f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell The Editor is responsible only for fliews expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor a1Ul associate editor is responsible for views expressed over his own signature. T A B L E 0 F c 0 N T E N T s Cover Design ............................. George Baer ....... . A Voice From the Pit-Ludlow. Poem ...... A Paint Creek Miner. 4 Mother Jones .............................. Photograph ......... 6 South of the Slot. Illustrated ............... Jack London ...... :. 7 Doing Us Good-and Plenty ................ Chas. Edw. Russell . .. 18 The Marseillaise in the Tombs. Poem ....... Upton Sinclair ..... .24 The Poor Man's Smoke. Illustrated ......... Marion Wright ..... 25 One Big Union .............................. Wade Shurtleff ..... 29 Lest We Forget. Illustrated ............... . Kate Sadler ........ 30 Shine, Sir! ................................ W. H. Emery ...... . 32 "The Floater." Illustrated .................. Charles Ashleigh .... 34 'Revolutionary Essays ..................... Lillian Hiller Udell . . 38 The Trail of the Lonesome Wire. Illustrated. Commercial Tel. J our.40 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 45 The Gorilla's Divine Unrest ................. Current Opinion .... 48 Study Course in Socialism .................. f. E. Sinclair.· ....... 51 DEPARTMENTS Editorial: A Billion Dollar Donation International Notes News and Views Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 cts.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00 CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Entered at the Postoftlce Cht'cago, Ill., as Second Class July 'ill, lllOO, under Act of March 3, 18111.

1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

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Page 1: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,



Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Editor is responsible only for fliews expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor a1Ul associate editor is responsible for views expressed over his own signature.

T A B L E 0 F c 0 N T E N T s

Cover Design ............................. George Baer ....... . A Voice From the Pit-Ludlow. Poem ...... A Paint Creek Miner. 4 Mother Jones .............................. Photograph ......... 6 South of the Slot. Illustrated ............... Jack London ...... :. 7 Doing Us Good-and Plenty ................ Chas. Edw. Russell . .. 18 The Marseillaise in the Tombs. Poem ....... Upton Sinclair ..... .24 The Poor Man's Smoke. Illustrated ......... Marion Wright ..... 25 One Big Union .............................. Wade Shurtleff ..... 29 Lest We Forget. Illustrated ............... . Kate Sadler ........ 30 Shine, Sir! ................................ W. H. Emery ...... . 32 "The Floater." Illustrated .................. Charles Ashleigh .... 34 'Revolutionary Essays ..................... Lillian Hiller Udell . . 38 The Trail of the Lonesome Wire. Illustrated. Commercial Tel. J our.40 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 45 The Gorilla's Divine Unrest ................. Current Opinion .... 48 Study Course in Socialism .................. f. E. Sinclair.· ....... 51

DEPARTMENTS Editorial: A Billion Dollar Donation

International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 cts.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postoftlce a~ Cht'cago, Ill., as Second Class Ma~r July 'ill, lllOO, under Act of March 3, 18111.

Page 2: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

• t


lmll August Ohe 1914 ~m


~ Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.2 ~ w ASSOCIATE EDITORS: ~ Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives LaMonte, William E. Bohn. m~ Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell m ~ The Editor is responsible only for fliews expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department

matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for riews expressed Ofler his 0111n signature.

ii m


T A B L E 0 F c 0 N T E N T s

In Memory of the Commune. Illustrated ..... Phillips Russell . . . ()9 A Fight to a Finish. Illustrated ............. Flo.·vd Gibbons . . . . 72 The Japanese Geisha Girls. Illustrated ...... S. Katayama . . . . . 79 Current Styles in Governmental Bunk. . . . . . Chas. Edw. Rt.tssell 82 An Old Timer. Illustrated ................. The Flying Squadron.87 The Revolt at Butte. Illustrated ............ W m. D. Haywood. 96 Our Subjects in the Far South Seas.

Illustrated ............................ . Marion TV right .. . Syndicalism in France . .- .................... Emile Pouget .... . Homestead and Ludlow ............ ~ ....... Eugene V. Debs . . . White Wolf. Illustrated ................... G. L. Harding . ... . Greek Workers in America ................ . Anastasios Papas . After Ludlow-Facts and Thoughts ......... Frank Bohn ·: ... . The Working Class and War ................ V·incent St. John ..


