1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

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Page 1: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

3 8090/p 1804. NEW MEDICAL BOOKS.






Published during the Tear 1803.

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Page 2: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

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S. Gosneli, Printer, little Queen Street, Holborn

Page 3: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


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**> The Books are in Boards, unless otherwise expre sed.


Barclay, Dr. J. A New Anatomical Nomenclature, relative

to the Terms which are expressive of Position and Aspect in

the Animal System. 8vo. 5 s.

Sell, Charles. The Anatomy of the Human Body, Vol. III. con¬

taining the Nervous System, with Plates. Part I. The Ana¬

tomy of the Brain, and Description of the Course of the

Nerves. 7s. 6d.

pitto, Vol. III. Part II. The Anatomy of the Eye and Ear, of the

Nose, and Organ of Smelling; of the Mouth, and Organ of

Taste; of the Skin, and Sense of Touch. 9s.

*** Vols. I. and II. may be had, price 12s. each. • v' ■ > ' l ’ * f

Hooper, Dr. R. The Anatomist’s Vade-Mecum, containing the

Anatomy, Physiology, Morbid Appearances, See. of the Hu¬

man Body, the Art of making Anatomical Preparations, See.

The fifth Edition, considerably enlarged. To which are now

added, Anatomical, Physiological, Medical, apd Surgical

Questions for Students.

*** This Work presents to the Student a useful Ana¬ tomical Conspectus, or Pocket Manual of Anatomy and Physiology: Jjn which he will find—I. A short

Page 4: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


but accurate Description of the different Parts of the Human Body, and their Functions.—II. An Enumeration of the Diseases to which those Parts are subject, and the various Operations of Surgery that are performed on the Human Body,—III. The Met hod of preparing the various Parts of the Body, to exhibit their Structure in a healthy and diseased State, as far as our present Knowledge will enable us.—IV. A Glossary, or Explanation of the princi¬ pal Terms used in that Science.—V. Such Questions as the Student will probably be required to answer at the College of Surgeons, the Medical Board, the Board of Sick and Hurt, &c. in order to obtain his Diploma, or pass as Surgeon or Surgeon’s Mate for the Army or Navy, or the Service of the East India Company. Small 8vo. 9s.


I. John Gottlieb Walter’s Plates of theThoracic and Abdominal

Nerves, reduced from the Original, as published by Order of

the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin: accompanied by

coloured Explanations, and a Description of the Par Vagum,

Great Sympathetic and Phrenic Nerves. * Elegantly printed • 1 , * o , ' m large 4to. 18s.

. .v8 ., '

II. Bell, Charles. A Series of Engravings, explaining the Course r ~■' 0 , r- „ ' , <

of the Nerves, 4to. il. is.

III. A Plate, engraved from a very accurate Drawing by Rirt-

land, exhibiting, at one View, the Blood-vessels of the Dead,

with their Names and References. Verv finely coloured, 7s. • . ‘ A-

] V. A Map of the Human Ear, magnified to four times the na- i3Tf ■ ■ t / i.

tural Size, from a Preparation of an eminent $urgepn, co* . f *.

loured, 5 s.

V. A Diagram of the Human Eye, \yith an Explanation by Dr. ► - * ■ i. / *

Hooper, 3s.

These Plates will be found very useful in the Room of the Student or Lecturer.

, ; . t p ... . * r* VI. Anatomical Plates of the Bones and Muscles, diminished


from Albinus; accompanied by Explanatory Maps. For the

Use of Students. The second Edition, 7s.

Page 5: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

Murray’s Xnnual medical list. 5

VII. Anatomical Plates of the Thoracic and Abdominal Vis¬

cera; acccompanied by Explanatory Maps. For the Use of

Students, 5s.

*** “ The Figures in these two little Volumes are very neatly and very accurately executed, and are accom¬ panied by Maps, or sepaiate outlines, differently coloured, which render the explanation and refer¬ ence very easy. The whole forms a very neat, port¬ able, and useful help to the Student.”—See Physical Journal, Vol. VIII. p. 473 ; and Aikin’s Annual Review, Vol. I. p. 349, &c.

