TREATY SERIES . No. 18. 1910. CONVENTION .3 410 WPI'II RESPECT TO THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Signed at Paris, October 11, 1909. [British Ratification deposited at Paris, March 1, 1910.] Presented to both Musts of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. July 1910. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY' S STATIONERY OFFIOE BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. And to be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, Lrn., FETTER LANE, E.O.; and 32, A BINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or OLIVER AND BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GR ATTON STREET, DUBLIN. [Cd. 5125.] Price 1+d.

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.3 410




Signed at Paris, October 11, 1909.

[British Ratification deposited at Paris, March 1, 1910.]

Presented to both Musts of Parliament by Command of His Majesty.

July 1910.



And to be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, fromWYMAN AND SONS, Lrn., FETTER LANE, E.O.; and



[Cd. 5125.] Price 1+d.

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Signed at Paris, October 11, 1909.

[British Ratification deposited at Paris; March 1; 1910.]'


Convention internationale relativea In Circulation des Auto-mobiles.

International Convention withrespect to the Circulation ofMotor Vehicles.

LEs soussignds, Pldnipotenti-aires des Gouvernements ci-apres.ddsignds, rdunis h Paris en Con-fdrence du 5 an 11 octobre, 1909,en vue de faciliter , dans la mesuredu possible, Is circulation Inter-nationale des automobiles, ontarritd la Convention suivante :


Conditions a remplir par leeAutomobiles pour titre admis acirculer sur In Voie publique.

Tout automobile, pour titreadmis internationalement a cir-culer sur la voie publique, doit,on bien avoir. dtd reconnu apte a@tre mis en circulation apesexamen devant 1'autoritd com-pdtente on devant une Association

TIE undersigned, Plenipoten-tiaries of the Governments herein-after specified, assembled in Con-ference at Paris from the 5th tothe 11th October, 1909, with aview of facilitating, as far aspossible, the international circu-lation of motor vehicles, haveconcluded the following Conven-tion :


Conditions to be fulfilled by Motor-cars in order to be allowed to bedriven on the Highway.

Every motor-car, in order to beallowed to be driven on the high-way in a foreign country, musteither have been recognised assuitable for use on the highwayafter an examination before thecompetent authority or before an

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habilitde par celle-ci, on bienappartenir h ha type agrdd de Ismemo maniere.

L'examen doit porter notam-ment sur lea points suivants :

1° Les appareils doivent @tred'un fonctionnement stir et dis-poses de facon h dcarter, daps lamesure du possible, tout dangerd'incendie ou d'explosion ; h nepas effrayer par le bruit les bolesde selle on de trait; h no cmo-atituer aucune autre cause dedanger pour la circulation et h itspas incommoder edrieusement lespassants par la fmude on lavapeur.

2° L'automobIle doitetrepourvudes appareils suivants :

association authorised by thatauthority, or must belong to a:type approved in- the samemanner.

The examination must ^ bedirected specially to the fol'lowing points :

(1.) The machinery must besuch as can be trusted to workefficiently, and must be so de-signed as to prevent, as far aspossible, all danger of fire orexplosion; as not to frighten byits noise animals, whether riddenor driven ; and as not to give riseto any other cause of danger totrafficorseriouslyto inconvenienceby the emission of smoke or vapourany persons using the road.

(2.) The motor-car must beprovided with the following:

(A.) D'un robuste appareil dedirection qui permette d'effectuerfacilement et sitrement les virages;

(B.) De deux systemes defreinage, inddpeudants Fun de1'autre et suffisamment efficaces.L'un an moms de ces systemesdoit titre h action rapide, agirdirectement stir les roues on surdes couronnes immddiatementsolidaires de celles-ei;

(C.) D'un mdcanisme qui puisseempticher, meme ear les cotesraides, tout mouveinent en arriere,si 1'un des systemes de (reins neremplit pas cette condition.

Tout automobile dont le poidsh vide excede 350 kilogrammesdoit etre muni d'un dispositif telquo Von puisse, du siege do con-ducteur, lui imprimer un mouve-ment de recul au moyen dumoteur.

3° Les organes de mammuvredoivent @tre groupds de fagonque Is conducteur puisse les


(A.) A strong steering appara-tus, which will allow the car tobe turned readily and with cer-tainty.

(B.) Two brakes, each indepen-dent of the other and adequatefor its purpose. One at least ofthese brakes must be capable ofacting rapidly and directly uponthe wheels or upon brake-drumsimmovably fixed thereto.

(C.) A mechanism which iscapable of preventing even onsteep gradients any backwardmovement, if one of the brakesis not of itself sufficient for thepurpose.

Every motor-car whose weightunladen exceeds 350 kilogrammesmust be so constructed that thedriver can, from his seat, reversethe movement of the car by meansof the driving power.

