1 www.IRFnews.org 1 www.IRFnews.org 17 th World Meeting & Exhibition 2 ND ANNOUNCEMENT Riyadh, Saudi Arabia November 9 - 13, 2013 Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Premier Event for Transportation Professionals in 2013

17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

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17th World Meeting & Exhibition

2nd Announcement

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia November 9 - 13, 2013

Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Premier Event for Transportation Professionals in 2013

Page 2: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

call for Special Interest Sessions open october 26

Pre-Sales for exhibitors & Sponsors (IRF members only) october 26 through december 31, 2012

Second Announcement Released december 7, 2012

call for Papers open december 12, 2012

exhibition Sales open January 1, 2013

Preliminary Program Released January 30, 2013

delegate Registrations open February 12, 2013

2nd Preliminary Program Released April 12, 2013

end of call for Papers April 15, 2013

deadline for Final Papers July 1, 2013

end early Bird Rates August 15, 2013

Final Program october 9, 2013

ImPoRtAnt dAteS

Page 3: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

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www.IRFnews.org 1

Honorary Committee .................. 2

Outreach Committee ................... 3

Technical & Scientific Commitee ... 3

Reasons to Attend

and Targeted Audience ............. 4

Unique Features ......................... 5

Call for Papers

and Special Interest Sessions .... 6

Themes and Subthemes ............. 7

Other Program Activities .............. 8

Preliminary Delegates

Program At-A-Glance .............. 9

Corporate Visibility Options ........ 10

Sponsorship Packages ............... 11

Exhibitor Application ................. 12

General Information

for Attendees ........................ 13

What is IRF? ............................ 14

IRF Membership Application ....... 15

Contact Information .................. 16

tABLe oF contentS

I take great pleasure in extending a cordial invitation to surface transportation professionals worldwide to visit Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the occasion of the 17th IRF World Meeting. This event will set new standards of excellence and will bring together a wide range of internationally recognized leaders and experts of the highest caliber, who will meet to discuss and

develop strategies to address industry challenges and stakeholder needs.

Riyadh is a vibrant, modern city and its population warm and welcoming. We have a long tradition of hospitality in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and I, in my dual capacity of Mayor of Riyadh and Chairman of the IRF, can guarantee that your visit will be extremely productive, enjoyable, comfortable and safe.

I look forward to welcoming you to Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, and to the 17th IRF World Meeting and Exhibition.

eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbelChairmanInternational Road FederationMayor of RiyadhKingdom of Saudi Arabia

Roads play a vital role in the economic development of all nations. It is a well-established fact that a poor road network hampers economic and social progress; therefore, in these challenging economic times, investments in the road sector can benefit the whole of society by providing access to markets, jobs, education, healthcare and other services, by lowering the cost of

moving goods, and – my personal passion – by saving lives and avoiding injuries in unnecessary accidents.

The 17th IRF World Meeting will provide a unique forum for sharing the latest industry technologies, solutions and best practices from all over the world. Delegates will exchange knowledge and take it back to their respective countries for the benefit of their industry and societies. I will be honored by your participation in the premiere global surface transportation event of 2013!

c. Patrick SankeyPresident & CEOInternational Road Federation

InVItAtIon to JoIn uS

World Meeting and Exhibition

17th IRF

‘Delivering Global Prosperity’


Page 4: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC4

HonoRARY commIttee

commIttee cHAIRmAn

Riyadh municipality

eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel

Mayor of RiyadhThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

commIttee memBeRS

American Association of State Highway and Transporation Officials (AASHto)

mr. Kirk t. Steudle, P.e.

President, AASHTO andDirector, Michigan Department of Transportation

european union Road Federation (eRF)

mr. Jacobo diaz Pineda


FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society

mr. david Ward

Director General

International Road Federation

mr. c. Patrick Sankey

President & CEO

International transport Forum

mr. Jose manuel Viegas

Secretary General

ministry of transport, maritime Affairs and communications, Republic of turkey

H.e. Binali Yildirim


ministry of Works Kingdom of Bahrain

H.e. essam A. Khalaf


Province of Gauteng

H.e. Ismail Vadi

Member of the Executive Council for Roads and Transport

Road engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (ReAAA)

dr. Judin Abdul Karim


World Road Association

ms. Anne-marie Leclerc


the World Bank

mr. marc Juhel

Sector Manager TransportTransport, Water and Information and Communications Technology Department