Richerand. Elements of Physiology, containing an Explanation

of the Functions of the Human Body, in which the modern

Improvements in Chemistry and other Sciences are applied, to

explain the Actions of the Animal Economy. Translated from

the French, by Robert Kerrison, Member of the Royal

College of Surgeons in London. One large volume, 3vo. 9s.



Foot, Jesse. Cases of the successful Practice of the Vtsicx

Lotura, for the Cure of diseased Bladders. Second Edition.

Two Parts, 8vo. 4s. 6d.

Fox, J. The Natural History of the Human Teeth, including a

particular Elucidation of the Changes which take place during

the Second Dentition, and describing the proper Mode of

Treatment to prevent Irregularities of the Teeth. To which

is added, an Account of the Diseases which affect Children

during the First Dentition. Illustrated with Thirteen Cop¬

per-plates, 4to. il. is.

Hamilton, Dr. Alex. Outlines of the Theory and Practice of

Midwifery. The iifth Edition, with numerous Corrections

and Alterations, 8vo.

Hey, William. Practical Observations on Surgery, with Cases,

8vo. Plates. 10s.

a 3

Page 6: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

<5 Murray’s annual medical list.

Home, Everard. Practical Observations on the Treatment of

Strictures in the Urethra, and in the (Esophagus. Vol. II.

8vo. 7s.

*** The second Edition of the First Volume may be had, price 7s. 6d.

The London Practice of Midwifery, of a Manual fof Students.

Being a complete Course of Practical Midwifery; in which

are included, the Treatment of jLying-in Women, and the

Diseases of Children. Small 8Y0. 6s.

Monro, Dr. Alex. jun. Observations on Crural Hernia. To which

is prefixed, a general Account of the other Varieties of Her¬

nia: illustrated by Engravings, 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Munro, Hugh. A compendious System of the Theory and Prac¬

tice of modern Surgery, arranged in a new nosological and

systematic Method, different from any attempted in Surgery,

in the Form of a Dialogue. Second Edition, corrected and

improved, 8vo. 7s. «

Russell, James. A Treatise on the morbid Affections of the Knee

Joint, 6s.

Trye, C. B. Illustrations of some of the Injuries to which the

lower Limbs are exposed, accompanied by coloured Plates,

4to. 6s. 6d.

Timbrel, W. H. Practical Observations on the Management

of Ruptures, in Two Parts.—Part I. New Inventions and

Directions for ruptured Persons. Part II. A familiar Account

of the Nature of Ruptures in both Sexes. Third Edition, with

Additions: illustrated by Three Engravings. 3s.


An Account of tire Discovery and Operation of a new Medicine

for Gout. 8vo. 4s.

-Bell, George. A Treatise on Cow-pox: containing anEnumcra*

tion of the principal Facts in the History of that Disease;

the Method of communicating the Infection by Inoculation;

Page 7: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


And the Means of distinguishing between the genuine and

spurious Cow-pox. Illustrated by Plates, ismo. 3s.

Blackburne, Dr. W. Facts and Observations concerning the Pre¬

vention and Cure of Scarlet Fever; with some Remarks on

the Origin of Acute Contagions in general. 8vo. 4s.

Slegboroiigh, Dr. R. Facts and Observations relative to the Use

of the Air Pump and Vapour Bath in Gout, Rheumatism,

Palsy, and other Diseases. i2mo. 3s. 6d.

Bree, Dr.R. A Practical Inquiry into disordered Respiration;

distinguishing the Species of Convulsive Asthma, their Causes

and Indications of Cure. The third Edition, corrected and

enlarged. With an Appendix. 8vo. 7s.

