1919-2019 100 years of Christ, Community and Charity

1919-2019 100 years of Christ, Community and Charityolmcpatchogue.org/.../uploads/sites/87/2019/09/sept29_2019_omcpatc.pdf · nos conforta con una condena de aquellos cuyas vidas

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Page 1: 1919-2019 100 years of Christ, Community and Charityolmcpatchogue.org/.../uploads/sites/87/2019/09/sept29_2019_omcpatc.pdf · nos conforta con una condena de aquellos cuyas vidas

1919-2019 100 years of Christ, Community and Charity

Page 2: 1919-2019 100 years of Christ, Community and Charityolmcpatchogue.org/.../uploads/sites/87/2019/09/sept29_2019_omcpatc.pdf · nos conforta con una condena de aquellos cuyas vidas

Mark Frank Biondi, Mathew L. Brandli

Tom Brady, Bryan Budd, Paul Burawa,

Francis X. Castellano, Garrett Carty, Brian Dale, Joey Diveck,

Johnathan Delvalle, Dennis Ryan Dooley, Tatiana Drawbridge,

Jeremy Ferguson, Josef Gerace, Andrew Hughes, Joe Hwang ,

Joseph Janssen, Tracey M. Kentoffio,

Kevin Kiefer, Chris Klimek, Frankie Lopez,

Adam McCarthy, Eugene Mahan, Al Mediate,

Daniel Murphy, Patrick Musumeci, Jonathan Parker,

Ernesto Perez, Maria Perez, Michael B. Poole,

David D. Post, Michael Probst, Aldo Ruiz, Szu-Moy Ruiz,

Pamela Seagroatt Michael Sedlak,

Fianna Sogomoyan, Michael Vincent Toro

Anthony Ventura, Jonathan Warshauer, Alexandria Waszmer,

James Welsh Robert W. White, Brian Wilkenson,

Brendon James Willy


Romanita Abad, Louis Alloyne,

Madison Makenzie Baker,

Bill “ Ben,” Amelia Barone,

Dennis Berger,

Patricia Boyle, Jim Marilyn Capaldo

Michael Castro, Kyle Chalupa,

Angela Chiaorrmonte, Yolanda Celone,

Lillian Cestaro, Mary Collins,

Neil Coogan, Kenny Cook,

Ginna Cooper, Kathleen Corrigan,

Airen Craig,Rita Cuozzo,

Frances Damara, Eileen Damico,

Josephine Diaz,

Anna A. Ferello, Mike Flynn,

Deacon Anthony Graviano,

Joseph Guyton, Roy Hanson,

Lisa Haus-McWilliams,

Jeffery Heller,

Savannah Hoesterey, Anthony Ivancich,

Lori Ann M. Kaan, Desiree Keefe,

Joan Keoppen,

Carol Kennedy, Natale Kennedy,

Kathleen D. Kollegger,

Giavana Laakman, John Laakman Jr.,

Robert Leask Jr., James Leung ,

Michael Lubrico, Maria Multese,

Ann Mc Carthy, Ryan Mc Carthy,

Diane Raheb Maclaren,

Thomas McCleary, Nick Montanaro,

Bob Metz, Mary Ray, Helen Metz Rogers,

Nick Montanaro,Virginia Morellino, Wayne

Mudrack, Mildred Neubeck,

Mary Norwick,

Kathleen O’Kane, Sean O’Kane

Joan Parente, Lucy Peters, Thomas Rigney,

Rosa Maria Santos, Fran Schutz,

Maria Shine, Jim Space,

Rachel Schopp, Sylvia Shpect,, Cooper Siano,

Ed Siano, Kathleen Stidioso,

Lauren Sweeney, Charles Terrano,

Ann Vidal, Emerson Vidal,

Emerson Vidal II,

Kenneth Vidal, Lisa Vidal

Robert Vidal, John F. Watson,

Mickey Welch,, Kathleen Wolf,

Dorothy Zeo, Anthony Zeo

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you have information for the Military or sick lists please call the Office at 631-475-4739 or simply put a note in the collection basket. ********************************* Mass cards are available in the Parish Center Office during scheduled hours ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to purchase a memorial candle or any other item to honor someone there are forms on the tables, in the Rectory Religious Store and in the Church..

