On behalf of the AGILE council, we would like to invite you to participate at the 17th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, scheduled to take place between 3 and 6 June 2014 in Castellón, Spain. This years’ conference will pay special attention to the role Geographic Information Science and Technology can play to connect European universities, research centres, industry, government and citizen in the digital information age. First Call for Papers The program will offer pre-conference workshops, keynote sessions, parallel paper presentation sessions and a poster session to share your ideas, and to explore on-going research and future developments, including state-of-the-art applications. The conference will also allow you to network with other professionals from academia, industry and government who are interested in promoting GI teaching and research activities at the European level. Potential contributors to this conference are invited to submit: Full papers: maximum 6000-words manuscript of original and unpublished scientific research. High- quality scientific submissions will be accepted for Conference Topics Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstracts on all topics within the fields of Geographic Information Science, including (but not limited to): • Awareness, Representation and Analysis of Locations, Places and Geographic Phenomena • Linked Open Data, Spatial Semantics and Spatiotemporal Ontologies • Spatiotemporal Data Acquisition, Modelling, and Analysis • Big Spatial Data: Analysis and Visualization • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery • Uncertainty and Error Propagation 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place 3-6 June 2014, Castellón, Spain presentation at the conference and will be published in the series Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. We encourage PhD students, postdocs and senior researchers to submit full papers. Papers must be written in correct English according to the Springer formatting guidelines. Short papers: 2000 to 3000-words manuscript of original and unpublished research work. High-quality scientific and strategic (industrial and governmental) submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and will be published online as separate proceedings (with separate ISBN number). Papers must be written in correct English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines. Poster submission: 500 to 1000-words manuscript of original scientific and strategic research work. High- quality submissions will be accepted for poster presentations at the conference, which will provide the exceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussions and exchange novel ideas. Posters proposals must be written in correct English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines. Note: AGILE 2014 is running a double-blind review process. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation status. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as "this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ". Also, please do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair, double-blind reviewing process. Authors’ instructions are available on the web site of the conference. http://www.agile-online.org All submissions must be sent in electronically via the online conference manager (coming soon). • 3D Modelling, Analysis and Visualization • Geospatial Decision Support Systems • Model Web, Geospatial Workflows and Service Composition • Spatial Data Infrastructures: Data and Service Sharing • Earth Observation Systems: Algorithms and Applications • Geosensors Networks and Sensor Web • Volunteered Geographic Information and Community Observatories • Crowdsourcing, Co-creation and Participatory GIS • Digital Earth, Virtual Globes and Spatial-oriented Augmented Reality • Future Internet, Ubiquitous Web and Geographic Information Systems • Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for Geographic Information Systems • Geodesign and Simulation • Location Based Services, Geospatial Services and Real-time Applications • Indoor Navigation, Routing and Way Finding • Smart Cities and Sustainable Development • Environmental/Ecological and Urban/Regional Modelling • Demographic and Socioeconomic Modelling • Natural Resources Management and Monitoring • Disaster and Risk Management • Health and Medical Informatics • Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Geographic Information • GIScience and Technology Education and Training • Digital (Geospatial and Environmental) Science

17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science · 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place 3-6 June

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On behalf of the AGILE council, we would like to inviteyou to participate at the 17th International Conferenceon Geographic Information Science, scheduled to takeplace between 3 and 6 June 2014 in Castellón, Spain.This years’ conference will pay special attention to therole Geographic Information Science and Technologycan play to connect European universities, researchcentres, industry, government and citizen in the digitalinformation age.

First Call for Papers

The program will offer pre-conference workshops,keynote sessions, parallel paper presentation sessionsand a poster session to share your ideas, and to exploreon-going research and future developments, includingstate-of-the-art applications. The conference will alsoallow you to network with other professionals fromacademia, industry and government who are interestedin promoting GI teaching and research activities at theEuropean level.

Potential contributors to this conference are invited tosubmit:

Full papers: maximum 6000-words manuscript oforiginal and unpublished scientific research. High-quality scientific submissions will be accepted for

Conference Topics

Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstractson all topics within the fields of Geographic InformationScience, including (but not limited to):• Awareness, Representation and Analysis of Locations,Places and Geographic Phenomena• Linked Open Data, Spatial Semantics andSpatiotemporal Ontologies• Spatiotemporal Data Acquisition, Modelling, andAnalysis• Big Spatial Data: Analysis and Visualization• Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery• Uncertainty and Error Propagation

17th AGILE Conference on GeographicInformation Science

Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place3-6 June 2014, Castellón, Spain

presentation at the conference and will be publishedin the series Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformationand Cartography. We encourage PhD students,postdocs and senior researchers to submit full papers.Papers must be written in correct English according tothe Springer formatting guidelines.

