173580615 Bitumen Safety Code

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  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code



    Being Part II of theInstitute of Petroleum

    Model Code of Safe Practice in the

    Petroleum Industry

    3rd Edition

    July 1990

    Published on behl! o!



    John %iley & Sons

    'hi(hester ) Ne* +or, ) -risbne ) Toronto ) Sin./ore

    'o/yri.ht 1991 by The Institute o! Petroleu# London

    Re/rinted Mr(h 1992

    ll ri.hts reser4ed)

    No /rt o! this boo, y be re/rodu(ed by ny ens# or trnsitted# or trnslted into (hineln.u.e *ithout the *ritten /erission o! the /ublisher)

    Library of Congress Cataloging - in -Publication Data:

    Institute o! Petroleu 56ret -ritin7

    -ituen s!ety (ode 8 Institute o! Petroleu3rd ed)P) () 5The Institute o! Petroleu odel (ode o! s!e /r(ti(e in the /etroleu industry : /t) 11 7

    ;Published on behl! o! the Institute o! Petroleu) London);IS-N 0 92-?1?= 1991>>?)?;3@@d(20

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data:

    Institute o! Petroleu

    -ituen s!ety (ode3rd) ed)

    1) -ituen) S!ety esures

    1) Title 11) Series>>?)?3@@ 9020=>2


    IS-N 0

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code




    1. General Information

    1)1 S(o/e nd //li(bility o! the 'ode1)2 $e!inition o! -ituen

    1)3 -ituen Eulsions1)< The "Ards

    2. Health Protetion

    2)1 Introdu(tion2)2 S,in -us

    2)3 -ituen Fues

    2)< "ydro.en Sul/hide

    2)? S,in 'ont(t *ith -ituen )

    2)> "elth Sur4eilln(e

    2)= 'lssi!i(tion) P(,.in. nd Lbellin.2)@ ddendu in Res/e(t o! 'ol Tr Mterils

    !. Fire Pre"ention

    3)1 Introdu(tion

    3)2 'ontrol o! Flble tos/heres3)3 The 'ontrol o! Sour(es o! I.nition

    3)< Fire Pre(utions !or n(illry Petroleu Mterils# or Fuels sso(ited *ith -ituenInstlltions

    #. Fire Fi$htin$

    Mintenn(e nd Tn, 'lenin.

    ). *oadin$+ Tran,-ort and i,har$e@)1 Introdu(tion

    @)2 -ul, Trns/ort 'ontiners

    @)3 Rod nd Ril Tn, ((ess 6ntries

    @)< Pneuti( $is(hr.e Systes@)? Pi/e*or,

    @)> "oses@)= $rinin. o! Lodin. rs) 'hutes nd "oses

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    @)@ Rod Tn,er nd Ril(r O/ertions )

    @)9 Shi/ nd -r.e O/ertions !or -ul, -ituen 'r.oes

    @)10 P(,.in.

    @)11 'lern(e o! Pi/e*or, -lo(,.es

    @)12 O/ertor Prote(tion

    /. Produt 0,er Guidane

    9)1 Introdu(tion

    9)2 -ul, Su//lies9)3 P(,.ed Su//lies9)< Mobile -ituen "etin. Dettles !or -ituens nd Msti(s

    9)? Roo!in.9)> Floorin.

    9)= s/hlt Mnu!(ture nd Use

    9)@ Sur!(e $ressin. o! Rods

    9)9 Sury o! "elth Pre(utions in die Use o! Petroleu -ituens

    1. Sam-lin$10)1 Introdu(tion

    10)2 $i/ S/lin.

    10)3 S/le l4es


    .'lssi!i(tion o! Petroleu nd its Produ(ts by the Institute o! PetroleuB.Re(oended -ituen "ndlin. Te/ertures

    C) 6lossry o! Ters) The //li(tion o! re 'lssi!i(tion

    E) EC/osure to -ituen by S,in 'ont(t nd Inhltion

    F) Re!eren(es)


    =)1 re 'lssi!i(tion !or 'utb(, -ituens

    =)2 'one Roo! Tn, !or 'lss 1 $iluents

    @)1 Ty/i(l 'urrent "Ard %rnin. Pnel !or -ituen Rod nd Ril Tn,ers in the UD

    @)2 TeCt o! Trns/ort Eer.en(y 5Tre7 'rd !or -ituen

    9)1 EC/le o! 6uide !or the S!e Re(ei/t o! -ul, -ituen9)2 Su..ested TeCt !or First id Poster


    1)1 Penetrtion 6rde -ituens1)2 "rd 6rde -ituens

    1)3 OCidised 6rde -ituens1)< 'utb(, -ituens

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    This u/dte to the 'ode .i4es /roinent ttention to the esures tht should be t,en to iniise

    the li,elihood o! flammable (ondition in or round the 4/our s/(e o! bitumen tn,.e nd !or the

    (ontrol o4er /otentil sources of ignition, both ele(tri(l nd nonele(tri(l) This .uidn(e should be

    dr*n to the ttention o! ll *ith res/onsibility !or the desi.n# (onstru(tion# intenn(e nd

    o/ertion o! bitumen hndlin. /lntboth in the nu!(turin. nd bul, distribution# but no less inthe (oer(il user se(tion o! the bitumen industry) *here the (onditions o! (lose (ontrol y be

    less esily ttinble thn is the (se *ithin the /etroleu industry .enerlly)

    In ddition to the /rti(ulr !o(us on the s/e(ts o! !lbility /resented in 'h/ters 3# ? nd =#

    the other (h/ters o! the 19=9 'ode h4e lso been eCtensi4ely re4ie*ed nd u.ented s

    //ro/rite) ttention should be dr*n to the re(oendtions on helth s/e(ts nd /ersonl/rote(tion in 'h/ter 2) to the /rodu(t user .uidn(e in 'h/ter 9 nd to the eC/nded .uidn(e onintenn(e nd tn, (lenin. in 'h/ter =# *ith its eCtended se(tions on s!e entry (onditions nd

    the (ontrol o! hot *or,)The 'ode .i4es !or the ost /rt re(oendtions !or s!e /r(ti(e rther thn set o! ri.id rules) In

    deterinin. ny reBuired s!e /ro(edures# the e!!e(t o! ny unusul (ir(ustn(e# on *hi(h it is

    i/ossible to .enerlise# should re(ei4e due (onsidertion) lthou.h it is belie4ed tht do/tion o! the

    'ode;s re(oendtions *ill hel/ to redu(e the ris, o! ((ident# the Institute o! Petroleu (nnot((e/t ny res/onsibility# o! ny ,ind# !or d.e or lle.ed d.e risin. or other*ise o((urrin. in

    or bout /reises) res or 4ehi(les to *hi(h this 'ode //lies)Sttutory reBuireents eCist in ny (ountries nd these should l*ys be (o/lied *ith)

    This 'ode hs been /re/red by %or,in. 6rou/ re/ortin. to the IP S!ety Sub'oittee nd *ill

    be re4ie*ed !ro tie to tie) It *ould be o! .ret ssistn(e in ny !uture re4ision i! users *ouldsend (oents or su..estions !or i/ro4eent to:

    The Se(retry# S!ety Sub'oitteeInstitute o! Petroleu

    >1 Ne* '4endish StreetLondon % 1 M @R




    This 'ode (o4ers s!ety in nu!(ture# stor.e) distribution nd use o! bitumen.

    It //lies .enerlly to ll .rdes o! bitumen eetin. interntionlly re(o.nised s/e(i!i(tions but*here d4i(e is .rde de/endent s in the (se o! stor.e te/erture .uidn(e# it re!ers to

    bitumens eetin. the -ritish Stndrd s/e(i!i(tions re!erred to in 1)2)1 to 1)3 nd Tbles 1) 1 to1)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    iCture o! bitumen nd inerl tter su(h s stone# snd nd !iller) "o*e4er# in the US) the ter

    as$halt is //lied to the /rodu(t de!ined in ost /rts o! the *orld s bitumen.

    %hen nturl see/.es o! bitumen re intruded by !ine inerl tter# they re re!erred to s

    nturl as$halts 5s/hlte7)

    Four /rin(i/l ty/es o! bitumen re re(o.nised) These re re!erred to s $enetration grade. hardgrade. %&idised grade nd cutbac# bitumens.

    1.2.1 Penetration Grade Bitumen,

    These re /rodu(ed s residul /rodu(ts !ro the distilltion o! /etroleu# sube(ted in soe (ses

    s outlined in 'h/ter ? to /rtil oCidtion /ro(ess)-ritish Stndrd .rdes 5see Tble 1)17 re desi.nted by nuber re/resentin. the id/oint o! the/enetrtion rn.e nd the su!!iC ;/en; nd siilr rn.e is to be !ound in other ntionl

    s/e(i!i(tions) These bitumens re used /rin(i/lly !or rod sur!(in. but lso !or industril//li(tions nd roo!in.)

    1.2.2 Hard Grade Bitumen,

    These re /rodu(ed in *ys siilr to those used !or$enetration grade bitumens but they h4e lo*er$enetration values nd hi.her softening $oints. -ritish Stndrd .rdes 5see Tble 1)27 re

    desi.nted by the /re!iC G"H !ollo*ed by t*o nubers re/resentin. the liits o! the softening $ointrn.e) These bitumens re used# !or eC/le in /ints nd enels)

    1.2.! O7idi,ed Grade Bitumen,These re /rodu(ed s des(ribed in 'h/ter ? by /ssin. ir under (ontrolled te/erture (onditions

    throu.h so!t bitumens diCed *ith flu&) They re ore rubber li,e thn $enetration nd hard

    grade bitumens. -ritish Stndrd .rdes 5see Tble 1)37 re desi.nted by t*o nubers re/resentin.the id/oints o! the softening $oint nd /enetrtion rn.es in tht order) These bitumens re used

    *idely in the nu!(ture o! roo!in. !elts) *ter/roo! //ers nd ele(tri(l .oods)

    1.2.# Cut3a8 Bitumen,

    These re bitumens. the viscosities o! *hi(h h4e been redu(ed by blendin. *ith lo* 4is(osity

    diluents:,erosine !or eC/le s in the -ritish Stndrd .rdes o! -S 3>90 5see Tble 1)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    They re (onsidered !irst .enerlly under the hedin.s o! "elth Prote(tion) Fire Pre4ention nd Fire

    Fi.htin.# nd then ore s/e(i!i(lly in reltion to the 4rious /hses of bitumen hndlin.) !ro its

    nu!(ture throu.h to its ultite use)

    Ta3le 1.1. Penetrtion .rde bituens 5-S 3>90 Prt 176rde

    Pro/erty Test

    Method 1? /en 2? /en 3? /en ?0/en =0/en 100/en 200/en 300/en

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    5b7Penetrtion t 2?o' IP 100 to 3?0 100 to 3?0 100 to 3?0

    o! residue !ro distilltion

    to 3>0o'

    Stndrd tr 4is(oeter)



    This (h/ter .i4es d4i(e on the hazards sso(ited *ith bitumen defined s in 'h/ter 17 nd the/ersonl /rote(tion nd systes o! *or, tht should be (onsidered to /rote(t .inst these)

    The in (ute hazards to helth rise out o! the hetin. o! the /rodu(t !or hndlin. or use) Not

    bituen (n .i4e rise to serious bus# "eted bituen e4ol4es !ues nd /rti(ulrly i! sube(ted to

    4ery hi.h te/erture# (n e4ol4e hydro.en sul/hide# *hi(h (n (rete si.ni!i(nt helth hazard

    in (on!ined s/(es su(h s tn, ull.es)

    t bient te/ertures bituen is norlly solid nd iobile nd thus .i4es rise to) no (ute or(hroni( helth hazards.

    "o*e4er (hroni( hazards (n rise *hen bituen is heted nd fumes evolve nd *hen bituen is

    iCed *ith other substn(es)Bitumens contain /oly(y(li( roti( hydro(rbons PA() in (on(entrtions in the lo* /er(ent.e


    Soe o! these (o/ounds *ith < to > !used rin.s nd hi.h boilin. /oints h4e been deonstrted innil studies to h4e carcinogenic/ro/rieties) These /rti(ulr studiesre ,no*n to be /resent in

    bituen in 4ery sll (on(entrtions) It ust ho*e4er# be e/hsised tht the (on(entrtions o!P"s /resent in bituen re se4erl orders o! .nitude lo*er thno((ur in (ol tr /rodu(ts# *hi(h

    re ,no*n to be (r(ino.eni()

    %hilst bituen *hi(h is solid t bient te/ertures is not belie4ed to /resent ny (hroni( hazard,

    ho*e4er *hen (ut b(, *ith diluent it should be re.rded s /osin. carcinogenic ris# to the s,in i!

    re.ulr nd re/eted eC/osure *ere to t,e /l(e o4er ny yers *ith /oor /ersonl hy.iene) See


    O*in. to the /resen(e o! the P"s in the !ues .i4en o!! *hen bituen is heted# interest in the(hroni(toCi(ity o! these !ues eCists nd this is dis(ussed !urther belo*) See 2)3)

    Modi!ied -ituens nd $eri4ti4es -ituen is used in nubero! !orulted /rodu(ts) e).) in

    s/e(il bitumens for /rti(ulr //li(tions# buildin. /rodu(ts# /reser4ti4es nd lubri(nts) Su(h!orultions reBuire dditionl (onsidertion o*in. to the toCi(ity o! the (o/onents diCed nd

    s/e(i!i( d4i(eon the hazards nd /re(utions (n only be obtined !ro the s!ety dt sheet o! the su//lier)

    -e(use o! this it is re(oended tht (orre(t identi!i(tion o! bituen ty/e nd .rde be de by

    re!eren(e to the su//liers; dt sheets be!ore introdu(tion in the *or, /l(e so tht the //ro/rite

    /re(utions re estblished)

    2.2 S:IN B04NS

    ll bituen is hndled s heted liBuid t te/ertures bo4e 100o' t soe st.e durin.