Editorial: A Lesson from France; After the Ludlow Battle

96 100 105 109 112 114 117

International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Ca~ada $1.20, other cou.ntries $.1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 cts.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

118 W. Kiozie Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postomce at Chl'cago, Ill., as Second Class llatter Jnly 1!'1, 1900, under Act of March s, 187t.

Page 3: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn . . L~slie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Ediior is responsible onl:v for views expressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is resPonsible for fliews expressed Ofler his own signature.


Europe in the Clutch of War ......... Phillips Russell. . . . . . . . . . 133 Illustrated

Modern Warfare Illustrated

........ John Randolph . .... ·. . . . . . 136

Soc~alism and the World-War ........ G. L. Harding ............ 141 Illustrated

Jaures and The General Strike ....... vVilliam D. !faywood ...... 144 For Ourselves or for The Enemy? .... Charles Edward Russell ... 147 War in the Air ...................... G. Hmvlev Emanuel ....... 152

Illustrated . · -Organize With the Unemployed ...... Afary E. Marcy .......... 152 Latest News from South Africa ...... To·m Mann ............... 159 The Gunmen and the Miners ......... Eugene V. Debs. . . . . . . . . . 161 The Advent of the Diesel-Motor ...... Barbara Lidy Frank~nthal. 163 · The Enemy of All the World ......... Jack London ............. 167 The Japanese Manifesto ............. S. Katayama ............. 175

DEPARTMENTS Editorial: The :Real Fatherland

International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 B'!1ndle Ba.te, 10 foJ: 60 eta.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00


CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, lll., U.S. A.

Entered at the Postoftlce at Chl'cago, Ill., as Second Class llatter July ft1, 11100, under Act of March 3, 18711.

Page 4: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rivee La Monte, William E. Bohn. Lealie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell


Cgver Design-Dawn in the British Trenches . A . C. Michel From the London Illustrated News

The Red Feast. Verse ................. . ..... A Pai,Jt Creek Miner ....... 196 Illustrated

The Great European War and Socialism . ..... At1ton Pa11nekoek .......... 198 Degradation in the Hope of Conquest .. ... . . . Georges Clemenceau .. .. ... . 206

Illustrated War and the European Socialists ...... . ........ . .. . .... . . .... .. . . . .. . . . . .. 210

Illustrated Notes on the War .................... .. .. . ............ . .............. . .... 214

Illustrated The Cost of Wat. Verse .. ............ . ..... Harry Kemp ............... 218 Workers Arise and Sieze the Eanb . .. . . ..... Ferdinand Marais .... . .. ... . 218 Grappling With Death on the Sea .... . ... .. . Marion Wright .... . ... . . .. 220

Illustrated Th~ Battle of Butte ................... .. ..... William D. Haywood .. . . .... 223

Letter from a Butte Miner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Capitalism in Shetland ...•............... . ... Archibald Crawford .... . ... 229 Illustrated

The Twilight Sleep for Women . . .. .. . .. . ... Sam Schmalhauer .. .. .. . ... 232 We Slaves From the Mines Down Below ..... Patrick Brennen .. . ... . ... .. 235 The Unconsumed Surplus and What It Means Charles Edward Russell .. . .. 236


Editorial: Socialist Unpreparednesa in Germany International Notes Publishers' Department News and Views

Publlebed Monthly, $1.11 • year, Canada Sl.ll, other countrlee $1.51 B1ID4le llate, 10 fo~ eo oU.; 10 fo~ t1.00; 100 fo~ ts-00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicqo, Ill., U.S. A.

attend at u.. Ponollloe at Obl'_,o. Dl., u lleaOD4 01- lll.att.r .JaJJ II', ltoO, aDder •ot or lll.arelll, 111'1.

Copyright, 11114, by Charles H. Kerr 5: Company.

Page 5: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Editor is responsible only for wews e:cpressed on the editorial .pare and in ansirned de.partftlent ftlatter. Each contributor and associate editor is resjlonsible for nev~s esjlressetl oter his own sitntJture.

