Ch. 17 Atmosphere and Air Pollution

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Ch. 17 Atmosphere and Air Pollution

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New York City – Congestion pricing??

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The atmosphere’s composition


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ThermosphereUp to 500km (300 mi)High temp – would feel cold

Mesosphere50-80km (31-56mi)Low pressure, temp. drops

Stratosphere 11-50 km (7-31 mi)Drier/less denseTemp. increases with altitude due to O3 (17-30kim or 10-19 mi)

TroposphereAvg. thickness 11km (7 mi)WeatherTemperature/density decline with altitude

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Atmospheric Pressure=force per unit area produced by a column of air

Sea Level = 1013 mb (14.7 lb/in2 )

29035 ft (Everest top)= 300mb

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Atmospheric properties

• Relative humidity = the ratio of water vapor a given volume of air contains to the amount it could contain at a given temperature. Expressed as percent

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• Temperature = average kinetic energy in molecules

• Thermometer = molecular speedometer

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• Equator – Angle of incident radiation perpendicular, greatest concentration of energy

• Poles – Angle of incident radiation obtuse, less concentrated

***The troposphere is warmed primarily by convection

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Weather: local physical properties of the troposphere over short time periods: temp, pressure, cloud cover, wind , humidityClimate: patter of atmospheric conditions found across large geographic regions over long periods of time

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Convective Circulation

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• Air Pollutants removed by:– Precipitation– mixing

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Mixing removes pollutants

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Pollutants trapped

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Large scale convective cells determine global patterns of humidity and aridity

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Coriolis Effect – apparent deflection of air from straight path as globe moves beneath

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Outdoor Air Pollution(Ambient)

Natural Sources:

Dust StormsCarry fungal and bacterial spores

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Volcanoes:Particulates including ash, aerosols of SO2 can cool atmosphere

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Fires:Particulates and gases

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Types of outdoor air pollution

• Point Sources = specific spots where large quantities of pollutants are discharged (power plants and factories)

• Nonpoint Sources = more diffuse, consisting of many small sources (automobiles)

• Primary Pollutants = directly harmful ,and can react to form other harmful substances

• Secondary Pollutants = form when primary pollutants interact with components of the atmosphere

Anthropogenic Sources

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Primary PollutantsPrimary Pollutants



Most Most hydrocarbonshydrocarbons

Most suspendedMost suspendedparticlesparticles


COCO COCO22 Secondary PollutantsSecondary Pollutants




MostMost NONO33––

SOSO4422 –– saltssalts

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Successful legislation• Clean Air Act of 1970– standards for air quality– limits on emissions– funds for pollution-control research – Allows citizens to sue parties violating the


• The Clean Air Act of 1990– Strengthens standards for auto emissions, toxic

air pollutants, acidic deposition, stratospheric ozone depletion

– Introduced emissions trading for SO2

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6 Criteria Pollutants

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What is the good news????

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Air pollution has decreased since 1970

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Remove up to 90% particulates and SO2

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Reasons for the decline in U.S. pollution

• Cleaner-burning vehicles and catalytic converters decrease carbon monoxide

• Permit-trading programs and clean coal technologies reduce SO2 emissions

• Scrubbers = technologies that chemically convert or physically remove pollutants before they leave the smokestacks

• Phaseout of leaded gasoline• Improved technologies and

federal policies

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• 17.16

Industrial smog Photochemical smog

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Photochemical Smog

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Photochemical (brown air) smog

• Produced by a series of reactions– Hot, sunny cities

surrounded by mountains– Light-driven reactions of

primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds

– Morning traffic exhaust releases pollutants

– Irritant – eyes, throat, nose– decreased due to emissions


Photochemical Smog

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1. 2NO+ O2 2NO2 2. NO2 + UV NO + O3. O2 + O O3

Typical Daily Patterns

Air Quality Guide for Ozone

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Stratospheric Ozone

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The hole in the ozone

• Ozone hole = ozone levels over Antarctica had declined by 40-60% – Depletion also in the Arctic and globally– Causes skin cancer, harms crops and

decreases ocean productivity

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The Montreal Protocol addressed ozone depletion• Montreal Protocol = 180 nations agreed to cut CFC production in half

– Follow-up agreements deepened cuts

– ozone-depleting chemicals has decreased 95%

– The ozone layer is beginning to recover

– Success story

• included industry

• adaptive management strategy

– Model for international cooperation

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Sources of acid deposition

• Originates from burning fossil fuels that release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides– These compounds react with water to form sulfuric

and nitric acids

Acid Deposition

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Acid deposition has not been greatly reduced

• Scrubbers have helped

• SO2 emissions are lower (cap and trade)

• But, NOx emissions are higher

Acid Deposition not Greatly Reduced

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Indoor Air Quality

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