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outReAcH commIttee And tecHnIcAL & ScIentIFIc commIttee

outReAcH commItee

commIttee cHAIRmAn


mr. Jean-claude Roffé

Senior Executive Advisor

commIttee memBeRS

3m - europe

mr. Rik nuyttens

European Regulatory Affairs Manager

American Road & transportation Builders Association (ARtBA)

mr. Pete Ruane

President & CEO

Association marocaine de la Route

mr. Abdelaziz dahbi


Aximum - Road Systems Business unit

mr. Sam Sheshekli

Middle East Director

cámara de diputados de chile

mr. Juan carlos Latorre carmona

President, Public Works Committee, Chamber of Deputies of Chile

delcan corporation

mr. Joe Lam

Vice President

dunia Intermedia (SBG)

dr. Akram masri

CEO european International contractors (eIc)

mr. duccio Astaldi


european union Road Federation (eRF)

mr. christophe nicodeme

Director General

Federation Internationale de I’Automobile (FIA)

mr. Jean todt


Fédération nationale des travaux Publics (FntP)

mr. michel demarre


International Road Federation

mr. Gabriel Sanchez

Executive Vice President

International Road Federation

mr. c. Patrick Sankey

President & CEO

International Road Federation

ms. Kathy mejasich (Staff Liaison)

Vice President, Marketing & Organizational Investment

ItS America

mr. Gerald conover

Chairman, ITS Committee

ItS South Africa Smart mobility

mr. Paul Vorster

Chief Executive Officer

Japan Road Association

mr. moriyasu Furuki

Executive Director, Japan Society of Civil Engineers

ministry of Works & Housing – Kingdom of Bahrain

mr. Abdul nabi Al SabahSenior Advisor, Roads and Traffic

neXco-West uSA, Inc.

mr. masato matsumoto

Vice President


mr. Jean-François corté

Secretary General

Plataforma tecnológica española de la carretera (Ptc)

mr. Jose Papi

managing director

Spanish Road Association

ms. elena de la Peña Gonzalez

Technical Deputy Director


mr. manfred Swarovski


Traffic Tech Group (Middle East / Gulf)

mr. Husam musharbash

President & CEO

turkish Road Association

mr. mehmet cahit turhan

Director General of General Directorate of Highways

the World Bank

mr. marc Shotten

Senior Transport Specialist

tecHnIcAL & ScIentIFIc commItee cHAIRmen

King Abdulaziz city for Science and technology

dr. Abdurrahman Ibraheem Al-Abd Alali

Secretary General of the Scientific Council

university of central Florida

dr. essam Radwan

Interim Chair, CECE Department


Page 6: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC4

ReASonS to Attend And tARGeted AudIence


AcceSS one of the most economically dynamic regions of the world, with an impressive list of transport projects in the pipeline.

LeARn and share the most relevant best practices and solutions to meet global and regional industry challenges.

meet the most influential industry leaders, thinkers and innovators.

oFFeR and exchange knowledge and experience through guaranteed pre-set matchmaking and simultaneous interpretation.

GAIn a unique understanding of the global and regional challenges the industry faces, and how each transport professional can do its share to meet those challenges.

BeneFIt from the most compelling session program anywhere in 2013.

enJoY an attractive destination of the whole family, and a social program guaranteed to impress.

LeAVe Riyadh with unforgettable memories of a hospitable country with rich traditions and history.

WHo SHouLd Attend

• Safety Consultants and Engineers

• Advocacy Group Members

• Construction Contractors, Engineers and Managers

• Design Consultants, Engineers and Managers

• Engineering Services Professionals

• Law Enforcement Personnel

• Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers

• Students Enrolled in Relevant Disciplines

• Government Officials

• Political Leaders

• Maintenance Personnel

• Operations Contractors, Engineers and Managers

• Materials Laboratory Engineers and Technicians

• Risk Management Personnel

• Industry Media

• University Researchers and Professors

• Traffic Technology and ITS Consultants, Engineers and Managers

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neW FoR 2013

• Panel roundtables and moderator-led discussions from both our industry and other industries.