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

The Job War in Chicago •.............. .Charles Ashleigh ....... 262 Illustrated

Tactics of the Unemployed ............ .l. W. W ............... 266

Fighting Weapons .................... .Frank Bohn .. . ' ......... 269

War News from Abroad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Illustrated

Imperialism and the War .............. . Karl Kautsky. . . . . . . . . . 282

The War and the Japanese ............. S. Katayama ........... 287

Militarism . and Socialism .............. . R arry U swald . . . . . . . . . 289

Neo-Malthusianism in America ........ . Caroline Nelson ........ 300

Fewer and Better Children ............ James Morton. . . . . . . . . . 301

Cogs in the German State Machine ..... Emil Beckmeyer ........ 304

The Land, the Machine and the Worker.D. Lopez .............. 306

International Notes


Editorial : The Russian Peril

News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 • year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 fo:r 80 cts.; 20 fo:r $1.00; 100 fo:r $5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, m., U. S. A.

l!ID1iered at the Poatoftl.ce a1i Chl'eaco. Ill., u Second Cla11 Jlat1ier JulJ' 11'1, 1900, under Act of March S, 18'7t.


Page 6: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,


Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William· E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Editor is responsible only for fliews e:JCpressed on the editorial page and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for fliews e:JCpressed Ofler his 0111n si1nature.

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

The War and Its Effects ................... .. Anton P'annekoek . ........... 325 Illustrated

A BreatH of Life. Poem .................... Clement T¥ood .............. 331

Should the Warriors Get Wise ............... A Paint Creek Mi11er ........ 334

How to Make Work for the Unemployed .... . Joe Hill .................... 335

The Red Flag in the Auburn Prison .......... Benj. J. Legere .............. 337 Illustrated

For Life .................................... Grace Ford ................. 342 Illustrated

Marx's and Engels' Correspoqdence .......... ':;ustave Bang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344

The Revolution in Car Building .............. Paul L. TV right .............. 350 Illustrated

The Fallen Mighty ........................... Frank Bohn ................. 354

The Promised Land of Work ................ Nils H. Hansson .. ......... 357

The Cost of War ............................ Clarnzce Darrow ........... 361

Straight Revolutionary Program ............. TVilliam E. T o~ne. . . . . . . . . . . 363

Tenantry and Mortgages ........... · .......... 0. A. Olafson ............... 365

Three. of a Kind ............................ . James Morton .............. 367

When We Go to War ....................... Phillips Russell ............. 369


Editorial: Paradise Lost

International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, $1. t 0 a year, Canada $1. 2 0, other countries $1. 50 Bundle Bate, 10 for 60 cts.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00. - .


Page 7: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol.· XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. ,Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, WDliam D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The EditM is responsible onl~ for riews espressed on the editorial page and in unsigned departmen.t •aUer. Each contributor a1td associate editor is responsible for riews espressed a.er llis oum signature.

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover Design .............................. From the Masses.

News From Europe .................... .' ..... William E. Bohn ............ 389 Illustrated •

Babes Bred for War ........................ Mary Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Illustrated

Keep the Issue Clear ........................ Roscoe A. Fillmore . ......... 398

Are We Ready? ......... ; ................... W. H. Leflingwell. . . . . . . . . . . . 404

Auto Car Making ................... ; ........ Mary E. Marcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Illustrated

"No Charity Here" .......................... Bruce Rogers . .............. 413

A Mother's Appeal. ........ ~ ................ Matilda Suhr ................ 416

The Defense of the German Socialists ........ William English Walling .... 418

Rescuing Epirus ............................. Aristides Pratelle . ........... 423 Illustrated

Make An Ally of Your Enemy ............................................ 425

Socialism In Oklahoma ...................... 0. M. Morris ............... 427

Marx's and Engels' Correspondence .......... Gustave Bang . ...... : . . . . . . . 430


Editorial: The War Through Socialist Lenses

Labor News. News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.10 a year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 Bundle Bate, 10 fol' 80 eta.; 20 fOI' $1.00; 100 fol' $5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicqo, W., U. S. A.

Entered at the Po1tomoe at Ohfeaco. Ill., u Second OIU8 KaUer Jul7 ffl, 1100, under Ac1i of Karch 1, 1m.


Page 8: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Editor is responsible onl:v for fliews expressed on the editorial ~Jage and in unsigned department matter. Each contributor and associate editor is responsible for fliews expressed mer his own stgnature.

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover Design: Belgian Soldiers in Winter Quarters ................................ Int. News Service.