(3.) All the driving and steeringapparatus must be so arrangedthat the driver can manipulate it


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actionner d'une maniere sftresans cesser de surveiller In route.

4° Tout automobile doit e^trepourvu.de plaques indiquant lamaison qui a construit Is chassiset le numdro de fabrication duchassis, la puissance en chevaux-vapeur du inoteur on Is nombreet 1'al4sage des cylindres, et lepoids a vide de la voiture.


Conditions a remplir pour les

Conducteurs d'Automobiles.

Le conducteur d'un automobiledoit avoir lea qualitds qui donnentune garantie suffisante pour lasdcuritd publique.En ce qui concerne la circula-

tion internationale , nul ne peatconduire un automobile sans avoirrequ , a cet effet , une autorisationddlivrde par une autoritd com-pdtente on par une associationhabilitde par celle-ci , apres qu'ilaura fait In preuve de son apti-tude.

. L'autorisation ne pout etre ac-cordde a des personnes agdes demoms de 18 ans.


Ddlivrance et Reconnaissance desCerti,#cats internationaux deRoute.

En vue de certifier pour Incirculation . internationale que lesconditions prdvues dans les ar-ticles 1 et 2 sent remplies, descertificats internationaux de routeieront ddlivrds d'apres le modeleet'les indications ci-joints (An-nexes A et B).

with certainty and at the sametime have a clew view of theroad.

(4.) Every motor-car must beprovided with plates showing thename of the manufacturer of thechassis and the manuf'acturer'snumber , the horse -power of theengine or the number and boreof its cylinders , and also theweight of the car unladen.


Conditions to be fulfilled bbl Driversof Motor-cars.

The driver of a motor-car mustpossess qualifications which pro-vide a sufficient guarantee ofpublic safety.

In so far as the driving ofmotor-cars in foreign countriesis concerned, no one may drive amotor-car without having receivedfor that purpose an authorisationgiven by a competent authorityor by an association authorisedby that authority after havingshown himself on examination tobe competent.

Such an authorisation must notbe given to a person less than18 years of age.


Issue and Recognition of Inter-national Travelling Passes.

In order to secure as regardsthe driving of motor-cars inforeign countries that the con-ditions mentioned in articles 1and 2 are fulfilled, internationaltravelling passes drawn up in theform and giving the particularshereto annexed (Annexes A andB) shall be issued.


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Cos certificate seront valablespendant un an a partir do In datede leer ddlivr<ance. Les indica-tions manuscrites qu'ils conticn-dront seront toujours dcrites encaracteres latins on cursivesanglaises.

Los certificats internationanxde route cddlivrds par les autoritdsd'un des .Eats contractants onpar line association habilitde parBelle-ci avec le contre-seing dol'autoritd , donneront libre acces ala circulation dans tons les autresEats contractants et y serontreconuus canine valables sansnouvel examen.

These passes shall be valid forone yeas from the date of issue.The manuscript entries thereinshall always be written in Latincharacters or in ordinary Englishhandwriting.

International travelling passesissued by the authorities of.oneof the contracting States or issuedby an association authorised bythese authorities and counter-signed by the authority, shallgive full right to the driving ofmotor-cars in the countries of allthe other contracting States, andshall be accepted as valid in thesecountries without a fresh examina-tion of the motor-car.

La reconnaissance descertifieats International travelling passesinternationaux do route pourra ' may be refused as not valid:titre refusee :

1° S'il est evident que les con-ditions daps lesquelles ils outdtd ddlivrds cd'aprds les principesdes articles 1 et 2 ne sent plusremplies ,

2° Si le possesseur on le con-ducteur d 'automobile n'a pas ]anationalitd d'un des Etats con-tractants.

(1.) If it is evident that theconditions under which they havebeen issued in accordance withthe principles set out in articles 1and 2 are no longer fulfilled.

(2.) If the nationality of theowner or the driver of the motor-car is not that of one of the con-tracting States. .


Disposition des Numeros d'Ina-matneulation sier les Auto-mobiles.

Ancun automobile no seraadmis a passer d'un pays dapsan autre s'il no porte en dvidence,a l'arriare , outre une plaquenationale numdrotde, une plaquedistinctive munie de lettres dtab-lissant sa nationalitd . Les di-inensions de cette plaque, leslettres ainsi que leurs dimensionssent fixdes dans nn tableau an-nexd a la prdsente Convention(Annexe C). .


Arrangement of IdentifacationtMarks 076 '416107-cars.

No motor-car shall be allowedto pass from one country intoanother unless it carries, fixed ina visible position on the back ofthe car, in addition to the numberplate of its own nationality, adistinctive plate displaying lettersindicating that nationality. Thesize of this plate and the methodand size of the lettering are pre-scribed in a note appended to thepresent Convention (Annex Q.

