K,dated 1'0 November 1969, subject : Guarantee for VCDefendants.11. Prime Minister 's Directive No. 12'06/PTh.T/BDPT/HC,dated 24 April 197'0, subject : Prescr!'bed Time forthe Exploitation and Procedures Applied to Captured

    VC Cadres.12. Prime Minister 's Directive No. 144'O/PThT/BDPT/KH,dated 13 May 197'0, subject: The Public Prosecutor 'sRole in Pacif ication and Development.13. P r i ~ e Minister 's Decree No. 069-SL/TH-T/BDPT, dated26 May 197'0, subject: Integration o'f PHUNG HOANG intothe National Police.14. Central PHUNG HOANG Committee MemorandUm #1082/USPH/TU/VPTT/NH/K, subject : uti l izat ion of VCI TargetFolders dated 1'0 August 197'0.15. Inter-Ministry Directive, Ministry of Interior" !vanistryof Defense and Ministry of Just ice, #11'O/BNV/ANCT/1/D,#02146/QP/HCTV/lIB, dated 28 February 1970, Fingerprinting of Detainees - Application of the UniqueDisposition Form, Wanted and Cancellation Notices.


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  • 8/8/2019 1970 Vietnam Phoenix Program Advisor Handbook



    Part icular at tent ion must be given to th is important -aspect.Careful, professional preparation ot vcr Target Foldersc o n t a i n i n ~ - both the "VCl Target Personal i ty Data Form" andthe "Offender Dossier" fo r each and every member of the VClthroughout the country i s the, foundation from which succeSsfu l operat ions can be run and sentencing be assured byProvince Securi ty Committees. The folders must containa l l the- available data on an individual and be constantlyreviewed ~ n d updated. Sample form "VCl Target Personal i tyData Form" i s in,'SOP.No. 3 (pages 137-140). I t has beenreproduced and distribute!;1 to a l l PIOCCs and oroees insuff io ient copies' to establ ish folders on every identifiedVCl member. "Offender Dossier" forms have also beendisseminated. Full use should be made of the "InformationRequirement Form" ( A n n e ~ 14, SOP 3) and procedures to bui ldthe folder. Copies of source reports I captured documents,interrogation reports , Hoi Chanh debriefing reports , anda l l other relevant documents are to be f i led in th is folderso that a l l information on a specific target is in oneplace where i t can be reviewed 'easi ly and quickly. Appropriate information must be constantly and systematicallyextracted from the, documents in the' folder and posted toboth the ItVCI Target ~ r s o n a l i t y Data Form" and the"Offender Dossier."


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    Results achieved by a PHUNG HOANG Advisor are in di rec tproportion to the closeness of his re la t ionships withh is coun terpar t s . Idea l ly , such. r e la t ionsh ips a re basedon mutual respect , t ru s t and fr tendship - nei ther areachieved in a day. Before advice can be tendered, anadvisor must comprehend a complicated s i tuat ion and pro-gram. The disadvantages of youth and low rank can heovercome by i n i t i a l eagerness to learn what your counter-parts can teach you and by taking action only when youare sure of your grounds. The gveater your fr iendshipwith your counterparts, the het ter you will understandand thus be able to advise them. However, do not hesi ta teto be firm when the s i tuat ion warrants i t .


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    A l l US advisors a t every echelon share in the PHUNG HOANGadvisory mission. This is an expl ic i t obligation ofadvisors to GVN agencies w ~ t h representat ives who par t ic i -pate on PHUNG HOANG Committees and work in PIOCCs andnIeces (e .g . , Police, Chieu HOi, and Rural Developmentadvisors), hut is an implicit obligation of a l l Pacificationadvisors to this program, the spearhead of pacif icat ion.PHUNG HOANG personnel are responsible for close coordipationand cooperation with a l l elements of the advisory missionand especial ly with the advisors to intel l igence and opera-t ions agencies which par t ic ipate direct ly in the PHUNG HOANGProgram. I t is the responsibi l i ty of a l l Senior Advisors toinsure that a l l members of the Advisory Team are knowledge-able of and ful ly support the GVN PHUNG HOANG campaignagainst the Viet Cong Infrastructure.