    /ro(essin. nd trns/orttion nd *hen it is bein. in(or/orted in iC or /re/rtion or used in its

    !inl //li(tion) In its heted !or it *ill dhere redily to ny eC/osed /rt o! the body# usully

    (usin. bus be!ore it (ools or (n be reo4ed)

    2;.1 Proteti"e Clothin$ a$ain,t S8in and Eye Burn,

    The obe(ti4e in /ro4idin. /rote(ti4e (lothin. to /re4ent burns ust be to eliinte s,in or eye(ont(t *ith the hot liBuid) $e/endin. u/on the o/ertion in Buestion# the !ollo*in. should l*ys be


    O4erlls *hi(h re desi.ned to shed s/lshes nd s/ills *y !ro the body by ens o!

    (lose!ittin. (u!!s nd le.ends (/ble o! o4erl//in. the !oot *er# to.ether *ith suitble

    !(e nd eye shield) The le.s o! o4erlls ust be *orn outside the boots)

    "etresistnt .lo4es *ith (lose!ittin. (u!!s)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    "etresistnt he4y duty boots *ith (lose !ittin. t the to/) -oots re /re!erble to shoes#

    nd under no (ir(ustn(es should li.ht shoes# sndls et( be *orn)

    I! there is si.ni!i(nt ris, o! s/lshin.# the !urther dditionl ites or /rote(ti4e (lothin. should lso

    be used:

    Full hed nd !(e /rote(tion *ith ne(,!l/ !ittin. o4er the (ollr)

    ne(, (loth)

    2.2.2 Fir,t id for S8in or Eye Burn,

    Eer.en(y *ter sho*ers) e).) o! the ste/on ty/e# nd eye bth !(ilities should be /ro4ided

    *hene4er bitumen is hndled t n ele4ted te/erture)ll bitumen bus should re(ei4e edi(l ttention *ithout dely nd bus to the eyes ust be

    re!erred ur.ently !or edi(l ttention)

    -us to the s,in or eye should be ieditely (ooled by /l(in. the bu re o! the body under

    (len (old runnin. *ter) This tretent should be (ontinued until the bitumen hs (ooled nd this(ould t,e u/ to 1? inutes) No tte/t should be de to reo4e the bitumen !ro the s,in or

    re o! the eye s it !ors sterile brrier to the !!e(ted /rt nd *ill /rote(t .inst in!e(tion) bitumen /lBue *ill norlly det(h itsel! *ithin !e* dys)

    In the (se o! bus to the hed nd ne(,# shoulders# (hest# b(, or other /rts o! the body# (old *et

    to*els (n be //lied to the bu re until /in is relie4ed)Lotions nd ointents should not be //lied# but eC /osed) bus (n be li.htly (o4ered by sterile

    bu dressin.s to eC(lude ir *r//in. the (sulty in bln,ets or ny *ool dressin. should be

    4oided but# s sho(, *ill usully o((ur# the /tient should be ,e/t *r nd /ro4ided *ith /lenti!ul!resh ir) Only sll ounts o! liBuid should be .i4en t !reBuent inter4ls nd only i! the /tient is

    (ons(ious nd hs no other inuries e).) !r(tured libs# *hi(h y reBuire .enerl nestheti(

    *hen hos/itlised) No l(oholi( be4er.es o! ny ,ind should be .i4en)

    %here bitumen en(ir(les lib or !in.er# tourniBuet e!!e(t (n o((ur s the bitumen (ools) In su(h

    (ir(u stn(es edi(l ttention should be sou.ht t the erliest /ossible oent !ter (oolin.) It

    y be ne(essry soe eCtree (ir(ustn(es to redu(e the ount o! (oolin. in order to .et the/tient to /hysi(in *ho (n relie4e this e!!e(t) The obe(ti4e is to intin the (ir(ultion by

    bre,in. the en(ir(leent nd this y be done by *e,enin. the rin. by dissol4in. or i! ne(essry

    (uttin. it)In res or lo(tions *here /ro!essionl edi(l ssistn(e (nnot be obtined *ithin resonble

    tie# it y be ne(essry !or !irstider to t,e (tion)

    I! it be(oes essentil to reo4e bitumen /lBue !ro the s,in# this should be done by s*bbin.*ith edi(inlly//ro4ed 4e.etble oil# or liberl ounts o! *r edi(inl /r!!in) This should

    be !ollo*ed by *shin. *ith so/ nd *ter nd the //li(tion o! edi(lly//ro4ed re!ttin..ent) Sol4ents su(h s .soline# ,erosine# .s oil or diesel !uel# *hi(h re s,in irritnts should ne4er

    be used)

    Fi.ure 9)1 .i4es the re(oended teCt o! First id Poster on (tions to be t,en in the e4ent o!


    These (n be /osted in /roinent /osition t lr.e lo(tions# e).) bitumen /lnts# or distributed in

    the !or o! /o(,et (rd to obile *or,ers)t obile sites# e).) *here hot s/ryin. is (rried out# *here su//ly o! *ter is not 4ilble the

    /ro4ision o! n eer.en(y su//ly is re(oended) This (ould t,e the !or o! *ter !illed stored/ressure eCtin.uisher odi!ied by the ddition o! !ine s/ry ty/e noAAle held in redily ((essible

    /l(e) It should be (lerly r,ed to indi(te it is not to be used to (obt !ires nd is !or !irst id

    use only)

    2.! BIT0&EN F0&ES

    %hen bitumen is heted) fumes (o/risin. iCture o! /rti(ulte bitumen, hydro(rbon 4/our nd

    hydro.en sul/hide .s re .i4en o!!) s rule# *hen *or,in. in the o/en ir# hydro.en sul/hide is

    unli,ely to /ose ris, to helth) The hazard rises *hen hydro.en sul/hide ((uultes in (on!ined

    hed s/(es o! heted tn,s s result o! the re(tions *hi(h h4e been outlined in 3)2)2)3)

    This is delt *ith in 2)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    %hilst to dte there is no (on(lusi4e e4iden(e to su..est tht bitumen fumes re carcinogenic,

    !urther *or, is /ro(eedin.# nd d4i(e y h4e to be ended in li.ht o! this nd other reser(h

    *or,) Ne4ertheless# bitumen fumes (n (use irrittion to the res/irtory syste nd !or this reson

    n o((u/tionl eC/osure liit *s introdu(ed)

    Bitumen fumes there!ore /ose hazards to the s,in nd res/irtory syste) The fumes eittedin(rese r/idly *hen bitumen is sube(ted to unne(essrily hi.h te /ertures) 're should be

    t,en to /re4ent o4erhetin. nd to iniise s,in (ont(t by the use o! //ro/rite /ersonl

    /rote(ti4e eBui/ent nd ttention ust be /id to o((u/tionl eC/osure liits)

    In the UD there is n O((u/tionl EC/osure Stndrd 5OES7 *hi(h is dire(tly //li(ble to bituen

    *hi(h hs not been diCed *ith ny other teril) This is the OES !or ;s/hlt# Petroleu *umes'*hi(h is /ublished in the "elth nd S!ety ECe(uti4e;s (urrent nnul 6uidn(e Note E"8@< ;Re4ie* o! Bitumen *ume EC/osure nd 6uidn(e on Mesureent;) The/ro(edure# *hi(h is (o/leC) !irst uses the ultr !ine (o/osite biter in(or/orted in /ersonl

    s/ler to deterine totl /rti(ulte tter 5TPM7) *hi(h !ill in(lude eril dust nd other inerl

    teril) This is then sol4ent eCtr(ted to deterine the benAene soluble teril 5-SM7# *hi(h .i4estheAs$halt Petroleu *ume eBui4lent) It hs been noted in E"

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    The odour threshold o! hydro.en sul/hide is *ell belo* 1 //) "o*e4er) the !ilir bd e..s

    odour (nnot be relied u/on to *rn o! the /resen(e o! dn.erous (on(entrtions be(use the .s

    r/idly dedens the sense o! sell e4en (on(entrtions o! 20 //# *ell belo* hArdous le4el)

    Prolon.ed eC/osure to (on(entrtions bo4e ?0 // /rodu(es irrittion o! the eyes nd u(ous

    ebrnes o! the nose# throt nd lun.s)EC/osure !or 30 inutes or so u/ to (on(entrtion o! 200 // (n be tolerted *ithout serious (on

    seBuen(es but should be 4oided) See belo*)

    ny eC/osure to (on(entrtions bo4e ?00 // (n result in deth nd t le4els bo4e =00 //

    un(ons(iousness nd (oll/se (n o((ur in se(onds)

    In the UD the O((u/tionl EC/osure Stndrd Buoted in the "elth nd S!ety ECe(uti4es 6uidn(eNote E") 1)7

    2.#.2 Emer$eny Fir,t id for Per,on, ffeted 3y Hydro$en Sul-hide

    Res(uers li,e*ise should not enter sus/e(t tos/heres *ithout //ro/rite breathing a$$aratus nd

    *ithout se(ond /erson siilrly eBui//ed stndin. by the tn, entry) See =)>) 1)

    Persons !!e(ted by inhltion o! hydro.en sul/hide should be reo4ed s soon s /ossible to n

    un(ontinted re in the !resh ir)Medi(l ttention should be (lled *ithout dely nd iedite resus(ittion /ro(edures (oen(ed

    s !ollo*s:

    'ons(iousness should be s(ertined by shoutin. nuber o! ties nd by .entle sh,in.#

    t,in. (re o! /ossible inury)

    I! (ons(ious the (sulty should be /l(ed in the re(o4ery /osition# i)e) on the side nd *ith

    hed do*n*rds to /re4ent (ho,in. i! 4oitin. o((urs)

    I! not (ons(ious# /l(e on the b(, nd loo,# listen nd !eel !or si.ns o! brethin.)

    I! the hert hs sto//ed# eCternl (rdi( ss.e should be e/loyed# usin. eCternl (hest

    (o/ression +CC).

    I! the /tient is not brethin.# n iedite (he(, should be de by !irst o/enin. the outh

    to ensure tht the ir*y is (ler 5i! ne(essry reo4in. 4oit# blood# loose teeth or bro,endentures !ro the outh or throt7 nd rti!i(il res/irtion //lied by eC/ired ir

    resus(ittion +A) usin. the outhtoouth or outhtonose ethod)

    I! or *hen the hert nd lun. o/ertion is norl# the (sulty should be /l(ed in the

    re(o4ery /osition) i)e) on the side# nd *ith the hed do*n*rds in (se o! 4oitin.) I!

    brethin.# he should be .i4en oCy.en# *hi(h should be 4ilble on stndby bsis)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    ll /ersons *ho y be reBuired to dinister su(h tretent should re(ei4e deBute trinin. in its

    /ro(edure) suitble .uidn(e le!let *ritten by the Resus(ittion 'oun(il 5UD7 is 4ilble !ro the

    -ritish "ert Foundtion# 102 6lou(ester Pl(e# London %1"

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    %hen the bitumen is hndled in !or in *hi(h s/lshin. is /ossible# /ersonl /rote(ti4e (lothin.

    should be o! n i/er4ious ty/e nd suitble eye nd !(e /rote(tion should be used)

    %hen bituinous /rodu(ts re bein. s/ryed or en(ountered in the !or o! n erosol# the d4i(e

    .i4en in 2)3 bo4e should be !ollo*ed)

    O4erlls should be dry (lened s ne(essry to 4oid /eretion o! the /rodu(t to under(lothin.)Under (lothin. (ontinted *ith the /rodu(t should be dry (lened or dis(rded)

    2.%.2 Fir,t id and Per,onal Hy$iene

    In the e4ent o! nonheted bituinous /rodu(ts enterin. the eye# the eye should be !lushed *ith

    (o/ious Buntities o! (len *ter) I! irrittion /ersists# the /tient should be re!erred !or edi(lttention)Persons en..ed in the nu!(ture) blendin. or use o! bitumen t *or, should be /ro4ided *ith

    //ro/rite barrier creams !or the hnds nd *shin. !(ilities in(ludin. hot *ter# so/ nd (lento*els# /re!erbly dis/osble)

    Lo* te/erture s,in (ont(t norlly does not reBuire !irst id but the /rodu(t should be *shed o!!

    the s,in ieditely !ter ny (ontintion nd t the end o! e(h *or, /eriod# *ith /ro/rietry#

    s,in (lenser# so/ nd *ter) Re!ttin. s,in /re/rtions should be used !ter *shin. to ssist inre/l(in. nturl oils)

    Under no (ir(ustn(es should /erson *ho hs been hndlin. bituinous /rodu(ts et# drin,#so,e or .o to the toilet *ithout !irst *shin. the hnds)

    The //li(tion o! barrier creams to the s,in) /rior to *or, *ith bitumen, ssists in subseBuent

    (lensin.should (ont(t o((ur) It ust be stressed# ho*e4er# tht barrier creams re not deBute substitutes

    !or .lo4es or other i/ereble (lothin. nd should there!ore not be used s the sole !or o!

    /rote(tion)Sol4ents su(h s .soline 5/etrol7# ,erosine 5/r!!in7# .s oil or diesel !uel should not be used !or

    s,in(lensin. /ur/oses be(use they d.e the s,in) 6soline in /rti(ulr lso /oses serious !ire


    2.%.! Bitumen Emul,ion,Bitumen emulsions y tend to be irrittin. to the s,in nd eyes nd (ould lso /rodu(e ller.i(

    res/onses in soe indi4iduls) Su(h irrittion e!!e(ts rise inly !ro the eulsi!yin. .ents nd(ids nd bses used)

    2.' HE*TH S0490 'Bitumens for -uildin.