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1416ARTICLE 5.

Appareils avertisseurs.

Tout automobile doit titremuni d'nne trompe h ton gravepour produire un signal d'aver-tissement. En dehors des agglo-merations, it est permis de re-courir en outre h 1'emploi d'autresavertisseurs, conformes aux r6gle-ments et aux usages do pays.

Tout automobile dovra titremuni, des la chute du jour, dedeux lanternes h l'avant et


feu a I'arri6re, ce dernier capablede rendre lisibles les signs desplaques. La route doit titreeclairee h l'avant sur one distancesuffisante, mais l'emploi de lu-mi6res aveuglantes est toujoursinterdit dans les agglomdrationsurbaines.


Dispositions particuliAres auxMotocycles et aux Motocyclettes.

Lea stipulations de la prdsenteConvention sont applicables auxmotocycles h trois roues et auxmotocyclettes, sous reserve desmodifications suivantes

1° Le m6canisme destine h em-pecher la derive en arri6re, vis6an 2° de I'article 1°^sons la lettre C,n'est pas exig6, non plus que lem6canisme de marche arriere ;

2° L'6clairage pourra titre r6-duit h one seule lanterns, placeeh.l'avant du motocycle on de Ismotocyclette ;

3° En cc qui touche les moto-Cycles et lea motocyclettes, laplaque distinctive de la.nationali-t6 mesurera seulement 18 centi-m6tres dans le sens horizontal-et


Warning Mechanisms.

Every motor-car must be pro-vided with a horn, sounding adeep note, to give warning. Be-yond the limits of towns orvillages it is permissible, in addi-tion, to make use of such otherwarning mechanisms as are inconformity with the rules andcustoms of the country.

Every motor-car must, on theapproach of dusk, be providedwith two lamps in front and alight behind ; the latter must be.such as will make the symbols onthe plates legible. The lampsmust. light up the road for a

,sufficient distance in front of thecar, but the use of dazzling lightsis in all instances prohibited intowns.


Special Provisions with regardto Motor-cycles.

The provisions of this Conven-tion apply to motor-tricycles andmotor-bicycles, subject to thefollowing modifications:

. (1.) The machinery intendedto prevent a car from slippingbackwards referred to in para-graph (C) of sub-division (2) ofarticle I is not required, nor isthe reversing gear.

(2.) The means of lightingneed be no more than a singlelamp, placed in front of the motor-tricycle or motor-bicycle..

(3.) The distinctive nationalityplate of motor-cycles shall measureonly 18 centimetres in width and12 centimetres in height. Theletters shall measure 8 centi-

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12 centimetres dans Is sensvertical : les lettres mesureront8 centimetres de hauteur, lalargeur de leurs traits dtant de10 millimetres;

4° La trompe des motocycleset des motocyclettes sera .h tonaigu.

metres in height, the breadth ofeach line being 10 millimetres.

(4.) The horn of motor-tricyclesand motor-bicycles shall sound ahigh note.


£'oiseinemt et Depassemeat desVelaicules.

Pour croiser on ddpasserd'autres vdhicules , les con-dueteurs d'automobiles doiventse conformer rigoureusement auxusages des localitds oil ils setrouvent.


heeling and Passing of Vehicles.

When meeting or passing othervehicles, drivers of motor-carsmust conform strictly to thecustom of the particular locality.


Pose de Plaques indicatrices sur Procisiunn of Notice-boards on thela Voie publique. Highway.

Chacun des Etats contractants Each of the contracting Statess'engage h veiller daps la mesure undertakes to see, within thede son autoritd a ce que, Is long limits of its authority, that nodes routes, it ue soit pose, pour notices directing attention tosignaler des passages dangereux, dangerous places shall be put upque les signaux dont Is tableau on roads other than the notices ofest joint en annexe a la prdsente which the representation is givenconvention (Annexe D). in an annex to this Convention

(Annex D).Toutefois des modifications Nevertheless, the Governments

pourront Ctre apportdes 3 ce of the contracting States maysysteme, d'un common accord, par agree in common to modify thisles Gouvernements des $tats con- system of notices. There wouldtractants. be advantage in adding to thisA ce systeme de signaux, it y a system of notices a notice direct-

lieu d'ajouter all signal avertisseur ing attention to a custom-housede bureau de Douane et cons- and ordering a halt, and alsomandant l'arret,ainsi qu'un autre another notice directing attentionsignal avertisseur de bureau de to a toll-house or an office for thepdage oil d'oetroi. collection of town dues.