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    PHUNG HOANG ADVISOR'S LEGAL POSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIESPHUNG HOANG Advisors have the same legal sta tus in Vietnamas other US military personnel. In the i r role as advisorsthey are under the same res t ra in ts of internat ional law,mili tary law and regulations as other US mili tary personnel.Their advice and assistance must be within the confines 0+th is legal fra,mework. Part ic ipat ion in act ions contr,ary tolaw are expressly prohibi ted. I f violat ions are observed,the advisor 1s to make his objections known, cease anypar t i c ipa t ion in the i l l ega l ac t i v i t y . and make a f u l lreport of the incident to his immediate superior forcorrect ive action. A detailed explanation of the advisor 'slegal posit ion and responsibi l i ty 1s found in MACV Directive525-36, da-ted 18 May 1970.


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    A person suspected of an offense against the NationalSecurity may be arrested and taken into c u ~ t o d y andheld up to twenty-four hours for, questioning and investiga t ion by an ,apprehending agency ottler "than the NationalPolice He _must, however,. be _' placed in National Policecustody no la ter ,than twenty-four hours following apprehension. All arrests must be made pursuant to a warrantissued by a competent j ud i c i a l author! ty" which forpresent purposes, includes Province Chiefs , ,Mayors, Dia t r i CJtChiefs and Police Chiefs. An ar res t d e f e c t 1 v ~ due to lackof a warrant' , however, can l a te r be "corrected" by issuanceof a warrant ex los t facto by an off ic ia l having authori tyto do so i n i t i a l y. US personnel are not authorized toar res t GVN ci t izens . The following may execute an ar res torder:a. Judicial policejb. Military police;c. Mili tary Security Service (MSS);d. National Police (NP)j which includes individualsof the National Police Field Force (NPFF) j ande. Any person who witnesses the commission of a crime,"in f lagrante del ic to," - ci t izen ' s ar res t .

    Once an individual has been turned over to the NationalPolice, tha t agency must complete i t s preliminary inquiryand ident if icat ion processing within two days. Followingthat , a maximum of 3 more days may be allowed for t ransferof the suspect to the Province Interrogation Center, wherea supplementary invest igat ion may continue for as long as30 days. The Province Chief next may expend 3 days inreviewing the dossier for adequacy, af ter which the caseis forwarded to the Province Security Committee, which mustsentence, release or refer the individual for t r i a l byMilitary Court. The Committee has seven days within whichto act . Deviation from the foregoing time schedule must beauthorized by the Ministry of Inter ior .

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    Advisors should frame the i r advice as to t'he' classif iea '"tioD of detainees as c iv i l defendant or PW according toMACV Direc t ives 381-46 and 20-5. VC and NVA mil ! tarypersonnel are to be accorded PW statuB and-the r ights ofa PW under the Geneva Conventions. Civil ian 'PRP membersand VCI cadre are conSidered c iv i l defendants. Certainmembers of the VC/NVA mili tary may be occupying positionswithin the vel. When captured these mili tary VCI are tobe accorded PW status but are to be reported as neutralized VCI even though retained in PW channels.


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    PROVINCE SECURITY COMMITTEE (PSC)Province Security Committees were created in 1957 toprovide an administrative method of determining thes ta tus of detainees considered th rea t s to nat ionalsecur i ty . The PSC i s an administrative as opposed toa j ud ic ia l body. I t may impose administ ra t ive detent ionin the case of those persons reasonably believed toendanger the nat ional secur i ty .The minimum composition of a PSC is :Province chief or ci ty mayor.Publ ic prosecutor / judgeSector commanderProvince or c i ty counci l memberNational Police Chief (NP) . .Mili tary Securi ty Service Chief (MSS)Chief of Internal Security. . .

    ChairmanLegal AdvisorMemberMemberMemberMemberBrief ingOff icer

    MOl Circular No. 2212 requires each PSC to meet at leastonce a week. Suspect detainees may appear before the PSCbut have no such r ight . The members of the PSC reviewthe dossiers of the suspects to make their determination.The PSC has several courses of action available:1. I t may release those considered innocent.2. I t may forward to Military Court those on whomsuff ic ient evidence is available for legal con-viction of a specif ic crime.3. I t may impose administrative detention of up to2 years upon those reasonably believed tothreaten the national securi ty.4. I t may determine residence for those determinedto be securi ty threats .5. I t may forward the case to a c iv i l court.6. I t may forward the case to another province fordisposi t ion.


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    7. I t may classify the suspect as a PW and t ransferhim into PW channels.8. I t may recommend that the suspect be drafted intothe Army.