• Participation by keynote celebrity speakers who share IRF members’ passion to improve roads and save lives.

• Global issues and challenges faced by the industry will be incorporated into the program.

• Sessions and activities developed especially for non-industry Political leaders.

• Participation by experts from outside the industry – such as Public Relations, Finance and Economics, who can solve some of our greatest industry challenges.

• Interactive, poster-based sessions will be offered to ALL technical and scientific speakers.

• Innovation Forum in the Exhibition Area - the ideal venue for commercial presentations outside of the technical program.

• Real-time multimedia broadcast of plenaries and special sessions – including key messages to the broader industry.

• IRF Global Road Achievement Awards (GRAA) Ceremony honoring the best in innovative projects.

• Post-event activities to ensure maximum impact and long-lasting benefits (e.g., conclusions and recommendations report to decision-makers within and outside the industry, Decade of Action regional and individual pledges).

unIQue FeAtuReS

daily matchmaking Sessions:

Business-to-business, business-to-government, government-to- government, or academic and research. Apply online with registration to be paired up with your choice of business, academic, or government professional. Pre-set appointment schedule will be provided prior to arrival. Dedicated business-friendly meeting space will be provided.

Interactive Sessions

ExhibitonTechnical Site Visits

Technical Sessions

Plenary Sessions

Spouse Program

Executive Sessions

Social Program



Page 8: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC8

Gabriel SanchezExecutive Vice President International Road Federation Office: +1 703 535 1001 Cell: +1 202 486 7934 Fax: +1 703 535 1007 E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org



The Technical and Scientific Committee invites surface transportation experts and researchers from all over the world to submit a paper abstract for evaluation. The Committee strongly encourages women and young professionals to submit abstracts for presentations in:

• Technical Sessions - For innovative technical, institutional, economic, business and policy issues that are relevant, recent and significant.

• Scientific Sessions - For original research and technological innovation that is recent, relevant and significant.

In addition, accepted authors will also have the opportunity to present their papers in interactive, poster-based sessions.


The 17th IRF World Meeting Operations Committee invites government agencies, academic institutions and industry associations to submit proposals for special interest sessions which are conceived, developed and managed by the submitting entity in partnership with the IRF and can be plenary, executive or roundtable sessions.

• Ministerial Roundtable.

• Special Interest Sessions in Cooperation with IRF’s Strategic Partners including the World Road Association (PIARC), the International Tunneling and Underground Spaces Association (ITA), the Project Management Institute (PMI), the FIA Foundation, ERTICO/ITS Europe and other important organizations.

• Moderated debate format well-suited for controversial topics.

To submit an abstract, for guidelines and for more information, please contact:


The Call for Papers opens December 12, 2012.For more information please visit:


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tHemeS And SuBtHemeS

1. transport Policy & economics

1.1 Roads and Society1.2 Quantifying the impacts of infrastructure investment1.3 Transport modes working together1.4 Best practices in transport governance1.5 Collaboration across borders1.6 Transport & Land Use Management1.7 Education: preparing the next generation of highway


2. Road Safety

2.1 Road safety policies and global road safety programs2.2 Identifying high risk roads2.3 Road Safety Audits2.4 Assessing the effectiveness of road safety measures2.5 Safer roads for all users2.6 Designing safer roadsides2.7 Safety on Urban roads2.8 Safety on Rural roads2.9 Work Zone safety2.10 Flagger technologies and training2.11 Emerging traffic safety issues2.12 Speed enforcement and red-light running

3. Pavements & materials

3.1 Long term pavement performance 3.2 Flexible pavement design3.3 Asphalt: new methods and concepts3.4 Advances in concrete pavement design3.5 New techniques of soil-rock mixtures, roadbases, and

subbases3.6 Innovation in quality control

4. Sustainable transport

4.1 Environmental evaluation of highway programs4.2 Noise avoidance and mitigation strategies4.3 New techniques in energy and resources savings4.4 Tackling local air pollution4.5 Building resilient road networks4.6 Road Materials Recycling

5. Integrated mobility & ItS

5.1 Future of automobile transport5.2 Intelligent infrastructure5.3 Exploiting the potential of GNSS5.4 Re-inventing car sharing and car pooling5.5 Managing mobility in megacities5.6 Future of freight transport5.7 Case studies in regional ITS deployments5.8 Innovation and standardization5.9 Intermodalism