  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    'i4il En.ineerin.: Prt 3; .i4es the !ollo*in. de!initions:

    Pith) The bl(, or dr, bro*n solid or seisolid residue reinin. !ter the /rtil

    e4/ortion or !r(tionl distilltion o! (rude trs /rodu(ed *holly or substntilly s

    by/rodu(t in the (rbonistion o! (ol t te/ertures in eC(ess o! >00o')

    4efined tar) Tr /re/red !ro the /it(h nd oil !r(tions resultin. !ro the distilltion o!

    (rude trs /rodu(ed *holly or substntilly s by/rodu(t in the (rbonistion o! (ol t

    te/ertures eC(eedin. >00o')

    -S 3>90 Prt 3 then .i4es stndrds in res/e(t o! series o! $itch"bitumen and trbitueniCes !or use in rod sur!(e dressin.# in *hi(h these (ontin 20 to 2? by ss o! /it(h) nd30 to ?? o! re!ined tr# *ith the reinder bein. de u/ o! $enetration grade bitumen

    (o/lyin. *ith -S3>90 Prt 1) See Tble 1)1) Li,e bitumens, these iCtures re desi.ntedby the .rde su!!iCes ;/en; nd ;se(s;# nd to 4oid (on!usion the !ollo*in. !uller re4ie* is


    'ol tr nd /it(h h4e been listed by the "elth nd S!ety ECe(uti4e s carcinogenicin their(utionry .uidn(e MS5-7< ;S,in 'n(er (used by Pit(h nd Tr;# *hi(h users re reBuired to !ollo*)

    In this res/e(t# the /resen(e o! sll Buntities o! rin. /oly(y(li( roti( (o/ounds in bitumen*s entioned in 2)3) nlyti(l dt !or this *ere /ro4ided to IR' !or their re4ie* o! bitumen

    5%ll(4e et l 19=17) This sho*ed# in (o/rison o! these dt !or nuber o! /etroleu

    bitumens *ith (o/rble nlyses !or (ol tr nd /it(h# tht the (ontent o! rin. /oly(y(li(roti(s o! these ltter *s soe three orders 51000s7 hi.her thn !or the bitumens.

    It is !or this reson tht *hen (ol tr or /it(h# or iCtures o! these *ith bitumens, s in -S 3>90

    Prt 3# re used# the s!ety dt sheets o! the su//liers should be !ollo*ed)In the (se *here bituinous ty/e terils o! un,no*n or un(ertin ori.in re to be used# nd

    (on!irtion tht they re not *holly o! /etroleu bitumen ori.in (nnot be obtined# throu.h loss o!

    lbellin. et()# it *ould be /rudent to !ollo* the helth .uidn(e o! the /re4ious IP Bitumen S!ety

    'ode 519=97# nd hndle the in the se *y s (ol tr /rodu(ts)

    It hs lso been noted in 2)1 tht toCi( hazards (n rise *hen bitumens (ontin diluent !luCes su(h

    s (ol tr n/hth# tr !luC oil or (reosote) 'reosote norlly (ontins toCi( /henoli( (o/ounds#*hi(h re redily bsorbed throu.h the s,in# nd these !luCes lso (ontin /oly(yli( roti(

    (o/ounds) It is there!ore ne(essry !or su//liers o! /rodu(ts (ontinin. su(h terils to distribute

    //ro/rite s!ety dt sheets# nd !or users o! (utb(, *hi(h y (ontin (o/onents o! un,no*nori.in to eCer(ise due (ution in res/e(t o! their hndlin. nd (ont(t *ith the body)


    FI4E P4E

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    tn,until the /er(ent.e o! 4/our re(hes hi.her le4el in ir o! bout @ 4olue) %hen it is sid

    to be ;bo4e the u//er !lble limit ', or ;too ri(h to burn;)

    The norl /ro(edure !or the (ontrol o! !lble atmos$heres is bsed on the (lssi!i(tion o! the

    /rodu(t bein. hndled# usin. the Institute o! Petroleu syste o! (lssi!i(tion 5see //endiC 7 or

    eBui4lent nd then to //ly lyout# (onstru(tion# nd o/ertionl (odes s //ro/rite to the /rodu(t(lss) In the use o! this (lssi!i(tion ost i/ortnt !(tor in deterinin. the desi.n nd lyout s

    *ell s o/ertionl /re(utions is the subdi4ision o! the 'lsses II nd III ((ordin. to *hether they

    re to be stored or hndled t te/ertures belo* 5subdi4ision 5177) or bo4e die flash$oint sub"

    di4ision 5277)

    In the (se o! bitumen, this /ro(edure is dire(tly //li(ble only to cutbac# .rdes) See 3)2) 1)lternti4e //ro(hes re ne(essry !or bitumens other thn (utb(, .rdes) See 3)2)2)

    !.2.1 Cut3a8 Bitumen,Bitumens cut b(, *ith ,erosine norlly h4e !lsh /oints in the 'lss 111 rn.e 5see //endiC 7)

    They re re.ulrly hndled t te/ertures bo4e their !lsh /oints nd should there!ore norlly be

    stored nd hndled s 'lss III527 /rodu(ts) See =)2)2)

    'utb(, .rdes de *ith sol4ents ore 4oltile thn ,erosine (n h4e !lsh /oints in the 'lss IIrn.e# nd *hen stored# or hndled t te/ertures bo4e their !lsh /oint they should be (lssi!ied

    s 'lss 11527 /rodu(ts !or *hi(h =)2)2 .in *ill //ly)To surise# !lble atmos$heres in (utb(, o/ertions (n o((ur:

    in (utb(, tn, 4/our s/(es t norl *or,in. te/ertures#

    in the 4i(inities o! 4ents !ro tn,s# /rti(ulrly durin. hetin. nd !illin.# in the 4i(inities o! iCin. nd s/ryin. o/ertions)

    Sources of ignition should be (ontrolled in these res) See =)2)2 nd 9)@)1)

    The !(t tht (utb(, bitumens at norl *or,in. te/ertures o!ten /rodu(e tos/heres too ri(hin !lble 4/our to be !lble *ithout ddition o! ir# ust not be relied u/on s s!e.urd

    .inst the /resen(e o! !lble atmos$here !herever they re hndled in (ont(t *ith ir *ith(onseBuent dilution do*n to *ithin the !lble range, e).) t 4ents nd other tn, o/enin.s) For

    the hndlin. o! the cutbac# diluents see =)2)3)

    !.2.2 Bitumen, other than Cut3a8 Grade,This (te.ory in(ludes$enetration, hard nd o&idised .rde bituens *hi(h reBuire di!!erent hndlin.

    in ((ordn(e *ith the !ollo*in.)Bitumens other thn (utb(, .rdes norlly h4e !lsh /oints *hen deterined by (on4entionl test

    ethods *ell in eC(ess o! 100o') They there!ore !ll in the ;Un(lssi!ied rn.e; in //endiC )

    In this //endiC# ttention hs been dr*n to the !(t tht the !lsh /oint test o! bituen or other

    residul /rodu(t held under heted tn,.e (onditions is not relible indi(tor o! the /resen(e or

    bsen(e o! !lble tos/here o! hi.hly 4oltile hydro(rbon 4/ours tht y h4e e4ol4ed

    nd built u/ in the (on!ined tn, ullage s/(e bo4e the bul, heted /rodu(t nd !hi(h (nnot bedete(ted by !lsh /oint test) Thus the !ollo*in. distin(tion hs to be de in re.rd to the hndlin. o!

    these (lsses o! bituen:

    3)2)2)1 Non(utb(, Bitumens (andled in the O/en ir) -e(use o! .ood nturl dis/ersion by *ind

    dis/l(eent in o/en ir# the !lble tos/heres tht y ((uulte o4er /eriod o! tie in

    the (on!ined hed s/(e o! n en(losed heted tn, do not norlly /ersist *hen these heted/rodu(ts re hndled in *ell 4entilted o/en ir lo(tions)

    3)2)2)2 Non(utb(, 6rdes in 'on!ined Stor.e in "eted Tn,.e) Under su(h (on!ined (onditions

    !lble tos/heres (n o((ur:

    5i7 in tn,s *hen stor.e te/ertures eC(eed the Ci re(oended in //endiC -)5ii7 in soe o&idised grade $roduction /lnt rundo*n tn, 4/our s/(es t te/ertures belo* the

    Ci re(oended in //endiC -#5iii7 in tn,s *here istin. hs o((urred due to s/lsh !illin.#

    5i47 in tn,s *here (ontintion *ith lo*er !lsh /oint terils hs o((urred)

    547 in the 4i(inities o! 4ents !ro ny su(h tn,s)

    In n tte/t to better understnd nd (ontrol these o((urren(es) it is i/ortnt to be *re o!

    *hi(h re .rde relted) so tht the obe(ti4e stted in 3)1 o! liit in. the de4elo/ent o! !lble atmos$here and, i! this is not /r(ti(ble) other esures su(h s the (ontrol o! ignition

    sources (n be e!!e(ti4e)


  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    The !(tors underlyin. the e4olution o! su(h flammable 4/ours h4e been in(resin.ly reser(hed

    *ith the !ollo*in. brod beh4iourl /tterns be(oin. noted:

    5i7 Bitumens under the in!luen(e o! het (n be /rone to the .rdul e4olution into the (on!ined

    s/(e o! tn, o! 4/our (onsistin.# in 4rible /ro/ortions ((ordin. to ty/e o! ethne# ;otherhydro(rbon; 5ty/i(lly in the '2but eCtendin. in soe (ses to the '?rn.e7# (rbon onoCide#

    (rbon dioCide# *ter 4/our# nd in soe (ses hydro.en sul/hide 5the reson !or s!e.urdin.

    .inst the /resen(e o! this toCi( teril in soe tn, s/(essee 'h/ter 27)

    5ii7 The de.ree o! the therl (ti4ity tht /rodu(es these (obustible 4/ours is .rde rele4nt) Under het there is less (ti4ity *ith the ;stri.ht; /enetrtion nd hrd .rde residue bituens# (o/red to si.ni!i(ntly .reter !indin. in res/e(t o! the o&idised grades, (ou/led

    *ith the hi.her te/ertures t *hi(h they re stored) The re(tions o((urrin. in the iroCidtion /ro(ess result in ne*ly blo*n teril bein. ore re(ti4e nd sus(e/tible to therl

    !ter(r(,in.) This /otentil !or therl (r(,in. o! !reshly ir blo*n bituen is obser4ed lso

    in the onitorin. o! tn, 4/our s/(es nd hs been !ound to de(rese *ith tie) s *hen the

    /rodu(t is trns!erred !ro the initil tn, to se(ond tn, e4en *hen both re held t the se te/erture)

    These di!!eren(es h4e been t,en ((ount o! in 'h/ter ? Mnu!(ture# in distin.uishin. bet*een

    the /re(utions tht should be t,en in res/e(t o! rundo*n tn,s tht re(ei4e /rodu(t dire(t !ro the

    nu!(turin. ste/ nd in /rti(ulr !or the o&idised grades,(o/red to do*nstre o&idised gradetn,s nd ll (te.ories o! tn,.e !or the non"o&idised grades.

    3)2)2))2)2 Cut3a8 Bitumen,

    $urin. bt(h blendin. to /rodu(e cutbac# bitumen, the 4oltile nture o! the diluent o!ten (uses the4/our s/(e o! the blendin. tn, to /ss throu.h the flammable range durin. the blendin. /ro(ess)

    'onseBuently# flammable 4/our is o!ten dis(hr.ed !ro 4ents to the tos/here round the tn,)

    It is not norlly re(oended to e/loy /ressure84(uu relie! 4l4es or !le rrestors in su(h

    tn, 4ents be(use o! the /robles o! !oulin.) It is there!ore /rti(ulrly i/ortnt to 4oid llsources of ignition in the 4i(inities o! cutbac# tn, 4ents be(use ny i.nition i.ht be trnsitted to

    the tn, 4/our s/(e) See area classification in =)2)2 nd //endiC $)Cutbac# bitumen blendin. should .enerlly be (rried out only in tn,s desi.nted !or tht o/ertion

    nd s!e.urded in ((ordn(e *ith the re(oendtions o! 'h/ter =) 're ust be t,en to

    ensure tht no *ter tht y h4e ((uulted in the diluent hndlin. syste (n /ss throu.h tothe blendin. o/ertion) See =)3)9 nd =)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    =)3 $esi.n !etures (oon to ll bitumen tan#s nd their /i/in. 5but lso in(ludin. =)3)@ detilin.

    the re(oendtions !or instlltion o! oCy.en de/letion !(ilities in o&idised grade rundo!n


    =)< O/ertion)

    =)? Ins/e(tion o! tn,s)=)> Entry nd (lenin. /re(utions# nd hot *or, in stor.e res)

    O/ertors o! stor.e !(ilities should re!er lso to 'h/ters 2# 3# )


    The distin(tion de in 'h/ter 3 bet*een $enetration, hrd nd o&idised grade bitumens to be

    hndled s Un(lssi!ied /rodu(ts nd those 5i)e) cutbac# grades) to be hndled in the 'lss II527 orIII527 (te.ory# !!e(ts the .rou/in.# s/(in. nd bunding o! tn,s nd the re (lssi!i(tion o!

    tn,.e res) %here there is ny doubt o4er the /rodu(t (lss o! the bitumen to be hndled#