    An Tri Detention: Basic Evidence RequirementsThe laws prescribing offenses against the nationalsecuri ty define mere membership or function in the VietCong Infrastructure as a threat to the national securi ty .This recognition is based upon the r igh t of a governmentto protect i t s e l f from-violent overthrow. Membership orfunction may be inferred from acts or intell igence data.I t is imperative to have available a comprehensive dossieri f an- t r i detention i s to be obtained. There is no r ig idrule regarding the amount or type of evidence necessary tosupport an- t r i detention. However, tl)e Province Securi ,YCommittee must have a reasonable bel ief based on cOrroborated evidence that the suspect i s a threat to thenational securi ty. Not being a criminal conviction, theburden of proof i s less than that required by a court .The burden of proof is on the prosecution which must showthat the accused, i s , in fact , a member of the Communistparty or exercises a position or function in the party orany associated front organization. Proof of position orfunction in the Viet Cong Infrastructure i s suff ic ient toconvict .Part icular care should be taken to direct prosecutioneffor t away from to ta l rel iance on Province InterrogationCenter reports and confessions. Effort should be made topoint out that other forms of evidence are much moreconvincing.The elements of proof are: Membership, posit ion orfunction in the VCI, as indicated by:

    a. Incriminating documents - to include, but notl imited to , membership l i s t s of Communist organizat ions; enemy correspondence; diar ies ; notebooks,to include copies or extracts of such documentation;orb. EneMY weapons or material - found in the possession

    of the accused when apprehended, or


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    c. Eye witnesses - accomplices, accessories orra l l i e r statements regarding the position orfUnction of the accused, or

    d. Interrogation statements or confessions - areadmissible and used extensively in an- t r ihearings, but no suspect may be convicted onthe basis of an interrogation statement alone, ore. Intell igence reports - are admissible in thatthere is no prohibit ion against hearsay.

    All in tel l igence and police reports , and witness s ta tements must be included in the dossier and must beident i f ied by number and name' of source except wherethere is a danger of source compromise.once posit ion or function within the Viet Cong Infrastructure is, proven, sentencing is automatic. The GreenBook indicates the duration of detention for eachposit ion or function. Renewable An-Tri detention of upto two years may be given by the Province SecurityCommittee. '


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    IN-COUNTRY TRAININGus Personnel - The in-country t ra ining of ,US personnelIs conducted a t the PHUNG HOANG Advisors 'Or' iehtationCourse at vung Tau, The course is designed to' acquaintboth 'PHUNG HOANG Advisors and other personnel with thoseGVN agencies tha t support the PHUNG HOANO'Program andwith the problems encountered within the program. Inconjunction wi-th the ori 'entat lon, a two-day D10CCprac t ica l exe-reise i s conducted ut i l iz ing experiencedDIOCC Advisors as monitors. The in tent of the, ,exerc,lsei s to famil:l,.a.rize the part ic ipants with the operationof a nIOCC. ' . , , ..GVN Personne 1 - GVN personne 1 a t t 'end PHUNG HOANG Schoo'Islocated in the four, Mili tary 'Regions. Each regionalschool 1s r e s ~ P Q n s i b l e fo r trainin'g, those personrielopera t ing wit"hin the DIOCCs and PIOCes in t he i r d'ay-t'o-'day job . The ins t ruc t ion includes f a m i l 1 a r ~ z a t l o n withthe capabil1t ie ' s of suppor t ing agencies . A ll DIOCC arid'PlacC personnel should at tend the PHUNG HOANG Schoolwithin t he i r respect ive Mil i tary Regions.


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    All American advisors assigned to , or associa ted with, thePHUNG HOANG Program should be acquainted with the generalguidance on support matters contained in Annex I to MACVDirective 10-20 as changed. Annex I was disseminated inthe form of Change 1 '(dated 1 July 1969) to MACV Directive10-20. Further c ~ a n g e s were contained in various messagesand memorandums.I t i s -essent ia l that PHUNG HOANG advisors are aware thatthe genera'l guidance contained in Annex I has been fur therimplemented within the various Military Regions by writtenor oral ins- t ruct ions. The speci f ics normally found inMilitary Region implementations are based on the localsi tuat ion, local conditions and policies , and localpersonali t i es . PH,UNG HOANG advisors must be f lexible andboth acquaint and adapt themselves to the local "groundrulelSl" on support .I t must be noted, however, that cer tain aspects of supportare basic throughout South Vietnam. We must continuouslydirect American advisory, coordinating, and supportingprograms to the Vietnamese PHUNG HOANG Program.In the supporting ro le , PHUNG HOANG advisors are presentlycommitted to provide adequate support to PHUNG HOANG downto and including dis t r ic t level PHUNG HOANG ac t iv i t ies ;Such support includes logis t ica l and maintenance supportof PHUNG HOANG Centers a t dis t r i c t , province, autonomousci ty and regional levels.As the reader wil l note in Sections I and II I of Annex I ,MACV Directive 10-20, primary support to PHUNG HOANGCenters (supplies, equipment, and maintenance) is based onthe avai labi l i ty and use of monies (Vietnamese piasters) .PHUNG HOANG advisors must request such monies from ProvinceSenior Advisor's (PSA's) Advisory Pacification Funds forprovince and dis t r i c t centers , and from l ike funds atregion and autonomous ci ty levels for regional and autonomous ci ty centers . The monies obtained for support of PHUNGHOANG are then used for local procurement of necessarysupplies , equipment, and maintenance for the PHUNG HOANGcenters . Naturally, the level of pias ter support provided!obtained wil l be based on the avai labi l i ty of monies and the