6. Transport Security / Disaster mitigation & Recovery

6.1 Risk management in road operations6.2 Critical infrastructure protection6.3 Natural disaster mitigation6.4 Natural disaster recovery6.5 Crowd movement, safety and control6.6 Hajj Season planning and management

7. Asset management

7.1 Management of road infrastructure assets7.2 New approaches to performance delivery7.3 Road Maintenance Policies and Programs7.4 Pavement Preservation Treatments and Practices7.5 Seasonal maintenance

8. Road construction & operations

8.1 Innovation in road project delivery: reducing construction time and cost

8.2 Traffic forecasting8.3 Addressing exceptional geological and weather

conditions 8.4 Innovation in communications: engaging the client

and the user8.5 Innovation in the construction and maintenance of

unpaved roads

9. tunnel construction & operations

9.1 Advances in tunneling construction 9.2 Tunnel program delivery9.3 Safety in road tunnels9.4 Urban and micro tunneling

10. Public Private Partnerships & Road Financing

10.1 Road financing policy10.2 Innovations in PPPs10.3 PPPs for urban road network10.4 Lessons learned from road user charging schemes

10. Public Private Partnerships & Road Financing

10.1 Road financing policy10.2 Innovations in PPPs10.3 PPPs for urban road network10.4 Lessons learned from road user charging schemes

11. urban and Public transport

11.1 Subways11.2 Light rail11.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)11.4 Urban Transport Solutions Case Studies


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International Road Federation, Washington, DC8


The World Meeting’s robust technical and scientific program will be supplemented by an equally dynamic business and social program. The highlights of the ancillary activities are:


The 17th IRF World Meeting will feature an exhibition showcasing the best of technology, equipment and services in the industry world-wide. This area will also feature the Innovation Forum – an open-air auditorium suitable for commercial live or recorded company, service, or product presentations.

Over 200 exhibitors are expected to participate, including a number of national pavilions.


Delegates and exhibition attendees will have the opportunity to visit the most important transport-related construction and operations projects in Riyadh and its environs.


• Opening Reception in the Exhibition: Your opportunity to visit the exhibit for the first time, meet the VIPs at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and meet your industry colleagues in a festive setting.

• Gala Dinner and GRAA Awards Ceremony: Experience the warm hospitality and taste the best cuisine of the host city of Riyadh at this lavish gala dinner hosted by His Excellency Eng. Abdullah Al-Mogbel, Mayor of Riyadh and Chairman of the IRF. Chairman Al-Mogbel will also recognize the winners of the 2013 GRAA competition.

• Cultural Event: Your opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating culture of the host country, through a magnificent show full of history and tradition.

• Fellows Reunion: IRF Fellows from the past six decades will gather for a one-of-a-kind event. IRF and IREF Board Members will be invited to join the Fellows for the celebration.


All delegates and exhibitors are invited to take advantage of the 17th IRF World Meeting’s spouse program, which will include local and nearby sightseeing opportunities to city landmarks, shopping centers, museums, souks (traditional markets), and historical sites. All tours will be staffed with multi-lingual guides. Spouses will also be able to register to attend the opening ceremony and reception, the gala dinner and the cultural event.

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dAY oneMorning

exhibition Set-upAfternoon

Evening opening ceremony

dAY tWo

Early Morning technical Session in Parallel

exhibition Ribbon-

cutting ceremony &

Welcome Reception

Late Morning ministerial Plenary Interactive SessionsInnovation Forum

Presentationstechnical Site Visits

Afternoon Special Sessions technical Session in Parallel

Late Afternoon executive Sessions Interactive Sessions

Evening VIP dinner

dAY tHReeEarly Morning technical Session in Parallel exhibition opens

Late Morningexecutive Sessions Interactive Sessions matchmaking Session


Late Afternoon technical Session in ParallelInnovation Forum

Presentationstechnical Site Visits

EveningGala dinner & GRAA

Awards ceremony

dAY FouREarly Morning executive Sessions technical Session in Parallel exhibition opens

Late Morning Special Sessions Interactive SessionsInnovation Forum


Afternoon executive Sessions matchmaking Session

Late Afternoon Interactive Sessions technical Site Visits

Evening cultural event exhibition closes

dAY FIVeEarly Morning technical Session in Parallel

Late Morning Special Sessions matchmaking Session

Afternoon closing Plenary



Page 12: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC12

Since 1952, IRF World Meetings have set new standards of excellence for the road industry by connecting industry leaders and experts from across the globe. IRF World Meetings provide the private sector with unmatched opportunities to display their technologies, equipment and services to a global audience.