Bryce, Jas. Practical Observations on the Inoculation of Cow-pox;

pointing out a Test of constitutional Affection in those Cases

in which the local Inflammations are slight, and in which

no Fever is perceptible. Illustrated by Cases and Plates. 6s.

Burdin, Dr. A Course of Medical Studies: containing a compa¬

rative View of the Anatomical Structure of Man and of Ani¬

mals; a History of Diseases; and an Account of the Know¬

ledge hitherto acquired with regard to the regular Action of

the different Organs. A Work chiefly designed for the Use

of Medical Students. Translated from the French. 3 vols.

8vo. il. is.

Cullen, Dr. William. First Lines of the Practice of Physic. A new Edition, carefully compared with the Author’s most

correct Edition. With a Preface and some few Notes by

Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. 14s.

Dewar, H. Observations on Diarrhoea and Dysentery, as those

Diseases appeared in the British Army, during the Campaign

in Egypt, in 1801. To which are prefixed, a Description of

the Climate of Egypt, and a Sketch of the Medical History of

the Campaign. 8vo. 4s.

Duncan, Dr. A. The Edinburgh New t)ispensatory; containing,

I. The Elements of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.—II. The Ma¬

teria Medica.—III. The Pharmaceutical Preparations and

Compositions, including Translations of the London Pharma¬

copoeia, 1791; Dublin Pharmacopoeia, 1794; and of the New

Edition of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, rSo,?. Illustrated

A 4

Page 8: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

If Murray’s annual medical list.

and explained in the Language, and according to the Princi¬

ples of modern Chemistry. With many Tables, and Plates

of Chemical Apparatus, &c. In one volume, 8vo. 9s.

Edinburgh Practice of Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery; pre¬

ceded by an Abstract of the Theory of Medicine, and the

Nosology of Dr. Cullen ; and including upwards of six hun¬

dred authentic Formulae, from the Books of St. Bartholo¬

mew’s, St. George’s, St. Thomas’s, Guy’s, and other Hos¬

pitals in London, and from the Lectures and Writings of the

most eminent Public Teachers. With twenty quarto Plates.

A new Edition, in five large Volumes, 8vo. 3I. 15s. boards.

A short Essay on the Nature and Cause of Influenza, in which

the important Question is discussed, Whether the Influenza

is contagious or not ? With Answers to the Questions of Dr.

Beddoes, proposed in his circular Letters to the different

medical Practitioners: to which are added, Observations on

the Cause of the London Plague, in 1665. Together with a

Hint for stopping the Ravages of the Yellow Fever in the

West Indies. 8vo. is.

Falconer, Dr. W. An Account of the Epidemical Catarrhal Fever,

commonly called the Influenza, as it appeared at Bath in the

Winter and Spring of the Year 1803. 8vo. is. 6d.

Ford, Dr. J. Three Letters on Medical Subjects; addressed to the

Rev. Gilbert Ford, Qrmskirk, Lancashire. Containing, I.

An Account of the Effects of an Aloetic Medicine in Gout,

and other Chronical Complaints.—II. A Practice which has

been successful in the individual Prevention of the late Epi¬

demics.—III. An Account of the sedative Properties of the

Granulated Preparation of Tin, in some Affections of the

Mind. 8vo. as.

Fox, Dr. Joseph. A New Medical Dictionary, containing a con¬

cise Explanation of all the Terms used in Medicine, Surgery,

Pharmacy, Botany, Natural History, and Chemistry, com¬

piled, revised, and augmented, by Thomas Bradley, M.D.

iamo. 7s.

Gibbs, Dr. G. S. A Second Treatise on the Bath Waters, core- »

prehending their Medical Powers in general, and particularly

as they relate to the Cure of Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheum a-


Page 9: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


tism, Jaundice, and Liver Complaints, Chlorosis, Cutaneous

Eruptions, Palsy, &c. See. iamo. 3s. 6d. boards.

The First Part may be had, price 3s.

Heberden, Dr. W. Commentaries on the History and Cure of

Diseases. Second Edition, 8vo. 8s.