    !(ilities should be lo(ted nd rrn.ed s !or 'lss II527 /rodu(ts)

    (.2.1 Bitumen, other than Cut3a8 Grade, D0nla,,ified Produt,

    Tn,s !or $enetration, hard nd o&idised grade bitumens, re(o.nised s Un(lssi!ied /rodu(ts underthe (lssi!i(tion in //endi(es nd $ should be treted s !ollo*s:

    6rou/in. nd S/(in.No /rti(ulr iniu distn(es re re(oended !or the s/(in. o! tn,s (ontinin. these

    /rodu(ts) Tn,s should be rrn.ed nd s/(ed to suit (onstru(tionl nd o/ertionl needs nd to

    /ro4ide deBute ((ess !or obile !ire !i.htin. eBui/ent) See 'h/ter !ro ny /ubli( boundry or o((u/ied *or, /l(e but t

    .reter distn(e i! ne(essry to 4oid ny ris, o! tn, s/ills or froth"over re(hin. the boundry oro((u/ied *or, /l(es su(h s o!!i(es)

    5See =)2)< !or d4i(e *here 'lss 0 or 'lss 1 /rodu(ts re lso /resent in d(ent !(ilities)7

    -undin.Bunding is not ndtory !or these Un(lssi!ied /rodu(ts but lo* di4ersion *lls or dit(hes should

    norlly be /ro4ided to sto/ s/ill.es !ro re(hin. o/ertin. res# /ubli( boundries nd resreBuired !or !ire !i.htin. ((ess)

    re 'lssi!i(tion

    re (lssi!i(tion is the .rdin. o! res o! /lnt into nonhArdous nd hArdous Aones in

    ((ordn(e *ith the li,elihood nd !reBuen(y o! o((urren(e o! !lmable atmos$here. It is .uide

    to the sele(tion o! //ro/rite /rote(tion !or ele(tri(l eBui/ent nd to the (ontrol o4er the lo(tiono! nd 4oidn(e o! nonele(tri(l sources o ignition in su(h res) See //endiC $)

    -e(use o! the /ossibility indi(ted in 3)2)2)2# tht in the (on!ined s/(e o! tn,s holdin. heted

    Un(lssi!ied bitumens there (ould be !lble 4/ours bein. e4ol4ed s result o! lo(lised

    o4erhetin.# it is re(oended tht ll tn,s !or$enetration, hard nd o&idised grade bitumens, in

    the /ro(ess rundo*n# bul, distribution nd user se(tors# should be (lssi!ied one 0 *ithin their

    ull.e s/(e# *ith one / re 1)? in dieter surroundin. ll 4ents nd other tn, o/enin.s)See !oot note to Fi.ure =)1) Only ele(tri(l eBui/ent *ith ty/e of $rotection meeting these Aoned

    reBuireents should be used *ithin these res# nd ll nonele(tri(l sources of ignition should be4oided)

    See 3)2)2)1 !or Un(lssi!ied bitumens in *ell 4entilted un(on!ined (onditions in the o/en ir)

    (.2.2 Cut3a8 Grade, DCla,, IID2 and Cla,, IIID2 Produt,Tn,s !or these .rdes# identi!ied s 'lss II527 or 'lss III527 /rodu(ts 5see 3)2)17# should be

    treted s !ollo*s sin(e the 4/ours tht they 4ent *ill be !lble:

    6rou/in. nd S/(in.

    Tn,s sller thn 10 in dieter (ontinin. these /rodu(ts y be sited to.ether in .rou/s o!

    (obined (/(ity not eC(eedin. @000 M3)

    %ithin su(h .rou/s# no /rti(ulr iniu distn(es re re(oended !or the s/(in. o! tn,s) The

    tn,s should be rrn.ed nd s/(ed to suit (onstru(tionl# o/ertionl nd !ire !i.htin. needs)Miniu distn(es bet*een su(h .rou/s nd tn,s .reter thn 10 in dieter re re(oended

    in Tble =)1)See =)2)< !or d4i(e *here 'lss 0 or 'lss I /rodu(ts re lso /resent)


  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Tn,s (ontinin. these 'lss II527 or III527 cutbac# /rodu(ts should be surrounded by bund *lls

    (/ble o! retinin. the /rodu(t should or tn, s/ill o((ur# unless s/ill.es or le,s !ro ny

    tn, *ould !lo* Bui(,ly nd s!ely 4i di4ersionry *lls to dis/ersion or i/oundin. bsin)

    Se/rte *lls round e(h tn, re not ne(essry but the totl (/(ity o! the tn,s in ny one

    bunded area should not eC(eed >0#000 M3)Bund *lls should be o! hei.ht su!!i(ient to !!ord /rote(tion to /ersonnel en..ed in !ire !i.htin.

    nd should be lo(ted so tht resonbly (lose //ro(h !or obile !ire !i.htin. eBui/ent (n be

    de to ny tn, !ire)

    The net retention (/(ity o! the tn, (o/ound (reted by e(h bund *ll should norlly be t

    lest eBui4lent to the (/(ity o! the lr.est tn, *ithin the bund but y be s little s =? o! this(/(ity *here (onditions re su(h tht there is no ris, to the /ubli( or the en4ironent)

    E!!e(ts on re 'lssi!i(tionTn,s (ontinin. 'lss II527 or III527 cutbac# .rdes should be (onsidered s sour(es of flammable

    va$our !or the /ur/oses o! re (lssi!i(tion)

    res round su(h tn,s should be (lssi!ied s indi(ted in Fi.ure =) 1) -e(use o! the r/id (oolin.

    o! the 4/ours beyond the re sho*n round the 4ents it is not usul to (lssi!y the re *ithin thebund !alls s hArd Aone) Ne4ertheless# sour(es of ignition !ithin the bund should be 4oided

    durin. o/ertions)%here diluents ore 4oltile thn ,erosine# su(h s n/hth# re e/loyed it should be (he(,ed

    *hether under the rn.e o! stor.e te/erture the blended (ut bac# !ill still be 'lss II527# or

    *ould !ll into 'lss I)In the ltter (se# the re (lssi!i(tion should be s in Fi.ure =)2)

    (.2.! Cut3a8 iluent,Derosine diluents stored /rior to blendin. t te/ertures belo* the !lsh /oint *ill be (lssi!ied 'lss

    II5l7# nd re (lssi!i(tion *ill not be reBuired eC(e/t !or one 1 !or their ull.e s/(e nd ldieter one / re surroundin. their 4ents nd other roo! o/enin.s) S/(in. nd bunding

    reBuireents !ollo* those indi(ted in =)2) 1)

    The !lsh /oint (lssi!i(tion o! other diluents should be estblished# nd i! they !ll into 'lss 1 their

    re (lssi!i(tion should be s in Fi.ure =)2# *ith their s/(in. !ro other !(ilities in ((ordn(e*ith Tble =)1) Bunding of su(h 'lss I tn,.e *ill be reBuired)

    Ta3le (.1. Tan8 ,-ain$ for Cla,, IID2 or IIID2 ut3a8 3itumen,

    $es(ri/tion Re(oended $istn(es

    1) -et*een .rou/s o! sll tn,s @

    2) -et*een .rou/ o! sll tn,s nd ny tn, outside the .rou/ @

    3) -et*een tn,s not bein. /rt o! .rou/ o! sll tn,s "l! the dieter o! the

    lr.er tn,the dietero! the sller tn, or

    1? in# *hi(he4er is

    lest# but in no (se less

    thn 10

    ) -et*een tn, nd ny !(ility hndlin. 'lss I /rodu(t 1? sll tn, is ny tn, sller thn 10 in dieter)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Fi$ure (.1) re 'lssi!i(tion !or 'lss II527 or 'lss III527 'utb(, -ituens Stored t

    Te/ertures bo4e their Flsh/oints

    Note,1) Re!eren(e 'h/ter =# =)2)22) The re inside the bund is not (lssi!ied re !or these cutbac#s

    3) For bitumens other thn (utb(, .rdes# i)e)$enetration, hard nd o&idised grades, only the one 1 inside the hed s/(e# nd the one / rdius surroundin. to/ or .round le4el 4ents *ill //ly *ith 1)? rdius) See =)2)1

    Fi$ure (.2.'one Roo! Tn, !or 'lss I $iluents 5t,en !ro Fi.ure 3)1 o! the IP re 'lssi!i(tion

    'ode 19907Note, 1) Re!eren(e 'h/ter =# =)2)3

    2) The bo4e re (lssi!i(tion //lies to ll 'lss 1 /etroleu /rodu(ts in bient stor.e

    Further d4i(e on the tretent o! tn,s (ontinin. these diluents is .i4en in the IP Mr,etin. nd

    Re!inin. S!ety 'odes)

    (.2.# Pro7imity of Bitumen Tan8a$e to Cla,, and Cla,, I Produt Failitie,

    -e(use o! their /otentil !or auto"ignition round l..in.# tn,s (ontinin. bitumens o! ll (lsses

    should not be lo(ted in res (lssi!ied s hazardous risin. !ro 'lss 0 or 'lss I /rodu(t hndlin.

    !(ilities) For eC/le# su(h tn, should norlly be lo(ted t lest 1? !ro ny tn, (ontinin.

    'lss I /rodu(t nd not be /l(ed in the se bunded (o/ound s 'lss I or 'lss 0 /rodu(t



  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Tn,s ust be desi.ned nd (onstru(ted to (on!or to the rele4nt sttutory reBuireents o! the

    (ountry in *hi(h they re instlled) In the United Din.do# ild steel (ylindri(l tn,s should

    (on!or to -S 2>?

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    utoti( le4el indi(tors nd lrs re to be /re!erred to nul di//in. !or routine le4el (ontrol)


  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    (.!.) Controlled O7y$en e-letion Failitie,

    %here# s in the re(oendtion in ?)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    (.!.1! Pi-ewor8 Sy,tem,

    Pi/e*or, systes *hi(h i.ht be le!t !ull o! bitumen bet*een o/ertions should h4e deBute

    therl insultion nd tr(e hetin. !(ilities to /re4ent blo(,.e due to solidi!i(tion o! the /rodu(t)

    %here tr(e hetin. is /ro4ided# ho*e4er# s/e(il (re is ne(essry to 4oid betin. liBuid!ullse(tions tr//ed bet*een (losed blo(, 4l4es or /lu.s o! solid /rodu(t) Pressure relie! 4l4es (nnot

    norlly be relied u/on to /rote(t se(tions o! heted liBuid!ull bitumen /i/e*or, .inst the

    hydruli( /ressures *hi(h (n be /rodu(ed by therl eC/nsion) See lso =)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    4oid in.ress o! *ter throu.h o/en ht(hes nd nholes on the roo! o! tn,# /rti(ulrly *hen

    !ire !i.htin. or eer.en(y tn, (oolin.#

    ensure tht ll *ter hs been e!!e(ti4ely reo4ed !ro ny cutbac# diluent syste be!ore the

    diluent is /ssed to bituen tn,#

    4oid nd ,e re.ulr (he(,s !or le,s in ste (oils) See =)?)7# durin. risin. o! the tn, te/erture#

    i! the tn, i.ht (ontin !lble tos/here# durin. ny outbre, o! !ire in the 4i(inity#

    durin. /eriods o! hi.h *ind#

    durin. ele(tri( stors)

    (.#.( Control of Pyro-hori e-o,it, in Bitumen Tan8a$e Dother than &anufaturin$

    4undown Tan8, for O7idi,ed Grade,


    The (ir(ustn(es under *hi(h solid (rbon(eous de/osits on the *lls or the roo! res o! bitumen

    tan#s (n be(oe self"heating are still not l*ys !ully understood) s indi(ted in 3)3)? the

    oCidtion /ro(ess tht o((urs *ith su(h de/osits (n be slo* re(tion tht norlly /rodu(es no

    si.ni!i(nt lo(l te/erture rise)This is the norl eC/erien(e *ith o&idised grade non rundo*n tn,s# nd *ith rundo*n nd

    nonrundo*n tn,s !or the other bitumen grades.