Riyadh is one of the richest cities in the Middle East and the 80th richest city in the world. In addition to being the center of power, the city is also a commercial hub. In addition to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf region is home to many of the world’s fastest-growing economies, whose road networks and transportation infrastructure are benefiting from considerable investment and expansion. This growth presents unmatched business opportunities for qualified companies.

Become A SPonSoR

Traditional and defined benefit sponsorship packages are available to provide maximum visibility. Traditional packages include Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Patron levels of investment. Each level has an associated number of benefits. Defined benefit packages allow a sponsor to focus entirely on a given platform. See Page 11 for more information.

eXHIBIt YouR PRoductS And SeRVIceS

To assure a well-attended exhibition, IRF has set all networking receptions and luncheons within the exhibition area. To further attract delegates and guest to the exhibition, IRF has placed its Innovation Forum – an open-air auditorium suitable for commercial live or recorded company, service, or product presentations, within the exhibition area as well.

Exhibitors can choose to have their materials displayed at individual stands are as a part of a national pavilion. Exhibit spaces can be customized to fit any need. Prospective exhibitors are encouraged to book early to guarantee space.

PARtIcIPAte In eQuIPment demonStRAtIonS

There will be opportunities for IRF members who want to conduct live equipment or system demonstrations in and outside of the exhibition area.

FoR moRe InFoRmAtIon on corporate visibility options or to confirm

your involvement, please contact:



Kathy mejasichVice President, Marketing & Organizational Investment International Road Federation Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007 E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org

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$ 200,000Limited to 1 Sponsor


$ 100,000Limited to 5 Sponsors

(Platforms extended on a first request basis)


$ 50,000Limited to 10 Sponsors

(Components extended on a first request basis)


$ 25,000Limited to 15 Sponsors

(Components extended on a first request basis)


$ 15,000unlimited


$ 5,000unlimited

Showcase your corporate brand and business services and/or products through this level, shared by no more than

4 other organizations, that offers elite networking, VIP benefits and corporate visibility through exclusive ownership

of a primary Meeting Platform.

+ 30 m2 of complimentary exhibit space and 30% discount on additional exhibit space

This level of sponsorship offers up to 10 organizations VIP benefits, strong corporate visibility through various communications vehicles and exclusive ownership of a

secondary Meeting Component.

+ 15 m2 of complimentary exhibit space and 20% discount on additional exhibit space

For investment and benefits information, to reserve a sponsorship and for more information, please contact:

* All prices in USD.

** All sponsors will be recoginzed on the official World Meeting and Exhibition website and final program.

Provides elite networking and VIP benefits as well as corporate visibility through various communications

vehicles and exclusive ownership of a primary Meeting Platform. The Diamond Sponsor will have the first choice

of the six available primary Meeting Platforms.

+ 72 m2 of complimentary exhibit space and 30% discount on additional exhibit space

This level of sponsorship offers select VIP benefits, corporate visibility and non-exclusive ownership of

a secondary Meeting Component.

+ 9 m2 of complimentary exhibit space and 20% discount on additional exhibit space

This level of sponsorship offers narrowed VIP benefits and limited onsite corporate visibility.

+ 20% discount on exhibit space

This level of sponsorship is designed for organizations desiring to have representation at the World Meeting with

limited onsite corporate visibility.