German Socialism in the War ................ Anton Panne.koe!~ .......... 455 Illustrated

The Russian Menace ........................ A us tin Leu,is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Illustrated

Over-time. for the Busy Bee ................. Frank B ohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Illustrated

Karl Kautsky on the War ................... William English TVa/ling .... 468 Illustrated

Parliamentarism and Economic Action ....... New Review .............. 472

Butte Better ................................. T-Villiam D. Haywood .. ..... 473

Out-Fording Mr. Ford in Japan ............. Marion Wright ............ 476 Illustrated

Ca:nada and the War ........................ Grace V. Silver .. .......... 479

Executive Committee Rule ................... T. E. Latimer .............. 481

The Socialist Party Vote in the United States ............................ 485

Marx's and Engels' Correspondence ......... Gustav Bang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487

Economic Determinism ...................... E. L. Dewar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491

Labor News ................................ . Labor Argus ............... 494


Editorial: Better Any K:ind of Action Than Inert Theory!

International Notes News and Views

Published Monthly, $1.00 • year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 Bundle Ba.te, 10 for 60 ct•.; 20 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicaeo, Ill., U.S. A.

Entered at the Po1tomce at Ohl'eaa:o. Ill., as Second Olus llatter July 117, 1900, under Act ot March 8,18711.


Page 9: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bobn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

Tit' Etlllor is "''Oflli11Je onl:v for fliet111 estr1111tl on lite edltoriol 11111 •nd in •mlcned deluttrJent •tJIIer. BtJels eonlrlhutor tJnd tJIIot:itJII editor is '"'"'"''' for fliews eslrtslltl oter ltls m.n slcntJIUre.

T A B L E 0. F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover Design-Chicago Police Beating Up the Jobless ..... : ............................ From the Masses.

A Hunger "Riot" in Chicago ................. RalPh H. Chaplin . . . . . . . . . . . 517 Illustrated

The Right to Starve .......................... L. H. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Illustrated

Revolutionary Unionism and War ............ fames Connoll:y ............ 523 Illustrated

How About the War at Home? ...... ; ....... PhillijJs Russell ............. 526

The Value of Immorality .................... Mary E. Marcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528

Machines That Have Ma_9e History .......... M. G. R. . .................. 530 Illustrated

Pa~asitic Power of Property .................. Scott Nearing .............. 536

The Underrnan ................. : ............ Jim Larkin ................ 538

Why Should I Be a Socialist? ................ Jack Morton ................ 542

Our Rodbertian N. E. C_._ .................... Henry Slobodin ............ 544

Savage Survivals in Higher Peoples .......... Prof. J. Howard Moore. . . . . . 546

Scientific Organizing and the Farmer ......... Henry P. Richardson. . . . . . . . 554

Running Their Own Business ................ Bruce Rogers ................ 558


Editorial: Where We Sta~d on War

International Notes News and Views Publishers' Department

Publi1hed Monthly, $1.10 • year, Canada $1.20, other countries $1.50 JhUuUe .... 10 fo~ eo ot .. ; ao fo~ .1.00; 100 fo'l -.oo

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) til W. Kinzie Street, Cliicqo, ru. 1 U. S. A. .

Batenclat the Ponomoe at Olll'eaiO, Ill., uleoond Olua llatter Jul7 wr, 1100, under ~at or Karoh 1, lwtt.


Page 10: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr



Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Russell

The Editor is responsibll onl~ for fliews e~pressed on th1 editorial pafl and in unsitned detartment matter. Bach contributor and associat1 editor is responsible for tiews e:epressetl oter his Oflln 111nature.


Cover Design-On Guard .................... Photograph by Underwood & Underwood.

The War, The World and The Future ........ William E. Bohn ............ 581 Illustrated

After the War-What? ..................... . Henry L. Slobodin ........... 587

Everlasting Peace ........................... William D. Haywood ........ 588

Fixing the Pay of Railroad Men .............. Carl Sandburg .............. 589 Illustrated

Savage Survivals in Higher Peoples ......... . Prof. J. Howard Moore ...... 594

The Knights of Columbus .................... Eugene V. Debs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Illustrated

The Reward of the Miners ........... , ....... Mary R. Alspaugh ........... 603

The Impending Conflict ...................... )cott Nearing .............. 606

The Cocoanut in the Philippines ..... : ....... Marion Wright ............. 608 Illustrated

Making Fruit Jars ........................... Oran Burke ................. 610 Illustrated

The Socialist Party and the Public Schools .. Frank Bohn ................ 612

A Working Class College .................... Leslie H. Marcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 614

The Love Story of the Tapeworm ........... Wilhelm J3oelsche .......... 616

Our Asiatic Fellows .......................... Bruce Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626


Editorial: We Must Fight It Out

News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, $1.18 • year, Canada $1.20, other countriea $1.50 Bundle aate, 10 fozo 80 ot•.; 88 fozo .1.00; 100 fozo f&-00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers (Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicaso, Ill., U. S. A.

