17. 10. 2005 | Folie 1 Investigation of PM10 in Austria Vilnius, 17.10.2005 Wolfgang Spangl

17. 10. 2005 | Folie 1 Investigation of PM10 in Austria Vilnius, 17.10.2005 Wolfgang Spangl

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17. 10. 2005 | Folie 1

Investigation of PM10 in Austria

Vilnius, 17.10.2005

Wolfgang Spangl

17. 10. 2005 | Folie 2

Limit Values for PM10

Directive 1999/30/EC, Annex III

Daily mean value: 50 µg/m³, not to be exceeded at more than 35 days per year• Margin of Tolerance: 25 µg/m³ 1999, linear reduction

annually from 2001 to 0 µg/m³ in 2005. Annual mean value: 40 µg/m³

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PM10 levels in Austria

Start of measurement in 2001 in most regions

Exceedance of Limit value throughout Austria.

Highest pollution in 2003

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Methods for investigation of the origin of PM10 in Austria

Emission inventoriesDifficulties/uncertainties: Resuspension, diffuse emissions, secondary particles (sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, organic)

Backward Trajectories (calculated from ECMWF wind data)

Detailed analyses of local meteorolgical situations Daily, weekly variation, correlation with gaseous

pollutants Chemical Analyses

17. 10. 2005 | Folie 5

Long-Range Transport

96-h-Backward-trajectories for „typical“ cases of long-range transport of PM10: a) Southern Romania and northern Serbia, b) Southern Poland and Moravia

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Long-Range Transport

96-h-Backward-trajectories for „typical“ cases of a) long-range transport from Hungary, b) Regional accumulation

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Long-Range Transport

Statistical analysis: Residence time of trajectories per pixel weighted with the difference from the 3-month-mean of the PM10-Concentration in Vienna, Winter 2003

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European PM10-Emissions

PM10-Emissions EMEP-Data-base, 2001

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Origin of PM10 in Vienna

origin of PM10-concentrations in Viennadaily means > 45µg/m³, June 1999 - March 2004




possible maximum close to traffic


Urban background Vienna 15% (average)

Regional emissions in Austria without Vienna 20%

long range transport (40%)

Regional emissions, foreign countries 20%

Hot spots 25% (average)

17. 10. 2005 | Folie 10

Origin of PM10 in different Regions in Austria

Extra-alpine Regions: Long range transport (mainly from central and eastern

Europe) Regional accumulation (approx 100 – 200 km) Urban and local emissions

Alpine basins and valleys: Local and regional accumulation due to unfavourable

dispersion conditions High local emissions (road traffic, wood burning, industry)

17. 10. 2005 | Folie 11

Further Information

Annual Daily Air Quality Reports and on-line data Reports about Air Quality in Austria

can be retrieved from our web-site