The Original, in Latin, may be had, price 7s. 6d.

Hume, Dublin. Observations on the Origin and Treatment of in¬

ternal and external Diseases, and Management of Children,

8vo. 5 s.

Jackson, Dr. R. Remarks on the Constitution of the Medical

Department of the British Army; with a Detail of Hospital

Management, and an Appendix, attempting to explain the

Action of Causes in producing Fevers, and the Operation of

Remedies in effecting Cures. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Jameson, Dr. T. A Treatise on Cheltenham Waters and Bilious

Diseases; containing, I. The Chemical and Medical Proper¬

ties of the Saline Springs of Cheltenham and its Neighbour¬

hood.—II. Arrangement and History of Bilious Diseases oc¬

curring in this Country.—III. The Uses of the Saline Waters

in curing Diseases,—IV. Directions for the most appropriate

Mode of drinking the Waters.—V. Geological Experiment

for the Discovery of new Saline Springs at Cheltenham.—VI.

The Nature and Uses of the Steel Well in Mr. Barrett’s

Field. To which are prefixed, Observations on Fluidity, Mi¬

neral Waters, and Watering Places. 8vo. 6s.

Moseley, Dr.B. A Treatise on Tropical Diseases; on Military

Operations, and on the Climate of the West Indies. The

fourth Edition, with considerable Additions. 8vo. ias. 6d.

Mylne, J. Some Account of the Diseases that prevailed in twro

Voyages to the East Indies, in the Carnatic East Indiaman, ». < .

during the Years 1793, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 1798: together with

Observations and Medical Remarks, in a Series of Letters to

John Hunter, M. D. F. R'. S. 8vo. 5s.

Peart, Dr. E. On Consumption of the Lungs: in which a new

Mode of Treatment is laid down, and recommended to pub¬

lic Attention, as having been found powerfully efficacious,

particularly in the first Stage of tuberculous Consumption,

Page 10: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


before purulent Expectoration commences. With a fevV ne¬

cessary Directions in respect to Regimen, &c. See. 8vo. 2S.6d.

Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regii Medicoruffi Edinbiirgensis. In this

Edition, the New Chemical Nomenclature of the French, and

the Botanical Nomenclature of Linnaeus, have been adopted.

In one volume, 8vo. 6s.

Ring, J. A Treatise on the Cow-pox; containing the History of

Vaccine Inoculation, and an Account of the various Publica¬

tions which have appeared on that Subject, in Great Britain,

and other Parts of the World. Part II. 8vo. 13s.

The first Part of this Work was lately pub¬ lished, price 8s.

Rowley, Dri W. Schola Medicine, or the New Universal History

and School of Medicine, translated into English from the

original Greek and Latin Edition. Containing, I. The His-

torv of Medicine from the Creation of the World to the * % ’ . • * .

present Period, with the Errors of Medical Sects, Systems,

and Hypotheses.—II. The Anatomy of the Human Body, il¬

lustrated by 68 Copper-plates, with parallel Descriptions in ■ < * , , • -4

single opposite Pages.—III. Physiology, or the Animal, Vital, , «. j ♦ *, •

and Natural Functions of Man in Health, and how they arc

performed and preserved.—IV. Pathology, or the Science of

Diseases, Causes, Symptoms, Effects, on Death and Putre¬

faction, See. The whole arranged in a new Mode to facilitate

the Study of Medicine, with the latest Discoveries, intended

for the Contemplation of the Studious in the learned Profes¬

sions of Medicine, Law, Divinity, and for all who wish to

comprehend the Science of Man. 4to. 2I. zs. in boards.

Trotter, Dr. Medicina Nautica, an Essay on the Diseases of Sea¬

men; comprehending the History of Health in the Channel

for the Years 1799, 1800, and 1801. Vol. III. 8vo. 9S^

*** The two first Volumes may be had, price 7s. each.

Vaughan, Dr. A concise History of the Autumnal Fever which

prevailed in the Borough of Wilmington, in North America,

in the Year i8oz. 8vo.