    "o*e4er# *here de/osits re /resent there is l*ys soe ris# tht self"heating i.ht o((ur) This

    i.ht or i.ht not be i/ortnt in ny /rti(ulr (se# sin(e this is de/endent u/on the li,elihood o!

    the /resen(e o! !lble le4el in the 4/our s/(e)

    These !(tors h4e been re4ie*ed in 3)2)2)2# 3)3)># ?)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    The stedy stte slo* oCidtion /ro(ess tht o((urs *ith ty/i(l de/osits in the bo4e (te.ory 5iii7

    tn,.e hs been entioned in 3)3)? nd =)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Fro tie to tie bituen tn,s h4e to be t,en out o! ser4i(e !or /ur/oses su(h s /rodu(t

    (hn.e# ins/e(tion nd intenn(e) $e(oissionin. /ro(edures nd their /re(utions *ill di!!er


    In ll (ses *here /ersonnel *ill h4e to enter the tn, !or ins/e(tion nd8or (lenin. /ur/oses

    eCtensi4e /re(utions !or de(oissionin. nd gas"freeing //ly be!ore nyone y enter) Thissube(t is (o/rehensi4ely delt *ith in the IP Tn, 'lenin. S!ety 'ode to *hi(h re!eren(e should

    be de)

    In the (se o! bitumen tn,s *hi(h h4e been o/erted under oCy.en de/leted tos/heres su(h s

    inert gas or ste 5see =)3)@7# there y be n in(resed ris# o! the /resen(e o! $yro$horic

    (rbon(eous nd8or iron sul/hide de$osits. These i.ht be(oe re(ti4e nd /otentil source ofignition !or ny flammable 4/ours in the tn,# s *ell s !or the de/osits thesel4es# *hen the inert.s8ir tos/here is bein. re/l(ed by !resh ir *ith norl bient oCy.en (ontent) It is there!ore

    re(oended *here su(h ris# eCists tht# !ter e/tyin. out nd (ool do*n o! the tn,# the inertedtn, tos/here is not dire(tly dis/l(ed by ir)

    Methods to dis/l(e hydro(rbon 4/ours (n in(lude (ontinued /ur.in. by inert .s or ste# or

    *ter dis/l(eent) In the ltter (se# (re is reBuired to ensure tht the tn, is not !illed to bo4e

    the Ciu le4el llo*ed !or by the tn, nd !oundtion desi.n) Only !ter this dis/l(eent/ro(ess hs been (o/leted should the tn, be isolted !ro the inert .s su//ly nd o/ened to the

    tos/here to llo* ir to enter *hen the *ter is subseBuently slo*ly drined !ro the tn,)%hene4er *ter is introdu(ed into tn,s eCtree (re is reBuired to ensure tht no *ter is

    reinin. in the tn, or sso(ited /i/e*or, /rior to re!illin. *ith hot bitumen. 5See =)>)>7

    (.'.2 Entry into Bitumen Tan8,

    Tn,s *hi(h h4e (ontined bitumen y# e4en *hen (old# (ontin /etroleu 4/ours nd8or

    hydro.en sul/hide nd y lso be de!i(ient in oCy.en)There should there!ore be no entry o! /ersonnel either !ull body or si/ly hed nd shoulders#

    *ithout $ermit to !or# /ro(edure to ensure tht ll the ne(essry /re(utions re t,en)These /re(utions should in(lude /ro4ision to ensure tht the tn, is:

    drined (ler o! bitumen s !r s /r(ti(ble#

    isolted !ro ll sour(es o! !luid other thn !resh ir# by s/din. or bln,in. o! ll /i/es nd du(tsnd by 4oidin. ll dis(hr.es o! flammable and toCi( 4/ours in the 4i(inities o! tn, o/enin.s

    (losed 4l4es# e4en *hen lo(,ed o!! nd de ino/erble# re not ((e/tble s s!e ens o!isoltion)

    isolted !ro ll sour(es o! het nd /o*er)

    (ooled throu.hout s nerly s resonbly /r(ti(ble to bient te/erture)

    4entilted thorou.hly *ith !resh ir# by o/enin. u//er nd lo*er nholes)

    tested throu.hout by (o/etent /erson# *erin. //ro/rite /rote(ti4e eBui/ent# !or the

    /resen(e o! flammable 4/ours nd hydro.en sul/hide nd !or the deBu(y o! the oCy.en(on(entrtion !or brethin.)

    I! there re ny si.ns o! soulderin. *ithin the tn,# /ossibly due to /yro/hori( de/osits# the re

    (on(erned should be d/ed do*n *ith *ter nd ,e/t d/ until the de/osits (n be reo4ed)

    Prti(ulr (re is ne(essry# *hen enterin. un(lened bitumen tn,s# to 4oid the ris#s to /ersonnel

    !ro !ilin. lu/s o! bitumen or (rbon(eous de/osit *hi(h y h4e be(oe det(hed !ro the*ll or roo! durin. (oolin.)

    The$ermit to !or# should s/e(i!y ny (onstrints on the ty/es o! tools nd li.htin. *hi(h y beused inside the tn,)

    (.'.2.1Entry %ithout -rethin. //rtus For entry *ithout breathing a$$aratus it should be en

    sured tht:

    !lble 4/ours re no*here in the tn, t (on(entrtions in eC(ess o!

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    %hen entry into tn, reBuires the use o! breathing a$$aratus !or resons o! toCi(ity or oCy.en

    de!i(ien(y o! the tos/here it should be ensured tht:

    !lble 4/ours re no*here in the tn, t (on(entrtions in eC(ess o! 2? o! the lo!er flam"

    mable limit, n ttendnt is /osted t the tn, entry n*y to,ee/ obser4tion on the /eo/le *ithin the tn,)

    "e should be eBui//ed *ith sel! (ontined breathing a$$aratus nd the ens to rise n lr)

    Use o! li!e line should be (onsidered)

    se(ond /erson is res/onsible !or ensurin. stis!(tory ir su//ly !ro the (o/ressor unit to

    the /ersonnel in the tn,# ny ir (o/ressor su//lyin. ir to /ersonnel in the tn,# is lo(ted so tht its ir int,e is in s!e /osition nd reote !ro en.ine eChust or other (ontintion#

    no *or, other thn ins/e(tion is undert,en in the tn,)

    (.'.2.!The Monitorin. o! the tos/here %ithin the Tn, Throu.hout ny /eriod o! entry# *ith or

    *ithout breathing a$$aratus, the tos/here *ithin the tn, should be onitored by .s tests# s

    ne(essry# to ensure tht it does not deteriorte beyond the liits indi(ted) Re(he(,s re ne(essry!ter e4ery /eriod *hen the tn, hs been le!t unttended)

    (.'.! Tan8 Cleanin$

    The build u/ o! (rbon(eous de/osits round hetin. (oils nd in (ertin *ll nd roo! res o((urs

    *ith ost .rdes o! bitumen. It usully be(oes //rent !ro (hn.es in the ln, *or,in. (/(ity#!ro di!!i(ulties in intinin. tn, te/ertures# or !ro di!!i(ulties in (hie4in. the reBuired !lo* o!

    /rodu(t !ro the tn,) It (n be (on!ired by 4isul ins/e(tion but this usully ne(essittes e/tyin.

    nd (oolin. the tn,)s .enerl rule (rbon(eous de/osits re ost esily reo4ed by drinin. the tn, s !r s

    /ossible#(oolin. the reinin. (ontents to bient te/erture nd then (hi//in. out# usin. either

    e(hni(l (uttin. tools or hi.h /ressure *ter ets) It (n hel/ to s*it(h the tn, to hi.h softening

    $oint .rde ieditely be!ore e/tyin. so s to Ciise the brittleness o! the teril to be

    reo4ed e(hni(lly) I! /ersonnel entry is reBuired# the tn, should be /re/red s indi(ted in=)>)2 bo4e) Prote(ti4e (lothin. in(ludin. dust s,s nd eye $rotectors should l*ys be *orn *hen

    (hi//in. bitumen.%hen usin. e(hni(l tools !or (hi//in. out there is ine4itbly soe ris# o! d.e to tn, (oils

    nd !ittin.s)

    're!ul ins/e(tion is there!ore ne(essry !ter (lenin. nd be!ore !urther use)

    The use o! hi.h /ressure *ter ets is s/e(ilised o/ertion *hi(h should only be (rried out by

    /ersonnel eC/erien(ed in the te(hniBue nd //lyin. ll the s/e(il ised s!e.urds ne(essry)

    'rbon(eous nd other de/osits reo4ed !ro bitumen tn,s# /rti(ulrly those *hi(h h4e(ontined

    hydro.en sul/hide# should be ,e/t *et until they (n be dis/osed o! to n re *here they (n be

    llo*ed to oCidise !reely *ithout ris#s !ro ny lo(l self"heating *hi(h i.ht o((ur) They (n usully

    be dis/osed o! ultitely to li(ensed lnd!ill sites)

    For .enerl in!ortion on tn, (lenin. re!er to the IP Tn, 'lenin. S!ety 'ode)

    (.'.# Hot 5or8 in Tan8a$e rea,

    Bitumen tn,.e res should be desi.nted s ignition source (ontrol res nd ny use o! o/en!les or s/r, /rodu(in. eBui/ent should be .o4erned by $ermit to !or#.

    -e!ore ny su(h *or, is llo*ed# *hi(h should be (rried out only by trined nd (o/etent /ersons#


    !ollo*in. /re(utions should be t,en: to ensure tht the re o! *or, reins !ree !ro ny flammable va$ours su(h s i.ht be dis

    (hr.ed !ro tn, 4ents or s/ills in the 4i(inity# to 4oid ny (hn(e tht !les or s/r,s y be trnsitted !ro the re o! the *or, into n

    re not s!e.urded .inst the in.ress o! flammable va$ours,

    to 4oid the (retion o! flammable atmos$heres in (on!ined s/(es resultin. !ro the o4erhetin.

    o! (rbon(eous terils#

    to onitor the tos/here in the re .inst the /resen(e of flammable gases nd 4/ours

    throu.h out the /eriod o! the *or,)

    dditionl !ire !i.htin. eBui/ent# //ro/rite to the ris#s, should l*ys be /ro4ided in the 4i(inityo! the *or, *hile it is in /ro.ress)

    (.'.% Hot 5or8 on Bitumen Tan8,

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    -e!ore ny hot !or# is strted inside bitumen tn,# the tn, ust be /re/red s !or entry *ithout

    breathing a$$aratus 5see =)>)27) dditionlly in this (se it should be ensured tht:

    !lble va$ours re no*here in the tn, t (on(entrtions in eC(ess o! 1 o! the lo!er flam"

    mable limit, bitumen nd (rbon(eous de/osits re (lened *y s !r s /r(ti(ble !ro the 4i(inity o! the

    hot !or# so s to iniise the ris#s o! 4/our /rodu(tion nd bitumen i.nition#

    ventilation *ith !resh ir is .ood enou.h to (ler r/idly ny 4/ours /rodu(ed#

    /ro4isions re de to /rote(t .inst the i.nition o! ny reinin. bitumen or (rbon(eous de

    /osits not (lened *y)

    Siilr /re(utions re ne(essry be!ore ny hot !or# is strted on the outside o! bitumen tn, or

    ner ny 4/our 4ent !ro the tn,# unless lternti4e rrn.eents re de to avoid flammableatmos$heres in the tn, 4/our s/(e !or the durtion o! the *or,) 5Note tht in the United Din.do#

    under Se(tion 31 o! the 19>1 F(tories (t# s/e(il dis/enstion is reBuired !ro the "elth nd

    S!ety ECe(uti4e !or hot !or# on the outside o! tn, (ontinin. bitumen.)

    (.'.' 4eturn of Tan8, to Ser"ie

    -e!ore return o! tn, to hot bitumen ser4i(e /rti(ulr (re is ne(essry to ensure tht ll !ree*ter hs been reo4ed !ro the tn, botto nd (onne(tin. /i/e *or,)

    !ter dryin. out s !r s /r(ti(ble# by drinin. nd o//in. u/# nd be!ore returnin. the tn, to

    !ull ser4i(e# dryness tril is re(oended) This should be done by /uttin. enou.h bitumen t te/erture not .reter thn 90o' into the tn, to (o4er the (oils to de/th o! 1 Ciu nd

    then hetin. to bout 120o' under te/erture (ontrol !or bout 2< hours)



    ).1 INT4O0CTION

    This (h/ter dels inly *ith the bul, trns!er o! bituen by rod# ril nd shi/) 'onsidertion islso .i4en to the hndlin. o! /(,.ed bitumen.

    O/ertors o! bitumen trns/ort !(ilities should re!er lso to 'h/ters 2# 3# < nd 10)

    ).2 B0*: T4NSPO4T CONTINE4S

    ).2.1 4oad 9 ;The Pressure Systes nd Trns/ortble 6s 'ontiners Re.ultions 19@9; reobser4ed)

    rod 4ehi(le tn, intended !or dis(hr.e only by /u/ nd not reBuired to o/erte t /ressures ineC(ess o! ?00 illibr .u.e# should be desi.ned to .ood industry stndrds) It should be !itted *ith

    relie! 4l4e to /rote(t .inst ny /ossible hydruli( o4er/ressure)

    Sttutory re.ultions ;The $n.erous Substn(es 5'on4eyn(e by Rod in Rod Tn,ers nd Tn,

    'ontiners7 Re.ultions 19@1; //ly *ithin the United Din.do (on(ernin. the eCintion# testin.

    nd (erti!i(tion o! tn,s nd !ittin.s !or the trns/ort o! bitumen by rod t te/ertures in eC(ess

    o! 100o')n eC/le o! the (urrent (azard %rnin. Pnel *hi(h# under these Re.ultions# ust be dis/lyed

    in the UD on ny 4ehi(le (rryin. bitumen t te/erture bo4e 100o' to *rn tht it is (rryin.

    hot liBuid# is .i4en in Fi.ure @)1)

    n eC/le o! the Trns/ort Eer.en(y 'rd *hi(h dditionlly the dri4er ust (rry in the (b o!

    the 4ehi(le is .i4en in Fi.ure @)2)

    EBui4lent ntionl or $R reBuireents should be !ollo*ed in other (ountries)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code



    1 The 'ode !i.ures nd sybol in the boCes nd the diensions o! the /nel re s s/e(i!ied by the /resent UD $n.erousSubstn(es 5'on4eyn(e by Rod in Rod Tn,ers nd Tn, 'ontiners7 Re.ultions 19@1) The 'ode 2% nd the sybol in thediond /nel indi(te tht the lod (rried is hot liBuid# *ith the nuber =033 bein. llo(ted in the UD !or bitumen.