Monday-Saturday 8:00am masses

in Chapel. ———means no intention at time to print

** means Offices are closed

Saturday, September 28th,**

8:00am -------------------------

5:00pm Jean Lilly

Sunday, September 29th,**

7:00 am Parishioners of the Parish

8:30 am Spanish Mass

10:00 am Betty Jean Campbell

11:30pm Elias & Francisca


Monday, October 1st,

8:00 am Elizabeth & Randy


Tuesday, October 2nd,24th,

8:00 am Norrine Sanborn

Wednesday, September 25th,

8:00am -------------------------

Thursday, October 3rd,

8:00 am Richard P. Schuchman

6:00 pm ------------------------------

Friday, October 4th,

8:00am In the Celebration of

the Saints.

Saturday. October 5th,** 8:00 am ---------------------------

5:00 pm John Murphy

Sunday, October 6th,**7

7;00pm Larry Sicurella

8:30 am Spanish Mass

10:00 am Betty Jean Campbell

11:30am People of the Parish


Sunday October 6th is Respect Life

Sunday. There will be a special

collection by the Diocese for the

Respect Life Office. They have

recently produced their 100th issue

of the Respect Life Ministry News-

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September 29, 2019

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastors Desk

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, So… I was asked if the parish offices would be open on Monday, because of Rosh Hashanah. While I had to explain that we are not closed for Jewish holidays, although that’s not always true when we overlap, or in regards to religious education and public schools closing, we’re also open for a number of our own holidays. This week we have five celebrations on our calendar, starting with St. Jerome on Monday. While our Jewish brethren are celebrating the harvest, we will be celebrating the man who first translated the Old and New Testaments into the language of the people, which at the time was Latin. Personally, I have a great fondness for St. Jerome, not only because of his academic prowess, but because he was a bit of a curmudgeon, with a quick temper and a bit of a tongue. On the opposite end of the spectrum is St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, also known as the Little Flower, with her little ways, on Tuesday. Moving on from the childlike devotion of St. Theresa, we find those who we were encouraged as children to pray for their protection and guidance on Wednesday. They would be the Guardian Angels, who are set over each of us to protect us and guide us through life, not just as children; so when you are feeling a little overwhelmed, lonely, or just need to talk to someone, your Guardian Angel is there beside you. Friday is one of the most popular saints, St. Francis of Assisi, a man whose life so closely resembled Christ in his actions, he was blessed with the gift of the stigmata, that is the wounds Jesus received on the Cross. Many of us feel a great spiritual attraction to this great saint, whether it was his radical embracing of Gospel poverty, his attempts to bring the peace of Christ to the muslims, or his great love of animals. In regard to that final aspect of his personality, we will again be blessing the beasts, however, to allow the most amount of people to bring their animal friends, we will gather on Saturday, October 5th, at 11am, outside the chapel. This is not to say we ignore Francis Xavier Seelos, who came from Germany to America as a missionary, and gave his life witnessing to Christ’s love. We are truly blessed to have days throughout the year to celebrate the relationship God has called us to live out in our lives. While our Jewish brothers and sisters have celebrations, rituals and observations, through which God reminds them of the relationship they were called to have through Abraham and Moses, we have been given the presence of Christ through our saints, our Church, and most especially through the Blessed Sacrament. Before leaving this topic of holidays (Holy Days), there is one thing many of us have forgotten about the month of October, and that it is dedicated (like May) to the Virgin Mary; so if you don’t have a particular saint to talk to this month, and you wanted to give your Guardian Angel a break, spend some time with our Blessed Mother. For the last two years, we have held a Christmas Raffle for the parish, and even though we have fallen short of selling all the tickets, we will be holding the raffle again this year. A couple of people have commented that I am always asking for money, a claim which I have refuted in past columns, however the reality of our situation in OLMC is that we cannot survive on what comes in on Sundays. This fundraiser is necessary to make repairs to the parish plant, which does not come cheap, as well as pay some of the bills which we are not exempt from. One of the reasons we do the raffle is to bring in money from outside the parish, so that parishioners are not necessarily burdened with extra contributions, but we do need parishioners to sell tickets. Unfortunately, one of our best sellers has retired to Florida full time, and will not be able to make her rounds, so the rest of us have to pick up the slack. Keep in mind, the seller of the winning ticket gets $1,000. More details will follow next week. Even though I just addressed the Christmas raffle, we’re still in the Fall, and as such, the Fall Cleanup will take place, Saturday October 26th, with a rain date of November 16th. Pax, Fr. Henry