Walker, Dr. Sayer. Observations on the Constitution of Women,

and on some of the Diseases to which they are more especi*

ally liable. i2mo. 3s. 6d. 3

Page 11: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

Array’s annual medical list^ is

"Winter-bottom, Dr. T. M. Medical Directions for the Use of

Navigators and Settlers in hot Climates. Second Edition, 8vo.

as. 6d.

\Vood, Dr. Jas. Plain Remarks on Fever, with the View to ex¬

plain the Origin and Nature of the Fever which lately ap¬

peared in Newcastle. Addressed to the Inhabitants, nmo. 6 d.


Accum, Frederic, Chemical Operator in the Royal Institution of

Great Britain. A System of theoretical and practical Che¬

mistry, z vols. 8vo. with Plates, 18s.

*** This Work may be had, printed upon a paper made from straw, in z vols. large 8vo. price il. 4s.

——A Practical Essay on the Analysis of Minerals, exemplifying

the best Methods of analysing Ores, Earths, Stones, inflam¬

mable Fossils, and mineral Substances in general, iiino. 7s.

Black, Dr. J. Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered

in the University of Edinburgh. Now published from his

Manuscripts, by John Robison, L.L.D. Professor of Natural

Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, z vols. 4to. 3I. 3s.

Dundonald, Earl of. A Treatise, shewing the intimate Connexion

that subsists between Agriculture and Chemistry : addressed

to the Cultivators of the Soil, to the Proprietors of Fens and

Mosses, in-Great Britain and Ireland, and to the Proprietors

of West India Estates. Third Edition, 4to. 10s. 6d.

Johnson, Dr. W. B. History of the Progress and present State

of Animal Chemistry. 3 vols. 8vo. il. 4s.

Johnstone, Dr. J. An Account of the Discovery of the Power of

Mineral Acid Vapours, to destroy Contagion, &c. 8vo. is.

Parkinson, James. The Chemical Pocket-book, or Memoranda.

Chemica; arranged in a Compendium of Chemistry, with

Tables pf Attractions, &c. Second Edition, iamo. $s.

Page 12: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


Skrimshire, Fenwick. A Series of popular Chemical Essays; con¬

taining a Variety of Instances of the Application of Chemis¬

try to Arts and Manufactures; the Explanation of natural

Phenomena; and other useful Purposes. The second Edition,

rzmo. 4s.


Wilkinson, C. H. Elements of Galvanism, in Theory and Prac*

tice; with a comprehensive View of its History, from the

first Experiments of Galvani to the present Time. Contain¬

ing also, Practical Directions for constructing the Galvanic

Apparatus, and plain systematic Instructions for performing

all the various Experiments, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated with a

great Number of Copper-plates, il. is. boards.

This Work is the first and the only complete sys¬ tem of Galvanism which has appeared in the Eng¬ lish language. The latest discoveries have been introduced, the relations of this Science to Physio¬ logy and to Medicine are illustrated, and the plainest instructions are given for constructing the various •apparatus, and for performing all the known experi¬ ments. In a word, the Author has laboured, and he hopes with success, to confer upon this most im¬ portant Science the same degree of popularity and general attention in England which it has so deserv¬ edly acquired upon the Continent.


Bent, Wm. A Meteorological Journal of the Year 1802, kept in

London, 8vo. is. 6d.

Blair, W. Anthropology, or the Natural History of Man, with,

a comparative View of the Structure and Functions of ani¬

mated Beings in general. 8vo. 5s. /

Henderson, J. A Dissertation on the Bit Noben, or Foetid Salt

of the Hindus, the Sal Indus Antiqubriim, commonly known

in Hindustan by the Name ofKhalla Neemuk j with Remarks

Page 13: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

Murray’s annual medical list. 13

on the Cherayta of the Hindus, the Kusseeb Uzzereereh of

the Arabians, the Calamus Aromaticus Antiquorum. 8vo. 3s.