Les Gouverneinents veilleront The Governments will alsoCgalement it ].'observation des • look to the observance of theprincipes suivants following principles :

1° Il n'y a pas lieu, en g4n6ral, (1.) That there is, as a generalde signaler par des plaques indi- rule, no need for notice-boards

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atrices les obstaclds sitlids dansles.aggloni6rations-1

2° Les plaques doivent 2treposses a 250 metres environ dupassage a signaler, a moms que ladisposition des lieux ne s'y oppose.Lorsque Is distance du signal al'obstacle differe trCs notablementde 250 metres, des dispositionsspdciales seront prises ;

3° Les plaques indicatrices doi-vent titre posses perpendiculaire-Inent it la route.


Dispositions ydnzdn'ales.

Le conducteur d'un automobileeirculant daps un pays est tenudese conformer aux lois et re'gle-ments, relatifs it Is circulation surles voies publiques, en vigueurclans ledit pays.Un extrait de ces Lois et regle-

rnents pourra titre remis a 1'auto-mobiliste, it 1'entr6e dans nil pays,par le bureau on sent accompliosles formalitds douaniores.


(a.) La prdsente Conventionsera ratifies et Is d6p6t des ratifi-cations aura lieu le let' mars1910.

:-(b.) Les ratifications seront dd-.posses dans lea archives de laRepublique Frangaise.

(c.) Le depot des ratificationssera constatd par un proces-verbalsighs par;les Reprdsentants desFuissances.qui y prennent part,et par In Ministre- des Affairesdtrangeres de la Republique Fran-g'aise.,'(d.) Les Puissances qui n'auront-

directing attention to obstaclessituated within towns.or villages:

- (2:) That notice-boaids shouldbe placed about 250 metres fromthe point to which attention is tobe'directed, unless the local con-ditions are unsuitable, Whenthe distance from the notice tothe obstacle is very markedlymore or less than 250 metres,special arrangements" shall bemade.

(3.) The position of the notice-boards, ill relation with the road,must be vertical. -


General Provisions.

The driver of a motor-car in acountry shall conform to the lawsand regulations concerning trafficon the highway that are in forcein the said country.

An abstract of these laws andregulations may. be presented tothe motorist, on his entering acountry, by the office at which heundergoes the Customs-exannna-tion.


(a.) The present Conventionshall he ratified and the depositof the ratifications shall takeplace on the 1st day of March,1910.

(b.) The ratifications shall bedeposited in the archives of theFrench Republic.

(e.) The deposit of the ratifica-tions shall be attested bya protocolsigned by the Representatives ofthe Powers taking port thereinand by the Minister for ForeignAffairs of the French Republic.

(d.) The Powers that shall uo6


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pas etc en nesure de deposer 1'in-strument de leurs ratifications le1" mars 1910, pourront le fairean moyen d'une notification ecrite,adressde an Gouvernement de laRepublique Frangaise et accent-pagnde de 1'instrument de ratifica-tion.

(c.) Copie certifiee conforme duprocas-verbal relatif an premierdepot do ratifications , des notifica-tions mentionnees a1'alinda prdcd-dent , ainsi que des instrumentsde ratification qui les accomn-pagnent,sera innuddiatcueut,parlea soins du Gouvernement Fran-pais et par la voie diploinatique,remise aux Puissances qui ontsignd ] a prdsente Convention.Dans lea cas vises par l'alindaprdcddent, ledit Gouvernementlour fora connaitre , on memetemps, ]a date :t laquelle it aurarequ la notification.

have been in a position to deposittheir ratifications on the 1st dayof March , 1910 , may do so by Itnotification in writing , addressedto the Government of the FrenchRepublic, and accompanied by theinstrument of ratification.

(e.) A copy , certified as correct,of the protocol relating to the firstdeposit of ratifications, of thenotifications mentioned in thepreceding paragraph , and also ofthe instruments of ratificationaccompanying them, shall, by thegood offices of the French Govern-ment, be forthwith transmittedthrough the diplomatic channelto the Powers that have signedthe present Convention. In theinstances contemplated in thepreceding paragraaph, the saidGovernment shall at the same.time acquaint them with the dateon which it received the notifica-tion.


(a.) Ia prdsente Convention ties'applique de plein droit qu'auxpays mdtropolitains des Matscontractants.

(b.) Si tin ): tat contractant endesire ] a raise en vigueur clansses colonies , possessions on pro-tectorats , it ddclarera son intentionexpressement clans I'instrmnentmeme de ratification on par tinenotification spdciale adressde pardent an Gouvernement Frangais,laquelle sera (1dposde dans lesarchives de cc Gouvernement.Si ]'Etat declarant choisit ccdernier procddd,ledit Gouverne-ment transmettra immddiatementa tons les autres Pats contrac-tants copie certifiee conforme dola notification en indiquant hadate a laquelle it 1'a reque.