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September 29, 2019 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary TimE HOW GOD INTENDS US TO LIVE Today’s readings are again directed to believers, communities of faith. As in last week’s reading, Amos confronts us with a condemnation of those whose lives are focused on pleasure and self-absorption. The psalm contrasts that focus with the Lord’s—justice for the oppressed; food the hungry; freedom for captives; sight to the blind; raising of those who are bowed down; loving the just; protecting strangers, orphans, and the widow; and by doing so, thwarting the way of the wicked. Timothy urges the pursuit of righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Luke tells the familiar tale of the wealthy man and the poor beggar at his doorstep, who experience life very differently in this world and in the next. We are once again being given clear indications about how God intends for us to live our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Woe to the complacent, stretched comfortably on their couches! (Amos 6:1a, 4-7). Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146) Second Reading — Pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, pa-tience, and gentleness (1 Timothy 6:11-16). Gospel — There was a rich man who dined sumptuously each day. Lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Zec 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-7; Lk 9:51-56 Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6, 10-11; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12 Friday: Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 PRAYING TO THE ANGELS We pray to the angels, for they are given to us as guardians. —St. Ambrose INVOLVEMENT Our job is to get in the game, not keep score.


Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 29 de septiembre de 2019 CÓMO DIOS PRETENDE QUE VIVAMOS Las lecturas de hoy una vez más están dirigidas a los creyentes, comunidades de fe. Así como la lectura de la semana pasada. Amós nos conforta con una condena de aquellos cuyas vidas están enfocadas en el placer y la auto absorción. El Salmo contrasta ese enfoque con el del Señor: justicia para los oprimidos, alimentos para los hambrientos, libertad para los cautivos, vista para los ciegos, levantar a los agachados, amor al justo, proteger a los extranjeros, huérfanos y las viudas; y al hacerlo, frustrando el camino a los malvados. Timoteo nos insta a la búsqueda de la justicia, la devoción, la fe, el amor, la paciencia y la mansedumbre. Lucas cuenta la historia familiar de un hombre rico y un mendigo en su puerta, que lleva una vida muy diferente en este mundo y en el otro. Una vez más estamos recibiendo indi-caciones acerca de cómo Dios quiere que vivamos nuestras vidas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Ay de los complacidos. Sus juergas disolutas desaparecerán (Amós 6:1a, 4-7). Salmo — Alabemos al Señor, que viene a salvarnos (Salmo 146 [145]). Segunda lectura — Compete bien por la fe. Guarda los mandamien-tos hasta que aparezca el Señor Jesús (1 Timoteo 6:11-16). Evangelio — Recuerda que recibiste las cosas buenas durante tu vida; Lázaro recibió lo que era malo. Ahora Lázaro es consolado mientras que tú eres atormentado (Lucas 16:19-31). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexi-cano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Zac 8:1-8; Sal 102 (101):16-21, 29, 22-23; Lc 9:46-50 Martes: Zac 8:20-23; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Lc 9:51-56 Miércoles: Neh 2:1-8; Sal 91 (90):1-6, 10-11; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Jueves: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Lc 10:1-12 Viernes: Bar 1:15-22; Sal 79 (78):1b-5, 8-9; Lc 10:13-16 Sábado: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Sal 69 (68):33-37; Lc 10:17-24 Domingo: Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Sal 95 (94):1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lc 17:5-10

INVOCA A LOS ÁNGELES Invoquemos a los ángeles, porque ellos se nos han asignado como guar-dianes. —San Ambrosio COMPROMISO Nuestro trabajo es meternos al juego, no mantener un resultado. —Anónimo

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Nassau Red Mass Set for October 1 The annual Nassau Red Mass will be held this year at the Church of Saint Joseph in Garden City on Tues., Oct. 1, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Bishop John Barres will be the principal celebrant. Father Paul D. Scalia, son of the late Honora-ble Antonin G. Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States will be the homilist. The Red Mass marks the traditional opening of the judicial year. All members of the public are invited to this Mass. Reception and dinner immediately follow at Chaminade High School’s Activity-Athletic Center in Mineola. Distinguished Honorees: Brother Thomas J. Cleary, S.M., President of Chaminade High School, and Honorable Carol Bagley Amon, Senior Judge, United States District Court (EDNY). The Guild will honor posthumously the Honorable Antonin G. Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Scalia’s son, Father Paul D. Scalia, will be accepting the award on behalf of Justice Scalia’s family. Ad-mission fee for the dinner is $120. For more information, contact: Kristin Angermann at 516-873-2000, ext. 262 or kangermann@ moritthock.com.