    2 Under !orth(oin. re4ision o! the 19@1 Re.ultions# eC/e(ted to (oe out in lte 19908erly 1991# ne* diond sybol*ill be introdu(ed) lthou.h ost bitumens no* (oe under the UD identi!i(tion nuber =033# i! bitumen hs flash $ointbelo* ??;' 5i)e) cutbac#s), it *ill be (o4ered by the identi!i(tion nuber 1999 nd the hazard *rnin. sybol *ill be the one//ro/rite to flammable liBuids)

    3 There is no eBui4lent to =033 in $R# nd the nuber sho*n in (ountries usin. this syste is 1999# *ith the //ro/ritehazard *rnin. nuber 30# nd the $R diond hazard *rnin. si.n)

    Fi$ure ).1Ty/i(l 'urrent "Ard %rnin. Pnel !or -ituen Rod nd Ril Tn,ers in the UD

    ).2.2 4ailar Tan8,

    The desi.n# (onstru(tion# intenn(e# testin. nd eCintion o! ril(r tn,s !or use *ithin the UDre .o4erned by -ritish Ril re.ultions)

    For bitumen trns/orted t te/ertures in eC(ess o! 100 o'# the -ritish Ril re.ultions reBuire tht

    ril(rs dis/ly (azard %rnin. Pnels# nd tht the trin dri4er (rries Trns/ort Eer.en(y 'rd#

    siilr to the /nel nd (rd 5Fi.ures @) 1 nd @)27 used !or rod 4ehi(les)

    Tran,-ort Emer$eny Card D4oadSu3,tane Identifiation No (!!

    Emer$eny tion Code 2 5

    Car$o -ITUMEN 5"OT7

    "ot bl(, liBuid *ith /er(e/tible odour)$oes not iC *ith *ter)

    Nature of Haard "i.h te/ertures o! /rodu(t *ill (use se4ere burns i! in

    (ont(t *ith the s,in)

    ny introdu(tion o! *ter# be(use o! the hi.h /rodu(t

    te/erture# (n (use the tn, to boil o4er nd the hotliBuid to be eC/elled 4iolently)

    ll .rdes *ill i.nite t hi.h te/ertures)

    Proteti"e e"ie, "e4y duty .lo4es)S!ety helet *ith !ull !(e 4isor)

    Ne(, /rote(tion)

    Emer$eny tion NOTIF+ EMER6EN'+ SERI'ES IMME$ITEL+

    4oad ident or Sto/ 4ehi(le en.ine)

    S-illa$e No n,ed li.hts) No so,in.)

    Shut o!! le,s i! this (n be done *ithout ris,)

    Dee/ /ubli( *y !ro /ossible dn.er re) 'ontin le,in. liBuid *ith snd or erth)

    Pre4ent liBuid enterin. drins# bseents# et() I! substn(e hs entered *ter (ourse or drin or hs

    (ontinted soil or 4e.ettion) in!or the /oli(e)

    Fire I! eC/osed to !ire ,ee/ 4ehi(le tn, (ool usin. !ine *ters/ry 5!o.7)

    ECtin.uish !ire by dry (hei(l# !o or !ine *ter s/ry

    5!o.7) $o not use *ter et)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Fir,t id I! the substn(e hs s/lshed into the eyes# (ool ieditely

    *ith (old runnin. *ter !or t lest ? inutes)

    S,in burns should ieditely be /lun.ed under (oldrunnin. *ter nd held there !or t lest 10 inutes or until

    thorou.hly (old) No tte/t should be de to reo4e (old bituen *hi(h

    hs dhered to the s,in)

    Send (sulty to hos/itl)

    dditional information will he -ro"ided 3y the

    manufaturer. Tele-hone ..

    This (rd hs been /re/red by the Institute o! Petroleu !ro the best in!ortion 4ilble to eet thereBuireents o! Re.ultion 10 o! S)I) 19@1 No) 10?9 but no res/onsibility is ((e/ted o! *htsoe4er ,ind# !ord.e or lle.ed d.e risin. or other*ise o((urrin. in or bout /reises# res or 4ehi(les to *hi(hthis (rd hs been //lied)

    Fi$ure ).2.TeCt o! Trns/ort Eer.en(y 5Tre7 'rd !or -ituen) Ibis hs been issued by the

    Institute o! Petroleu to eet the reBuireent !or eer.en(y .uidn(e to be ,e/t 4ilble in the

    dri4er;s (b o! rod tn,er# nd by the dri4er o! ril trin

    Ne* ril(r tn,s intended !or dis(hr.e by ir or inert .s /ressure# should be desi.ned nd


    to the -ritish Stndrd /ressure 4essel (ode 5See @)2) 17 or eBui4lent) Ril(r tn,s (onstru(ted to!orer stndrds y be used in the UD sube(t to *ritten //ro4l by the "elth nd S!ety

    ECe(uti4e)ll ril(rs should be !itted *ith relie! 4l4es deBute !or the relie! o! ny /ossible /neuti( or hyd

    ruli( o4er/ressure)Ril(rs should be eCined internlly t re.ulr inter4ls) Ty/i(lly !or su(h (rs# (lenin. to reo4e

    de/osits is li,ely to be reBuired e4ery t*o to !i4e yers nd it is norlly su!!i(ient to (rry out

    internl eCintion t the se !reBuen(y) Reo4l o! l..in. !or eCternl eCintion should be

    (rried out on re.ulr rndo s/le bsis)

    ).2.! Shi- and Bar$e Tan8,The tn,s o! shi/s nd br.es !or the trns/ort o! hot bitumens, ust be s/e(i!i(lly desi.ned !or the

    te/ertures nd (hr(teristi(s o! the /rodu(ts in4ol4ed)Further .uidn(e on the desi.n nd (onstru(tion o! su(h tn,s is outside the s(o/e o! this (ode) See

    lso @)9)

    ).2.# Internal Heatin$ Tu3e,Rod nd ril 4ehi(les !or the trns/ort o! bituen y be !itted *ith ste (oils or !le tube

    heaters.%here !le tube heaters are !itted# their 4erti(l eChust risers y be ounted on the outside o!

    the tn, or y /ss throu.h the tn, 4/our s/(e) %here n internl eChust riser is !itted# hi.h#

    sur!(e te/ertures in the tn, 4/our s/(e should be 4oided by ens o! suitbly insulted

    (onstru(tion)Fle hetin. tubes nd eChust risers should l*ys be intined in (len (ondition s soot nd

    rust (n .i4e rise to o4erhetin. (usin. lo(l hot s/ots) They should be eCined !reBuently !orsi.ns o! thinnin. nd they should be re/l(ed s ne(essry)

    ).2.% Gau$e, and Fittin$,

    Pressure .u.es# /ressure relie! 4l4es nd thero*ells !or theroeters should be !itted to ll rod

    nd ril 4ehi(le tn,s) They should be desi.ned nd lo(ted !or /rote(tion .inst i/(t) They

    should be (lened nd (he(,ed re.ulrly)It is re(oended tht ster theroeter be ,e/t !or the (he(,in. o! ll ser4i(e theroeters)

    The ster theroeter should be /ro4ed t re.ulr inter4ls)

    ((ess !or o/enin. ht(hes on the to/ o! e(h rod tn,er nd ril(r tn, should be /ro4ided by

    ens o! !iCed ldder nd nonsli/ *l,*y o! deBute *idth)

    ehi(le ounted tn,s re usully /ro4ided *ith sin.le botto outlet h4in. t*o 4l4es in series to

    redu(e the ris# o! s/ill.e in the e4ent o! 4l4e !ilure)The inner 4l4e should be desi.ned so tht *hen the tn, is in use the 4l4e reins t

    te/erture su!!i(ient to /re4ent /lu..in.)I!# due to le,.e o! the inner 4l4e# /lu. o! solid bitumen !ors bet*een the t*o 4l4es# dis(hr.e

    /i/e *or, should be /ro/erly (onne(ted be!ore ny tte/t is de to (ler the /lu. by o/enin. the

    t*o 4l4es siultneously) See @)11)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    ents should be sited *ell *y !ro heter eChust outlets)

    Relie! 4l4es should be shielded .inst be(oin. !ouled by bitumen s/lshes inside the tn,)

    ).! 4O N 4I* TN: CCESS GNT4IES

    Bitumen and cutbac# tn, 4ehi(les re norlly loded throu.h to/ (onne(tions on the 4ehi(le tn,)

    It is

    there!ore ne(essry to /ro4ide s!e ens o! ((ess to the 4ehi(le tn, to/ !or lodin. o/ertions)

    Su(h ens o! ((ess should be /ro4ided by *y o! gantry *ith *or,in. /lt!or lon. or (ross

    the 4ehi(le ust bo4e tn, to/ le4el)3antries should lso be /ro4ided *here4er s/les re to be t,en !ro the to/s o! 4ehi(le tn,s)See 'h/ter 10)

    ).!.1 *ayout of 4oad Gantrie,

    Tr!!i( lne nd gantry lyouts in rod lodin. res should be desi.ned to ((oodte# *ithout

    (on.estion# the lon.est 4ehi(les# ri.id or other*ise# li,ely to be used) They should be lid out !or one

    *y lo* o! 4ehi(les nd should 4oid# *here /r(ti(ble# the (rossin. o! 4ehi(le stres)Sli/ rods should be /ro4ided to llo* 4ehi(les to le4e the instlltion in (se o! eer.en(y *ithout

    /ssin. throu.h the gantries. uCiliry !(ilities su(h s *shin. bys# dinistrti4e sto/s nd!uellin. stnds should not obstru(t norl tr!!i( !lo*)

    ).!.2 Con,trution3antries should be (onstru(ted in steel nd8or (on(rete)

    ny (lddin. sheets used should be o! teril tht does not su//ort (obustion)

    The gantry nd its eBui/ent should be /rote(ted .inst ((identl d.e !ro 4ehi(les by the useo!

    bollrds# hi.h rod (urbs or other e!!e(ti4e ens)Plt!ors nd stirs should be /ro4ided *ith nonsli/ sur!(es) O/en .rid /lt!ors nd stir treds

    should be 4oided *here there is eBui/ent or ((ess !or /ersonnel beneth# unless suitble ens

    re /ro4ided !or /rote(tion .inst bitumen releses)

    ).!.! Control of

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    3antries !or bitumen should /re!erbly be dedi(ted to bitumen nd siilr /rodu(ts) 'obintion

    *ith 'lss I /etroleu /rodu(t lodin. should not be llo*ed)

    On gantries *hi(h dis/ense ore thn one .rde or /rodu(t# e(h lodin. syste should be (lerly

    r,ed to indi(te the /rodu(t it ser4es) The IP Produ(t Identi!i(tion Syste nd (olour (odin. y

    be used) See =)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    ).'.! Thermal In,ulation

    Metlli( hoses y be therlly insulted !or /ersonnel /rote(tion) "o*e4er# it should be noted tht

    insultion restri(ts the !leCibility o! the hose nd ,es hndlin. ore di!!i(ult) It lso substntilly

    hinders ins/e(tion nd y (on(el (orrosion)

    ).'.# Handlin$ and Su--ort in 0,e

    "oses nd hose sseblies should l*ys be hndled *ith (re) They should not be dr..ed or rolled

    in nner *hi(h brdes or t*ists the body o! the hose)

    Rubber hoses should not be llo*ed to (oe into (ont(t *ith hot sur!(es su(h s ste /i/es)

    hose# *hen in use# should be deButely su//orted lon. its !ull len.th# either by restin. on the.round or by sus/ension usin. slin.s *ith sddles# to s/red the lod nd /re4ent bendin. to rdiiless thn the nu!(turer;s re(oendtion)

    ).'.% &ar8in$ and In,-etion

    "oses nd hose sseblies should be /ernently nd le.ibly r,ed in ((ordn(e *ith -S >130 or


    On e(h o((sion be!ore use# hose sseblies should be (he(,ed by the user !or si.ns o! brsion#s/littin.# ,in,in.# s*ellin. or !lttenin. o! the hose nd !or ny d.e to the (ou/lin.s nd their

    tt(hents)They should be 4isully ins/e(ted t lest e4ery three onths by (o/etent nd res/onsible

    /erson# other thn the norl user)

    They should be reo4ed !ro ser4i(e t lest nnully !or eCintion nd testin. by com$etentins$ector in ((ordn(e *ith the nu!(turer;s re(oendtions) This *ill norlly entil reo4l

    o! insultion to !(ilitte the eCintion)

    Re(ords o! ll ins/e(tions# eCintions nd tests should be ,e/t in re.ister)There should be /ro(edure !or de(idin. *hen hose ssebly is no lon.er !it !or ser4i(e) "oses nd

    sseblies dis(rded s *orn or de!e(ti4e should be destroyed or /linly r,ed to 4oid reuse)

    ).'.' Pre,,ure Te,tin$

    "oses o! rein!or(ed rubber (onstru(tion *ill# in ddition to the re.ulr 4isul ins/e(tion# norlly

    reBuire /ressure testin. to the s/e(i!i( re(oendtions o! the nu!(turer or to -S 1)2 nd @)>)< *ith# in the (se *here /ottin. hose is used# (re t,en tht theun!ln.ed end (nnot /ull out o! the 4essel) lternti4ely lodin. rs or (hutes y be used)

    The /resen(e o! *ter or ny other teril (/ble o! bein. 4/orised in (ont(t *ith hot bitumenshould be eti(ulously 4oided in ny /rt o! the lodin. syste# or in the rod or ril(r tht is to be

    loded# so tht !rotho4er *ill not o((ur# *ith (onseBuent hArd)

    'ontinuously heted /i/elines *ill norlly be !ree o! oisture# nd there should be no

    inter(onne(tions *hereby *ter (ould be introdu(ed into the lodin. syste)

    %here the /resen(e o! *ter in /i/eline is sus/e(ted !or ny reson it should be eliinted be!ore

    lodin. or unlodin. o/ertions re (oen(ed# by (utious blo*in. *ith dry ir or inert gas) Thiso/ertion should only be (rried out under stri(t su/er4ision# nd t te/erture tht does not

    eC(eed the liit in //endiC -)%hen 4ehi(le tn, hs been used !or bitumen emulsion or i!# e4en !ter drinin.# the /resen(e o!