(a.) The present Conventionrightfully applies as regards eachcontracting State to the mothercountry only.

(b.) If a contracting Statedesires its application to itscolonies, possessions , or protec-torates, such State shall declareits intention expressly in theinstrument of ratification itself,or by a special notificationaddressed in writing to theFrench Government, which shallbe deposited in the archives ofthat Goverlmment . If the de-claring State selects the lattermethod of procedure , the saidGovernment shall immediatelytransmit to all the other con-tracting States a copy , certifiedas correct, of the notification, andshall indicate the date on whichit received the notification.

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ri4I,I . ARTICLE 12:

(a.) Les Puissances non signa-taires de la presente Conventionpourront y adh6rer.

(b.) La Puissance qui ddsireadherer notifie par 6crit son in-tention all Gouvernement Fran-c ais en lui trausmettant 1'acted'adhbsion qui sera ddpos6 dansles archives dudit Gouvernement.

(c.) Cc Gouvernement trans-mettra immCdiatement a toutesles autres Puissances contrac-tantes topic certifiec conforme dela notification ainsi que de 1'acted'adh6sion , en indiquant la (late alaquelle it a regu la notification.


La presente Convention pro-duira effet , pour les Pnissancesqui auront participe an premierdepot de ratifications , le l.e' mai1910, et, pour les Puissances quila ratifieront ultdrieurement onqui y adh6reront , ainsi qu'a l'6garddes colonies , possessions on pro-tectorats non mentionnes dansles instruments de ratification, Isler mai qui suivra l'annde danslaquelle les notifications pr6vuesdans Particle 10, alinda (d) ; l'ar-ticle 11, alinda ( b) et Particle 12,alinda ( b), auront 6t6 repues parle Gouvernement Fraugais.


S'il arrivait qu'une des Puis-sances contractantes voulut de'-noncer la pr6sente Convention,la d6nonciation sera notifiee par6crit an Gouverneinent Francais,qui communiquera immediate-ment copie certifiee conforme dela notification a toutes les autres


(a.) Powers that have notsigned the present Conventionmay accede thereto.

(b.) A Power that ' desires toaccede shall notify the FrenchGovernment of its intention inwriting, and shall transmit to itthe act of accession , which shallbe deposited in the archives ofthe said Government.

(c.) That Government shallimmediately transmit to all theother contracting Powers a copy,certified as correct, of the noticeand also of the act of accession,and shall indicate the date onwhich it received the notifica-tion.


The present Convention shallcome into force, as regards thePowers that shall have taken partin the first deposit of ratifications,on the 1st day of May, 1910,and, as regards the Powers thatratify it at a later date or thataccede thereto , and also as regardscolonies, possessions, or protec-torates not mentioned in theinstruments of ratification, on the1st day of May in the yearfollowing that in which the noti-fications referred to in article 10,paragraph (d); article 11, para-graph ( b) ; and article 12, para-graph (b), shall have been receivedby the French Government.


In the event of one of thecontracting Powers wishing todenounce the present Convention,such denunciation shall be notifiedin writing to the French Govern-ment, w ho shall immediatelytransmit a copy, certified as cor-rect, of the notification to all the

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3211420Puissances en lour faisant savoirla date 5. laquelle i1 1'a revue.

La ddnonciation no produirasea effete qua 1'4gard de la Puis-sance qui l'aura notifide et un anaprds que la notification en seraparvenue an Gouvernement Fran-gais.

other Powers, and shall acquaintthem with the date on which itreceived the notification.The denunciation shall affect

the notifying Power only, andshall take effect one year afterthe notification has been receivedby the French Government.


Les ]:tats reprdsentds h laditeConfdreuce sont admis a signerla prdsente Convention jusqu'au15 novembre 1909.

Fait it Paris, le 11 octobre 1909,en un seul exemplaire dont unecopie conforms sera ddlivrde hchacun des Gouvernements signa-taires.


The States represented at theaforesaid Conference may sign thepresent Convention up to the 15thday of November, 1909.

Done at Paris, on the 11th dayof October, 1909, in a singleoriginal, of which a correct copyshall be transmitted to each ofthe signatory Governments.

Pour la Grande-Bretagne: For Great Britain :


Pour I ' Allemagne : For Germany :


Pour 1'Autriche et pour la For Austria and for Hun-Hongrie : gary :

(L.S.) R. KHFVENHULLER, Ambassadeurd'Autrichc-Hongrie.

Pour la Belgique : For Belgium:


Pour Is Bulgaria: For Bulgaria:


Pour l 'Espagne: For Spain


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Pour la France :




Pour 16. Grece :


Pour 1'Italie :


Pour Monaco:


For France:


For Grccce :


For Italy :


For Mouico :


Pour Is Mont6n6gro :


For Moutcnogro :

Pour les Pays-Bas : For the Netherlands:


Pour le Portugal: For Portugal:


Pour la Roumanie: For Roumania:


Pour ]a Russie: For Russia:


Pour la Serbie : For Servia :


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Convention internationaledac 1909.