There will be a blessing of your animals

in honor of St. Francis Saturday October 5th

11AM Outside the Chapel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Right to Life Ministry Will be conducting a

A Seasonal Collection For Babies Two Years Old and Younger Including but not limited to:

**New Cloths *”Gently used clothes”

Disposable Diapers Crib Sheets

Bottles Pacifers

Receivng Blankets Rattles Toys

Bibs MONEY to purchased to meet needs

Decorated boxes at the doors of the Church All items collected will be brought to

LIFE CENTER of Long Island


The world is at a historic crossroad. God is more offended than ever

as people ignore Our Lady’s maternal request to “stop offending God.” Yes, we must listen to Our Lady's request and stop sinning if we hope to enjoy God’s blessings and to avert His wealth. He will hear us, if we prat through the intercession of His Blessed Mother. That’s why

we’re doing the 2019 Public Square Rosary Crusade.

In The Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Monfort said: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church guided by the

Holy Spirit, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”






FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Michael Milano 631-355-0713 Rob Costanzo 631-834-3385

Coordinated nationally by Tradition, Family and Property and its

AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA campaign For questions or comments, e-mail us at

[email protected] Visit our website and www.ANF.org

(866) 584-6012

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Al Barbarino will Be with us on Sunday October 13th, Sharing his spirituality in spoken and sung words. Al Barbarino is a Lay Franciscan with the Franciscan Friars

of the Renewal, (the late Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s

Community) and is a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Throughout the years in this apostolate, he has recorded

CDs/Videos and traveled around the world. He speaks on

our faith in a most practical, every day level. Through all the

support of his recordings, he helps the poor and homeless, of

the St. Padre Pio Shelter, Croatian Relief (International Out-

reach) and for the poor, wherever he sings. Al has worked in

the NYC prisons for incarcerated youth as a counselor. He

has many stories to share!

His lovely CD’s will be available for sale.

More information on page 7

¡Seis semanas para hacer un gran evento! Viernes 8 de noviembre en el nivel inferior de la iglesia

Necesitamos todo tipo de obsequios, cestas, obsequios no utilizados, obsequios grandes, vino, licores,

Recolectando artículos nuevos sin usar, tarjetas de regalo y / o certificados de negocios lo-cales, cualquier artículo que pueda ir a cestas temáticas, juegos de lotería, colonias, artículos

nuevos, ropa con etiquetas, papel de regalo, velas, marcos, etc. Al Centro Parroquial. También pediremos patrocinadores. Se necesitan voluntarios ahora y establecer y día del even-

to.Los boletos cuestan $ 10.00 disponibles el 20 de septiembre 0 disponibles el 20 de septiembre,

100th Anniversary Basket Auction

Friday November 8th in Church Lower Level We are in need of all kinds of gifts, baskets, unused gifts, large gifts, wine, liquor,

Collecting new unused items, gift cards and/or Certificates from local businesses, any items that can go into themed baskets, lottery scratch-offs, colognes, new bric a brac items, clothing

with tags, gift wrap, candles, picture frames, etc. To the Parish Center. We will also be asking for sponsors. Volunteers are needed now and set up and day of the

event. Six weeks to make a great event! Tickets are $10.00 available September 20th

Scott Hahn will

be with us on


December 14,

Don’t miss Scott Hahn and

the St. Paul Center at Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Catholic Church in Long Island on Saturday, Decem-

ber 14, 2019.

Study Scripture with one of the Church's most re-

nowned biblical scholars today. Go deeper into the

riches of our Catholic faith—register now!


8:00 am — Mass in the Church

9:00 am — Welcome and talk by Scott Hahn

10:00 am — St. Paul Presentation

10:15 am — Break, books available for

10:45 am — Talk by Scott Hahn Admission $20.00 in advance to: www.SrPaulCenter.com

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Knitting & Crocheting Group

Meets in the Parish Center on Wednesday’s at 10 am –12 noon

If you know how or want to learn come and bring your pro-ject or make one from our supplies.

No fees for our supplies


If you had an area last season we are thankful for your work and ask you to continue to care for your spot. If you would like a spot please come to the

Parish Center and sign up., leave your name and phone num-ber.