    *ter is sus/e(ted# the tn, should initilly be slo*ly nd only /rtilly !illed) U/ to one hour should

    then be llo*ed !or ny *ter to be ser(hed out nd !or !rothin. to subside# be!ore (ontinuin. *ith

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    lodin.)Anti" foam agents re bene!i(il in (ontrollin. !rothin.) They re ore e!!e(ti4e *hen dded

    be!ore lodin. (oen(es thn *hen dded durin. the o/ertion) "o*e4er their ddition should be

    (lered *ith the ultite user)

    ).).2 *oadin$ Tem-erature,The te/ertures (hosen !or des/t(h o! bitumens or cutbac#s in bul, 4ehi(les should be s lo* s

    /r(ti(ble# (onsistent *ith e!!i(ient on*rd hndlin.) The lodin. te/erture should ne4er be in

    eC(ess o! the Ciu !or the .rde .i4en in //endiC -)

    ).).! Condition, urin$ *oadin$5o source of ignition should be /eritted *ithin 3 o! the tn, 4ehi(le *hile lodin.)5o /erson should be on to/ o! or on the .round in the 4i(inity o! the tn, 4ehi(le re(ei4in. the hot

    bitumen, in (se o! s/ill or froth"over. See @)3)?)The /erson res/onsible !or lodin. should intin (onstnt *t(h !ro the lodin. (ontrol sttion

    5see @)3)?7 durin. the o/ertion) I! he le4es the /lt!or# !illin. should (ese nd ll 4l4es should

    be (losed) dedn;s hndle y be /ro4ided on the lodin. 4l4e to ensure this)

    In order to iniise the eC/osure o! the loder to fumes, lodin. should not t,e /l(e in (on!ineds/(e)

    %here ventilation around the lodin. /oint is un4oidbly restri(ted# (onsidertion should be .i4en tothe /ro4ision o! a fume e&traction syste)

    Su!!i(ient ullage should be le!t in the 4ehi(le tn, !ter lodin. to llo* !or the eC/nsion *hi(h *ill

    result !ro ny subseBuent rehetin.)

    ).).# Condition, urin$ Tran,it

    ll tn, to/ /ertures# other thn relie! 4l4e dis(hr.e /orts) should be se(urely (losed nd !stenedbe!ore 4ehi(les re o4ed)

    ehi(le tn,s should not be heted *hilst bein. o4ed)

    ).).% Pre-aration for i,har$e

    Rehetin. o! rod or ril tn, y be reBuired be!ore the /rodu(t (n be dis(hr.ed e!!i(iently)

    No tte/t should be de to rehet bitumen in trns/ort tn, by the use o! ste or !le tubeheter *hen the bitumen level is less thn 1?0 bo4e the hetin. tubes) %hen rehetin. is

    reBuired in su(h (ses# the le4el o! the (ontents should !irst be (he(,ed nd su!!i(ient hot bitumen o!the se .rde should be dded to brin. it t lest to this le4el bo4e the tubes be!ore //lyin. the


    -e!ore hetin.# the 4ehi(le should be lo(ted in le4el /osition *ith the br,e !ull on) Fire

    eCtin.uishers should be redily ((essible) 5See 'h/ter

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    (he(, should be de be!ore de/rture tht ll ht(hes# (o4ers nd 4l4es on the 4ehi(le tn, re

    (losed nd se(ured in the (losed /osition)


    )./.1 5har"e, and ;ettie,

    The /rin(i/l (on(erns !or the lodin. nd unlodin. o! bitumen (r.oes re tht there should be:

    deBute ens o! ((ess nd es(/e in the e4ent o! !ire t the lodin. or unlodin. ni!old#

    deBute shi/shore (ouni(tion#

    *ritten eer.en(y /ro(edures#

    deBute rrn.eents !or !ire !i.htin.# in(ludin. /ro4ision o! !irst tt(, eBui/ent nd

    ((ess !or !ire !i.htin. //lin(es) See 'h/ter

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    'ontrolled !le hetin.# usin. n LP6 tor(h or eBui4lent on the outside o! /i/e or 4l4e to (ler

    blo(,.e *ithin# should be llo*ed only *here there is no resonbly /r(ti(ble lternti4e) -urnin.

    oil so,ed r.s ust not be used !or this /ur/ose) %here !le hetin. is /eritted lo(lly# s/e(i!i(

    /ro(edure should be estblished !or e(h /rti(ulr set o! (ir(ustn(es nd should be (rried out

    under $ermit to !or# by /erson eC/erien(ed in the //li(tion o! !le betin. !or this /ur/ose)Fle hetin. should ne4er be //lied:

    in lo(tion (lssi!ied s hazardous5seeArea Classification under =)2)1#=)2)2 nd //endiC $7#

    *hen the /i/e*or, syste is under /ressure# or (ontins cutbac#,

    in (onun(tion *ith blo*in. by ir or inert gas,

    *here the /i/e*or, syste is blo(,edin by 4l4es or i.ht be blo(,edin by solid /lu.s o!


    !ire eCtin.uisher should be t hnd *hen !le hetin. is //lied)

    The use o! ir /ressure to (ler bitumen /i/e*or, blo(,.es is not re(oended be(use itsdis(hr.e is di!!i(ult to (ontrol# nd bre,*y (n be hazardous.

    %here they re 4ilble# ste ln(es (n be tried# but ste should not be used internlly !or

    tte/ted dis/l(eent /ur/oses)

    The use o! oil under hydruli( /ressure y be (onsidered *here it is sus/e(ted tht only 4eryliited blo(,.e is /resent in soe /oorly heted /rt o! lon. line) %hen this is //lied# it is

    i/ortnt tht the oil (hosen should h4e flash $oint in eC(ess o! the sto(, te/erture so s not

    to (rete a flammable atmos$here in ny tn, to *hi(h the oil i.ht e4entully be dis(hr.ed) ;Me/ro(edure should be (rried out under the (ontrol o! (o/etent en.ineer to ensure tht the syste

    is not o4er /ressured)

    %here /i/e*or, blo(,.es /ersist# the only re(ourse i.ht be to disntle the syste !or /ie(eel

    (lern(e by burnin. out in n re desi.nted !or tht /ur/ose)


    ll lodin.# dis(hr.e nd /(,.in. sttions should be rrn.ed so s to /rote(t the o/ertor !ro

    s/lshin.# !rothin.) fumes nd s/ill.e# nd bus !ro hot un insulted sur!(es)

    (old *ter su//ly nd n eer.en(y sho*er should be redily ((essible lo(lly !or s,in bu

    tretent) See lso Fi.ure 9)2)

    O/ertors should *er suitble /rote(ti4e (lothin. nd obser4e the /ersonl hy.iene /re(utionryesures s sti/ulted in 'h/ter 2)


    P4O0CT 0SE4 G0INCE

    /.1 INT4O0CTION

    This (h/ter .i4es .uidn(e on s!ety in user instlltions in(ludin.:

    rod intenn(e de/ots#

    bituen8..re.te iCin. /lnts#

    obile rodlyin. nd s/ryin. !(ilities# obile !(ilities ser4in. roo!in. nd !loorin. o/ertions)

    In ddition to the .uidn(e (ontined in this (h/ter# users o! bitumen should re!er to nd //ly there(oendtions o! 'h/ter 2 *hi(h .i4e //ro/rite .uidn(e on the reBuireents !or /rote(ti4e

    (lothin.# /ersonl hy.iene /re(utions nd !irst id8edi(l tretent !or bus nd other eC/osures

    'h/ter 3 in res/e(t o! !ire ris#s0 'h/ter < !or the !i.htin. o! !ires in4ol4in. bitumen, in(ludin. thety/e nd re(oended iniu /ro4ision o! /ortble eBui/ent 'h/ter = !or desi.n# lyout nd

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    o/ertion o! bul, tn,.e nd 'h/ter @ !or the lodin.# (on4eyn(e nd dis(hr.e o! bitumen in


    Note: The re!eren(e test ethod (ited in 2)3 !or the deterintion o! total -artiulate tter 5TPM7

    nd benAene soluble teril 5-SM7 in bitumen fume is (o/leC -roedure not ,uita3le fore4erydy use) "o* e4er dt /ro4ided in IP te(hni(l //er IP @ h4e been in(or/orted in the

    res/e(ti4e se(tions !ollo*in. to ser4e s n indi(tor o! ty/i(l eC/osure le4els in the di!!erent ty/es

    o! user //li(tion)

    It should be noted tht the .uidn(e note E"

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    'he(, the $eli4ery Note nd ,e sure tht the .rde nd Buntity o! /rodu(t re s


    Fully (o/lete the $eli4ery Note nd hnd to/ (o/y to dri4er be!ore deli4ery (oen(es)

    Retin (o/y !or your re(ords)

    'he(, the (ontents o! the stor.e tn,s on(e ore# nd ensure tht there is su!!i(ient s/(e

    therein to re(ei4e the (tul loded Buntity o! bituen s stted on the $eli4ery Note# *ith

    10 o! tn, (/(ity s/re)

    I! the bitumen tn,s re (ontined *ithin tn, house# ,e sure tht there is no one

    *ithin the stru(ture durin. the /eriod o! the bituen dis(hr.e) Sho* the dri4er the (orre(t tn, !illin. /oints)

    %here //li(ble# (he(, .in tht ll tn, nd /i/e*or, 4l4es re set (orre(tly)

    %here4er /ossible# rein in ttendn(e throu.hout the deli4ery)


    %here //li(ble reset ny 4l4es o/erted durin. the deli4ery)

    Si.n the $eli4ery Note to (on!ir tht the deli4ery hs been re(ei4ed) Ensure tht the (o/y

    is retined)



    Fi$ure /.1. E7am-le of a Guide for the Safe 4eei-t of Bul8 Bitumen



    1 The !!e(ted /rt should ieditely be /lun.ed into (ler (old runnin. *ter until thorou.hly (old)

    2 No tte/t should be de to reo4e dherin. bituen !ro the s,in unless the site o! (ont(t

    or nture o! the /rodu(t ,es this essentil) -ituen *ill /ro4ide sterile (o4erin. until helin. o((urs nd it *ill then det(h itsel!)

    3 %here it is bsolutely ne(essry to reo4e dherin. bituen !ro the s,in use liberl ounts

    o! *r edi(inl /r!!in or edi(inlly //ro4ed 4e.etble oil or *ith (re edi(inl

    /r!!in nd ,erosine) Derosine (n (use s,in irrittion) Follo* this by .entle *shin. *ith so/nd (len *r *ter) //ly /ro/rietry re!ttin. .ent or s,in (lensin. (re)

    < -ituen en(ir(lin. lib or !in.er y (use tourniBuet e!!e(t s it (ools nd su(h (ses should re(ei4e iedite edi(l ttention to relie4e this *ithout dely)


    1 s/lsh o! hot bituen in the eye should be ieditely (ooled by irri.tin. *ith (len (oldrunnin. *ter !or t lest FIE inutes) The (sulty should then be /ro/tly sent

    to hos/itl !or ssessent nd !urther tretent)


    Fi$ure /.2. Su$$e,ted Te7t for a Fir,t id Po,ter Dto 3e Po,ted in Clear

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    /.2.2 Sto8 Tan8,

    The d4i(e .i4en in 'h/ter = is //li(ble to bul, re(ei/t stor.e tn,s t users; /reises# nd

    /rti(ulr ttention should be .i4en both in desi.n /ro4ision nd in o/ertion to the esures

    ne(essry to ,ee/ tn, te/ertures *ithin the Ci set by //endiC - nd !or the 4oidn(e o!lo(l o4erhetin. s in =)3)2 nd un(o4erin. o! the hetin. eleents)

    I! these (onditions re (orre(tly obser4ed durin. the stor.e o! $enetration, hard nd o&idised grade

    bitumens it is unli,ely tht 4/our e4ol4ed into the (on!ined ullage s/(e *ill re(h the flammable

    range. Ne4ertheless ((urte te/erture (ontrol s in =)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    Produ(ts /(,.ed in this *y norlly !lo* su!!i(iently *ell !or the to be /oured !ro the dru t

    bient te/erture)

    I! hetin. is reBuired# s/e(il (re is ne(essry be(use the /rodu(ts (ontin 4oltile flammable dilu

    ents) The drus ust not be heted bo4e 30 o' *ithout reo4in. one o! the bun.s) On(e bun. hs

    been reo4ed# the dru ust be ,e/t *ell *y !ro ll sources of ignition.E/ty drus (ontinin. rennts o! cutbac# bitumens re /rti(ulrly t ris# o! eC/losion# i!

    sube(ted to !le betin.) They should be stored *ith both bun. holes o/en# in /l(e !ree !ro !ire

    ris#, /endin. dis/osl)


    Dettles re eCtensi4ely used durin. roo!in. nd !loorin.# (onstru(tion nd intenn(e) They re

    usully !itted *ith lid su!!i(ient to sto/ rin*ter enterin. nd re heted !ro beneth by bottled.s burner) Thi, ty-e of 8ettle ,hould ne"er 3e u,ed for heatin$ cutback bitumens

    $rus should not be used !or the eltin. or holdin. o! olten bitumen sto(,s unless s/e(i!i(lly

    desi.ned !or the /ur/ose)

    %hen bottled .s is e/loyed !or hetin. bitumen ,ettle# those (ylinders (tully in use should belo(ted not less thn 7 !ro the ,ettle nd ny (ylinders not in use should be lo(ted t lest >

    !ro the ,ettle) The rrn.eent should be su(h s to /re4ent ny s/ill.e !ro the ,ettle re(hin.the (ylinders) ehi(le ounted ,ettles should not be heted durin. trnsit)