Gertificat international de Route pour to Circulation temporaire 6i'L'tranger.

Ce'carnet est valable , dans tous les Mats contraetants ,* pendant tin an

seulement L dater du jour de sa ddlivrance.

Ddl ivrance du Garnet.

Lieu ................................... ............................

Date ........................................................ .......

(Signature de l'autorite.)


(Signature de l'assoeiation habilit6 par I'autoritcet visa de, cello-el.)

• Cos Etute stint lese,ilvnias

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Indications relatives an Vdhieule.

Propri6taire du v6hicule Pr6nom .........................................................


..........................................................Domicile ..

Genre du v6hicule (voiture, tricycle, etc.) ................................................

Designation do constructeur ..................................................................

Indication du type do chdssis ................................................................

No d'ordre dans la s6rie do type on no de fabrication du chhssis ..................

MeteorNombre de cylindres ...............................................................

{ Puissance du moteur (en chevaux) on al6sage des cylindres^......

( Forme ...............:...................................................••......

Carrosserie JIl Couleur ...........................................................................

Nombre total de places ............... .......................................

Poids du v6hicule it vide ( en kilogrammes ) ...............................................

Num6ro d'immatriculation devant figurer stir les plaques d'identlt6 ...........

Indications relatives an Conduction, on our Conducteurs.

Nom .............................................

Prdnom .......................................

Lieu de naissance ...........................

Date de naissance ........................

Domicile .......................................

Nom ............... :.............................

Prenom .......................................

Lieu de naissance ..........................

Date de naissance ........................

Domicile .......................................

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3x424:RDYAimw DE * *.

Indications relatives an Vdhieule.

I( Nom ............................................................

Proprictaire du vehicule j Prenom ........................................................IIIDomicile ......................................................

Genre du vehicule ( voituro , tricycle, etc.) ...............................................

Designation du constructour ..................................................................

Indication du type du chilssis ..................................................................

Numero d'ordre dans la serie du type on numero de fabrication du chassis ....

Meteor( Nombre de cylindres .............................................................

Puissance du ntotenr ( en chevaux ), on alesage des cylindres .........

Forme ......... ...................................................................



Couleur ...........................................................................

Nombre total de places ................................... ..................

Poids do vehiculo It vide ( en kilogrammes ) ................................................

Numero d'immatriculntion devant figurer stir les plaques d'identite .............

Indications relatives an Conducteur on mix Condueteurs.

Nom ...........................................

Prdnom ................................ .......

Lieu de naissance ..........................

Date de naissance .........................

Domicile ......................................


Nom ............................................

Prinom ........................................

Lieu do naissanco .........................

Date de naissanco .........................

Domicile .....................................

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..Visa de 1'entree en * *. - Visa de la sortie de * *.

Lieu .::....................... ...... '....... Lieu .......................................

Date .......................................... Date .......................................

Le ..................... des Dounnes. Le ..................... des Dounnes.

Cachet Owlet

dale - - deli

Douane. Douane.

Exclusion d'arn Conducteur.

Le sienr ....................................

(nom et prduom)..... ... ...... ::::.::.:.:......

;autoriso ei-dessus par 1'autorit(i d .....

..................... (pays) .....................

est exclave do )a faeulte de eonduire

1'automobilo sur In territoire * *, en

.vertu do .......................................


Admission d'un nouveau Condn cteur.

.A ...................... le ..................

Le ....................................



A ................... le .....................

Le ....................................

(Signature.)Nom . ..........................................

.Prenom .......................................

Lieu de naissance .......................

DAe de naissance ........................

Domicile .....................................

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Annex A.


International Convention of 1909.

International Travelling Pass (" Certiflcat international de Route ").

This paps is available in all countries which are parties to the later-national Convention * for one year only from the date of issue.

Issued at .........................................................

Date ...............................................................

(To be signed here on behalf of the authority orassociation issuing the pass.)

* Thmc countries are :.............................................. ............................. ..

[107] 0

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Particulars relating to the Motor-car.

I( Surname .......................................................................

Owner of car. { Christian or other name .................................................

Il Rome address ...... ........... ............ .................................. :..

Description of car (e.g., motor-car, motor-cycle, &c.) ..................................

Name of manufacturer ............................................................ ...........

Type of chassis ....................................................................................

Number in the series of that type, or manufacturer's number .....................

EngineNumber of cylinders ..............................................................

llorse-power, or bore of cylinders (in millimetres) .....................

Shape ..............................................................................

Body of car Colour ..................................... ..........................................