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    re la t ive importance at t r ibuted to PHUNG HOANG act iv i t iesin the local area, as well as the in i t ia t ive and reSourcefulness of the individual PHUNG HOANG advisor.Piasters to operate Regional PHUNG HOANG Schools come fromthe CORDS Contingency Fund. Administration for suchpiasters is accomplished a t regional and national levels .Requests for sUch monies ( ini t iated by Region) are submitted under the provisions of paragraph 7.c . , MACVDirective 37-2.As indicated in paragraphs 5 and 6, above, primary supportto PHUNG HOANG act iv i t ies is by means of the Vietnamesepias ter - through American support systems - for localprocurement of goods and services.The logis t ica l support for PHUNG HOANG advisory s taf fs isdifferent than that heretofore mentioned for PHUNG HOANGac t iv i t i es , PHUNG HOANG advisory s taf fs are providedl o g i s t i c a ~ support , for office supplies and equipment (fortheir use), from MACV Military Property Books. This support is provided, through mili tary channels, by theproperty book accounts of the respective province advisoryteam of the province in Which the advisors are assigned.The Corps headquarters advisory team designates theproperty book account to support the PHUNG HOANG s taf f a tregion level .Difficul t ies encountered in providing adequate support toPHUNG HOANG Centers and for regional schools which can bedirect ly a t t r ibuted to insuff ic ient allocation of monies(pias ters) , and are determined to be detrimental to themission of the PHUNG HOANG act iv i ty , should be brought tothe immediate at tent ion of the Military Region (MR)DEPCORDS (through proper mili tary channels). If additionalmonies are considered defini te ly required to adequatelysupport PHUNG HOANG ac t iv i t i es , a written request ( ini t iatedby Region) for a specif ic amount of addit ional piasters ,with complete jus t i f ica t ion , should be administratively forwarded from the MR DEPCORDS to HQ MACV, Attention: MACCORDSCDD-CA. Such requests should be in i t ia ted only i f suff ic ientmonies cannot be reallocated within the MR i t se l f .


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    Widespread popular understanding i s essent ia l to thesuccess of the PHUNG HOANG Program. Various GVNagencies that communicate with the population on aregular basis must be encouraged to provide meaningfulpublici ty to the PHUNG HOANG Program. Coordinationbetween the DIOCe, PIOCe and the local VietnameseInformation Service (VIS) and RVNAF POLWAR cadre wil lfac i l i t a te widespread dissemination of informationabout the PHUNG HOANG Program. The communicationsmedia available through VIS and POLWAR agenciesincludes face- to-face persuasion, posters , handbil ls ,newspapers, leaf le ts , radio, television and motionpictures .PHUNG HOANG advisors are encouraged to coordinate withProvince PSYOP advisors and Province PSYOP/POLWAR/CivicAction/VIS Advisors to obtain publici ty for the PHUNGHOANG Program by paral lel ing GVN requests through USadvisory channels.


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    I . General:1. NP, PSB, MSS, PRU, 8-2, RD, (as appropriate)

    es tabl i sh informant networks throughout, thearea of r espons ib i l i ty .2. Si tua t ion sect ion develop a current counter intell igence estimate for the area (Provinceor Dis t r ic t ) .3. Prepare a counter intel l igence col lect ion worksheet l i s t ing a l l intel l igence resources.4. Develop a l i s t of the VCI methods of operationin the area, i ,e" tax col lect ing, proselyting,armed propaganda, terrorism in order of thevel pr ior i ty .5. Levy specif ic intel l igence col lect ion requirements on specif ic agencies. (See Case Officer, Operation)

    I I . Analyze the in tel l igence available:l. Determine VCI patterns of act iv i ty .2. Determine VCI routes used.3. Determine VCI commo-liaison act iv i ty .4. ,Determine VCI support ac t iv i t i es .5. Determine VCI probable courses of act ion.