    6s su//ly lines should be /rote(ted .inst d.e)

    For other /re(utions in the use o! LP6 !uel nd its eBui/ent the re!eren(es .i4en in 7.8.7 should be(onsulted)

    /.#.1 :ettle, in Tran,itehi(leounted ,ettles should not be heted durin. trnsit)

    ll trns/ortble ,ettles should be set on !ir# le4el !oundtions be!ore bein. heted) !ter use their(ontents should be llo*ed to solidi!y be!ore they re o4ed)

    /.#.2 Heatin$

    Dettles should not be le!t unttended *hile they re bein. heted)%hen hetin. !ro (old# hetin. rtes should be ,e/t lo* until the /rodu(t is (lerly !luid nd ny

    *ter /resent hs been dri4en o!!# nd the hetin. ,ettle should ne4er be !illed bo4e the (/(ityle4el s/e(i!ied by the nu!(turer)

    O4erhetin. o! the /rodu(t should be 4oided by te/erture (ontrol bsed u/on relible

    theroeter redin.s) Te/ertures should be ,e/t s lo* s /r(ti(ble# (onsistent *ith e!!i(ient

    //li(tion o! the /rodu(t) Unne(essry o4erhetin. y result in deteriortion in the li!e o! the

    bitumen, nd !or ost .rdes it should not be ne(essry to eC(eed the te/erture liits .i4en in

    //endiC -)"o*e4er# there is n eC(e/tion in the (se o! (ertin o&idised grade bitumens *hi(h !or soe

    //li(tions reBuire the use o! te/ertures tht eC(eed the re(oended liit o! 230o' in Tble -)

    1) In su(h (ses the te/erture .uidn(e .i4en in //ro/rite user stndrds su(h s those

    /ro4ided by the Flt Roo!in. 'ontr(tors d4isory -ord 5FR'-7# -S 'P1

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    the ,ettle to the *or, re nd by the *erin. o! //ro/rite /rote(ti4e (lothin. in ((ordn(e *ith

    2)2) 1)

    *ume eC/osure 5see 2)37 should be iniised by *or,in. s !r s resonbly /r(ti(ble on the

    u/*ind side o! the *or,) S/lin. dt durin. reroo!in. *ith o&idised grade 9?82? on t*o se/rte

    dys .4e TPM @ hour T% eC/osures !or ,ettleen hnd(rryin. the bitumen to the roo!# o! )< M.8M3# *ith benAene soluble 4lues o! the bitumen fume o! 3)? nd ?)< M.8M3-SM res/e(ti4ely)

    These dt su..est tht the use o! orinsl s,s i.ht be ne(essry in still ir (onditions)

    Fi.ures !or the other *or,ers in4ol4ed rn.ed !ro 0)? to 1)= M.8M 354er.e 1)37 TPM# *ith @hour

    T% eC/osures to -SM o! bet*een 0)2 nd 1)1 .8rn 3)

    In nother study 5Finlnd7 ei.ht /ersonl s/les durin. roo!in. .4e TPM eC/osures !ro 0)2 to 3)7 nd benAene soluble le4el !ro 0)2 to 2)9 rn.8 35en 1) to 13)> M.8M3) For the outside ,ettlen# eC/osures o! 2)9 to =)= M.8M 3

    TPM# nd 1)@ to ?)0 M.8M3-SM *ere si.ni!i(ntly lo*er) In nother indoor sti( lyin. o/ertion#

    @hour benAene soluble T% eC/osures *ere =)= M.8M3!or the /ourer# @)= !or the (rrier nd 11 !or

    the tro*eller# (o/red to 2)@ .83!or the ,ettlen)

    EC/osure should be iniised by t,in. !ull d4nt.e o! ll /ossible nturl ventilation nd su//leented i! ne(essry by the /ro4ision o! e!!e(ti4e lo(l rti!i(il ventilation in the 4i(inity o! the

    *or, or the use o! n orinsl !(e s,) See 2)3) 1)

    /.( SPH*T &N0FCT04E N 0SE

    As$halts re iCtures o! bitumen *ith inerl ..re.tes nd their use !or rod /yin. re/resents

    the lr.est use o! bitumen.

    /.(.1 Hot &i7 ,-halt, Hot &i7 Prodution

    "ot iC as$halts re /rodu(ed either (ontinuously or bt(h*ise by ddin. ty/i(lly < to @ ss o!

    $enetration grade bitumen to hot ..re.te# nd iCin. t te/erture in the rn.e 13? to 1@0o')

    Usully# the hot as$halt iC is dis(hr.ed dire(tly into *itin. tru(,s !or trns/ort to the /4in. site

    but# in(resin.ly# soni( o! the /rodu(tion is stored in silos *itin. dend)

    Personl s/lin. *s (rried out on t*o odern iC /lnts in(or/ortin. rn.e o! bitumens !ro>0 to =00 /en into the s/hlt iC# nd (o4erin. both the o/ertor in the (ontrol (bin nd the

    o/ertor lo(ted t the hot iC stor.e lines) The @hour T% eC/osures rn.ed !ro 0 to 1)= M.8M3

    TPM *ith n 4er.e 4lue o! 0)= .83)

    "ot Pyin. s/hlt //li(tion

    "ot /4in. iCes re //lied usin. /4in. (hines# the ho//ers o! *hi(h re(ei4e the hot iCdire(tly !ro the deli4ery tru(,s) These (hines s/red nd /rtilly (o/(t the //lied iC to

    desired thi(,ness nd *idth o! /4eent# *hi(h is then !inlly (o/(ted by rollers) The lyin. te(o/rises the /yin. (hine dri4er 5the /yer7# r,ern ieditely behind the (hine)

    (orre(tin. i/er!e(tions in the ne*ly lid as$halt lyer# nd s(reedn lso t the rer# to dust

    the s(reed to .i4e the desired rod /ro!ile)

    Seiutotion nd o/en ir //li(tion redu(e eC/osures to iniu# but the use o! eC(essi4ely

    hi.h as$halt te/ertures under still ir (onditions *ill in(rese the eC/osure o! the /yer dri4er nd

    other o/erti4es to bitumen fumes unne(essrily) The !ollo*in. eC/osure studies h4e been re/orted:In one sur4ey o4er 1< dys# *ith *ind 4rition !ro nil to ediu# o! the lyin. o! hot iC

    (ontinin. < to > by *ei.ht o! =0 /en bitumen nd iC te/ertures o! 132 to 1>@o'# totl/rti(ulte T% eission le4els 4ryin. !ro 0)1? to ?)> M.8M3TPM 51< results *ith en o! 1)2>7

    *ere !ound !or the /yer dri4er# *ho is lo(ted (losest to the hot !eed ho//er) For the other o/ertors

    le4els o! 0)2? to 3) .8rn3TPM 5en 0)937 *ere deterined !or the r,er nd 0)33 to 1)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    0)@37 M.8M3 !or the s(reedn) For these TPM dt# eCtr(tion o! the benAene soluble /ortion

    bitumen fume) *s not (rried out# but the sur4ey (oented tht the /etroleu as$halt fume

    @hour T% 4lue o! ? M.8M3

    *s eC(eeded by only one o! the esured totl /rti(ulte eC/osures *hi(h *ould h4e in(luded

    rod dust)In nother study 5$enr,7 o! hot iC rod lyin. /ersonnel eC/osures# the !ollo*in. 4er.e @hour

    T% eC/osures# .in on TPM totl /rti(ulte bsis *ere deterined)

    The study sttes tht 4ery !e* results bo4e ?M.8M3TPM *ere !ound# ll !ro the /yer o/ertor#

    *ith the hi.hest >)< M.8M3# ost results bein. 4ery u(h lo*er thn ? M.8M3

    )In !urther study o! hot iC /4in. usin. s/hlts t 132 to 13?;'# /ersonl s/lin. esureentso4er /eriods !ro 22? to 2>? inutes .4e benAene soluble 5-SM7 !i.ures o! 0)1 to 0)2 M.8M3) These

    !i.ures ounted to 0)? to ?1 o! the totl /rti(ulte tter)Pre(utions s outlined in 'h/ter 2)should be t,en to /re4ent s,in nd eye (ont(t)

    /.(.2 Cold &i7 ,-halt,

    'old iC as$halts re /rodu(ed# on sller s(le thn hot iC as$halts, by iCin. t bientte/ertures# s/e(il cutbac# or flu&ed bitumens *ith dry ..re.tes# norlly bt(h*ise)

    These iCes re used !or sll re/ir *or, on /4ed sur!(es# usully *ith //li(tion by nultools nd si/le e(hni(l ids)

    "elth nd s!ety /re(utions sso(ited *ith the /rodu(ts de/end lr.ely on the ty/e nd Buntity

    o!sol4ent e/loyed in their nu!(ture) s the /rodu(ts re .enerlly used in the o/en ir t bient

    te/erture# eC/osure to hydro(rbon 4/our is inil# lthou.h the esures in 2)3)1 should be

    (onsidered nd do/ted i! //ro/rite) "o*e4er# !ro the 4ie*/oint o! /rolon.ed nd re/eted s,in(ont(t# should /rote(ti4e esures not be t,en# the ore the bse bitumen is diluted *ith sol4ent#

    the .reter the /otentil hazard be(oes) This is /rti(ulrly the (se *hen sol4ents other thn,erosine re used)

    I/ereble .lo4es should l*ys be *orn# to.ether *ith barrier creams to ssist (lensin.# nd

    other /rote(ti4e (lothin. y be ne(essry to /re4ent s,in (ontintion o! other /rts o! the body)

    5See 2)? to 2)?)27These /re(utions re /rti(ulrly rele4nt *hen roti( eCtr(ts o! /etroleu distilltes or (ol tr

    /rodu(ts 5e).) creosotes) re used s cutbac# diluents)ny doubts bout the ty/e o! sol4ent e/loyed should be resol4ed by the su//lier# *ho should

    /ro4ide S!ety $t Sheet)

    /.) S04FCE 4ESSING OF 4OS

    The rod intenn(e te(hniBue o! sur!(e dressin. entils s/ryin. the rod *ith thin !il o!binder,

    *hi(h y be cutbac# bitumen, $enetration grade bitumen or bitumen emulsion. This is

    !ollo*ed by the //li(tion o! lyer o! stone (hi//in.s 5(rushed ..re.te# sl. or .r4el7) The rod

    is then rolled to ebed the (hi//in.s into the sur!(e)

    The binder is stored hot in !iCed sto(, tn,s !ro *hi(h it is /u/ed# or .r4ity !ed# into obile s/ry

    4ehi(le tn,s s reBuired) These re then dri4en to the //li(tion site)S/ry 4ehi(le tn,s re !itted *ith !le tube heaters in order to be ble to boost the bul, liBuid

    te/ertures)This is ne(essry !or eC/le *hen /eriods o! in(leent *ether h4e delyed the strt o! sur!(e

    dressin. o/ertion) Sto(, tn,s y lso be !itted *ith !le tube heaters.

    /.).1 O-eration, u,in$ Cut3a8 Bitumen, a, Binder,

    /.).1.1Use o! Fle Tube "etersThe te/ertures ne(essry !or s/ry //li(tion o! cutbac# bitumens re .i4en in //endiC -) These

    te/ertures o! 1?0 to 1=0o' reBuire /rote(tion .inst s,in nd eye bu) See belo*)

    5o flame tube heater should be o/erted *hilst /rodu(t trns!er o/ertions or s/ryin. re t,in.

    /l(e in the 4i(inity) %here eCternl !lue heters re not !itted the heter should h4e been

    eCtin.uished nd le!t to (ool !or t lest 1? inutes be!ore the strt o! ny su(h o/ertion)

    The s/ry 4ehi(le should be lo(ted on le4el or ner le4el .round *ith the hnd br,e !ully on be!orebein. heted) The flame tube heater should not be used unless there is e4ery*here *ithin the tn,

    (o4erin. o! t lest 1?0 o! bitumen o4er the hetin. tubes)The tn, should be deButely 4ented# reotely !ro the dri4er nd the !le tube !lue dis(hr.e#

    nd its (ontents (ir(ulted throu.hout the hetin. /ro(ess)

  • 8/12/2019 173580615 Bitumen Safety Code


    -e!ore the heter is i.nited# t*o !ire eCtin.uishers should be /l(ed in s!e lo(tion *ithin esy

    ((ess !or the o/ertor t the burner !ront) %hen i.nitin. the flame tube heater, the o/ertor should

    not stnd dire(tly in line *ith the !le tube in (se there is !lsh b(,)

    $urin. hetin. nd !or iniu o! 1? inutes there!ter# the o/ertor should rein in

    ttendn(e to ensure tht the bitumen is not o4erheted 5beyond the Ciu te/erturere(oended !or the .rde by //endiC -7 nd tht there re no o/ertions in the 4i(inity *hi(h

    i.ht relese cutbac# 4/ours be!ore the !le tube is (ool)

    /.).1.2Trns!er o! 'utb(, to the S/ry ehi(le Tn, -e!ore trns!er o! cutbac# !ro the su//ly

    tn, to the s/ry 4ehi(le tn, ll flame tube heaters ust be eCtin.uished nd su!!i(ient tie .i4en!or the to (ool do*n) This should be t lest 1? inutes)The s/ry 4ehi(le itsel! should stnd on le4el or ner le4el .round *ith the hnd br,e !ully on) t no

    tie durin. the trns!er o! binder should the 4ehi(le be le!t unttended)-e!ore ny trns!er o! hot cutbac# bitumen to s/ry 4ehi(le t,es /l(e# it is i/ortnt to ensure

    tht there is no *ter or bitumen emulsion in the tn, or its !ittin.s)