Lambert, A. B. Esq. A Description of the Genus Pinus: illus¬

trated by Figures, Directions relative to the Cultivation, and

Remarks on the Uses of the several Species. Atlas Folio,

iol. 10s.

Linnaeus, Sir Charles. A general System of Nature through the

three grand Kingdoms of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals,

systematically divided into their several Classes, Orders, Ge¬

nera, Species, and Varieties, with their Habitations, Manners,

Economy, Structure, and Peculiarities. Translated from

Gmelin’s last Edition of the celebrated Systema Naturae:

amended and enlarged by the Improvements and Discoveries

of later Naturalists and Societies, with appropriate Copper¬

plates, by William Turton, M. D. Vol. V. 8vo. 12s. 6d.

The Four first Volumes may be had, price al. ics.

Reece, Richard. Observations on the Anti-phthisical Properties

of the Lichen Islandicus, or Iceland Moss; comprehending

explicit Directions for the making and using such Prepara¬

tions of the Herb, and Auxiliaries, which Experience has

proved best adapted to the Cure of the different Species of

Pulmonary Consumptions of Great Britain, is.

Salisbury, W. A Catalogue of Plants, cultivated in the Brompton

Botanic Garden, with Notes, describing the Soil, &c. that is

best adapted to each. To which is added, a List of Sub¬

scribers, and Terms of Subscribing, irmo. Part I. 3s. 6d.

Spallanzani, Abbe. Tracts on the Natural History of Ani¬

mals and Vegetables; translated from the original Italian by

John Graham Dalyel, Advocate; with Physiological Illus¬

trations by the Translator. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 15s.

Thornton, Dr. J. The Empire of Flora. Part I. Plants of

Great Britain; illustrated by upwards of 400 accurate Dis¬

sections of British Plants, executed for the late Earl of Bute,

by the famous Miller, at an immense Expense and Labour.

Arranged after the reformed Sexual System. Vol. I. Nos. I.

and II. 3s. each.

'*** This Work is published in Numbers monthly, price as. 6i. each.

Page 14: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

*4 Murray's annual medical list#

■^Vilkinson, G. Experiments and Observations on the Cortex

Salicis Latifolia, or broad-leaved Willow |3ark; illustrated by

a coloured Plate. With Remarks on the different Species of

the Cinchona, general History of the Salix Latifolia; with va¬

rious Experiments, tending to elucidate its Properties, and

Cases demonstrating its superior Efficacy above the Cinchon^

|n various Diseases, more particularly in that Branch of the

healing Art termed Medical Surgery. 8vo. 4s. 6d.


Address of the Royal Jcnnerean Society, for the Extermination of

the Small-pox, with the Plan, Regulations, and Instructions

for Vaccine Inoculation. To which is added, a List of the

Subscribers. Instituted in 1803. With a Plate. 8vo. is. 6d.

Blair, W. The Soldier’s Friend, containing Familiar Instructions i * \

to the Loyal Volunteers, Yeomanry Corps, and Military Men,

in general, on the Preservation and Recovery of their Health,

nmo, 5s.

Cavallo, Tiberius, F. R. S. The Elements of Natural and Expe¬

rimental Philosophy: illustrated with Copper-Plates. 4 vols.

$vo. al. 2S. % ...

Duncan, Dr. A. Annals of Medicine, for the Year 1802, exhibit¬

ing a concise View of the latest and most important Discove¬

ries in Medicine and Medical Philosophy. Vol. II. Lustrum

II. 8vo. 8s. /

The Farrier’s Guide, a large Print, coloured; shewing, at one

View, the whole Anatomy of the Horse’s Foot, with the

Name and Explanation of each Part; for the Use of Vete¬

rinary Surgeons, Farriers, &c. 7s.