Number of seats ..............................................................

Weight of ear unladen (in kilogrammes) ..................................................

Letters and numbers on the identification plates ......................................

1', i tiontars relating to the Driver or Drivers.

Christian or other name ..................

Place of birth .................... ..........

Date of birth ................................. .

Home address .................................



Surname................ ........................

Christian or other name ..................

Place of birth ................................

:. .Date of birth ..................... :.........

Home address ................................


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Particulars relating to the Motor-ear.

Surname ..........................................................................

Owner of car Christian or other name.....................................................

Homo address .................................................................

Description of car (e.g., motor-ear, motor-cycle, &c.) ...................................

-Name of manufacturer............................................................................

Type of chassis ......................................................................................

Number in the series of that type, or manufacturer's number .......................

EngineNumber of cylinders.... 6 6 ... 6 6 ......... 6.6 ................... ....... P ..........

Horse-power, or bore of cylinders (in millimetres) ......................

Shape ..............................................................................

Body of car Colour ............................................................................ .

Number of seats .... ......... ........... .............. ............ .... ........

Weight of car unladen (in kilogrammes) ....................................................

Letters and numbers on the identification plates .......................................

Particulars relating to the Driver or.Drivers.

Surname .......................................

Christian or other name ..................

Place of birth ..............................

Date of birth ................................

Home address ..............................

Surname .............. .........................

Christian or other name ..................

Place of birth ...............................

Date of birth .................................

Home address ...............................



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Entry of Car into Departure of Car from

Port of entry ........................... Port of departure ....................

Date of entry ........................... Date'of departure .....................


Customs Officer.


Customs Officer.

Customs Customs

Stamp. Stamp.

Exclusion of a Driver.

Me............. ............. :......... (give

full mate) hereinbefore authorized by

the proper authority in ..................

....................... (here insert name of

country) is disqualified for driving

the motor-car in ............................

by reason of .................................


Adnnission of a veto Driver.

Place ......................................

Date .......................................

(Signed) ..............................

Photograph. .

Place .......................................

-Date .......................................

(Signed) ..............................Surname ......................................

Christian or other name .................

Place of birth ...............................

....:.Date of birth ...........................

Home address ...............................

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J43"Annexe B.

Sur le certificat internationalde route, tel qu'il sent ddlivrddaus tel on tel des Mats contrac-tants, la page de couverture, lapremiere feuille intercalaire et ladernicre feuille sent libelldes Bansla laugue prescrite par Is ldgis-lation dudit P tat. Les autresfeuilles intercalaires, on nombredgal It celui des autres hats con-tractants , sent libelldes chacunedans la langue du pays corres-pondent.

La traduction ddfinitive desrubriques du carnet dans les dif-fdrentes langues sera cornmu-niqude an Gouvernement de laRdpublique Fran@aise par leeautres Gouvernements,chacun ence qni le concerne.

Annex B.

The terms employed on thetitle - page, on the first insidesheet , and on the last sheet ofthe international travelling pass,as issued by one or another ofthe contracting States, shall bein the language prescribed by thelaws of the aforesaid State. Theterms employed on the otherinside sheets , corresponding innumber to the number of theother contracting States, shall ineach instance be in the languageof the State concerned.

The definitive translation ofthe particulars in the pass intothe several languages shall becommunicated to the Governmentof the French Republic by theother Governments in so far aseach of them is concerned.

Annexe C.

La marque distinctive du paysd'origine est constitude par oneplaque ovale de 30 centimetresde largeur sur 18 centimetres dehauteur, portant une on deuxlettres peintes en noir sur fondblacc. Les lettres sont formdesde caracteres latins majuscules.Elles ont, an minimum, 10 centi-metres de hauteur; ]curs traitsout 15 millimetres d'dpaisseur.Les lettres distinctives pour lesdiffdrents pays sent lee sui-vantes*

Allemagne, 1) ; Autriche, A ;Belgique, B ; Espagne, E ; 1;tats-Unis, US; France, F ; Grande-Bretagne, GL'; Grece, GR; Ilon-grie, H ; Italic, I; Montdndgro,MN; Monaco, MC; Pays-Bas,NL ; Portugal, P ; Ruesie, R;R,oumanie, RM ; Serbie, SBSuede, S ; Suisse,- CH.

Annex C.

The distinctive mark of thecountry of origin shall consist ofan oval plate 30 centimetres inwidth and 18 centimetres inheight, bearing one or two letterspainted in black upon a whiteground. The letters shall beformed of capital letters in Latincharacters, and shall measure atleast 10 centimetres in height,the breadth of each line being15 millimetres. The distinctiveletters for the different countriesshall be the following* :-

Germany, 1) ; Austria, ABelgium, B; Spain, E; UnitedStates of America, US; France,F ; Great Britain and Ireland,GB; Greece, GR; Hungary, H;Italy, I ; Montenegro, MNMonaco, MC ; the Netherlands,NL ; Portugal, I' ; Russia, R ;Roumania, RM ; Servia, SBSweden, S ; Switzerland, CH.