    I I I . Assign Case Officers to specif ic areas of in teres t ,for example:1. VCI vil lage organizations and ac t iv i t i es .2. VCI di s t r i c t organi:z;ations and ac t iv i t i es .3 . VCI province organizations and ac t iv i t i es .4. Commo-liaison ac t iv i t i es .5. Terroris t ac t iv i t i es .6. Specif ic individuals.


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    IV. Case O f ~ i c e r s Build Intel l igence:1. VCI personality targets are assigned to caseofficers .2. All available ~ n f o r m a t i o n reports, captureddocuments and interrogation reports on the

    individual are assembled in the VCI TargetFolder.3. "VCI Target Personality Data Forms" (See SOP 3,Annex 7) and "Short Form Offender Dossiers"(See MOl Cir 2212) are in i t ia ted , (These formsare secure'ly attached to the VCI Target Folders).4. VCI Target Folders are reviewed daily by caseoff icers who levy Information Requi,rement Forms

    (See SOP 3, Annex 14) to f i l l the gaps 6n theVCI Target Personal! ty Data 'Form and in theShort Form Offender Dossier.5. S'ource reports, responses to Information Require-ment Forms, captured Documents, Chieu Hoi de-briefings, i nterrogation reports, etc . , arereceived by case off icers who extract relevantinformation to be posted to the "VCI TargetPersonality Data Forms" and "Short Form OffenderDossiers.' ' ' These reports are fi led 1'n the dossieror an Information Summary (SOp 3, Annex 8) isprepared.6, Recommendation for an operation against the targetis made when the data base wil l ensure a reason-able chance of apprehension and 6oI1vfction beforethe Province Security Committee.

    V. Case Officers prepare in i t i a l Operations Plan to beprovided the action agency. Consider following ' factors:1. The target .2. The resul t s required.3. The support r e q ~ i r e d from ,member a ~ e n c i ~ , s , 4. The forces available.5. Operational securi ty.


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    VI. Approval of action agency Operations Plan by PIOCCor DIOCC Chief.VII. Conduct special training, briefings, and/orrehearsals as required

    . VIII. Execute the operation.IX. Exploit the operation and conduct cr i t ique.X. Add i n t ~ l l i g e n c e to the Local Data Bank.These operational procedures should be ins t i tuted fromCentral to Dis t r ic t level, requiring Special Police todevelop the plans required. All plans should be reviewedand approved by Province or Distr ic t Chief or his appointedrepresentat ive. At the d is t r ic t le.vel the Vel TargetFolders are maintained by the Distr ic t Special Police caseofficers . For operat ional securi ty purposes the activeVCI Target Folders are kept in the Distr ic t Special Policeoffice which then becomes the Poli t ica l Sub-Section of theSituation Section of the DIOCC. In a similar manner,normally the Operations Section of the DIOCC i s physicallyseparated from the Message and Situation Sections.


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    PIOCC/DIOCC INSPECTIONThe GVN off ic ia l and the US Advisor must make use ofdetailed in te l l igent inspections to determine the ef fec t -iveness and efficiency of the PHUNG HOANG PIOCe or DIOCe.An inspection checkl is t has been provided in PHUNG HOANGSOP No.3 , dated 1 February 1970, pages 8-17. The USAdvisor should emphasize the avai labi l i ty of the InspectionChecklist to his Vietnamese counterpart as the need ar i ses .The use of these documents wil l insure a posit ive PHUNGHOANG Program.

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    FINGERPRINTINGFingerprints should be taken of suspects regardless ofwhether or not they are to be detained or whether ornot they have a "va l id" ID Card in t h e i r possess ion .A f ingerpr in t check with the National Police ID Servicewil l then confirm the validi ty of the ID card. Incases where the card i s s to len , forged or counter fe i t ,the f ingerpr in ts of the offender wi l l then be on f i l eand where necessary a wanted l i s t ing with his prin ts canbe published. Fingerpr in t ing in th i s way wi l l alsoident i fy and locate ex-pr isoners and r a l l i e r s withval id ID cards who may again be involved in subversiveac t iv i t i e s , Further , if the individual has been previously f ingerprinted in another area as a suspect th iswil l be surfaced, wil l give some idea of the suspect ' sarea of operation, and could provide the necessaryinformation for an arres t to be ordered. Increased useof f ingerprint ing wil l undoubtedly lead to the captureof some vel who would not otherwise be captured becauseof the legal s ta tus they might have achieved throughlegal or i l l ega l means. Additionally, i t wil l have asuppressive effec t , both rea l and psychological, on thefreedom of movement of the vel. Thus, the fear of beingf ingerprinted may to some extent suppress vel ac t iv i ty .