+ 20% discount on exhibit space

Kathy mejasichVice President, Marketing & Organizational Investment International Road Federation Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007 E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org


Page 14: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC1412

SHoWcASe YouR oRGAnIZAtIonS tecHnoLoGIeS And InnoVAtIonS BY eXHIBItInG At

tHe 17tH IRF WoRLd meetInG

exhibitors Receive:

• Virtual Trade Show Before and During Event• Listing in Preliminary and Final Program • On-Site Press Office • Customized Networking Opportunities• Access to Innovation Forum• Exhibition Hall Passes for Guests

q ReSeRVe _________ m2 (net AReA)

q Space under 50m2 (approximately US $340/m2) qSpace above 50m2 (approximately US $310/m2)

Purchase a customized Sponsorship Package and Receive complimentary Premium exhibit Space

Organization: _____________________________________________________

First Name: ______________________ Last Name:_______________________

Job Title: _________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

Telephone (include country code): _____________________________________

Fax: ____________________________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________

Type of exhibit (check one or more)

qStand / Booth qEquipment / Vehicle qNational Pavilion

20% Discount for

IRF Members

Fax Application to +1 703 535 1007 or email to [email protected]


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All plenary, executive and special sessions will feature simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, English, French, Japanese and Spanish; with technical and scientific sessions in English, Arabic and French.


The King Fahd Cultural Center, a beautifully-designed building that occupies 10,000 square meters and features a 3,000-seat amphitheater, will be the site of the Opening Session. All other sessions and activities, as well as the exhibition, will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel Riyadh, a four-star luxury property located approximately 10 minutes from King Fahd Cultural Center.


The official hotel and main venue of the 17th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition will be the Intercontinental Hotel Riyadh. The hotel was remodeled in mid-2012 and features one of the top gulf courses in Saudi Arabia, as well as a variety of restaurants, two pools, fitness center, tennis court and club lounge.

A special shuttle bus will be running between the hotel and the Center the evening of the Opening Session.

Room blocks in several nearby hotels suitable for a range of budgets have also been secured for delegates and exhibitors. Some of these hotels will also have shuttle bus service to the two venues.


The attire for foreign male attendees while at the meeting is business. Long pants are recommended for men at all times while outside of the World Meeting venue.

The attire for female attendees should include an abaya (a simple black robe) that will be provided free of charge upon arrival to the airport in Riyadh. While it is necessary to wear the abaya in public, it is NOT necessary to cover the head or face anywhere.


The prevailing weather in Riyadh during the month of November is pleasant and ideal for outdoors activity.

GettInG to RIYAdH

The 17th IRF World Meeting will be held in the City of Riyadh, capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is accessible by airplane from all major airports around the world, including non- stop services from Frankfurt, Germany; Zurich, Switzerland; Washington DC and New York, United States; Paris, France; Delhi, India, and many more. Short and convenient connecting flights can also be booked through Dubai, UAE; Manama, Bahrain; Cairo, Egypt, and other major airports in the Gulf and Middle East.

All registered delegates and exhibitors will be welcome at Riyadh’s international airport by a dedicated team of multi-lingual hosting professionals. Upon arrival, all visitors are requested to check in at the special counter for the 17th IRF World Meeting. Ground transfer to their hotel will be provided on a complimentary basis.


Delegates and exhibitors who do not have a valid visa to enter Saudi Arabia will need to obtain one prior to arrival. It is important that all prospective visitors obtain their visas in a timely-manner, even if their plans are not finalized.

Registered delegates and exhibitors will have access to an automated and easy-to-follow procedure for obtaining a pre-approved visa.

GeneRAL InFoRmAtIon FoR AttendeeS

Habib AlphonseBusiness Development Manager Dunia Intermedia Office: +966 1 4603481 ext 201 Fax: +966 1 4603479 E-mail: [email protected] www.duniaintermedia.com


Page 16: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC

The International Road Federation (IRF), founded in 1948, is a not-for-profit, non-political, organization with the mission to encourage and promote development and maintenance of better, safer and more sustainable roads and road networks. Working together with its members and network of multi-lateral organizations, the IRF promotes social and economic benefits that flow from well planned and environmentally sound road transport networks. IRF helps put in place technological solutions and management practices that provide maximum economic and social returns from national road investments.

IRF’S RoLe In tHe GLoBAL deVeLoPment oF RoAdS And RoAd PoLIcIeS• For governments and financial institutions, the IRF provides a wide

base of expertise for planning road development strategy and policy.

• For the community of road professionals, the IRF is a source of support and information for national road associations, advocacy groups, companies and institutions dedicated to the development of road infrastructure.