* In the case of Bulgaria , the letters BG have been adopted.

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'Annexe D.*.


(Notices with regard to obstacles.)

(Uneven road.)


(Level crossing.)

Proees-verbal de Depn6t des Ratifica-tions sur la Convention Inter-nationale relative it la Circula-tion des Automobiles, signee dParis le 11 octobre 1.909.

En execution de 1'article 10,§ A, de la Convention inter-nationale relative's la circulationdes automobiles, signee A Paris,le 11 octobre 1909,les soussignes,Repr4sentants des Puissances co-siguataites, se sent reunis anMinistere des Affaires etrangerespour proceder an depot des Rati-

(Sharp turn.)

(Cross roads.)


Protocol recording Deposit of the

Ratifications of the InternationalConvention with respect to theCirculation of i1totor Vehicles,signed at Paris, October 11, 1909.

In execution of Article 10, § A

of the International ConventionWith respect to the Circulation ofMotor Vehicles, signed at Paris,the 11th October, 1909, theundersigned, Representatives of

the co-signatory Powers, haveassembled at the Ministry for

Foreign Affairs in order to proceed

* Notices referred to in Article 8 of Convention.

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fications des Hautes Puissancescontractantes.

Les instruments des Ratifica-tions do Sa Majesty le Roi duP,oyau ofe-Uni de Grande-Bretagneet d'Irlande et des territoiresbritanniques an dell, des mers,Empereur des Indes; do Sit Ma-jest6 I'Enrpereur d'Allemagne,Roi de Prusse; de Sa Majeste,I'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi deBoheme, &c., ci Roi apostoliquede Hongrie; do Sa Majoste leRoi des Bulgares; de Sa Majestdle Roi d'Espagne ; de Monsieur lePresident de la R6publiquc fran-csaise; de Sa Majest6 le Roid'Italie ; et do Son Altesse S6r6-nissinre le Prince de Monaco, ont6t6 produits et ayant W, aprdsexamen, trouv6s en bonne et dueforme, sort confi6s an Gouverne-ment de la Republique franpaisepour titre d6pos6s dans leg archivesdu Ministere des Affaires dtran-g6res.

Les Gouvernements de Bel-gique, do Gr6ce, de Montenegro,des Pays-Bas, de Portugal, deRoumanie, de Itussie et de Serbie,out d6clar6 qu'ils n'6taient pas enmesure de d6poser aujourd'huil'instrument do leurs Ratificationset out demandd fa user de lafaculty, qui lour est r6serv6e parle paragraphe 1) de Particle 10,d'accoufplir ultdrieurement cetteformality.

Le Gouvernement francais don-nera avis do ces depots successifsaux Puissances contractantes.

to the deposit of the Ratifica-tions of the High ContractingPowers.

The Instruments of Ratifica-tion of His Majesty the King ofthe United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Ireland and of theBritish Dominions beyond theSeas, Emperor of India; of HisMajesty the German Emperor,King of Prussia; of His Majestythe Emperor of Austria, King ofBohemia, &c., and Apostolic Kingof Hungary ; of His Majesty theKing of b'ulgaria ; of ]{is Majestythe King of Spain ; of the Presi-dent of the French Republic; ofHis Majesty the King of Italy;and of His Serene Highness thePrince of Monaco, have beenproduced, and, having been afterexamination found in good anddue form, have been entrusted tothe Government of the FrenchRepublic with a view to theirdeposit in the archives of theMinistry for Foreign Affairs.

The Governments of Belgium,*Greece, Montenegro, the Nether-lands, Portugal, Roumania,Russia,* and Servia, have declaredthat they are not in a position thisday to deposit their Ratifications,and have requested to be allowedthe faculty, reserved to them byparagraph D of Article 10, tofulfil this formality at a laterdate.

The French Government willnotify these successive depositsto the Contracting Powers.

Fait is Paris, ] e 11, mars 1910, Done at Paris, the 1st March,en on seul exemplaire, dont one 1910, in a single original, of which

* The Belgian Ratification was deposited April 30, 1910.The Russian Ratification was deposited March 5, 1910.The Signatory Powers have agreed that the position of Belgium and

Russia is assimilated to that of Powers which deposited Ratifications onMarch 1, 1910 , and that the provisions of the first part of Article 13 thereforeapply in the case of these countries.

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copie certifiee conforme sera a duly certified copy shall be com-remise a chacun des Gouverne- rnunicated to each of the signatoryments signataires . Governments.