Short papers: 2000 to 3000-words manuscript oforiginal and unpublished research work. High-qualityscientific and strategic (industrial and governmental)submissions will be accepted for presentation at theconference and will be published online as separateproceedings (with separate ISBN number). Papersmust be written in correct English according to thesubmission template and formatting guidelines.

Poster submission: 500 to 1000-words manuscript oforiginal scientific and strategic research work. High-quality submissions will be accepted for posterpresentations at the conference, which will provide theexceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussionsand exchange novel ideas.Posters proposals must be written in correct Englishaccording to the submission template and formattingguidelines.

Note: AGILE 2014 is running a double-blind reviewprocess. In preparing your manuscript, do not include

any information which could reveal your identity, orthat of your co-authors. The title section of yourmanuscript should not contain any author names, emailaddresses, or affiliation status. In the body of yoursubmission, you should eliminate all direct referencesto your own previous work.

That is, avoid phrases such as "this contributiongeneralizes our results for XYZ". Also, please do notdisproportionately cite your own previous work. Inother words, make your submission as anonymous aspossible. We need your cooperation in our effort tomaintain a fair, double-blind reviewing process.

Authors’ instructions are available on the web site ofthe conference.http://www.agile-online.orgAll submissions must be sent in electronically via theonline conference manager (coming soon).

• 3D Modelling, Analysis and Visualization• Geospatial Decision Support Systems• Model Web, Geospatial Workflows and ServiceComposition• Spatial Data Infrastructures: Data and Service Sharing• Earth Observation Systems: Algorithms andApplications• Geosensors Networks and Sensor Web• Volunteered Geographic Information and CommunityObservatories• Crowdsourcing, Co-creation and Participatory GIS• Digital Earth, Virtual Globes and Spatial-orientedAugmented Reality• Future Internet, Ubiquitous Web and GeographicInformation Systems• Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interactionfor Geographic Information Systems• Geodesign and Simulation• Location Based Services, Geospatial Services andReal-time Applications• Indoor Navigation, Routing and Way Finding• Smart Cities and Sustainable Development• Environmental/Ecological and Urban/RegionalModelling• Demographic and Socioeconomic Modelling• Natural Resources Management and Monitoring• Disaster and Risk Management• Health and Medical Informatics• Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of GeographicInformation• GIScience and Technology Education and Training• Digital (Geospatial and Environmental) Science

Pre-conference workshops

The pre-conference workshops will be held on Tuesday,June 3 the main conference, encouraging the discussionof work in progress, and facilitating a dialogue onemerging topics in small groups. A more detailed callfor workshop proposals will follow later.

Grants available

The AGILE Grant Program will allocate grants(scholarships) to AGILE 2014 attendees, with prioritygiven to PhD students. An applicant must havesubmitted a paper or a poster. Each grant willapproximately cover full conference registration anda maximum of 4 nights in a hotel chosen by theconference organizers. The call for the grants withfurther details will be published on the conference website.

Important Dates and Deadlines

30 November 2013 Full paper submission

9 December 2013 Pre-conference workshop proposal

10 January 2014 Notification of workshop acceptance

17 January 2014 Notification of full paper acceptance

9 February 2014 Camera-ready full paper copies due

28 February 2014 Short paper and poster submission

7 March 2014 Grant application submission

15 April 2014 Notification of short paper and posteracceptance

15 April 2014 Notification grant application acceptance

4 May 2014 Camera-ready short paper copies due

4 May 2014 Early-bird registration

3 June 2014 Pre-conference workshops

4-6 June 2014 Conference


Chairs Programme Committee• Joaquín Huerta (Universitat Jaume I of Castellón- UJI)• Sven Schade (European Environment Agency)• Carlos Granell (European Commission – Joint ResearchCentre)

Further information

For any information with respect to the conference,please contact the organizers at [email protected]


Morning Workshops Welcome Keynote 2 Keynote 39:00-12:00 Keynote 1 Paper session Best paper session

Paper session

Lunch Lunch included Lunch included Lunch included Awards, closing12:00-14:00

Afternoon Workshops Paper session Annual AGILE meeting14:00-18:00 Poster session Paper session

Evening Opening reception Cultural walk/run Gala dinner18:00... El Palasiet through the city (Club Náutico de Castellón)

(Benicàssim) PhD students evening

Conference Schedule