With a membership network over ninety countries on six continents, the IRF believes that it can make a difference by providing best practices and expert advice to today’s multi-faceted world of transport.

• For its members, the IRF is a business network, a link to external institutions and agencies, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and a business card of introduction to government officials and decision-makers worldwide.

A netWoRK oF muLtI-LAteRAL oRGAnIZAtIonSIRF has formal consultative status and long-standing working relations with a large number of international professional and governmental organizations including:

magid elabyadDirector, Global Training & Member Services International Road Federation Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007 E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org


ABout tHe IRF





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Amount (USD) under $1 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee uros) 1,600

$ 1 – 2 million $ 2,700 2,000 $ 2 – 3 million $ 4,400 3,300 $ 4 – 7 million $ 7,400 5,500

over $ 7 million $ 9,900 7,400


We hereby apply for membership with the International Road Federation and, upon acceptance, agree to comply with the Statutes and By-Laws of the organization.

Institution/Company Information Organization Street address City State/Province Zip / Postal code Country Website address

Contact Information (Please provide three contact names) First Contact

person Second Contact Third Contact

person Title (Mr/Ms/Dr/Eng) First name Last name Job Title Telephone Fax E-mail

PUBLIC SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee)

Annual Fee (USD) Annual Fee (Euros)

Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes $ 800 € 600 Governments Local/Rural State/Provincial National/Federal

$ 1,600

$ 3,400 minimum contribution $ 5,900

€ 1,200

€ 2,600

PRIVATE SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee) National Road Associations, Other industry-Related Organizations

Annual Operating Budget: Companies (Contractors, Engineering/Design & Management Firms, Suppliers, Distributors, Equipment Manufacturers, Others)

Amount(USD) Under $ 10 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee (E € uros) 1,600

$ 10 – 49 million $ 4,400 € 3,300 Annual Turnover/Sales $50 – 99 million $ 6,200 € 4,600

for Road-Related Revenue: $ 100 – 399 million $ 9,500 € 7,000 $ 400 – 699 million $16,000 € 11,800 Over $ 700 million $31,000 € 23,000

Payment (please indicate: ) Invoice Credit Card Payment (data below)

Credit card: VISA MasterCard American Express Number:

Cardholder’s name (as written on the card):

Expiration date (MM/YY):

Amount agreed to be charged: Signature


Please Return by Fax to + 1 703 535 1007


FAX APPLIcAtIon to +1 703 535 1007 oR emAIL to [email protected]



oRGAnIZAtIon InFoRmAtIon

contAct InFoRmAtIon


IRF members will benefit from significantly discounted exhibit space and delegate registration rates. Members also benefit from an exclusive exhibition and sponsorship pre-sale period.

PuBLIc And AcAdemIc SectoR memBeRS

Amount (USD) under $1 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee uros) 1,600

$ 1 – 2 million $ 2,700 2,000 $ 2 – 3 million $ 4,400 3,300 $ 4 – 7 million $ 7,400 5,500

over $ 7 million $ 9,900 7,400


We hereby apply for membership with the International Road Federation and, upon acceptance, agree to comply with the Statutes and By-Laws of the organization.

Institution/Company Information Organization Street address City State/Province Zip / Postal code Country Website address

Contact Information (Please provide three contact names) First Contact

person Second Contact Third Contact

person Title (Mr/Ms/Dr/Eng) First name Last name Job Title Telephone Fax E-mail

PUBLIC SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee)

Annual Fee (USD) Annual Fee (Euros)

Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes $ 800 € 600 Governments Local/Rural State/Provincial National/Federal

$ 1,600

$ 3,400 minimum contribution $ 5,900

€ 1,200

€ 2,600

PRIVATE SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee) National Road Associations, Other industry-Related Organizations

Annual Operating Budget: Companies (Contractors, Engineering/Design & Management Firms, Suppliers, Distributors, Equipment Manufacturers, Others)

Amount(USD) Under $ 10 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee (E € uros) 1,600

$ 10 – 49 million $ 4,400 € 3,300 Annual Turnover/Sales $50 – 99 million $ 6,200 € 4,600

for Road-Related Revenue: $ 100 – 399 million $ 9,500 € 7,000 $ 400 – 699 million $16,000 € 11,800 Over $ 700 million $31,000 € 23,000

