Life in the 17th Century . By: Monique Els, Adria Barich, and Kate Hoover

17th Century Project

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An in-depth description on the lifestyle of individuals in the 17th century.

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  • Life in the 17th Century. By: Monique Els, Adria Barich, and Kate Hoover

  • What and What Not to WearKnickers are now a no no!

    Get yourself some breeches!

    Get your buns back where they belong!

    The 17th Century Reverse Mullet!

    Waistlines are augmenting... and not

    just for gentlemen!There is no such thing

    as too much embroidery!

    Blonde hair is all the rage! Join the the trend...

    Even with a wig!

    Make sure your future husband knows your healthy! Tips on

    making your skin milky-white!

  • Makeup / Beauty Habits~Both men and women wore makeup. ~It was most fashionable to have an overly pale face; it proved that individual was rich enough to have servants to work in the fields for them.~Citizens believed washing their face in urine was good for their complexion.~Many makeup products were made of lead and mercury which gave whoever was wearing it holes in their skin.

  • Family LifeWealthy

    ~often had 8 to 10 children~lived in homes with 10 or more more people.~had many remarriages due to the death of a spouse.

    Non Wealthy~households consisted of 5 to 6 people.~1 out of every 3 infants died before their first birthday.

  • Art / LiteratureWriters / Authors in the 17th century:~William Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, etc.)~Hector Savinien (Cyrano de Bergerac)~Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quixote)~John Milton (Paradise Lost)

    ~The Baroque Period

    ~Art was heavily influenced / encouraged by the Catholic church.

    ~It was used to communicate religious themes, war imagery, and wealthy aristocrats that enjoyed the attention.

    ~The artists of the time focused on depicting natural images.

    Artists in the 17th Century: Andrea del Sarto Nicholas Hilliard Rubens Vermeer

  • Popular 17th Century CuisineMain course:~Roasted Carp~Hashed Hair~Stewed Sausages~Stretched Sheep Guts

    Beverages:~Raspberry Wine~Rum, Gin, Champagne~Cider~Stepony (Mix of Conduit-water, blue raisins, and sugar)~Coffee~Tea

    Pastries:~Apple Pies~Biscuit~Wafers~Red Ginger-Bread~Cinnamon Brioche

    Desserts:~Italian Pudding~Orange Pudding~Apricot Paste~Cheese-Cakes~French Macaroons

    *we now serve our food with forks!

  • Science in the 17th Century Scientists of the 17th century: Isaac Newton Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Robert Boyle

    Discoveries of the 17th century: First two laws of planetary motion by

    Johannes Kepler Robert Hook discovered the cell Laws of motion, universal gravitation and

    basics for classical physics by Isaac Newton

  • Religion / Beliefs The first half of the 17th century is known for the wars caused by

    religious dispute between Protestants and Catholics, especially during the Thirty Years War.

    Germany, also known as the Holy Roman Empire, was torn apart during the Thirty Years War into hundreds of separate states. The Catholics lost the Thirty Years War. Germany was divided into Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists.

    The religion of the ruler determined the religion of the people.

  • EducationIn the 17th century, reading and writing were considered separate skills and were often taught by

    different teachers.

    Writing Not many children continued on to

    learn to write Along with learning to write,

    students also had to learn to make their pens and ink, and prepare the paper before writing.

    There were a variety of styles of letters

    secretary and italic were the two most commonly taught

    Reading Always taught before writing Biggest focus was the alphabet Schools typically used a hornbook A popular teaching method involved

    four large wooden or bone dice, with the letters carved individually on each face. Children would throw the dice and say which letters were on top.

    After learning the alphabet, The child could stop at that point or go on to learn to write.

  • Works Cited "Beauty in the 17th Century : Tudors, Stuarts & Greenwich Fact Files : History of the Queen's House :

    The Queens House : Places : RMG." Beauty in the 17th Century : Tudors, Stuarts & Greenwich Fact Files : History of the Queen's House : The Queens House : Places : RMG. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

    "Category:17th-century Dramatists and Playwrights." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.

    "Life in 17th Century Europe." Life in 17th Century Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. "Seventeenth Century Art: Most Significant Artists Of The Baroque Period." All That Is Interesting. N.p.,

    n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. "The Fashion Historian." : Classifying the 17th Century: Part 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. "17th-century French Literature." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. "17th Century in Literature." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Nov. 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. "17th Century Timeline 1600 - 1699." About.com Inventors. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2013. "17th Century." 17th Century. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.