Feron, J. A New System of Faniery; including the improved

Mode of Treatment, and Prescriptions, recommended by the

Veterinary College, in every Disease of difficult Manage¬

ment. With Plates, shewing the external Structure of the

Page 15: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy


£Iorse, representing the exact Proportions of a Blood Horse,

and a Description of all the Defects that tend to impede Ve¬

locity. Likewise, Directions for ascertaining, with Exact¬

ness, the Age of a Horse. To which is added, the Method

of curing the principal epidemic Diseases to which Cows,

Sheep, Scc. are spjbject. 4to. xl. is.

JPogo, A, Observations or. the Opinions of ancient and modern

Physicians, including those of the late Dr. Cullen, respecting

the Nature and Cause of the Uterine Discharge. Also, Ob¬

servations on the Opinions of Dr. Cullen on Amennorrhceg,

or Green Sickness; of Dr. Saunders, on Diseases of the Li¬

ver j of Dr. Thomas, on Cachexia Africana; and pfDr. Bed-

does on Scrofula, &c. 8yo. 3s.

Gregory, Dr. J. Memorial to the Managers pf the Royal Infir*

mary, 1800. Second Edition, 8s.

Hicks, Henry. Observations on a late Publication of Dr. Pear¬

son, entitled, An Examination of the Report of the Commit¬

tee of the House of Commons, on the Claims of Remuneration

for the Vaccine Pock Inoculation; -with an Appendix, con¬

taining some Reflections on an Article in the Critical Review

for October last, respecting the same Publication. 2s.

Lambe, Dr. W. Researches into the Properties of Spring Wa¬

ter, with Medical Cautions (illustrated by Cases) against the

Use of Lead in the Construction of Pumps, Water Pipes,

Cisterns, See. 8vo. 5s.

Medical and Chirurgical Review, No. 52 to 57, at as. each.

¥%* Complete Sets, in 9 vols. may be had, price 4I. 10s. in boai'ds, and the subsequent Numbers as they are published, every other Month, at as. per Number.


Medical and Physical, Journal, Vols. IX. and X. il. tis.

*** Complete Sets in 10 vols. may be had, price 61. 6(?. in boards, and the subsequent Numbers as they are published Monthly, at 2s. 6d. per Number.

Nichols,on, \V- A. Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry,

grid the Arts; illustrate^ by Engravings. 8vo. ia Numbers,

at as. 6d. each.

Complete Sets may be had from its commencement, viz. the first Series i*j 5 vols. 4to; price 7I. 7s.; the

Page 16: 1804. New medical books. A list of books on anatomy

i6 Murray's annual medical list,


second Scries in 4 vols. 8vo, al. as. and the subse¬ quent Numbers as they are published Monthly, at as. 6d. per Number.

Percival, Dr. T. Medical Ethics, or a Code of Institutes and

Precepts, adapted to the Professional Conduct of Physicians

and Surgeons:—I. In Hospital Practice.—II. In private, or

general Practice.—III. In relation to Apothecaries.—IV.

In Cases which may require a Knowledge of the Law. To

which is added, an Appendix, containing a Discourse on

Hospital Duties; also, Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. 5s.

Practical Rules for the Management and Medical Treatment of

Negro Slaves in the Sugar Colonies. By a Professional Planter.

8vo. 8 s.

Somerville, Lord. Facts and Observations relative to Sheep,.

Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen ; in which the Importance of im»

proving the short-woolled Breed by a Mixture of the

Merino Blood, is deduced from actual Practice. Together

with some Remarks on the Advantages which have been de¬

rived from the Use of Salt. 8vo. 4s.

Winterbottom, Dr. T. An Account of the Native Africans of

the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. To which is added, an

Account ‘ of the present State of Medicine among them.,

a vols. Svo. 15s. '

Gentlemen residing in the Country or Abroad, "Medical

Societies, Surgeons in the Navy and Army, &c. may be im¬

mediately supplied with any Work relating to Medical Science, by

Application to J. MURRAY, Nq. 32, Fleet Street, London.


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