Payment (please indicate: ) Invoice Credit Card Payment (data below)

Credit card: VISA MasterCard American Express Number:

Cardholder’s name (as written on the card):

Expiration date (MM/YY):

Amount agreed to be charged: Signature


Please Return by Fax to + 1 703 535 1007

PRIVAte And non-PRoFIt SectoR memBeRS

Amount (USD) under $1 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee uros) 1,600

$ 1 – 2 million $ 2,700 2,000 $ 2 – 3 million $ 4,400 3,300 $ 4 – 7 million $ 7,400 5,500

over $ 7 million $ 9,900 7,400


We hereby apply for membership with the International Road Federation and, upon acceptance, agree to comply with the Statutes and By-Laws of the organization.

Institution/Company Information Organization Street address City State/Province Zip / Postal code Country Website address

Contact Information (Please provide three contact names) First Contact

person Second Contact Third Contact

person Title (Mr/Ms/Dr/Eng) First name Last name Job Title Telephone Fax E-mail

PUBLIC SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee)

Annual Fee (USD) Annual Fee (Euros)

Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes $ 800 € 600 Governments Local/Rural State/Provincial National/Federal

$ 1,600

$ 3,400 minimum contribution $ 5,900

€ 1,200

€ 2,600

PRIVATE SECTOR MEMBERS (please check the box indicating the applicable Annual Fee) National Road Associations, Other industry-Related Organizations

Annual Operating Budget: Companies (Contractors, Engineering/Design & Management Firms, Suppliers, Distributors, Equipment Manufacturers, Others)

Amount(USD) Under $ 10 million

Annual Fee (USD) $ 2,100

Annual Fee (E € uros) 1,600

$ 10 – 49 million $ 4,400 € 3,300 Annual Turnover/Sales $50 – 99 million $ 6,200 € 4,600

for Road-Related Revenue: $ 100 – 399 million $ 9,500 € 7,000 $ 400 – 699 million $16,000 € 11,800 Over $ 700 million $31,000 € 23,000

Payment (please indicate: ) Invoice Credit Card Payment (data below)

Credit card: VISA MasterCard American Express Number:

Cardholder’s name (as written on the card):

Expiration date (MM/YY):

Amount agreed to be charged: Signature


Please Return by Fax to + 1 703 535 1007

national Road Associations, other Industry Related organizations

Page 18: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC1816

Subject Kingdom of Saudi Arabia outside of Saudi Arabia

General Information

esteban Salinas

Coordinator International Road Federation

Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007

E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org

Technical & Scientific ProgramGabriel Sanchez

Executive Vice President International Road Federation

Office: +1 703 535 1001 Cell: +1 202 486 7934 Fax: +1 703 535 1007

E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org

Special Session Submissions

Exhibit Sales Habib Alphonse

Business Development Manager Dunia Intermedia

Office: +966 1 4603481 ext 201 Fax: +966 1 4603479

E-mail: [email protected] www.duniaintermedia.com

Kathy mejasich

Vice President, Marketing & Organizational Investment

International Road Federation Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007

E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org

Sponsorship Sales

IRF Membership Information

magid elabyad

Director, Global Training & Member Services International Road Federation

Office: +1 703 535 1001 Fax: +1 703 535 1007

E-mail: [email protected] www.IRFnews.org

contAct InFoRmAtIon

Page 19: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

www.irf2013.com 19www.IRFnews.org 1www.IRFnews.org

Madison Place500 Montgomery Street, Suite 525

Alexandria, VA 22314 USATelephone: +1 703 535 1001 Facsimile: +1 703 535 1007

Email: [email protected]

Page 20: 17th World Meeting Exhibition - itssa.org€¦ · eng. Abdullah A. Al-mogbel Chairman International Road Federation Mayor of Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Roads play a vital role

International Road Federation, Washington, DC20

Road Safety

Asset management

Sustainable transport

Pavement and materials

urban And Public transport

Integrated mobility and ItS

transport Policy and economics

disaster mitigation and Recovery

Road construction and operations

Public Private Partnerships & Road Financing

tunnel and Bridges: construction & operations

. . .