Want information please call 631-475-4739 ext 102 will get you your desired info.

Bulletin Information If you have an event or notice for the bulletin it must be in the Friday a week before printing. Ex. Need it Oct.

27th so it has to be sent by Oct. 14th. It has to be formatted in either Word or a Publisher

format. Please email to [email protected] and write bulletin in

subject box.


A Gift to Our Parishioners And Friends and Family

Go to: Olmcpatchogue.formed.org Hit Blue button create a

password and user name and register.

This is a gift you can share with anyone with internet access.

March 2, 2019 –March 1, 2020 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 100TH ANNIVERSARY, 1919-2019



2nd & 3rd Holiday Fair in Parish Center

November 8th, Basket, (Chinese) Auction in Church Lower Level Admission $10.00

Here is where anyone can help create a wonderful event . Collect Gift Cards & Certificates donate

an unused new gifts, a bottle of wine or liquor, lottery tickets, donate a small item that can be used with other items to create a basket.

Tell your family and friends and come! Donate a cake.


$10,000. Christmas Raffle


December 7th & *8th In the Parish Center.

8:00am Mass with Scott Hahn

A talk with Dr. Scott Hahn, 12/14/2019 8:00am mass 9am-12:30pm

Fee $20.00 St Paul center .com


Valentine’s Dance

On the weekend of October 12th and 13th, Al Barbarino will be speaking at all the masses and will be a guest singer and speaker on Sunday October 13th at 1pm. Al will be speaking on ‘Our Lady’s Messages from Her worldwide Apparitions and how they affect all mankind and the


Your are invited to explore the benefits of a Catholic High School Education.


Sunday 29th 10:00AM - 1:00PM St. Anthony High School


Saturday 5th 10:00AM -1:00PM Kellenberg Memorial High School

& 2:00PM - 4:00PM

Chaminade High School

Sunday 6th 1:00PM -3:30PM St. Sominice Hight School

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Saturday October 26th

10:00 AM

Bring your own tools

Rain Date November 16th

Golden Wedding Anniversary Liturgy

Honoring Couples Married Fifty years or More

Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Maria Regina Roman Catholic Church in Seaford

Come in to sign up by October 8th

You will receive a letter of confirmation, There is assigned seating for couples. Family seated at first come basis as room allows

You will take 1 picture with the Bishop Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later you will receive the picture and a certificate in the mail

Centennial Journals

Journals are now available to be picked up or purchased in the

Parish office in the Parish Center-Monday thru Thursday

9am to 3pm.

They will be available for those who would like to purchase our

new journal or those who pre-ordered or placed an ad in

the journal.

I would like to have my loved one remembered in memoriam for one year with a memorial candle in the church vestibule in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. $200.00 year begins First Sunday of Advent and Ends on Christ the King Sunday . In Loving Memory __________________________________________________________ By_______________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________________ One year Offering is $200.00 if by ck to OLMC Church

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BASKET AUCTION Friday November 8th

Doors Open at 6 pm in Lower Level of

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Admission $10.00 per seat

During this 100th year we are celebrating a long time for a worship place, but it was not built on sentiments, it was built on love. We are a shining example that we are still here because of all those who came together to watch this community grow by attending masses, celebrating the sacraments and holding bingos, luncheons, and fundraising events, all which moved us from a small church to a large one with a large Rectory and then a Parish Center. So now do we stop? No we go forward as before. We need the help of our parishioners to help collect gifts, gift-cards, sponsors, cake and coffee, more baskets and things to fill them. We need help giving letters to stores you frequent.. Have any gifts you have not returned so donate new things. Gentlemen we are asking for table and chair set up Thursday November 7th. We are also asking for help the night of the event with sales, refreshment and clean up. How about those ticket sales or calling items making hotdogs? Children and Teens, can you wrap a basket or make a bow? Can you be a runner or a refreshment person? Can you help a couple of hours before helping sort and making signs. Ask your friends, invite your parents who can come with their friends, neighbors or co-workers for a night of fun. The solicitation letters are made and awaiting you. Tickets go on sale September 22. All things can be picked up in the Parish Center business Office, gifts can be dropped off before masses or at the office.

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And the TV show on Telecare

Catholic Radio with a weekly theme: Sept.22 Autumn Changes 29 Prayer Oct. 6 Living with Possessions 13 Discovery 20 Tradition 27 Special Days Perhaps we can have you listen to: The Catholic

Channel Sirius/XM Radio,

Channel 159. Tune into “Religion and Rock”

with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from

7:00AM –8:00AM on WBAB

102.3FM or 95.3 on L.I.’s East End.