Blltered at the Po1toftl.oe at Ohfoa1o, Ill., •• Beoond 01u1 llatter July 11'1, 1100, under ..&.ot of Maroh I, 11'71.


Page 11: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,

Vol. XV


Edited by Charles H. Kerr ASSOCIATE. EDITORS:

No. 11

Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives La Monte, William E. Bohn. Leslie H. Marc,., Frank Bohn, William D. Haywood, Phillips Ruaaell

Tlu Bllilor is '"'MUi6l1 onl~ for ti1t111 '*'"'"4 on t111 etlitoritll '"'' Gnll in f'fllilnetl tl''"''"''nl ,.,,,.. BGeh eontrihlor ontJ GlloUGie 1llilor ir '"'onlilll1 for tiru11 •d""'tl 11111' hi1 own ll1n•1ure.


Imperialism, the World War, and Social De-mocracy .................................. H. Gorter .. ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64;')

Solidarity and Unemployment ................ Austin Le'Wis ................ 652

Fixing the Pay of Railroad Men ...... : ...................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656

The Love Adventures of the Spider .......... Wilhelm Boelsche ........... 659 Illustrated ·

The Cow-Boy .................... : . ........ Harrison George .. , .·. , ...... 663 Illustrated ·

Between Meals i~ a Miner's Cabin ........... Mary R. Alspaugh . ..... : .... 666

The Power of the Railroad Boys .. : . ......... Mary E. Marcy . ............ : 669

. Ash-~s and Dreams .... , ........ ; ............. Carl Sandburg .............. 671

Savage Survivals in Higher Peoples .......... Prof. J. H award Moore. . . . . . 672


Fooled! .................................... . Norman Springer ........... 679

What's the Matter With Butte ............... Lown-des Maury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 684


Editorial: Why You Should Be a Socialist

News and Views International Notes Publisher's Department

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20; other countries $1.50 Bundle Ba.te, 10 for 80 ct1.; :10 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

. CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative> 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postoffice at Chicago, Ill., as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879.

1915, by Charles H. Kerr & Company.


Page 12: 1914 f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW · 2019. 4. 30. · f9.De INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST R£VILW 1914 Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No.1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy,


Vol. XV Edited by Charles H. Kerr No. 12

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary E. Marcy, Robert Rives LaMonte, William E. Bolin. Lealie H. Marcy, Frank Bohn, William D. HayW-ood, Phillips Russell

Tlu Editor is rut>omible onl:y for ftntJS est>ress•d on lh• •ditorial far• and in umitn•d det>artmenl matter. Each &onlributor and assoeiale editor ls resl>onslble /or tintJs ext>ruscd oter his own sit1111lu,..

T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S

Cover Design, Fitzpatrick, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Fixing the Pay of Railroad Men .................... .. Carl Sandburg

Federal Commission on Industrial Relations ......... . Illustrated

Morals and War Babies ............................. . Mary E. Marcy

Spontaneous Combustion .......................... :. Upton Sinclair

Turpentine .......................................... . Marc N. Goodnow Illustrated.

The Japanese Farmer .............................. ... Marion Wright Illustrated

Gathering the Grain .................................. E. F: Doree Illustrated

The Love-Tr~ubles of the Stickle-Back ... : ........... Wilhelm Boelsche

Savage Survivals in Higher Peoples ................... Prof. J. H award M oo1·e

After the 'war-What? ......... ·.· .................... Henry L. Slobodin

In tern a tional·· Notes


Editorial: When We Go to War

News and Views Publishers' Department

Published Monthly, $1.00 a year, Canada $1.20; other countries $1.50 Bnndle Bate, 10 for 60. cts.; 1!0 for $1.00; 100 for $5.00

CHARLES H. KERR & COMPANY, Publishers <Co-operative) 118 W. Kinzie Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Entered at the Postoffice at Chicago, Ill., as Second Class Matter July 27, 1900, under Act of March 3, 1879.

Copynght, 1915, by Charles H. Kerr & Company.