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    VCI Neutralization and Identif iationInformation System (VCINII )The VCI Neutralization and Ident i f icat ion InformationSystem (VCINIIS) is a management information systemwhich generates a ser ies of reports providing information on PHUNG HOANG operational resul ts and ProvinceSecurity Committee (PSC) processing. Additionally,the system i s to provide data on biographics ofCommunist offenders and operational and judic ia l coordination potential .Essential to successful specif ic targeting is thecompilation of suf f ic ient data on suspected VCI todetermine i f they are, in fact , VCI. Additionally,suf f ic ient operational data must be compiled in orderto effect apprehension. The Biographic/NeutralizationReport, which is to be a part of the VCINIIS, wil l aidin this collection process. The Biographic/Neutralizat ion Report wil l display by VCI boundaries, and VCI jobposit ions within those boundaries, biographic andneutral1zati.on data pertaining to VCI holding specif icposit ions, including al iases and addit ional jobs. Thereport wil l pinpoint cases where several supposedlydifferent posit ions within the InfTastructure, even a tdifferent levels , and operating within different GVNjur isdict ions , are one and the same individual. Thiswil l resul t in a reduction of redundant ef for t in thecompilation of specif ic targeting dossiers , and wil lencourage cooperation between diverse jur isdic t ionalareas. Cross-referencing made possible by the reportingof addit ional posit ions and al iases , once the neutral izat ion of a VCI is reported, wil l eliminate further timeand effor t wastefully expended compiling dossiers onindividuals already neutralized. Distr ibution of thereport for any GVN Dist r ic t or Province is based on theVCI area or areas with which the GVN jur isdict ion i scontiguous. By clearly displaying those diverse ju r i s -dict ions which may have evidence concerning a givenindividual, the Biographic/Neutralization Report wil lhelp insure prompt and ef f ic ient PSC processing. Thepulling together of scattered information from numeroussources may resul t in the sentencing of VCI who wouldnot have been convicted i f evidence from only one ju r i s -diction were available for consideration by the PSC.


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    - Action Arrow Team- Assistance in Kind- Area of Operations- Armed Propaganda Team- Army of the Republic of Vietnam- Combined Action Program- Combined Action Team- Combined Document Exploitat ion Center- Chieu Hoi

    eIC - Combined Interrogation Center, also: CombinedIn te l l igence centercrev - Combined In te l l igence Center VietnameIDG - Civil ian I r regular Defense GroupCORDS - Civil Operations and Rural Development SupportCOBVN - Central Office for South Vietnam (VC)CPDC - Central Pacif icat ion Development CouncilCTZ - corps Tactical ZoneDGNP - Directorate General, National Policebrace - Dist r ic t Intel l igence and Operations CoordinatingCenterDSA - Dis t r ic t Senior Advisor, also: Deputy SeniorAdvisorFWMAF - Free World Military Assistance Forces


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    GVN - Goyernment of South VietnamJGS - Joint General StaffMAT - Mobile Advisory TeamMSS - Military Security ServiceNFLSVN - National Front for the Liberation of SouthVietnamNlLO - Naval Intell igence Liaison OfficerNP - National PoliceNPFF - National Police Field ForceNVA - North Vietnamese ArmyOSA - Office of the Special Assistant to the USAmbassadorPBR - River Patrol BoatPF - popular ForcesPFF - Police Field Force (also NPFF)PIC - Provinc'ial Interr,ogation CenterPIOCC - Province Intell igence and OperationsCoordinating CenterPRG - Provisional Revolutionary GovernmentPRU - Province Reconnaissance UnitPSA - Province Senior AdvisorPSB - Police Special BranchPSC - Province Security CommitteePSD - Public Safety DivisionPSDF - PeoplesSelf Defense Forces


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    RDC - Rural Development CadreRIOCC - Region Intell igence and Operations CoordinatingCenterTCN - Third Country NationalVCI - Viet Cong InfrastructureVIOCC - Village Intell igence Operations CoordinatingcenterVIP - Volunteer Informant Program (C)VIS - Vietnamese Information Service