Listen Saturdays at 1100PM on Sirius Channel 159 and 11PM on XM Satellite Channel 117.

Sign up for information @ [email protected]

The Outreach Office 631- 475-9580

Pantry Hours: Thursday & Friday 10 am—2 pm

Last but not least, the Food Pantry could use your help with donations of the following everyday items:

Cake mixes Canned meat Canned tuna Ceral Chef Boy-R-Dee Coffee/tea Cookies/crackers Jello (boxed only please) Mayo/mustard/ketchup Pancake mix/syrup Pasta sauce in jars Peanut butter/jelly We wish to thank you for your Pantry.

Pudding Soup (no tomato soup please) Sugar Baby wipes Bath soap Diapers (size 3 and above) Laundry detergent Shampoo/conditioner Toilet paper Toothpaste continued generosity to the

Long Island State Veterans Home (631) 444-8606 www.listateveveteranshome.org

Saturday October 9, 2019 Benefits & Breakfast Lecture Series: Medicare Basics

Time 9 AM to 10:30 AM Location: L.I. STATE Veterans Home

100 Patriots Road, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790 Multi-Purpose Room

Continental Breakfast will be served

Presented by Maryflorence Brennan Topics include: Medicare (Par ts A, B and C), Supplemental Insurance

Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans Including Healthcare,

Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, Private Fee for Service And Special Needs The Medicare Gap

This event is free and open to the public If you will be 65 this or next year this information will help you to be informed prior to choice.

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Regional School Holy Angels Regional School 475-0422 Principal-Mr. Michael Connell

New Parishioners are invited to come to the Center and pick up a registration form. Envelopes are available upon request.

Parish Offices– in Parish Center Telephone 475-4739 Fax 447-1030

Parish Secretary Susan Schmutz ext.101

Business Office Hours in Parish Center

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:30pm

Saturday-Sunday Closed

Mass cards sold in the parish center

[email protected]

Religious Education Telephone: 289-7327

Religious Education Office Hours Monday - Thursday

9:00am - 3:300pm

Coordinator of Religious Education

Madlyn D’Ambrose ext 104

Choir Music Director: Germaine Fontaine

Parish Outreach Food Pantry Telephone 475-9580 ext.113

Outreach Office Hours 10am-2pm

Thursday & Friday

[email protected]

Sacrament of Marriage Arrangement must be made 6 months in advance. No date for a wedding can be given over the phone or reserved until the couple completes the formal paperwork with a member of the pastoral staff. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, R.C.I.A. is for those who are interested in coming into the Catholic Church or a Catholic interested in completing the Sacraments of Initiation. Call the Faith Formation office for more information. Wednesday Evenings. Thursday evening 7:30 pm in Parish Center. 631-475-4739 ext 102

Mass Intentions Mass cards announced are $20.00 Presentation Folders are $25.00 Mass cards sold in the parish center during business hours. MASS SCHEDULE Weekend - Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) Church Sunday: 7;00am, 8:30,10:00 & 11:30 Spanish Mass 8:30 am in Church Weekday Monday—Saturday 8:00am in Chapel & Thursday 6pm Mass in Chapel

PASTOR Rev. Henry Reid

Deacon Bob Lyon Deacon Anthony Graviano , Retired

Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday at 1:00pm in the Chapel Baptismal preparation is required prior to the baptism of any child. Please call 631-475-4739 for f further info.

Reconciliation/Confession Monday-Friday, Following Daily Mass in Chapel Saturday 4:00 – 4:45 PM in Church

Monday Night Prayer Group 7:30 in the Chapel -Jerry Curreri 698-3533 Legion of Mary Prayer Group Monday 7:pm In Parish Center Rob Costanzo 631-834-3385 Wednesday Night Prayer Group 7:30 pm in a Private Home Mary Peterson– 475-4739 Secular Franciscans (OFS) Meet in the Parish Center 1st Sunday of the Month 1pm to 4 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Following 8 am Mass Thursday till 10 pm 6pm Divine Mercy Mass Rosary for Life 7pm Prayer Groups as printed above.

COMMUNION CALLS Any homebound or shut-in may receive Holy Communion in their home. A Eucharistic Minister, will visit. Please call 631-475-4739